How to make a Rocket from scratch in Photoshop. Fun and easy!

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today I will show how to create this really cute interesting rocket in Photoshop completely from scratch so let's start hi guys it's nemanja and welcome to another really fun episode today we will have a lot of fun creating this really nice interesting cute rocket in Photoshop completely from scratch and then we will make it to look like it's a 3d object so you will learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques that you can later implement in your own work but before we jump straight into Photoshop let me tell you that this episode is sponsored by skill share in case you don't know skill share is a big online learning community with more than 25,000 classes in whatever practically want Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Premiere Pro After Effects marketing business photography overall videography whatever you type there I'm sure they have it even cooking running I don't know whatever you want they are pretty affordable the annual plan is less than $10 per month and for just for you 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want to to see how to make some really cool Italian pasta or I don't know what everyone they have it so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity just first 500 of you guys who follow the link down there and description will get two months completely free and then it's up to you if you want to continue with the subscription or not right now let's go straight into Photoshop and add a fun beginning right guys today we will start with blank piece of document and the size completely depends of the purpose of the artwork you want to create so where do you want to put it if you want to put in an Instagram then you can do like I do just take the aspect ratio of 4 by 5 and then create rocket on this kind of crop or if you want to put it as a wallpaper on your computer then maybe some white screen etc saw the sizes completely and the aspect ratio is completely on you right so first thing that I like to do is to create a sketch create a new layer name it sketch use a black brush small really small brush and hard one and just to draw something so I need to draw the rocket so maybe something like this and then like the body right there okay and some exhaust pipes maybe like this so this is like really really fast sketch here maybe something like this ok it doesn't matter this is just sketch this is a window and this is like the sketch for my rocket I already did it I took a little bit more time and I created it's not perfect at all as you can see this is just a sketch for it and I created the sketch so to create a really nice catch you can go online and search for some reference some rocket images and then try to create your version of the rocket you want to turn into that 3d like a real rocket shape so now that we have a sketch here on the screen the next step is to fill all these with the colors so first what I like to do I like to use a pen tool and just trace the shape of the rocket and then fill with the color in case you don't know how to use a pen too I advise it to go and watch my tutorial about a pen - I explained complete use of pen tool and you can find it on link right there and now I will use pen tool press P on a keyboard just choose from here and I will just go and click right there and follow my scab she doesn't need to be perfect but I will follow this shade because I like it right and the point here the trick here guys is to create only half of the rocket and then we will mirror it so I will show that later but now I close the path then I will press ctrl or command on a Mac with the enter towards to turn the path into selection and now create a new layer name it let's name it body sorry buddy and I will choose a color so maybe some kind of reddish color and then press ok and fill this selection with a color in case your car is a foreground color and you want to fill the selection you need to press alt or option key on a Mac with the backspace and then you will fill with that color okay now that I finished with this part and I need to trace wings and I need to trace our things so I will just pass forward this because it's completely the same just make a path around this sketch fill it with any color that you want and that's it so before I fast forward this let me show you one really cool trick if you press ctrl or command R on a keyboard you will get this ruler and just draw a drag from this one to the center of the rocket right there I have two of them I just moved one okay like that on the center make sure that is really on the center something like that then this will act as mirroring planes so we don't need to create a left wing we only need to create right a right one and we don't need to be precise on this part of the rocket only on this part this right side because we will mirror everything to have a perfectly mirror shape of your rocket that's really cool trick so now I will fast forward and use a pencil to trace all our elements right I just created this part of exhaust pipe and I will move it below the body and I will just make a copy of it press ctrl or command J and just move it down below right here then ctrl or command T to make it smaller like this alright and maybe a little bit like that I'm satisfied with that and also I will go to this one and press ctrl command T and just move pull it down to a little bit bigger shape something like that also I can go on this one as you can see guys I'm switching between layers just by clicking on them I'm using the move tool I'm holding ctrl or command key and in that way I can switch really fast and easily between layers also there is another trick if you just click here how to select you don't need to hold anything on any layer you click it will automatically be selected but I don't like to have this out of select because I want to maybe select the wing right there and then move it from here from some reasons I don't want to click here and then to select nothing or some other layer so that's why I like