2021 IMSA Prototype Challenge - VIRginia International Raceway - Full Race

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[Music] [Music] one of the most picturesque racing circuits you'll find in north america lies just outside danville virginia virginia international raceway and it is iconic and it is historic and is one of the most challenging racetracks you'll find as we just said just outside danville virginia right on the north carolina virginia state line sits vir and what a race track it is uphill downhill high speed low speed it has it all best passing zones turn one maybe up into turn 12 certainly at the end of the long back straightaway turn 14 and then that rush down through the roller coaster through turn 17 known as hawk pin and onto the front straightaway and you completed a lap here at vir welcome in everyone imps of prototype challenge competition round five of six championship is closing down and it is incredibly tight only ten points separate the championship leader maurice krantz from his nearest competitors josh charger and dakota dickerson 10 points in today's terms is one point in the point scoring of the past welcome in everyone brian's hell along with jeremy shaw and jeremy we've had a lot of rain over the weekend here the racetrack itself is dry the rain should be gone according to the weather forecasters anyway but that grass and that red clay it is wet and it is slick it is good morning brian and it's a it's a challenging race track for the teams and the drivers in terms of the engineers for these cars can you set the car up for straight line speed because there's three pretty fast railways here at vir be or for the car through these 17 corners it's a tricky trade balance there for the drivers it's a physical challenge as well lots of ups and downs elevation changes and uh just a challenging race right that everybody this is one of well it's interesting as well when you look at the front row maurice krantz and we'll talk more about the grid just a second in the 21 he is in a duquesne chassis dan goldberg who starts alongside is in alicia you'll see that throughout the field we have duquesne and legion chassis we've seen the duquesne in the past jeremy have the better straight line speed and the legion seems to have a little better high speed cornering loads and so you got to kind of pick your poison here as you were alluding to that's exactly right you know it is a trade-off here it was it was interesting if you look down the grid i mean we'll talk about the neighbors at the moment but on every row except for one the valencia and the uk so i mean it looks like they're really really closely matched at least after qualifying which of course results in wet conditions however rather dry as we are now two different classes of prototype challenge cars out there the p31 and the p32 p3 two cars uh the last year's model the p3 one cars updated and so the norma was the predecessor to the duquesne and what we saw a lot of times jeremy was it took that chassis a couple of laps to get to speed but when it got there it had the better straight line speed we've seen a little bit of a change with the new iteration of both the legie and the dude kane they seem to be a little more equal in lap time the decay seems to get up to temperature pressure and therefore speed a little faster than his presence predecessor did that's gonna be very interesting to see during this race you're right though with the previous generation of cars on most tracks that you can or norma as it was then seem to have a slight advantage over the legions but now the new generation of cars legit has put a massive amount of work in it into its development of its car the jsp 320 to bring it up to the pace of the plane and i think for most tracks this year that the leisure might have a very slight edge but it certainly isn't the same sort of edge that was in the balance the other way around with the previous generation of cars well and of course the biggest curveball thrown this weekend is that this is a three-hour event the preceding four races in the championship and the final round at michelin raceway road atlanta will all be and have been one hour and 45 minutes and so a three-hour race completely changes the complexion of the strategy that you want to use as you look at the grid there on the left side of the screen two pace laps here and we should note that three-hour clock starts at the beginning of the second pace lap which we are on we are indeed and i think the reason for that is a slight delay to the start of this race because of an incident during a previous qualifying session so we kind of backed up a little bit but a lot of racing to come today and i want to make sure they get everything in plus uh yesterday in qualifying it was wet the track was wet so very different conditions today in the drive and uh it's uh it's going to be a challenge for these drivers well i think the racetrack is going to be completely different as well jeremy it doesn't have a lot of rubber on it because of the rain that we've had throughout the weekend it's going to change from the drop of the green to the drop of the checkered flag and