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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon and welcome to what I consider to be the greatest racetrack in the world for what is going to be a showcase event it is one of the finest moments in the British GT calendar and this is the 16th time that we have shown up here and we are ready to entertain I'll tell you what one of the things that is always incredible about this magnificent circuit is the sheer nature of the weather so never mind the cars and the drivers and everyone else that's going to appear here very shortly you just have to look up and it's never clear even though it's sunny right now there are clouds over there yesterday we saw some torrential rain that invaded it qualifying and through all sorts of things into the bigs for the for the we're out there and it's just because it's a microclimate here in the middle of the island forest you really don't know which way together go even though it might look super bright at your apples telling you yes I'm trying for certain sometimes that rain just throws it into the mix and I tell anyone that makes an absolutely compelling rating it's one of the reasons why there's it's become its place in the world as a racetrack and on top of that of course whenever I say where is the best place to race say it's here I wonder if Joe Osborn agrees with me he it's part of our superstar commentary team Vande be queuing and Joe Osborn thank you very much Andy well let's go straight to Joe Osborn then I think I know the answer to this question already but what do you think a spa yeah without beating the drum that everyone says it's the best track in the world bar none and yeah every time British GT has come here there's always been a great race as well which I think it's nature of the circuit leads to good racing and makes it more entertaining to watch and as you know Andy giving you a lift here set in the higher car got to give you my own version of smile on the on the motorways as you were white-knuckle riding next to me but yeah we can't wait to get to ours around here with 40 cars on there it doesn't get any better than that and the Sun shines out so rain will be around the corner yes Andy Jo must rest that was I'm nowhere near brave enough to get into the passenger seat alongside Joe Osborn having a word with him I get a picture but what I'd be in for yes we're very much looking forward to this one then two hours of racing 120 minutes as is the case now for all of these remaining races in the season really we've done with our sprint races that took place at the start of the season at Oulton Park and said to them then we have a three-hour extravaganza at Silverstone and then for two hour races Donington Park spa brand touch and back to Darlington n again for the season designer and it looks increasingly as though these championships are going to go down to the wire both the gt3 and in GT for gt3 I remind you it's the 72 Farwell motorsport Lamborghini I'm Adam Balan and Phil Keane that leads the way there on 104 points second place in the championship their teammates number 69 Barbour mode sporting of Johnnie Kaka and Sam de hann they're on 95 and a half point set up by my very rough mathematics his 8 mile points between them with Johnny Adam Graham David's the four men in the moment they wouldn't last time at Donington Park on 72 and a half point so they're a little way back but a win or even a podium here if a Lamborghini struggle could be enough to bring them right into play in GT four it's even closer though Vickers whilst in GT 3 it has beaten rather Lamborghini dominating the early part of the season at least in GT four it has been anybody's guess quite frankly from race to race the multimatic motorsport Ford Mustang squad have done well and Scott Maxwell and Sebastia Prius number 15 car has won twice this year including most recent race at tottington Park however they only arrived here less than 10 points clear of Dee MacDonald and Callum pointin in hhc motorsport McLaren and then it's the Tollman motorsport McLaren of Jordan Collard and Louis Proctor that off the two Talman cars has been enjoying most of the good fortune this year they were winners earlier on this season of Snetterton as well and they are third in points with Calvin phylactery Martin plow and fourth overall in GT for leading the pro-am rankings so the cars that are making their way down onto the grid a busy old grid it is a sunny green at the moment as well for the time being but as an DJ said you can see up in the sky there definitely some slightly threatening current clouds and the number 8 machine there that's rolling onto the 6th grid position will be started by Richard Neary with Adam Christa du Loup taking the wheel afterwards pole position after qualifying yesterday a wet qualifying session yesterday went to the number 96 optimum Sport Aston Martin off Holly Wilkinson and Bradley Alice their combined qualifying time because qualifying is split into two sessions and ham and a procession and they add to the fastest AM lap to the fastest prolab and their combined time was 1.8 seconds quicker than anybody else it's the WPI motorsport car that stars second on the grid that will be started by Mike like oh but Dennis Lind will take over after the pit stops and he is down with Andy J yes I'm happy to say I'm here with Dennis Lynn now Dennis yesterday you were so quick I think when you took the car in corner you were around about eleventh and here we are you managed to get them into p2 why were you so fast what was your secret yeah well we're in a good car we have been a good car the team has done a great job putting the car together for us we know the Lambo is really quickly in in the rain we had a good race in months also with it and then the rain so we know the guys quick we know it's came up what is capable of so here we are I mean you've really set a market down how many now all the other teams are gonna go hang on he's starring p2 if he has a decent first turn it's gonna be hard to catch yeah I think we're gonna win a really good position I think the two silvers behind and in front of Michael will probably get past them and probably do some distance on them but if he can stay in that position then it's really good for the team it's gonna be very exciting to watch Thank You Denny see Theresa appreciate it guys should we I think I can see Bradley Ellis as well I saw Bradley Ellis and he's wanted up you know the challenge with this little 510 minute free cars arrival is that the drivers come out and then they kind of walk around but I'm pleased to say I have spotted it so let's let's grab him because there's a really nice fact hey Bradley they do wear life I would Gresley you don't swear I know you experice are all good now Bradley I've got a big question for you because this is quite an important moment for you you're last at British GT poll can you remember what it was it was 11 years now the good news is the last time you were on Poland British GT you went on to win the race Holly did an amazing job yesterday in the wet first time I've driven the car properly in the West as well so now I think you know the team did a great job to give us a car that was drivable in such a short time because the rain of T came 10 15 minutes before the start of quality so team did a great job and we enjoyed driving it was good fun I tried to make it clear to our fantastic viewers that the rain is one of the most unpredictable things about spar isn't it yes i don'ti don't even need to look at weather app because you never know what's coming just look at the sky and then you get what's gonna happen in the next 10 minutes that's about it you've got any tactics if you have you sort of had a bit of a discussion about what's going to happen in this race you have told Olly just give me a huge lead and then I can just try and hold on he'll never appreciate you talking to us every day great thank you and I think I should probably run down to GT for don't you are you guys alright to just have lit the chat because again it's quite away we're here to do after all we just have a look at some of the work being done to the optimum car maybe something to do with the exhaust manifold the expert alongside me tells me to me it was very expensive bits of Aston Martin but that Aston Martin was quick yesterday in both sessions as you'd expect us beause it is a silver driver lineup so they have to carry an extra thirty kilos of success ballast as well in GT four it's slightly less success ballast just twenty kilos but they have to spend a bit longer in the pit lane and their pro and counterparts let's talk about GT for them because it was a fascinating gt3 qualifying session with the GT 4 session was Eve more topsy-turvy wasn't it the number 42 century boat support squad a car that could do with a good result really Jacob mateesah and Mark Kimber qualified on pole position and in the am session mark Kimber was about three or four seconds quicker than anybody else the reason for that be they judged the time situation perfectly yeah exactly like we say when the rain comes in it also goes away so it's easy to bowl wets on because you know it's raining it's harder to know when to put slicks back on the track doesn't dry evenly if it's in the sunlight if it's getting the wind more even altitude makes quite a big difference here at spar and the century guys called it bang-on and they were the only car in their session to gamble on slicks and that did lead to a three point four second margin over everyone else the second session was clearly more dry so everyone went to slicks but even then it was only the last kind of laps that made sense those slick runners so it's so difficult as a driver and an engineer there's always a good argument the engineer tends to be a bit more cautious they're a bit more academic normally than a driver so they'll look at the facts and the figures whereas the driver are tend to look at the straight try and look at the last corner again never build up a picture of what to do so that's why we've seen a real topsy-turvy GT four grid there well speak got market but then who put in that brilliant performance yesterday I believe that Andy Jay has made his way down to the BMW and is there to talk to him I'm down in pole position in GT for I promised you I'd get here but it is it's quite a hike it's fabulous here I've got Mark Kimber with me now mark you guys obviously on pole by some margin and I believe that's because you made a maverick cool that's staying on slicks in the way yeah Jacob made the right call in the first qualifying session choosing sky on slicks the track here dries really quick due to the nature of circuit so ended up in the gamble but paid out in the end so I mean it was quite some turnout wasn't it about three and a half seconds over everyone else yeah the start of session we were a little bit behind on times and then as a track dried out I think he went about four seconds pretty spry for a second so yeah gave us quite margin let's talk about pressure how are you feeling going into this race I'm pretty confident the the car felt good and warm up so made a few changes and it's looking quite good for the race if we can manage the tires and they're nothing with vodka chance BMWs around Spa pretty special relationship isn't it yeah I've never been to their track before so I'm done many laps down there well tell me what it was like the first time you went up a roof yes it's pretty scary at first base you've got build-up to it so yeah in a race car a little bit yeah but yeah it's quite special to drive this track so yeah really excited for the race as well enjoy yourself I'll let you get in the zone have a good one guys if I've got time I gonna try and get a bit further back and see if I can really want to try and bring Andy Priaulx to you because of course he's guesting here taking on when he's got a car with Sir Chris Hoy they're sharing a car and it was a father-son situation because of course Andy is taking on Sep even though they're sort of team mates Mandy just edged it in quality like only just so I want to try and grab them if I can but again it's a hike there's a good story that there isn't it because Andy Priaulx is on the same grid as his son now in the same team but in different cars and Andy is actually sharing with one Sir Chris Hoy on between the two of them they've got some 14 world titles to em bees in a knighthood so they really should know what they're doing they're both handy drivers as well Chris Hoy's don't coddle Decatur and racing races a historic mini quite often as well and they're in the number 19 car together then Andy Priaulx and Sir Chris Hoy and it will be Chris that takes the start of the race the sister car has qualified a bit further up the order and that will be said prio and it's got maxwell who will be sharing that card because they're still the drivers they can alternate who takes the stars we'll find out moment and i think usually said does the second standard it's Scott who does the the first part of the race that really been clear now so I don't know how much prio Jack will be able to bring let you know count why we should be I'll find out in the middle of the race now that's something you don't see every day Jose they possibly the best yeah that's a strong look yeah I think we've seen f1 get rid of grit girls this year quite rightly I think as well and yeah it's a full circle no that's going all the way it looks like they'd have probably already paid for their a quid girl outfit and they quit girls transformed into a grid boy and it fits wonderfully I must say so there we go I think lose if it's e then on the pit and that were on the grid excuse me that was the RAM Racing car which starts by the way from fourth on the grid with Ian log e at the wheel the car that won that dramatic race at Silverstone early this year there is Sir Chris Hoy who is multiple Olympic cycling champion and has raced him buddy GT before of course a few years ago he was at the wheel of the rjn Nissan GTR in the gt3 category and again was pretty handy was one of the top and drivers back in the day they were rather hampered I think by the the tricky conditions in qualifying I think and he might just have made it down that far down the green Andy where are you yeah well I'm sort of beyond at the back of the grid now if we manage to catch Andy just as he was dashing back to the team now Andy I said in a little bit of a waffle that it's there's a little bit of father-son rivalry going on and currently you're just nudging it yeah I mean it's fun it's nice Abi's you know driver the beginning of his career I'm a driver that they say present and almost past but still still really feisty and yesterday I hear he wouldn't want me to give him anything and you know I gave as much as I could to help him and develop him but he's never been to spar before and he running the car 20 kilos heavier because I'm a Pro Am and he called my time pretty much with the weight and everything so he's doing a great job and the multimatic guys are just awesome with him and giving him amazing chance to go and to race in British GT which is a superb championship you manage to answer that like both a racer and a dad it's not an easy one because I don't want to go home getting you know totally beaten by my son but at the same time you know I know this have spent a lot of time in this car and he's super quick and I didn't expect me to just be up the road he is really driving well and but you know I'm competitive and you know I've been a factory driver 21 years so he wouldn't want me to give him anything you know he's a racer and he's competitive and you know we're just doing our best and letting the natural process take take his own process and we'll see who's there at the end but he's he's in a great position on the grid he set a strong lap he's p3 leading the British GT champion with Scott Maxwell so it's all focused on them now this makes me feel quite a bit better about not letting my oldest or every go past me in the garden now let's talk about your car because this is a special car isn't it probably the most decorated car in terms of your combined honors that we've ever had sharing with Sir Chris Hoy yeah I mean what an absolute legend so Chris is an really super nice guy very professional it's a great honour for me to drive with him he scored a few more world titles than me but we both got a few so it's a lovely lovely opportunity and you know obviously the guys are multimatic Larry and everybody put it together and they're there they're just it's lovely to get that chance you know the races spa with your son in a great car the Ford Mustang and with a the legend Sir Chris Hoy a lovely family weekend thank you for talking to us have an excellent race all right guys I'm sure you've got more important things to do now than to listen to me so race on huh well indeed so an already drama near drama anyway for the championship leaders there who stalled on the grid but as we saw thank me they did get going here is the grid then and it is Aston Martin from Lamborghini on the front row Ollie Wilkinson will start the optimum motorsport car alongside him will be Michael I go right right click in the other silver entry is third in the Bentley with Ian Lucky's Mercedes fourth and then another Mercedes and sorry then the atom balance will be fit alongside of the Mercedes have team have erasings Richard Neary then the heart second in the championship then have just behind the sister car on the grid with Rick path 15 for a good result in the 31 Bentley that Dominic Paul in the century road sport BMW Graham Davidson in the number 47 TF sport car winner last time ahead of Sean bulk in McLaren and Mark farmer in the second TF sport Aston Martin Tony Quinn and the m2 competition squad are making their debut this weekend he's got Darren Turner alongside him Seamus Jennings alongside him on the grid then Jay Lippman before Jacob Matias own who is the lead GT for car for safety boat sport Patrick kibble his second in class mascot max Maxwell the championship leader at Harvard shares with said prio third on the grid James Dolan desperately in need of a good result he lines up fourth with Calvin Fletcher rounding out the top five and again the quickest and driver in qualifying then it's ash Han 40s sport Jordan colored in the better of the to tolerate sport cars and the championship would lower down the grip in the sister car Bart Murphy and Alex Toth Jones just outside at the top 10 in the GT for grid after Bautista Optima motorsport Aston Martin has Callum point ins h8c McLaren alongside then you got Nick Jones and rich Williams sharing 40 throw of the grid Chuck Nutella and Steve McQueen the Invictus games racing jankura that sprung a few good pro-am results so far this year he lines up 30th overall ahead of Eric Behrens in the Alfa racing McLaren again making his first appearance Sam smelts race performance Ford Mustang he's next the head of grain Johnson and record cold in the second second BMWs but until the same fortunes really as the sister car lets Mika Stanley answer Chris Hoy car number 19 starting 36 on the grid subway down the order 21st in GT for Ruben del Sol and Mia fluid 38 Brent millage next door in Kearny shares with Tina's unfairly the Porsche Cayman and a back of the grid the parent McEwan's unfortunately Alex and Ross in the green 25th at last in GT 4 so this is it then the seventh round of the championship the business end of the 2019 sees how well and truly with lots of nice juicy points on offer in this two-hour encounter result of this race could prove to be pivotal in deciding who lifts the championship trophy in both gt3 and gt4 it's also mathematically possible for bar well to wrap up the teams championship in gt3 if both of their cars are in the top few positions but we'll get to the points permutations a little bit later on so Ollie Wilkinson then we'll start the Aston Martin from a pole position my climbing involved in some brilliant races earlier on this year at Silverstone in particular he put in a real starter and making some brilliant double overtakes he only has to overtake one car though for a start but that car is being driven by one of the two Silva graded drivers both of whom are right next to on the grid because you've also got Ryan Ratcliffe third with the interlocking fourth two hours of racing here at the sparf Ronco shop circuit belgium gets off to a very messy style they're gonna surely and for the start only the red lights are still on no no they do go out very late but that's a really congested start and they're gonna be even more bunched together into la sauce but they normally would be comes here locking into second position GT for cars are on the grass everyone holding their breath in the hope they all get through so far so good for gt3 gt4 have kept themselves together as well miraculously but the house a very clumsy start and out of it all and he's still going to be optimum that lead the way Ram Racing's second then it's the Bentley Continental from Team from t-bone racing in third wife while I go down to pull the head of the championship leader out of nylon in fifth position on the grid the GT for country make their way through as well all that's not a place you want to be filled the curve baby contact one of the hhc cars trying to make progress whoo that was close now thought for a horrifying moment it was all going to end in tears Ryan Ratcliffe and Ian Lonnie now we've seen this somewhere before haven't we Lambert Alton Park at the start that sees my beast you made contact and lap and a half into the