to have my ctrl or command key pressed and then how to select option will be available ok so this is a cool trick I will now select this layer and change it to little brighter part of the color of gray shade of gray so I will ctrl or command click on this actually on this toward this layer is the selection and then fill it with a grey and also I like to move it down below so this is it this is practically it only thing that we need to do is to create this middle wing so I will lower the opacity of the body use the GAM pen tool and just fast forward this a little bit and guys this is it so let's bring back back the opacity of the body and this is our rocket so I will hide the sketch layer and now we need to mirror this so easy way to do this is just the half part of the rocket and then to duplicate that part that is left and just just flip it horizontal so we will do that I will go and choose rectangular marquee tool and just create selection it will clip it will snap actually it will snap here to this middle line that's cool and now we need to go in layer by layer so here I don't need to delete anything but middle wing just press delete then body press delete and those exhaust pipe press delete and that's it now what I need to do I need to select everything here all those elements press ctrl or command J to make a copy of it then while everything is selected press ctrl or command T and then we can go just and say flip horizontal and move it by holding shift move it to snap here that's really cool then press ok and we can now hide this helper by pressing ctrl H H to hide so ctrl or command H and that's it so as you can see there is a small line in between that's because those two parts are not connected like one layer so we will do that we'll go to middle wing copy and middle wing and press ctrl or command e to merge it together so now we have middle big as one layer so we will do exactly the same for all other other elements so body control command E and I have a fast-forward this okay so this is it let me just check this is 1 this is 2 we have a body we have mil wing we have left wing and we have right wing but right wing arcade this is all the elements almost finished select of the rocket only thing that is missing is the window and this part right here this this thing that is dividing the top of the rocket from the body so let's create the window first it's really easy to do that there are several ways you can do it I will show one way with shape tool in case you don't know how to use the shape tool I have really good tutorial shaped you'll explain you can watch it on the link right there so check it out if you don't know how to use it now I will go to my shape tool and I will choose ellipse - okay and I will just create a little by holding shift so something like this and then I don't want fill in case you have some color as a fill just choose no color and then I can choose some brighter color for stroke and I want to make it bigger probably something probably something like this maybe 60 or so let me see yeah for now let's do it like that and maybe I want to make everything smaller so I can go right there and type maybe 550 I don't know let's see this is cool so this is my my window for now I really like it and I want to Center it with the rocket so to do that I will just choose window let me just name it choose window and choose the body by holding ctrl command key and just click on it and then go on the move tool and center it align it vertically so this is it now they are perfectly aligned I can now go and create this dividing part so to do that I will go to my body layer because I want to cut out the cat of the rocket physically from this layer so to do that again there are several ways you can use a pen tool and just make like selection around and then cut it out but easy ways to use the elliptical marquee tool and just do something like this I will go right there make sure that on the middle all right and then I like to add this part as a selection because I don't want to select only the middle part of the record I want to select everything except the caps I will use the lasso tool press and hold shift to add to the selection and this is it now I need to invert the selection because I want the cap to be selected ctrl shift I or command shift I on a Mac and now I'll press ctrl shift + + J or command shift J or you can go to layer new layer via cut we want to make a new layer via cut so this is it ok and as you can see we have cat on a separate layer also I want to go on the sketch layer hide it and move it all the way down just move this right there ok and now on the cap on the cap I want to make that line the tree bun or whatever it is so to do that we just need to create a new layer and clip it to a fact only cap layer and now I want to hide the body just have better impression what I'm doing I can go again to elliptical marquee tool and just go right there move it up oops sorry like this and then fill it with any color that you want I will choose some kind of darker gray color and fill it with that I've I feel actually the holes ellipse but because as you can see but because I clip it to affect only the cap it's only showing here so that's it let's bring back this part and our silat of a rocket is done ok the next thing that we need to do is to transform this 2d object silhouette of rocket into a 3d model of the rocket so that is really fun part that's my favorite part here and to do that we will use only dodge and burn we will just paint shadows and highlights the rocket and model the shape of the rocket in case you don't know how to use dodging burn and in case you don't know what a dodging burn is I recommend you to go and watch my two about dodge and burn explained on link right there you don't need to watch the whole tutorial just the beginning where I explaining you what it is and how to use it because here I will not go or again show the details was dodging burn is we will just do the dodging burn technique so let's go back into Photoshop Anna let's do this fun part right guys so first thing that I like to do is to make the shape of