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you [Music] [Music] [Music] you hello and welcome to the SRO eSports GT series the new 2020 championship and we've got the first round here today at Silverstone my name is Jack Nichols thank you very much for joining us ahead of what is going to be a five-week program of GT racing around the virtual world using the assetto corsa simulation I will be here we're presenting the coverage of course we will have David Addison and John Watson in commentary will be joined by been constant jurors as well and the way that this is going to work is today you will see two one-hour races the first is for the pro class that is for the professional real world racing drivers they'll be going head-to-head on this Silverstone circuit for an hour in gt3 cars that you'll see in the GT World Challenge powered by AWS later this year and then we've got the silver class which is for invited sim racers that's the second one our race that we'll be seeing a little bit later on today a lot of those big names that we will have seen in the SRO charity event if you watch that a couple of weeks ago and there is also the Am class we won't be seeing them race today they're racing on Saturdays but those are four qualifiers who enter the game just from their home themselves and you can enter the game if you want headed below head along to the SRO eSports website if you want to get involved in that the first race is going to be at Silverstone here today and as I say I'm going to be joined by David Addison the voice of GT racing David thank you very much for joining us you enjoyed your first time out in the in the charity challenge you looking forward now to you know things mattering more well absolutely I mean Monza was a fantastic trio of races and now he come to Silverstone where I think people are going to take it more seriously because as you say does matter there is this championship there are points at stake there's going to be success ballast after today's races going into the next rounds of the championship and you look at the entry list and not only is it like a who's who of GT racing for the pro series and sim racing for the silver championship but you look at the manufacturers that are getting involved now jack and they're putting in proper eSports teams and the quality of driver is exceptional we're in for as you say one our sprint races so no pit stops is just elbows from the moment we get underway and on the back of what we saw at Monza now splitting it so you've got one race for the real world drivers on one race for the sim styles this is gonna be awesome entertainment yeah really looking forward to it a few big names entering today we're gonna have Jenson Button in the first race we're going to have Charlotte Claire in the first race as an SRO wildcard entry but before we get and look at the grid and how qualifying ended up let's take you round the Silverstone lab this is the fana tech track guide and we are with said Morris in the Bentley around Silverstone let's take a look [Music] hi my name is Deb Morris at Bentley motorsport works driver and I'm going to take you for an onboard lap of my home circuit at Silverstone so this is a lap of Silverstone we start lap into cops term one breakdown 2/4 and 50 meter board rear goes light over the curb straight back on the power in fourth gear exits really important there but also is your entry down to maggots Beckett's over the curb on the left fifth gear 240 kph over the curve down to fourth for the left over that curve down to third for the right over that curb straight up on the power power power is really important onto this back straight now on to the hangar straight we always uses bridges of reference to see what sort of time and speed we're doing a little bit of time to relax look at the entry which is the curve on the left down to third we get up on this curve here slightly off camber difficult corner all the way on the power third fourth fifth now we're looking at the curve for reference braking here down to second over the curve on the left hand side through Club throttles difficult they're of through third and fourth flat round this right under here now we're looking into a be the new turn one over the curb on the left the reference dab of brakes get the nose in over the inside curve straight back on the power this is flat nails through farm curve into village use the curb as reference down to second try and get that curb there just missed it down to first for the loop now throttle really important here will bang on the throttle wheel no wheel spin we want ultimate traction down the straight down the Wellington straight again bit of time to relax to use the bridge as reference see how your laps going braking reference is this sign here down to third down to second get the nose in it important you get this kerb on the left here to get the nose in up to third back down to second for love-filled wait wait wait wait wait wait wait bang straight on the power dancing with the rear through wood cut flat out and that is a lap of Silverstone Grand Prix [Music] so that was a look around Silverstone with sled Morris in the Bentley great to have fana tech onboard an amazing producer of wheels and pedals that everybody is now getting on board with now that's a real racing has stopped for the time being and people are getting involved in the sim racing as you can see a long lap around Silverstone and the best lap time we had in qualifying was for Brit Co crostini in the McLaren a one-minute 56 palling 3-1 but David let's just talk about some of the drivers will be seeing first up in this Pro race starting I suppose with the with the big draw which is Sharla Claire the the Formula One Grand Prix winner driver for Ferrari it's amazing to have him entering here Jack will need an hour to get through the entry list I think right I mean to have shell who is like many of the Formula One drivers in demand with all of these eSports Championships now taking place for him to come into this to want to do it is fantastic it's a real boost isn't it for the SRO eSports GT series and of course he's going to be in a Ferrari now it was a Ferrari that one at Silverstone in a three hour endurance race last year so you could argue he's got the tools for the job how easy it's going to be for him to adapt to this sim racing platform and of course for a GT car but even though it's a Ferrari we'll wait and see but yes to have him in the entry fantastic but then look at the rest you've got lots of factory drivers been barnico from McLaren you've got Matti okay Rowley for Porsche for example Jordan pepper for Bentley raffaeli much yellow and a Mercedes mean the entrance just goes on and on and on what we got 49 drivers in total went out into the qualifying session yeah there's gonna be an awful lot that goes on during this race and one thing we're being told is the tire degradation is going to be more of a factor here than it was at Monza so in the final third of the race you might well start to see people if they've gone too hard too soon struggling with tire wear we'll wait and see okay that's gonna be interesting to keep an eye on we've also got Jenson Button racing in a Team Rocket rjn Nissan and I think before we get underway just a quick word on on Ricardo Devillier who passed away yesterday he was a huge part of that Nissan rjn team wasn't he in that raced in what was the Blancpain Endurance series fer for years and he'd come from Brazil he'd got a great pedigree with the fittipaldi's and lots of diff single seater championships before coming into GT racing he was in his early seventies Ricardo he always had so many stories to tell many I fear will go untold now but he was like a great part of many teams over the many decades that he was involved in the sport and yes his loss felt by the GT habit certainly but by the motor racing community as a whole you quite right absolutely so this is the last couple of minutes of the pro driver qualifying that we're looking at at the moment for Brit CEO Chris Tony on the top of the times with Ben barnico tin second Louis de lettres third Matteo Corolla in fourth position you'll see that said Morris who we went round with in the Bentley down in 12th spot as it stood at the time because this happened a couple of moments ago and we'll get underway with the race in about five or six minutes but it's interesting isn't it David when we come into these eSports because we don't know with the real world drivers who's going to be good we don't really know who has had a lot of experience in the past who's brand-new to it so the running order is always a bit of a surprise absolutely right you tend to think well if you're a factory GT driver you're of course going to be well-versed in this but it's not he's a different art altogether and we saw at Honda didn't we certainly in the final for example where it was the best of the day put together than it was the sim racers that showed the way home it's going to be interesting at the end of today to have a look at gravity of lap times for example to see how the pro drivers the real world drivers shape up in their lap times compared to the sim raters and inevitably the more time you spend you're going to get better and better we know for example but there are lots of the real world drivers taking part in multiple championships so they're spending more and more time on the sim as they become more and more droids at doing it but yeah drivers that don't do so well today might well be up at the front by the end of this championship just because they've had the extra track time and they've learned for yeah I think you're absolutely right they're actually because as you say drivers who are sort of brand-new to it now by the time we've done another four races they'll be well and truly dialed in you can see Charla Claire there on the tower on the left hand side was running in 21st place but a few last-minute laps shuffled him down the order Jenson Button we'll end up 15th on the grid for the Team Rocket rjn car so there were a few laps that came in right at the end but nobody got near for Brit Co Christiani in in the McLaren 4/10 of a second up the road from Ben barnico tin in another McLaren so I thought that was very impressive lap from Chris Danny indeed so because he's never been necessarily one of the real outright stars in international GT racing he's done a lot of miles and he's he's competitive driver but he's not necessarily somebody that you would always put your money on to be at the top of the times others for example at Luigi de Lorenzi to be fit for the Aston Martin brand that's another good effort Bantustan historic single seater racer 8th another impressive effort so there are quite a few surprises in who is up there surprises in who is further down the order but over the course of 60 minutes of racing I think it's all going to shake out yeah Louie della trousers across the line and remained in third position in the Porsche doing a 56 point seven eight so only seven hundreds of a second away from getting on the front row it is going to be a rolling start as you may have seen in the SRO charity challenge that we had earlier on this month but it is for Brit Co crostini that will start on pole position been barnico the long side him on the front row Louie della trout's third Matteo karoli in full spot really much yellow wants to watch out for he's a real frontrunner in the real world and looks as though he's going to be in the fight for this one starting in sixth place in the Mercedes Jordan pepper completing the top ten and it could drive from Alex Buncombe who was a little bit further off the pace than that I feel at Monza in the charity race so he seems to have found a bit of time and his good friend Jenson Button will be starting in 15th on the grid and AC charlotte Claire just behind Ezequiel Perez compact which is not a sentence David I ever thought I'd say strange period in which we live isn't it but yes absolutely right it's a very jumbled the grid it's a jumbled entrance that's for sure but yeah just savour it because you look back on this and you look at the names it is as we said a little while ago who's who almost of international motorsport and now the drivers getting themselves set ready to go racing yeah I think it I think we will look back on this time went way as a period where the kind of grids that we're seeing a remarkable and people won't believe they happened and they sort of didn't really happen because they're happening in the virtual world before we get the race underway let's bring in been constant Juris Ben you were with us for the SRO charity challenge back with us a game for the for the main event the SRO eSports GT series this 2020 championship how are you feeling coming into this event and what are you expecting from it and what do you make of assetto corsa lots of questions there absolutely love us it's of course a competency only as a platform one of the newest sim platforms that we've seen over the last couple of years and it really does provide us visually with such a treat as well as from a driving perspective such a tricky thing to really master I got it on my computer the other day I've been trying to and well off the pace I'm very impressed to sees the likes of Showell our clerk for instance jumping in and being straight in the middle of the pack out qualifying Denis Lind who is in this grid but really has struggled at Silverstone in the Lamborghini perhaps Bo P playing its part yeah that's a big surprise actually Denis Lin because he was the front runner as far as the real world races were concerned David in in Monza and he's got a huge history racing in our factor and I said Oh cause they're in all sorts of games and indeed as a brand it was a Lamborghini on pole position at Silverstone in the real world last year so yes you're right I did all together you'd expect him to be up there but of course they'll blame traffic and they'll blame Bo P just like they do in the real world somebody got in the way or Gami internet connection said there's a whole list of excuses but you can expect I would have thought Dennis Lynn to come charging through that said you've got to go down to what 25th after qualifying to find the first Lamborghini so it's a brand perhaps this weekend that's on the back foot rather more than you might ordinarily expect yeah there you can see the the lineup of the grid on the right-hand side for Britt Co crostini will be starting on pole position been barnico alongside him so both MacLaren's all to McClaren's on the front row of the grid two Porsches on the second row of the grid then we've got an Aston Martin then a Bentley then a Mercedes the first Audi is in 9th position and once again the amount of you know let's not forget the asset of course our competition he is the official game of the SRO GT World Challenge and this you know amazing grid of cars is based on real-life David indeed so you've got the Pirelli tire data you've got the balance of performance that comes from the championship itself so it's as close to the real thing that you can get and that's why I think it's delivered such good racing that we saw at Monza and why so many people want to be involved we talk Jack didn't we about what forty nine drivers doing qualify and that's been whittled down in both Pro and silver from the initial entry list people had to do it effectively pre-qualifying even to get this far and there are some big names from other categories that haven't got this far so you really have got the best of the best here going head-to-head yep further down you can see David Furman le down there in 39th place a front-runner in various class I think he was a silver Cup champion a few years ago wasn't he in the sprint category so yeah not long now until the start of the race the way it's gonna work timing wise is the pro race will be getting underway any moment now that'll be one hour long then there'll be a fifteen minute break Webb will speak to the winner and have a bit of reaction and then at quarter past three European time which is quarter past two in the UK we will be getting underway with the silver race which is for the invited sim racers and Neil's Knox's the man who's taken pole position for that race who you may remember was involved in a controversial battle for the lead in the SRO charity challenge at Monza so very much a front-runner and not a huge surprise to see Niels taking that pole position so that's the way it's going to work and then we'll be going off air in sort of two and a half hours time roughly after we've had both of those races now Silverstone the tie where as you say is going to be different because where it was very much a slipstreaming race at Monza wasn't it Silverstone is good for overtaking David but not quite in the in the same way as Monza yeah you're right there are places where you can do it and there are places where you can force a mistake out of people so at the end of Vale going down into the left at the end of Vale then right that the long right of Club corner heading up past the wing that is a place where you can force an issue if you like you can force a mistake out of the guy ahead and try and get the past done as the consequence of that and then down into the stadium heading underneath the vehicle bridge down Wellington straight left into Brooklyn's that's another opportunity for doing some overtaking it's a far circuit it's one the drivers love you've got some really good brave bits like the Beckett's s's so it's a place the drivers enjoy and I think given that we are in for a one hour sprint and you don't have pit stop strategy they can have to find places to overtake this time Jack they're gonna have to get out their elbows and be a bit more forceful about it yeah absolutely buzzy was quite clean actually the racing that we saw in in the first race at Monza obviously there was that there was a bit of a controversial collision for the for the race win but apart from that it was you know it was like for you it was like watching a real motor race because it was your first little tip of the toe into the into the sim world I think we've got John Watson with us as well five-time Grand Prix winner and of course co-commentator with David on the racing that we're about to see John how have you been finding all this sim racing stuff did you enjoy Monza the opening of this you're all very busy explaining Silverstone but of course what nobody can explain is what a wrecks racing driver understands and that is Silverstone is not Monza and the reason this monitors about straights and big braking areas you've got a couple of quick corners whereas Silverstone is a high-speed circuit as a higher speed circuit then Monza actually is and therefore you've got a different kind of flow and blend so maybe the results that we had from Monza will not equate and thinking about some of the the sim drivers competing as opposed to that the pro drivers I would have thought the nature of Silverson in a sin car might favour those drivers a little bit more because they understand what flu is all about difficult doing it if you're accustomed to sitting only in a simulator doing it on the screen but when you take those guys that have been Pro drivers under their Pro cars into the simulator I think they've got a small advantage over the sim races now that's something will remain to be seen in this certainly one hour event come the other factories we've heard about tire degradation left front left sides gonna be hammered because it's predominantly rock a circuit but there's so many drivers on the place and three elderly I mean what was he doing donning for sorries in the Lamborghini Charles Leclerc in a GT car for the first time in my understanding in a sim Ament I would expect to see him very quickly making progress up through the field the guy is a genius he's the most talented youngster I know the fans of max Verstappen have disagree with that you know what the fact is chose that Clark is here in the Ferrari an extra strap on his back at Monte Carlo cotton his money okay I'm sure he is I'm sure he is what did you make of the of the sim racing in Monza John what the two are coming together almost to the point where if you switched on your laptop of your pad MacBook or watch it on your television and you walked into a room you heard that commentary all that's being put into this event you would initially think Oh what says I didn't know there's an event on until the penny drops it's the same race this blurring of the two elements coming together to such a point very difficult to tell just at first glance yeah absolutely so we're just a couple of minutes away from the start of the first race John I just thought I'd get a little word from you on on Ricardo Davila who everyone's been discussing obviously the last couple of days I mean I heard you and him having some conversations that are that I'll never forget to be honest well I've known Ricardo since the 70s I mean primarily I mean coming from Brazil and being very closely associated with the Fittipaldi brothers the Fittipaldi family and of course was heavily involved and that rather controversial mood that Emerson Fittipaldi made at the end of 1975 to commit himself to becoming a copper suka driver along with his brother will and what happens if and or buts so Ricardo has been around for all those years and I would see him from time to time but more recently at essaouira events and quite frequently at spier 24 hours and I can tell you was one of the people I would enjoy walking up to him shaking hands and saying how are you Ricardo haven't seen you for a while and you would have a conversation maybe but a one-sided conversation and fairness it'll be a great conversation I was shocked when I find out yesterday he had passed away I no idea he hadn't been well I think was quite a short illness nevertheless and another great personality and character within the paddock and the family of motor sport not just Formula One but motorsport has left us remember just today so sterling mast passed away the most famous British name and motorsport and a global a global name so it's a sad period right now for great people losing their lives yeah absolutely I can't imagine there's many people watching that you have one-sided conversations with where the one side isn't you so that says something about their Ricardo doesn't it that's that's a different word okay we can speak to develop ovo who is from a Seto courser David a thank you very much for for joining us how much are you looking forward to this new SRO eSports GT series we've got going on so much guys very happy to be here and I think that for everyone at Kunis but not only we couldn't wait for a racing weekend finally do it do you carry on that day yeah so we couldn't wait for a racing weekend to come back again unfortunately design is a spiritual and not real but we will enjoy this all together we have lots of important guests so yeah I'm very much looking forward to it obviously in when they all this sort of real world racing is stopped I