first race the season Rick carpet and the combat second place in the points is pointing the wrong way facing the oncoming GT for traffic you I think have all seen him that was a half stop available this is the second race in the last three that one of the bar wall cars has been pointing the wrong way on the first lap it is almost like they're trying to lose this champ key position now that wasn't intentional of course but look play such a big factor in motor racing and that was really a bit of bad but they could not afford yeah I didn't see what the contact was obviously Rick was on the inside as we see that Mustang versus the absolute gt4 Mustangs not really an overtaking place in support not big enough rates popper yeah son was happy with his position and Rick was happy of his and they didn't really see each other they're colliding as you said the championship now the momentum is swinging away from ours we got a replay so we're trying to look behind and it just looks like Rick's hit the apex curve which is unsettled his car and forced him to run a foot or two wider and 40 so that's where Sam - hammers occupying the space and I think some doubt is fully innocent there in my opinion he's got a lot of work to do the good thing is he's got now 57 minutes to do it that's one of the messiest starts I've ever seen from British GT look like the gt3 girls receive short mouths trying to go round the outside they're fairly big car line BMW so much or if he's even seen him as we see Davidson get down the inside of I go and I think what we're seeing here is a wet qualifying which obviously everyone's got their strengths and weaknesses driver and car wise but now it's dry everyone's in the wrong order potentially so that's why we're seeing so much action so early on but everyone did a good job for my initial messy start where the lights and I thought we're going to go for a delayed start we did go and everyone kept out the wall as we see two battles going into the sauce hairpin trying to get the cut back get the exit and off we go so this is bad all the way through yeah it's definitely not your battle to see that's her we're on board with the 72 Lamborghini and it is the team at a racing car of Richard near he's trying to overtake driver of the day so far no has to be grave Davidson he's got himself into fourth position from 10th on the grid to highlight your point now jumbled up the order is environment and yeah the number forty seventy I've scored Aston Martin are real charge you mentioned he just got passed by Clio to PPI car here comes your mouth on the inside of two cars really hard or that was close that he still not over yet because the other barbed on car that nearly is on the receiving end and a punt from the McLaren that was never really on for that ambitious move to make thankfully though Sean backed out of it before it actually did develop into anything that he couldn't get himself out of he has always been reminiscent of the f1 move Hackerman Schumacher at the end of the camel straights contact aviv of those but looks like Sean's got a pretty quick car underneath him and actually looks like he's probably happy to stay there looks like he's the cork at the bottle few cars stacked up so his car might start to improve as a fuel load comes off as we can see him on the curb turning in she was gonna run settle it feels like he's out of position as well so we could already see the leaders in the distance getting away so if you're looking to try and get a poke about this race the Palin half as soon as I can yeah they already at the end of the previous one was 7.2 seconds off nicely that's very hardcore than Oh mr. Cedric Neary not only is he not as quick as Balam but he's also defending which further holds everybody off bit of a gap now those they had to the bottom part of the circuit Wilkinson pulling a gap at the front of the field from Loki second man Ratcliffe bourbon Ram Davidson is the man on the mission here and he's catching those two cars in front of him so a three-way five per second is about to develop I think and then this battle going on between Mercedes Lamborghini McLaren Bentley and then VFW all getting themselves closer together as well as they had to relaunch mods on board again with shortfall the new easy in at night fair white position in fact loads he's got pastor Dominic Paul BM to this lap me got another two places at the end of the camel straight last time around here again not on the idea line through the bus stop and this is by ones opportunity maybe to get off side but Adam a house to be careful here doesn't it because the slightest misstep here many of these drivers could spoil disaster his championship hopes yeah exactly that and he's the only guy in this group that's got a championship hope we see that marks but quite touching considering its front engine versus at mid-engined car which the mid-engine car should accelerate better looks like that max just got a little bit more as watching through to see which cars a bit more confident carrying the speed looks pretty equal and I'm cutting the top we are running two FIA track limits here who might approach of seriously as long as you've got more we some straight-up what not to but what well as we see probably getting dumped by power if we shoot the exterior see if he's done it all the way around and drag path all the way through so I were talking to got a championship to consider and from going to get past Neary at the front here's now fourth in line to get past Mary so sir all change of course brain Davidson say the perfect thing here is he by applying rat pressure to bar well he's got storming of the rodent is challenging already for a podium at the barbell car is slipping down the order so this momentum shift that we've been talking about from bar well to TF sport it does seem to be continuing rather at least in the first six more minutes of this 200 Gant is one way to go but time loss now in such a competitive series as this is not going to be easy for to regain later on exactly and I think it's also slight Dark Horse here yesterday had his third pole position in three years he's got a lot of pace as well as we see theory dropped two places already on this lap so it's starting to unfold into a slightly different battle now yeah they've also got Dominic Paul and Mark farmer joining in now mark farmer they're at the blue Aston Martin to be fired at the exit just about I think within the rules but creative help detects its be particularly this is rather close now in the early stage you try let's drag our eyes away from gt3 for a moment to focus on GT for where this man tame dog unit is leading the way by these three seconds of moments over second place man ash Hammond in the Aston Martin there who's but his TF sport teammate Patrick Kimmel he was driving off the grid right behind him and then the other Tolman car toward kalanick for which the plaques well position so Aston Martin McLaren seeming fairly evenly matched here now Patrick kibble flashing his lights here and his teammate that can be nothing more infuriating flourish and than seeing that in your miracle if people feel these quicker when do the team step in and say well let him go and see if you can chase the leader very difficult level silver silver drivers so these guys are trying to make a profession out of this the team can advise but both of them are in their right to do what they want this it's not Formula One these guys aren't getting paid they all need to prove their worth to try and become professional later on in the gt3 kind of category and it looks like they're pretty even over that first half I like that we watched obviously duel it's got the jump as we see which is good and it looks like from from college infuriating headlight flashing that he thinks he's quicker than the two asters as well we see how much time Sam two hands lost he's not even leading GT full yet so to let all those GT Falls go past him then turn around and get going you can understand how much time lots that is and the imbrue two already if he wants a result they need a safety car at some point over the next hour and 51 minutes to close everyone back up and allow him to get rid of that time deficit yeah some des had is 46 seconds off the gt3 race lead just to put this into some perspective this is not the gt3 Li but it is second place and is he in loggy still in second by Radcliffe and Graham Davidson right with him and there is the optimum car leading the way of Holly Wilkinson there my client willing in six possessions short both should come through next in seventh there he is and then Rick parted going with its VCC fairly equal place at the moment there's the number 8 car the team aberration machine rich Neary leave gonna see a replay here of how he lost this crowd all pull on is not a place you want the rear of the car to be behaving badly but that seemed to be the case there didn't never yeah that was a big old my returned in alright and then the car just loaded up and sent out as we go to the ER - foot cam of Sean valve so we just say be left foot or right foot lakes it's a great camera to have live we sometimes users who drive a coaching to see if it's any problems it fits in position then you can see our Rockets being a full throttle how quick spar is something like sixty percent as a little lift as he goes into block shot back to form and then we see a big break in to the bus stop it's probably gonna go down five years right foot braking going down because you can see no heel and so you needed paddle shift does it all for you now birds a great great shot to see what the drivers doing there and how much of spar is full throttle yeah well exactly it's see who's taking the gravy pills three watch about two Nowruz as well because the walls as you said that little comfort levels but just to make sure the car was settled now Adam balance seems to have found a bit of fire in his belly and now he's starting to attack Richard eerie here this is the battle is going on for Mike position overall and leave and fuses the fight they were having two or three laps ago but for about big position and now they've lost those places and still palin can't find a way through so the team have a racing Mercedes holding on for now and they do seem to have different strengths and weaknesses through a Rouge they have allowed the PD they'd be able to carry a bit more corner speed then what's the straight-line speed like that the Bob has a slipstream as well here and these are really taking chunks out from Sadie's is it still rich near fields need to defend the inside line no this is going to bat Bala dog into grain Davidson's teammate my father who goes around the outside that was a lovely move by Bart farmer who's taken his criticism this year but that was a really nice move and again an important one thinking about the championship battle more farmer he's out to me now championship while his teammate meat is 72.4 as many places down as possible yeah exactly I think we've seen the strength of the Aston Martin there's no even in the slipstream inish driven past Balan so maybe they'll happen again he's hurting a little bit top speed but marks don't it hopefully got it stopped and then again Palin's worrying about the championship he can't try an outbreak farm and risk any contact so he's just had to back out of it and I think babban probably needs to regroup now it looks like he's just being shotgun approach to on her attack theory he needs to pick one spot ovary that picked that spot and find his weakness we've seen a mistake at pull up from theory so maybe coming out of a no-name he needs to show his nose going into for the drive replicate that for steak because at the moment this is really really hurting him as we see all stations the same in GT for these guys are following each other so closely not quite as much downforce is gt3 so it doesn't hurt time for quite as much and you're able to do that but we see unfortunately for bunny still got Littman behind him as well so he's not even clear behind and can fully concentrate I'm looking forward he might be better to try and stay with farmer and use farmer to be the guide type at the door very intolerant infers we kind of saw parfait do with with both of Area C using all the road and a bit more on the way it there it's a boy just Ori put the corner up and take away some of those acne so you can try flat through there about to lift GC fula second place this is in GT for heaters look as though the 97 car a match hand is starting to hold up Patrick implemented now Patrick is really feeling the heat from Jordan coladas got back to our behind and they are rather allowing James board to pull away James doe the three seconds of the row from them now this mark farmer Aston Martin continues to go on the attack now trying to hide way past Richard nearing again then we plug there Sadie's just get off the football now it looks to me again from an entree baggage point there's a lot of weight over the back of that Mercedes does that help do you think that initial traction and grip off the tight corners it does seem to be heavy doesn't it yeah I think it's just got so much talkin great pun by the way my vantage point on board with the Vantage but we see now the top speed of the Vantage I think he's just come here to cruise past him I think near he's defenseless unless he goes really late on the brakes which he does please me wrong nicely and keeps up position and you concede run wide he's now gonna slow everyone up again and this gap for Balan is gonna be absolutely killing inside he's worried about the chocolate chip from a crashing but if you don't have enough points to win the championship it doesn't really matter he's not there had a bottle he's not there because Jay Lippman is but where is the Lamborghini GaN to it came into the line it must be in the pit lane so what has happens each try and find out where that number septa - dime Guinea has got whilst we were riding on board then we did see it have a problem on the starting grid it was slow to pull away it looked like it was a turn-off and turn it on and it's okay but seems strange it's so early there's no way that strategy up see no one can pet before 60 minutes so that's an extra stop so yeah I think I was talking about this chocolate chip is really really cast it for him unfortunately [Music] yeah be interested we can see in the pair they want what the problem is if the bar well guys are working on the car horse it was gone out straightaway couldn't script it could you fall on this and everything that can go wrong in the second half the season seems to go wrong this is the car RAM that won both races it's nested it was the first time in a long time that the same car had won two races in the same day and made worse they were never out to the top four in fact in the first four races we're hearing it was a 10-second stop go penalty for this MTG car because the mechanics were working on the car after they should have left the grid which we they had to because the Dom wasn't going to move if they did the 10-second penalty wasn't it yeah exactly and yeah with three minutes to go no-one could work on the cars we see both and I go going battle to battle mouths got great place to catch I go up at that rate and I think he's got down the inside of him and this is really the Battle of the brave intro Rouge so I goes got the first in sight but I'd rather be bow on this instance and have the main inside for the right-hander as they still say side by side at mouthfuls on the inside [Music] to polite as we see powerful person is battle very clean racing by both of them but actually I think they're both a bit too polite is after you know after you please but I suppose if there's a corner where you don't want to mess around it's so rude isn't it all buff again up the inside quite make that one burn but yeah the last thing you want to do is make contact at that particular part of the circuit it's not only is it at all to be quick corner but part of what makes it so door - is there isn't much runoff area really not like launch amant at the end of the lot where there is a bit of room to go if you get it wrong and oh really use your straight into a tyre war a pretty much header or that still short Bowl having that lost a position of course - it parted as they both have has knocked him to find the way past the WPRI now the highest running Lamborghini in the race we've seen that a few times actually Lich recently the EPI car running really strongly so that now puts they're popping into four sorry no to stick the position by my reckoning man is that because some reason our timing screen is refusing to acknowledge the existence of the optimum motorsport car which I assure you is still leading the race with Ian Lonnie second driver a quick burner Graham Davidson four and then yeah Parfitt into fifth place now with our go six short bulb in central position due to poor it's still dialling from the mock-up is still around three seconds so you're not missing too much in GT for at the moment a full look at them anyway because they're still very close together and those TF sport cars rather do attract your attention don't they and this is about the best we've seen out of TF sport really in GT for they had a torrid start to the season in both of their categories the highest place to the TF cars is the 97 the ash hand and Tom canning car their fifth in the championship on 57 and a half points so that's about 30 ish point 33 points I think off the championship leaders so they're not completely out of it yet but they really couldn't do with a podium here and there for the support of their teammate able to help actor to fruition to evolve then where is the McLaren stronger the Lamborghini didn't think that he had a better exit there from the bus stop chicane but there's no room on the inside at last source if you worry inshore boss well never mind because he's got Asperger's that he's always a valid option is it surprise the driver in front with a move they're not expecting yeah I guys have to do the right thing cover the entire at Shawn it's got the confidence and the speed just to go all the way around the outside there so all those had to go a greater distance beiträge wise he's obviously had to carry the speed all the way around that radius of our urgent carrier through as we see the power of cars go crazy for that move it's nice to see how much they support that driver it is a bit warm out there they're probably conserving their energy for the important matter of the pit stopping about 40 minutes or so here's a replay of some grain animart farmer activity as he tries to get on the outside of Richard Neary who he's not going to stop for the car farmer you couldn't buy some good luck this year no matter how much money he had and unfortunately well what's your take on this one John from the front luke racing incident wise I think Mark's got the confidence to go around the outside as he as he did to bad and early in the race from there it does look like theories running deep didn't really leave farmer any rouse to go if we could see a little bit more from Neary's point of view as we see a mclaren door up that the unique mclaren air conditioning units at work yeah that's the side DRS system we've been working back a base luckily looks like the air pressure will force impact outside don't know what the race director will do with that in terms of mechanical failure flag if it moves up enough speed to latch itself as we see it box and that's the Academy car though they'll actually swap from the aasta.martin which had a big crush in the European GT for races abroad they've chopped it and McLaren for the weekend so they're gonna have to hopefully just slap that close the catch mark just being ajar as they left the grid potentially I guess there is damage to the front left corner as well which I don't think it's related to that book say it's had a hard extensive its race then has that car which is lots off first early in the schedule and peak visitor the GT for second placed battle then makes its way down the hill James Dolan though is being caught by this group despite the fact they're fighting each other they were a few texts quick the race leader on the previous lap being spurred on of course by the the chasing Tollman car in fourth position the sort of trying to push these TF sport cars along spot Maxwell not quite able to go with them thank you very much we've ever suggested a way of sorting that out because only wilkinson now does exist if I can tell you one seconds clear field yeah that was a Juris and GT doc Cody account Twitter British GT about the marvelous idea of anyone that was got a question while they're watching the coverage can tweet into me that was born J with anything you want so yeah any questions far away we're trying answer was as best we can record had one from James Atkinson saying should we have a longer race a longer track not about track to do it I think we'll see at the end of two hours if anyone sees they could have done a bit longer I think normally two hours I'm a little bit tired and ready for bed well likewise but if you do fancy the idea of a long distance race is spa they can cater that next week because it is the smaller 24 hours next meet which many of these drivers will be competing in interesting fact about this first spar 24 hours actually the first one 1921 when the circuit first opened I only had one car until they counts with the race oh really next week we have 71 cars on the grid so that shows you the strength of what a GT racing at the moment but on the gt3 car confirm on they are all gt3 cars as well which