The Curious Robot PHOTO MANIPULATION Tutorial

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today I will show how you can create this cute robot right here out of bunch of different images so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun episode I'm really thrilled about this one because we will create this interesting cute robot out of a bunch of different images practically bunch of garbage and in this photo manipulation tutorial you will again learn a lot of different and interesting useful tips and tricks so stay with me till the end and enjoy the episodes so without further ado let a fun begin so guys we will create this robot basically out of bunch of garbage as you can see this old water can then another can you can see a lot of different basically garbage images nothing special or binoculars etc and you can apply exactly the same method same techniques to create any kind of robot you can imagine you just need to find a proper images for that kind of robot you want to make so let's start by creating a new blank document and as you can see I will use 2500 by 2500 and that's it this is our starting point then I will go and start with this can here so basically I already extracted all my images for this episode because this episode will be a little bit longer and I don't want to waste your time even more to watch me watching me extracting these elements if you're not familiar how to select anything in Photoshop and extract it please watch my tutorial about that right here right guys so as you can see I already have this trash can extracted I just use a pen to trace it out and that's it so I will copy this and paste in that blank document just to find it because I have a lot of images like this then I'll press ctrl or command T rotated something like this and then just make it smaller so I will put it somewhere here this is okay first start maybe I will make it smaller or bigger I don't think that I will make it bigger but this is for start okay then I will go and find this will be our body then let's go and find our hat so again I just trace it around with a pen tool and that's it so let's copy this and paste it right here again ctrl command T make it smaller and this will be our head somewhere somewhere here I will definitely make the body smaller so the head will be probably something like this okay and let's make a body a little bit smaller down here and this is this is okay for now this is okay we can always recrop this move it up down left and right so we will see right now for start first I want to deal with the head part I want to get rid of these unwanted elements and for that let's just rename this this is body this is head okay I will use lasso tool and just select everything around this part and guys in a new Photoshop CC 2019 we have really good content aware fill tool that works even better than a classical one but because a lot of you are still in a previous version of Photoshop I will use classical older content-aware fill tools so let me show you one really cool trick right now if I want to fill this with the content around aware tool and I already selected part of the background you will see what will happen I just need to press shift and backspace and I will have this filled dialog box I just need to choose from a bunch of these settings content-aware press ok and you will see that this part of the background that I don't want to be filled will be filled because I selected but I will not show really cool trick how to avoid this how to apply content where only on the parts that are on inside of this can you just need to go and lock right here lock the transparent pixels so because this element disk and this head is on transparent background I will lock that and now when I press shift backspace and content-aware okay it will fill only this part inside so this is really cool trick guys remember that it will save you a lot of time and nerves in bunch of situations so I can now uncheck this but let me share another trick if I again lock this I will have a lock icon here I lock transparent pixels if I use the brush any kind of brush let's just use this brush make it smaller I can paint with any color let's use black but I will not paint outside of this element so this is cool trick you know right now let's go and clean up this a little bit more let's clean up this part again content-aware so let's clean up I can clean up this part or I can leave it like antennae so I will leave it I'll just use stamp clone stamp tool sample this and just clean out this part maybe I can just clean this inside part a little bit so let's use softer brush and this will not practically practically be visible but okay this can be like some kind of antenna right there alright we're done with that now let's clean the body part is the same procedure I will just lock transparent pixels I will use lhasa too and just quickly select this content-aware and that's it now i will use you can see here healing brush i will sample some part right here okay and just paint with a healing brush all the way down it does need to be perfect because this is our old broken robot so it's not a perfect one but let's just fix this okay and this is pretty much okay so let me see the body is finished the Hat is finished now let's go and play with some other elements so let's play with the eyes I will use these binoculars as our as robot I saw already extracted this part of binoculars you can see I just cut it out here and here and that's it so I will copy whole image with a layer mask and just press ctrl command T right click flip horizontal and just put it here okay of course I need to put it above the Hat and let's call it eyes and now let's make the eyes a little bit smaller see like this maybe put it here rotate it just position it to fit perfect position where the eyes should be probably somewhere here like like this little bit down maybe so I'm satisfied that maybe to make the eyes a little bit bigger something