How To Make A DOPE Sports Edit - Photoshop Tutorial

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[Music] oh hey um so we're gonna be doing a sports graphic design edit today i know i haven't really touched on a lot of graphic design on my channel yet but it is something i do for a living it's something i do for a passion and it's something that i'm pretty comfortable with at the start of 2020 uh when i wanted to dive back into doing more creative stuff the first thing i did was sports edits and i actually focused my instagram on that before i swapped back to doing photography on there but it's something i enjoy doing and i haven't touched in a while so i figured i'd take inspiration from some previous edits that i've already done and kind of do something very similar and what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you how i go about getting all my resources through google and editing it all together so before i would take google image search and i would type in what i was looking for go to tools and select the size but they've changed up a little bit so i wanted to have access to higher quality stuff and without having the direct source it's kind of difficult so what i do is i use google advanced image search so you go there and i don't use a lot of these things you can get very minut with what you choose on here but what i choose to do is just the what i'm searching for in the image size so in this case i'm going to do uh let's say alvin kamara saints just in case so it doesn't get his uh college years i'm going to take image size and you have a lot of options but what i'm going to do to be smart is i'm going to start with 4 megapixels now i'm doing this just for an instagram size this is not a print size you will have to mess around with things differently and also you want to consider not doing print size unless you're commissioned to because i'm not selling this so i'm using images that aren't mine if you do want to sell that you will have to find a way to get that kind of licensing this is just for fun and i want to state that in the comments section but i'm also going to state that in this video that this is purely for fun for education and how i do things so now that i've got that just hit enter and it takes me straight to it now here's the fun part it's finding the image i want to edit um and really like just like any of them i've done it's always kind of off the cuff for me um so i like this one i'm just gonna pick a couple and see what i come up with i'm really liking this white jersey i know that saints typically have wear black but i'm going to do a white jersey edit now that i'm looking at it so what i'm going to do is take this one save image just put it on desktop for now naming convention in this case i would say is not as important because i'm not working with a ton of images here but i will advise you that if you are i would highly highly recommend you work with uh good naming conventions and file management let me go back to advanced image search because it allows me to just continue to kind of look at the same thing so i'm going to keep this simple i'm going to say concrete wall i'm going to go for something kind of grungy and abstract rather than um you know like something on the field that's a good one like i said i love to pick a couple options sometimes you'll hit one and it's like a preview so you don't want to you don't want to use that but i like this first one so now we're going to hop into photoshop and the first thing i do is always set my size in this case since i know i'm doing it for kind of an instagram size i'm going to do it by 1200 by 1200 square with a 300 dpi then what i've already saved it the way i want it so what i'm going to do i like to work off of black background because i love a lot of contrast and it's just my preference always do guides for me i always do my center point even if that's not where everything lands that gives me an idea of where to go so now it's as simple as dropping stuff in but before we get to that we have to cut out our player so here's where it gets tricky because i could sit here and pen tool it but i know a lot of people who crank these out really quickly so i'm going to show you what i do instead sometimes this works sometimes it doesn't you really have to be patient with it i'm going to do select subject now let it think and it did a pretty good job because of the depth of field of the image he is pretty separated from the background even with the colors kind of meshing i see some spots so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go and spot check those normally i do this a mouse but again i'm trying to keep it simple so pen tool is your friend you can use a lasso tool i just prefer it and honestly with these edits i don't go super super crazy on like how clean it is unless i'm like trying to capture like hair so i'm gonna do this part and i'm just going to speed through and kind of get some of his stuff and there we go i did a pretty good edit there so i'm going to hide the background and with this layer selected i'm going to create a mask and boom we have no background so before i add in the other one this is my main subject so i'm going to focus on adding him so we can just go ahead and close out of that and i'm going to drop him in first because he's the subject and that's what i want to focus on i always keep things as a smart object because that way i can go back and edit it later and that's another reason why i did it as a psd so let's say maybe i 50 him to be kind of a bigger subject so let's do seventy-five no that's too big cool you know just play it by ear pull you know mess around some so you see what you like i like that angle i mean just hair smaller i'm already thinking of using a different subject now that i have this in place i love how this looks so you know what i know i said i was gonna do a black background but honestly now that i'm looking at the white jersey this is the thing is like you kind of get inspired as you're going even if you know what you're doing but that's why i wanted to do this off the cuff so now same so now i want to add my texture in so let us add the concrete scale it the reason why i'm not so normally this would be a great chance for me to tell you what key commands i'm using but because i've been doing this for so long and i i have workflow that i like um you know i like to create key commands that don't make sense to anyone else but me stuff that's scary so i use scale a lot at work when i'm doing this so it's helpful to have that option so then i'll drop that you'll notice i also made sure that i renamed it to concrete instead of whatever the blurb from the seo text from google search came from now i'm going to do is i mean i don't like those colors i'm going to keep it black and white add a gradient map on top