is remarkable and what a spectacle that will be the GT for cars refined as with plenty of entertainment as well thankfully that's one thing I do love about the British DTG mr. BIG's of classes sometimes getting frustrated in the mix of classes and having to deal with bat market it does provides very lively racing yeah and we see Jordan Collard hair in format she drive very mature which I'm surprised that for him and I Jordan while out there karma he's doing exactly everything right here those two US turds are kind of messing up there they're only performers I think at the moment as we see him trying to have a look as we see actually that second one has dropped back a little bit now so Jordan needs to save everything up and try and get passive and split there he's done 20 minutes behind him now so you should know where his strengths are versus the Aston Martin and see where you can get them the interesting thing in GT four is their bit more Road car base where actually this circuit here at smart because so much it's thought throttle some of them struggled to make the fuel as we see Jordan go all the way around that's how good I am at coaching little worden is there and he's done it we've been two corners so Jordans now potentially maybe got slightly better condition tires because he's been parked up behind that Aston not pushing a hundred percent he might enter now really in a shot and then even James Dolan and his teammate so this is battle over the next 30 minutes or so he's really gonna interest and I think it's gonna flow well McLaren have a good history here at the spa round at the British GT champion Fatih was a McLaren that wouldn't the first ever British to you GT race at Spa back in 1998 when Tim Sultan a Steve O'Rourke's McLaren f1 GT 1 was victorious layers with the deiay larger but those cars were very spectacular to go well here at Spa so it turned out memories tend to go quite well here is well and indeed Derek Parfit is sensing some good lap times at the moment then but is in tenth position now a court advised if it in the pit lane I believe probably for a penalty let's see what race controller telling us this will notification of a penalty but we did see him how that contact didn't Lee with some of the hard at staff the race I reckon he's been in served a penalty position the order then he is only Wilkinson leading number 96 he was 16 Locke is Second Earth 43 is in the pit lane unfortunately though that's the sister car to the carpet started on pole position and record cold four guineas had a contact there Joe Mike that of damage I suppose there's any number of things that could break in the with the boys under a car like that most probably steering arm so what controls for the steering wheel to steer to the wheel essentially could be bent normally the lower part of the wishbone so yeah it's not a quick change on any car especially in a two-hour sprint race that's going to be impossible to get near that time back as we see the sister car which is on pole position which is obviously very quick in those mixed conditions but maybe not so much and these dry conditions we see Kelvin Fletcher at the beach Dean Aston and really hernia in Kelvin Fletcher's performances this year as an amateur driver have just been absolutely amazing so from silver screen to bronze driver ease I have a good a good transition there it is these lovelies racing more importantly that someone who's not doing it full-time can come into a level that great gt-r and be so competitive yeah he used to be an actor that did a bit of racing and now he's a racing drivers of live acting on the side and he's become a very very handy peddler worn off the quickest ham drivers in GT four and in a GT four field that's made up predominantly off silver entries as well so he's regularly up against drivers that in theory should be quicker than him but that doesn't often seem to be the case we need to be able W in front of him in the 52 being driven by JQ 40 isn't know when he is a silver graded driver at Kelvin looks the quicker of the two of the moment now they're in different cars of course they are but Kelvin bomb the less really impressing him he's leading the pro-am championship in GT 4 as well is Calvin flat shirt with Martin plan on his teammate Kelvin is everything you want me now tan am driver Easley he's quick yes but he rarely makes mistakes he rarely brings the car in bent and damaged he hands over in a decent position and margins they're finished the drop in the second tint yeah it definitely is actually a really really nice guy as well as my first meter was actually shouting out and when he blocked me and a qualifying up a few years ago and he couldn't be any more apologetic then had to be relatively good friends instead but he's a great guy out of the car as well and as you said those amateurs just needs to be mistake-free we see so often especially in gt3 cars a bit harder to drive it faster as soon as you make a big mistake as spin that should your day over really so you need to find that right level of aggression and pace and it's a happening between the two whatever that begins Rockwall I think this is banded now fighting his way back to sport the first century cars but there and he's got its what a long long day to get himself all the way back up to where he needs to be and it's easy to get a bit more alive now isn't it really well you can still salvage a decent result for this race this is for 12th position at the moment and it looks like that was a fairly easy move made I don't think that JM Lippmann thought that one particularly hard and so through goes the Lamborghini then into 12th position now for a develop here back to Calvin Fletcher who is really starting to get busy now as he tries to find a way past the 42 machine bed this is for 8th position in gt40 might be about to lose my position goes round the outside is coming to number 62 car that's Alex Toth Jones the outside line up launch bob is not necessarily play sidelines people then the Ross being joined by another Aston Martin that of Jack Beutel now 35 car so it's very Aston Martin heavy here and Beutel goes run around the outside trusting the inside for the middle part of the or the final part of a stop chicane sensibly I think backed out of that one for the optimum team watching on with interest they've got a car leading the race in gt3 and they've got cars right in the thick of the battle throughout their GT for race as well but it does look as though Calvin Fletcher's being held up here in the SUNY yet through the better these in a precarious position at the moment though because he is rather getting backed up into the other Aston Martin so the temptation is to say well in London getting past this BMW I'll be safe but getting past the BMW isn't necessarily going to be not safe to do so he has to be patient and pick his motors which I'm sure is easy Edie said the duck yeah I've actually as the BMW I wouldn't be worried too much about Fletcher she's silver silver for the BMW and then the program entry so the silver silvers got pitstop I don't see any way that would put them behind after the stop so if he's losing any time defending to Fletcher then he's just losing out to the silver silver uh stands behind him anyway time y so it looks like he's been fighting it for three or four laps if you always want to try and stop the tide as much as you can but unfortunately a lot of it as we see into the source have been Graham Johnson following Ratcliffe through as Murphy was probably unsighted I would say there and I would put that down as a race an instant great opportunistic move from Johnson using the gt3 as his door wedge and I'd say Murph it was probably uncited by them and I've continued swap a position but I would say very my uneducated opinion but you know all the most about these matters and yeah and I tend to agree with that a real hot dog in the end that just still can hockey at this position away but of course that means the gt3 leaders will not be a million miles behind that injury now that could provide a shuffle of the order that he leads back to the gt3 category there for a moment and specifically sound too hard it was coffee now that's a good bit of racing karma isn't it not saying Rick did it intentionally but the the penalty that was dished out to Rick for the contact on Sunday Hanna's left him on the same track maybe at the slight wrong order but at least there was no clear advantage for firing to hand off there and these guys now can do battle for thirty minutes should be interested to know Rick's mentality on there because I wonder if he thinks he's at fault for the contact and whether he should almost let de hann go for good good karma and we're starting to get some traffic warnings now so I can mentioned earlier FIA limits so as long as you've got one wheel on the tarmac / white line that's legal but there's many many places at Spa we're going more than that is beneficial to your lap time so top of Oh Rouge will see from the camera guys trying to cut that Marge's as close as they can and then entry to blanch mourn and exit Blanche Mont there's so much time there although you're going a further distance in the terms of blunt one it's just a speed you can carry obviously works out loads an average and then I read you just going a shorter distance after going faster so and you carry all they down the camel straight so in testing when I'm seeing what's possible it is easily five or six tenths at each of those corners so if you have those on the second that is definitely worth having if you're getting away with it well perfect lane with it because he's being warned for exceeding traffic words I think app launch bombs and here we have a slow Aldi that I think a spurt now this is the 29 car the stellar performance car average of Williams and it's maybe a problem rather than a spin no punctures so here the rear left it looked so happy in terms of its alignment which was suggest some contact side to side somewhere but he's going there's most probably be the bus stop she came would be my guess if it's his left side he might mean overtaking someone as we now see this gt3 GT for my shop happen and this is where it gets so amazing so hard for every driver out there to judge what the other cars gonna do not lose any time not have any contacts and Fletcher's got over around the outside of log e there and well now at the inside for no name to look you probably be behind it but a little longer now it's got past it now so it's trying to position the car in a place that's obvious for the guy overtaking what you want from him but also not losing any time to your rivals in class there's no perfect luck with traffic but there's better ones it was worse that's for sure Ian Locke he needs to get a move on really because by at Radcliffe is now closing in on him that gap was 1.6 seconds of the start of the lap so you can see easily there how you can lose big chunks of time through no fault of your own really if you just catch the pack of GT four cars and a tricky part of the circuit to overtake them as in laga just did then they sometimes find yourself losing seconds at a time that be so frustrating you sort of I guess have to have some faith but that's going to come back to you and then these these things do tend to ebb and flow but at the time it's so tempting is it to just stick it down the aside and go for it but that can be the end of your race yeah exactly and all the cars have a delta time which is a display which is saying if you're up or down on your fastest lap and obviously when you get traffic that goes one way and it goes self so quickly and you just know there's no way to get that time back and about clever enough to ride up every lap but I lose but you know if you lost us two seconds of that before in three seconds this lap you have five seconds down already before you know thirty seconds is evaporated and that could be the difference between first and eighth ninth place for British GT result so it's hugely important it's so hard as as I said early it's not a right or a wrong the only wrong is when you make contact my cars out so it's very hard you'll see them all more experienced guys the pros when they get in the second half being a bit more decisive I would say though any more aggressive but when do you read the body language of the car you can see what their intent is sometimes the am like we saw earlier without but I go it's always too polite it's hard to read what they want from each other whereas if you're black or white it's a bit easier as we see flexure finally getting the move done that's a bit more like hip and it looks like there's gonna be a slipstream from from toff joins as well so this pass was been raging for the last 20 minutes it's brilliant the trouble is but he would start by sight into our ears you're so slow off the top a on that the cars behind get a real run on you I don't think Tom James will get both on but we might be able to go around the outside of the 62 car maybe yes he does and here also come chappie you tell so three places lost that is always the case isn't it what you lose one you open the floodgates and they all sense your weakness and they're compiling through as well so sensible driving though from Norway avoided any significant issues they're instant between cars twenty and fifty to no further action weather we've seen leads to between cars 2000 was the contact last saw positive grab jobs in Malmo there's no penalty for that as you suggest accompany case yeah as you see Brad yes on the pit wall whereas engineer ever and so Brad's got a lot of pressure unfortunately Ali's obviously leading the race got a relatively good gap but Brad's got to get in I'm racing it all the other pros which you will do easily but he has thirty kilos extra to lug around with him so it's going to be difficult for him but he is praying lot of time a safety guard basically a Holley for strife build his lead up as much as he can another question for former British GT racer only missing this round I think Andrew Howard was asked about the last safety car at a spot raised you know who will know Tom Hornsby I'm sure would be on the phone anyway circuits player guess if you go off the tends to be a runoff area to in life snatch being able to pull you out the way yeah I mean the safety car definitely would live in an hour but like we said earlier the silver silver entries always pray for no safety guard because quite a duty to the program they need their silver whose cabeza gets the bronze in this person to be able to have a pop he didn't absolutely safety cars can really turn races on their heads we've seen that before but often here at Spa so the race leader there is still all your organs in three point four seconds clear all the ear locking use one point two ahead of but ironically that's what we have fairly static at the front Graham Davidson having cruised up to the back of them has now dropped back a bit he's five seconds behind Ryan Ratcliffe at the moment and the second of the pro-am entries in GT three then it's a short month in the number 22 McLaren and that is in fifth position Mike LIGO is safe just behind the cars were watching or watch I say just behind there are some seventeen point nine seconds between them now and they were together what fifteen minutes ago also sleepin an impressive part of the Cygnus or a short vowel dominate for seventh of engineer eight-mile farm at nine despite the spin and Rick Parfitt Tim despite penalties so that's sort of ahead of Class B as we dubbed in at Donington last time those that have problems early on which always seems to be the case and sort of left five them to be best to the rest and there is probably words into the bus stop and there's a lot of tire smoke he's had a spin I think we had to Blanche moans I've laughed all the engines blow but that is the championship leading car out of the race this is possible and yeah almost certainly a full course Channel or a safety car for this now the pit lane window does not open for another 20 odd minutes so we're not going to see anyone dive into the pit lane but this will have an effect on sister Jane possibly a bit of contact to the wall on the inside I don't know if it's him or Eve is one yes both the engine and an accident isn't it I think yeah it's definitely spun on the X I don't know why it's obviously nerf the front right and then the rear that guy to me looks like he could get going which he does but the radiator there is leaking that's that his race done it will prevent a safety car luckily for those silver silver but yeah the radiators completely done there is ease the wall water have happened is all that bodywork has been forced back and the radiators so turning in looks okay at the moment justice at the apex that is a scary spin without stating the obvious but from from the outside I think Phil keen his co-driver we're trying to analyze out and say one what went wrong but from just the onboard couldn't really say anything turning was nice didn't look like he hit the apex curb and the rear just went boom just so quickly as no way is ever going to catch it and that's obviously led to the long lock speed but that guards done for the day they weren't there to repair that as I said the bodywork gets pushed back and it will crack the radiator there's none of that putting an egg in here and all that stuff that granddad teaches you that well here a big crack and under that much pressure when the radiator is hot it will just be absolutely streaming out there's no way to fix that quickly so Neil plant them for par well as far as the 72 car is concerned now the 69 was on 95 and a half points greens this weekend which is what did I say that was about 8 the half points adrift so to score 8 and 1/2 points which in this case would mean finishing seventh place that would put them in the championship lead 69 a six-month moment our 11th though so this again continues to swing in the favor of the 47 Aston Martin a TS war which still is solidly running in fourth place while starts been going on meanwhile I can see on the tiny screen we've had a change for second position by Ratcliffe somewhere has got past Ian rocky not entirely sure where that's happened we'll try and pick up on it in a moment we have had a change which means the two silver silver cars now are both up front to the field yeah it's been a great last 10 minutes I'd say from Brian's really picked up a better pace was catching loggia anyway so then to do him is great and we can see it's still quite close on track but how the interest see if Ryan will start to catch will concerns she said both silver silvers there just to see how their tires are going off without extra 30 kilos of Palast one thing I think it will be okay but we're balanced coming to the mid lane with all that fluid leaking it's obviously pretty slippy a coolant stuff so essentially as we see three wide with nearly trying to go around the outside there and the Mustang did the right thing and didn't want to be anywhere near those two I was leaving them to their own devices and they'll kind of get through safely with a bit of bodywork damage for nearing maybe a front dive play but I just wonder in 20 minutes time when we see the pit window open will they knew that fluid be left and smart pit entry is so tight is what line is to donkey balls either side so there's no room for error there so if I was a team manager I'll be warning my micro drivers have a look on the way in just to make sure it's fully dry I don't want to curse anything because I find up there will be pretty catastrophic for the race we've seen it happen before though in some tight pit lane entries without the assistance of radiator coolant there's a close-up look at what the front end of a Lamborghini is not supposed to look like well it does look like after a meeting with a concrete wall coming out of one of the fastest corners on the circuit and as you said that was a slightly bizarre moment sometimes when you're midway through a corner like that if you do lift or dab the brakes or something and transfer all that weight onto the nose that can create to spin but they've been lifting there anyway so they would seem oh that that's what caused it but clearly something went majorly wrong it's definitely correct I've known it stuffers receive lobbies on your saw from third position this is so great Davidson will go through and gain more points crucially horrible place to be stops machine as a left-hand drive car your visions pretty poor so there'll be a marshal on the inside hopefully directed and when it's clear just a bit of unburned fuel in the exhaust as he fires are back into gear strange to be in neutral and in that position unless he's just dipped the clutch to try and save the edge of up marywade just to see how he got there if it was aided which I probably say it's got to me at that sort of point microRNA very hard to lose a gt3 car at slow speed the traction control systems so good stop some rear wheels from lighting up but she said a lift at a high speed corner back to balance point can unsettle akai he kind of imagined you're driving a car it's nice and thingy but I think if it suddenly feels very bad and I think we have a de Babbitt down in the pit lane with a DJ yes Adams with me I've had to have a little chat to him about the language he used because he's right Lee a little aggrieved at what's happened Adam your your cross on you yeah I'm really pissed off for myself everyone else did everything right behind and I mean we just had a word about the language didn't we so apologies but for that sorry I do think that's terrible like slightly