21 Confirmed Tornadoes Destroyed The Neighborhood!!

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it's not good is it and there's my overhead door boys [Music] [Music] well once again chip everybody else is doing other stuff and i don't know if you know but we had a lot of storm damage the other night and we had to dig out the old generator from the hog days couldn't believe it after it worked so mom and dad had power oh there's mom she's scared of you guys so but the door on the old shop has blown in on the bottom i don't know if you can see it but it is hanging by the cable which when the rails tore off the side of the building the bottom two panels blew in to the building springs pulled up on the bottom panels and then we have what we have now the only question is how are we going to fix that up and how do we get all this stuff out of the way so that we can get up there to release all of the spring tension but we got some guys coming to do that for us so out of alexandria viking door you know shameful plug for them but it is what it is appreciate their helping want to take you oh down there but there's some serious damage there along with all the shingles on the old garage and on the south side of the house it was a south wind so pretty much every farm yard around this whole area has severe damage to it and uh well we were wondering what to do being the fields were too wet to plant in well now we got stuff due trees buildings oh the wind came in when them bottom panels flew out the wind comes in yeah look at that the old atticol opened right up shot that thing straight up in there that's up there somewhere and that's the way most buildings lose their roofs in my opinion is when you have an open when you have an opening on the end of a building or you lose a door all that wind comes straight into the building the wind has nowhere to go but up and out and that's goodbye to your roof so the wind actually came in and it actually pushed this door out kinking the panels so i'm gonna guess two new doors by the time it's all over stay tuned we'll just walk around quick i'm waiting killing some time for for the door company to get here but uh you can see it wasn't good all the old buildings back there the few that we had left are in a pile a few pieces of it went through the side window of the brand new tractor i'll take you in and show you that it's just lovely thank goodness the old top air sprayer survived as far as we know i should look that over closer yeah i have never seen the window so clean in my life right oh man display there yeah oh i'm sure john deere's got a bunch of them laying around right not a shortage of them no no trouble getting that ordered i bet what a mess what an absolute mess look out where you sit and uh you might want to wear shoes so yeah the display and everything else 2x4 and a piece of 10 was shoved through and wedged in there so i'm sure the side is all scratched up not that that's a big issue but you hate to see something like that on a tractor with i believe i heard heard him say there was six hours on it yeah six hours she's all jacked up she's got battle scars six hours into its life i think i'm yakking and carrying on again let's go look at the old shed huh not looking good well i always wish those things would not be there when i was a kid and would shoot well we had our bb guns out here and those skylights they were always yeah i always had to be careful hang on ah oh that spot looks pretty good can't even tell there was something there but here oh look at here the old 70 got a little washing last night yeah that's lovely grandpa's crap survived pretty good set of camel class combine tracks back there no gear box in them that's the other older style anybody need them well we got them for sale the old dryer shed that's what kind of fell apart and took off and wrecked the window no damage to the cold storage building thank goodness i don't know i'd like to think uh it's because it's steel steel structure but when it gets so windy like that everything can only take so much real question is how about sweet corn it was still underground sleeping mom's evergreen she's pretty sad what you gonna do i'm not certain how many years ago it hasn't been too terribly many that we shingled that house about this time a couple of neighbors were all planting and dad told us we have got to shingle the house and we're like are you kidding it's spring oh we shingled the house well i took them right down to the wood we're gonna have to get up there and put some tar paper and i don't know maybe we could put a bunch of red shingles do they make red shingles we could put it up there like a big big bloody wound the cat house up here though that's that's really in trouble the poor cats i cannot believe this yellow tank did not take off we had just cleaned the inside of it out it's sitting here empty it did push it up into the trailer but it's uh it's stayed here otherwise that thing would have been over in two counties away oh i wonder what them cats were thinking when when that storm hit can you see them just running around in there they may be all abandoned ship nothing in there run for your lives this might get to be a lot of walking and talking yeah this barn got a little rough with the roof but the grain bends there's some issues you know i didn't even realize this what i tell you and then it lays right there 100 mile an hour wind or 85 whatever and it just laid it right there now we'll just pack that back on there too tack it back on what we call the new farrowing survived without any problems i believe but i don't know