the body because it's the bigger biggest part so as you can see and to do that there are several ways we can go with the curves adjustment layer clip it to affect only the body make everything darker like this invert the mask ctrl or command I and then use big brush with really soft big brush wait maybe I don't know 10% opacity and black color and just paint actually white color because we want to reveal the mask and just paint here as you can see and we can paint the shape of the rocket so this is practically shaping the rocket but I will not go this time this way I will make your life easier much easier so to do that I'll just delete the curse adjustment layer and then create regular new layer I will flip it to effect the body and I will name it shadow so I will name it body shadow be be shadow body shadow and then I will use gradient map so make sure that you have black and white as your default colors if you don't have it like I don't have it now just press D on the keyboard to set the four colors and then choose the gradient black actually for agon color to transparent so in this case black to transparent and that's it now you need to just add a gradient right there as you can see really fast easy and really nice so make sure to set the right distance if you go a little bit further away from the rocket and then add a gradient it will be a little bit pattered effect if you go right here and then add a gradient to be a little bit different etcetera and make sure that you have a linear gradient not radio etc diamond.the blah blah just a linear gradient and add added like that also you can move it you can use the move tool and just move this and transform it control commodity and just make it like this or like that whatever you want I like I like it this way so maybe I will just move it a little bit and move it back something something like this and this is a start so now let's do the same for the cap but first I want to change the color of the cap so I will select it select it and press ctrl or command key click on the layer to lot this is a selection and then choose some lighter gray probably probably something like like this and then feel the cat because I don't want you have to be red alright so what we need to do now I just want to select the cap and not just a little bit down that's cool now we can just copy this layer press and hold alt or option key and drag it about the cap right there clip it to effect everything down below and as you can see we can move it and we effected our capture so this is really cool but this time I want to transform it and make it a little bit narrow and have this kind of effect there so this is cool also for this part down below we can again so I just want to rename this is c4 cap shadow I don't need a copy and I can do the same for exhaust pipes so I can it's like both of them press ctrl command G to group it and then rename it okay and now press it whole out make a copy clip to affect only the group to clip a layer to effect only one layer down below or a group you need to press and hold alt or option key and click in between those two layers or in between layer and the group and now as you can see I can move it and again I will transform it make it more narrow and like that and that's good and this is it this is it with the shadows now what I like to do to emphasize this even more I want to go to rocket body create a new layer and name it shadow as number two so I want write whole name so as for shadows and then I will use black color really soft brush and maybe even three percent opacity and just just paint those edges a little bit more just like that nothing special just want to make those edges here of the body a little bit darker so that's good okay now what what we can do we can make other part of the rocket brighter but in this case I want to make outer part brighter I will assume that this is already bright because it's brighter on the left side we will just add some highlights and some rim light on that one thing that I didn't mention before you start doing the shaping the lighting on the rocket you need to decide from which side the light is following on the rocket so let me quickly just show that let's create a new layer this is just for example and I want my life to come from this direction so light is coming from this direction that means that this part of the rocket will be darker and this wing too and this part too and this side of the wing etc and this part of the rocket will be brighter and of course this wing and this part there part of this being part of the window this one be darker this will be brighter etc so this is how I like to shape my rocket you can choose other direction maybe you want to choose that light is coming in the front of the rocket so that means that let me just delete this so that means that this part will be darker and this part will be darker okay just the edges there and this part in the center will be bright also this and this will be bright etc so only these sides will be brighter darker so just decide from which direction the light is coming and then paint the light in that way so as I already told you my light is coming from our right side so this is how we will do and now I want to add some highlights on the rocket so first I like to change the background I don't like this bright white color so I will go back to the background press shift backspace and choose 50% gray and just fill it with that I just want to have a neutral gray color for for this example okay later we can change any color that we want so now let's go to a body layer and let me show you one really cool trick we can create a new layer and name it highlight h1 highlight one then use white color softer brush like that and we can just paint with 100% opacity you can just paint like rim light right there but I will not do like that I will show you one really cool and easy way how to precisely paint that rim light I already did that in several tutorials but I will go again through this but before that I want to make selection of the rocket body so let me see I don't want wings I want just cap body and