Worlds Sexiest Lawn Mower

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dang ladies check out that new shed and that old shrub that I need to yank out [Music] you okay all right morning girls are you having cereal on the floor you want me to bring your red bike to the campground okay Brandon you want to show people how that that thing right there is not actually a bedpan and it's a gymnastics machine let's see it here we go whoo I cannot do that you got play-doh Island some really good fan who loves you sent you a broom why are you hiding you don't like the camera any more than did Brannon don't wreck eyelas broom and watch out for onyx is fishing stuff he's getting ready for a big weekend as I mentioned before in a recent video feel free to send us some stuff the address is in the description but I just can't possibly respond to all of it and I apologize for that and that goes for the same for the messages and the emails and everything else I get thank you to the fans so much but I can't possibly take the time to respond to all of them I'd be going nonstop on that yeah I can talk yeah so American public media actually surveyed a thousand people all the way across the country and what they found was that Americans actually eighty-five percent of Americans believe and understand that water plays a very critical role in their lives but what they also found is that most people don't actually understand what it means to have clean water and how we control that and how water is affected by certain practices and so when we dug deeper into it I'm going to be handing off all the long lawn lawn mowing responsibilities tonics this summer and he's driven the zero turned before but our grass just kind of reached the point where it actually needs to be mowed because we live in Minnesota and I've only mode one time this year so far so I'm gonna run through a a crash course so he remembers exactly what he's doing and how to stay safe and then I'm gonna cut him loose cuz he needs to mow you got that get this lawn mowed boy so it's really stupid you know the safety procedures noodles all here let's do the key forward not a problem no we did not use the jumper wire under the seat see all these dandelions I hate them and I know exactly how to obliterate them dang look at that new LP tank and that old pontoon there she is the dandelion killer I got a hook this to the old mower and then this baby is ready to rock hair cardboard box delivery showed up I'm trying to drink less energy drinks and hopefully it's gonna be a long hot summer so we we ordered some water just a little bit get us through for the time being look at that looks a little empty without logos but it doesn't stand out as like as much of a sore thumb as I thought it would now we got order of the logos yeah but look so we got a we have a used hood for sale boy I wish had caught that on camera it was like a it was like a cold start video very impressed oh there we go what happened to this thing I'm just gonna check the oil just you know in case it might be low for some reason look at the head stuff hanging in the air I might have to call the EPA the dipstick says giver dad's load the trucks onyx mowing lawn come on camera pick it up there what's deal there I think you've closed the truck monix more lon okay one step I knew it oh here we go it's a little bit concerning but I don't want dandelions in my lawn that it's so satisfying are you done onyx blonds all finished I don't know how you did that twice as fast as I ever have I might have to inspect it a bit later how's Ana's uh how's their little thing doing there we don't know what she got into fight with but she's healing up she doesn't seem to mind she was all tough about it the tank is clean the filters are clean the nozzles are good put a throw a little grease at this lawnmower this thing clearly needs a little bit of attention all right the first thing we got here is a set of spindles up front that probably haven't seen grease since about 1998 so for that I'm gonna do what every good mechanic would do and I'm going to use this WD 40 specialist superior performance true multi-purpose grease oh look more grease zerks now for anybody who's wondering John Deere actually recommends that you grease both the spindles and the mower deck more than once every 20 years but I mean we don't need to get into the finer details the other thing I got here the next thing is I'm going to use this WD 40 specialist electrical contact cleaner spray on the battery the starter all the connections on here you can use this stuff on anything including circuit boards and precision instruments doesn't leave a film it's a good stuff also comes with the handy dandy like spray it this way or or spray we're sprayed this way I'm gonna give that a chance to dry and then I'm gonna put some corrosion inhibitor on there as everybody knows around this farm we like to take care of our electrical connections because we don't like it when machines don't start okay and that doesn't happen often around here so so we're taking care of like the connections and the batteries and because we don't want to run during an issue where we're gonna need a battery charger once in a while dry and clean it up next step WD 40 specialist long-term corrosion inhibitor keep those terminals clean for a long long time it's like a brand-new machine this baby is ready for the next nice day when we don't have a 30 mile an hour wind going on out there then we'll get rid of our dandelions little too far dee smokes of all you guys want to know a fun fact here and this is serious I'm dead serious about this farmers Business Network for which most of you know I am a member of and a big supporter of and we got 95% of our AG chemicals from them last December and saved a lot of money my account so my regional guy my regional rep called me a few days ago and said hey just to let you know you've got an almost $500 credit on your account okay what what's that for because one of these chemicals I haven't logged into the account yet to see which one it is but one of these chemicals that I bought through fbn the price on it actually went down and fbn didn't have to pay as much for it as what they thought they were going to have to and they passed that savings on to me now I don't know how many of the farmers out there if that's the way your supplier works when the price goes down they credit your account because you paid too much for it but I don't work with many suppliers that do that I did not know fbn did that pretty pretty happy with that so I got 500 bucks back already off the money that I saved from buying through them if anybody's interested in becoming a member themselves use me as a reference there's a link in the description