like this let me see yeah it's okay also I can tilt the Hat another trick that I already told you in one of previous episode but I will repeat here one more time if you are in a move tool and holding ctrl command key and click on a certain element certain element in the scene you will select that layer so the body I click on the body I selected the body the head I selected the Hat the eyes I selected the eyes and now I undo it too much times just fix this so this is really useful it will save you a lot of time if your doing some selection you don't need to go to check which layer is which you can just do like that so let's make the eyes like this maybe smaller now okay let's leave it like this for now also I can go on the hand may be tilted the Hat a little bit more down and put it somewhere here and make it touch bigger like this and I like to assume guys to see the whole image from a distance to see if everything is okay now I see that the eyes are too big so I will just make guys even smaller and rotate them a little bit try to play with the zoom while you're creating some your photo map relations because you will see barrel-roll image so that's pretty much ok right now right now I want to fix some parts here of the eyes that's why I leave left the the mask untouched and I will just use a brush black color I lose something around 40% and just make this more round like that this part here too and this part here too a little bit rounder ok that's good now I will go right click on the mask and then I say apply layer mask so I'll I will not have any mask anymore another trick that I want to do with the eyes here is just weakly select this black part here I will use the pen tool and just select this okay like this and I will press ctrl + Enter or command and enter to have selection of that and just press ctrl or command J and I will have that element on a separate layer I want to put it somewhere here but I want to move it below the eyes so to have some kind of connection between the eyes and this can and I will press ctrl command T right click and go to work and just warp this a little bit fit the shape better so something like this will be cool and that's it I will press ENTER that I will just copy one more time ctrl command J move it right here and do the same control Monti make it smaller right click warp it and just work it around here so to fit this shape right here and let me see that's it and as you can see guys without that not so good but with this we have better connection with the cancel that's really cool right now let's go and merge those two layers together okay press ctrl command E and now we have those eyes okay we need to merge this one too and we have eyes in one layer let's go and find other elements so we have a can this can okay let's start with this I extracted this part right here as you can see and this will be our shoulder so I will copy this and go back to this guy go above the body and paste the shoulder right here so I will move this somewhere here okay and this will be perfect shoulder okay I think the size is right so let me try yeah the size is okay so what I don't like here I don't like this part I will create mask and with a brush with some harder brush like 70 or 80 percent black color I will just erase this and I will draw some parts of the arm here a little bit later okay this is shoulder and I will just right click and say apply layer mask I don't need this part ever all right let's go and find other elements let's let's use this front light of the car so this one I already extracted this as I already said I extracted all elements because I want to save the time for this tutorial okay let's go to this front light and go back to our robot document and just paste it here about the shoulder for example and this is it so I can move it right here this light will be somewhere here maybe to make it a bit bigger maybe this is too much something like this and somewhere here okay maybe to make this body a little bit smaller just a little bit something like like this okay then to move the shoulder a little bit down and this is good what I don't like here mmm I don't like this too much so I'll just go to the body use the clone stamp tool and just with 20% opacity just paint out a little bit here and here just a bit okay just be a little bit brighter so that's that's all I wanted maybe to add some texture from here like that that's much better so let's go to the light again and maybe just ctrl command T and just hold ctrl or command just move those corners a little bit just to rotate it touch like this and that's cool okay and now let's go and add some other elements let's go and add the neck for example for neck I will use guys this this part here this tool and I just selected this part so I will copy that go to robot and go in between head and the body so I'll paste it here and I will put it here but I want to modify the shape a little bit so I will use puppet to add it pop it for if you're not familiar with the puppet for tool you can watch my tutorial about that right here so I will expand this a little bit just add a few elements here maybe here like this like that okay and let's see let's see how this fits this is good so I can use it like that just to position it properly maybe somewhere here and it looks like it's curved down like his hat is a little bit tilted down so that's good okay now let me show another really cool trick and that's how to create a metal bars so I want to create part of his arm it would be a metal bar and this is really easy to create in Photoshop just by drawing it we can draw it and apply the texture so I will show now it's really easy and fun I will just go and create new layer so just let me see let's rename this first just rename is light then this is neck okay and now let's create a new layer and let's rename it to arm but before that just before that I want to add another element right here so this one I already extracted so let me show really