What's it COST to race a 12,000hp TOP FUEL DRAGSTER?

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] could you imagine landing your plane with two top fuel drivers going underneath the four spot right now all right we're here at pomona california auto club raceway for the nhra finals we're with clay millikin a racer has been racing top fuel for 23 years 23 years 98 since 98 pretty amazing it is crazy really appreciate you guys coming out today and uh six time ihra world champion have not notched that nhra championship but we're working on that and today 1320 video is going to take you through the people that make this parts plus top fuel car run and i'm excited for you to meet them all they're all great individuals do a heck of a job and you're going to get to learn what it takes to make 11 12 000 horsepower 330 plus mile an hour runs and you're gonna love it i love it oh yeah so we're gonna be meeting your team and seeing what who it takes to keep this thing running what it takes between each round the parts involved the cost what is the general budget to run one of these basically you know we look at it as a hundred thousand dollars a race now there are teams out here that are double and triple that kind of number we're a very small team and we don't have the quantity of parts that most of these teams do and our team because we're in that situation they probably spend a little more time kind of loving and rubbing on the parts that we do have to make sure they can make a good run and they can push the limits a little bit we create the limits because we're not a run it and toss it kind of team we're running let's check it measure and see if we can use it again and it takes a select special group of people that do that and that's who you're going to get to meet today these are people that care about what it takes to make this thing go quick and fast and also looking out for that budget let's get right to it let's do it well i know where we're going yeah this is the boost department absolutely the boost department is is how's it going all right and levi will give him nice to meet you nice to meet you levi will give you a quick rundown of kind of about the supercharger and what he has to do in between runs and it's on you now levi well during the weekend i take care of the supercharger and take manifold basically it seems like we had to rebuild one of this these uh blowers like every run and that includes the uh strips and the rotor and i go over like all nuts and bolts make sure nothing's gonna fall off of it and this uh there's these plastic strips that go on the rotor and these are the obs and these inside the blower yeah the rotors are actually sure oh cool that makes it easy nice oh yeah right there yeah this is like a gasket inside the rotor oh yeah these plastic strips and i check the clearance between the od and the inside of the case to make sure we get to keep through our tolerance tolerance that we like to keep it to and if it's too big which normally has been lately i have to strip it and just to make it best it can be for the next round not sure how much boost does this thing push through the motor usually you know i i i believe 60. usually i don't go up there and ask i don't hear from that's the tudor's job yeah i don't hear it like very much i must be doing that that is a good sign yeah so there's that's about there is all there is to it for me i mean seems to make it a little simpler and it probably is but let's go over the blower make sure the strips are right and make sure nothing falls off the car you want to flip it back over i want to look at a few of the parts on here primarily this blanket right here you want to explain what this does and the straps basically the straps if we were to uh pop the blower and bang the blower the straps will keep the blower on the car so it won't go out in the track or out in the stand yep and the blanket is for the case where they come apart to try to contain it uh these are billet cases back in the day they used to be uh magnesium okay and actually you bang the blower and split the case but i want to deal billet cases that stays together now just chips things inside and yeah i mean i would say bomb proof because it is a bomb but yeah i mean they're pretty good you know approximate cost for the entire assembly here don't quote me but i believe it's about 12 000 for just the the blower case and rotors and gears and end frames and then we got the rest of it together yeah the rest of it i believe the injectors around 5 000 okay so 15 to 20 max yeah i mean and how many spares do you have on him we have four superchargers and uh two injectors we lost one of our injectors earlier this year so hopefully get back that back again well i appreciate you giving us a rundown on the blower a little more insight into what makes this thing run thank you for your time good luck racing all right guys i want y'all to be caitlin simmons or as some of us call her bruce she is the absolute clutch specialist truck driver of our top fuel team yeah awesome so let's give you a run down the coast apartment so everything based back from the motorway back is my responsibility so first we're going to load one of our flywheels in all of our facing material here is cut perfectly flat we're within a half thou tolerance on everything we set our stands to a specific height that height is based on our clutch package the facing material and what we run as a pack gap so these are adjustable and they're set per run this we call the donut and this is called the cover together they're our pressure plate this is normally loaded up with levers i'm working on it right now and then over here we have our clutch backs we