guess the amount of people racing now on sim games is is huge is that been a challenge for you or you know coping with the demand that that you now have yeah absolutely not only because obviously there's a macroeconomic growth of the gaming business that is going around due to the outbreak but also because we obviously understand that people at home are starting to get kind of bored so when they want to seem race they really want to seem race so they want to have simulators that the day after they want to have the game running as fast as possible and as you may know a lot of big names come closer to the assetto corsa brand during the last weeks so we had Valentino Rossi Charlie Clerk open hiya our to look like Antonio Jovi not see and other big names that are now players of ACC so yeah the demanders is grown while obviously we were already working on on other tasks so it's difficult to manage but let's say that we are obviously not happy for the worldwide situation but we are at least a bit happy that we can help people entertaining themselves it must be great for the brand to have these big drivers choosing ACC to race on if you know if these real-world races are saying yeah this is this is where I want to do my racing yeah it's I mean absolutely fantastic not just because they are coming to our brand this is obviously important for us I can't lie the other important thing is that these guys are connecting with the community you know at the end Charlotte Clarke and Valentino Rossi we're live streaming together on Twitch this is kind of crazy to think and the the it's even you know crazier that they are very nice guy so they just you know came here started to raise in practice day they were listening for our advices and from the comments from from the community over twitch and and YouTube so it really put up a connection between these popular guys and and the guys that are playing at home every day so this has been very cool to to see okay cool thank you very much for joining us today hope you enjoy the races today oh I will thank you David good to hear from from from David a there and it is you know a testament to this series that such big names are coming to race in it you David I can hear me no maybe not okay we'll move on then Ben can you answer that question yes I can Jack it's fantastic isn't it just unbelievable - well as a racing driver we forget that these guys are programmed to be passionate about driving cars fast such as the professionalism is worldwide motorsport now we sometimes forget they love this and any opportunity to do this whether it be virtually or real now they really are chomping at the bit the people like Jenson Button as you well knows been absolutely bossing in the last couple of weeks on Saturdays and great to see him here with his own team for this year McLaren last year ran a Honda and of course rgn as you rightly said obviously Nissan for many many years we're just getting a grid setup now we've had a little issue with the server so we'll get the perfect grid everyone will be in the correct positions and we should stray Singh very very shortly but I just I just love to see these guys and when you're competing and you have been competing you jump into a session and suddenly you're in a session full of Formula three from the two drivers GT drivers Alex Buncombe appeared in one of our private races on Tuesday just so you get a little bit of extra experience it's fantastic to see yeah I think you're right actually about the about the passion for it you sort of forget especially with a with a with a Formula One driver that you know you would that they just sort of do their job and that's sort of it but when this stops you they kind of rediscover the passion for all the different classes it seems right so what he who you who you calling for the for the race win here do you think used to take cage yeah Grand Prix drivers competing in other categories and we're seeing shells that Clerk Jenson but my next Formula One driver via Tonto though do you see they're coming into the sim racing so I think it's great who's my money gonna be on I don't know you got point for a second of an advantage in your in your McLaren that's gonna be in McLaren victory I would have said okay so we've got Fabrizio crostini on pole position David your your thoughts who's gonna take the win we're going all around here question I am going to go Porsche I'm gonna go Louie de letras okay constant Juris you know the question McLaren seems to have the edge doesn't it what I've been barnico can make it to the end of the race without any issues okay so there we go we've come here just a minute away from the start of the formation lap in the brand new SRO eSports GT series for the 2020 championship the producers shouting in my a Who am I going for I'm gonna go yeah okay I'll go I'll go Oh Who am I gonna go for Alex bunkum Alex Buncombe from 11th on the grid I think we're I think he's gonna storm through the field and it's gonna be amazing so there we go Alex Buncombe is my money on actually maybe Raffaelli March yellow I think he's right I'm going Buncombe I'm going Buncombe look at that we got the cars on the grid they're about to start their formation lap for the first race in the SRO eSports GT series this new twenty20 championship we've got two races coming up for you today - one hour races the second coming up after this one is for the silver class which is for invited sim racers but first of all we've got the real world racing drivers for Brit Co crostini on pole position Charlotte Claire is in the grid Jenson Button is in the grid as well as a whole host of drivers we're used to seeing in the SRO GT world challenge so in the commentary box we have got fen constant jurors five times Grand Prix winner John Watson and of course the voice of GT racing David Addison and so we look forward then to the first race the cars making their way off the grid down towards cops corner it is the heritage pits if you like he'd use the old pits down near copped corner and coming out of wood cut rather than over at the wing which is the traditional base of course this section of Silverstone for SROs GT categories the cars making their way up towards Beckett's s is then on this final formation lap the rolling star for pitcher Chris Carney then in the tee Oh Martin motorsport McLaren on pole position Pembina Coates for Karen alongside event moving down at res the house former one tester for the second row and another washing machine Cairo me to line up along some forty nine drivers in total have cells through pre-qualifying into the race and just John Watson look at this huge field of curls pouring up through the back accessories this is going to be something to enjoy David sport the difference [Music] negative cars the real deal going on on syllabus from last year for 50 plus inches always Express and adjust [Music] start finished with we saw a great dog at Monza a clean start a difficult circuit to get a clean start I'm hoping we're going to see all the field get through this first lap without contact and look for tracking rays well this is the section coming out of Stowe corner down through Vale at the end of which you could generate some overtaking Jenson Button knows his way around here of course his British Grand Prix exploits we're never hugely successful it was the one that got away but let's see what he can do in GT terms ban constant URIs here at the end of Vale this as we were saying a little while ago is certainly somewhere that we can anticipate action especially with so many cars yeah fast flowing circuit as John has been speaking about only a couple of really heavy braking zones and this being one it also just seems to attract trouble doesn't it I think it perhaps the left/right nature of it if you if you do go down the inside on that left turn you need to get it completely finished because there is the opportunity to come back through the right eye and that potentially is why we see so much chaos both there and also at the end of the Wellington straight into Brooklyn's again it looks like it should be a simple overtake but because we go through Luffy again you've got that left right switch you need to get the past totally done before the circuit goes the opposite way and also of course the approach to village they've just been through that section is another pinch point well now the cars will be getting themselves into the Noah's Ark two-by-two formation ready for the start we lost a Porsche somewhere if we lost Matty a car only because he should be on the second row of the grid and I've see I lost him so this is where Ben goes and checks servers for us but I think we've lost have we not car early from the second row the race director Peter Roberts brought in for this championship Peter vastly experienced race official from UK events and more recently he's been part of the IGT C&S arroz man in America but Peter who is doing all this from Sandbach I think about half an hour south of me is in charge and looking at driving standards and the format of the race and making sure that everybody behaves so I'll wait a Porsche down it looks like it then doesn't it from the second row the grid I can't seem to click on him and his time on the server is no longer running so I'll go into the race drivers chaps that they have on discord and find out exactly what's happened they tend to come in and check in with the race direction there if they do have an issue okay I'll leave you to that thanks Ben because we're about to go racing then as the cars having gone in front of the BR DC's virtual Clubhouse they come through la field and now through wood corner speed building ready for the start of our first round of the SRO eSport GT series here from Silverstone then on the front of the grid from its ear crostini and Ben barnico MacLaren's both the deeper blue colours carried by crostini Ben Barney Cote almost up level to him then in third slot on the grid Louie della tries at the Porsche if the officials are happy we'll get the race underway now then as everybody should storm their way down towards cops corner for the first time but that to me looks like they're staying in grid order still so it's not a quickened pace as yet and now the speed does kick in as they approach the first corner and round the outside goes Ben barnico so he takes over the race lead there's already drama I think to Michael O'Brien being shown and having a drive through and Louie della trousers lost a spot to the leading plenty there I think as they head out towards the Beckett's eTI's for the first time so good start by Jordan pepper and now the question is does everybody get through safely in midfield I fear there was a car on the grass there going through Beckett's they come on to the hangar straight for the first time and if he's gonna be MacLaren's first and second then as the car sprint down toward Stowe John Watson so far so good they are just about keeping out of strife although there is one on the grass in the background getting on with the job to goodie fat but right now bandits three for the lead isn't it to McClaren's and then what looks like being Jordan Peppers Bentley trying to go with them with the leading Porsche of data trust jars dropping back a little absolutely and you mentioned Michael O'Brien with ADT beside his name that means drive-through penalty a very interesting system to get these cars under way they all have to stay as we see a bit of a pass there a little bit ghosting as they go into each other they have to stay within a box and if they go too far back or too far forward within that box before the green light then they can pick up an instant drive-through penalty and I think Michael O'Brien having got a drive-through penalty before even we went to green may have fallen foul of that okay that was rough I only March yellow versus Luigi and their NZ dollar NZ and the yellow Aston has a look down the inside line coming in to Brooklyn's but to no avail Raphael a who has positioned himself as the Mercedes driver in recent years hanging on to position then as they come up towards the end of that one it was Ferrari that won here last year in a three hour endurance race so at the end of that one across the timing line they will come and is it going to be still up front than the McLaren of Ben barnico yes it is Chris Danny ran second third is Jordan pepper for finish de letras fifth behind him his much yellow and six these two lorenzi Michael O'Brien 7 forget to service drive through been dusting he's doing a good job 8 Alex Buncombe he's ninth and then in 10th place you've got the Audi number five of even Paris as the cars now head up through the Beckett's s's for the second time but every way you look at the moment John was a battle going on other BAM pose three leaders getting away getting away from a Porsche indeed so trying to find some progress as he comes to the end of Vale he's also gotten stacked up behind him Charlotte let's in the midst of all of that having a look to try to get past number 25 that's after Russia eight and as he comes out of club corner number 62 Luca Kyoto he's right there as well so Charlotte CLAT goes to the outside line gets to run over the car but off the road and back on again elbows out very different discipline very different style of racing compared to Formula One this but he's hanging on in there he's attacking he's defending Russia in the alley as away Y goes the stop tags off he goes he got back off the road he went from left to right at of a quick pace and probably will take a little bit of time to get back on track but that was a bump from the rear I think the collective wasn't aware he was looking forward not backwards at that point well let's see whether he survived it as the battle comes now down towards Brooklyn's again look there you've got Luigi to Lorenzi having a look to try to get past Raffaelli much yellow who in turn is hitching up onto the back of the GPX Porsche of luigi de lettres his father Shantanu della trows was a mainstay of GT racing in the late 90s and naught is having had his brief formula one for eight but Louie down at rouse comes through and he's hanging on for the moment to that fourth place now what about Charlotte Rach did he survive where is he in all of this he was on the fringes of the leading 16 and he's dropped a long long way back Denis Lin only 22nd Ben Denis not yet making the progress we were hoping from him I think it must be down to balance of performance when it comes to all the different marks of car Lynda's are so so good in this particular platform and sim racing in general and unfortunately side by side here's Charlotte Clarke recovering he's down in 26th position and that was a contact that was parked on the outside there obviously had an off track excursion Leclerc car doesn't look too badly damaged either which is very lucky considering the contact he had at one of the fastest so he needs to be careful particularly from potential rise and water temperature the well that applies in sim racing as it doesn't real-time music I do not know the other thing is Charles Leclerc welcome to motor racing did a bit of hip and shoulder after you called he got a big push and shove coming in to Abby and he's recovering but Charles Leclerc done in what is a soft ice cream in it yes he just said to the top 23 at the minute it's probably the biggest grid that Sharla's ever taken part in really if you came back even through formula 3 the FIA European Championship days that was 30 cars max so here's our 49 it is a very crowded house indeed now Eva Paris in the red Audi here accelerating underneath the bridge down towards Brooklyn's sets the car up will turn through in a moment past the VLT sees building and up towards la field with a whole range of cars lined up behind him but that front been Barney coat their British driver British brand leads the way in second place is Chris Donnie draught and pepper for Bentley thirdly we down a transfer Porsche for for a fire team Archie LM Mercedes v Luigi Dan Lorenzi for Aston Martin another winning brand at Silverstone in the past six but then you've got another six four four of been testing the valve motorsport round McLaren in seventh Alex Buncombe yz8 Herrera ninth there he is and then run our Monti 10th and right now been there's a whole real battle going on interrupted they by that waved yellow at back it's a crucially Michael O'Brien was in 7th position going into that lap I'm not sure whether he went into the pits or whether he got booted out of the race for not taking his drive-through penalty and he had one more lap to do it last time through he is now in pit lane but I think he may have been disqualified rather than just taking that drive-through penalty a huge disappointment then for the man in seventh position going onto that lap he's just said on the chat I was taken into the pits for no reason my start position was correct so there's a little disagreement as there is in the real world between officialdom and the drivers now what about des Lettres here is the Porsche going to be able to fend off the challenge of raffaeli march yellow the leading quintet look heading up towards us and so the McLaren almost as one Bentley third but dela tries if anything John would you agree with me on this East getting perhaps a little bit closer again to the three ahead the gap is not quite as big as it was the issue we'd be having des has got to keep one eye on as Vera and keep looking at the other eye to try and catch some of the other traffic makes its way through the loop yeah three three three Ferrari David proud yet you're right the redoubtable the very enthusiastic Ferrari real world race around sim racer and he's got them all stacked up behind him hasn't he look here because you've got Ricky coloured having a good go look at Kyoto is it all of this as well and so is the Bentley in the team Park of racing car of Scott Marvin yeah both coming into the to us and partners all over the back of David Braille the inside and there's a position lost to acidosis going through it must Scott Marvin it's an it who's got thrill me inside so the team Parker car goes through going back a story we've seen compact stranded up at Beckett's I think he was involved brown hi Cotter looking at the race direction report and way out wide goes Ricky collared at cops corner he's back on the road but he's about to lose the place because there looks got more than out drags him Ricky lost momentum as he went so wide off the racetrack it got and use that to his advantage clever thinking good driving clean driving by both drivers coming into one of the three challenging corners that Silverson engaged a couple of pit visitors David McNally Nicolas hillbrand Jody Fannin and James Paul all with issues and Andre Calder le is now in pit lane so these will be for repairing contact potentially or issues with their cars after the opening laps unfortunately what's that four or five drivers already with issues at the back of the field and more drama vel look coming out of club corner one on the grass that's the benefit number ten or from our Monty and he wasn't alone in all of that we've also seen I think it was Alex Ben comes car gaining and losing grammar you can have bunk and potentially here battling with Jenson Button so Jensen going forwards and it's his brother Chris with whom Jen's and his big mates but the families know each other well so here they come Jenson Button getting himself up the order eleventh he is now accelerating down towards us still been Barney coat the race leader but only by three tenths of a second and we've had what ten minutes of the race then this for the Pro drivers as they come down through Brooklyn's David per L still under attack look right there with him he's got more than about Bentley Ben is going great guns isn't it absolutely great to see that so the British mark has had success at Silverstone before got a lot of sideways be no contact oh dear off goes Marvin he got a bit of help from the Aston I think it was Ricky Koehler dad got into the back of him collab now gets elbowed aside by the Ferrari they're coming over the timing line so as they go through that is Jeff and off going by up into 18 place at the Ferrari but the one that's come off were stopping just said how when he was going scott Marvin watching that was at the minute we're seeing unloving timing and scoring there Jordan pepper is in the lead of this race what has happened to the to McClaren's well that's a good question because we've not seen anything and that's that's a server problem but they just both disappeared haven't they are we aware of any penalties being looked at for them no so Barney coat and Chris Donnie all of a sudden disappear the giotto and melvin incident is being looked at so Kioto rather than collabs who just clarify that situation and right now you're riding with much yellow who is all of a sudden third on the back of louisiana try on short and pepper in the Bentley well we've seen Bentley's running at Silverstone in SRO events in the past the second 2.4 seconds currently behind Jordan Bentley yeah the McLaren situation remains a puzzle for a moment we'll try and unravel it but Jordan pepper leading and while Dell at Rousey squabbling with here March yellow and in lorenzi that means the race leader is getting away all the while doesn't it so it's looking good this so far for the South African driver Jordan pepper it will go over the timing line put another lap in the book in the k-pax racing by syria esports team syria esports emilio de Miatas squad and with 47 minutes and Counting still to go there number 8 Bentley through cop's corner is Alex now what about him in all of this he is now 6 making some pressed forward again supporting anyone care to say one of the key things about this particular competition over many others that we're seeing in eSports is this has open setups so the all these drivers have been working on the setup of their car for this particular race and I know that Bentley have been working with their real engineers to try and get the best out of these Bentley's and anybody representing Bentley has the opportunity and access to those engineers so whilst Bentley and someone like Alex Buncombe was really struggling in Monza they definitely have much better performance here and interestingly that Chris Donny shared his setup with Ben barnico pre-race for qualifying to get themselves up in a better position there'll be a very different setup to make the car last for the full hour in this particular race and there at UCR fourroux GA going through on the inside to put himself up now past are now some time out there in the Mercedes so Russia a making some progress forward and accelerating his way now 12 onto Wellington straight the other thing that we were being told about was that for fuel people might have to save a little bit for the first 15 minutes we're almost at the end of that and then they can go flat out but you get the feeling this has been an absolute sprint race from the get-go for everybody involved as Alex Buncombe very