quickly I will add this make it smaller and by holding ctrl or command key I will move the corners a little bit move it down or these corners touch and I will make this overalls more so this will be another part of the arm right here let me see something like this maybe just want to position this first have better understanding where my our metal arm will go so this would be probably okay here we're just to make it a bit smaller so this is cool all right now this is I don't know how to call it but our number two it's so creative right so this arm right here how I like to how I like to draw it I will use the pen tool and just create a shape like this will go right here a little bit here and dad will go straight up make a curve like this with controlled monkey press we can move this and fine-tune it and just finish it somewhere here of course we can even fine-tune it a little bit better and this would probably be okay I will press ctrl or command enter so ctrl + Enter or command enter - all the selection and then I will fill this with 50% gray to fill it with 50% gray just press shift backspace and choose 50% great that's it and now we have our arm I will deselect it and guys now we need to transform this into metal arm to edit to add a shape to that to be a rounded shape and we're done so now everything is basically based on dodge and burn we need to dodge and burn this arm if you're not familiar with dodging and burning please watch my tutorial about that right here and then continue watching this so there are a lot of ways how you can Dungeon burn this and how you can make this arm around it but I will show another trick like I did at the beginning of this tutorial I will use another method here to do this I will lock transparent layers and I will paint with the black and white color just with black and white color on this arm so I was brush really soft brush and black and white colors and maybe 10% opacity or so I will just paint right here so as you can see this is already getting really nice rounded shape a little bit right here the darkness and then with white color I can you paint right here like this okay don't worry about this is not too smooth so okay like that maybe four percent opacity just like that and then again with the black color right here and also with the black color I want to paint here inside because this will be definitely a lot darker and now I'll show you one really nice trick how you can smooth everything out have better or look so just few more moments okay let me see this is already better as you can see this is really nice and rounded bar so now we'll go to filter blur Gaussian blur now it's too much just a few pixels just to smooth everything out here as you can see a little bit more maybe a little bit more like that or even three point five okay and before and after this is much better so yeah before and after much better now we need to apply a texture here so we have a metal texture it's here I will copy it and paste it back to your document and I will clip it to affect only the arm layer like this and now what I like to do I like to move it right here and to position it to make it bigger or smaller depends how I like this to look and to put it in overlay or soft light blending mode so let's first start put it in overlay and guys as you can see this is really nice meld our we can make this even smaller and just find the part of Dexter that you want to have it here so maybe this or not I'm not sure maybe this this looks nice so make it a little bit bigger and like that I will press ok and this is it now we have really nice Matt alarm if we want to make everything brighter we can go again down here and play with the black and white colors so maybe I want to add a little bit more white color with maybe five percent opacity and also you can use curves guys and do classic dodging classical dodging and burning whatever you want whatever you find best for your needs your taste so this is cool I will just leave it like this for now all right now let's add some hands here so my hand will be made out of a tool this tool so I already extracted it I will just copy everything actually let's just just extract this completely copy this layer and go back to your document paste it about this okay ctrl command T make it smaller rotate make it even smaller and put it somewhere here so I need to put it all the way up because I want this part inside to be visible this is cool so let me see this is really nice move it a little bit here maybe tilt it a touch like this and I just want to erase this part I will use the razor because I really don't need this ever yes this is destructive way but I don't need it so I can even raise it a little bit more like this okay we will make this darker so will not have not this will not be visible if even I raise it like this don't for yourself let me see and this are the left arm his left arm lets let's group everything together his left arm is done so left arm okay and maybe to put the shoulder in so shoulder in the folder put the shoulder in the folder and then move it all the way down so like here that's great we have our left arm ready to go maybe the hand needs to be a touch bigger like this and more inside here and then I want to raise this even more it looks too small right now so that's cool so let me see now it's much better also I want to play with this part a little bit so I want to move it maybe to bring this up I'm just holding ctrl or command key that people just higher like that and I think it's okay what do you think guys yeah okay then we will leave it like that then what I want to do I want to copy the left arm so just press ctrl command J on the folder we have a copy move it right here I don't need a shoulder I will delete it because it will not be visible on the other side and I just want to rotate this right-click flip horizontal and put it somewhere somewhere here okay just for now and then we will rename this to right arm and move it