annoyed irritated people are I am highly frustrated with yourself but in this in the grand scheme of things it's not a complete disaster for the championship because you had a very strong position anyway yeah but it's not about the championship for me I wants to have a good showing here it's a great circuit we've done a fair bit of testing here it's just a really disappointing way to to crash out quite literally just talk us through what happened in your mind well I was going through Blanche Moore and I was full on it and I think I just had a slightly too much lock on at the exit I spun luckily I went down along the track and a little bit of a lot of tap on the inside wall could have been a lot worse I suppose when I look back I think that they're pretty fast backwards well you're safe the car is easily fixed yeah it could've been lovers disappoint tonight [Music] well Adam Balan week we could understand his frustration I'm sure because I know he says there's not thinking about championship but I'm sure that it's crossed his mind all those nice champion points that he's losing not to the sister car but to this car this is the car that is running now in third position so if it finishes there which it may not because we've still got over an hour to go but if it finishes third it will score 22 and a half points which will move it right into contention not quite into the point's lead but right on to the tail now of the points leading Lamborghini there's a Porsche there with some damage which is the G cam racing car which Joe has just spotted from Ted damage on the Porsche is usually fairly catastrophic but I think they've got away with just money work time I don't know yeah the new generation car they've learned from having the radiators in the worst possible place is not a good idea so they're a bit more in more behind the rear just from the rear wheel sorry don't know if he's compared to continue that because if that body work came off trying to work out what it is it looks like it's a diffuser off another car to me it doesn't look like it's it's a body work so stops he got hungry man maybe it's its front bumpers peeled back there's a lot of carbon fiber to me if I was to put money on that zebra Mercedes or a Lamborghini rear diffuser so if we can find a rear one of those two models of cars looking at where he is at the moment by bow on and path it which means that a few laps ago he was probably laughed by Ian blogging who had a spin at the first corner I'm no Sherlock Holmes but maybe just maybe that's where it came from my diamonds I think you've got it I don't know if it's intention was he was running down the old pit lane pit wall enjoy ugh you robbed the wall with that bit of bodywork and if he did that on purpose to dislodge it then that is absolute penis because I think that might solve the problem of him getting a mechanical failure flag so see if it has dislodged as we see the GT for battle has been put on its head a little bit since we last saw Colin has continued his pace and he's catching Dorling now and he's cleared hand in the other CF car we know that 43 BMWs out of contention that was the car we had in the pits Koecher worth doing so hopefully he gets the message and gets out of the way and doesn't disrupt this battle because he's he's obviously not part of it as Colorado's gonna wear out that interesting anytime soon this is we've seen this again happened in the past as well where GT for cars that are lap down on other GT for cars don't necessarily get the message but I think the message is being passed on loud and clear here isn't it by Jordan card by the flashing of the lights and good driving there the 43 BMW gets well out of the way and allows this podium fight then in GT for to continue that answers my question as to which of the pros will be on track they'll both be on track together in their separate cars how are the two multimatic cars getting on well Scott Maxwell the car that set pre-owned Korea the junior will take over he's running fifth that moment in GT for the 19 car with Sir Chris Hoy at the wheel is running 34th overall which in about half now bill to a double work out where that is in GT 4 but it's outside of the top 15 or so but when Andy Priaulx gets into the car we know he's one of the fastest drivers here this weekend yeah I wonder what I collected now and a pre O's is of it 300 or yeah that's gonna be an interesting battle between those two as you said potentially it's gonna be Andy catchy sad with where their teammates handle the car over to him so that could get quite awkward at the dinner table on Sunday night especially since the 15 car has a 20-second success penalty serve but we need last time out at Donington Park mention the pit stop penalty here we'll get to in a minute there won't be spotted off the ramp race just wanna see if it was the rear that card I did get eaten by the Porsche or or not I think I mean you're probably right we're adding all the bits of the puzzle together that's what happened and while Augie spun and we see Collard still flashing flashing a teammate is the lowest of lows if I was do live now I'd be flashing my rain light back in just that him flushing overhead saris a strange one in the car feels like the best idea possible but then when you see it in the cold light of day you realize that she doesn't nothing apart from probably distract yourself but now it's a signal of intent but apart from that really right okay so who I've always wondered whether that does actually distract the driver in front but it would appear possibly not so who yes the two Tolman cars then running nose to tail [Music] Hornsby as I thought would have the answer for Andrew how the last safety car family smile was last year which I'd already forgotten and I was in the race so I probably should have remembered or gonna call it maybe gee I don't think so I've got bad memory but no I think unfortunate my car retired actually before I got in it so it definitely wasn't anything to me I was what am i way back to Brussels River a portion of fries in mayonnaise as we see loggy Carlton is right through this GT fours yeah there's missing a bit of the rear left there so I'm glad we've solved the case makes me feel quite good I've actually wax coos now anyway not that it particularly helps Ian lock-keeper because I he's already fully aware of how I ended up when tada quiet last source and he also no doubt me aware and funding dropped him down to fifth position now and quite some way off the race leader's Hill have already gone through to finish the lamb there is Scott Maxwell by the way the championship leading GT for Ford Mustang I was mad to make the points about success penalty so the top three finishers from the previous race in both gt3 and gt4 have to serve extra time in their pit stop so in gt3 the winners last time were the 47 Aston Martin so it's been even more vital therefore for Graham Davidson is been able to put in this really impressive first stint because he's going to lose at least 20 seconds at pit stop the 22 McLaren above motorsport will have to serve 15 extra seconds in the pit lane and the barbel 69 cars if their day was going badly enough already and down in tenth place and they will serve 10 extra seconds in the pit stops in GT for the 15 Mustang of Maxwell at prio will serve 20 the 57 hhc McLaren which is running some way down the order will sort serve 15 extra seconds and the number 5 car perhaps most significantly the car then that is currently second in GT we'll have to serve Tenneco seconds compared to those around it and that's a lot of work as we see something at the top of our ghost might be a league or without mm he's got a lot of fighters we see a Porsche come in actually ties in well with a question from Patti's motorsport map what happens with bodywork damaged we obviously see a lot of duct tape being thrown on it and who who says it's okay well there's a jump in it championship scrutineer John crook we should rather ironic for someone checking the legality of stuff and he will be near the teams and he will say if it's okay to go yea or nay if he deems it safe enough to rejoin the circuit as we see Mary on the defensive in to Brussels corner there the reason the porter is at the pit lane is not for a mandatory stop it's not even to fix the bad audio damages because it's been handed a stop go penalty for causing inflation at turn one which we think we've now narrowed down to being the Mavericks a nice ups on the receiving end so they can't actually work on the collar of that penalty either so they'll have to leave that loose body hook until in turn makes it actual pit stop which can be any time from about 11 a half minutes from now the first driver must do at least 60 minutes off the race and we are qui up to about 49 minutes into this fantastic seventh round of the British GT champion mr. Piper a position that we're onboard with Richard nearing if the Mercedes chasing down Mar Farber right behind him Sam the Hanna's look at the inside that's not really a place we see in all four of overtaking Rick perfect isn't me a couple of seconds behind this group and not far in front of them is Dominic Paul that the BMW said we've got most of the gt3 field here punching themselves together the Year GT for century car says I'm out of here almost these five ticket to get back into the circuits so far into the runoff area wanting to get out of the gt3 cars way this is a fantastic battle and again a great mix of manufacturers have got a BMW just up the road Aston Martin Sadie's Lamborghini the Bentley catching them this is why we look gt3 racing yeah this is British GT is so great for a domestic series receiver for going a little bit deeper and the SRO group do such a fabulous job of bringing this championship he ever but he's seeing it to a level whether it's fair has been championships in the past where there's not only cheating but unscrupulous behavior from the driving front which two tracks on it and all of these guys honestly when they wake up Monday morning wherever they finish no it's because they deserve that position nothing else there's always gonna be swings around Ross has received a hand pretty aggressive near he's not want to back out as well as he just backed out and the hand is all the way through it has that goes through a Rouge near just lose a bit of downforce off the back of the her two hands Karen think we're gonna see to happen probably get a truck limits warning soon you can see how much that was worth cutting the top there and Rouge is what you see on board it's such an exciting and needle wearing oven gloves and you've had five too many drinks already I'm just needing is so hard to do right and it's so much fun and rewarding when you do get it it's so important for the luck because the straight that follows it you carry all that speed for the next six seven hundred meters in fairness nearly have little choice but back off if he hadn't it and I think that Sam Hamilton have joined him in the passenger seat because he was clearly asserting his authority there as they dropped down past the old pit straight this looks like 2tf sport Aston Martin's at play and costing the two car opposition there because Sansa had my nice and neatly mixed up the inside there because the gt40s for car wasn't exactly leaping out to park farmers ways so farmer drops down in tonight place this is two petitions gained on this lap Lysander had this is the kind of feisty driving we need to see from sound rail he's working his way steadily up into the points with the penalty to the 47 car will have to serve it will spend ten extra seconds compared to the 69 car in the place that will further narrow the gap so this might not actually be completely a completely hopeless task here the 16th machine may might yet be able to well probably come away with the points leader this weekend is when the pros get in there's very little difference we see lost with the arms like I said the professionals were trafficked a lot more decisive and there won't be that variance of potentially for Johnny pockets out 45 seconds plus to try catch Johnny ah Devon's probably mr. British GT that is a very mean fee but yeah something Hank could do some of the work now to close the deficit as received truck limits get it more more liberal towards their do the stim tires going off drivers going off we start to see it's good timing very try to get around there so he's had just lose so much time and he'll even lose time all the way now into the sources we see try to go around the outside the GT for leaders that was threading the needle with other gloves on he must've been on the brakes so hard to lock the tires out the ABS in this cars again like instructor I was so good he must have been praying for his life where we go through all the way through to our Roush now as we've seen not side to side them near he does before so monkey-see monkey-do they obviously works and he's got the position I think poor mark Farber was probably a little bit worried what was gonna be going up there if a decent snip this problem bear in mind he was pointing the wrong way about 15 minutes into it he's actually done quite a good job to fight his way back up this group but now he's about to lose another place there that looked as though Rick Parfitt was alongside him so I think was not going quite as welcome omen from our 40 let's see how that works out basically the entire gt3 field have got themselves together with the GT for race leader's the four or five MacLaren's right with them so this is what happened down at last sauce after I goes spin the we're gonna see some contact here I believe farmer oh yeah rattles into the side of the number 18 car again trying to take full advantage of the fact that I go just been off the road and was maybe a bit rattled it was definitely a gap there for farmer and made the move it was an aggressive move one that I'm sure he's co-driver dick et would've been proud of sadly though a corner later he ends up losing grab because Richard near he gets alongside him shovels into the edge of the road a farmer has he lost three positions out of all of that because back through went I go and Rick path was able to take advantage - so this is a rig that's a very wide line there for rich news originally denim the Mercedes has now worked his way I reckon into 8th position with Sam de Haan has gone himself ahead of all of them so Sam de hann really driving well now into seventh place then 8 for me area I reckon and then this is the fight going on between poverty and far about eight four ninth position position it'll be because they're still behind Michael I go and perfect article inside of James doll in the GT for leader who was going to leave him roof but again that's not what you were saying Joan about the avatars not being quite as decisive maybe in the traffic yeah candidate the worst of both words are unfortunately Rick he showed his know so the gt4 leaves the gap but that doesn't act on it so they both lose out a pro I think in that situation if it shows his notice in overtakes as we see I think that Porsche so it just been spun round or he kept her there was a portion where in the middle of that mix and I think the TF asked him I have just hope turned him around yes you're right well spotted so has been an eventful day for Seamus Jennings so far his stint is nearly over but he was on the receiving end it would seem this time have some contacts and may be able to cut replay that we'll see what we can do for you but Porsche great to have Porsche back in the championship in gt3 MIFF it is just a all M driver entry a few people have been asking why that car isn't mixing it right to the front well that's why it's too amateur drivers both just doing it because they enjoy it possibly not enjoying this afternoon quite as much but the car fires back or but thankfully gets back on its way there it is going slowly is it got a puncture or some suspension damage mater that bonnet I don't wake all on a Porsche the bleep on it yeah yeah that's definitely in an optimal aerodynamic position there so he's gonna have to pit again so he has a stop go now he's got to pay again and then in about four minutes he's got it again so I don't know actually I'm not clever enough to work out he might be about to go slowly and enter the pit lane after the window opens and he might lose it less time than boxing al box again sort of thing I don't know which TF car was involved of it it was not this one so I think it might be Davidson obviously higher up the grid and lapping the poor so hard to say really what what car that was for sure right okay well we'll try and piece it together maybe chapter Grave Davidson during after pit stop to our DJ could be dispatched out to TF sport because grain will have a few stories to tell I think after this stood that he's put him this is the race leader in only wilkinson we haven't really seen him and that might lead you to believe that he's leading by a country mile he's not at least only two and a half seconds clear of rye Ratcliffe who split doing probably his best into the season he did the same sort of thing here 12 months ago didn't he put in a really great defensive stint in the second half race on that occasion when he was the pro driver part and Rick Parfitt a tea pot racing at got themselves a podium finish and it was a real turning point for why and as far as his confidence was concerned last year another really good stint here he's two and a half seconds behind Wilkinson the race leader Graham Davidson is 1.1 seconds further backs the top three are all gonna be on the camel straight in fact if Davis is not 1.1 seconds back because Ratcliffe has been held up in some traffic through a ruse I think and now Graham Davis and his attacking for second place goes to the outside here until they calm I'll really in silence for that sound of a racket was always going to turn in and the big Bentley was almost always going to win that battle as well if the words we contact so sensibly Davidson again preserving this championship margin backs out of it but Davidson will have to serve a 20-second success penalty he is 17 seconds ahead of shore mouth so if we could get on with this and get past Radcliffe there is a chance actually that Davidson could come out still in a podium position but this is very close to finding top three cars at all with even 3.7 seconds of each other at start the lap this is Sam de hann gaining another position now that sixth place for the number 69 car one of many drivers who were already I think the unofficial driver of the day of warm this has been a brilliant stint from Sam to fight back not only is the liquid stint as far as the moves he's made in the ground he's made up but being able to get over the disappointment of everything that went wrong on that first lap we sort of hinted at the time we're very easy for him to get bit disillusioned with whole thing you think well what's the point we're not gonna score any points now but he hasn't he's got over that and is put in a really good drive now to get back into the top six which we never would have predicted fifty minutes ago yeah especially without a safety guy he's done that all on his own marry and work and you see a lot of sport when people are angry it normally goes one of two ways in tennis it always seems to go the wrong way but I've had a motorsport where I've been fired up for various reasons we see the two Tolman DDP back to McLaren run cars a bit of history on this so DDP stands with driver development program so program McLaren really believe in picking young drivers try and come through the ranks and become a factory driver and I I guess ultimately take my job one day but we see James Dolan in the four car and Jordan Collard in the five cone battle here great to see them both in their first year at GT racing leading British GT and spar so hopefully these guys have got a good future we can work together about me getting fired but yeah I'm going back to Sam two hands point I think he would just be so fired up it'll be almost like devil-may-care attitude like well I've got nothing to lose so I might as a going win it all be there and so far he seems to be trying to win it rather than finish so it's yeah so far I'd say you told me my my driver of the day I don't really think anyone else has outperformed him over the stood if he finishes in the top seventh day he and his teammate Johnny Cocker they will take the championship lead by half a point if that step that the more comfortable the margin will be so at least there is some hope here for barbell motorsport plenty of hope at all remote sport though this has been a really strong showing again for both of these cars the better place to platooning the championship is that number five car know which is the car that's third in points in GT for torn Collard and Lewis Proctor who will take over for the second stint of the race they would back it set them for then had a retirement at the next race at Silverstone which has cost them slightly but they arrived here at Spa two points on two championship leaders who they are ahead on that wat off the championship means while Scott Maxwell is still only fifth in GT fall but only actually about five or so seconds behind Reaper here gray and David sir trying to get passed by Ratcliffe not able to do it on that occasion Deepak racing Bentley Continental GT three stays ahead and there still is another Continental GT 3 with the TF sport Aston Martin par this is Rick Parfitt and more farmer they are scrambling for 10th position at the moment our farm another driver recovering for a spin path for recovering