another 896 comes through who's got the Audi tucked up behind him if he vampire us and they're eight men Barney Coates now other bad Bank on surgery yet got to the bottom of whatever McLaren suddenly disappeared was that a penalty do we know or we assume that I had a moment somewhere I wonder whether they had contact so I don't have the ability to go back so I can't see it but another interesting thing 20th position Charlotte Clerk TT alongside in sadly he's been penalized for that rate at lap 2 incident and he will have to take a drive-through penalty and if he misses that drive-through penalty like Michael O'Brien did earlier he will be booted out this race so fingers crossed he obeys the stewards gets it done and can get back out on track 20th Charlotte left not a sentence one has to use very often but there he is he still had the thick of it but as you say he will drop down once he serves that in Falls penalty the drive-through penalty right we've got 45 minutes of this still to go and upfront it remains the charging Jordan pepper in the Bentley rest of the field firing out of snow corner down through Vail Watty I'm tempting fate by saying this but things are just starting to calm down [Music] racing each a be really challenging to exit other Bobby not affecting the GT cars as much as the full-time Christian indeed so now that Lamborghini that we saw at the while ago being forced on towards the grass was that car number 60 of Dennis Lind he was trying to find a way past Mikhail Grenier as at the end of Wellington straight Jenson Button he's under a tack look because now the Bentley trying to find a way back ahead of him as they wriggle their way up to alter field number 10 is the car over on our Monte so Jenson Button trying to defend as they come through I have a 22 McLaren Jenson Button over the timing by Jordan pepper three seconds to the good not a massive advantage but it is enough for the moment 337 Ferrari Maxime you fan off that is the fast tuning custom liveried car and he's got himself now onto the back of Colorado he carves Aston as they dive down towards cops corner Ricky : way up the curb on the inside hangs on to the place does he goes a little bit why John coming out of the corner though yeah Ricky been running wide almost every lap as he can do the cops but he had to defend use a lot of curve on the inside again intubated inside in the comeback to the left to the Ferrari sp3 seventh fooding pressure old Ricky Carla Dennis Lee the course leading just ahead of Santee further down the road in fact from just a half a second or so ahead of colors of this little palette and been found up further down the field Yellin off in the Ferrari three to seven that's the car just diving around but pink pursued by there where's the closer they come from he's doing something pretty amazing he jumped back he's got to make his pit stop I think where he's going in now I believe a little bit catching up I think like Clara has gone in on this lap who saw him moving to the right coming down into fail in 20th position yeah he's gonna have to serve this penalty soon he's a Bedan was making the point that you have a finite number of laps in which to take it otherwise you get booted out of the race we've got another McLaren in strife all over the grass that's the Balfe Cup so who's dropping down the order been casting I think that well so been dusting having gone well early on in the race going off the circuit and falling down you see he's now what 14th on that leaderboard Alex Buncombe has dropped a long way back as well news comes that the to McClaren's the barnico Tristana cars we were asking questions about earlier they did get themselves together we don't have a replay of it but that seems to be the struggle was contact between the pair but they have survived it so there'll be a certain amount of grumpiness between the two so those macarons that were really strong at the start of the race now playing capture way out wide loses a place that is going to be dinner NZ up into third place Barney Coates McLaren the best of them is sixth he's still fighting he's not giving up yet but John yes explain what was Rafael he doing that was like him to watch the back end stepped out and of course you had to make the correction and the car will automatically run that much 1012 feet to widen the exit of court so he drops down to for their fifth is a vampire heiress now been Barney Cody's up behind him prayer us in the Audi here doing a decent job isn't he in the Phoenix racing car is he gonna be able to fend off men Barney coat you can guarantee Bank on stick but Barney Coates going to be well fired up after his earlier dramas in this race he's got 41 minutes just under in which to keep on pushing how far up the order do you think he can get and he's not that far away Jordan pepper has a decent advantage at the head of the field but then behind him they're pretty close I suppose where is he around I do have the gap somewhere on the timing screen can't sit at the moment but it must be about 10 seconds off the lead but I think the McLaren's generally have a decent pace there's Jenson Button and actually a question that came up on our YouTube feed on GT world Jenson now in ninth what is the little yellow dots beside his name everyone has won some of the bigger than others that means it talks about his connection the larger the yellow line the more on the edge his connection is his internet connection if his internet connection goes into the red so the larger the line it becomes more red then he has the potential again to be booted out because what you don't want is the cars around you I'm sure what he would agree with this jumping about and not actually being represented as to where they really are on track they can kind of ghost or rubber band out of the way and if you don't know where the car is around you then you can easily have accidents with objection can't see so that is why all of these drivers are monitored on their internet connection just watching this group of cars five or six of them coming through into Beckett's the one of them that I'm impressed with most of all driving this wheel perfectly every time he pieces the card and he picks perfect every time he exits a corner perfect he is not doing as Ben might be suggesting getting carried away with the fact that you're in the same race he's driving this race as it is a real race alive race there's a bhakti penalty from New Delhi tries as well the bed is always yeah just gotten past coming down into bail but can he recover enough for a Content make the cutback he's gonna try and make the cut back but he's probably lost the momentum as they come into the second part of club corner and the Bentley is taking that position way too intense and crostini is being given a drive-through as well for contact with BAM Barney Coates said that also starts to explain why they drop down the order doesn't it so the two MacLaren's made contact and crostini he's getting a penalty delat res made contact with crostini and more drama than other rotating Porsche we see which I think was Simoni I equipped that in the gin Thani Arco motorsport car coming out of the loop so the 911 goes around but now we're starting to piece it together so Dalit Rao's second has a penalty and the one that's creeping up the order nicely here is the Aston Martin of luigi de la Renzi there it is that's about to inherit second spot they're still looking good as a circuit which suits the car in real life auto racing as it does 31 said Morris in his debut is a might say a factory Bentley driver probably spent a lot of time as Dean Barker yeah that's right another graduate from single seater racing is Seb Morris as you look here at this battle papal rounding cops corner so Morris 7th Jenson Button these 8th are for Russia a running in ninth place I think Tony and scoring is a little bit odd because Jenson is two cars and also there's my man Monty's Bentley that we keep seeing but that I think has lost a lap somewhere so that's another slight quirk however coming down towards doe corner been barnico tup into now fourth place ahead of Pereira and Della tries drops down the order so is that because he's now served the penalty or has he been taken out because he hasn't yet served it either way Danah trousers just gone AWOL so the order shuffles again and a fairly much yellow off into third place been Barney coat fourth they're gonna be worth watching for sure as out of club corner now comes number five Audi event Paris still be given a tough time here by set Morris and there's a consequence of his drive through penalty page one time um scoring another words twenty fourth or indeed so if Jersey second in fact for chocolate drive ahead of it Antonio lead see there are two generations of Italian or Charles it in from Monte Carlo but Tony Lee at Sea World karting champion 33rd and great to have another X f1 driver in the field yeah every lap we find another name David that we've not yet talked about was Dan Wells who was last in qualifying but the Hong kong-based Brit up to 20th getting on with the job in his Lamborghini damn much underrated driver down at Rao's now being shown as eighteenth then after the drive-through penalty was applied and Ben barnico still striving to work his way forward now here diving down towards Brooklyn's number 76 he's Ricky collar Mikhail Grenier behind him graduate of Lamborghini Super Trofeo the Canadian driver started another couple of years back and then came fully ml Frey team into the endurance Cup and Ricky Collard is I think now being given a drive-through yes he is for contact with Maxime yevon off so 35 minutes to go and the author continues to shuffle with all of these penalties being applied the race director he's on these toes here bad isn't he and what would be happening later on as well if they do exceed track limits too much there's kind of an additive effect on that so you do it once or twice you get kind of warnings if you do more than that then penalty points start to apply and if you do too much that then finally a 10 15 or 20 second penalty will be applied as well so we've got more of those happening as the race goes on and I think we might have a flurry of drive-through penalties and slowdowns at the end of the race and once people have driven too far off track at cops yeah I think you're right about that as down towards the end of Vail there goes then testings McLaren coming under attack from number 8 Bentley that's the car in the hands of Alex bunkum so the McLaren through that's 12 and 13 for now you're looking at the two British brands but it's still Jordan peppers Bentley clearing the lead he was three seconds to the good he's now 4.4 seconds ahead of Luigi dinner NZ's Aston Martin raffaeli much yellow he's still third been barley coach McLaren fourth as a contact into the back of testing goes bunker around goes the McLaren Alex Buncombe continues but John thoughts on that was that just one of those things one as Alex have a case to answer there's a I don't know the degree of once you make contact even that's the smallest of contact is that sufficient to spin a car on in real term racing probably wouldn't have been as disastrous in terms of the outcome as it appeared to be but I suspect there will be it'll be looked at and could be a penalty for Alex Buncombe in his debut for Bentley this season Indy exactly what we saw a month in Monza as well wasn't it the lightest of touches unsettles the car and spins them round the final field coming down on the start that it was his internet wasn't it been but that crashed on him it's exactly yeah lost lost contact well he was in Cornwall wasn't he I think at the time yes yes well do you know now thanks yes the stewards are having a look at that incident so we'll keep you posted but you might anticipate more penalties to come yep they're having a look at it so Jenson Button 7th after Russia a 8th is what is on screen at the moment but Jordan pepper is doing a very impressive job for Bentley up front maintaining this gap down to the end of Vale and after Russia a staring at the back of the McLaren of Jenson Button what is he going to be able to do before the end of the race well Jenson would like to get himself into the top six but he's not quite close enough yet to the tale of Seb Morris is he as they run now up towards the very fast right flake and ABI well the Jensens doing is running almost Metra normally he's not pinning up wheel wrong he's driving absolutely beautifully and he's allowing those around and it also create penalties he's currently in sixth place was another 32 minutes of this race remaining could he get into the top three could it be a podium for Jensen in his first race in the Jensen rocker RJ and McLaren I mean I'm just mesmerized by the way that Jenson Button is driving as opposed to some other competitors who are a lot more aggressive in the way they're tackling all these 18 turns at Silverstone comes back to class doesn't it if you can drive you can drive de lettres here is on the attack as he tries to find a way through the traffic so that's the tangling Mercedes that takes a big bite of curb on the outside but nuit des Lettres goes through takes the place on the inside line remember he's trying to fight back after an earlier penalty so down at Rao's now is into 15th place keep out of trouble in this you'll do pretty well won't you in terms of the final result we're almost at the halfway point but not quite yet and that is one of the key things about any sim racing any sim racing online is just stay out of trouble be consistent and by the end of the race the result will come to you and it is so easy to find yourself making contact with other drivers if there isn't the consistency you get in the real world of where those cars are on track and for some reason that because there's a slight lack of senses that you do find yourself in many more issues than you would do in the real world and so just staying out of trouble is the is the easiest way to get yourself a half-decent position absolutely right there's a drive-through if he's still in the race heading away of a drag Calder alley for contact early on in the race with Jodi fan in there number 51 Ferrari on the attack that's his Daniel Sarah Chico Sarah's son the former one racer and heading down the hangar straight now towards Stowe corner Sarah on the outside line is he gonna be able to pull the movies gonna have to be brave to do it he does break late he gets into the corner fractionally ahead but he's on the wrong outside slower line and so al-khalifa in the McLaren there the blue and black McLaren just fend him off as they come down through Vale but Daniel Sarah attacking and under attack himself as Jensen bus and he still elbows out trying to keep off the russia at bay now sarah was probably a little bit generous he could have been a little more aggressive coming in to store the lye delta-v al-khalifa to get the mclaren back into position to take the ground away so further through the field Roush a Jenson Button the leader those three cars immediately oh it was I'm afraid yes around goes our Khalifa so that is a place gain for Sarah there is matsamuel in his Aston accelerating on to running some straight he's just gained a place out of all of this as we get into the second half of the race now Jordan peppers advantage is getting bigger and bigger all the time are no Santa motto goes through look back and you got Alex Buncombe behind him so 11 for 12 from Sadie's vs. been clear here and as they go through cops corner Buncombe looks a fraction closer as the speed builds up towards back it's John yep not much you can do is just a little bit too far behind go through the three corners to find another three leads on to Chapel curve and that then will bring you on what is essentially the quickest part of Silverstone hangar straight though it's all slightly variable dependent in the direction the wind is blowing I don't know what direction the wind is blowing Buncombe goes through on the inside heading into stoke corner so that puts him up into eleventh place the next target is Simoni ayah cuentas porsche that had a spin earlier on in the race so Alex Buncombe charging on to get himself further up the order try to shadow what Jordan pepper is doing in the lead of the race here much yellow third still make the progress against tiller nzz been no Ferrari look yeah and brew shame but more in strife as well coming out of Club Russia eight all at sea there isn't it yes are not trapped that's having business added in seventh place lots of actions going on watching one but of a circuit yeah David Parral I think got involved with Jenson Button because the officials are having a look at that to see if anybody were at fault now Ben sorry you were halfway through a very important point we got it excited about spinners no that's okay the usually in a one-hour race we'd see in a sprint series of the World Challenge a pit stop but we to keep everything exciting in terms of managing fuel and tires we don't have pit stops in this race a lot of people have a chat asking about pit stops no pit stops here but very very good battles indeed so for eight there Iaquinta losses out Alex bunk up goes throw on the inside line so Alex Buncombe gains a place arounds a little bit wide a crater comes back at him Bentley versus Porsche they almost rub and now accelerate up through the Beckett Tessa's so the Porsche loses out the Bentley gets up into eighth place david Parral as i say did get involved with Jenson Button so it might be that something comes of that in terms of a penalty we'll keep you posted just avoid contact was a real race just stay away from now Jenson he's dropping down the order is he in the pits but I think he's been given a drive-through hasn't e4 contact on that 15 so Jenson is in trouble the good driver looks like he's come to an end I haven't seen that come up on my screen for Jeff simple he is in pit lane yeah yeah exactly so frustration for for Jenson so we're not done yet and there look Alex Buncombe runs wide off the road and back on again he's eighth chasing after David pair out but still lots of things can shake out of this race Chris Fogg at being given a drive through from very early on when he made contact with James Paul I think been said that we lost James early on in this race right this battle now to look at is al-khalifa versus Daniel Sara 22nd or 23rd year on board with the Ferrari now John heading up towards village some drivers come in early some like to ride the High Line then as you come through eight weeks as a flower I'd curve to the left but the McLaren has done a good job it's just edging away once again from daniel sarah as they could go and wellington straight and then the big braking before you turn into Brooklyn's corner itself you can see the gap has fractionally opened up so Sarah's marginally lost a little bit of time to turn I'll cami for anything yeah just behind Sarah sorry matsamuel yeah that's right and then recovering leffen off and Ricky : further back in that group as well as they come past the pits then now so 25 minutes of the race still to go race leader's swing their way through cocked corner russia having fallen back down in 14th place now so convincing coming through cops and then to plan but he tried to do one lap he can't get any closer he's almost driving into the rack of the back of the McLaren I mean those side by side it's a pattern of the turbo v8 Ferrari and McLaren down the hill into still corner Sarah this time at the inside I lose three places before we get into Vail he could well do heat on the inside line round the outside goes canard does he get his nose in front yes he does does he go out wide possibly added to the back of him go Daniel Sarah and that's one way of getting a place back that was pretty brutal right into the back of Ricky Carlisle faster just turned him out of the way yeah that was as avoidable incident so again we wait to see what the race director the stewards will make of that is that a penalty I suspect if it's go Bochum was penalized then I suspect would be the same unfortunately well straightaway Daniel Sara's number comes up on the channel for the stewards to say we're having a look at it well what a surprise because that was pretty brutal and he about 17 to lap I think yes the incident will come back to biting while all that's been going on of course up front Jordan pepper then five seconds clear of anybody else now just getting on with the job driving nicely and smoothly I'm not making any mistakes is he yeah this is really now a bit of an endurance test for him just banging in those consistent lap times lap after lap and he's doing a good job with it he's within two or three tenths of a second of his lap each time he does this and what a great reward for Bentley that have put so much effort into the virtual world over the last couple of weeks we saw them getting heavily behind the charity challenge that we had at Monza a few weeks ago but now I mean PR director even organized a virtual photo shoot to promote this and any driver that chooses the Bentley in the and races that we have over the next couple of weeks will get PR support from Bentley I love what they're doing yeah it really embraced it haven't they it's great to see calls Bentley a good British brand and it's part of the Volkswagen Audi group but still has its roots in Crewe in Cheshire and Silverstone was the venue for the Bentley Continental GT threes very first win going back to the early days of its competition career despite a drive-through penalty from memory that guy Smith had to serve but Stephen cane brought home the car as a winner and right now Jordan pepper leads the race here there's 27 McLaren that's for Richie a crostini recovering after his earlier travails he's down in 25th place at the moment further up the road there is the McLaren of al-khalifa Isa al-khalifa who still manages to fend off the traffic behind him de lettres after his problems early on is back up into 11th place so still the order shuffles almost lap by lap as people either have problems or then get themselves in battles which go against them back dad and 25th this Bustani where barnacled in 4th who took my family summer we didn't see them coming together but their barnacle despot who's come off the better of the tube as Chris Tony's struggles to find progress daniel sarah likewise involved in an incident just a few moments ago down in 24th place so a lot of penalties but they don't minor contact but the consequences are very severe indeed indeed so I mean more penalties are about to come from the officials as over the timing line they go look at Giotto he's being given a drive-through for contact and as I say the daniel sarah incident is being looked at as well looking back for Charlotte let's Ferrari 27th in this yo-yo race whoops get all crossed up going through cops caught up hang on to it John yeah huger talented young race driver getting a bit of a and eye-opening simmer Grand Prix or a single see the races you're aware that contact has