it's what kind of an adaptation have you made on your setup why don't you take us through the grid yeah i'd actually correct myself there was it was a practice session yesterday mornings when they went qualifying was actually in the in the drive let's run down the starter order and starting at the back in 15th position for 47 motorsports economy 47 is john brownson row seventh for the grid number 54 josh sajay one of the championship contenders they had a problem yesterday with a broken drive shaft on the first lap of quality fine so it did not set a representative lap uh alongside him on agreements with hamilton both six on the outside danny koch the championship leader for congress racing in the uh p3-2 category that's kind of a 61 alongside uh mike klotz three alongside joe robinard in caliber 43 row four on the outside is antoine como in columbus 34 alongside arie baylog in caliber 33. for three brian dennis in calibre 17 alongside jason rabe in caliber 74 wrote two alan brynjolfsson another championship contender in carnival seven for fork racing with archangel alongside the jdc motorsports entry of the grant brothers keith grant will start carnival 40. onto the front row of the grid uh he's in second position carnival six the performance tech most wants lucia jsp 320 for dan goldberg and on the poll again as he has been in all races this season for mueller motorsports development feature he's under 21 the championship leader from germany is moritz fans you said for every race five of five polls belong to maurice krantz and i'm just gonna crack the box open i'm not gonna really open pandora's box completely but maurice krantz is one of those guys then a lot of people shake their head at when they kind of scratch their head when they look at driver ratings you've got to be bronzer silver to run in the prototype challenge category maurice grant's listed as a bronze driver by the fia but you look at his experience his resume and certainly his performance in 2021 and the imsa prototype challenge category and you kind of gotta wonder if that might change here at the end of the year five pole positions in five races krantz in the white and blue number 21 drivers right will lead the field to green and alongside that six the blue and red dan goldberg goldberg has been impressive the last season in the prototype challenge category and right behind goldberg look at that bright yellow seven alan brandy olsen itching to go the yellow 40 right beside green flag waves trance leads the field down to one we talk about the racetrack being driving jeremy if you get off the race track today you are going for a ride yeah it's there's been quite a bit of rain over the weekend so the grass is pretty slick there's some large run-off areas but i'll tell you what when the grass is slick you get it goes up pretty darn quickly you know a nice clean start there there is a trunk looking to the inside to try and make up the position in turn three unable to make that move stick this time around it's foreign position and you talk about the pole position he's on pole by 1.7 seconds an unheard of amount and i think the racetrack just getting better as he was out there and he was out there at the right time when it finally got into its feet and france was just devastating to the competition in qualifying now leads up through the esses flat out in a prototype challenge car through the climbing s's all the way to turn 11 on the brakes hard downshift down two gears three gears through oak tree onto the back straightaway and these cars will reach top speeds of somewhere between 163 and 167 miles an hour by the time they get to the end of the back straightaway here at vir and get on the brakes for turn 14. yeah well he was about 100 miles an hour through that corner of the top of the hill heading down the hill down to the fog pen at the bottom of the hill great classic racetrack this with uh we've got this corner named no corner numbers [Applause] the white and red number 34 really feeling racy right now sharing that car with colin mullin another impressive young driver colin mullen has been on a charge of late in different types of cars in another series he's won the last two races also has a podium and a second place finish in a mercedes gt4 based machine so colin mullen can get it done in both a gt car and a prototype right now his teammate antoine cabot in the 34 taking it to the 17 just in front trying to find a way by he is and antoine como he's a uh a bond trader by by professional richard from canada based these days in chicago looking to the inside there of vari baylor but to not quite close enough to make a move into turn four so he remains there in the seventh position and it was a a tricky qualifying session for the antoine como they got there was a red flag during the session caused by that uh car failure for the uh championship pretending and that after that red flag the uh android camo lined up at the pit exit rather than his hit stall the result of that a drive-through penalty so with the interruption and then having to make a drive-through penalty as well he really didn't get a flying lap in that's why he qualified much farther