if you can see that green then that's punched in that's ruined that one's full so that survived or that would have left also i don't know we were gonna we weren't going to tell you guys but we've been busy all spring long staying busy and uh i do know that if we wouldn't have done what we did where i'm standing would have been all over that mile of field but we've been working taking down this finishing barn removing that and i'll guarantee you with that open front that open front building would have been roof gone there's our wet bin it's not good is it and there's my overhead door boys yeah it also took the downspout one of them two of them are tore down took one later on top of the electrical shack destroying the rafters poking a hole through it so we've got major damage and you can see right up there right there the other other spout has totally caved in on top of the 48-foot bed and that has corn in it yet too so we have got one big mess how can i get a boy trapped i got to get up and talk to them boys but we got more parts laying all around here than now that's supposed to be up there along with the bend roof that's supposed to be on the weapon along with the missing ceiling in the grain shack oh yeah yeah oh it fell in that this big structure here that come through here uh-huh i'd have loved to been in here when that was going on oh i'll be back hang tight as long as i'm walking back up here i'll show you the west what we call the west sioux bend it's supposed to be round you know that is now junk that there is the neighbors grain ben he lost everyone they were not used and haven't been used for quite a few years but they're all down all over the yard shingle problems one's laying in the drainage ditch yeah that's well maybe the beavers have gonna upgrade to a steel building steel structure ah the beavers in the water is so wet the water's so wet it's so wet the beavers have decided to build out of steel now i don't know if you see all the high line poles yeah they're taking a break laying down on the job we're preparing to be out of electricity for several days um it's just the way it's going to be i guess this time usually if we're out for a few hours that's it but when you got multiple high line poles down and it's just going to be a while so i've got a generator going at my place i actually got up really early this morning and done a carb job to it it hadn't ran for like 20 25 years and uh we got her going and uh the deep freeze and all the refrigerators are doing what they're doing at my place now now i gotta get over to my brothers and see if he's even rigged up to run a generator but first i'm gonna show you what's left of this what we call the east farm or fred's that didn't survive so good i just don't want to think about cleaning all this up i spent a lot hours in that thing throughout the more youthful years of my life along with the owner of this property that spent i'm sure equal amount but you can see it is all wrapped here's where the 10 000 bushel bail and ben sat i suppose when that thing took off i pretty much took out the end of the shed wrecking wrecking everything push push the building off the foundation i wonder what's left of our equipment in there if you're wondering why i'm driving my 99 it's because i've got the generator in my orange pickup and i'm planning on just driving that pickup around to different farm yards or our residents and uh not having to unload it so me and the 99 are you okay are you okay good night definitely going to need to straighten that up the old hog trailer survived wilson hop at the bottom you okay oh man ain't too bad okay more skylights out building has definitely been pushed to the north you can see the poles are crooked now the door it it is it's not doing that it's being unruly otherwise it's kind of in one piece but well a few of the pieces are in different places okay yeah yeah there used to be a house there that's gone and that tree used to stand straight up and down not slackery oh i gotta get the randy's we gotta figure out if we can get some electricity to his deep freeze hang on well there they go got the old shop door all fixed up unreal best service ever so highly recommend going checking out alec uh garage door garage door alec biking door viking garage door there you got it out of alexandria minnesota but they're awfully busy so but you get what you pay for the busy people are the good people oh and by the way the guys were out here and checked out a grain bands and they told me the top of the east su-ban riff is also caved in which i didn't even notice but so i'm afraid we're in big trouble for storage of the crop this fall but maybe we won't even get more than half of the crop planted at the rate that this is all going yeah that's where the roof is or part of the roof from the wet van oh boy taking all the grain bands let's see one two three four five six seven oh boy i see a shed door we oh no the shed doors have been yeah the upper top there oh yeah not saying a word oh miscellaneous pieces oh state farm just started singing the song no that is not a lake that is a field it's all messed up i don't know i've never noticed that before but if you look real close all the tin is puckered something bad shed did the shed twist i wouldn't know if the whole shed is pushed same thing there look out now for your eyes i can't tell uh you didn't see them trees growing there some more we haven't finished any carpenters around anybody want to do some carpentry work i think if you come on down to minnesota here you could oh there's no shingles on the whole house is that an