all the way down under the body okay that's cool so I can move it somewhere here and yes if you want so you can change this hand maybe to find another similar this tool if you don't have it like I don't have it I'll use the same hands nobody will notice that we can dodge it and burn they change a little bit call lights and that's it right guys now we can just rotate this part here a little bit up just have a different position maybe even like this why not okay that's cool and we can make this slide a little bit bigger I just want it touch bigger like this let me see yes I like it like that better than when it's smaller okay and we are almost done now what I like to do I like to add some texture to these parts of the AR and that's really easy so I will go and select this one it's our number two and now I will just copy the body because I will add a body part I will copy with ctrl command J move it all the way up and clip it to affect only the arm to clip you need to hold alt or option key and click in between layers and as you can see this is it I can make it smaller like this and that's it so now I need to put this into overlay blending mode or or soft light so whatever you want I like to put it in overlay then I like to make this part the arm too lighter brighter so I will use curse for that and just make everything brighter as you can see we have really nice element also I like to go to the blues and add a little bit more blue just maybe in the shadows touch because now it's too much yellows okay just a bit and this is cool this is really cool now then we will play with shadowing this part underneath but now let's repeat the same step let's copy those two layers to our second arm so it's right here okay let's move it down and put it right here okay copied and move this effect only this arm so you can see this is cool now we have the same texture as in this scan on the body and this is really cool also I like to make this one brighter just touch and now we'll go to blue and remove some blue now there's too much blue maybe a bit here and this is it this is almost okay also I want to fix this a little bit now it's too much out like this and then just erase this okay everything is destructive right now but I don't care now that we made finally a robot we're finished with all the parts with assembling now it's time to play with the lights and shadow to dodge and burn to add some shadows to make robot more compact and to glue some elements together with the shadows etc so let's do that okay let's start from the top let's start from the eyes I want to select the eyes right here and I want to create a new layer below the eyes to create a new layer below the current layer just press ctrl or command key and click on create new layer this will be ice shadow okay now I will just use black color or I can use red color right here and put it in a multiply blending mode and just paint on this eye shadow which may be 50% best let me see 2050 so much so just to make everything dark right here also guys now we need to decide the direction of the light or in the scene I already did that so I'll create a new layer and let me show how our lights will go main light will go like this okay like that but like like this down below it will hit this part then here everything will be in the shadows here everything will be in the shadows and probably all this part of the body will be in shadow here here etc so this will be in the shadow this underneath [Music] and that's it so this is how our light main light will go so I will delete this okay and now let's continue making the shadow just below the ice right here just paint take your time just paint this a little bit and this will be let me see this is not strong enough so I can make a copy for I can just go with black layer and wait or just this darker color so just darker color wait maybe twenty percent opacity again just build up this shadow a little bit okay so let's make it even darker to add here and yeah I don't want to go or this like that okay let me see before and after much better I can just a little bit more right here like that so this is nice also if I don't want to go over this to make sure that I don't go over the hat I can just press control or command select the hat and just click here on the eyes shadow click on the layer mask and now I'm covered my layer mask is only making this shadow to affect the Hat so that's cool I can paint here nothing but I can say here it will be okay so let me see just quickly this is cool and of course guys I will not spend too much time here tweaking this because it can last for a while I will not do that but for now it's okay I can maybe even just add shadow to go in this direction right here okay just like that and then i can use eraser tool really soft one with 10% opacity really soft following this 10% opacity just okay this is cool so this is shadow from the eyes then let's make another one i'll make this more transparent then make another one here under under the Hat so on the body part okay let's go to the body right here and let's create a shadow here from the Hat so I will use elliptical marquee to just create some kind of lips okay create new layer I will name it shadow body shadow body neck okay this upper part and then I will go right click let me see right click and then transform selection and by holding ctrl or command key I will just move this right here and just reposition this to fits my needs like that almost perfect like this and something like that I would press ENTER and then I will fill this fill this wheat dark green color so this one like like this to fill it I will press alt and backspace and that's it I will put this in to multiply blending mode and I can now go and say filter blur Gaussian blur and just blur this a little bit like like that okay now I need to lower the opacity because now it's too much I can transform it even more outside or here that's cool and also this back part it's lowered like this