got big consequences but a GT racing you can have a bit of rubbing a bit of hip and shoulder and get away with it but this when you tag the back of another car that tag I've seen today as brothers have trans being so light but it's sufficient to spin that car ahead of you are odd coming from it's not as if it's aggressive driving it's just having but in sin terms it's not bigger penalty yeah absolutely right yes so for Charlotte flat is trying to regroup very in the meantime Dalit rise up into the top 10 now he's got himself at pass the Mercedes you see him on a Santa Martha so let me tell her trousers in the portrait in the colors that won the spa 24 hours last year that did the bulk of the leading in the car larmy Niner the GPX car comes down now GPX racing Porsche down towards Brooklyn Simoni car cuenta is back ahead of Alex Buncombe these to be Trading Places and don't forget that Porsche has had a spin as well over the course of this race coming now up through the right Atwood the timing line yeah you could see just coming through Brooklyn take up the back of the Porsche stepping out you don't really want to do that particularly in the Porsche room all the weight hanging out behind the rear wheels remember this car there's another a mid-engine GT car to rear engined GT car but the Bentley clearly looks to have the pace but also it's a much better balanced car as we lots of come through Beggar's that's right so the gap widens doesn't it the Porsche just getting away a little as here you've got Luigi tune Lorenzi getting himself through the traffic now ignore the car immediately behind you need to be looking for the Mercedes or a fairly much yellow in third place in the meantime here even Pereira's he's keeping David / Ella Bache David he's doing a very good job we know he's good on a sim but David Parral dives to the inside line this is for sixth place and he's done it at the end of Vale assuming he doesn't run wide into club corner he'll be able to come out the other side with a place gain and that bad was a good move rounds look huge experience and it was a bit of a consultant when it came to I set a course a competency only he's really knows this game inside out so it's great to see that that performance is now coming to fruition of course anybody running a Ferrari has the benefit of those very experienced Ferrari drivers that we'll see in the silver race coming up experienced sim drivers setting up those Ferraris to allow these drivers these Pro drivers to get the best out of them so one of the reasons for my charlotte clerk was attracted to coming and joining this race was because they had so much support from the ferrari esports academy that run enzo veneto and luca tongzi at Lucca at the moment is leading the f1 eSports series or sorry won it last year indeed so there you've just seen the Lorenzo Micucci out it squeeze through and gain the place coming out of a loop that now means that he is up into 17th place down wells the victim auto Russia eighth number 25 company in 13th place now coming towards the completion of the lap so just under 18 minutes to go Jordan pepper lap by lap creeps away from the rest number 66 Bentley is Scott more than trying to get himself that pasty matsamuel Aston Martin others have gone way wide off the road and back on so this quartet dives down to the end of one eaten straight count Scott Marvin forced the issue in the Bentley not quite the Aston cuts across and defends siren goes wide that's our Kelly for in strife I think he's been having a few mistakes a few over the last couple laps Raphael marchello has been having a messy couple of laps but now he's got his head down and he's catching Luigi - Lorenzo's so the gaff is down to six tenths of a second little think that was a was that that miss Lynn going off the circuit and the Lamborghini but look out for the Battle of a second it's gonna get really spicy very very soon okay there was mayhem at cops as you saw those mayhem at the Beckett's s is there a Scott ball van comes to grief I fear with Ricky Collard who's Aston Martin he's off and back on the game but yes there were cars all over the place at cops corner so it's getting scrappy John very true very true Charlotte leg to finish off one story a Peter 22nd place committee for Minnelli now he's getting a drive through for contact from earlier on in the race so the stewards busy looking at everything on replay and if you've transgressed then you will be found out this is for second and third backing up what been constant jurors were saying about the pace of rough I remarked yellow then he's only four tenths of a second away from Luigi de Lorenzo as they come now up towards the Beckett's s's soda Lorenzo hangs on to second but only just much yellow there he is in third place charging charging charging coming out of the Beckett's s is now John heading towards the grunt and go sections that should help the Mercedes the gap well it's what six tenths of a second probably a little bit less as they come down interesting fifteen minutes of this race remaining rough ele will have the lasers on the back of an ass to mark and healthy anko hope to try and haul it back in as they come down into the breaking down Intervale slowing get your car's position for the first part of club then use the steering and the throttle in conjunction to allow the car to make the second part of club make it in effect a 180 exponent along will be two separable but it's one big continuous that's right so as the cars there go through Stoke or doubt or Russia 1/12 with been testing behind and through vais up the BMW they're getting out of the way we haven't seen very much of BMWs involvement in this JD fan in one of the BMW drivers was involved in incidents early on so Jordan pepper continues to lead the way we've got just over 14 and a half minutes of the race still to go Jordan Packer is six point four seconds up the road now we are into the part of the race where we are told by the experts of this but if your tires are going to go off they'll now be going off and the tire degradation can be anything up to three seconds elapsed so if people suddenly start to look really slow and be struggling then that could well be down to tyre we're having pushed them too hard too early in the race and we'll start to see now whether for example Jordan pepper because of the drive he's had here has been able to look after the tires in this race we're seeing that now on the timing screens almost every single driver is within only within about half second to a second of their best lap so we are seeing that degradation play out some people are doing it better than others but the front even the leaders are losing a second lap to how they've ridden before I think in the case of Jordan pepper leading this race first of all he's had a clear race track virtually up until this moment 13 and a half minutes to go to remise any of his driving start the car as a consequence secondly the Bentley we knew is a car I call it very light nuts toes it's a car that does not overuse or more abuse it stars some other cars in the field because of the nature of the setup the camber angles they run sometimes that two angles they have to put into the car to get it to bite and grip it doesn't need to do them it's a great chassis certainly working well here isn't it / then the Mercedes and rough fairly much yellow has proved to be the real master of Mercedes over the years he is still hunting down luigi de lorenzi and tiller NZ as apologies de Lorenzo has done a very good job in all of this has he not because he's up against more successful more experienced drivers and he's driven very well kept out of trouble and there he is in second place and B for getting tagged yet again feels like a punch bowl punch board or countersunk I don't know which is the - it is anyway it's unfortunate as we see Melvin in the back at the races a man who is outstanding in his debut and TT racing he's outstanding work well you should off-road racing in the Baja Peninsula California still racing single-seaters he's given up racing singles he was actually why much more fun in this now but you're right 34 back in the race trying to recover and the pit stop was for some damage we understand so it's good that he's circulating once again and also as the cars come down towards Brooklyn's the gap setting to third down fractionally also as we've been saying the second-place driver Luigi DeLorenzo he's clay or had been closing a little bit on Jordan pepper but now that gap has stretched out once more which is a frustration for the Aston Martin driver eleven and a half minutes to go there is Louie de letras going through running now in ninth spot can he improve on that before the very end also keep an eye on Cesare in sir did he lose time did he make an error then barnacles closing down and he's losing that's marchello losing got run singing antoniak scoring to that of the second-place Diller enter in the Aston Martin so just amber 11 made it to the race to go much yellow turns now through the fast sweeping Abby and bam Barney coat he's getting closer to him so if anything it's going to be battle on for third rather than second isn't it much yellow has fallen too far back to a tad bit bam barnico for the podium could be on hey John got the momentum the gap now just does it came across the line at the end of the last lap has have to just over three tenths of a second to been barnacle is the man you see him there on the charge comes up gets along side down into Brookland well he's done it and Rafi Ali Machado had no answer nothing he could do barnacle has got the pace he's got the grip that much he'll have tried to come back a little bit in the middle of luffy not a good place to do it big contact that would be a bigger penalty than it's just the time he is lost but he's lost position out of the top three into fourth place it's a good effort wasn't it that good moves had been barnico who was fighting for a race win at the very start contact with another McLaren finding himself on the back foot well with just under 10 minutes to go he's up into third place 1.8 seconds back from dilorenzo he might been get there before the end there's certainly time left for barnico to take second place but yeah how does he managed to preserve his tyres even though he's had to push after that early incident he does seem to have the grip whilst others don't we're looking at the likes of Bellator as reef probably quick slide there from Buncombe bunker was struggling to he was 2 seconds of that slower on that last lap behind him delat rouse was the same but perhaps because he's being held up now flashing his lights through maggots and Beckett's but marchello I think has just run out of tires having pushed so hard to get onto the tail of dilorenzo now what about dinner Enzo's charge what about Barney girl them so that battle for third place or second place sort of holding position as we go back to living de lettres who currently is the ninth position just half a second behind there is the bender you can see that's the gap that you can see there on the road on timing and scoring is autocracy but what about been Barney Coates tires because he's had to fight his way back up the order therefore he has been asking a lot out of the rubber and he's not done yet closing on dilorenzo through Goes Down at R as night Eve hunting down alex Buncombe who had that big big slide at cops at the start of a lap down through a beep later now than eight and a half minutes are on the clock we're on lap 26 and still plenty can shuffle out of this race off for Russia a we've seen in the thick of it he's about to go tapped on the inside of our know Santa Marta diving down towards Philly just the over do it yes he does runs wide up a curb still got the inside line for the loop and just hangs on of the place to read it that's right so for Jordan pepper the gap going up and up and up seven point four seconds Russia a SAN tomato and then been testing now Ben whose experience largely has been in historic single-seaters before coming to GT racing doing a really good job here he's been up and down the order a little bit granny is being given a drive-through now incidentally for contact against Lorenzo Micucci from earlier on in the race seven and a half minutes and Counting so bad prediction to Lorenzo for second or his been partner cake gonna get the job been barnico so close now look on the screen down the hangar straight he was getting closer and closer couldn't do it into Stowe but later on the breaks into Vale and that will almost looked easy from Ben barnico to the McLaren working incredibly well at the end of this race lorenzi looting a second on this lap he lost a second on the last lap as well I think he has done his tires made it stick got up at the second place but he's got a massive second disadvantage or deficit the people know that second place that race leader and totally virtually well old virtually if not took the old challenge from the minute the straights get underway Jordan Klepper seven and a half or seven point six seconds of an advantage over a second day to get barnacle yeah unless Jordan makes a mistake it's hard to see been getting much closer to him but we know that Ben is a real star driver in gt3 or gt3 cars we've seen that a lot over the last few years a great fan of Formula One except Formula One stock cars and he's tried his hand at that and won races in his in the past so well of versatile driver is been bamako wide out of LA field up towards the completion of the lap let's just see what the gap is going to be now that he's up into second place and whether there's a chance of bringing that gap down significantly in six minutes seven seconds no too tall an order is now yeah a big five minutes I mean anything is possible the thing that may also but if he does get into some of the back markers and they aren't aware of a quicker car the race leader coming through that can be enough in itself to give pepper the problem that he doesn't really need was just five and a half minutes remaining so Jordan pepper has had to go through the past two cars al-khalifa and another he's just had to lap those two and he lost a second in doing so because he caught them at maggots and Beckett's that's the second in only half a lap he still got the other half a lap to do and big driver corner so Jordan pepper yes as you say being caught by Bambara coats [Music] [Music] towards the British racing drivers club farm he flicked through a B and then farm corner itself yep the left-hander meantime up towards the end of the that best three three three David pair L running wat now in fifth place it's been another really good effort by him getting himself all the way through the pack and here into the top five now the gap between first and second is down to five point eight seconds with three and a half trip end barnacle has not given up any hope of taking big trip but in reality it's gonna be a big big unlike the event Phil the battle on between Buncombe and della trots for eighth position here a battle that's lasted the last couple laps but still running really well in Buncombe holding on really struggled with a set of course the competition when he was first given it a couple of weeks ago but now has got the grips of it found the setup in the car so vital to get the car set up properly like it is in real life this probably is the closest to real life you can get of any simulation software that we have available to you I said a competency only the newest software simulation software and they're full they're most beautiful but probably also the most realistic as well that's right so Danzo hangs on to the place much yellow then is fourth David / l fifth as the cars accelerate once more down now towards Brooklyn's set Morris doing a good job let's not ignore said for Bentley because he's sixth even Pereira seventh in the Audi eight Daleks bumpkins mentally ninth after a drive through remember Louie della trousers and tenth is the Audi of Atholl Russia a so some of the drivers that were in strife I've been through a spin or a penalty early on in the race have been able to fight back in many terms two minutes and Counting much yellow goes over the line so he's off the national podium and he's running fourth as they dive into cops corner once more but the Mercedes is all over the back of the Aston Martin we're going to be able to squeeze one more lap out of it at the end of this I would offer you everything gt3 to find a way past the Aston Martin we saw been barnacle ten is well four dozen executed pass on the ass and a couple of laps ago but you know maybe has seek some inspiration and maybe he's got a little bit of life left yeah tires one of those Mercedes to make a move not into still not close enough think about it down into man he's holding a tiger line but a better exit speed now he's gonna make a move goes to the right but has to think about it who's maybe Doug's left eye bro back in the Aston Martin can he make it stick but will not be penalized runs very wide on the exit and all of a sudden that's getting very messy with these cars battling for second in third place absolutely so rough alley much yellow goes through up into third but will it stand question mark because John posed the question there was contact you saw it so it'll be looked at by the officials but either way for the moment at least much yellow is ahead on our Monte there in the Bentley which is not featuring in the timing but it's still in the race driving at the same pace so either he lost a lap early on or for something quirky about him in the timing because the car we've seen in the race but it's never really featured in the classification he staggered himself that past Diller Enzo as well but Raffaello much yellow trying to pull clear as they accelerate down once more toward Brooklyn 20 seconds on the clock Jordan pepper should be able to squeeze by much yellow is indeed being looked at by race control for that bit of contact and just seen so it was brutal it's now the officials are going to have a look as we get into the last eight seconds of the race the leader has gone by so Jordan pepper has got one more lap to go up towards the Beckett Tessa's and this guy's has been a very impressive drive by Jordan hasn't it absolutely I mean a supreme drive the South African has not put a we around and he got himself into position in the lead and just has driven away from the field and he's been able to control his pace by running at the pace of this nearest challenger whoever it's been but now it's been barnacle gap is between those first and second cars well it was around 6.1 second winning to see what it will be when they come across the line at the end of that 31 well for Jordans half but yep the gap 6.6 in the sectors he's going to be home and dry he's gonna take the win that's for sure but as they come now down through the end of Vale in to club corner it's going to be a British brand to win on a British circuit here up towards the exit of club towards a becomes Jordan pepper Ben Barnett coat is still charging a bit to third much yellow but it's not guaranteed that ruff Ali is going to hang on to that place you can see more penalties being off and up on the information line on the screen you've got so many I'd winter now with a drive through number 38 Porsche for contact but been constant Duras Jordan pepper deserves all the plaudits for this it's been a really impressive Drive oh we didn't really see how he got that position but once he did he ran the best pace he possibly could and really flown the flag for Bentley around Silverstone circuit fantastic to see of course by taking this victory he will take some success ballast and Bo P into the next rounds which will slow down his Bentley but it's still further back rubber Monte's running at the pace of these leaders and the problem is he's faster than marchello right now but he is in 27th and a lap down so he's getting himself really in the way here that's right so it's gonna be a win then for Jordan pepper who comes across the line and at the end of 31 laps of racing to take the win here at Silverstone in the first round of the SRO eSport GT championship and for second place man barnico goes across the line third on the road is going to be rough Ione much yellow but watch this space fourth will be Luigi de Lorenzo David Parral fifth and said Maurice could drive by said to be in sixth place as the cars kept pouring over the line but plenty of drama plenty of action plenty of unhappy drivers I would have thought as well if they were involved in some of those incidents we're not done yet that's the order for many as they start in the last lap of the race but still they fight their way to alter line Alex Buncombe they're just keeping Luigi della trousers at bay eighth and ninth as those two came across the timing line so drama all the way through the race all the way through the field I think probably the only driver that isn't aware of just how dramatic it was would have been Jordan pepper because he did not put a wheel wrong in that depend barnacle shake his hand you have to look for Chris Cody he's somewhere down the field and said thank you guys you allowed me to win this race because you to what Evers not rocket science going motor racing whether it's real life or sim just avoid contact well indeed so Jordan pepper it is then who comes home victorious and just of course with one more race still to come from here Raffy March yellow in the chat room saying he's sorry sorry for the contact it was a bit laggy and he moved a bit apologies so one or two drivers are trying to get themselves out of trouble on the chat room by putting their apologies in whether that's gonna wash well wait and see so a great first race here at Silverstone Jordan pepper victorious and of course we've got another race to come which is for the sim racing stars the silver championship that is coming up as we can reflect on a great hour for the pros you well what a great race in the SRO eSports GT series the first round of the 2020 championship where we've had the race at Silverstone we're going to be moving on to Spa Nurburgring Barcelona and another round which will be voted on by you guys and the wind going to Jordan pepper and now the lead of the championship with Ben barnico teen second and Rafa much yellow completing the top three using the the old lag excuse which is fairly common in sim racing and you never really know whether whether someone's telling the truth or not with that with that lag but yeah that was Ben barnico sorry ruff I only match yellows reasoning but all disappearing from McLaren after looking so strong in the early stages a collision between barnico sand crostini knocked them out of the running but Ben Barna coat space was super impressive David I think that you know barnico had his moments in that race no doubt about it all sorts of things going on but the fundamentals are he looked like the quickest driver out there oh no David Ben are you there I'm here I'll go what's the thing that I think that Jordan