Do Dad and I ever Fight or get Irritable?

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hey everybody just wanted to take a moment to thank simply safer sponsoring this video video it's video i don't know where he got that weird accent howdy hannah [Music] well today is kind of a a gloomy one it's uh it's actually early afternoon already but nothing dried overnight and it's really not drying very quickly today without the sun but dad is down at the rock picker now he just got down there so i'm going to grab the 6175 and a chain so we can yank out some old fence posts and we're going to head down there and work on that fence line toss this in our chain transportation apparatus and now we'll get the dog all fired up remember on a 1 million subscribers and then this seat this is all yours no sense in carrying a box blade with me yep no i kind of i just kind of drove around the field and grabbed what i saw but i was looking more for moisture around the field than anything and then i just i got three bucket loads off the fence line well that's just it yeah we could get that piece but then go why don't you head to the to the west end of the 120 there and see what you think over there so the first thing i'm going to do is head down down over here pull a couple of fence posts out that i wasn't able to yank out by hand dad's up there in the rock picker doing a little more picking and then i'm gonna go up by the township road there see if i can push some little scrub trees down that they cut a few years ago but it's like it just made them mad and they just grew back thicker so we'll try and push some of those out of the way because otherwise they just grow up into the power lines and into our crop and they're a mess [Music] this one's in pretty good shape it hasn't been here that long but nobody put it there i didn't try to pull it out yesterday because i thought maybe somebody wanted it there but it doesn't appear that way that wasn't so bad if this pin this pin will go through right there be perfect yeah that'll work good but i don't i think it i didn't figure it needed to be too heavy it shouldn't be well there's two of them i'm actually quite embarrassed that i couldn't think that one out by hand don't tell anybody i had years of pulling offense well i had the old man teach me how to wrap a chain around a fence post and it turns out i did it exactly the way he taught me so he admitted it at least that i did it correctly just one of those miscommunications he he thought it didn't look like i did it right we're going to clean up more fence line now i think we should move some of these rocks and gain another 100 feet here obviously we're not going to eliminate this pile this one up here i gotta come from the other angle because my front tires can't climb that still didn't get it i'll knock it down the hill for dad to grab no running a lever to run the bucket while running the camera with my other hand and trying to steer and running the brakes and the clutch it requires more arms and feet than i actually have he got it i did a little bit more scratching to try to eliminate the shelf between the two fields here just to level it off and then tomorrow we'll come by with some tillage also was pretty sure there'd be some more big rocks underneath here but it appears as though it's pretty clean this will level off nicely just got to get rid of some more of this stuff right here it's a lot whiter over there than you expected you might change these two days ago yeah there's definitely still frost coming up but i think that's what i was seeing yesterday in areas like that it's it's just like it's it's coming up as fast as it can dry so it just stays wet on top you're getting going in the lower ground with black dirt that looks dry maybe we need to try blackfield maybe the sun's warming them up quicker it is kind of weird how that sandy kind of hillside over there is is wet as wet or wetter than the black areas yeah and right now i'm driving through an area where you can see where the water was standing it just pulled dry down here and even a little touch with inconsistency like that it's got to be frost coming up yet yeah but it sure is i we can't go tomorrow well then we have to see what happens sunday but we probably won't be planting until next week so it looks kind of [Applause] boy there's a lot of these little trees here this isn't really the machine to do it one at a time is it well i was able to dig out a few of these trees but going to the west there there's so many of them it would take me a long time with this tractor and it really doesn't have the lifting power to yank them out by the roots anyway so we're gonna probably bring the skid steer down here sometime and yank them out we got kind of a scissors pincher deal that skid loader wouldn't have any problem yanking the whole tree out by the roots but i think right now [Music] since this field is wetter again than we were hoping i think we're going to uh head north and actually burn a brush pile on some trees that we took down about a year ago that should be dry enough to go now what do you think should i bring the loader home or do we just leave it here for now i think we could do it either way if we bring it home it's not here yeah that that would make a lot of sense it wouldn't it yeah yeah you're right yeah this tractor cruises at about 27 28 miles per hour anyway so i'm gonna bring her home and then it won't be here that might be one of the most profound things i've ever said a few little sprinkles on the windshield there are some showers in the area but nothing big i don't think there's enough around the area to hurt anything but uh but there's