okay so not bad not bad at all I can just add a layer mask here and with really soft brush with 10% opacity I can just paint over the back part right here back part of the shadow just to make it a little bit brighter okay and I can add even darker shadow right here so to do that I will create a new layer so this is a neck okay and now I will just really quickly paint here with 10% opacity I'll put this in multiply just add more shadow right here just touch okay now I like it right maybe maybe this is still too big I'm not sure but I think it is like that so dad's back I like this better and let's fix this part right here yeah like this okay now I like it so we're done with this shadow I can maybe make it more opaque like that and now let's go with the shadow from the shoulder a little bit of the arm it's a thriver fast-forward this it's completely the same procedure guys so you don't need to watch me doing this lorry you will see this in fast-forward I would just create a new layer just below the shoulder and name it shoulder shadow and that's it and also guys I want to go to the body right control click to select the body and then add it as a mask on a shadow because I don't want to paint this shadow outside of the body so basically this is it this is the shoulder shadow just lower the opacity a bit you will see later I'll add one global shadow and now I will do the same here so this is our I can go here a little bit differently I can add curves adjustment layer clip it to affect only arm and I can make a darker invert it and just just the white brush really software just paint right here so okay like this and I will do the same for this hand right here but but for this hand I'll do a little bit different I will go I will go right there to the right arm and create curves adjustment layer created to effect whole folder like this invert it and just paint this part I will add some shadow right here down below and that's it also here I want to add shadow okay but I'll add it a little bit differently so I'll select this this is our hand and I would create a new empty layer and name it hand shadow and I will just paint with a black I will use a black color brush and just paint it to a 10% opacity and just paint it here because this actually will not be so visible it'll be in the dark and that's it now it's much better I will do the same for this part right here so again create layer name it hand this is much better so this is really cool okay now let's play with the lights again I'll fast forward these guys I just need to add shadow to the light so okay this is our shadow for the light and we're basically done with all shadowing parts etc so now what I like to do before adding a global light effect and global shadow box shadows and highlights I like to match all the colors now the robot looks nothing special it's cool it's cute but we need to uniform it so we need to choose the main color for this guy I will choose a yellowish orange color because that's what I like you can make it green blue whatever color you want so let's colorize this guy okay let's start with the Hat so let's change the color of the Hat I will just select the head and then had hue and saturation adjustment layer and I don't want to mess with the master hue and saturation slider because if I mess with that as you can see let's clip it to effect on if you have I will change the color of the this Lazarus and this part right here so I don't want that I will throw this out and I will go to the Reds because I just want to change the color of this red part and I want to make it more like like this this is cool color maybe maybe like that maybe a little bit more saturated and this is it for now I can then add curves adjustment layer clip it effect only that make everything darker so I really like this and it's not the same if you put the curves above the consideration or below here in saturation we'll see slightly variations sometimes it's even more obvious variation so I do like that and then I can lower let's go to red lower the situation right here and maybe changed more towards the yellows like that and that's good okay now let's do the similar for the ice again here and saturation adjustment layer clipped effects on the eyes and make this more yellowish maybe a little bit darker but not like that I believe it's definitely curves adjustment layer again make everything a little dark like that and that's it so we match the colors of the head and the eyes now let's do the same for the body select the body hue and saturation adjustment layer clipped effect on that and now guys I'll use the master slider actually I will click colorize and I will colorize this I'll go to yellows movie stration up and try to match magistration also let me see right here we need to colorize the shadow of body and neck so we will do that later okay saw again curse curse curse adjustments layer click it to affect only the body and now let's let's play with this let's add some kind of contrast like this I like it so maybe then go back here while registration and display I can click here and just with the arrows not just a little bit so I really like it this looks cool you really lose more towards the elbows like that and then I will copy the same hue and saturation adjustment layer by holding alt or option key and just drag it bow right here to fact the neck color and actually I can I can go with next shadow and body shadow select them both press ctrl + E and that's it so as you can see this shadow is now yellow but I don't want the shadow to be so yellow I want to this shout out to be more like more like dark it can be a little bit yellow because it will reflect all the colors there like this but not like bright yellow so let me see can be can't be like that ok this is cool so let's leave it leave it there then let's do the same for the arms actually I don't want to colorize this all these green parts so let's go right here and let me see I need to colorize this so I