from a penalty after he tipped the 69 not beginning into a spin this though is all getting very tight in GT 4 and it looks almost as if and I hesitate to say this but it does look almost as if the McLaren's are holding each other up slightly now and allowing the TF sport Aston Martin to close in behind yeah unfortunately there most probably boxes laps are actually say it's fair game for Dornan to defend because that's going to help his teammate Josh Smith be in front of Lewis Proctor as we see the first car take it scheduled on a pit stop it will be thicker than past now everyone I think will stop as soon as they can want to get there faster pro-drive rid of that polar and also fuel around here within the South for throttle there is a pretty much scope to go much longer than an hour around here for most cars they were the top two cars in the GT for championship relief both have penalties to serve the 15 Mustang 20 seconds and the 57 McLaren 15 seconds because they were first in a second at Darlington last time you're absolutely right James Dolan is defending the race lead in GT 4 and why shouldn't he they may pit this time but of course they are silver drivers there's no huge advantage to having one driver in the car all the other maybe if Cole are feels he's getting held up he might be on the radio saying can we pick this time and try and get the undercoat done yeah I could do and I think I definitely want a box if I was caught on think they've got one fuel regen and they use dumped churns away the regulations are you can only have one fuel rig per two cars so as a team you'd rather just box one one lap and one the next but from a strategy perspective that not be advantageous so it's good to get busy in that pit lane and you suddenly see five six seconds evaporate if a mistakes made and as a driver that's infuriating because you're looking at gaining tenths of a second and suddenly you lose multiples of that as we see so shred from the front of that Lamborghini never the Bentley I think I think is the grill cover of the is also a little bit damaged on the bridge that's the dive plane that looks very happy and standing to attention so as he boxes I think now just the people rip it off or try and fix it back down but I've got going through that refueling process so I've done 27 litre fuel tank in the McLaren so having fully topped up as we see the driver change going on so refueling first then what's a refuelling finishes then the tires a driver 50 can be change so not all three activities at once which like the used tires going on for Brady Ellis that's most probably his qualifying tires although it was a wet qualifying so they must actually practice ones do they might scrub them germ-free during warm-ups sorry so now they gotta wait for their minimum pit stop time so it looks like they're ready which they are but unfortunately as a driver you just sat there waiting for the engineer of that lollipop to release you and then don't see the pit lane needs to be clear as well so you can't just go when it says zero you need to make sure you're blending in to a clear pit later they're not going to impede anyone so this is the race leading car on anyway we're looking forward IV now to a fascinating second half the race because we're going to have the two silver silver entries at the front on the optimum at team Park racing and they'll have a decently it's over whichever of the pro-am cars comes out in third because both this car and the baby and the the silk are gonna have this big lead but then it's the pro drivers that are gonna be in the car for Hardman we should in theory be quicker so it's going to be one of those typical racism and the catching catching catching catching catching and then bites at the end they probably all get together and we have a real grandstand finish so this is again again way the regulations work with allowing the silver silver' entries to compete against programs it does all the even out over the race and it provides us with some pretty thrilling climaxes yeah and I think added to that both Allison the optimist in and getting sorry in their Park apatheia both quote robust drivers own sake they're very confident with knowing where their car is so they're going to be hard to pass on top of that so yeah all those pros needs to get past those two guys who were going to be hanging on for dear life to get on the top step of the podium as you see Chris Hawley coming into the harsh okay makes a lovely noise this Mustang obviously going on a little bit longer than some of the other guys so they're not unleashing Andy Priaulx just yet well now look we're stout water so what you going into here in the sorcerer 180 degree happen you hitting the brakes tank to the left bring it in and you'll see the wall on the inside is I been looking for his exit point a little bit of obese tip where tires go off normally before the Front's in a railroad drive card just because the amount of energy they have to deal with you could see it look at his mirrors santahat came down the inside of it and then throw erosion off you go from number seven kilometers and 20 turns of spa what it certainly is as well and a real thrill arrived the fans know wouldn't know Chris Hoy's want to come in and actually he's getting plenty miles under his belt this weekend he's also racing indicator and 420 our championship a bit later on today where he was in the top ten yesterday the 69 car that just passed him is under investigation for an incident with car eight which is the team have a race Mercedes now that could be that little shimmy they did on the run through use also under investigation you couldn't really conscript this is the 47 Aston Martin for that contact with the 33 now off the turn maybe you'd expect the penalties go to the 47 because that was a genuine look from what we could see anyway like it was a proper hit up the rear and the Porsche that set to go off the road what is your view though I'm fascinated to hear of the 69 car because that would seem a little hard really not yeah I think from what we saw it was a bit like that by playing Russian roulette like unfortunately Neary at the bully and the Hank are way over it was aggressive and not particularly nice burn I don't think anyone wants to be nice and quick Championships right so as we see a real mixture of gt3 Mercedes on gt4 on for our stead and gc3 Mercedes bits of what he liked and stickers flying off the cars but yeah I'd be disappointed if to hang up penalty for that I think it was robust again that word fan as we see Ratcliffe box the only right drive car which makes it really annoying to do a driver change because you're right next to the fuel rig Bobbsey british bentley right-hand drive only us the Commonwealth and Japan I think of right hand drive country so it's a limited market but they stuck to their guns arigato this is doing a full position now of course because of the success penalty the 69 car had served its back behind the eight car now switch while I was in play here paint green in the BMW I'm Krista do live in the Mercedes and Johnny Cocker hit the 69 at Lamborghini this is all for position but only time she'll reach positions yet because it all needs to shake out with the rest of the post the pit stop in it we saw we're about six or seven I reckon so Sam to handle its work to do again they're also developed some of the GT for traffic's with which has not yet pitted but Johnny Cochran's just set the outright fastest middle sector on the previous lap idly despite the traffic around it was more traffic me out of the pit laid about the 37 Aston Martin isn't it without Darren Turner on board getting stuck straight in now I'm not sure they laugh that cars a lap down actually because it fell down slightly in the first in beautiful can God allow you to be racing here in the 24 hours next weeks they're very much using this as a as a shakedown for that yeah Tony Quinn is coming driving car what's in the open extant Australia guy New Zealand I think that's rather offensive terrific yeah I've met him he's a brilliant character show me do get to see more of him what an Aston Martin Vulcan for the race track he owns in New Zealand as a safety car ask him what you do for business and he goes oh shoot kangaroos and Selma's doctor so he assures me that the business is legitimate and he had to have a helicopter shooting kangaroos there's paid by the Australian Government to shoot him and then turns them into dog food he gets paid twice so I guess still there shake car down for the 24 hours next week that's gonna close I can see that coming and beggary knew it as well backed out of it but Christodoulou seizes the opportunity gets on side left light sequence of quarters and said the inside of one corners the outside of the next and frustratingly through Christodoulou he can't prize this door open and he's very wide all that little bit moving half right round the outside he can even run out of Road again on the exit they're almost in the gravel trap and Johnnie Cochran off quite close enough to take advantage that was robust up there that green was not for letting him through there's almost like a chess game though that jag karna just being in the middle you have to choose if you want to go left or right of it and who's gonna help it actually ended up kind of helping fight as we see a big old movement turning it there that was as bad as the bottom minster but I kept turning it even from the forward-facing awkward you could see the rear the car snappin did a 140 550 miles an hour there's a big moment at luckily improve safety here expires on tarmac six seven years ago that was still gravel that would have been a large off but yeah push you like a bit more an hour all this beep and beep tarmac everywhere for us model drivers so terrible isn't it well I have to say if I didn't help he was running about half a car length behind the BMW as well which I think that was as graphic an example as you'll ever see of what dirty air does for the car is what just from tampons goes by it's downforce . and these gt3 cars we made the point they do rely on their downforce endure when you're within touching distance of the car fastest corner on the circuit not really expected to stick to the circuit like glue toodaloo try now to fight back against the BMW this is the pot amazing you're trying to sort of pick your moments and think I'm quicker here and he's weaker there but if you catch about marker at that part of the circuit you have to abort don't you and just wait for another opportunity and then equally smooth out the traffic and create an opportunity but you weren't expecting it and you have to pounce yeah you're trying to see where that traffic is going to get caught you can obviously see some point to the track as we see a very slow 57 cars second in the GT for championship so he could cross you there but that is the car that had served its pitstop penalty anyway with a 57 car now in the hands of D MacDonald important D McDonald I think I did MacDonald taking second spins has made its pit stop but was going slowly we'd like to keep watching this battle of cause but that was a significant car in trouble and there it is and of course it's extremely rare that you see a McLaren breaking down like there's it there's no smoke there's nothing hanging off of it that leads me to think it may well be electrical and unfortunate electrical gremlins can strike any car currently this looks like it's cuckoo stick to me and all the way from the top of the cabin straight all the way to this point here just a below one it's downhill so there's only way he's gonna plan to come sniff his toenail off and on the fly to try to get some life back into it I think you've pulled it right because there was there's make visible problems with it all of the cards now or the electronic systems are so so complex that only takes one issue and the whole system gets knocked out and it is hard to I've recovered sometimes it off and on can reboot it and sometimes unfortunately terminal but for their championship that's that's home they could get that sorted yes that places that nicely of the fifteen cog in there I'll have a stab at giving the gt4 order in a few laps I don't forget one spot finish pitting they at the gt3 they have so the order in gt3 is a 96 optimum motorsport Aston Martin back out in front that's Bradley Ellis now onboard oh that's not in a moment cuz there's a place where their family Krista Dooley who was trying to be decisive in the traffic traffic was being slightly less decisive it sort of lingering the meeting lingering in the middle of the road right there is your race leader Brad Lee Ellis that leads the way by thirteen point seven seconds now over glyn Getty who is in for Ryan Ratliff in the number seven team Park racing Bentley Continental he is nine and a half seconds ahead of Johnny Adam which makes sense Johnny Adams about three seconds off the lead he served 20 seconds after the pit stop and has now dropped to 23 seconds behind so that is the starting point there plus 23 seconds between Johnny Adam and the race leader but Johnny Adam isn't the highest placed pro driver chasing down the two silver entries in front of him Rob Bell is into the 22 McLaren he's eleven point seven seconds further back in for Callum McCloud is in for now on the 57 girls stop it say stop going down hurts to have low water that's about stuff like what I think you're right thought your wraparound is I do actually know how it is up and down if you can't fire up that gravity is no longer on his side and that is a very bad place to be stopped without stating the very very obvious that safety car were that we keep haunting is if it does come out there time for GLS and then get er gonna be really really struggling so we see a a warning flag on the left-hand side they could just see a 47 flashing so that's most probably tracked limits it's for the car not for the driver so if Graham Davison had used them all up that Johnny Adam unfortunately inheritance that he is a 10-second stop go penalty for contact with the Porsche so that is real drama then for the 47 car that is in third place at the moment and that was potentially set to inherit 2nd place at least maybe even the championship lead and they will have to serve 10-second penalty now they are almost exactly 10 seconds ahead of rock Belle's McLaren so it may not cost them a position they might come out of this okay unfortunately they're 10 seconds plus the pit lane time 28 seconds here at Spa so it's probably gonna be like 40 by the time you out that into your equation so yes it looks like today no one wants to win the championship which is I guess lucky is not the last round but as we see it like I said I'm sure there was no intent from Davidson it wasn't for position but from the quick glimpse I caught of it did look like it turned the Porsche around so everyone's going to shuffle up the pack now interest to see where that hhc McLaren is ended up for me it's is - on the track to be a live snatch where they bring either a tractor or a 4x4 on to bring it that only really works when it's off the track but we haven't had a safety cart now then hopefully it's a rebooting that got on its merry way yeah even if I can just pull off the road that's better than nothing isn't it so right I'll try and carry on with this order though it's going to change again now because of the penalty for Johnny Adam Ben green is six in the BMW number three and of course to do lose 7th another great Sadie's they have two cars on screen right there we've Johnnie Cochran 69 Lamborghini next in line in eighth said Morris its ninth but under investigation they thought nabbing in for ping given a one-second stop go penalty for two shorter pit stop 57 Gosselin as far as the first office stopped again and then fired back up again so that's good news even Donald is off the track bad news for their championship and this championship curse seems to be striking GT for cars as well as gt3 so yeah penalty then 435 guards and Morrissey he will drop out of nine place that will hand it to Nikki team and the Dame train will be Welling to the top Teddy just took the fastest lap as well as Nikki team to list 21 point four zero six then it's Linda's 11 in the WPRI Lamborghini Ben Mitchell as our Jack Mitchell his 12th not EastEnders character Ben Mitchell Jack Mitchell is 12 Darren Turner is 13th at the last of the gt3 cast in GT for it is the number four car that leads the way that's Josh Smith then who we are watching there and not far behind him is the number five carbon between them he's the 97 Aston Martin which is now being driven by Tom canning so Smith canning and propter McLaren Aston Martin McLaren Aston Martin in fact the top four because the 95 chorus is for those looking good for Tolman and TF sports in GT four and rounding out the top five Michael O'Brien in the number 24 Clara now believe we can bring you some footage of what happened between 47 Aston Martin in the 33 Porsche oh no that's the Porsche than a third right there's us the other incident that's the number six Ian locky driven Mercedes getting punted out of the way the instead of reading each drive see is the 47 car into the back of the 33 which is what the penalties been given before we don't have a 40 maybe but we may be able to possibly find you some footage of it in the near future sir 43 minutes to go take a deep breath now how because I get a feeling it's all going to start to boil up now to a real crescendo in the final third or so off the race these lead gaps in gt3 are coming down rob bell now into third place after Johnny Adams to serve that sir stop go penalty rob bell on the previous lap was near well he was over 2 seconds quicker than the race speed at least 31 seconds back not convinced he's quite going to get there which may well be good news for oli Wilkinson who has just got out of the 96 Aston Martin Bradley Ellis is in it's now and in the race lead and a bj is down at optimum McMahon led the entirety of the first stint let's find out shall we only it's a case of job done for you isn't it yeah you could say so and it was a love Aston really managed to go away for a good start and then really from that he's got my head down and then keep on from there really how's it feeling out there because it looks pretty darn hot yeah it was warm out there today I'm being honest I was using the aircon though so you know like as relatively cuz they want to but it's quite a few teams when they say the word air called they don't know what that is out there so you're pretty lucky what do you think you've you've got a fair bit of the race to go but you're in quite a commanding position yeah I think we're looking good where we are at the moment and I think you know all going well we could we could well be on for a podium if not a race win but obviously this is more a spa and anything could happen between you and the finish line so I only like to say right now all right well we'll keep it watching it thank you exactly so Olli Wilkinson then happy but also nervous no doubt now because he's done his bit now he has to watch his co-driver do the job so if we think the robber off okay first of all Joe do we think Rob Bell is too far back to catch the race leader's I'm a catch doing get a suppose but do you think you can catch bribe yeah is the gap is 29 seconds so we should have 18 lunch give or take my bad mathematics so do two seconds a lap quicker right so 36 seconds maximum you should be aired to catch so it's plausible is that two seconds gonna be consists in every lap no but Brad the Alice's and Glyn Getty should deteriorate quicker because of that wait so if it's two seconds now with another 40 minutes to go that lap time should only get we are the deficit Rossi has declared click any that's not gonna be zero time loss there's got any time devoted to just get a pass Clinton in the belly and Lenny has to make chase as we see this battles still raging on and so far actually look really clean as well I think Christodoulou Lulu might have it just about now and is he tucks past Ben green and that's interest now to see what pace Adam has to get away from this group yes they are about 17 seconds behind Johnny Adam man who also fell behind Gail McLeod as well on the previous lap as a result penalty in the house about his dad's fifth place Johnny Coker the other challenge of contending t23 carries 800 so they would at least gain some point it's all going to be very close as we head to brand taps the ultimate round next time out GT for leader about going to the left out of this little group which are still fighting away I remind you for sixth position with Mercedes having just taken this so there are another couple of positions here up for grabs for Johnny Kaka perhaps he might have just managed to make better work of the bat markers can't quite get to the inside but if you can gain these two places they could be very valuable points indeed yeah right that Niki T is catching the eye unfortunately at the moment you would say probably more like to lose a position in the next five or ten minutes the way their attrition has been going these track limits in the last one as well as we jump jump off boards say these with Marvin I think against Palvin Oh how's your mother how's your father for he goes and [Music] I would actually say it's got stupid suits got and I've had some good battles without so much contact exactly the same as Scott but I think he was slightly in the wrong I would in hindsight probably give the position back to ploughmen and look to do it again a little cleaner the problems aren't right-hander they're the middle