pepper didn't have to do was once the the gap once the lead was given to him by the two MacLaren's getting together he was just able to run at a pace which didn't pay for himself we don't know in truth what he was capable of doing had he been under pressure yeah that's that's very true were you impressed with Barney Coates drive back through the field always I mean been barnacles one of those unsung heroes heroes of British motorsport and he's done a blinding job here this afternoon again conserved the car drove cleanly the incident when they were both in the to McClaren's were leading but aside from that he didn't put a wheel wrong and he had enough car under him when it came to the end of the race to put pressure and force that position to get into second position he just needed another 10 or maybe 12 minutes to maybe run down Jordan pepper but it's a different hand were about yeah absolutely and then roughly March yellow what did you make of that move obviously it was robust a bit of contact would you would you if you were the stewards which you know I know you'd love to be would you penalize him for that so is that a racing incident it was pretty much in a straight line that was under braking marginal it did cause they asked him to go a little bit wide inland bail I would think it's a 51 to the street see it again the stewards about every opportunity to look at it again before they would make their decision and on this occasion Jack I will not put my you know word on the block Wow there's a first for everything no nothing means you David what did you make of that a first race then I was I was saying that barnico looks like the man to beat in this championship surely even though peppers got the win and the top of the points it's kind of a race of two halves wasn't it you had all the the frantic silliness at the start we've quite a lot of contacts and people treating it as a two-lap sprint and then it started to calm down a little bit and you could then see and John made the point people driving professionally and their class showing through so it was very enjoyable it kept us on our toes all the way Jordyn pepper was a deserving winner been barnico I think can count himself unlucky that he had that contact with crostini that did for his race early on yeah absolutely been constant jurors let's have a little word with you because we're moving now to the silver grid we've got Nils Knox on pole position the Dutchman who performs so strongly in the SRO charity challenge you're a petra chenko alongside him on the front row of the grid the Russian then Patrick Salva the Italian is third on the grid after camera the German fourth on the grid and then David turn it sir the f1 eSports reigning champion is fifth on the grid in his Ferrari so this is where we see you know we don't call them the pros we call them the Silver's but as far as sim racing goes these are the top guys in the world exactly Jack they gave me so much more used to the things that happen in simracing that don't necessarily happen in the real world such as this kind of ghosting and cars jumping all over the place that kind of puts real-world drivers off a little bit the pro the pro sim drivers the silver drivers in this case do kind of make allowances for that there's a couple of curiosities in the entry lists such as will trigger those obviously racing in British GT this year but he's considered a sim racer and all of these drivers all 47 of them have been invited by the the organising committee to take part in this so even the likes of David Greco who was a bit of a legend when you were racing sim back in the old days and me as well great to see him qualified only 28 such is the competitive nature of this field yes Enzo Benito in the other Ferrari is there in 9th place David Greco's you say was a legendary sim racer and then moved on to working on physics fer I think for the Formula One games he's the guy who sort of designs all the physics for those now so yeah really impressive Jack Keithley who had that brake problem in the in the SRO charity challenge will be looking to do better he's a Williams eSports driver but I think this is going to be really frantic David indeed will trigger foe was making the point on Twitter but actually because he's yes a real-world driver but he's ended up in the silver series against all the sim racing experts his life is going to be tougher than it was for all the guys in the Pro Series because the pros racing against pros is one nature but a real well driver as we saw at Monza racing against all the sim experts is completely different so um I'm not suggesting he's getting his excuses in early but excuses in early you could have is that you don't run on a set of course to the competency only as your natural chosen platform a lot of these guys actually entered into the Nurburgring 24 hour virtual race which is happening right now they may have already done a couple of hours in GT cars not on a set of course a competency Onate so they've got to adapt their driving style for the different platforms as well as for the different cars yeah absolutely it's a it's a real challenge and that's where you see the the the top-line races come through that can do it on multiple platforms that's where it gets really impressive especially for me someone like David's on it sir and Enzo Benito who can do it here on this um simulator platform and then can perform on the sort of sim Kade game that the Formula one games are because those two a very different techniques to to get good lap times there but it's Neal Nils knocks on pole position and David he was he was impressive last time out at Monza he was and you can tell that he's a thinking driver as well because he's gone for a car for the rest of the championship based on its success around Silverstone the McLaren is what he has defected to from Mercedes he was very impressive at Monza yes I know he was penalized for the contact in the Mercedes fight for the race lead but given that we were concerned about fuel consumption in that race he drove around all the problems and if you take that one incident aside he was just very very impressive indeed sir I think Neil's Knox will be hard to beat here he's in the right car and starting from pole position he's gonna be worth watching isn't he for MacLaren's lock out the front of the grid here so where'd you find the first Mercedes only sixth on the grid the first Porsche only eighth Knox was impressive at Monza and I think we'll see the same here different car for him but the level of skills will be there afternoon we're gonna watch cinema drivers race at Silverstone are we going to see a different sort of style of racing are they going to be a lot less combative is there gonna be a lot less contact between them than you saw in the Pro Race well yeah it certainly is but we can actually have a little bit of a word now with the pole-sitter from the last race for Brit Co crostini we will answer your question John before too long but for Brit Co thank you for joining us pole position in the last race but we didn't see what happened between you and Ben barnico can you talk us through it for brits teo is on mute at the moment by the looks of things Luigi can you hear us can you talk to us luigi de Lorenzo who just missed out on the on the top three Luigi talked us through the the last couple of laps in particular your battle with Rafael emerge yellow also muted as well so there we go we've got we've got them both in the room ready to talk but they're but they've both meted their microphones at the moment okay I think it you'll see less this is a bold claim now you're gonna see less chaos I think in the opening laps because that's something you notice with with other series that I've been commentating on and you get the real racing drivers they sort of they're a little bit more this is a simulation I can go for a gap even if it doesn't work out you know they're not sort of worried about crashing whereas I think sim drivers have that fear of crashing because this is very important to them you know and they've built their career on getting good results so it's important for them not to crash not from a health and safety point of view in the way it is in the real world but from just simply a competitive point of view would you agree with that Ben yeah absolutely this this means everything to them this is one of the biggest stages that a sim driver can perform on in front of such a huge audience so they really want to do a great job and therefore they certainly don't want to crash and and it's just part of the respect that sim drivers have I think it does seem to be this respect in racing not to be too brutal and too combative yeah absolutely so we will be getting underway with the silver class race before too long a reminder Jordan pepper Ben barnico - Andrew Fuhrman raffaeli marchello the top three in the first race which was for the pro drivers and it is Jordan pepper now who's at the top of the standings and I think now we have managed to get hold of four Brit CEO Chris Donnie for Brit CEO hi took us through your race because it you know lost the lead at the start but what happened with you and Ben Banneker we did we didn't see it disappointed at the moment it was very tight I wasn't expecting him to block it in the first five minutes of the race but yeah he decided to do that and it was close and we had a little bit of contact and then yeah from that moment my wrist was destroyed but I tried to recover in the end okay will you you must have been pleased with the pace you showed though to take pole position by four tenths of a second was very impressive you must feel good for the rest of the championship sure it was looking good yeah I'm disappointed in Harlem but for sure the potential was there and hopefully I can do better in the future great thank you very much for joining us every thank you thank you let's check in now with Luigi the Lorenzo who just missed out on the on the top three in the end Luigi we've been discussing that last couple of laps with Rafael II what did you make of it from your point of view yeah go for it okay okay DK come from a cello Piccolo show motivate yo crystal internal whip Roboto [Music] do you have any English in you Luigi no no okay well well we'll try and get someone to translate that thank you for joining us Luigi good advice good advice so there we go there's like yeah I think I think I didn't need to hear the interview to think that'll be the case it makes a change also Jack from for sure I am very happy which is what you get most podiums these days yeah that's that's very true that's very true so we are not far away from the silver race which is going to be getting underway soon Neil's noise on pole position you know petrichenko the Russian alongside him on the front row of the grid Patrick silver and Arthur camera are on Row 2 with David tonight so starting in fifth place and as I say we shouldn't be too far away from the cars lining up on the grid and getting the the racing under way some news from the end of that last race you know from race control Rafael marchello did get a two-second post race penalty for the contact with the 44 car an axe bunkin got a post race drive-through penalty we don't yet know for how much and I'm not quite sure for why but I think that we'll drop him down at least one position which is a shame for so much effort that he's put in over the last couple of weeks but a couple of Drive a lot of drives new penalties actually from race control throughout that race and those added to the ones we already saw so the confirmed results I think you'll find on the eSports website a new course need the results die so I can virtually fill in my virtual program did you make yourself a program that you sort of draw one not yet but you see you get the entry lists and the timetable and staple them all together and write the results III have done one from Monza you were really really did you do like a front cover and stuff no I didn't go that far I should have done really shouldn't I yeah come on what else you doing is the Fat Boy for this one okay and we look forward to seeing it because David on Twitter at the moment is posting various programs from Alton Park in the mid to late 1970s so maybe you can maybe compose this one on Twitter once it's finished we'll get there I discovered the other day the Silverstone 1000 kilometers jack from 1987 which was good old group seed a silk cap Jaguar and what when I've been a 15 year old and I flick through this looking at who was racing and I discovered that during the course of the day my program had been autographed by one John Watson really know it'll be on Twitter life in the week I promise fantastic did you like doing autographs what see was that something you enjoyed well if anyone remember I spend about five hours as you well remember signing autographs and didn't leave the circuit till about 9:30 as you well remember - I did no I remember it well only nine years before I was born I do abide admire my John Watson model arrived in the in the post the other day like of a car to be clear 1983 the the Longreach car from 1983 so right we are about to go racing again then for the second time this afternoon it's going to be the silver class and this is for the top sim races in the world that have been invited to the competition you at home can enter the am class if you head to SRO eSports calm you will find out how to enter that and what the stipulations are with with that series because that's all about just getting hot laps in at home if you want to get involved and get on track but we're focusing on the pro drivers which has been won by Jordan pepper he's now at the top of the championship and now we are moving to the silver class which is for these professional invited simp races Niels no X's on pole position the Dutchman with you your petrol chenko alongside him on the front row of the grid the Russian Patrick silver and Arthur camera are in third and fourth and David tonight sir completes the top five another one hour race coming up so once again it's over to the commentators been constant Duras five times Formula One Grand Prix winner also winner of 1981 British Grand Prix in the 1976 Austrian Grand Prix in the 1983 USA West Grand Prix those are the only three I can remember off the top my head John Watson and also lead commentator David Addison Jack thank you very much indeed it is time to go racing just about we are what 10 seconds or so away from releasing the stars of the sim world and this is going to be fascinating because for many of us this is a step into a world we just don't know these guys are hugely accomplished but they're now showing their skills to a different audience and as the cars accelerate away from the line it's a McLaren lock out at the head of the grid Nielson rocks the man in the g2 eSports car the McLaren 720's gt3 starting on pole position with Europe petrichenko alongside Patrick silver and alpha camera third and fourth a game in mccarran's Domini Tony except for Ferrari fifth on the grid and Amir hussaini who was so impressive at Monza as well prior to contact we've know you're staying with his Mercedes he is sixth on the grid now we can enjoy this as a race but then who knows more about these drivers than John and I do can pick out some of the stars and again out of such a big grid that there are plenty of drivers to appreciate the skills they're off yeah we've mentioned quite a few of them already but at the back of the field there's a couple of surprises yosef honzik perhaps not his chosen platform perhaps more of an R f2 driver than he is of an asset of course a competency Oni and like I said a bit earlier every platform feels different it's not just a case if you drive a Lamborghini or a Bentley in one platform it feels exactly the same in another they all have their quirks and especially also with this particular competition they all have their quirks in the way you set the cars up there are kind of little secrets in all these these software's to make the cars perform better so that's one of the things that all these teams would have been working on teams of drivers I was in the same brand they'll be trying to work together to get the best setup to not only to get a good pace over one lap in qualifying but then to make the tyres last throughout the whole race and the fuel last as well Williams eSports driver Jack Keithley in a Bentley further back 12 Ihnen as well and then we've already mentioned right at the back of the field presumably not getting a time in at all was Tobias Pfeffer he was right at the front of our field in Monza but he is 48th and last and in this context banners well we talked about it in the Pro Series but you've got manufacturers with a proper silver Series team having it there's only a couple of them but it's fantastic to see the likes of Ferrari and Bentley supporting these drivers and really giving them some backing and had some engineering help as well there's a BMW in the fields BMW a huge supporter as well of eSports and they almost have their own eSports department now at BMW motorsports looking after the various brands because in their words if somebody jumps into their brand and competes in a rate who want them to win whether it be a broadcast race in a high-level race like this or whether it bish be a fun race so they all are trying to support the drivers to make sure they can be as best as possible and of course Silverstone also is preferring some brands to others we saw the Lamborghini very fast in Monza but certainly in the hands of Dennis Lind in the Pro Race just know we're here at Silverstone now Tobias preffer you were saying second in the qualifying race Monza only 30 second in the actual final but with work to do here from 48 from the grid Josh Martin 14 Parker Racing's Bentley 47 he'll be another driver to watch so to Yaroslav honzik and tit CEO no Briony should be making some progress will trigger that we touched on earlier but we'll only 35th on the grid so you can expect a lot of shuffling as we get through the next hour of racing down they come into Brooklands their number 26 is the Allred McLaren of Europe petra chenko on the outside of the front row Patrick Salva and alpha camera lining up on the second row of the grid what about the Ferrari we saw in the three hour endurance race here real world race here last year Ferrari come out on top so can Derby Tony sir for the FDA who blow eSports team triumph in this and a mere Hussaini in the Mercedes the type of car that we have had in the top three in the pro race up through would corner they come if the officials are happy then the cars can be released in two sixty minutes of racing around 31 laps all being well as the cars now come through the right of wood corner its Neil's knocked slightly in advance of the rest of them you gotta be careful here not to anticipate the starts as the feel then now get set ready to be released down towards Scott's corner and as they get towards the timing line then the field will be released now and down towards cops they go we've knocked just having the advantage he turns into cops corner just ahead powers his way out the other side so Neil's no option is that takes Pohl converts that into the lead of the race second is your aperture chenko as they head up towards the Beckett's s is for the first time Patrick Silva rounds next in the key off a camera trying to make some good progress as well up into fifth already is the Mercedes of Husseini now we need to make sure everybody gets through Beckett's safely for the first time acutally so far so good but who's off the road and you can see them diving down the runs wide in the middle d money's get a momentum and that's a good pass wasn't it around the outside cuz I mean Husseini ahead of a Monza charity race winner after camera who's defected as we've been saying to McLaren from Mercedes here so heading up toward finish then on the opening lap you've got the rover racing liveried Porsche in the mix as well as the cars turn now up through the loop ready to accelerate down towards Brooklyn's for the first time but bad a good opening lap by Neil snowy up to try to build up the advantage over the rest and nice and clean as you like as you expect there was a bit of care as John said further back it was Parker that got put sideways even before he got to maggots and collected Briony and honzik so three big names they are still running but will be running with damage on that opening lap I was questioning whether we were ghosting on the first lap because that's what we saw from the prorate but I don't think that these silver drivers were given ghosting on the first lap so they really had to be careful not to make contact which is nice to see ghosting is where everybody becomes a ghost around you so if you do make contact in the first lap it does not influence the other driver I don't remember the first pro lap being all that ghosted I think to remember there were some fairly frantic moments in all of that however you're right this has been a proper gloves off opening lap and here no York - head of Pesci chenko he's not yet getting away he leads but he's not escaping up the road so he comes through the Beckett's asses but a correction needed there through chapel curve now on to the hangar straight by Petra chenko John in second place looking as though he's lining up for a move down through Stoke corner they turn and now the run up towards the end of Vale New York's holding sway up front and with the top two just getting away slightly from Patrick Silva but best of the rest behind these a me husseiny now what can the Mercedes do to get on to terms with the rest of them and that I think was no ups getting it wrong at the end of Vale McLaren gets sideways and Neil's knocked sideways trying to recover but he could have dropped down the order surely see exactly who exited stage left there but so easy to get just a little bit too excited on the throttle and lose the rear end we'll find out as the tight live timing update itself between each sector who is missing from this front group to one of them at the front McLaren certainly further back now is it Noi axis thrown away yet another opportunity this is kind of something it is Knox and it's something that he's done so often in headline sim races of late yeah so Neil's Knox was looking good made that middle area at the end of Vale and he's got 56 minutes in which to try and repair the damage as they dive now down towards the end of Wellington straight into Brooklyn so Patrick salver who was third at the style of a lap lead Petra chenko still staying in second place as the rest of the pack dives down towards Brooklyn's 494 and drag appacha in the Audi goes through and he in turn he's coming under attack number 20 / Sadie's you see their back tees Moretz murder the Porsche being hung out to dry on the outside line number 63 going through that's the Lamborghini of Kamil fragshock US air force trained pilot instructor down towards the right-hander of cops corner been Commerce's Porsche but right now looking