down the position uh down the order than he'd expected in the eighth place he's made up one position at the start it's actually brian feels he's trying to get past their number 17 car he did get past our baylog on the first lap with antoine he knows he's got a much faster jmf racing conquest racing car than the seventh position which he is right now this good battle going when we talk about a three-hour event that changes everything jeremy as far as the strategy goes and you kind of wonder with these cars being able to run somewhere between 50 minutes and an hour if it you can get an hour in on both sets you can do it in just two stops the question is especially for a driver like maurice krantz out in front right now is he in fuel safe mode already seeing if he can extend this first stint for an hour and then throw in the championship complexion go literally to the other end of the grid the 54 josh charger behind the wheel right now sharing that car with dakota dickerson we said only 10 points separated them coming into the weekend and there's sarge he's only picked up two positions on the start he's got to be smart jeremy he's got three hours and a teammate to hand this card to they've got time to get to the front he needs to steadily move forward but i wonder what kind of fuel strategy they are on because i thought sergey may have charged a little bit harder are they saving fuel early on well that's a good question because i would have thought he doesn't want to get held up too much behind these cars that should be significantly slower than he in that number 54 for lmlt motorsports because you know the car has been faster every race this season and for him [Applause] maybe now making some progress up but through the order he comes and makes a pass before position there uh and uh gradually now beginning to work his way forward but uh he's anyone who won't want to lose too much time to the the race leaders norwich crane's uh fastest car but only a tenth of a second he turned a 144-1 last time around got dan goldberg only a tenth of a second slower than him uh but uh you know most of the cars in the field are in the 47s uh and the josh sachet is behind most of them so he's got to work hard and get back you can't help but wonder jeremy too we talked about the downforce levels that you run here in the downforce levels that the different cars carry and if you're the 54 car did you go with the strategy of let's run a little more downforce because we know we're going to have to work our way through traffic and we know we're going to have to make moves like this like josh sarge is trying to make around sharon right now or do you look at it and say we got to take the downforce out we can stick with these guys based upon our drivers talents but down the straightaway we got to free this thing up and let it go because we've got to move forward and a problem for the 47. little lock up there 60 off as well no harm no foul back underway but i think on the down change probably locked up the rear tires and for john brownson a moment there in the 47 heading into turn one yeah it's mr excitement there john brownson and uh he's trying to make a move there oops so he just locks it up on the braking just uh looks like the rear brakes just locked up on that number 47 car round he went and bruce hamilton there did a really good job to avoid making contact with that spinning car number 47. john brownson yesterday in in qualifying had an offer turned 10 and damaged the rear wing on that castle they didn't set a representative lap time either you'll be sharing that caliber 47 with a very talented youngster dario kangalozi uh he is a student at florida state university uh and he's going to have a lot of work to do once he gets into that car later on wow that was impressive anton caveau finally gets past venus and what a move that was jeremy at the end of the back straight away 165 miles an hour or so and just total commitment on cabo's part to get that done in the braking zone yeah well he knew he needed to because the other guys were kind of getting away from him there so he needs to get a move on here and get can you not lose too much ground there's another spin that means that's number seven that's alan brynjohnson in the foot out of the fourth position he had been uh closing just a little bit on actually no he hadn't been losing a little bit of ground to keith grant uh and he's now going to lose a lot more ground he's stuck in aggressive got that car going again that's the good news uh let's see if we can see what happened just locks up the brakes again same sort of thing the rear brakes locked up and the back end comes around and unable to catch it and he slides off the road he was pretty much on his own there though he wasn't under under serious threat from the car behind him which would have been jason rabe in the number 74 for 47 motorsports that was interesting it was you saw a little smoke off the right rear of bryn olson on the way in there and i just wonder this racetrack being as green as it is right now jeremy that these drivers struggling with brake bias a little bit you know as the track begins to develop more and more grip