shift it to color and it's a little too much concrete so let's play with the opacity let's pull it all the way down and just kind of creep it back in because i wanted to be more subtle 25 i like getting it to certain numbers yeah that's good i'm already envisioning like i went into this kind of have any idea but i'm more so showing you the style of what it did so like this the cut is really cool um so i think what i might do before i start like blending i think i'm gonna start blending him in and stuff so let's create a layer mask on him grab a soft brush make it really big and start wiping away his legs maybe not that much so he kind of fades a little bit man i'm just enjoying this like i'm just i'm managing it so quick recap on or a rather a quick divergence on an edit so what i want to do to keep my file manageable i don't need this back well i do need the background image what am i talking about copy old one and group all these in a folder together and call it background you'll notice i get really really retentive about my naming conventions and just keeping it making sense so i think you'll enjoy that once you've taken time so now i want to focus on working on him um let's put him in a folder together because i'm going to do a bunch of edits to adjust his image and do that let's take this layer mask off real quick so now we're going to edit him we can do stuff within this folder and it doesn't affect anywhere else outside so this is a really like light color edit so i kind of want to take a brush put it at 40 and then just start fading them a little bit kind of not making quite so contrasty you know hard edges but without actually fading them let's create this like light effect over him kind of angelic in a way all right starting to separate from the background a little bit i can probably eliminate some of the stuff on this side because you gotta think about your light source so i'm going to have his light source coming from the right to the left i really dig that so again ak so i know where it is white accent you don't have to do everything all caps i'm just lazy i'm doing that right now um go back to the background and we're going to add a little bit of shadow him again we're not going for super realism and i'm not particularly going for a specific look here off the top of my head i'm just improvising and i want you guys to kind of vibe with me so aka shadow so now that i've added him there now i'm going to do inside shadow set it to multiply i should have done that with the white accent but i actually want it to be like actually a pure white effect make him darker on this side because that's where the shadow is go back over here the same thing make it make sense it's kind of cool yeah i think this is a good base so far but now i want to fill some of the space so now we need to make it pop a little bit more up here a little here it's so far so good on a good edit but i'm not entirely convinced so what i'm going to do is i want to do ak so i'm just going to work with fonts i have but you can always go on to find some free fonts you can also purchase fonts um if you're looking for something specific but what i'm going to do is i'm going to do ak i'm going to do it in this gold color to start make it automatically all caps and always do like a ridiculous size first just to kind of see what it looks like take my type tool that's not a bad one to start never go wrong with impact let's see sans serif i know it's going to be a sans serif for sure a lot of options i'm going to do something tall that's what i definitely want to do or at least not like super wide something condensed sometimes the sorting can be a little issue and i i have a lot of fonts i collect a lot of fonts for many reasons so let us find something kind of tech ooh that's a good one don't necessarily like the grunge hmm you can also play around with placement some again like you'll you'll put something somewhere to start and then you'll start moving it away so i'm either thinking something up here or down here because i kind of want to do the stripes like on what's on his shoulder somewhere i'm actually thinking about doing it here so i'm thinking to start put this here and bonus points i would say go and find hex codes if you're working on like a sports edit go and find the hex codes of that team but if you're heavily editing the image i'd rather you go with what's there so i'm going to take this make a duplicate underneath it i'm going to go with not quite black maybe like a darker gray somewhere here just kind of bring it in frame oh yeah that pops i love that okay text so let's look real quick because this is something i like to use a lot let's say so this is the color rush so let's say you could do the helmet one but i want to include the gold so let's say saints color rush jersey if i'm not mistaken yep it's black and gold stripes only oh yeah i like how it is on the pants but i also like it there so to be safe what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a stripe with a box tool so we'll start with black actually no we're gonna start with this dark gray because i don't want it to necessarily be pure black do one stripe here it doesn't matter that it goes over duplicate it them next to each other actually also eliminate the stroke i don't need the stroke if you have snap to guys this will work but sometimes my snap can be a little weird so i'm just gonna rely on eyeball i wouldn't always recommend it oh yeah and then at least do three stripes i think we might it's i'm either gonna do two three or four i'm thinking it's gonna be the three but i like to group these together so i'm gonna group them together call it stripe and this is gonna be behind everyone so put it back in the background put it behind this ak yeah that's already good at it that's already a good tweak i call it a wizard tweak that also helps fill up that space a little bit i also have another way i could do it but what i'm gonna do is for the sake of this i'm gonna duplicate the concrete put it over like this set it to maybe multiply or color burn just do color burn and up it a little bit oh that's fresh i like that see and now i want to kind of eliminate this white pop a little bit so we'll keep that sometimes i'll do multiple versions of that so let's do white pop two because now i might introduce gold so this white pop i'm going to do here and maybe down here and then do gold pop notice i have the text on top of everything because i'm not i don't want to necessarily miss this maybe you screen so it's not so dark ooh girl let's do it really big ah yes it's all coming together now so let's um let's create a little bit of shadow here underneath the stripes or on top of the stripes sorry so i'm gonna actually move big ak under here because this way the the oh well yeah so this way the stripes are there so now