exaggeration uh it's not much of one third of them are gone oh look at the outhouse play toy shed building i better not film that that's not my house oh i drove over the power line yeah you should always be careful of what you drive over i'm going back home okay we're uh coming up on my house and i got generator running in my pickup that i was not gonna unload because i thought we were gonna need to take it to all of our residents to uh keep everybody's refrigerators and deep freezes going but we have been my brother bought a brand new one so that he's got one for his place and yeah and look at here that if you can see up there and towards the sun yeah that was the that was the boys treehouse which was not safe to be in anymore but now it's down on the ground so amy's gonna have mo around that well you know i suppose i'll pick it up look at her out there picking sticks yeah she thumbs ups i don't think i thumb up it oh my gosh your table is gone oh boy table's gone get now do you want to give a thumbs up on the brick or the stone on the house well it's expensive but i will let you know that that is a 100 different home from what it was when we just had cement board siding on there in a storm like that we were definitely in the basement not that we shouldn't have been but that thing don't move no more definitely yeah can't hardly hear the rain anymore but we survived a storm with no shingle damage and as you know mom and dad did not survive as well and randy did not i think that's got some damage oh yeah okay well this is the mess yeah firewood anybody need any firewood i gotta check the big generator it is okay this is getting all too long for this whole thing sorry chet but that's what happens when you're not around watching me and uh the deck they're coming they're gonna show up i think next week so and that thing didn't move yesterday neither perfect awesome out there staying there so yeah that that used to be our wet band that was supposed to have a roof on it and the way we got over to the wet band was we crawled out there went across the platform which used to be attached there went over to another platform that went over to the wet bin up to the roof back down to the center of the roof to the other walkway which now carelessly just dangles from the other bin over there and then uh we're also missing the downspout from the distributor up there to the top of that bin and of course the downspout to the top of the wet bin one of them lays there on top of the electrical shack i sure hope you can hear me and the other one lays here and is also sticking out of the other side of the roof there uh how can that even happen some sort of uh near schnapp yeah and that's also part of the roof from the wet bed so that's caved in the roof of the west 48 10 20. totally destroyed the roof of ben 21 here and then we hope that all that stays hanging on and doesn't come crashing down so oh there's a lot of damage lots of damage and this here that's not right no more neither hell do you want to look down in there i would imagine that how many inches of rain do you think actually funnel down into there down into the corn how many inches and the bin the bed is about two-thirds full yet and i've never ever dealt with anything like this of having water actually introduced into the green in the band so i would imagine that we maybe better do some emergency hauling because that just can't be good here's the bell i think you're making a shadow so they can't see the sign oh oh now i'm making the shadow i don't know you guys can read this what's it say amy well it said it was made in st louis missouri and it's for the lutheran church at long lake swift county minnesota made in 1891 this bell which i'm glad they put over here i think the um bell tower was falling apart and they took the bell out didn't they yeah long lake church i believe is what they called it and it was fallen or disrepaired they wanted to get the bail out a few years ago so they built the structure to hold that and now the big windstorm well here you go did not survive so more damage wooden floor so the whole structure sat merely you could say on the rock foundation sitting above the dirt just a few inches the pulpit that survived well it didn't really yeah no it's still intact do you think this is allowed i don't know we'll find out i suppose all right anybody's welcome in the lord's house in the church of course think of the people that were married in here and buried well they weren't buried in there now they weren't there you guys know what i mean why don't you take the people in there with you i'm not going in there no you can do it oh wow how you doing there's been reports that they rescued rescued the statue out of the so the storm was last what thursday night and now it is saturday so i think everybody's been at home at their own homes trying to get the trees cleaned up buildings you just wouldn't believe the mess well i'm sure some of you know exactly what it's like but i've never seen anything like it everywhere the ends oh let's help such a wide spread damage yeah i don't think they've had services here for many many years special occasion things but they usually had a yearly memorial day service here i think they were just gonna get ready for it yeah another one gone well we just thought we would show you that a little bit less of the community ready amy [Music] you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 459,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z_h9I1zajXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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