exhaust pipes and that's it I will group that press ctrl command G and name this rocket body and also I will right-click and choose the color red because the rocket is red it's just easier for me later because we will have a lot of players to find find rocket layer also guys one note this tutorial is a little bit longer but it's really easy to create this kind of rocket it takes maybe around 10 minutes to create it from scratch when you know what you're doing but of course the tutorial is much longer because it's me showing you slowly detail it or steps what you need to do but when you cut in the shape of doing this rocket 10 minutes probably it's enough so let's go back to the tutorial okay now what we need to do is to make the selection of the body of the rocket so press and hold ctrl or command key click on this then click on a cap I made a selection a cap then I want to add to the selection so I need to press and hold shift and ctrl or command on Mac then find the body add that and go right there and add those two elements too so we have this as a selection and now I want to narrow this selection so I want to make it smaller to contract it so for that we need to go to select modify and contract five pixels is probably okay for this size of documents all those numbers vary on the document size so let's press ok as you can see I have narrowly selection that's cool but now I can feather it a little bit so I can go select modified fatter and 10 pixels it's ok advise of the contract value it's pretty good ok and now what I need to do create new layer about the rocket body ok right there clip it to affect only the rocket body and now if I paint with white color you will see I am painting inside of the rocket I don't want that I want to paint paint outside of the rocket so I need to invert the selection to do that I need to press ctrl or command I and now I can paint right there as you can see really nice cool rim light and when I'm done with this I can deselect and then create a mask on this rim light ok and with the black brush really slowly remove unwanted parts so here I don't want from here to here and also I don't want this part at all so need to be precise like like that and as you can see this is now not so feathered as this part right there but we will fix it I can just select with lasso - I can just select this ok and then go inside and just delete without affecting the other things that's really cool trick and also right there I can use the lasso tool and just oops and just select this and this because I don't want to affect this part down below and just you raise it and this is really really cool a trick to do this carefully also if you cannot achieve the same fairness as we had there there is another cool trick like my shoulders really quickly can go with a blur tool go with the strength up to just you learn this and Dad you will have similar fairness but it doesn't matter to be like 100% precise because we will see we will lower the opacity of that etc so here I just want to remove this okay and that's almost it now let's lower the opacity a little bit and this is really really cool so this is just a rim light we are getting there we're making this rocket to look like it's a 3d object next thing that you I want to do is add some reflections on the rocket because I will assume that this is really shiny bright metallic texture the rocket has so we need to add some reflections there so to do that again we will go with group we'll clip everything to affect the whole rocket body so new layer name it reflection number one okay and use a pen tool and now I want to just need to create the shape of reflection probably probably something like this is something like this and then something something like this is cool make selection out of it and then fill it with a white color so this is really cool maybe I can delete this part why not and also I can make this bigger ctrl command T and just move it up also I can go right click work and move this however you want it's completely up to you have all the freedom there alright and now what I like to do I like blur this a little bit so filter blur Gaussian blur and just a little bit okay like maybe like that and then lower the opacity to 40 or so something like this is cool and also I want to play with this let's create a layer mask and let me share I just want to whoops I just want elliptical actually rectangular marquee tool and I just want to select this I'm holding spacebar to move the selection so something like this and then I like to narrow these these edges of reflection so with the mask painting with black brush just just narrow this because this is how I like to be and this is already really cool another thing that I like to do just below everything actually I can do in the middle of those two I can create a new layer this will be shadow okay like a big shadow and I will use for that elliptical marquee tool and just create big ellipse like this and fill it with black so I know I ruined the photo by don't worry this will this will even add to the effect so now I want to transform this so ctrl or command T then right-click work and just just transform this I want to go from this peak this point and let me see this is cool probably something like like this why not this is completely optional guys this is just a big shadow up on the dark side of the moon or the dark side of the rocket so far side of the rocket so this is cool now we need to fatter it so again filter blur Gaussian blur and zoom it a little bit so probably something like this then lower the opacity a lot so I just want to have this big shadow here that's really cool and now what I like to do I like to add more reflections in the shadows so if the object is in the shadow that doesn't mean that you cannot see the reflections there you can see the reflections there too so I will add but more subtle reflections it will help with the shape so let's create a new layer and I will rename it reflections number two clip it to effect only this layer and I will use the pen tool again everything is the same from here this time I will go to here something