we're going to do this bring it down if you want to change brush sizes i highly recommend using your bracket it is a lifesaver oh yeah i like that boom already pretty dope now we're going to do something a little bit unorthodox i did this before with a hockey edit previously so i'm going to do i'm going to take ak here merge him i know i know and i'm going to take my selection tool or actually it's not here here we go all right a single column a lot of the accents more on the shoulder so i'm going to take that back find my selection and i really like it here this is just improvising now i've got a pixel that's this long so now we're gonna scale it let's call this pixel because it is literally a pixel wide oops nope we want to do just this way oh yeah that's kind of cool this may look like garbage but we'll see i'm gonna make this really long so i can just kind of mess with it how i want create a smart object so you can always rescale it later maybe flip it on its side could have just done 90 degrees let's take that the background let's put it over the stripe see see if we like this better than the solid make the same width too that's pretty cool it's very unique i actually kind of like how sharp it is um might even eliminate some of it let's take it 100 it's all about messing around finding what you like delete my ear mask might even just do it sideways ooh actually not as big of a fan let me put it under aka see how it looks oh that's not bad i think maybe get rid of it here and there what i can do is always put it in another group folder and edit out specifically like i don't want him to show up in it yeah so now we can bring this back and start fading a little put the concrete back on top of this too with the black and white oh yeah that's a nice little edit there so now i gotta figure out what to do with the text because i'm pretty close to how i want it let's call this over this is my kind of like main subject um maybe what the best thing to do would be taking the text and kind of accentuating that not sure i really know how i want to pop it so maybe i can edit and just kind of move it back into frame almost like the stripes but we're going to do it low opacity maybe motion blur it zero degrees that's kind of cool maybe let's do a different setting screen color dodge normal color burn there we go it's a little tacky not a big fan i like it just kind of as is so there's one more thing i got to do i'm going to hide my text i'm going to do it very intentionally what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a make a new layer to apply image just as is convert to a smart object now we're going to do some camera raw fun so finally the camera raw so now that we have that layer we're going to go to filter camera raw filter so for those of you who are familiar with lightroom this should feel very similar but since i'm working in photoshop i don't necessarily want to go back and forth we're not going to do a lot here mostly just want to accentuate the sharpness a little bit in certain places so let's bring down highlights a little bring up shadows a little bit oops that's not shadows that's shadows bring up whites bring down blacks you can do texture or you can do clarity i know a lot of people go heavy clarity so i'm gonna do a little clarity maybe do 30 bring my texture up to 20. you're really starting to get some you can also mess with your dehaze because it kind of light look but i'm going to do just slightly over about the saturation down a little bit but before i print up i'm just kind of messing with it to taste more contrast basic so now we want to do detail i want to get the sharpening too much just a little bit um color mixer now here's where we can go in and get rid of other stuff so like i don't need any green any blue any purple any magenta oh that's saturation i knew that kind of mess with some see see how that orange is kind of different slide the orange to be more similar make it a little more gold more red saturation greens gone blue our aqua's gone blue gone purple gone you're gone you're gone uh if you don't see anything yeah i don't see any red subtle mess of that up the gold yellow up down orange a little bit luminance bump up the orange pop-up yellow i mean good and i'm really liking that so just to show as is with no filtering this is just how i cut it together boom throw the text on top and since this is we've messed with the color some now i'm going to ink drop for a more accurate color that fits this final edit before i call it a day i might actually make this a little bit darker maybe bump it down to nah i like it like that and boom we are done so just to show a quick recap of each layer two so we have our background you know what everything is there's the stripe there's ak in the back there's all the fades over this has hem plus some pop in it the smart object version of the camera raw and adding the text boom now you could put your signature somewhere you could put that but honestly just like whatever but this is how i kind of do more like off the cuff sports edit in reality honestly everything i do unless i find a very specific inspiration is very off the cuff so i'd like to thank you guys so much for checking out this kind of windy off the cuff sports edit tutorial in photoshop because that's just how my creativity flows when i'm doing photoshop projects unless i have a very very specific project in mind or outcome it's always kind of like a all right well what looks best what am i picturing in my head you know when i went into this i was thinking about maybe i'll do his black jersey and i'll do some like dark edit stuff and i was like man those white color brushes look great so i popped together those images and created something completely different from what i was picturing originally so that's the fun in it and i want you guys to kind of not only see just a tutorial like all right click this enter this value do this anyone can do that but i want you to kind of see how how it happens when you're doing a more creative process so if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit me with a subscribe hit a thumbs up and comment down below if you want to see any more tutorials like this what you thought and if you have any similar edits please send them to me i'd love to check them out and chat you guys out so thank you so much once again and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Kennon Pearson
Views: 19,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, tutorial, photoshop tutorial, how to, how to photoshop, sports, sports edit, nfl, football, nfl football, new orleans saints, alvin kamara, alvin kamara highlights, how to make a sports edit, dope sports edit, dope, edit, photoshop edit
Id: F24rMLrXLZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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