run three new discs three use this everything over here is cut perfectly flat within a half thou as well there are different date codes and we study the date codes the date codes will tell us when they went in the oven the temperature that came out of the oven what materials are in it the different percentages of materials and then we adjust the clutch wear based on the steel plates that we put in you can have six screw four groove eight groove and that'll adjust the clutch wear so we study how each disc wears and then we use the levers to control the wear so we're constantly in a slip all the way down the track we never really go one to one so once these are loaded up and everything's put together we can change the weight on the clutch to the weight of your fingernail so everything's down to the absolute last detail and you've got four complete sets here yes so when i show up to the track i have seven or eight packs sitting on the counter we have a spare pack at all times um so right now we got one in the car and one's sitting out there stage for our third qualifier tonight but yeah all the elimination rounds yep this is sunday you know approximate costs of some of these parts yep so uh clutch this is about 170 a piece so like i said two to three runs out of it these floaters are 65 a piece um and they can they're trash afterwards so they work too much for us to be able to resurface them um a clutch donut and stuff flywheel is like six grand uh the donuts i believe are eight to ten and i'm not really sure on that you get a lot of use out of these yeah yeah so like these covers we'll run these all year so really just change out facing material so as soon as the facings get too low or past our tolerance i'll just change out the material and we'll start fresh again but you can get about 60 runs out of a set of basins and in top fuel there's really no transmission it's just these clutches grabbing onto yeah just grabbing on to apply the power to the ground exactly it's just pretty much it's an oversized go-kart clutch just said just center course yeah well thanks for some insight into your world we'll see you in action later when you're getting things swapped out yeah absolutely it's gonna be rowdy dude good luck today thank you all right folks i want y'all to meet justin or better known as the angry hornet and if you stay around logging up you'll see a little angry coming out here down there if that hurts the motor justin does our short blocks and he's going to kind of give you a quick rundown of what's involved with a short block on an 11 000 horsepower top fuel car so you must have a little messier job working outside uh yeah it's not ideally how you build motors i mean i work in a machine shop in my other life and we're way cleaner than this but these things not in the tent yeah not in a tent on the floor but uh yeah look at that look at all the billet yeah we got this block back yesterday from repair so we started stuffing it up all right so this is what you work on just the short walk yep i build all the short blocks so uh we got this one back from repair from brad anderson yesterday um in las vegas we pulled that main stud out so they put an oversized in for us and then redid the main line tighten it up a little bit so we got it set it up and then this morning we got brandon brian crank that'll put it in here [Music] you have several short blocks ready to go in the trailer or they uh we got three this will be three normally we like to have four or five but at the end of the season we've carnage enough stuff that you don't always have everything that you like but you know approximately how much the bigger block costs bear block new yeah rare block news a little over 10 grand when he first started doing this you didn't have as much gray hair as me i know [Laughter] time for a warm up so this is the brand new bullet in the car so we have to double check cam timing and all that where the center the triggers are at he's got two megs and cam and uh meg fazey so you'll see it started up on gas shut it back off probably make some adjustments fired up again we might fire it up two or three times depending on how close i got it when i built it [Music] so what we do every morning when we get ready to start and this was a brand new motor so we started on just gasoline and the mags have to be based correctly and so that's what i was writing on my hand here where we faced the bag set so we downloaded that data mike just ran up there to check to look at everything uh make sure obviously oil pressure is good i can see all that on the dash but so they'll make some adjustments on the bag for mag phasing crank triggers that sort of thing and once they make that adjustment then we'll start it on nitro and the rest of the day when we start this thing up we'll start it right on nitro the first start of the day though you want to get a little heat in it they run 70 weight oil so it makes a ton of oil pressure when you start up cold what what is the mag can you explain what that does so the their ignition the ignition on the car their msd 44 amp bags it has 16 spark plugs in it and you can take at 8 000 rpm you can take a spark plug off and all of us probably watching 1320 video have certainly done some welding at some point yeah if you take your welder and set it at 88 amps that's what's happening at the end of the spark plug really so you can literally take the spark plug wire and weld with it wow this thing's running at 8 000 rpm all right putting some nitro in now make sure this thing runs well my [Applause] looking good yeah in front of the engine doesn't have too many fumes but right where witty's standing is where it all goes especially this fan