like this and probably something like that guys this is completely completely optional you can choose whatever you want whatever shape you want enough filling with the white and again ctrl command T right click warp it and then you can just can just change shape the size of the reflection so you can play with it however you want ok and now I want to blur this again filter blur Gaussian blur and this time I want to blur it more than this one ok maybe maybe maybe like this I know ok like this and then I want to lower the opacity a lot probably around 20 or so something like this and also I will make a copy of this controlled mange and name it reflections number 3 make it smaller with ctrl command T put it right there and 4 bit even more like that and I will barely make it visible just like that so this is really really cool we already have this really nice cool shape of the rocket but we are not done yet so next step what I like to do is to go back in the rocket body group and go here on the exhaust pipes and create a new layer above it above it right there clip it to effect only that oops it's already clipped so now I want to name it shadow shadow number two because this is not a body shadow I didn't rename it this is he four exhaust pipes and this is it this is shadow number two and here I want to make this part dark or it may be three percent opacity and really soft brush I want to add even more shadows here okay especially this part right there okay actually this part I will just delete it with 10% opacity so something like this is cool and now we are top here just for now and let me see I just want to fix this this reflection up there so this is reflection number two yes I will add a layer mask and just erase the part that is coming right down below so I don't need it that's good so this is already much much better the next step is to play with the wings so let's go on this one the right wing and let's collapse the group and I will do the same I would create a new layer clip it name it winged shadow okay and I can use again gradient black to transparent and just add a little bit of the shadow something something like this but mmm so subtle you will see and I'm not satisfied with that probably something this and I will lower the opacity a lot so maybe even like this angle okay and then lower opacity this is cool and I will add a new layer this is highlights number one clip it effect only that and then I will add those rim lights on the wing to so for that I will again select the wind control click on the wing got a select modify contract five pixels select modify feather ten pixels that's cool invert the mask shift control I of shift I on a Mac and then with the white brush 100% opacity just this paint here okay this is it so just just paint right there I will deselect ctrl or command D create the mask and with the black brush I just want to delete the parts that I don't want to be affected like this here and and careful like this okay this is cool I will lower the opacity like that and probably on the rim light right there I can lower the opacity a little bit more we'll play with this layer a little bit more and then I will go again create a new layer for shadow number two this is wing W winged shadow number two make sure to name layers because later you will have a lot of problems finding the proper layer I'm naming it like this because I will know that this is W for wing as for shadow number two for second shadow etc so how everyone just name the layers I will use black brush really soft one and maybe again three percent opacity and just paint right there a little bit odd K and this is cool hmm we will see you later what we will do maybe we will shape it a little bit better but for now let's go and change the left wing selecting again the same this is wind shadow so let's put L for left wing shadow and again I will use gradient too and this time I will go like this so this is cool I really like it I will create a new layer this is wing L left wings shadow number two okay and I will use really soft black brush low opacity and just add it here and so this is really good we already have much better result of this racket so let's add let's add shape to the middle wing so let's select mil wing again I will create a new layer this is middle wing shadow layer okay and then this side this side will be darker and just build your shadow don't like don't use like maybe ten or twenty fifty percent opacity brush if you want to rush up and to build a shadow faster it will be much better if you take your time with these things and you will make better result trust me so just build the shadow this is cool we can blur this a little bit so filter blur Gaussian blur blur shadow a little bit I like it so let me show you before and after the subtle result and also I can add a layer mask and delete a shadow from here okay and then create a new layer and this is highlight so middle wing highlights number one crazy names I know but I can handle it so you can rename it however you want and now we will do the same thing ctrl click to load a selection of the middle wing then go here to select modify you know drill contract then select modify feather okay invert the selection shift ctrl I or shift command I on a Mac and just paint wait 100 cent opacity white color so this is it this is it this electrode man D create mask and just with the black brush delete like that right and here I wanna lead this this is really cool now I I can I can blur this actually so filter blur Gaussian blur just to make this a little bit actually I'm blurring the masks sorry so make sure to blur the layer filter blur Gaussian blur and you can see better result also I can lower the opacity and there we have it we have our 3d wing too so next thing that we're missing here is the shadow from that wing this wing will cast shadow right there on the body and on this this part of doing so to do that we need to go all the way up about the left wing right there let's create a new layer and let's rename it middle wing shadow on the rocket or mws ot our if you want to rename it like that but this is good