of coop is not you don't break so there is no real speed deficit so what Alfred has done there is literally just throwing that GT for Mercedes into account and give him brown with the problem a plan twists turned it like he has to and the problems created the contacts oh yeah I think rope robust is my word of the day so I'll go over it again and it's what I would have done but I think slightly in the wrong so we are and EJ and the pit they reran Ratcliffe who had another Magus different [Music] yes Ryan you told me just before the race you said right my plan is to jump from p3 to be one and then make the car as big as possible mission almost accomplished you got to pee too yeah I didn't really go to plan my plan I mean Ian loggia an amazing star and he got past me so it's been a bit of time trying to get past him by the time I did Holly I'd built up a massive lead so it's just sort of trying to chip away to to reel him back in but to be fair to him it did a really good job our car felt really nice to be fair so I'm happy with it Glenn's out there now doing a pretty good job seems to be keeping the McLaren at bay I think we got a 13 second lead over and I'm not sure that a fair bit of time to catch p1 though isn't it yeah I think the leaders got sort of a 13 second buffer as well so we'll see there anything can happen it's pretty easy there has to be no safety car yet which they usually is every year so we'll see what happens I mean I'm pretty happy where we are right now but if you can catch the leader then now if you're wondering what's happened to Iraq if he's not going through a bad time he's apparently the the lack of hair has as a result of some money that he's been raising for charity Jonah and actually not an insignificant amount of money either I think it's 40,000 pounds for Cancer Research UK which is a a brilliant cause I mean he wasn't a great looking guy anyway so to do that to her and she wasn't that much of an issue for him so yeah great to say and he's probably worth a few tenths of a second as well with the weight saved well that is something actually yes Jeremy Clarkson made the point once that he was amazed for blood drives are allowed to grow beards and whatnot because surely that sir worth a few hundredths of a second and lap so this is the number 7 car that Ron Radcliffe was in we are going to try to go back now to this incident that was a sort of penalty going away of 47 Aston Martin this is all we have of it so make the most of this so they're the two cars at the back of this creep now Jay what what can we see here so it looks like Davison is trying to get the run on him and it just hasn't quite judged the length for the front of his car and it's such a gradual little nudge but as you see it's enough to fully rotate the Porsche which I think then hits the barrier on the left-hand side and that's why that bonnet boot thing pops up and I think unfortunately yes it's not for position but the race director has done exactly the right thing Davison has caused an accident and has to be punished for it there was no intent though if we're doing it it was just a Mitch misjudgment and unfortunate when you're when you're on the edge and you're pushing hard overlap and then over a championship those sort of things are gonna creep in now you know we would say no one wants to win this championship in gt3 or gt3 seven h8c moats what McLaren is sort of oh I'll get this in the motor because Johnny caucus getting back to it again here with the number three BMW off and green side by side into a Rouge and it goes through so cockamamie into 8th position now again uses a bit of the curve on the exit of Arusha Radeon we try and find bumps like you may able to so in GT 4 then the 57 h8c McLaren a sort of handedness on a plate to the 15 Ford Mustang which is now under investigation or will be after the race for pit lane incident with the sister h8c car 58 car now usually that means none safe release but we don't know who it was that wasn't really stuck safely we are being told that but that's just another little cloud now over this race for one of our champion contenders in GT four but there's pretty nice to leave the circuit not knowing exactly what the result is so five in the garage of afraid that is said Connor O'Brien in the optimum motorsport Aston Martin Sorrell Shane Connor I used to coach Conor when the loveliest kids you'll ever meet slightly weird but really really nice and has really committed this year to British GT a good test program have optimum and the new Vantage GT for Ashok see what the car and why it was it and what the problem was really it looked like it was quite hot there to fan on top of the engine but it can have mad rush IVA means it's terminal or they don't know what it is yet so yeah I've take four minutes to go they get the card back out and get some laps with Connor out there as we see this gt4 battle really hotting up as we saw before the pit window it was the to talk with cards together the five card a 10-second penalty from its previous third place it's nested so that's why the five car is a little bit further back it wasn't about pit stop or anything on that cars fault the interest to see if this flows the same way as it did in the first did the four car started off quicker than the five car catches up but now we've got 97 car in there in the sandwich of Tolwyn cars this could this could turn into probably be there less battle the the race we've got remaining I would say at the moment TF sport I think I'm right in saying haven't won a race yet even gt4 know they haven't so this would be their opportunity to do so perhaps through from said Morris in the gt3 Bentley sorry just seal the estimate really aggressively come in behind that meant the biggest car out there so he could have got the slipstream there to try and get past the McLaren that's what you're starting to see as they both run widened there's completely different being up here we're not we're not driving to race at all everything I do is legal and what do you watch it from the outside some of the the track limits guys are really taken the Mickey and I think we're gonna start see some penalties coming thick and fast you basically got four lives and first first three go completely unnoticed for fun you get a black and white warning which is your final final chance it's kinda like a yellow card in front of a rugby and then it's straight to a drive-through penalty or not on the or our fifth issue so as I said the car carries the penalty not the driver so if your co-driver who started the race you stood up three of them you've got one of them to go wide before you get the penalty I'm definitely seeing a lot of cars seeming to use up a lot of their lives quite early on so the big hot spots this one here on the left so you can see both those look legal got one wheel on the track that's all good and you can carry on but yeah you've got effectively five lives before you get cooled up into the 42 BMWs on its second warning we're being told for it's even traveling to turn 70 which i think is launched not so last quarter at which these two both run wide a lap ago so cruel a calm they go tf's last GT for me was 2014 that is almost impossible to believe thank you again Tom Hornsby for sending us all of the information there we go 2014 so there long no virtue of victory and they are now in second position right on the tail of the race leading McLaren another instant that's being investigated by Blake is this is not going to be a great surprise the incident between car 66 and 11 that was Scott Melvin and Martin plow and I think we both know which way that one might go but we'll wait it's only under investigation for time being pit stop infringement for car number nine is also under investigation that will further improve the mood down at century motorsport because their gt3 car being investigated now for some sort of pitting Frenchman too short to stop speed England safe release keep any any one of a number of things really so we move now towards the final half of this race the lead gaps at the front to stay fairly stable between Ellis again Rob Bell is on a mission east now 19 seconds off the race lead he was about 23 or 24 off it so he's gained about four or five seconds for six seconds maybe on the race leader the seven-point eight now behind rob bell with Kalin McLeod still fourth and Johnny Adam in fifth position set to take some points out the bar well cars but not really as many as it looked like they might do earlier on this afternoon so got a few more tweets coming in and like set out everything's got any questions I could try and answer live on the air then Twitter Osborne Joe for me as we see the GT for battle rage got through that I come in got Jack gofer I think normally races those touring car they not quite as good as these things but he's obviously trying to compare himself him in a friend sighs shor normally watch football there they're asking what's the best way to get to British GT and any of the races you can just buy tickets online come along and if you and if you guys come into a paddock a more than happy to show you around the cars and show you what proper Motorsports about basically it is a real assault on the senses as well as make GT racing that's one of the things whenever I introduce people to motor racing it's usually are the touring cars or GTS Tory cars because it is that sort of you know really high paced action sort of racing but GT racing it's this assault on sensors the car look amazing they sound amazing and the racing as we've seen is pretty epic as well down in the pit lane where things are baby startin to calm down a little bit now after the pit stop window is am DJ Andy who have you got for us this time James just tell me what you're seeing because this is quite exciting yeah I mean one of those races where I mean luckily we managed to get a good start but then you're just punching a hole in the air for everybody so as you saw in my stint I just had the whole pack behind me the whole race which really does put the pressure on and now as you see josh is under exactly that same pressure from the Aston so but you know I've got all the faith in him so hopefully we'll we'll have a bit of luck this time and come away with a win which is harder being in the car or watching the car well I thought being in the car now I'm out I don't know I mean like I said I've got all the faith in Joshin yeah uncle Colin anything we know he's running well so just fingers crossed now I can bring you home it's gonna hold on for half an hour yeah that's the longest half an hour you've ever seen and it's certainly in your case for sure thank you so much good luck the race to James Dolan who just came so close to winning the Renault UK Clio Cup last year only for a postseason penalty - unfortunately demote him to second which is not really the way you want to lose it but he's had a bit of a torrid skis and so far as well there's was the car that broke down for the race had really started at Donington Park last time out and now here they are trying to defend this lead so what do you think in your professional view does the Aston Martin look like it is handling better at managing its tires better where do you see the strengths to weaknesses between these two so the essence a little bit quicker hence why I can stick on this qualifier I'd say the McLaren just got the top speed advantage and that's probably why we had seen the position change at the moment it probably needs a bit more to see exactly what's going on as we see team on Krista to new Krista goes in deep Nick he's trying to hang around the outside like a trailer park girl unfortunately gets shown there the hard shoulder off he goes again but Nikki's poking it through the field is just unreal absolutely amazing for some - had to be the best instant one even with half of it left Nikki's really showed these guys what's for us we see them all back up behind the gt4 calf will kind of break test each other not on purpose or necessity so they don't run into each other up there Nikki's absolutely flying yeah you probably say this is the last position he's realistically gonna get so big gap there - the cars in front but again safety guard comes out then it's all about track position so you need strike player Krista doing as quickly as you can I probably says best opportunities either going to be into the bus stop or into the Combe after they chemists straighten the top speed they asked it it seems to be its biggest positive against the Mercedes as we saw it's tipped what with the ABS driving that I cut the power just to cruise around slightly I stay at the pouch cruise around the Mercedes if he gets past Krista Zulu quickly he's only about seven seconds behind Johnny Adam but again then you start delving into the team politics don't you are they really going to take points away from the 47 car if Nikki team had his way I know what would happen but he may not be able to make that final decision himself that's only really if he gets past Krista dulu in the next lap or so which in fairness looks like it is definitely on the cards out of Blanche DuPont they come back towards us if I appear out my window I can see them coming towards us with the sunlight glinting off the bodywork and that new Aston Martin it's got a distinctive new sound to it this year but I have to say it's a very nice design a little more slippery maybe in a straight line now maybe at the old Vantage and that possibly is what's leading to it having this apparent advantage in a straight line yeah I think that an ad it's gone to turbo now so the talk that turbos are bringing to the whole Drive training that's really the future of motorsport everything's go turbo smaller engine to get better fuel efficiency but then when the turbos kick in you get more torque and more power that way so we're watching for a roost listen for a lift tiny one as he turns right little bit illegal for both of that kind of fairly illegal of bypass and now he's in the slipstream that extra talk we talk about as we go back to the GT for battle and the Austin similar sort of sat behind it but two team of kasuga Chris new comes the insiders I think he's probably got me a car length closer as they get through Irish so he's that got an opportunity to get around the outside of it you see how much she's going on with the windscreen Aston Martin so you've got two places in the middle but we to stop any big coming through the windscreen is although it all looks like the road car that'd be a polycarbonate plastic wind screen rather than glass so it's not particularly strong to support it there and then you see the right-hand corner there two black boxes with the wires their GPS arrows for the data systems in camera system so there's a lot of complex technology at these cars these days and yeah there's a hell of a lot going on for the driver behind as well he'll be working away trying to work out what Chris to do his weaknesses like Neary their throughput on put the slide in the middle of the core never just looks like the Box got the advantage in sector to the more big speed downforce corners and then it looks like the Aston has got the advantage maybe at the sector period sector what which is all about top speed just to take us back to GT for a moment no further actually leads to between Volvo and cloud in which the interesting so they clearly decided it was amazing instant and for multiplier disagrees put so it's got more than able to take place and keep it so that's up to one little box take them got our answer to that one as Nikki team is still struggling to fire the way passed out of Christodoulou and every time he gets close enough to attack was traffic on the road this could be interesting because the middle of blood should what's going to really hold Christa doodle up if he can get almost be like a restart on Christodoulou as we see the upper Swedish McCleary down the way well yeah just doing a wide wide job here it's gonna be looking for the comebacks here go to the left hand side now Nikki by then the truxmart Mercedes is brilliant it's really really good at pulling away there so it's finally safe I would say first second third gear corners it's their fourth gear and above odd so the Aston is stronger and that's really what we see through erosion beyond seems well planted does Nick through the high-speed corners the Aston Martin was another flat marker in the way now to top of the GT for Aston Martin to which Nikki will be determined to get past before he hit so huge to get there or just but that was hearted about stuff but if he loses a second or two there it could take him another two or three laps to gain that time back so they have to be decisive in the GT for drivers I'm sure get a bit frustrated at this sometimes because they feel on to get elbowed out of the way left and center but if they were in the gt3 drivers position they would do exactly the same thing they have to make the progress as soon as they can struggling to make progress is Tom canning he's been latched on to the rear bumper of this McLaren pretty much since the start of his stint about 40 minutes ago and he just can't find a way through to more evenly matched car she can't really hope to find out there you sense it will take a mistake from Dolen or maybe he can take an opportunity when some of the gt3 cars come through to lap them but even under braking they're almost identical or there's just no advantage to either car yeah I really don't think one of them strong the other one anyway so as you've right right it's gonna be a mistake Gordon Smith Sparta Cunnings got to be pouncing on it maybe canning will be advised accompli Irish spice I got the moment round them but he might be bad just to back off a second because he's not really under any pressure from Proctor behind your head to turn so that 10-second penalty sometimes what you find when you back up and then you close back up to the car you get that momentum and you can actually carry that speed pass suppose if you're just following him you can't really do anything about that to gain the speed on him anywhere so actually it looks like he hasn't left that gap as I've said it's so interesting cos goes and really we're getting into tire management now is which tires going to go off quicker you've got the engine in the front the Aston Martin so it's gonna work the front tire harder likewise at the McLaren it's mid edge and so it's gonna work the rear tire harder so it's gonna be how the teams are set the pressures they can go through the setup as we see Dennis lived really on the back end or paint green there and Dennis got me to work to do obviously after I goes a couple of issues it is first it very familiar with that sort of driving that was extremely close not quite full contact a little bit of a it's happened to Taylor set Morris in trouble said Morris slowing in the bandy that looks like a rewrite puncture or suspension damage or both maybe we think from the bit in the pit lane a few times anyway with penalties and whatnots there's something wrong with the back of the Bentley and there sees McGinnis really rattled after a really strop start with the winner Dalton Park it's just not God's plan since then they were disqualified from Silverstone and now I know the retirements on the cards oh well we've cut away their does Nikki team almost ready to the back of Martin plan lose had a lively state but the battle between Lee at the PPR motorsport Lamborghini of deadest living than the BMW Ben green was getting feisty into the first corner as well the team has lost some ground up and look at the way that they are catching all of a sudden Johnny Adam is only a couple of seconds of the road for even less than that now so there's something at least possibly there for Johnny out of our thing because here the 47 car really any Humperdinck traffic but they can't really afford to lose any more places and we were saying it was unlikely that Nikki team was going to catch his teammate is this a problem do we think for Adam or is this there's a lot of time for Johnny to have lost in traffic he was about was it 12 seconds or so from Beatrice if we could staff what a little bit long to see what the cars looking to ID looks okay under traction so it's got enough power it's okay for a left-handers no problem with a suspension particular the loaded side would say let's check up the braking how to meets in a little bit I could just sometimes be the concertina effect rose up the dust in his face block his radiator looks okay so you could just read a really really bad run a traffic like we said early it's quite easy to lose a couple of seconds do that five or six times a zero to ten eleven seconds but yeah it's not like Johnny Johnny's mr. British to tears I said he knows how to handle all of this yeah I mean really I get anymore my weight loss school is like they gonna do Johnny tip my god him up into Nikki said Nikki cannot even take those way too far-fetched is a conspiracy theory so this is going to be a an amazing battle now I think the cars all in the reward you would say Nikki's quickest per third uttered second quickest and in second and Johnny's at the moment slowest and the leader this week are battle all traffic ahead as well as they come through on Tremont how will this play out I wonder out of Krista Dealey trying his best to apply the flash pressure is the Invictus racing this game's racing jaggery is the Christopher Lee drives round him yeah that didn't look right did in there for Johnny Adam he braked significantly earlier than he normally would he's not pitting so you can't feels he can manage it