right here so we're down here at the fuel cell up front how much fuel is in here this thing holds about 17 gallons of fuel when it's going ready to go down the racetrack what i want to know from you how much fuel do you think we just burned on that warm-up oh man just to go was that about 30 oh that's probably about a minute wasn't it i'm gonna guess two and a half all right we got a guess over here four four okay he's pretty close he's going to be right at five gallons of fuel in that amount of time really yeah holy crap just guessing everything checked out yeah yeah we're close we just had to adjust mag phasing a little bit so you tie them together as far as the triggers and stuff they will snap that on so beautiful all right folks this is ryan and ryan has one of the most time consuming jobs for the top fuel car probably close between you and k lynn on the amount of time it takes but probably ryan does the solar heads and every single run it is a long process to get them ready to go and ryan's going to tell you all about yeah so i mean as far as the run goes once we take them off the car they get cleaned and physically we'll take every valve out of the head you can see the seeds here we'll go ahead and look at the seeds we need to recut them slap them there's a part in here called a k-liner which see this little gold piece right here yep sometimes a little gold piece will want to come out on the exhaust side especially we'll put a new k-liner in ream it to fit realign it to the seat check all your springs for attention uh basically if that's good put the heads back together and do spark plugs and then they're ready to go but like i said something catastrophic happens and we gotta build more heads or whatever like this guy here got fuzzed on the last pass it's not horrible let's see this chamber yep yeah you see the difference here oh yeah it's all burned up trying to let itself eat itself real bad but this that's so good anymore how many complete sets of heads do you have on on deck right now there's one two i think we have five lap five on that there's two more sets here on the car wow right now so that's pretty easy how much is the complete set of heads cost approximately i really don't know the number on that seven thousand ten thousand okay um [Applause] because i think there's about a hundred pieces per head something like that but now you do like kinetic partials this one over here has got all the studs in it all the valves all the nozzles each nozzle has two to four pieces inside of it you know so there's there's a lot of stuff going on make that all work well thank you for showing us around here thank you next up we're here with izzy and wanted to explain what you do for the team here i am the clutch assistant and i assist kaitlyn in doing whatever she needs i cut a lot of discs another big responsibility that i have is tires tires are a huge part in here if you can't put power to the wheels then you can't do really anything so you come up by the tires you can kind of quickly show me what you do all right so what are the important parts when we're when you're looking at the tires like are these still have another run on them yeah so these are a two run set okay you have two two runs all right yep um when it goes bad it'll usually pull plugs out of the center and then there's like just little dots it kind of looks like this but there's a lot bigger and a lot rougher so we look for those every time we go and then i'll call over to mike the tires are good so he knows that we don't have to switch tires another big part of tires is keeping them out of the sun because the sun can actually change the psi in the tire sure so we want to keep the covers on cars a lot of times we want to keep them a certain psi for whatever the track needs so the sun will increase it and then make the tire bigger eventually so how many spares do you have on hand um we like to keep five and we have five right now we can we have up to six or seven because you got ten fires your total how much do they cost a piece about 600 bucks what pressure do you run them out on the track it depends on what's the range from seven four to eight two point two it's pretty narrow range well thank you for the inside of the tire department no problem uh you mentioned shaving or uh are you cutting the clutches what's involved in that is it like resurfacing when you get a brand new disc um they're not flat and they need to be within a half thou of tolerance of flatness because then if there's uh movement in the clutch disk they're not touching each other so you'll get wrong wear and then the car won't act properly absolutely and where did you come from in motorsports how did you end up here what was your back um so i graduated high school with cobia standards i graduated i did two months of my senior year and then kind of just working on a dealership and then this job opportunity landed in my lap sold everything i owned and moved to illinois really yep well just last year yep this is my first year so i was in illinois in february is it everything you were hoping it could be yeah i'm having a blast it's so much fun i mean working on clay's team because it's it's a lot of fun i'm having a blast i plan on doing it for a while so that's great to hear well welcome to the insane world of drag racing at the highest level that's right all right guys i want y'all to meet chris chris is our car chief and pretty much not pretty much anything and everything that goes on when the car rolls back in after a run any questions anything goes through him and then if it goes beyond that then chris then go sees mike all right so you're overseeing all the other people you talk to that are responsible