right and now I will use the pen tool just click here and draw the shadow from this something like this maybe too much so try to make like this shape this is almost straight so something like this right then here we want to create this kind of shape so so probably it will go even more like this even more straight from here to here and then to here from here to somewhere here I'm not sure where but your improvised whoops actually probably somewhere here something like like this so nobody will know that this is not maybe one high percent okay and then probably from somewhere here you can just make it less perfect too somewhere here like that and then we will just make a selection fill it with a black color and that's it as you can see really cool shadow perfect shadow no we need to delete unwanted parts so what I like to do I like to make selection of the middle ring so ctrl or command click on the middle ring then whoo shift and ctrl or command left-wing and of course the rocket body so here it is that's why I made it read to know where it is and this and then I like to make mask right there okay and also again control or command click on the here on the middle ring and just fill it with the black just fill it with black and this is our shadow now I will make this shadow a little bit more blue so make sure you're on a layer not on mask filter blur Gaussian blur and this is cool this is pretty cool and you're probably aware from some of my tutorials that shadows are not equally blurred on the whole shadow so parts that are closer to the object that is casting the shadow there those parts are more harsh and the parts that are further away from the objects are more blurry so we will use blur tool and just make these parts a little bit blurry and also the mask we need to blur the mask mask actually so you can spend a little bit more time tweaking this but for now this is okay and I will lower the opacity a lot something like something like this probably and also I will use black brush really soft one and maybe 10% opacity but brush not blurred oh maybe 10% opacity just to make this part a little bit brighter because the life will fall there more than right there so this is this is really cool as you can see guys we already have really cool shape of the rocket the next thing that we need to do is to play with the window now we will create a 3d version of this window and that's really fun fast and easy way to do it it's really cool technique so let me show that let's select the window okay it's right there and double click on the layer so we have layer style dialog box appears and what we need to do here is to play with some shadows so I want to add a drop shadow you can choose the strength of the shadow you can choose the distance of the shadow probably something like that and then sighs the the blurriness of the shadow saw I will make it a little bit more blurry too much but something like that lower the opacity probably this is cool and the distance I think this is cool too so this is the shadow from the ring then we need to create impression that this is a 3d ring of the windows so we need to go with inner shadow you can you can use battlin ambos too but I will go with inner shadow and as you can see we can play the light direction but we need the same light direction right there okay actually now opposite right there light is coming from this direction so here we'll hit first so this will be brighter and this perfect will be brighter that's cool and also you can play with the distance depends how high how much depth this window has so from this perspective it would be probably like probably like that and then again besides the blurriness but I want this not to be so blurry maybe just one pixel alright and then what I like to do I like to make this part left part of the window a little bit darker so I need to add some kind of gradient so here I have gradient overlay that's cool put it on overlay or soft light whatever you want probably overlay here is good and then choose the size and also you can just move here to see how this will fit and play with the opacity but I want to size all the way and something like this that means this is really cool really nice 3d object just from these effects so if I delete effects you will see circle ring nothing special and with this really really cool now we need to create a glass for this we know it's really the solids did let's create a new layer name it glass ok choose the elliptical marquee tool and just press the hold shift and just position it something like that then choose the color for it I will choose some kind of bluish color right something like that fill it with that and then put this the window okay and that's it almost now we need to make an impression that the glass is curved that it's 3d too so again same thing I want to double click on it and add a gradient overlay so this is cool I can move it left and right now we'll use soft light because it's a little bit better for me I can lower it a little lower the scale and then try to move it something like that this is one part other part is that I want to create a new layer this is a glass highlight number one gh 1 and click to effect on the glass but we don't have a need for clipping right now but I just want to clip to have visually representation that these two are together so I will use a pen tool and just create reflection ok something like that something like that and probably something like like this right I will make selection out of it press D to load default colors and fill it with white if the while its foreground color like this then you need to press and hold ctrl or command key with the backspace that's it now let's go to filter blur Gaussian blur and blur this pretty much like that or maybe more we will see now we lower the opacity that's cool and also I will create another layer this is glass highlights number 2 gh to use white brush maybe 40% opacity just add this shiny dot right there okay just like this this is really cool so maybe to lower the opacity of gh1 or maybe to blur it even more let's see filter blur Gaussian blur I want to blur it