but he's going to keep losing places yeah so sewing under braking we know there's special herbs all right from how its handling could be an ABS issue resolved breaking earlier and to pool isn't such a big break zone whereas we're going to the bus stop your hardened to the brakes if Johnny's lost the ABS you simply won't get to brake as hard or late and get the car stopped so it may be is just nursing an issue to get the car home but that car was lost before word so I wonder if he's he's gonna get caught potentially by Cocker and even live didn't think and Claire great all right this is so yeah Lydon trying to go around the outside of Ben green right on cue we're here except Morris has been in four tire change I've changed that rewrite twice maybe hostage to puncture or something in the wheel itself but you play there Dave but were so now you have through goes nicotine that was always gonna happen one this at the Dane train and steams through into 4250 position now yes so six position I write them in it so he's ahead of Johnny Adam now Vic position will be the next target out of Chris Dula rode from him there is Seth Morris week through behind even some of the midfield gt3 even us now so the 42 BMW now in its third track of its warning in GT for the car that have started on pole position the sister car and away to the number three center eights sport machine that we're seeing now and the two of them head down the hill here with Dennis Lin's still very much in the wheel tracks of the BMW in front of it just to let you know by the way the 33 Porsche with great Caitlyn tuile has pitted it may be to retirement source but he was asking Joe on the Twitter about that that's where it's goddess had a rough day has made the port it had the damage penalty and then got nerfed into the barriers by Graham Davidson as well that really damage I think possibly was the final nail in the coffin wasn't it that fairly significant these cars are so expensive to run in the region of 30 to 40 pounds per kilometer of running cost so if you're running around in the bag dude you're not going to get any chance or a group resolved in marketing the carriage just save quite a lot of money and they can maybe get the earlier crossing back over to be home for for Sunday night but yeah I think that question well so we've we've missed that one I've got a few new people watching today which is good so Nathan down thank you for tuning in it's good to have people join the British GT Championship I've always loved but with the coverage now we've got it live as far as well now which is pretty and we can watch all the way around the two hours of spirally for us to I know the British tracks before I believe so I always like coming here and watching cars go which they have been a look at this this could not be any closer deadly sleep he's almost in the boot now of the BMW in front of him in front of em meanwhile Scott Melvin's attack continues as he tries now to get past the McLaren which is a lockdown I believe then it's Lynne just can't quite price this door open although he's got a good exit from the source and I think that might just have done it but they've been here before side-by-side and there's traffic improved as well which is Martin plans Aston Martin which way did they go was leaving on each other someone will have to give here and it's not going to be Dennis Lindy goes through a head of Bank greed nicely done that he had to do that before they came across this Aston Martin and now he can pull out and pass it fairly easily so to have a camel straight they go there that puts Dennis Lee into ninth position our next target will be Johnnie Cochran opens 18 seconds but the road will green fighting back here until a calm implicit on the brakes it would see Burt so now can't get through more but run that move again of the inside into the final part of Lake arm and that was this time on the 58 hhc McLaren which has had its troubles as well in this race 58 is running at the moment down in 7th place I believe in this earth as far as the silver cars are concerned in gt3 at the head of the gt3 field by the way things are getting rather tighter now there were only about three seconds between clink any in second and Rob Bell in third as they flashmaster's out the window I can see they are almost nose to tail House of the second place battle is beginning Rob Elam start this stint was 24 seconds off the race lead with 15 minutes left he's 10 seconds off the race lead so as you said the D brings the still we go the more that ballasts easily affecting the silver cars and Rob Bell might yet do you think he'll get to this got five or six laps left about now the checkered flag falls on the leader so nine seconds it's still doable is all about how quickly bail can clear Getty and I think we've seen this gap now is it's obviously closing quickly and we saw earlier work sure that was it the 22 car though it was top speed that seems to be the mclaren strongest point so what we'll be hoping he can cruise up to the back of that Bentley get a slipstream off it and just drive straight past it with no real time loss so it looks like we've been following the confrim it looks really planted doesn't look like Rob's got any handling issues whatsoever cars nice had planted big dirty v8 making a nice sound as he accelerates across wasn't there we have the top three lovely shot it to pull on and yeah be interesting to see how it goes I think we've got Rick Parfitt in the bits without DJ me it doesn't get his take another thing yes we certainly do Rick it started so well and then we've just seen the car come in with what looked like a real puncture what's going on oh it's just as far as served up its usual its usual carnage I guess you know we knew we had good straight line but it's interesting to see the strengths and weaknesses of different cars so the Lambo is are very very quick through the twisty stuff we're quick in a straight line and so it's a bit of a cat-and-mouse game and so at the beginning you know might have cracking run onto Han and thought I'd given him enough room and obviously we came together it was unfortunate you know sorry sorry Sam but I I thought I'd given him enough room it's one of those things it wasn't wasn't malicious in any way most of us were just fighting over the same and I was coming back on so to shame but you know and from there on it's just gone from bad to worse I think we had a pit stop infringement we were one second under and so that's put us back and yeah that's kind of it really so far oh yeah no puncture so but that's racing isn't it you know 99% frustration 1% elation and today's 99% it gets in the end doesn't it sorry mate thank you [Music] yes thank you and eat that with Rick Parfitt who always has a small in space regardless of how badly things puppy going out on track the show must go on it well it must indeed and he only understands Mason he pours his heart and soul does lead to his racing program he's reap the rewards in the past he's a former champion let's not forget with Seth Morris his co-driver this is Niki team the BMW was a lap down but the Mercedes in front of him is not a lot of the battles right from the field OD 1.4 seconds now separate link Eddie in second and Rob Bell in third you do not know where to look as he's always the case when we get into the final portion of these races seems that the roar is about 16 different buckles going off there is one for second place is developing now Rob felt needs to get on with this we were discussing off air whilst ER and he was talking to Rick just now whether we think Rob Bell can get there and I think it all depends on how long he spends behind this Bentley if you can get past getting quickly there is maybe a chance maybe that Rob Bell could get there this could be his opportunity because one of the GT for MacLaren's is in the way and maybe cost get EMR or so off the corner but there's not really what you can do about that through this sequence the middle sector is and less the car in front makes mistake for a single-file is though yeah exactly it flows left's rights fast medium speed corners and yeah what it almost feels like you lose your momentum for the next two or three and yeah we see Rob really closing up here now this is probably where the McLaren is stronger you could get on top of those curbs you can see the penny looks like it's danced around on his tires probably worn and the pressures have got higher and the pressures go high the tire literally feels like a just floating around on it I think is easy to forget the path Carl's at 15-second penalty from its is podium at Snetterton so it's less than 15 seconds away from the leader so if it hadn't had that as we see Ryan the egg looking on and he's got a lot of stress for the victor eleven minutes or so I think Lin could hold on it's always a guaranteed podium the second is one of those positions it sounds a lot better than third for whatever reason so it's gonna be a Titanic scrap for the positions I think they have had a second-place finish in race one at Stetson have T Park racing the best finish for the McLaren meanwhile has been a second-place finish also last time at the two podiums this season but they are really now on the coattails of the Bentley now 7.1 seconds off the race leader with ten minutes to go the better exit from the source but Kenny haddock could move to the right-hand side road then shovels it back over to the left-hand side were stove rockbell tried to get himself alongside whilst this battle is raging by the way significant move the seventh place Johnny Cochran's a head of Johnny Adam now so that's the second place car in the championship now ahead of the third place car of the championship and that puts them into seventh place which is just still for the 69 car to take the championship lead by I think half a point based on my very rough mathematics with two crais's to go it literally couldn't be any closer but the outcome of this race is still offering the air here Rock Bell needs to get a move on here as soon as he's got stuck behind Geddy he's going slower than Brandi l is the race leader in the first sector and Load lost half a second see our aggressive glint is now of his defense he doesn't care how much time he loses because he he's given update he's not going to catch Brad there's in front so he can devote all his attention to defending foot rod whereas Robby's trying to split two plates each on a Claire Glen and then get on they could get a good count back here get here G us had to lift off the throttle just at the apex so he didn't run into the back of him I think that lost his momentum to try to get the overtake done down the hill into Berlin so his next wheel opportunities gonna be into the bus stop up Robbie's obviously fast leave our six notes and what you see they do here is just drop back a leg foot to what you know you can't overtake him for the next couple of corners and there's no need to just follow him in the dirty air that's ryan's buff the better looking of his parents that's where he gets his looked rob the robbers just keeping this car clean and then you try and charge it back up again look to get a good exit attaching at these GT four cars in front to help me yeah really here I think his best opportunity is going to be bus stop the source top of Irish the cat will stray and I think that's about it but as for opportunities but I think we've lost the opportunity of the of the McLaren winning the race of big Bradley has done such a good job he's been metronomic in his stint and he's just kept the lap times plugging away and it's just meant that the gaps big enough to defend from the non-weighted McLaren more traffic know the race performance Ford Mustang made the way and gedion were supposed to a standstill there time to avoid hitting it where the fall off they'll has to react about the slowdown as well so again no real advantage gained there they just put a lap on the 42 vendôme e1 eloped is being investigated for contact with said Morris's Bentley again we don't know which way around that might go but they're clearly to Gough make contact force the JRM Bentley into pit lane this family though doing a good job of filling the track which is something Bentley's do quite well McLean Getty is having to drive up defensively here a good exit through a Rouge would help Rob out but again in that dirty yeah he just can't carry the same speed as Getty honey is so dependent so it's great for being hit the baby but when you're behind there all that air though it's coming off the back of it just means it's disrupted basically so the McLaren hasn't got a consistent airflow over its wings a diffuser so it's hard for it to generate the same downforce as we see McLeod there in the raft for Sadie's getting close and as all because Geddes on that defensive so suddenly that podium that looks so certain of those three cars is could be a four car fine for three positions on the previous lap as Nikki team goes up by side with Adam Krista to live into a ruse and goes through that's the position would you believe now for nicotine track limits what run limits into big place he goes he's not gonna catch anyone elses 37 seconds behind the cloud and this has been a storming drive from Nikki team well this is the battling GT for now marketing plan is back with Scott mole burn and might have a score to settle here he's probably thinking ball of the clock of the course hasn't settled this score for me so maybe it's time for me to dish out some justice myself the next core is probably not the corner to do that but he came to the bus stop he might just fire one up the inside these two are scrapping away over 20 third place overall but crucially third place in remember the 11 car is leading the pro-am gt4 category in the championship through the bus-stop they go almost running into the back of a 58 car which I'm pretty sure is oh that's also for position actually that's for that's a silver car and that is for GT for position as well so these three are all fighting for overall GT for positions but the Mercedes and the Aston Martin fighting for something rather more significant to them which is a GT for pro-am championship battle down the hill into a ruse where I can foul and make this move if anywhere he's always pushing malov and down there now at plowing I'm sort of saying in jest that he might dish out some justice here to Marvin but he's not gonna be gentle it's got is he after what happened earlier he don't think dirty but he's certainly not good give me slack is he yeah the bars been set yeah so you can play to the rules that I've been given to you and the rules are being laid out earlier by that move so yeah I think I for and I at this point would be fair and the race directors obviously also agreed with that that move as we see this three-car battle again Marvin's lost a minute I'm trying to get past the McLaren but places the car somewhere which Plowman can't do everything around us to check up so it's just I was amazing Melvin's pace it start listen it's really dropped off I don't know if there's a problem or the tires just got but he was he was streaking away from Baumann and now his roles reverse in this last five minutes looks like I'd want to be a plan one scale rather than anyone elses in that battle so yeah a couple of laps to try and settle the score employments outside I think it Martin's one of the fairest guys out there so I don't think anything underhand will happen but yeah he's got some ammunition to try a slightly different move potentially to what being the door here today well this is very close indeed and 58 car as I said of Luke Williams is also in this battle for position so marketed there a bit of a difficult situation here he's very much the meat in the sandwich through the middle sector now speaking of being the meat in the sandwich rob bell has now been fully caught by caliper clouds so we have a dare take our eyes off this battle the fight for second place overall is getting very tasty indeed and right on cue here they are Ron Paul with the McLaren in that second position going through the double apex left-hander at puan and now Rob Bell has to watch his mirrors as well as look out the windows because as we said Kalin McLeod is what I with them now so Geddy is slow we could maybe the tires going off whatever the issue is he's also defending both of which are backing Rob Bell needs to count on the cloud so what point does Rob Bell says say like well if I keep being patient I'm going to lose a position I just have to go for this yeah and it's trying to find what's the best opportunity to do it and they they it looks so close again I thought that McLaren was can have a better top speed than the bad paper it doesn't look that way and it just looks because the Bentley is so Aero dependent the McLaren can't follow it that well and that's why the pace is deteriorated so quickly and Rob hasn't been able to get past him so I think as we see Morris maybe looking to drive their fourth pit stop if he gets more contacts two biggest cars out there if they drive like that no one's career to go out there for a few laps I think Rob just got a try and line up and leave on the brakes and that leaves a little door open maybe dummy back but he's going to the outside to them McLeod's got the inside on Robert it's got a long way deep if he can get it round of three wide this could be she's giving any interesting is they Callen McLeod's got a better exit than both of them and I think they are free a trespass the old pit Locker this for second place with three minutes left on the clock Rob Bell gets it knows it from someone will have to back out but it not of them two three arrests in two intrusion McLeod gets both of them from fourth to second phenomenal racing but now Glen Getty will try fought by you can tell he's racing touring cars car new he's got a better run he's in the tape off to the house on applying for fell may yet benefit from all of this around the outside goes clean getting what is turning into a real hammer and tongs battle here but McLeod on the inside line will prevail and goes into second place what fabulous racing that was I do not know how McLeod managed to thread the needle but he did and it's into second place I've never seen that I've never seen gt3 cars why did Joey routine all three may care and it'd be fair yeah having Glynn did everything he could Rob had to be on that side the way did it and that McLeod was only left with one option which was the best option is to be on the outside for the left but the inside for the right and yeah great racing and to her it's a shame we've only got two minutes left of this race as we see Rob's in front Clinton's and gets the run that McClure does the inside clears the back out McLeod has a big old tank slapper they both cut the top and England's in the slipstream but doesn't manage to get back past him but kudos to all forever - you only time I've actually been grateful to be in the commentary box where he's gonna be watchin no sir I don't know which one I wanted the VN star they're great job through them your eyes rod stalks just sat here in the comics boxer imagine what those particles would being like there but back there the moment you live for surely the race driver especially if you're McCallum a cloud of the situation you just pass two cars at the inside of lo Rouge they're the moments that live in your memory forever that you will never ever forget that we won't figure out that in hurry but that's too big stuff and they're colorful out then into second position they've been on a good run midsi's now maybe the Mercedes squad after a disappointing start to the year that we documented a bit earlier on there they're penitent would but still mostly in log E and Cal McLeod and could pay some Donington as well but a late issue dropped down to tenth position in the end so into oh the last source hairpin they go and it is looking good right now you'd have to say for Bradley Alice and only Wilkinson they are 11 excuse me 0.3 seconds clear of the cloud now second Getti third still with Rob Bellamy's to hell they're still fighting for a podium position so this is worth keeping an eye on this little scrap in GT poor by the way oh look at that it is the number four car over Smith still ahead of counting and this is situation North Korean they've been most detail for the best part of an hour now and County hasn't found a way through you have to suggest therefore he's not likely to in the last lap and a half Izzi he's closed back up there was a bit of a gap or point in our two seconds he's now obviously back down two tenths of a second so he still got the pace he just doesn't seem to up the sort of the key to unlock the answer of Smith's defensive slash perfect driving so far not what mistake in an hour under that much pressure is hugely hugely aggressive from Rock Josh Smith so I go one more lap even though the tire will run out because the GT 3 leader is started the last lap they will also do the same so they've got one more lap I want you to see if you're coming all the way around the outside and so I thought that with the McLaren I think it has I think the smoke out of the back there's a radiator at the door basically where it is Cummings got the position yeah it's done the OTR as I know the the other radiator on the McLaren so he could be able to finish the lap that's bad isn't it it's spilling out onto the rear tire as well he's about to head into a Rouge with that were you really lean on that left rear ties pulling off I don't believe the heartbreak for the number four squad who have just had the unluckiest season I