for different parts of the program correct that's right i am i'm i'm the official cat birder nice i cat bird that's what i do what's your background how do you end up here my background is uh i started sand drag racing when i was a kid interesting a little over 20 years ago a friend of mine had a alcohol funny car so i started working on it and through that i met terry mcmillan and worked on his car for a few years here starting in 2015 and uh this year this is my first year here with clay playing the guys and having a great time and my clutch girl came with me you've all met her so she and i've been together on the same race team okay whole career that's the actual reason you're here play wanted her right i think we're a package she's pretty bad she's great i've been watching her all weekend she's uh she's like my track daughter i got her back 100 i love her to death i'm a great person yep what's the most challenging part of your job uh managing the people keeping everybody happy keeping the morale up because you know morale is really important really important you know because we work so hard so we always try to get out and do something fun and just keep things light-hearted and uh when it's time to get serious i do quite a bit of parking yeah it doesn't matter what team you're on here in the pits here things go wrong things don't go the way you want them to and you got to get back in there and win the next round no matter if it's today or weekend or next year exactly so it's uh it's just managing the people well smokey in here yeah this normal work environment all right folks we are here with my crew chief mike clover mike is be all end all on all decisions as he will tell you though right up until he rolls me into the top beat and then it's up to me from all year but mike and i have done a lot of amazing things together we won six straight world championships in the ihra 50 national events there is not much we haven't done other than win an nhra event together i hate to think of how many runner-ups we've had but it will happen when the time is right and we've done a lot and definitely you know one of my best friends in the whole world and it's fun working with you so uh long history what are your main responsibilities as a crew chief oh secretary well i clay outlined before pretty much you know everything to do with you know how we run the car at the racetrack uh you know i talked to doug and and and asked him what is what his mindset is you know what his goals are and uh um you know he knows when he's got a little extra money to spend and when he doesn't so you know we strategize you know with uh with doug and it tells you how aggressive you can get yeah it's a little more important to him to do better one weekend than another and he's got the you know the parts to make that happen you know we'll you know we'll strategize in not just on a parts perspective but you know what we think we need to run then and so on but largely you know i have to watch the weather we have a great tune-up program you know that helps us to uh you know get the car dialed in from from run to run so i'm basically responsible for everything if it smokes and tires it's my fault if it drops a cylinder it's my fault if it runs good it's also my fault there's too many things to mention in a short video that yeah that you really have to do [Music] but all the different team members out here that we've been talking to they all basically flow through you to complete the package of how the car runs exactly well thank you for the insights sure i appreciate your time good luck in the next qualifier today thanks all right guys you have been meeting all the members of this parts plus team and right here you're going to meet blaine lane is the guy that does the rods and pistons actually one of the jobs that i've done on the race car many many years ago and uh he's way smarter than me because they do a lot more checks than what i used to do i used to just kind of look put some rings on it marrying it and send it but blake's going to tell y'all what it takes to keep rods and pistons in this 12 000 horsepower monster oh get at it buddy so yeah clay introduced me i do racks so when we run a rack everything actually gets shorter so really yup there's so much cylinder pressure that the rods will crush the piston the towers uh the pen towers crush the piston pins you know they're super thick oh wow pins but they'll bend you know this one's at around a thousandths and a half so everything none of them are perfect or only a few of them are only the brand new ones are perfect yeah so how many runs you get out of the pins the pins will actually last a long time but when they start to bend they'll bend pretty quick i've got some in there from last year two years ago so they'll last a long time um the pistons and the rods in the other hand the scenes and rods usually don't last as long but they take a ton of abuse we see a lot of pinched rings um pen tower crush rods that crush pass you know five thousands can't use them so that's when you gotta you know go in your drawer and figure out the parts that you need to build a rack sure how many sets of these do you have on hand at this race so i always come into sunday with at least four racks built okay so i can make it all the way to the finals every single sunday i mean i've had to build seven in a weekend before so sometimes it's and you hope you don't have to do that this weekend absolutely not you were saying the rods actually shrink yeah on the runs yep so like a brand new rod will be this one's plus one a lot of them you know come as straight up zeros um but after a couple runs see this one's just got one run on it and