a little bit more and I can make this even smaller press ctrl Manti and just make it like that and this is really really cool also guys what I can do I can create a new layer so gs1 you know glass shadow number one black color okay maybe three percent opacity brush really soft one and then just just paint just paint right I did okay just there to add a little bit more criminality to the image so this is really cool taken over the past a little bit and guys this is it our rocket is almost 100% finished you can see how beautiful it is and it was like just a plain - the image started from a sketch then filled with the colors and just with the dodging and burning just with the shadows and highlights we made this really cool 3d shape of rocket I really loved it I'm so exciting of making this type of artwork so now let's go and add some details let me show you how really easily and quickly you can add some holes to the windows and some bolts the Rockets etc so let's do that let's first create some holes on the window this is really cool and easy trick let's go above the window create a new layer and just choose brush really hard one like this and 100% opacity so this is it now what we need to do is to bring back our helper line we pressed ctrl or command H to hide it now we need to press the gun to bring me back so ctrl or command H and here it is and why I need it because I need the center here so I want to make brush smaller and the center the brush and just click it right there maybe to move it a little bit to the right like that and this is this is it now I don't need this anymore I can hide it again ctrl 8 or command 8 and then I will press ctrl or command J to duplicate this dot right and by holding shift I will just move it up and then I will Lodge it to be on the center on the window okay this is cool now we need to group these actually to select both of those dots and then merge them together with ctrl or command E so we have began one layer then make a copy of those two dots ctrl or command J then trance or MIT ctrl or command T and then by holding shift just rotate it and make it 90 degrees of the first two dots press ENTER and then same procedure select both of them merge it ctrl command E ctrl or command J to make a copy of that ctrl or command T to transform it press and hold shift and just rotate it 45 degrees perfect perfect symmetry I really love it and then again put those two together merge it and name this holes okay and now we need to add some highlights on the horse to make impression that this is really hole so double click on this layer and just add inner shadow and that's it inner shadow change the direction of the light okay maybe lower the brightness the opacity and then the distance something like this and this is it really really cool way to add some holes you can add even more details in those holes I will not cover this right now this is just basic because this tutorials already too long I know but let's add a few more details like bolts and we're basically done so let's create a new layer and now let me show you another cool trick let's sample this color by having the brush tool press and hold alt or option key sample the color and place a dot right there probably you cannot see that this is a dot but if I hide the cap just real quickly you can see there is a done because it's similar color like the cap what I like to do I like to collapse this let's just first group all these things holes windows and and and let me see glass there one group I will do group this controlled Mangia name window okay and then let's go back here and now I need to make 3d version of this bolt so double click on that and there are several ways let's this time use barrel and emboss so this is it now let's add some shadow drop shadows so the distance is 2b and the size is too big something like that slower the distance maybe like that maybe just make it 1 2 pixels spread in the size and this is it this is one way how we can make this neighborhood nice really nice a nice really nice bolt okay and we can play with the opacity we can play with here on the barrel and emboss we can play with the opacity of the highlights so maybe 1k like that but I don't like that probably this is cool and also with the science we can change maybe more pointy or more flat depend what kind of shape you want probably something like that this is it we're done we just need now to paint on this same layer with the brush sample color actually I do symmetry so sample color and click somewhere here so sample color and click in the middle and just again sample color and probably here and here here and here actually here and here okay now we can go and do the same here so sample click sample click go in the middle and just maybe go again in the middle in the middle and in between those this is really cool and fast way to do this we can go same down below so sample click sample click and you can see guys really fast easy way to add this kind of details that's it so this is basically it we are done with rocket we are almost completely done of course you can add even more details you can build a scene you can add a sky can add stars you can add some smoke and fire from the rocket and a lot of a lot of things that there can be and I know that you want to see how to add the smoke fire and sky and the stars so I will do that right now so let's continue with this fun episode so let's go and add the sky let's go down below but before we're doing that let's just group everything everything right there group and name name rocket ok and now let's go down below add a nude solid color layer and red is cool this is really cool but I want to add some kind of blue dark this saturated blue sky probably something like that you can choose whatever color you want and now we need to add some stars so let's create a new layer layer name it stars ok and you need to use white brush and just add some stars but there is a better way to do it you need to go to brush properties f5 and then go to brush tip shape all the way up with the spacing then shape dynamics all the way up with size jitter scattering all