you'll be able to go to more front bias because those front tires are going to have better grip in the braking zone but right now perhaps drivers struggling a little bit we've seen it with john brownson now alan brynjolfsson bren yeltsin very talented driver he and trent hinman won the second race of the season at sebring but you know i also have to wonder you talk about drivers driving in multiple classes like we were talking about in colin following a little while ago alan brady olsen racing as well in michelin pilot challenge stepping from an aston martin into a prototype and back and forth that has to be difficult on the weekend even for drivers like greg yolfson's teammate trent hinman who's a very experienced race car driver but for guys who don't make their living doing it it's got to be a challenge different types of machinery gt's to prototypes bryn yolson has certainly made that move and the move being made now is antoine como in the 34 working his way forward now on the back of the 74. jason rabe how long is he going to sit there before he pounces yeah that's a good point uh and you know he's made up very very quickly that ground to the the car that had been ahead from there i'm trying to come over with chase ray very very quickly now and got past uh brian thinus and just back to uh to trent hinman driving those three different cars chatting to him yesterday and he he said you know what does an aston gt4 that's the martin gt4 car a legie p3 car and a porsche 911 have in common he says nothing but the idiot behind the wheel but uh he's not in the alleyway it's extremely talented and alan brynjolfsson is his teammates both in this series and in the michelin pilot challenge series in which he will share that aston martin later on today and i'm alan bernie olsen he's a very successful businessman from florida literally from iceland actually but florida is where his home is vault lighting is his business and as you can see that very brightly kind of called uh archangel carnival seven who's coming under creasing pressure now from antoine corvo the canadian e-coli chassis is here at the hands of both camo and rave in front the 74 and the 34 in that order rabe on the curb there camo with a little smoother exit through hog pin is he going to get a run down the straight these cars with such arrow on him create a lot of dirty air behind and rave with a little bit of a block to the right and that really checked camo up and i don't know that he's going to be able to get it done down into one heavy on the brakes he was a demon at the end of the back straightaway a couple of laps ago does it again and turn one takes the position sets his sight forward i think they've got a bunch a much better race car underneath them there at conquest racing than they did a qualifying car jeremy well yeah as i said earlier there were problems in qualifying they just didn't get the lap in that they that they knew was in that car uh they knew the car was faster than that because with the uh with the red flag and then a penalty qualifying as well it's only 15 minutes of qualifying so it's not much time if you have to if there's a red flag and you've got to serve a drive-through penalty that cuts into your margins quite considerably so he knew the car was faster than that but now he's showing it and up now into the fourth position and uh he is uh making hay here and they're pulling away last time around uh he was lost a little bit of ground to the leader but uh i think now in clean air we'll see what's all that times that antoine could compared to our race leader maurice kranz who's still out in front of set the fastest lap of the race a one minute 43.1 so far in the in the early stages and um i surprised not going quick in that actually the the lap record here was set last year by kyle kirkwood who's a very very talented driver that's in the the older generation of cardo and 141.7 nowhere near near that yet but certainly when the second drivers get behind the wheel of these cars after either the first or the second round of pit stops i think we'll see some changes there it's going to be interesting we talk about a three-hour race 50 minutes to an hour on fuel depending on who the driver is the pace that they're running and right now for maurice krantz in the blue and white 21 as he heads into turn four have they gone to a fuel strategy mode they've got a six and a half six and three quarter second lead over daniel goldberg in the number six in second place and right now france can really back off that throttle save fuel and perhaps do this race and only two stops we'll have to wait and see the other big mover in addition to antoine camo in the 34 is josh charger we talked about this taking a couple of laps to get up to speed and seeing jeremy but sergey now working his way to the front aggressively now up to eighth from his 15th starting position so he's moving in the right direction and i think for a driver like josh sarge he needs to understand his role doesn't he jeremy he's the second driver he knows he's got dakota dickerson to finish his job is to take the car as far forward as he can and have it as clean as he can when he hands