good up front Patrick Salva 30 qualifying and leading the way into maggots Bentley Porsche Bentley over the grass running a little bit wide in the middle part of the Beckett's complex no harm does no damage done and again the sim drivers appearing to understand what they need to do many more than the pro drivers are doing this early phase we're only five minutes it and other than that incident that occurred in the opening lap up into maggot pretty much clean no so far and it sound looks as though there was contact between the leading two drivers petrenko and nori ox race directing looking at it right now okay and also Luca Lucio he's being looked at for an incident on the opening lap of the race so the officials as ever being kept busy the Bentley goes through that desireth agafia in the k-pax racing by Serio esports continental gt3 and he's chasing after chris hooker in the rover racing colored Porsche the German team and hooker in turn on the back of David Tony so now so some good drivers all squabbling within the top 6 after camera fourth now he's biding his time here Ben do you think or is he thinking to himself should have said with the Mercedes I don't think the Mercedes is the right car to have around here although marchello managed to do something with it and we have Husseini up in third position definitely new McLaren looks that the chosen car for this particular track and and that is why we've seen so many people convert to it I'm not quite sure of the regulations as to whether they have to stay in the same car now for the whole of the competition or whether they can jump her in I thought once you committed you had to stay there of course it's going to be interesting when we get to the second round of the championship because the brands carry ballast even if you didn't finish in the top three if your type of car did you still have to carry weight so don't expect there to be quite the same run away win for Bentley for example next time out in the Pro Class now right now it's still looking good for McLaren it's a one-two but we have that at the start of the pro race and they managed to get themselves together and they are hussaini impressed at Monza what can he do now in third place to go after the two leading cars as they come on to the hangar straight once again all I really like is that a lot of these silver drivers will have been working with the pro drivers to maximize the setup option so these kind of the unsung heroes if you like of the pro race there have been helping those pro drivers make the best out of a set of course the competency owner and the cars that they have and sharing setup tweaks and we see it in so many in competitions now these sim drivers have being used as consultants for the real pros yes you wonder who's the real star don't know whether it's the simple they the real well driver these days but these are two very important markets and there's lots of people have been saying when we get to the end of this lockdown period I think you'll find eSports that sim racing has taken on the far greater role within motorsport and he's far better felt and thought of by others than ever it was it's not something to be ignored or look down on because you've seen the importance that it plays now number 20 Mercedes Moritz Lerner pressing on and he accelerates then now onto Wellington straight he's down in 16th place is learn at the Williams eSports and to drive up coming now in towards Brooklyn's but up front it remains Karen's first and second leading this race he lapping quicker than let's say Jordan pepper would have done the Bentley or they more or less but in the same ballpark times about a second faster these guys than we saw in the pro category a bit later on that the fastest lap time we've got so far a 58 one and we saw 59 0 in the pro race so that comes back to the experience of sim racing for these drivers Patrick silver then leading the way from Petra chenko one slow car or hangar straight drops down through the pack look as towards Stowe looking back from Enzo bonito now running in what was eight is now seventh place but he's under attack Neil's new yacht she's trying to fight back isn't the annoy it dives at the inside line finds the space finds the place that was a good move looseness in the back of the McCown has he got the job done but it doesn't matter the only concern he will have is as we've been referring to losing the Pro Racing I'm a fairing here in the Simran syndrome as race is don't over use your tires don't overheat your toes especially that left rear because you're gonna need that today he gets the last 15 minutes Chris hooker in the Porsche six going through there he is he's got the Bentley of Garcia tucked up behind him I better cut it but the Porsche staying it staying competitive it's not yet moving up the order but it is staying in that leading gaggle so with 50 minutes to go and bear in mind you need to look after tires how will the Porsche fair we had a good ran out of a pro championship Porsche of Louie de lettres earlier on in the day and so what can hear Chris hooker do 20 so is the next target but if anything bad he's happy to think about defending from that Bentley isn't he I certainly be towing that Bentley along for a little bit and helping the two of them and and perhaps even the Bentley learning a little bit from the car that's just passed him I it's something I always think about is somebody gone past us drive-through penalty for petrenko by the way that's a very very key to this race Knox was deposed of at Vale and petrenko has been given a drive-through and bean apportioned blame if you like so he'll be dropping out a second okay so Petra chenko being given a drive-through penalty and that's going to allow Amit Hussein eat number 92 there he is up into second place but saying he would dearly love to win this and right the wrongs of moms are in the charity race wouldn't be where he was dispatched in that contact with Nils Knox Noah and his recovery is in eighth place Eastman [Music] we've been losing David there for a second hüseyin IDO really under pressure from camera here camera running a little bit wider through Stoke trying to carry a bit more momentum and right under the rear wing of that Mercedes doesn't feel to me as though the Mercedes is the right card I have here certainly it was in Monza but camera just the McLaren just looks really balanced around here in camera pushing hard big thing of horse pain is you can catch but can you overtake and with the balance the difference in speed between the Mercedes and the McLaren I don't see it an opportunity arising although there if I seen he himself makes an error then coming into village gets it pretty much perfect then up to the loop the left-hand corner again makes his apex there's nothing more that you can do if you're falling in the McLaren it will be a second place to come the end of the snapping petrol tanker what they're going in to pay in his penalty so as much as cameras pushing the Mercedes forward the gap has stayed more or less now that's right so Petra chenko second gets the drive through message said as Luca Lucia who is down in 18th place and also from causing dramas on the first lap Karen Prendergast is being given a drive through for quote causing a mass collision and quote so Prendergast will be penalized as well as now battle is on look between number 20 Moritz Lerner and 23 aim and Murphy in the Porsche coming up towards wicket corner 47 minutes and change still on the clock and do we have people this time serving those drive-through penalties hopefully we do because otherwise you start to incur the wrath of officialdom yet further Horace Lerner is one of those drivers we see compete on multiple platforms he's really really good at jumping from different sins perhaps not again a master of a set of competency Oh Nate someone like Enzo Benito is side by side to maggots and Beckett's that's very very brave and they've just about managed to do it in a way that al-khalifa in the pro race did not at all but we were saying drive-throughs being being cleared and still side by side onto the main straight and between those two cars meant right under the rear wing trying to make it a three wide coming town in just Oh who's gonna come out in front will or some a bikini in fact so there's no change but can't get any closer Benny looking down the inside into valent cuts back to the outside again no advantage since the Lamborghini running directly behind the pager that just has to sit there and wait because his opportunity will come and we've seen going through Beckett's that Chris hookers Rover Porsche was off the road so he has dropped way way back into 22nd place and there having been in the top six when we last saw him so learner number 20 goes through and we switched to looking a number three turret gamal so the Bentley another the k-pax Bentley's goes up through village now Camille is in 19th place and crawling all over the back of 3 3 3 which is Chris Evert Blackhawk entered Aston Martin onto Wellington straight they come but up front still Patrick selva hold sway another great little scrap here because that the inside line tries to go Lerner do we get them three wide at Brooklands not quite Mercedes ahead on the inside line it's the job done from Luffy on it on the outside line gets his nose in France but back on the inside line it's going to come to your position now the run up through the gears then through wood corner being hung out to dry on the outside line look is more it's Luna that's contact between the two he's up the curb a virtual dead heat as they went across the timing line but Lerner I think he's going to have to keep waiting slot in behind yes he is so the ant colony that goes through hangs on of the place on the 14 men in the Ferrari so the Akula goes by hangs on to the place but that was fairly brutal stuff coming past the pits Liam and Murphy in the Porsche sitting there waiting waiting waiting he saw all the fun and games going down into cop's corner new tracks face to make a move but look how close he is to the tail of Mercedes coming out through chapel care of alder hangar straight not machine you're going to pull away it fraction the edging away from the Porsche as they come down the quickest part of Silverstone can he make a move down the inside well he's died down and he's made it was a late call I didn't think he was gonna do it then all of a sudden rush of blood to the brain or the food whichever and he made it an immediate sting and we're not done yet are we battles rage on there but the Porsche making good progress then could pass that by a man Murphy ahead of Moritz Lerner now he's on to the back of being Collier to see what he can do about the for a take gt3 Ferrari coming out of club corner now past the wing on the right up towards Abbey flash of the lights behind look from boretz Lerner but the Porsche he Raymond Murphy doing a good job but he might take advantage of a curb hoping Ferrari they're going to be together are they yes they are and through goes the Porsche around the outside job done before village great job among that two positions overtaking among that Porsche should have the speed for it counted the Ferrari was marginally off line and on Murphy in the Porsche has made two positions up he should be up to showing currently 13th wait and see what happened already pulling away from that group of cars that he was embattled with petrenko goes into pit lane and it takes his drive-through penalty he'll be exiting out of what was second position and so now we've got a mega battle for second position Hussein he is still ahead but just behind his Arthur camera and then DeVito needsa that Ferrari remember in Monza that came on so strong at the end of the race and I feel like the same kind of setup philosophy was employed in the Pro Race which means we should see to Nitze and bonito be really strong with their tires when we get to the end of this one our encounter and just watching this battle on screen you were mentioning earlier you see me in the Mercedes yes the gap has not really changed very much is that you think camera hanging back and being cautious or is he just that's what he's gotten the tank the problem is they've given a a five second lead now to Selva and Patrick Silva is happily on his exactly like we saw in our Pro Race with Jordan pepper he just needs to pace himself now and get through the traffic although with this these prosím races I doubt we'll have as much traffic as we saw in the Pro Race and so he needs to clear and get it and start chasing down silver in the McLaren yeah but in the meantime the Mercedes is hanging over the second place a gap as you point out is extending struggling to find a way to get past into second place after his drive through Petra chenko is 27th so let's see what progress can be made still with 42 minutes of the race to go purse Amy and camera Nita in a sense work together here stop fighting one another and see if they can go after Patrick Salva the danger being that David Tony so will get up and pass them so this is second third fourth and fifth stretch it further back because I better go fear is there in the Bentley and Neal's Knox is 16 almost on the back of this cue so they need to stop squabbling if they can and try try try to go after the race leader Patrick Silva clear up front that go over the line once more here well the Mercedes we know is a very good car very well balanced in terms of sheer speed but if you know how to use your car nice in drivers know how to use these SIM cards probably better than the pro drivers we plan we established that from comments made earlier it is not an easy pass so where do you find your way a big McLaren has an even larger Mercedes not many options it's a fair point and it's a busy circuit as well with such a full field will trigger for up to 23rd making a bit of progress all the while off a camera they're now trying to do something about any hussaini for fear of being mugged by Demi tonight sir but is for say me now holding up this group of cars it looks as though camera is quicker out of Stowe thinks about making a move at the end of Vale but once more the Mercedes is just able to fend him off but camera I think now he's getting a little bit more Thierry John isn't he he neeo get on with this before he starts being monster by the Ferrari yeah they were super serious runs wide in the edge of the club that's given a chance to camera to make a move up the inside and to a B ovals contact buddy well raid moved by both drivers and Mercedes maintains the position but coming up in the village is another opportunity but is the Ferrari at the third of these three cars and back the Ferraris under challenge for the pit to all four cars tripping over one another not making contact but at the same time each is causing the other to slow down because they're driving more defensively not an attacking form I'm surprised that Hussein he managed to hang on to the place and actually that camera hung on to 30 because it looked as though Tony Tzu was about to find a place somewhere somehow to the outside loggers camera brakes ludicrously late going into Brooklands can't get it done Matt through cuz I mean who say need to retake second place but look at the line of cars behind these growing and growing and growing out wide goes Theresa gar fear in the dark green Bentley now gets up the inside then as they head up towards the line once more BK backs racing car tries to go through can't quite do it behind the Perry's Nielsen wats then there's a bit of a gap back to bonito and then Dietrich at the rear of the queue d streaking the Porsche number 85 swings through cops corner yeah marcel Dietrich he's another one that suddenly arrived in this ever-increasing battle packed for second place with the court in the bottle being the Mercedes of any hosseini and the same he doing precisely what he needs to do banking everybody up with he must not do there's a lot you can see the view from the rear of the Bentley how close can you get a dive down the inside into into Brooklyn again we've seen them this is that fact coming down hanging straight so he's gone to the left coming down to stove gonna try the long long way around but realizes can't do it gets a little bit wide gets on the rubber as doesn't Mercedes on the exits coming out of stone but still has maintained his second place in the meantime Patrick Sarah Salva is disappearing down a clear road almost a mirror of what we saw from Jordan pepper in the Bentley in the pro res now gar fear he's trying to squabble his way with Knox but no ups round the outside goes through that's gonna put him up into fifth place is it not now Neal snow yox recovering so Coffea loses out in all of that and amir hossein me then who's been the cork in the bottles we've been saying cars crawling all over the back of him is still having to defend as the cars now head up towards village Patrick silver though is being allowed a really easy ride in this as there you see on the outside line graphs here they come out of the loop now look at the Aston Martin starting to creep into the mix as well because for the sima then is starting to close sorry not me after Martin the Bentley of SEMA up into eighth place but give me down they come into Brooklands once more with 38 minutes still to go wonder whether race control take a look at that pass from these milf no yolks I know in real world that's not really allowed to go so far off track round the outside carry the momentum and make the pass and so if we have a real world race director than in this virtual world I think no ox may be faced with the penalty sanely though with a little bit of breathing space now he can kind of relax because camera is not quite close enough now is it that huseyni has got better pace it's lap no I mean his pace is dreadful but nobody's anywhere near salvers pace seven seconds now to the good huseyni is doing laps that are over a second slower than Silva even though he is in second position and camera will be back under his rear wing very shortly tenths of a second in the second or third place battle there are bits of the circuit clearly where you can see the mclaren has the advantage that other parts where the Mercedes is disadvantaged soup if a bird flew so second place Mercedes third place Ferran but does that Patrick silver well whatever the Gabi's got it in first and second it's a comfortable afternoon I think you're right but remember what happened yeah in Monza with hussaini the reason why he's saying he ended up losing the lead of the race was he was incredibly incredibly forceful with his defense on Nilsson Oy ox and that's what caused the contact between the two of them again he is fast but in the race conditions he's under pressure and he can't do the same thing again with Arthur camera because we'll again we'll see an accident it's true Larry camera looked at the quicker of the two Hussain he is good at defending you right here he's perhaps not being overly defensive he's not weaving around he's putting the car where it needs to be and exploiting the benefit of the Mercedes where there is a benefit to be exploited the McLaren has it strengths in other parts of the circuit but he can't yet really find a way by but don't even deal in Luffy and how close the McLaren Yahoo's down to the Mercedes but then on the acceleration of nothing you cannot pick the lusty P a Mercedes engine against the twin-turbo of the McLaren and the gap has almost doubled from the point where the apex of Nuffield to really rapid pitch down straight into cops corner again the McLaren closes fractionally mid corner on the Mercedes but up the hill and then towards into maggots and then into Beckett's and listen fast right then the sucky slower left and then the even more slow right back then through Chapel Co frustrating it is make no mistake for camera he can do little more than he's doing he has to hope that was a traffic incident or something because Hosseini has yet not made any indication of making any errors so far well down to snow corner they come once again and the Mercedes hanging on to position now the next little battle is for fourth Devi Tony - versus Niels New York's there they I can see on the lumière at display on the screen the position they are in the race so you know what battle you're looking at fourth and fifth go through it's Ferrari ahead of McLaren they're out of club corner goes number one Niels no yachts getting himself closer and closer and closer - Tony - but Amir Husseini is fending off any challenge that our third camera offers and bad as you've said this is just playing right into the hands of Patrick Salva who is getting further and further and further away Salvas pace is fantastic as well there's only one man that's anywhere close to sell this place and that's Nils now yokes up into fifth position and now axes got traffic and a dirty air to contend with as well so a really really good Drive from now yoxley go on board with him here he's got two Nitze ahead of him and Denise has impressed me - nice has come from f1 eSports the simce game that she all the clerk has been sort of starring on the last couple of weeks and I think - neat sir and Leclerc have been working together on and how to get the best out of this very simulator platforms and like we saw in Monza doing a not only a good job but also the best Ferrari and ahead of enzo benito who me is considered one of the masters of his platform so past the pits elver leads the way they're number one meals no Yahtzee still stuck down in fifth place he's 3/10 back from Tony towing the gaps are closed other than first a second which is now nine point three seconds we've dumped 13 laps of the race we've got just over half an hour still to go and now through Beckett's you can see Alfred camera is getting ever more frustrated he stuck behind the Mercedes he has been for lap after lap after lap and he knows he needs to get on with the job now is an opportunity every time you put your brakes on your brakes are probably almost on their limit your front tire is probably warmer than it wants to be so the initial bite might not be though having said that the McLaren still has gotten strengths around the racetrack but it doesn't appear to me to be terribly difficult for acini to maintain that second place it's almost as if it's a done deal he knows he's got control of camera and why they come together parts of the circuit mother pits they come away he's got control of second place right now been just explained about stem racing for a moment it's not like real world racing where you have a pit crew they can talk to you on a radio or there's a pit board hussaini is a long way back from Patrick silver does he perhaps think he's in the lead and all he's doing is defending here or is there some mechanism for reminding him that he ought to be chasing after that car that's 10 seconds to the good absolutely on his head up display he can see exactly what position he is he'll see to the tenth of a second the gaps around him and again just jinx quite late