some here looks like in about 48 hours we've got more rain coming dtn is saying around an inch that's not going to help our situation as far as trying to get in the field very much we're in a burning ban you've got a permit online a couple days ago in the state of minnesota dnr says we're in a burning ban the sheriff's office so they don't know why but they can't do anything about it well you can see the neighbors rolling smoke over there pretty good i've seen several fires around i shouldn't have called them dnr can do what they want huh right here common sense though so we can't burn a pile of trees that are in a swamp in the middle of a field when the wind's in the right direction of low school where it needs to go and i suppose if we just did it now they'd know that you called i don't know probably i mean we can edit this out if we decide to just do it i love a message she's supposed to call me back they gave me a lady to call she's not going to call you she won't call back what do you think dogs is that a bunch of bs yep i think so too the neighbors are definitely burning i don't blame them i'd be out there doing the same if i could what do you do i'm gonna run up to the house quick and grab you something i got something for you look at all that dry gravel [Music] new shirt that we had made with farmfocus you guys can uh check out the link below you go to or to our website we actually got several new pieces on there that we just added including what might be my new favorite t-shirt here it's got the old school on it got the minneapolis moline on it i think that's a sweet shirt they sent the sample in your size so you got the very first the very first make fertilizer affordable again t-shirts okay we've decided we better not push our luck and go burn up there so it's uh it's almost 4 30 now i'm just gonna do some other stuff probably mostly important stuff it's that one video per month where i take a minute here and tell you about our simply safe security system we order what we want they send it directly to our home you unbox it it's easy to figure out how to install it all how to set the sensors around your house and it's easy to download the app put it right on your phone they've got all kinds of different uh sensors the ones that i really like here are the temperature sensors there i can see what the temperatures are in the shop i've got cameras here in the shop i can watch it live i just heard that one click on up there and you can see and hear two dogs and an idiot right in the middle of our shop right now they've got outdoor cameras that actually really conveniently have solar panels that you can attach to something within the area that connect directly to them that keep the batteries charged those as well you can log on to the app anytime they've got the doorbell cameras if somebody comes to the door rings the doorbell it sends a thing to my phone i can open it up i can talk to the person right there they have got carbon monoxide detectors they've got smoke alarms they've got glass break sensors they've got door sensors so that when people walk through a door it alerts you of that motion sensors you can set those to home or away so it knows whether you're in the house or maybe you're gone and there's not supposed to be any motion in your house the system has 24 7 monitoring so if there's a fire or activity at your house it will alert you it will alert the authorities the local authorities and they will send them directly to your house 24 hours a day seven days a week if you guys are interested right now you can save 20 on your system when you sign up for an interactive monitoring plan and you get your first month for free all you've got to do is go to millennialfarmer which is also linked down below this system will cost you less than a dollar a day you can set it up yourself in like 30 minutes and there are never any long-term contracts you can even try it for 60 days completely free of charge to see if you like it and if you don't you send it back no strings attached simply save on home hello hi there i'm ready to go now if it gets colder too if it gets colder yep you don't mind if i take this out of the dooley that we aren't driving anymore much you can have it yeah it is now the next day here and we were able to get a variance from the county meaning we can go up and burn that pile of brush so that is what we're going to do while we wait for the ground to dry still got those frost spots coming up it's going to take at least another 24 hours before before we're able to really get in and scratch around and i think it looks like in about 36 hours we've got a decent amount of rain coming again for a couple more days well we should be pretty safe to burn here there's not exactly a lot that's going to catch on fire and take off there's our pile of brush we took out about a year ago what's that it's a lot dryer to walk over here okay i got i got boots on anyway i wore these boots so i got to walk through the mud to justify it okay yeah it's actually quite a bit drier out in the field than i expected i kind of thought everywhere would be this shiny black mud but it's drier than i thought so i'm gonna drive a little closer and toss some old cardboard boxes on the pile there got a couple boxes scattered in there i think we're gonna get there [Music] i should have put a gopro right in the middle of that pile that would have made some great footage there's no other inlets down here right other than the one i saw yeah i'm pretty sure so we're clear of that wind makes it hard to start it but it's going to help us carry it through there i think yeah all of this used to sit really really wet and all we