it over to dakota dickerson you've got to bet that we're going to end up with a full course caution or two in this race at some point in time so outright speed right now is not so much what sergey needs he just needs to keep moving forward and give dakota dickerson a good car to run to the end with he does but he's already 37 seconds behind the race leader and that's going to be an awful lot of time to make up even if it is a three-hour race so he really needs to get a move on here he's got past that traffic you've now got nearly 10 seconds to catch up with arie baylog who's next ahead of him in that airbnb car the car was 33 run by julia three by the small town of charlotte north carolina uh uh but now now he's really gonna put his head down because he's lost a lot of time in his early stages and he's really gonna need i think a full-course caution to get back on terms with the with the front runners unless he can really put his head down in terms of very very quick laps from here on in new fastest race lap therefore the a race leader that is moritz crowns of people 42s now 42.65 to your point brian yes i think uh they are being pretty conservative uh in these early stages of the race because the uh the fuel they have 100 liters of fuel on board these cars and the fuel range is generally a little bit less than an hour somewhere between 52 and 57 minutes maybe you can stretch it to an hour uh to get any more than that you've really got to go into fuel save mode lifting off the throttle well before the end of the straightaways and some other techniques you can do as well just coasting into the corners to try and stretch uh the stint to make it longer and then we'll hopefully turn it into a two-stop race rather than needing three pit stops again at the end of this three-hour race i'm interested to see jeremy what josh charges lap times are now that he's worked through traffic he's going to have a couple of clean laps remember for maurice krantz he's had no traffic to deal with at all so he's got a clean race track that he could run on sergei has had to work his way through traffic all of his lap times are going to be a little bit slower because of that traffic now that he's got some clean laps ahead and a pretty good gap to the next cars up the line this is i agree with you this is where he needs to lay the gauntlet down and get some lap times he can't continue to lose a second and a half or two seconds to lap to the leader of the 21. sergey's got to get with the program now that he's cleared traffic and make hay when he has these clean laps ahead of him and that's that's the difficulty here you've got to be aggressive when you've got the opportunity and you've got to be smart and make sure that you give something to your teammate after the stint is over so there's a little give and take going on for sergei this was a clean lap down into the 42s this time just to tenth off the last lap for maurice krantz so seems like charge can answer back when he's got the clean laps in front of him but you're right he has lost a considerable amount of time to the leaders trying to work his way up to the point where he is right now which is eighth yeah and each of his last two laps have been uh far away his quickest as you say it was a 43-2 last time around a 42-9 this time around uh mauritius fans are 42-8 uh everybody else is in the 43s uh so yeah he was the second quickest car on track this time around josh sarshay and uh you know in the early stages there he was certainly being being cautiously a little bit too cautious but yeah the important thing is to get this car to the end of the race and of course yesterday in qualifying first lap of qualifying drive shaft failure i mean bad luck in one way you can you can look at it but extremely good luck in another way because if it hadn't happened in qualifying more than likely it happened early in the race so that was uh they were able to change those drive shafts get that car into good shape for this race and now josh sarshay is putting his head down as we suggested and trying to close the gap uh towards the uh towards the leaders he's currently running in the eighth position though and still you know well over half a minute to 40 seconds or more behind the race leader which is continues to be more its transformer krantz has been sensational this year and that's somewhat of an understatement we said at the beginning of the show five polls in five races always impressive both in race configuration and certainly in qualifying configuration that is worn out by the fact of a pole position in every one of the races but it's interesting he's not had the same teammate twice this year i don't believe ran mid-ohio by himself without a teammate jeremy and this weekend the 18-year-old belgian who could will they with him in the 21 and so you've got to figure that they're planning on putting willian in the middle of the race and then having krantz finish is that what you would think yeah i don't know i mean you know hugo is a very talented youngster he's been done a lot of driving in uh oatmeal cars and in sports guys even though he is uh only uh 18 years of age uh so you know he's certainly