will go I will go on the hand first and I will decolorize hand I press shift control you or shift command you so DISA trait this one because I like it like silver one then go right here true and saturation adjustment layer and color eyes and just colorize this okay like that curse guys basically everything is the same so I can easily fast-forward this okay so that's it as you can see just collapse the group's neck light okay light then the next shadow where it is next shadow it's here I need to colorize the next shadow not next shadow over the light shadow it's right here so I need to colorize that too okay that's better I like it and guys we are almost done I just want to go right here and change the situation actually the few of this more towards the yellows like that better fit the rest and that's cool okay now what we need to do is to make a global lights adjustment so for that I will use exposure adjustment layer over the top of everything and then just play with mask of exposure adjustment layer so let's do it okay but before we do that I just want to tweak the ice a little bit so let's go to the ice and Link the chain icon between the ice shadows and mask and just select both of them i'll press control/command t make it tiny smaller and move it to the left and just rotate this even more to the left let me see now maybe times smaller the ice it's a little bit strained right now I don't know why but like this maybe yeah so let me see this is a little bit better I'm not sure guys so this to look a little bit on that side or maybe this but just to make it tiny smaller and rotate it like that maybe I don't know yeah I believe it like that okay so now let's let's group everything let's clean this a little bit so I will group the ice okay so everything is much cleaner right now and I will leave it like that I can I can even play with this put it inside to the arm part right there cuz basically we just mess with that and that's go so let's hi this and I think it's much cleaner so what I like to do now I like to go all the way up create a new exposure adjustment layer and just move it down but now it's affecting the background and everything so I like to create masks just for the robot so there is a trick for that we just need to hide the background and just go right here and merge everything into new one layer which is control to your ship command option e on the Mac and that's it now we have this robot in your new layer I will hide it because I will not need it right now and I will just delete this mask ctrl or command click to select the robot go right here and just create a new mask and now I have just mask on row that's one way another way maybe it's better let's undo it let's leave this mask intact is to go and create a group with the selection of the robot just click here in a group and add masks on a group now put the exposure inside the group and whatever we do an exposure layer it for long effect don't roll it because it's in a group okay that's good so I will invert it and now I would paint the shadow where the shadow should be so as we said earlier the light should go like this so this part right here should be in the shadow okay and this part right here like this a little bit harder brush so it should go from here all the way like this maybe 40% opacity and just I'll just paint right here just paint like this 100 cent opacity actually to have a better unit for light here and then I will play with that so that's cool I can just raise this okay I'm holding shift and moving up and down that's cool and now let me see here is okay and here this will be in shadows definitely will go like like this here the light will hit but this part will be in shadow of course neck - this part right here and let me see okay now I will play with this I will use white brush well actually black brush 10% opacity really soft brush and guys I will just play here with this I'll fast forward this just I'm basically just painting back sunlight so just to tweak this a little bit back right guys and this is this is it now let's find the background for the background I want to add something like this so this will be our background I'll go right here paste it and just make it smaller now it's way big so something like something like this and I can go with the filter maybe Gaussian blur let me see it just blur this like that you can just blur it has to have some kind of shapes but not recognizable like this make it a little bit bigger because it's too blurred okay and this is really cool what I like to do now is to play with the lights I want to add some lights here lights on the eyes and basically we're done so let's go all the way up again everything what I do now I will do above all layers create new layers to create new layer so put it all the way up and rename it to ice light okay and I'll use white color and with harder brush like this just paint inside of course you can use a pen tool to be more precise and just go and create that right here and then fill it with white but I will not do it right now you should it will be better okay so we have white eyes and what I like to do right now I want to double click on this and go to outer glow and just add this kind of glow to the eyes you can see it's really nice it's really cool so we can play here with the settings we can change the size etc but this is really cool so I will leave it like that press ok and the eyes are rolling now what I like to add to that new layer ice beam I think it's felt like this if not never mind so I'll go with a softer brush like this like 50% ok make it wide like that let me see that's cool and just press here hold shift and just press right here then again you can move it a little bit so something like that then I will do the same for this side maybe a little bit smaller click here press and hold shift and just click right there so this is cool but this is not the final effect I'll add a layer mask I will go to gradient tool and make sure that