it's two thousand shorter than it was when i got it brand new yeah and that actually can help us because the deck heights in the engine kind of varied so in order to get all the piston out numbers to be the same you would use you know like uh two and a half and a three and a half make up the thousands difference in the deck um so having the the shorter parts actually you know they're still good that's it's really beneficial because you can you know adjust for a lot of the stuff that you can't get out of the block because they're not all they're not all perfect so so what are the costs of a pis a set of pistons and set of rods so a set of rods they usually run about 1400 bucks and pistons are they're a little bit cheaper than that i want to say they're they're right around 1200 bucks for a set diamonds they come in sets of 10. um so that actually is kind of nice to give you more than you need yeah i think they expect us to break them so so how did you get to the point where you're at today where you come from yeah it's actually a crazy story because me and our our clutch girl caitlyn we went to unh yeah and she graduated a couple years ahead of me and our school did some news releases and i found out about you know her job in in the industry and my message here on instagram i was like how did you get a job what do i need to be doing to do what you do and she you know you got to have your cdl you should do this do this i checked all the boxes i sent in my resume and within a week of graduating i was in charlotte at the four wides for my first year really yeah the plan worked how you wanted it i guess so i didn't know that's awesome did not expect a job out of it but i i got lucky well thank you for the insights into your world of what you do and how you got here and it's some good advice for people watching this video that want to do what you're doing it's it's definitely possible and you're proof of it it's pretty absolutely pretty incredible good luck doing racing hey thanks man thank you now that you guys have gotten some insights into the team that it takes to run this car the parts the prices it's race time clay is going up for qualifying right now he's got to qualify in the top 16 to make race day on [Music] sunday yeah here we go [Music] [Music] so clay milliken going up for his dirt qualifier is currently number eight let's see if he can advance a little bit more in the qualifying rankings before tomorrow's elimination [Music] yeah what'd you run the scoreboards weren't working come on up here there's the two when you run i didn't get a c a 73 yeah but more importantly i can't wait look at the 60 foot eight 19 16 [Laughter] [Music] holy crap is that your new pb oh no no okay but that's that's that this is all right yep so that's the sanding sheet the highlighted marks are our car so we were the quickest 60-foot of that session really congrats on the pass yes good lap was that uh i put you in seven uh let's just look and see uh puts us number six whoa moved up two spots yeah so you are going to be racing six first what six anderson's eleven eleventh okay oh you're racing alex yep so get your rematch get a rematch so i gotta tell the truth like i flip to that page i don't care to see the ladder like i'm better off not having those thoughts during the night okay if i beat alex i might race you know i like to just know who i got first round and the rest of it i'll take stop by clay's pits before we head back to the hotel to see what they're looking like and they have this thing basically down to the bare block and the bare chassis almost like electronics are in there obviously but you can see every little piece of this car see the fuel cell up here the 17 gallon fuel cell look at the look at the pipe flowing back to the engine all the electronics doesn't get much more torn down than this no not really this is the idea for us to see every four runs go through every little detail yeah we pull the rear end apart crack check it make sure everything's kosher the backlash is good the bearings are all nice and lovely and kind of keep on rolling so gotta make sure everything's perfect for 7.7 seconds yeah how's the hell around today it was congratulations guys ran really well the scoreboards were working i was like what's that i know it kind of freaked me out that turned around we need red lights all right it's race day first round eliminations in an hour we're here with clay milliken's team for their team meeting last race of the season fortunately um i feel blessed because at the end of the end of the day today when we finish finish up the final round and the trucks are loaded and everybody's happy and rejoicing on the accomplishments we had this year we as a group get to look forward to doing it for another year together and and [Applause] this year's had its ups and downs and its challenges and its successes the one thing i mentioned to somebody yesterday in a meeting was that you know when as an organization be it finances be it emotions whatever it is when one person in this group gets down everybody gets down in fights we all get down and you fight the battle with me you fight the battle with whitney fight the battle with clay we all fight together we fight as a team and we fight as a unit you've done it all year long it's amazing the struggles and the hurdles that we've had to overcome literally amazing behind each person is a curtain and behind that curtain we all fight our own battles and we all achieve our own successes you people as a group have grown together and grown individually into into people that i'm very proud to call my friends my co-workers and an alliance to go out and kick ass when it comes time to race so thank you