capable of holding his own uh but moritz he's done all the uh most of the other races uh on his own this season and and done very well indeed it's really in fact it's a three-hour race i think he's kind of compelled well he is compelled to have a co-driver with him for this duration interesting wilder with some experience in lmp3 based machinery in europe this year three races one win so as you said certainly a talented young man but i got to believe that that's going to be a middle middle step which is completely different than the strategy with the 54 and that is having charges start and then dakota dickerson in at the end i would expect to see sergey out on the first stop 50 minutes to an hour into this race and dakota dickerson take it the remaining two hours plus most in the second practice session yesterday morning which was in the wet a lot of the drivers didn't even go out in the cars including hugo i think they probably did a test here uh prior to the event so he's got some laps in the car but this weekend officially uh hugo has only got to ten laps at total in that in this car and the track like var uh for your first time racing here that's not very many uh so uh but but you know he's he is a talented youngster i'm sure he's got himself up to speed so we don't really know we haven't seen what pace he has but uh i would imagine he wouldn't be in this car if he wasn't quick enough to hold his own no but it's it it's interesting jeremy you come to a race with a championship lead by only 10 points and as we said in last year's points system that would have been a one-point lead so it is just razer razor thin as sergey trying to move forward now with the 33 of ari baylo just in front of him they head through oak tree so you've got this razor thin championship points lead as you come in here i know i i mean my belief is you either start the new driver or you put him in in the middle you let your your known commodity finish because here's the thing wilda doesn't know any of these other drivers he doesn't know how they race he doesn't know their their tendencies he doesn't know their strengths their weaknesses he doesn't know this racetrack to put him at the end with the weight of the championship and the race win on his shoulders is is a tall tall order in my book i completely agree with you completely agree it is and uh watching here josh charcha has called up now to rato baylor getting that orange and green card for julia three motorsports uh you can say an executive or wasn't executive but uh is executive at airbnb uh and um he's close he's closed right up he's closed that gap but it was uh it was actually uh i think nine years nine seconds when he first knocked past the number 43 car and in four laps he's reduced that to just a car length uh so he's uh he's about to pounce i believe it's sanchez moved himself up into the seventh position but still now 40 seconds behind the race leader who's turning incredibly consistent laps at the front of the field uh maurice crowns his his last few laps of 42.8 [Music] we're all within a tenth of a second at the front of the field that's pretty remarkable it certainly isn't as fast as these cars can go uh in in the uh practice sessions we've seen cars down in the 40s so i think you're right i think he's saving fuel but still pulling away from the field and front and now slight mistake there for mario baylor he's gonna have to defend that position heading up towards turn 14. this is what traffic does to you josh arjay just a lap or two ago 42-9 the last lap behind baylo 44.2 so he's really getting held up which we said he can't afford to do i think he's being extra cautious as he tries to work by these guys certainly not the aggressive driving style that we see from antoine cannot cabo i should say in the 34 how aggressive he's been in the brake zone charges not showing that aggressiveness and it's costing him time on the racetrack right now yeah but that was a nice move there to to get himself up for one more uh position as they complete a lap 14 and uh it's the fourth fifth place car is jason rabe that's the the second of the 47 motorsports edges another ducane chassis chicane in the lead and the legion dan goldberg in second place then we've got dukanes in third fourth and fifth number 40 car of keith grant uh antoine comeau in columbus 34 and uh jason rabe in carnival 74. and just like that maurice grant's starting to put cars down a lap danny koch already bruce hamilton now the 15 of watt goes down a lot and i think that's one of the things we've seen all year long is when you watch this blue 21 diving down through roller coaster through hog pin onto the front straightaway what we've seen at every racetrack jeremy it's a slot car the car doesn't move around a lot krantz's driving style perhaps because of all the different machinery he drives both gt and prototype based he has this ultra smooth style you don't see the car slide it's on rails and it almost looks easy but the lap times are so impressive and that's why i said at the beginning of show sometimes a lot of guys watch this and they look at the time sheets and kind of scratch their head and go that's a highly