the Black is my foreground color so I can see black to white for go to background color and now what I like to do go from here like this and as you can see we have really nice light beans but we are not done yet with this what we need to do let's just work it a little bit a little bit ok we need what we need to do we need to add some we need add blue Lord of that but I'm not satisfied how these shapes these beads are shaped so I will undo it and do it again in fast-forward you know the procedure you just saw it so as ladies okay guys this is much better now I'll go to blue and just blur it a bit not so much just a bit have a softer beams like this maybe 20 let me see something like that probably the Box blur will be cool here so let me try blur then block box blur and it's a different kind of yeah it's cool maybe it's better for this this blocks blur also guys you can do this on two separate layers one being from each from each eye because you'll have more more options to move each beam however you want but now this is this is cool too so this is okay but also I can move it up like this you can move it up to change the position of the beam maybe even more why not we can do that so it's easier when these beams are separate a separate layer but I really like it like that and now let's just add some light here and we're basically done so let's create new layer this is this is body light okay and what I like to do right here I like to again go to the brush white color and just create something like this right here control command T go to work just change shape a little bit like change the perspective like it's inside okay and for this I will just go again double click and I will go with outer glow but this time I will change the color to maybe some bluish tint okay it's true a little bit brighter we will see and also what I like to do here guys I like to change this I like to add my own curve just click on a curve and I like to play with trickery can see the shape is changing of the light I will make light a little bit more you can see now the shape is different so maybe like bluish or or maybe white you can change later and I will press ok and now I will right click and say here on the effects and say create layer so this will be our separate layer then I can transform it ctrl + T and just move it here to change the perspective of of this batter and this is cool and I will just add a little bit more glow here so this is it this is really cool maybe to make it overall bigger like no inside and then I will create bar this body light glow okay something like glove and I will again use white color 10% opacity and just just do like like this just a touch maybe it's too much just the touch maybe it's too much so it's right let's play with the opacity a little bit maybe like this and then i'll press control/command t and i can just form this a little bit maybe like maybe like this let me see like that and let's race here so before and after and overall yeah before after really cool right guys and now I've let some flying particles behind the robot and front of the robot blur them a little bit do a final color correction and we are done okay to do that we need to go all the way down above the background create a new layer and let's your name it particles number one okay and what I like to do now I like to change the brush properties so I will use white color 100% opacity that will just paint some dots but not like this they need to be a lot smaller and also I need to change some properties like increase spacing all the way up higher jitter all the way up then scattering a little bit actually all the way up and that's it and now let's just change you can see change the brush size and this is it so we have some particles but that will make it smaller a few here okay and I will blur this I will go to filter blur Gaussian blur but not so much just a little bit luck is something like less okay and then I will go to filter blur and motion blur so touch and also I can change the opacity so just a little bit okay then I can go and add hue saturation adjustment layer clip it effect only that click colorize make everything darker and increase saturation and change the color a little bit more towards the yellow so you can see just that then we can create a new layer about everything and we will name it particles number two okay and here we will do the same but with different kind of brush so I'll create a new document with 25 by 25 hundred press ok and I will just create another type of brush so I will use black color one high percent opacity and just just create let me see just regular brush just create this guy's just this kind of shape okay maybe it's still long so like like this this is cool and now I will just transform this into brush we'll go edit and define brush preset and name it dust okay I can close this I don't need it anymore like that and now I have my brush and when the particles number 2 I can play with this brush but I need to change properties again same shape dynamic all the way up then angle jitter just a little bit scattering all the way up and spacing all the way up so what I did I'd increase the spacing between each stroke then I change the size each side each stroke will be a little bit different size then I change the angle solids it will have a little bit variation to the angle not too much as scattering so it will scatter up and down so that's it and now when I paint here I need to have white brush so you can see it's really cool but the brush is too big so I'll just go with even smaller like like this like that and smaller one even here really small one like this even smaller like that so that's cool maybe even smaller like real dress so yeah like this like so just like small dust right there let's enjoy this few times just want to make it better like like this and then I will lower the opacity of this only small tiny dust okay and then with the particles this one I would go again filter first