think in motor racing history this is just insane nothing has got right for them and having led with just over a lap to go they pull off with damage after contact with the Aston Martin multi set that in a moment or two they'll be plenty to dissect after this race right now though let's focus on the optimum motorsports squad who are about to become the sixth different winner from seven races this year they're about to take their first victory there for off the season as well and this will be Bradley Alice's first British GT win in 11 years 2008 at Snetterton was his last victory oh and this fluid of think maybe now from that McLaren but Bradley heavies we've all lasted David comes through and wins round number seven of the British GT Championship with Ollie Wilkinson delighted without spins Rob Bell spins from fourth position that's definitely flowing down and the bus stop she came from the Tollman McLaren and Rob belly he I don't think he'd got pasghetti to hasn't cost him a place but my word the 58 McLaren sees we stopping now as well and the finish it is all going wrong here for MacLaren's at the end of the race McCloud comes home second 10 and a half seconds off the leader cling Getty comes home in third with Ryan Ratcliffe back on the podium as more cars going off us and Dupree are having a moment one of the GT for Ruston's is off Oh everyone's going off on this fluid in the first corner good solution here Niki team dad and Krista Dooley no christieelee sliding around can't get the power down coming out of the corner what an end of what has been a barmy race anyway but that was a particularly barmy into the race and in GT for it is going to be and I had the word controversially here and also provisionally the victory that will go to the 97 Aston Martin which has been driven in this final stint by Tom canning it was started by ash hand they've ridden the top four all day long they've had a good race it's a shame there isn't it that it ended that way with the contact with the McLaren but they are going to come home victorious and I'm sure there will be a discussion post race about that but it's gonna be a good day for Aston Martin it's off to moment win in GT for a gt3 and TF sport take their first victory of the season in the GT 4 category as well after what at times has been a trying season with a 97 car which is still in champion contention remember wins in GT for here at the spar franca shop circuit and actually by a fairly sizable margin over it'll be Lewis Proctor won't inherit the 5 car who is slow he's I think he's probably been warned of the fluid somewhere the last corner and he's just driving off the line he's got plenty of time so they're those boys are done well I think I mean arm is this and I work I'm about as unbiased as a North Korea TV station as we see only wilkinson celebrate and turn while we're looking at a Bradley Ellis what a job Holly Wilkinson started racing three years ago Bradley's been his coach since day one he's taken this kid from Leeds and absolutely transformed into a British GT winner that is a long process and the hours that Brad and alia put into that is well-deserved and like I'm saying I'm biased but I actually think the move was OK by cunning I think he'd gone round the outside and he was there I think Smith it was either under way he was there or was keen to make sure that cowling couldn't get past him and tried to close the door we've only seen it once we need to see another replay but my gut instinct is how we see it on the track is how it finishes as we see the jag loser on the fluid this isn't some kind of style point finish that go for he puts all the smoke down Brad there this probably has a little moment out of his mouth and his other end and then just brings it to the line for the wind which is great we then seen Rob Bell later on after McLeod oopsey finds out a clay Melvin runs wide and then yeah okay Orson shoes and it's just the Kulin it's not just water there's all the chemicals in it and it's like a slippery film basically so yeah you go from a hundred st. grip to kind of 5% and looks like that MacLaren's got really left puncture the hhc will think it's not too happy on the rear left so that was fortunate timing it's just that sipes carriage as well so it should get home or a good speed as well so yeah that was a great race and then totally the last five minutes were meant to have a chance to breathe that was incredible now I mean the British GT champion continues to go from strength to strength and we use that phrase a lot but my word it doesn't mean look at the action we've had in the last two hours I can't even I'm not looking forward to having to remind you of all the highlights in a few minutes time because I won't remember them all I guarantee there was just so much going on and some of the best racing we've seen in a long time and yes there was a bit of contact on a few occasions but we've got a big grade we've got two classes we've got differing speeds of drivers out there and they're fighting tooth and nail now because yeah if you spend a couple of laps top behind someone you can lose maybe a couple of seconds that you will not gain back because everyone is so evenly matched you have to go for these moves and it does produce lots spectacular action and I hope you've all enjoyed two hours of racing here I think that man has is Holly Wilkinson then wandering down the pit laid in disbelief I think the fact that he's won a race that's the first time this year that a silver silver driver combo has Wooding gt3 it cheats for almost every car is a silver silk with a gt3 there are only the two and they are both on the podium because Gregory advised Ratcliffe end of third as well Harry is the Harry's it takes you in 11 years to do it again but what a place to do it and what a way to do it yeah thanks for highlights it's been 11 years since I won a gt3 race all right so no but must've been your little chat before the start so I'll take some credit should we bring only in as well definitely this is boys what a result this has been what a place to win and what a way to do it no this is the one of the feature races of the season everyone loves coming to spar and then it's put on power lines to flag you know in the lead gonna Danny move about Harley really he's just been a mega mega mega driver to the part of Holly you had a nail biting 59 or so minutes of watching how's that been for you yeah absolutely amazing to come here to spire this weekend for the brief GP and take a cold position in a class when I'm absolutely over the moon with us I'm sensing we're gonna see a proper celebration dance up on the top step aren't we I'll try we'd like some I'll try my best but I'm going to do it they will just as we joined the last hundred twenty minutes of racing action and yet it's at my point it is the first silver silver drive combo that warning gt3 and that goes to show just how Pro those Pro drivers are because they are very very hard to beat despite the fact cars course off with an avid driver but they still are able to occasionally compete for race victories well what a race that one slight lead shock really it's everything was going on there result for your moment or two Bradley Ellis and Ollie Wilkinson them who took the victory from pole position that makes us out a lot easier than it probably was they did lead almost every lap as well but only won by ten and a half seconds in the end over in second place in logging in Kalama cloud and third for Ryan Ratcliffe and the Kalina Gedi three different makes in the top three but they're afforded for making the top four because Rob Ballard short bulbs survived that last corner spin to finish in fourth position nikki team amar farmer were fifth richard near in Adam Krista Dooley were sixth ahead of Johnny Cocker and Sam de Haan seventh are made by my reckoning when we've just about into the points leading GT fought by the way Tom canning was able to come home as we said to win the race in the 97 car that he shares with ash hand 2nd place went the way of Lewis Proctor in the number 5 car with Jordan Koloff 3rd for number 95 that was Josh price and Patrick Kimmel they started second that last one good day for a TF sports all round really in GT for at least Michael O'Brien in the number 20 car that he shared with grave Johnson came from 18th on the great to finish for that was a good Drive and rounding out top 5 in GT Paul's the 75 Aston Martin the Optima motorsport chiropractic for teason and Mike Roberts and combination of the full result there as well a couple of notable ones mentioned we were focusing a lot on the 19 multimatic Motorsports Ford Mustang that finished in 19th place overall which was the fifth highest GT for car yes 15 GT for so good day there for Sir Chris Hoy and Andy Priaulx sorry last 15 cars Mueller was fifth at 19 car was placing pro-am excuse me they were 27th overall yes to the 15 multimatic Mustang well therefore I think maintain its championship advantage just about but it won't be by a huge margin out will have come down ever so slightly but not necessarily to those that were breathing down its neck points wise coming in to the weekend so things will no doubt have chopped and changed in the points the pick winners I suppose October Motorsports Jordan Carter Lewis Proctor so they take home the maximum 37 and a half points which puts them just over a hundred points Maxwell and prio for fifth place will score 15 so there's maybe going to be three or four points in it now in GT four as well between the Mustang and the Tollman McLaren but a day to forget the hey THC with both of their cars at the end running into problems late on happiness two hours of racing though the drivers are slowly making their way up to the podium and in baking hot conditions now here at Spa Francorchamps and jaws born that was I think possibly the race of the year and that was certainly there was never a dull moment was there over the two hours which often is the case but this one in particular when you when you add in especially some of the championship implications and all of our country content as it seemed hitting trouble at one point or another that was a dramatic before hours yeah there definitely was there wasn't any major contact no safety car so is a good level of racing clean this wise there's a few little things but when you see three cars going to Irish or so you get e one of them for clout the other and Rob now breathin all three getting through I think that is a highlight for me that I've I've seen at spier GT racing so great job for all the guys and I think it's a desert podium as I don't think anyone there has got lucky everyone has done it and the winners haven't put a foot wrong and that's why it should all be about you have a clean race and you do everything right you should win to grab there we often say that in long-distance racing and I kind of - - our race is a race the - our aces yeah we often say the warfighters really you can't for a huge amount they started on pole way and most of that track position they have stuff yeah I could see some time get driver of the day gentlemen wise British great I thought he deserved it so it's good that that's where I also just do it got either how Hildebrand sign from us and out the trophies always to get their hands on the lovely lovely sweet champagne before they spray each other it's quite nice a day like this to cool yourself down no it's sticky but at least it it tastes so nice yes enjoy a bottle or two I'm sure later on this afternoon as well but yeah they started from Paul they led virtually every lap than Mayor but a couple in the middle that they didn't because of the pitstop sequences etc so they led between them led 46 laps only the number seven car led over three laps that was as a result of them pitting a little bit later so they really were dominant today and yet still it was in question down to the last 10 minutes as to whether they would hang on and who - how spraying champagne not only on each other but on the eager crowd down below who have assembled to celebrate with them now this then your gt3 overall podium presentations made throughout the Ellis family Wilkinson your race winners caliber cloud me and lucky in second leg Eddie and Ryan Ratcliffe who gets on to the podium for the second time this year they vacate the podium then Holly's still got a little work to do they'd already sprayed all his champagne by the time he went to get the crowd so who's young he's still gotta learn but it's good to see everyone loving it so much and I think to our race there's so much pent-up he's just in a constant state of fear as a driver when you're not in the car what's going to happen so ready fine to get to the end and to get on the podium then there's a lot of pent-up frustration yeah absolutely and we saw at the end of the race as well it would be very easy for Bradley Alice to have switched off I sort of thought well I've got Marge now it's the last quarter that all of a sudden it's a good job he wasn't switched off because things can happen right at the end of the race and it's no wonder that the teams and drivers down in pit made of chewing their fill nails until the car has crossed that check backs off this ladder see the checkered flag in bed maybe they can just start to relax a TF sport weren't you a good racer that we said that a couple of hours ago and they certainly had a good body GT for their gt3 challenge faded slightly as far as 47 cars to served the book tourney team got their gt3 car into fifth and then they're both of their GT four cars on the podium Tom ferry will be a happy man I think this evening a circuit maybe that suits the Aston Martins or is this just the fact that semen out getting on top of these cars that would you go 33 and GT for car was new this season I think the latter I think aired I think is amazing I think it's tier 4 really really get on top of this car now in GT 4 and gt3 and they give them the drivers the opportunity to go and win races like they have in GT 4 and do the fastest lap like they did a gt3 of Nicky team so a bit more luck on the outside of gt3 they could have had two cars on the podium there as well I think well Nicky team gained about 30 odd seconds on the race leader during his stint as well and finished just 40 seconds off the lead he was well over a minute back when he took open from bar farmer he champagne celebrations there that looks for GT for drivers is done very young pony Maddie's as well isn't it which so yeah exactly I mean they have to spray it rather than drink it but I think ash hand is probably the oldest driver up there and he's not exactly there is a lot of youth these days in GT racing I think that's something that's changed a bit over maybe this is with the success of the gt3 and gt4 categories over the last decade or so but young up-and-coming drivers really now see GTS as not only a place that they can progress their career but they can make a living out of it as well definitely yes ingress eaters at the moment we see the stages same formula watch there's only really 12 drivers getting paid and they're few and far between across of a championship those GT there's this probably 150 guys in the world game major so a lot more possible to make a crabber as you said it yeah we see the the program nature of GT racing Scott will get paid from Nick Mike Yoko will get paid from Graham Johnson but George will be getting paid as well so it's a great way to earn a living with driving cars around in circles is a very fortunate way to help your career Jack you are there racking them up a little bit at the moment that is there it's there the second of the year I know it's the third of the year excuse me they have had three podiums in pro-am this year have a jacket that's a really good result for the valve GT for guys grab Johnson there he's had a problem weekend his race boots are too small he told me but they cost too much money there are thousand pounds so he doesn't want to change but he told his wife already 500 as well so great job by those guys and I got three different cars on the Modi there McLaren Jaguar and a Mercedes so yeah abusers to know what ploughman's take on that was obviously finishing behind that Mercedes after the best contact with Melvin and look yeah indeed now speak not multiply man they finished fourth in class they will score 18 point which is nine that fewer the might flow Brian Graham Johnson's backup comes down to just 11 points now at the top of the GT for pro-am championship campaign as well so if you are with us at Donington Joe and I hope you are and I think we're going to be in for a really really intense end the season we've got two races to go now as well a two completely different circuit Brands Hatch Donington Park Grand Prix so whatever car you're in one of those racetracks will suit you it's getting down to the wire this is knit not just in gt3 and gt4 but within the pro-am elements as well yeah definitely I'm a bag man actually on any of them at the moment cuz it is too close to cool too many variables we haven't really had a consistent pairing yet to every round go out and knock out the ballpark and do the job that's needed there's been a few mistakes beer on the team front or driver's so it's been really really difficult so yeah hard to putt to go that I think and the our DJ's in the pit lane with the GT four winner so be good to get there take off now how they're two hours one first up lat you have got absolutely caked in Champagne there I mean but that's part and parcel of winning isn't it if I pass the winning but you two mates drowning you and it that investors it I'm sure you'll forgive him what a stint how does it feel to to win here at Spa I'm over the moon spa what place to do it as well I think ash did a big chunk of the work in the first thing going from six second so for me it was just a job of finishing it off but yeah ash ash did a big chunk of the work work just over the moon to win air and for Aston Martin for the Aston Martin Vantage it's his first one in British GT this year so it's brilliant for them TF sport and I'll say it's not the best you've driven it yeah is yeah I think it's a I think it's a consistency of what we've done throughout the year we've gone from Olin park where we had to deal apps we had an awful weekend to start with and we decided that we were going to build up throughout the year and we were going to aim to try and lead the championship and get to there before the last round so hopefully at the next round if we can play the championship there and then we gain good points but I think the giant from both of us have been consistent like tamil weekend he's been topping the the table in terms of free practice free practice - we've been right up there in pace the whole time so when you go in to face up this you feel so prepared it's easy to drive in a confident way and feel like you're gonna win because all the preparation we've done together to help each other is so strong so I'm over the moon with the result I couldn't be happier and I'll have a winner's trophy now and inspire is it's meaningful yeah unless you just want it spa give it some well done congratulations happy days brilliant good stuff that only leaves me to throw back to our fabulous commentary team Joe and Andy will talk us through this incredible race would you we'll do our best there was quite a lot going on though over two hours and it all started with Optima motorsports at the front and it finished but Optima motorsport to the front easy as that there was a lot that happened in-between though at the start it was very very congested with a late call to change the lights - from red to green and the race got underway with the 96 car leading them into the first coins a good start made by Michael I go as well in the number 18 McLaren lavinia skis we lost a few others tried some weird wacky lines through the first corner to gain ground there was contact though between Rick Parfitt and sander home sometimes second in the championship ended appointing the wrong way and it looked as though their day was going to end in disaster but farmer was also in trouble as he tried to make a move around the outside of Richard near he got tagged into a spin and he became one of many drivers trying to fight back after early problems Calvin flexure had a good stint though he was racing well in the GT for peach team Aston Martin and then there was a spin for Adam bow on the championship leading Lamborghini into the fence three out of the fastest corner on the track front and rear damage their day was done and they have lost their championship lead now to the sister car it was all getting very physical out there amongst most of the battles in GT 3 in Chiti 4 before the pit stop window opened and the optimum car came into the pit lane to serve it's a penalty loose pit stop from which he was able to rejoin still as the race leader as the gt3 cars battled amongst the GT force things got very close and then we had a phenomenal three wide move for second place into a Rouge which saw Callum a cloud moved from 4th to 2nd a position he would hold to the flag there was late drama though for the Tollman McLaren nerved out of the lead of GT for but Optima Motorsports oli welcome sir Bradley Ellis won the gt3 category after a phenomenal 2 the racing here is Paul Frankish all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 109,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack
Id: mh6xwZ-LJHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 45sec (9705 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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