did is close a ditch up here that runs for two to three hundred feet over towards the highway we just closed that up and ran some tile along the edges here good to go now we're gonna gain we're gonna gain three or four acres of farmland here plus all the efficiency that comes with that of not having a farm around it and for five acres around the five acres the crops are poor because everything around it is too wet so we're gonna have better crops in five acres and an additional five acres and this will pay for itself really quickly well that went pretty quickly perfect time to burn it the wind direction is just right i forgot to we took those trees down actually several years ago it was last year that we we laid the tile in here but those trees have been piled there for quite a while it doesn't look like much it's hard to tell but there's quite a bit of fire inside there so those should burn up for the next couple of days well that was kind of boring so far it's a whole lot easier than i was expecting it seems to be burning yeah i think we're gonna probably head out of here and let this burn it's about four or five miles from home so we'll check on it every once in a while okay it is another day here and this afternoon it has been incredibly windy and sunny it must be about 70 degrees those trees burned well all night dad actually went up with the loader tractor last night and pushed him around a little bit into a pile again and sounds like they burned really well so he's up there right now with the mendeco actually trying to level some of that off and break up the tree roots i'm gonna take the digger here the field cultivator down south go the opposite direction to get the rock picker so that i can bring it past here go north to the field he's at and get rid of some of those rocks that are there from doing all the drain tiling last year first thing i'm going to want to do is top off with death and diesel because it's about five miles down there which is actually close to our farthest south field so we don't want to bring this thing home again once i bring it down there it's going to be down there to do some work so i gotta have what i need in it i know it causes problems for a lot of guys and it gets expensive i get it but it is annoying do any of you have any opinions on deaf or emissions regulations anybody i've never really seen anybody have any opinion on those kinds of things and just like that in that short 15 to 20 minutes we have lost our sunshine and the clouds are rolling in and according to my weather channel app on my phone there is now a 100 chance of rain this evening so starting in just a few hours here so you know it is what it is five to four that worked up pretty nicely up there was all dry yeah it was all pretty good dry it was kind of lumpy you know but it worked out leveled it out really nice and chewed up those that's good i was a little worried about those willows too i didn't know i always do that and i would get them out of there and they're kind of gone i'm sure i'm headed down now i got the tractor full of death and diesel i saw the clouds i checked my phone it looks like it's gonna rain tonight so maybe it's an okay thing we didn't get everything down there and get moved and get rained out yeah songs are already coming up on radar already no just very little things that are popping up but it it weather channel shows all of a sudden 100 chance of rain tonight i was a little afraid you might say that all right i'll turn it around bring it back okay i think we're both talking here at first i thought i heard you say it was a good thing we didn't have everything down there i thought about it and apparently dad did too but i thought about it made the decision that it doesn't matter if the tractor sits out the yard or sits down in the field five miles away from the rain he would rather have it at the yard it's fine i'm only a mile away i'll turn it around change of plans as they say at least it's full of fuel we figure we'll put this one in the shed now also that way we can finish going through the mendeco because he was using it today but we hadn't actually finished going through and maintaining it checking tires greasing it those sorts of things so he only did five ten acres with it [Music] you want me to go down and grab the rock picker then or not i don't know if we need to if you're going home you could bring me down there i could drive it back home since it then it doesn't have to sit there either yeah and then you're gonna get the girls or what did you how did you leave that with mom yeah i can either go get him or she can bring him here whichever yeah do you want to bring the rack picker home or we'll use it down there first if it does rain anyway you tell me i think we can leave it sit there he's not wrong we're gonna need the rock picker back down there again after we till that field up i know we're going to pull more rocks up especially around that old fence line so i guess i'll go pick the girls up and bring them back and [Applause] i don't know we'll we'll wait to watch it rain dink around some stuff i'm trying we keep trying to get in the field we keep getting closer but those clouds are definitely getting dark they're building the rain is coming and dtn weather says we're going to get about an inch and a half here in the next 36 hours or so total so we will see what we get and how long it takes us out for i we're close we're right there again thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 521,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UWmwmJj7qIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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