the way up with scattering and that's it so now as you can see we have some realized stars that don't just drag like that just add again stars here and there like this to have a little bit better effect ok and this is like really nice sky with the stars we clear sky we can lower the opacity to so this looks really really cool right now and also we can add that smoke down below and the fire so for that I will use my favorite brushes my smoke cloud oz brushes in case you don't know how to create your own version of these brushes you can watch my tutorial about that right there and also if you want to purchase my set of those brushes you can go to my website the link is down there in the description and you can purchase them for just $1 so it's your choice alright now I will create a new layer name it smoke okay use a brush and just choose my set of cloud those brushes so I'll choose first this one 100% opacity and woohoo I will make some clouds it's really really awesome so probably something like this then I will choose actually I will change the color on the same layer I will switch between black and white so now let's use black it's really cool why just to add some dimension you will see later now I will switch to another brush right there probably something like this change the opacity play with the opacity of the brushes and switch between black and the white so to add that to your smoke this is really cool and important okay then I will go to third brush like this and with that I would just add those really nice feather fact right there also I can change the opacity and play with that to change the color so just play with it don't be scared to go with paint with the black color than with the white etc and also you can can just go and change change the brushes so whatever fits the best to your idea so this is really really really cool so this as you can see really nice and I believe it like that now let's add some fire okay I'll use same brushes actually use this one the second one and I will choose some colors so some kind of yellowish and for another color I will choose red soul example this one and now let's let's just paint with title 50% opacity just paint the shape of of this fire okay then change the brush to yellow 20% opacity and then just add that yellow then we can add some white sample the white from the star as clouds and then head like that and just play back and forth with these colors so we need the yellow again choose yellow why not okay like this and of course you can spend a lot more time making this fire fact it's really cool as you can see so just enjoy the process and [Music] that's it also we can go down here and paint it white like it's covered by by the clouds so maybe a little bit of black maybe a little bit wide and this is it and this is it guys our rocket is done another thing that you can do is to add some kind of material to the metal of this rocket so maybe some kind of scratches or some other metal texture so I will just add some scratches and I will stop there I promise so let's go on a new document copy this photo of scratch texture add it right there controlled Monte I want to rotate it transform it like that and flip horizontal so like that okay I will clip it to effect on in the rocket and this is it we again have 2d silhouette of the rocket we actually started from 2d and made this really awesome effect so I want to put it in a soft light okay and as you can see we have a lot of scratches here and there I can go and create a layer mask and with the black brush maybe 20% with this cloud brush because it's not like perfect round shape I just want to remove some scratches from some parts and this is really cool I don't want scratches on the windows so I can use like elliptical marquee tool select the window and just delete actually paint it with black like this and again I can just play with masks and add scratches here and there remove it but I will stop here I promise so this is it guys this is almost the final version that's one thing you can add you can add on a background the gradient overlay I want radio right like this and this is this is cool so maybe lower the opacity and and play with is this is another way how you can just make everything more interesting more and more focus on direct rocket etc so this is our final image alright guys so this is finally end of this long tutorial I hope that you liked it and that you learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques you saw how we started to just sketch then fill that sketch with color trace it with a pen tool fill it with the color and then just using dodge and burn just shadows and highlights we made completely 3d model of the rocket I really loved and enjoyed this process of course you can use exactly the same technique to other objects it does need to be a rocket just play with it point is to learn this technique and if you have any question about this episode please feel free to ask me down there in comment section below I will be glad to answer it also guys if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page and of course you will get something similar to return you have the links down there in the description so check it out you will get for example my PSD files etc so check out my patreon page also if you appreciate this content if you liked this episode check the present like button down below share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and press that ring to be notified about all the future episodes have fun experiment and see you guys in my next one episode bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 57,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, dodge and burn photoshop, Dodge&burn, Photoshop tutorial, How to make a Rocket from scratch in Photoshop, Rocket in photoshop, Nemanja Sekulic, Fun, Tutorial, Free, Best, contouring in photoshop, shadows and higlights, Kids, Cute rocket, How to make a rocket in photoshop, Easy, Create a rocket, Rocket tutorial, 3D, 2D, 3D rocket
Id: 2NHoEywJiBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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