for teaming up with us teaming up with whitney and myself and clay and donna and mike and getting behind us an inside view into top field team you don't normally get to see that was that was special ready to do this i am this is your day good day brother we uh you know it's it's one of those like all right cars done they've done everybody's done their job now it's kind of up to me and i've done this for 20 plus years and i've got butterflies before first round i don't know what it is i think it's a good thing um it's now up to me to go out there and do my job and not let all these people down i mean you can see from our little team meeting in there very very close-knit group yeah and the last thing i want to do is be the one that lets them down so you know it's it's funny that everybody wants to talk to the driver just that another but the truth is that thing won't run without all them but you know i just get to do a lot of talking i did a lot of talking today oh yeah it'd be a good day good luck today thank you guys so much for coming out here this is really cool all right it's first round for top fuel clay versus alex here and they're friends and there's a rematch last time they raced clay's car had issues and alex beat him he wants revenge right now and they are ready to roll second pair down the track and i was i was talking to fred earlier asking for some stickers because clay wanted to put some on the car and came up here and look at this there we go and once clay gets back to the pits they're gonna be tearing down their motor checking everything putting it back together they have about 45 minutes to get this done i've got a time lapse set up so we can see what this is all about good luck guys thank you [Music] got the window [Music] oh wow clay got it 376. i think there's three out of 54. yeah nice go clay hell yeah blade did it going on to the next round down here on the top end with clayton millikin first round winner eliminations i did it this guy right here we got a nice run guys that was a little payback you kicked my butt i know you didn't that's a good car but i tell you what i love hey love stomping on that live pedal yeah i love it love it uh told mike on the radio i let your car get in front of me a little bit that's a little weakly going down through there but the team did what they got to do to get me around with we get to do it again i can't wait yeah great job guys they have a uh chp to take them through the pits nice work look at that sticker clay going on the second round they're heading back to the pits to turn the car around they have somewhere around less than an hour so they gotta turn this car around quickly i have a gopro set up so you can see just how long it takes it gets wild in the pits looking for the huge upset so how'd that first round wind feel it was good i tell you nice smooth run i told michael on the radio i let the car get in front of me a little bit what's that mean so again me and mike have done this together forever a long long time and and he wanted me to be to the inside of the racetrack for the first 330 foot and then ease it back over into the middle and all we're trying to do is stay on the best part of the racetrack gotcha i've heard it's a little bumpy out there and uh so i stayed to the inside to the 330 and i was too aggressive moving the car back to the middle and so what i mean by got in front of me these things are so long so when i brought it back i brought it back too aggressively there's no stopping in underpass once once you get one sachet and you don't catch it quick enough it does it the rest of the run cost you a little et can make it spin the tires a little bit and we actually saw a little bit of tire spin towards the top end that was probably my fault but there is some bumps out there and most people don't realize that there are times we're trying to drive around them even though it's a straight run yeah the drag race supposed to go straight but not always trying to take advantage of the best parts of the racetrack but good race i mean uh scott palmer and those guys you know we had made a mistake we've been in trouble so now we get to raise cameron frey and i'm not sure but i think if we win this round it will move us as leah in points so it's a pretty important round and i know it was huge for cameron to win here this is his home race and i like those guys too but with the helmets on there are no prints [Music] all right just like that 66 minutes from the point that they got back here to warming it up right now a little bit slower than they're used to going but as the rounds go there's less time because they're going on tv time and there's less cars to run at each round so they get down to somewhere around 35 to 40 minutes towards the finals [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] all ready to go so i've watched a few warm-ups so far and i see a few i've noticed a few things like right before you start you have the the miri pulled up what is that so most of the cars out here have a clutch pedal stop if you think about your street car you just push the clutch all the way to the floor if you do that in this car it will actually go over center with the clutch which would start engaging the clutch the majority of the drivers out here have a pedal stop i'm very old and done this thousands and thousands of times i don't use one so all i'm doing is i know what i should feel and i take the little mirror to make sure the rear tires aren't rotating oh when you started okay one of the other stuff during it so the other thing you know you'll see is you know mike does this that means turn the switches on which turns on the racepak computer turns on the ignition and