that time his defense into Brooklands he knows exactly what he's doing and he knows exactly what's happening around him as well you may even have a radar to show him exactly where the cars around him are if there is an overlap and he'll have a virtual spotter telling him if there is an overlap as well so you could turn it off but it's not advised because it's much easier to have a contact if you have an overlap and camera weaving around in the virtual mirrors mirror set up the way he wants it and he'll be feeling the pressure of feeling the threat of that yeah just watching camera on this particular lap getting closer yet again to the back of the scene II in the Mercedes and maybe for the first time I noticed a scene II maybe getting slightly more spooked by the fact that he's getting real pressure the gap herbs and flows and different parts of the racetrack you continue again it's opened up some it's opened up sufficiently coming down hang go straight to first straight camera and to give that little bit of relief to Hosseini but the line of cars and here it is is growing and growing a grave all the time for second place elver ten seconds to clear up the road and it stretches back to what eighth place now see nowadays there in the Bentley in fact yeah myself Dietrich not into the Porsche is not too far off the back of this line so if anything just start to kick off its all gonna shuffle around Patrick Salva driving away into the distance and we're not quite at the halfway point at the second race of the day here at Silverstone well I think if camera can get past acini it will happen in such a way it will compromise sustaining to a point that those four or five cars following behind camera and the McLaren will all be lining up at the earliest opportunity to put the Mercedes a further position or two or three or four behind them once they get ahead of them the Mercedes will just fall back off the radar in terms of being in the battling battling position for a podium podium finish yeah I think you're right I mean he's saying a good job of defending now but once that cork is out of the bottle the traffic is gonna stream through isn't it down they come through Brooklands then lap 15 we are on alpha camera hanging on to his third place but he wants to be second and then really see what he can do about the other McLaren in the lead of the race fourth his 20's are still fifth is Neil snow ops at bed he's another one who's got stuck isn't he no ops he made some of the progress but he can't get past turn it sir no he's been trying a couple of times and again tonight said heavily-defended going into cops but now yolks would totally not want to try and make a move there cuz instantly you lose time if you're offline in fact New York's is offline and here comes the Bentley but again another place you don't really want to run side by side is maggots and Beckett's so the Bentley backs out of it and they run line of stern and now the Bentley's lost a bit of momentum and he's now falling back into the clutches of Benito in the Ferrari although actually Benito made a slight there and actually looking at all that line of cars it's bonito which is the one two three four five six car back under most pressure right now from SEMA in the mentally and then maybe you move into Stowe let's have a look van because whose same he goes a little bit wide camera is quick coming down through Vale he's going to be on the outside line for the end of Vale but the inside line for club corner Kelly force a mistake out of the Mercedes Hussaini hangs on a second now does he run why the gap is there for the taking on the inside light coming through club camera not quite close enough take the apex for the corner pass the Formula One pit straight to the middle of the road goes to say Nietzsche fan one side goes the McLaren everywhere that camera wants the B vote that same e has it covered throughout but who seen he did a superb job and just hanging on but the Paris of levels of coming through the two part Club corner and even all the run all the way done up to a B it looked as if I thought Cameron might take a punt on the inside compromise themselves in the process but here we are back to status quo it's been pretty much this battle going on for second and third position since the lights went out absolutely right so you're gonna take your hat off to him here he'll say he's doing a really good job of defending and he has done for effectively now 16 laps against the pack behind headed by off the camera he is not thus far being dislodged from that second place he's dropping further and further and further away from the race leader but camera could barely be any closer going into cops corner he's quicker through the corner does he get the run going out towards Beckett's when he pulls out at maggots and has a cheeky look but it doesn't pay him any good now he's gonna think about lining up coming out of chapel curve to make a move on the hangar straight 95 per re their fourth it's tanita Neil snow ops is behind and see how much curb they take in the mid part of Beckett's as now John on to the hangar straight is this the McLaren's chance for second place there's another opportunity you've seen news look but I think it's a very risky movie be too tight coming into story a drug probably overrun on their meds what we're saying is listen here's maybe actually well he's still side by side coming done but this time the McLaren asked again he's got a conceit tries to make the undercut then that comes back to get alongside into the middle part of club corner I mean how much have you got to do to get past the Mercedes he's doing all the hard yard but it's still not happening and now camera is under attack from tanita who's brought no ops with him gunfire sick bunny so seventh seem r8 Dietrich ninth and Cecilia in tenth place they're all in the long long line as their nielsen no yacht dives at the inside line for four can't quite do it going into village through the loop man you've got as I say give credit to Jose D this is some staunch defense of second place isn't it yeah although of course if there was grass runoff on the outside of snow like there was for many years that would have been game earlier for him he was too tight on the inside line he ran too wide on the exit and thanks to the tarmac was able to keep the momentum and therefore had that inside line for the next corner but really a little bit dodgy a little bit not like Knox's past a few laps ago but race control haven't mentioned it to on Neil's knocks and so hussaini presumably getting away with it as well but he is not fast he's now over two minutes a lap silver kind of looking at that gap and has been matching at the last couple laps but actually on the last lap took another second out of these guys so camera has now not got the chance I don't think to chase down the lead it is now just a battle for second you're right okay much the case it is a battle for second place for third place for fourth place because of that earlier the minute one of these four five six following cars fires away past the second base Mercedes that will then change the complexion of the battle for the top three podium positions first place last up without sick Patrick Silva he's gone thirteen point two seconds in the lead Oh anyway brother come back and move to the left-hand Mercedes it comes off stove even when he runs so wide he still maintains the momentum no matter what camera is doing there was always a silver Mercedes walking on one of the racetrack he wants to use so camera frustrated again he has a look to the inside line going down towards a beat look at forth where it's still 20 so from New York's from goofier the Mercedes with a length and a half maybe two dents breathing space up towards the right and village now again off a camera brakes late is he going to be able to find the gap on the inside up at the loop he thinks about it he chose is he's armed is he going to make content within this finally finally finally is the door being pushed open and yes off a camera on this lap 18 has finally done it through he goes 24 and a half minutes on the clock and finally he's up into second place now going after Patrick silver but husseiny in the Mercedes he's not done yet he goes around the outside coming into Brooklands oh no you don't sits camera the Monza charity race winner is second at long long last he doesn't just want to stay there he wants to go off the leader if he can so now hussaini is going to be under attack from Tammy turn it sir in the Ferraris they come across the line John camera worked hard for that hey did he worked hard he deserves at the course of Sinek unexpectedly going into the loop difficult places to make comparisons but he got alongside more important he was on the inside the Mercedes and when they came to Aintree was that prick the left hand curved onto Wellington straight he was in the driving seat and he had taken that position away and he ought to now be able to pull away comfortably and quickly from what is now the third place Mercedes so now bad is Hussein he came to be able to hang on to what third place or do you think they're all now going to start being able to have outfox him and find a way through well the one thing that didn't happen that was I thought was gonna happen was a bit like a kind of oval NASCAR race when you find yourself offline the whole queue comes through somehow in the way that that past manipulated itself Hussein the only lost one position he's got back into his rhythm again and he can do the same thing now to turn each sarin now yox behind and the problem with tanita is he's now in a sandwich of two very aggressive sim races hüseyin eat very aggressive with defense knocks known to be very aggressive with his attacking and so he's gonna have to be very very careful here otherwise he could find himself being exiting all kinds of stage left so the cars now come out of village husseiny to the loop has got turrets are crawling all over the back of him the frustrated Niels nuyoc sees there as well he desperately wants to get up pull back up the order having been at the front early on so Patrick Salva fourteen and a half seconds clear with twenty two minutes to go I think he's got this job done hasn't he even somebody like off-camera is going to struggle to make all of that back up before the very remaining so you're looking at about twenty two minutes two minutes a lap roughly about 12 laps so it would be very very difficult to take more than a second a leader at the pace he's running at curious to see what kind of pace he can do now he's got clean air off the cameras laughs slap a 158 eight fastest lap of his race so far Patrick Silva had to match it he would have known that the positions have changed and he will now know that there's a very fast McLaren starting to hunt him down so he's put some laps in and started having matched that two minutes that he was seeing behind him being done by hussaini now he's having to push it's a very real push in a virtual world isn't it sir camera then second fourteen and a half seconds back there gave through number 95 David turn it's still with Niels no ops behind him and you can see the way that camera having finally got past her saying he is escaping up the road and they're diving to the inside is no Yauch is there going to be contact the slight contact between the two 22 gets forced that wide here comes guff here in the Bentley at the inside line so no it's rather than gaining the place has lost one he gets forced way way out wide coming out of club corner he's nearly on the a43 but now to the inside into a beat fear in the Bentley goes through up into fifth place makes that stick an hour better goofier goes by with no yachts in danger here John of losing more places yeah I mean he made a bold move it didn't work out was a very aggressive move and he paid the penalty didn't get the pass done and in the process lost a position to the penthe so that's go back working all night again but they only got 20 minutes raining and it is so tight with too little overtaking in this group of cars you get maybe one maybe two opportunities at most and that's going to be it that's right there the Porsche in the hands of young marcel Dietrich on the back now of the Aston Martin of heads of Sicilia coming up through LA feel that's eighth and ninth those two now the gap was 14 and a half then it became fourteen point three between silver and camera and at the end of the lap whoopee-doo is down by a tenth it's just not going to happen for camera unless silver has a problem I think it's from stick time for Patrick so chicken chicken drumstick it'll be in my view no challenge whatsoever camera will drive the wheels off his second baseman talent to try and close it down but the reality is the time remaining and the speed both cars are capable of lapping at it's not going to be a big easy task of course what you do what they will know as the lead driver he will see [Music] so as Patrick Silva holds wait 14 seconds clear of the rest for camera I mean Jose need a beaten eat sir and then our Beth agafia rounding out the top five a word about the man that was on the front row Europe entry chenko that got his early drive through he fell to 27th he's got himself up into 19th another driver that struggles to make progress at this race perhaps more than the Pro Series race has been very close yes very competitive yes but with the sim drivers not making as many errors perhaps it's given the less opportunity for the order to be shuffled I'm looking yet are there two Garcia in the Bentley currently running in fifth place and he is Benitez in the Ferrari we look further down the field for sure versus Aston Martin done into Brooklands yeah just play getting confused with the ridge on the straight so don't into Brooklyn supported gets head of the Aston Martin second yeah that change is a fact is yeah Marcel Dietrich in the portrait ahead of his a Cecilia in the Aston Martin so Porsche up into 8th place 18 minutes are on the clock and look at this gaggle coming towards us 14th place more its Lerner we saw earlier on up into 15th place now Petra chenko and there's more fun and games amongst the Bentley's as they come in to Brooklyn's a little bit further back in the group the Jack Heatley involved in all of that as well might no bail but we saw gay so well at Monza he finished what second but that was in a Lamborghini now might know belt defecting to Bentley for the championship I think was interesting to me is just watching this pound on the bed is all tied together is that it still is the same philosophy whether it's real racing prosím through sim racing course in drivers it's all about track position and qualifying if you haven't got a good read position it's going to be almost not totally but almost impossible to make any worthwhile headway it will come obviously through the number of penalties that we saw on the program a lot fewer in the sim driver race so Warners duck midfield you're gonna finish more Desmond yes those that had problems earlier have not been able to fight back have they Chris hooker for example still mired in 21st will trigger fur didn't have a problem but Wilden qualified so well he is still stuck in 24th place so it's close but yes it's harder to make some progress it seems here so the curls down through Vail there is critical having just mentioned the Porsche driver and he is charging on behind the Bentley number 386 which is that of Yucko to a minute who gets the end of Vale wrong mows the lawn a little bit number 19 that makini going through that is Yaroslav hot chick the 31 year old former fiesta cup and BMW i 31 30 I should say Cup racer in the real world before going into sim racing so there are examples of drivers from real world racing going into the sim category and doing a very good job women is as you've seen the cars now pouring their way once more up through village now 16 minutes are still on the clock a challenge made there look diving up towards village way up a curb bit of Leaning goes on the BMW just comes out ahead Martinez just keeping drama at bay but then he gets forced out wide all over the curb he's gonna get back onto the road is he yes so down they come towards us number 300 David Martinez the Spanish driver in the red m6 just able to consolidate the place he dives down to the braking area yeah they like the Nexus didn't quite have the straight line performance normally the Nexus is mega in a straight line but in this occasion BMW again twin-turbo v8 motor did enough he was slightly wide in the edge of the main free but consolidated but the speed were at content and was able to maintain that position we did have a yellow flag just a few moments ago and that was Manuel Blanco la in the Ferrari having a spin he drops actually out of the top 10 down to 33rd five drivers have retired so far first and ozcan and James Parker we spoke a bit early I think he just bailed out after being spun around Moreno silca and Tobias Pfeiffer retired out at the race after eight laps Hanny al Sabbagh tee also a man you'll expect to see inside the top ten is he retired after two laps so not too many retirements certainly not like we saw in the pro race and we I don't think we can even see back mark as such as the compressed nature of this pack and it shows nothing as we've been saying been just the level at which these guys operate because they're not making mistakes and therefore it is hard to overtake some very good attack some very good defense and as you saw from camera you have got to work really hard to make an overtake stick yeah absolutely it's just because of the level that we have in ACC and this is not this is not an easy game when you watch these cars and watch the characteristics of these cars you think it's easy I could do that I tell you it's really difficult just to do a single lap without the car stepping out you do have to really treat it like you would do a real test session if you're doing a test session or a race give it a couple of laps get everything up to temperature and then the car comes to you think about the aerodynamics think about how much those aerodynamics influence the car at high speed and low speed it all somehow seems almost emphasized as well over the real world because there are other sensors that you don't have you don't have the feeling of the rear end moving around you get a little bit of sensation from the steering going light as the car rotates but it's certainly no way near seat Dom in the pants I'm in the seat of the pants guys do you think I'll be five or six seconds off it's for fourth place it is versus Tony the McLaren for fourth on the inside line and he still can't get the job done out wide over the curb goes 20 sir but still job the Ferrari hangs on you just if you haven't got yourself slightly knows in front coming into the second Potter Club you seem to lose out in the engine speed that's what to itzá was able to do with the Ferrari maintained the advantage pleasantly sauce ad during so many laps he was actually a number of occasions all that overtaking but he had track position to give him the advantage off club corner on the run down to and that's what we've just seen with the Ferrari over the McLaren as Ferrari does look fantastic doesn't it in that livery that's done a great job all of these cars actually whether it be pro or Sim lots and lots of new liveries out there and they do look absolutely stunning one side story that we had coming into this weekend on the chat was whether we would have a wet race here at Silverstone because ACC simulates the weather like the real world a lot of platforms don't but ACC you can have a thunderstorm you can have rain you can have light rain you get fog anything track temperature at the moment 31 degrees 26 air temperature that will affect in the same way the real world it'll affect the the brakes and the tires and and the cooling of the car but it's been cloudy throughout therefore no chance of rain in the last 10 minutes okay and we've got one 11 and 3/4 minutes on the clock Patrick silver is I think already preparing his victory speech for the conversation he has with Jack at the end of the race when he gets put into the caster Channel because he has dominated this the gap he's down a gay by a Nats crotchet to thirteen point eight seconds but half a camera try as he might he's just not going to get there in time we've got them three abreast look going down towards snow corner lower down the order and in the middle of all of that is the Porsche of Dietrich around the outside line goes Sicilia so he is in eighth place but Dietrich in the Porsche is in danger of dropping back now as they head down to the end of Vale the same he goes by NAR now number one finally Knox has done it he's got past 22 at the end of Vale so after something like 49 minutes of trying Nichols Knox has got himself up past tonita in the Ferrari and that looked like an happen coming down into Vale having the opportunity is he going to be able to make it another pass on the Ferrari and the one that the bendy looks the better of the two car certain in the way that Garcia can choose where to place his car he's got more options than the Ferrari to niche that seems to have so tonight sir the reigning Formula One eSports champion loses a place he's got our better cut I'll better Garcia in the Bentley now breathing down his neck and again you see New York's having been released eat just gone isn't he checks out straightaway gaps the opposition down towards Brooklyn's and sets off in pursuit on the traffic ahead so he's going to make up two seconds before he can think about doing anything about Amir Hosseini now Hussein his last lap was of fifty seven fifty nine seven and he's just on a 59 5 now York's I think can still do 58 so with 10 laps ten minutes to go I think he's got the opportunity to get himself onto the podium and we'll have a meeting like we did in Monza New York versus Hussaini well there's 2.1 seconds between third and fourth and a half minutes or so remaining so it is eminently possible to see any has picked up the pace but likewise the Chargers are doing the same thing it's true enough isn't it varies girthier then on to hang two straight anyhow ane hanging on to his third-place but no ops 2 seconds behind him nine and a half minutes on the clock and he's all fired up he's got to make up 1.8 seconds already the gap is coming down in sectors and Tony so he's on the back foot all of a sudden because having lost a place and lost chunks of ground to the McLaren now the Bentley I better guff here at the helm of it he's crawling all over the back of Tanisha's Ferrari into the end of Vale ready for club corner and is that an area of the circuit where the door might come open and give girthier a chance we'll see in a moment when the cars come back into view meantime 13 point one seconds is the gap between the top two Ferraris pool for his build a fraction on the Bentley coming out of Club I thought maybe Bentley would have been closer go through farm then into the braking as hard