and you can save yourself a hundred dollars on a membership I would at least check into it contact your local rep but remember if you want to save 100 bucks and you do sign up you got to mention me but talk to your rep see how they can help you they don't just sell seed and chemicals the transparency they offer the health insurance the marketing the hedging that kind of stuff check into it man they offer a lot right now I'm being told the next thing I need to do is run to the office in the house and check the most recent video that Becky just finished editing but first I want to check the fans on the bean bins make sure they're running right we've got those going just to push some air through the beans right now dry them down just a hair more all is good I just want to make sure they're all on and the air is going in because they move on the river and we don't want that [Music] hi Rhiannon what are you doing um nothing hanging out with honor are you bored little worms oh let's check it out oh those are just the seeds kind of crazy huh videos all good that's gonna be uploaded and we got a package to go car parts in the mail I love getting racecar stuff in the mail I'll head out soon and show you guys what the beans and corn are looking like around here but first I got a conference call it could be a long one it's important mighty mighty important so is that something that you guys are looking at doing immediately or within the next year or two hey the Sun came out stayed windy but the Sun is out dark off to the east but I don't I don't care about that now that's gone let's head to the fields and I'll show you guys what our crops look like before Randy gets here to do an off the yeah off off the husk episode you coming with on it now is check it out we've got soybeans nothing of our soybeans none of our soybeans got damaged from frost at all we did have some freezing temps go through a few nights ago but there were no soybeans up at the time everything's good when it comes to freezing temps having soybeans up is a little bit scary but everything looking really good so far soybeans are are looking great we could actually use a little bit of rain there is some forecasted for later this week it would be excellent to get some because we haven't really had much measurable rain really no measurable precip since middle of winter so we could use some we're we're starting to get dry cool beans corn we got corn this stuff out here was really lucky because it was small enough when the freezing weather came through the freezing temps none of this has any damage on it we do have some corn that got a little bit of damage but it didn't I don't even think it'll really set it back it twisted up a couple of leaves corn is not such a big risk not nearly as big a risk because the growing point is below the soil and so freezing temps overnight for a little bit even if it does freeze with it's an inch or two tall they're growing points below the soil it'll catch up it'll be fine I would much rather have my corn in earlier and let the stuff freeze then just start planting now so we're sitting pretty man all we need is the heat that we've gotten this week and pretty soon we're gonna need a rain we're not too dry yet but but pretty soon otherwise man this has been one of the best Springs so far other than the cold we're good we're golden we're beautiful all good things [Music] hey by the way class of 2020 right there that's our nice Aurora for those who have followed closely that is our niece who has lived with us now for several years she officially graduated high school yesterday and Aurora I'm going to do the old guy thing like the super lame thing definitely not the lid thing and I'm going to just let you know that we are extremely proud of you and we love you very much and congratulations on graduating high school I did that once one last thing before I start tinkering around here in the shop while I wait for Randy to show up for an episode of off the husk last year last summer myself and farm focused which is my apparel company I go through we worked with farmer veteran coalition what that group does is help us veterans who want to be involved in farming maybe start some sort of a farm business helps them get into it they're doing a huge push right now to raise funds for their fellowship program where they actually help veterans who have a business model and a business plan and want to get into it they help them make a purchase that will ultimately help their business and and they are raising money for that I personally know a guy who got a Kubota tractor out of that deal and and that was through the through farmer veteran coalition he's a veteran of the u.s. here and they helped him get that tractor and man his business as far as I know was going really great from from what I hear of it but they are doing a big push if you're interested in helping you can go to farm vet cocom we Becky will put a link down below in the description with that I'm gonna kick it off by saying Becky and I are gonna donate $1000 right up front right off the bat we are gonna write a check to farmer veteran coalition for a thousand bucks and we're gonna kick that off and they actually had 450 applicants this year four hundred and fifty US veterans who applied for this thing they only have enough funding to give that to a very very small portion of them and so they want to push and help out as many US veterans as they can so we're throwing in a thousand bucks if you guys want to donate whatever a dollar I'm sure they'd take it so check out farmer veteran coalition links down below let's get those guys let's help those guys out get some some farm started here through the the hard work of the veterans of this country when it give you a fuel line that will hold an extra gallon of gas and shave a half-inch off you and shape you like a bullet Days of Thunder anybody Delmer Randy's coming over yep I need four bacon cheeseburger baskets with fries and a cheese pizza [Music] you can check out the OP the husband - thanks for watching everybody
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 944,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mn millennial farmer, millennium farmer 2020, #peoplegottaeat, mn farmer, millennium farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, off the husk, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer funny, john deere, farming, tractors, farming simulator 19, lawn mower, john deere lawn mower, tractor, lawn tractors, the millennialf farmer, dairy farm, millennial farmer equipment, john deere tractors, tractors stuck in mud, John deere 9620rx
Id: R3ctnJxXbJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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