i charge the clutch system which we've kind of talked about you know it's air over hydraulics so i'm pushing a button that charges the co2 system and i've just maintained neutral again i don't have a pedal stop so i've got a lot in my leg where i know it's neutral life will get all the fuel pressure settings right and on that particular warm-up you probably might notice me pointing at something so i know what the numbers were supposed to be i saw you playing something like that yeah so i was i was looking at fuel flow versus fuel pressure those numbers were a little off and he could make an adjustment on what's called the barrel battle oh i thought we could think yep to rearrange that and then the other thing we do is mike kind of does this and all that is i'm checking reverse you know it's already in forward so we just make sure to go in reverse and back and forwards and then the next thing which you know a lot of people miss the throttle whack we don't do the throttle down scott auburn don't do it the lexus does it but mike will come and just hold up two fingers what that means is turn the fuel pump all the way on take your foot off the clutch and hold the brake so you'll hear the motor tug down a little bit so all we're doing is making sure even though everything's been cut nice and flat on the clutch we're giving it a chance to seat against itself so we're just basically making all the clutch parts at least before the run have been clamped together for just a little bit and that's kind of the process you know it's pretty simple but at the same time it's got to be done exactly right or you can mess the product and i see everyone on the team watching the things they're responsible for make sure they're doing what they need to oh yeah yeah every every person on the car they're looking at their spot and looking over everybody else as well and that's what it takes to turn on wind lights you did it first round just gotta do a second now gotta do it again okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] unfortunately clay having issues on the track not making a full pass we'll catch up with him in a little bit to find out why but not making it past second round unfortunately this weekend well things didn't go as planned unfortunately in second round definitely not you know and it's one of those things where we had the better car we should have won the round but it goes back to that old cliche they don't raise them on paper not sure exactly what happened but y'all are going to get to take a sneak peek of a little bit of data from mike and it's frustrating but i am not a i told you i'm not a helmet kicker thrower and all that stuff i still realize how lucky i am to to do what i do you know win lose or draw i'm always smiling because i just drove a 12 000 horsepower top fuel car you know so i'm not going to get mad about it i like that let's go see what the data says hello how's it going you can sit wherever you need to be so let's decipher some things uh decipher some things so i make the assumption you'd like to know why why we smoke the tires when it didn't look like we would be yeah a car that we're gonna smoke to tires like that and uh in review of the run this is uh the run to see here now that's our our first round run and then uh second round you can see that the engine it just put a drive shaft speed it's just right where it's just it just smokes the tires and then the driveshaft rpm literally goes almost straight up seven tenths of a second to get to 8700 rpm the rear tires that's a lot of rotating mass to get accelerated that that fast in the run and then a normal looking run like from first round would the drive shaft would look like that it would go up but then turn turn the corner we never we never even tried to do what we call turn in the corner the engine tried to turn the corner but the driveshaft rear tires they didn't want to turn to turn the corner so and uh that's when you uh when you test the traction over by the edges that's from a wobbly driver [Laughter] i want you to see one more thing because we've shown it on my videos obviously a lot more people are going to see yours than mine stick a g meter up for both of those oh yeah i want to see that here's uh good g's let me uh i'll filter that out to make it look a little dirtier and the yellow line and then this is a second round no g's it it tried it lasted how many 3.86 so well we could we could easily say the two tenths into the run we were done g meters going down yeah first round oh that's e1 g's are up here yeah what's the numbers on those oh the numbers yeah it gets out here to the middle and it's a big g spike out here is uh there we go six g's five point eight seven yeah wow what's that feel like that's fun yeah that's funny that's that's why i do this i think i've been 1.5 g's on the launch and that was pretty fun i can't imagine six well obviously we were hoping to watch clay take home a trophy this weekend that didn't quite happen but it was such an amazing insight into the top highest highest level of drag racing big thank you to the entire team for allowing us to come and get the insights that we did for this video there's not many teams here that will show you every little detail that's gonna do it for this video make sure to subscribe for more 1320 videos and we'll catch you next time oh my god that was scariest oh my god
Channel: 1320video
Views: 1,024,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1320video, 1320, 1320 video, top fuel, dragster, nitro, boost, supercharger, NHRA, Clay Millican, drag race, drag racing
Id: f0DY6Ik9uDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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