on the brakes as they go into village corner it was the next corner loop that's for the second place for a camera managed to get past us a knee or ever move but the Bentley not sufficiently close to do anything to affect tonichi and again on to now Wellington straight back at four car lengths between the Ferrari and the Bentley running fifth and sixth respectively here they come back down towards Brooklyn's you see the way the pantent cozies right up there the British brand catching the Italian car as they come through now in Tula field so the challenge being mounting once more for fifth place Garcia eight minutes on the clock we've got 31 laps out of the pro race and 26 are in the book already from the leader Patrick silver here as he's gone across the timing line in the racing om3 McLaren this is the view from Giorgio simony knee who is in 9th place that he says of Cecilia's Aston Martin just up the road aired in the collage 59 colors going through cops corner David just looking at me I walked into a room and I would swear this is a live event absolutely the Aston to cops it's absolutely identical to rail racing and this onboard shot gives you every sense of what a racing driver in a real context would feel they think they're driving absolutely identically to if this was a live race at Silverstone on a beautiful sunny afternoon and it's just little things isn't it like the slight discrepancies in the color of the tarmac at certain places you know it's exactly a Silverstone is or any circuit is it's not the same color all the way around every every tiny facet has been put into this to make it so realistic it is outstanding having lovely christening its first proper red figure I know that Pomeroy trophy takes place at the back end of February before we had all this locked on but this is the first proper international event at Silverstone chrome Prix circuit and it's been for both events have been fantastic I go along with that no question so here they come and 22 versus goofier battle is still between the two of them they come out of the loop yes it is yeah Hussein he's gone ah okay at the Mercedes rotates then so was that a tap or as he cracked under the pressure bed what do you think I wasn't watching but I was watching Neil snow yolks and no yolks wasn't close enough to to make a contact with him so I think Husain he's just lost the rear end there dropped seven and a half seconds he's now in seventh position but way behind Benito no chance then it's for him to really recover an opening now and Knox gets an easy third now no yolks and Husseini are being investigated something is being looked at might not have been that incident might have in another one but we've just had a message come up that says on that 26 that's something is being looked out there happen between those two so we'll keep you posted Husseini then seventh when he went over the timing line Patrick Salva still clear in the lead and camera of course in that second place well care of anybody else lap 28 we now run and it's the last five and three-quarter minutes of this first silver race within the SRO eSport GT series and John mentioned a little bit earlier about the opportunity for others to come and participate if you are watching I know we've had a lot of people come across from the end of the Nurburgring 24 hours to watch this race and watch these prosím drivers compete if you think that you are better than these guys the am competition and the am hot lapping competition to get yourself a space in that competition opens up this afternoon opens up this evening until the 10th of May and the first race is on the 16th of May so find yourself and let's see what you can do versus these guys absolutely so now we've got battles raging on amongst for traffic including semolina here number 150 in the Audi he is currently in 8th place having just got ahead of Cecilia as they go now through a be behind the pair of them Phillips team on in the Bentley and the Bentley almost has a bite at the back of the Aston there yeah Marcel District in the Porsche next in the queue he's fallen back to little bit as this race has gone on the leading calf he's down fractionally once more selves at a camera a 12 seconds number 23 portion that starred earlier a Matt Murphy silly 12th place there we are hearing from our YouTube chat because they have the opportunity to ride on board with Nielson no rocks and watch the whole thing from his perspective he's streaming on his own channel and it does seem like there was contact between him and Hussaini the New York's going into the back of huseyni but some people on Twitter and on YouTube saying that Hussein e-brake tested no ox others saying that he was too late on the brakes so obviously something is going to be very tricky for a race direction to decide on much like the incident in Monza get those 11 she'd site that's the only true way we will know whether it was one brothers fault another true enough well they're having a look at it but these two have got previous everybody so no ops in the back of her say knee at Mont depth sounds like it's happened again here lap 26 the incident took place on and it is in the stewarding channel saying we're having a look at it so Patrick silver now twelve point eight last time eleven point six seconds that gap is coming down isn't it I don't think it's going to come down enough before the end but to see the weights coming down yeah yeah unless it's a problem for silver at a big problem it's not going to change but just to keep an eye to that because camera is not giving up I suppose that's the point I'm getting to he is it might have to settle for second place but he is pushing every each of the way and that's what I do a racing afternoon silver some circuits just for the pleasure of doing it he's there to max out everything he's got he does not know that silver may not of it may have a problem or not you have to assume that he could have a problem and therefore you have to make every effort to cut down run down that tore ahead of you well there is another battle that's gonna go right the way to the end fourth and fifth they run Tony through in the Ferrari car fear in the Bentley cut back Cecilia in the Aston Martin and now Philippe SEMA in the Bentley tucked up behind him ninth and tenth those two two and a half minutes to go two more laps I think we can squeeze out of this so again it's gonna be 31 isn't it like the pro race now who say me seventh after that spin this is fourth and fifth 22 interfere into luffy or they go now now David Tony it's hanging on to position go they're close but not as close as he needs to be to make a move down to Walter cops unless but Bentley can boom up onto the tail of the Ferrari heading towards cops corner now so there is this lap and one more within the time remaining 11 seconds still the margin between the top two it is coming down it won't come down enough in time but camera is throwing everything at catching the leader Patrick Silva fourth base to Nixon in the Ferrari to me dun dun enough to sustain performance finish 4th Garcia knew I had thought might get through a little bit earlier when that loss of position went to need some losses positions and I Jax I thought that might be the chance that the Bentley would need or would take coming down the hangar straight looks as if the baby is closing but then just to corner the gap has certainly had but weather will be the same on the eggs that are not he's not giving up he's doing precisely what he's there to do and that's trying to get that position away so America fear then almost into the back of the Ferrari again riding on board how realistic does that look fantastic through club double apex right it opens up now onto the straight past the formula 1 pits on the right hand side up now towards the right hand flick of a be the Bentley just a little bit too far back bite of curb on the inside run it up to the curb on the outside now left through farm heading up towards village there the Bentley looked the quicker but he can't get there in time in order to challenge it village what about the loop is there a gap on the inside not really this is for sixth isn't it it's Husseini trying to get past into a bonito for sixth place we've done it yeah so huseyni been trying to make amends here got himself back in the top six that was brave stuff great move from hussaini and it's showing that he can attack because we haven't really seen him do much of attacking it's always been defense defense defense and now actually a nice clean move and bonito kind of having to just let him go bonito looks like he's really really struggling which is a big surprise because those Ferraris seemed really good in the pro race at the end of the race and looks like he's going to lose another one which of us would choose our driver of this race good question um Patrick Salva has done nothing wrong I'm still very impressed as a driver by off a camera that ng yeah I'd love to see more from Neil Snorks I think he's really really not had the opportunity to flourish yet and perhaps in this race he hasn't found himself in too many problems but I'm looking forward to know it's actually getting on the top step at some point I John your driver of the day master class and hard to defend you have to say husseiny albeit that he got overtaken in the lewodan and that was a great house by a camera in the matheran nevertheless he got spun around he's come back he's overtaken so I'm gonna go with huseyni okay well Patrick Silva is going to be the man that takes the points he's going to be the man that puts the ballast into the McLaren for the next round of the championship now bear in mind if you finish on the podium you take the combined weight across every car in the brand so that means that a one two three for McLaren means these cars are going to take 25 kilos for a win 17 for second at a further 10 for third into the next round at Spa they're going to be very heavy curls there but at Silverstone it is a win for McLaren Patrick silver wins the opening round of the SRO eSport GT series championship 2020 a great drive by Patrick silver off a camera is going to come through now to take second place the gap at the end nine seconds makes you wonder what he could have done when he got through sooner third another McLaren Neil snow Hawks it is that comes home for third place now what about fourth derby tonight sir or Alberto Garcia it is Ferrari ahead of Bentley and six will go to Mercedes Amir Husseini fending off the challenge of Enzo bonito then simony me in eighth Cecilia at ninth and it is in 10th place in number nine Philippe SEMA Patrick's a very impressive Drive indeed John I know you talked about how well Hussein you driven about from Patrick's Elvis point of view out front just perfect Drive not a wheel out of place that we store their absolutely I agree and see what he was like on the racetrack but he did it precisely the same thing Jordan pepper did in the pro event we saw a little bit earlier didn't put a wheel wrong had clear road clear air all the time and there was his race to lose he didn't make any mistakes he did the phone contact with in Lamborghinis on the slowing class not that's not particularly intelligent but while she was a finisher that they're still finishing this race absolutely we saw from the the victor it was unbelievable just wheeled perfect driving and ban we have seen in that not only another very competitive race but and we made the point during the race itself the level at which the sim community operates so patrick silver the race winner alpha camera taking second place Neil's New York's for further head of tonita Garcia Husseini bonito simony Cecilia and SEMA at the end of our first SRO eSport GT series silver series race won here at Silverstone by a very impressive Patrick Salva [Music] well what a great race in the silver class hugely impressive drive from Patrick silver although to a degree it was it was handed to him on a plate wasn't it after that drama in the early stages that Nioxin petrichenko collision dropping knocks down the order he then climbed back up the order into third place we believe the stewards are looking at that so once again Neal's New York is under a little bit of investigation but a really entertaining race that won it was a proper race out at the front and I have to agree with the with the guys in Coventry there that has a nice defensive drive for the first 18 laps was really quite something there was that train of seven or eight cars behind a reminder of you're just joining us that Jordan pepper won the pro race earlier on he's at the top of the pro standings and it is Patrick silver who has won the silver class the pro standings and the pro classes for the real world racing drivers the silver classes for the top line sim drivers that we've invited here to compete in the SRO eSports GT series and this championship its next race is going to be in two weeks time so the 10th of May at Spa frankerz darude our going to be a lot of a lot heavier after after their performance here because of the the weight penalties you can read all of the regulations by the way one the SRO eSports websites we've got some drivers coming in for a chat I suppose we will start with Arthur camera Arthur thank you very much for coming in to join us how did you enjoy that race a very strong second place but it wasn't even easy to get past the saying yes indeed I enjoyed it a lot because I can say from my side I drove very clean today although I was not happy with qualifying I think I got the maximum out of it even though I would have thought it wouldn't be Patrick and p1 but congratulations to him yes I'm super happy with p2 very excited with the fight with Amir and I'm glad that I was able to overtake him clean and yeah just get p2 this way great well I give you good confidence for the rest of the season are you looking forward to spar now although the McLaren's are gonna be a bit heavy yes the McLaren's for sure will get some weight at it and I'm not sure if spar will be the very ground for the car then Silverstone probably not but yeah it's I think for the whole season about consistency and it's the same for everything probably the Mercedes will be good and serviced in inspire so it will just change and change with which which brand which manufacturer gets the weight penalty next we'll see cool well congratulations out there thank you very much for for joining us a second-place finish there for Arthur camera now let's move on to Nils Knox who well Nils I mean talk us through your race firstly we did you have a hit with Petra chenko that dropped you the places we didn't see it ourselves and then your move for third place at the end was robust as well so first of all I didn't know what there happened there early on in the race I think he just out braked himself himself cried the quite a bit I think it was at least five ten meters late or so so he yes he had me was away i fortunate i didn't take too much damage I believe and then yeah it's had a couple scrubs with a few guys great fight with stubby especially he was very very fair we left each other space I think it took a fair end and then yeah again with Amir it wasn't so fortunate I'm not sure if it was like again or if he was breaking right at the apex but I totally didn't expect him to slow down that much and that's why I tapped him at the back again okay and so are you happy with the race overall it's difficult to work out I guess first would have been better but I think given the circumstances P III is totally fine and good race for Arthur especially with us in this first race for g2 was a great performance in the end and teeth I think had the hard to fight to get there so kudos cool thank you very much Nils for joining us and you mentioned there a nice clean fight with David tonight sir David is on the line now how was that for you for you David yeah it was a great race the quality was good I started before and then fortunately I had a great pace in the first part so I I stayed within the the mclaren-mercedes guys and then at the end I struggled a bit I had the great fight with Niels yeah all in all it was a great race or UG hey it was a really good show I think yeah it certainly was thank you very much for for joining us thank you jack see you later tonzilla good to have damnit and it's joining us there as well David thoughts on what you've heard there from the drivers well as ever one or two hard-luck stories off a camera taking it on the chin I suppose because that could have been the one that got away in some senses he had the pace but by being mired in traffic early on just couldn't get through but it starts to piece together some of the back stories to all of that and it also is I think going to give us a little bit more of a steer now because people are with this car for the championship of what we can expect out of them as the season goes on but as we've made the point now these MacLaren's are all going to get wait for spar of all places I still think it's going to be a very different race that we have there and David you have some news on some some other elements ah well yes because while we're in this lockdown there's lots of stories and lots of great personalities within GT racing don't forget of course that there's not just SRO Z sports championships but SRO has European Asian British and American Championships for gt3 and for GT for cars and so next week we're going to start work on a GT world podcast we'll try and get those out every fortnight and talk to some of the drivers some of the teams will probably have a long chat with wotty at some point as well which will fill most of a month or so but yes GT world as a podcast we're going to start work on next week so one will keep you posted and I'm being told that Nils Knox has been given a penalty I don't know what exactly the penalty are twelve point five seconds I believe is the penalty for Nils New York so that presumably promotes davits vinnitsa up into the podium places so in the end Nils Noir does get a penalty as he did in the charity race in in Monza what are your thoughts on that penalty for Knox after the contact well and there's a penalty I mean if you spin the drive around and you don't suffer anything in the incident then you're entitled as the terrible penalty as a consequence so that's probably the thing that's gone into it the thing that I've been impressed with with the Sin drivers is they sound even more professional okay big interviews value isn't a stretch but nevertheless they saw absolutely so professional it makes some of the professional drivers look not very good know anything all right I'm not exactly asking the the probing questions am I very much how was how was your day but exactly how was your day was he of you enjoyed this first round of the championship well I thought - excellent races I think there's lots more I can do in terms of my equipment is somewhat being you know bit older than most of they can do to compose older than Moses that come commentator that's what I'm trying to say so I need to get all that up to speed to enable me to contribute even more and I look forward to being able to do that and we look forward for you to be able to do that as well thank you I mean it honestly from the bottom of my heart I do okay let's not have this argument on there been constant Juris your your thoughts on the day yeah fantastic to see actually not so many penalties in that silver race I think six or seven decisions made by race control over over two dozen I think for the pro professional racing drivers race so that kind of gives you a feel as to how good that silver race was unfortunately though the incidents that we did see were high level of course not nil snow yolks two races to penalties he drops from third down so I think six or seventh and this one and with a heavy car going to the next round he's gonna really struggle David so we have our two championship leaders then Jordan pepper at the top of the pro class Patrick silver at the top of the silver class next race two weeks in a spa Frankish on world water what are you looking forward to all that virtual beer obviously in Belgium fridge out there no I think I think it's gonna be a very different type of race because as I say now you start adding the weight on and you know how hilly spar is that's going to really affect but the McLaren's in the silver series with so much from weight carried from first plus second plus third they're going to be like oil tankers they get to be so heavy so the silver thing till the silver concept I think he's going to be a completely different thing you'll have a total fresh look at the head of that race different brands different drivers but what we have seen and I think it will continue is top quality racing through for best drivers in the pro at the silver world of GT racing yeah absolutely and a worth pointing out that's a Bentley won in the pro class so that'll get some extra weight a second-place McLaren in the pro class too but the difference being you add up all of the all of the weight penalties for each brand on the podium yes yes right yeah so if you take this matera did in the silver a lock out of the top three they are very heavy but if it's one car in may in the top three you carry the weight but that can't gained yeah indeed so thank you very much for for joining us in fir this the first race of the SRO eSports GT series this new 2020 championship that has got underway today at Silverstone if you missed in the action of course if you're watching on YouTube you can go back to the start and and re-watch it and we will be back in two weeks time the 10th of May at Spa for the second round of the SRO eSports GT series the pro class today won by Jordan pepper Ben barnico finishing in second Luigi de Lorenzo in third and that's how the championship stands for the professional real world racing drivers from the GT World Challenge powered by AWS that'll be getting underway later this year and in the silver grid Patrick silver the winner arf a camera in second and Davidson it's er promoted up into a podium spot after a penalty for Nils Knox those are the three in the top of the silver class and the as a result the silver championship huge thanks to David Addison to been constant Juris and of course John Watson for joining us and providing the commentary we'll see you in two weeks time the 10th of May in Spa for the next round there's a new SRO GT podcast coming up soon that David has just announced so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that across all of social media SRO eSports if you want to know more about that this SRO eSports GT series but from now for us we'll see you in two weeks time on the 10th of May at Spa for more intense online GT racing action [Music] you you
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 81,180
Rating: 4.8721895 out of 5
Id: 0PuVtmtIS6c
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Length: 196min 27sec (11787 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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