let's list the motion blur okay like that it's okay then go to filter blur and Gaussian blur just blur it touch and as you can see guys this is really nice what I like to do here again like previous I like to add in saturation adjustment layer karai's everything and make darker to be able to colorize it just maybe add some orange color something like something like this is cool yeah that's nice I like it so this is it we're basically done here now there are some small tweaks that we can do I will show one really cool trick how I can add some like depth of field something like that to add even more input to the image but before that let's let's let's do another trick again hide the background like this and now merge everything to get right here okay and now bring the background all the way up so just bring it up just below the robot okay so we have a robot we have a baron and now with the robot choose this much - okay and just smudge like move small movements like blur just some parts here of course he can you can do differently you can you can go with blur tool and mass etc but I really like this method because I'll make some imperfections on the robot right guys so I added this really tiny adapter field also you can use blur tool and just with that add even more blur so go with strength all the way to 100% and just add even more blur right here so that's optional totally you don't need to do this I really like it you can you can use radial blur tool if you want to blur it at all and there's several ways how you can do that okay so we are almost done what I like to do now I like to go with the curves and add a little bit more lights to the robot here with a brush black actually white brush let's go to normal brush right here soft brush and change the size opacity maybe 10% just add some brightness right here okay just add some variation here there also I could I could make this darker but I will leave that for you guys this is not finished finished row but I will finish it maybe and put it on Instagram but for now it's okay and also for the background I will make part of the brighter and bright brighter just this part right here maybe 40% and just okay just like that that's really cool so also let's go to the robot and make some parts darker just want to add more contrast here maybe 20% just to make these parts there with darker gas so that's cool and guys now we can go to maybe this is too bright I actually want maybe to darken that part yeah just a little bit and this part even more this needs a little bit more fine-tuning but it's okay and also guys now I'll merge everything together ship ctrl alt shift command option e on the Mac go to filter and camera roll filter and just play here a little bit a little bit more contrast like this Helen with more clarity it's cool I can play with we having just a touch better it also want to sharpen everything too much let me see I'm holding alt or option key to see the radius that's cool and also I can add some bluish tint into highlights just a little bit maybe some radish here into shadows yes I like that like an older look see it's cool maybe like that I'll move this to fact more shadows than highlights and make highlights even cooler so this is this is one way this is another way do however you want I will just make it before and after make it a little bit more radish okay and then I can go again right here open the shadows a bit that and maybe just a touch let me see make everything on a cool side over or like that press okay and this is before and after overall so I really like it and guys this is it for now of course we can tweak it a lot let me show you just really quick we can go to blur gallery go to feel blur and if you like you can go actually not feel burr but-but-but-but spin not spin let me see yeah we can go with tilt shift I'll press ok so this is another variation that you can do so before and after yeah you can do that and that's it guys so I'm not sure if I like this blur or not I'll leave it without maybe or tweak it a little bit later and put my version of on Instagram so that's it right guys and that's it for today I really hope that you enjoyed this tutorial that you liked it and that you learned some new and useful tips and tricks from this one now it's up to you to practice experiment have fun and to create your own version of robot out of stock images if you create something interesting fun please put it on Instagram tag me I would love to see what you came up with after watching this tutorial also if you want to practice along with this tutorial you can download or the tutorial files that you use in this episode the link download link is down there in description so check that out if you have any questions regarding to this episode please ask me down in your comment section below I will be glad to answer them also guys if you want to support me and help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description so check it out and also we'll get some things in turn for example like or my PSD files etc right guys if you appreciate this content if you like this content press that like button share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and also ring that valve to get notified about all the future episodes have fun guys and see you in my next one episode [Music] you
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 164,845
Rating: 4.9729624 out of 5
Keywords: Robot, Photomanipulation, Photo manipulation, photo manipulation tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Digital art, Photoshop, Tutorial, Best Photo manipulation tutorial, The Curious Robot PHOTO MANIPULATION Tutorial, How to make robot in photoshop, Robot in photoshop, How to, Create, How to create robot in photoshop, sci fi robot, Sci fi, cute robot, robot effect
Id: lHwXuE9u7Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 44sec (4244 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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