polished bronze shall we say indeed driver ratings while they've uh yeah always been a burn of contention haven't they but certainly you know for a 34 year old it's not as if he's a yeah most bronze drivers are uh up in age let's say i was gonna say to you and me he's a child jeremy yeah exactly don't go there to be 34 and having this sort of speed with as much experience he has and still be a bronze he he either knows somebody or or he's been very very fortunate he's been flying under the radar screen the people making decisions on driver ratings but hey the point is he's doing a super job out front uh and he leads now by over 11 seconds that gap is stabilized between himself and dan goldberg in second place that motel six car for the uh performance tech motorsports team and then back to keith grant in third place it's just set the fastest lap of the race a 42.623 for caliber 40 in third place as we see a saw shane moving his way past the p32 car of danny coat 61. round five of six of the 2021 emsa prototype challenge series underway from vir brian till jeremy shaw with you and maurice krantz out in front in the 21 from mueller motorsports america what an impressive job he's done five polls in five races and now leading here dan goldberg a great run but being hunted down in second place by the number 40 of keith grant and good battles around the racetrack as the number seven of alan bren yolfson that bright yellow number seven trying to get past joe robillard brynne olson with a problem early on the breaking zone for turn one which caught a couple of other drivers out with break bias bryn yolson went around and back in the order and now working his way back towards the front yeah and the maurice crown's clearly got the message about uh keith branstad in the first of that because he's just responded with 142.513 for our race leader there is that alan brynjolfsson car call number seven the brightly limited car he's caught up now with the joe rogolod which is the battle for ninth and tenth places and you said as a result of that spec uh that uh spin out and bring olson who qualified in the fourth position back in tenth now forward we'll try and make a pass down into turn one bryn yolson in that bright yellow volt entry looks to the inside robillard one of the coolest gentlemen out there is not going to make it easy for bren olsen at all and allen finally gets it done on the high side heading into turn three and he'll see if he can put his head down and pull away joe robillard sharing that car with stephen mcaleer another young driver who drives just about everything in the paddock and will release race later today in michelin pilot challenge here at vir then you move back forward as the 40 that bright yellow of keith grant around the 15. that's the lap car of watt and grant trying to close in on dan goldberg and the blue and red number six the motel six entry you can see they've both gotten past the lap traffic clear sailing now for keith grant you mentioned it just a minute ago turned in the fastest lap but the fast lap seems to change almost every lap jeremy krantz now has it second quick lap dan goldberg he just took that away from camo who was there in third and it's just going back and forth i think the racetrack's getting better and better as the rubber gets laid down with all the rain we've had very green racetrack to start today yeah i i think plus now we're we're halfway through this opening since half an hour has elapsed so i think the teams will be keeping an eye on how much fuel is being consumed by these cars and now they feel they can push a little bit harder i think than they were at the opening stages but certainly from moritz crans you know he's able to he's been able to kind of cruise around there uh at a very uh i think i think for him comfortable pace and save some fuel to go longer on this first hit before he needs to make his first pit stop and just a really really fine performance for that h r team and the number 21 car of moritz crams doing a textbook drive here in the early stages of this race but let's not forget it's still two and a half hours remaining so a long long way to go and you know he's still gonna maintain his concentration uh and his speed lawrence krantz leads here at vir and his duquesne chassis from mueller motorsports america down into turn one and really has the best of both worlds going jeremy you mentioned it a little while ago he's got a lead which allows him to save fuel and that could allow them to do this on just two stops this race track while it is thirsty because you're at full throttle for a lot of the time down the back straightaway once you crest the rise there towards turn 14 you can use that elevation to help you do that long coast into the braking zone for 14 and then the run down through the roller coaster you can certainly save fuel but as you begin this climb that dan goldberg and the red and blue number six is about to do with keith grant on his tail up through the climbing s's this is flat out in one of these prototype challenge machines and it is seriously quick it's 145 miles per hour thereabouts at the apex of the left-hander up here at the timing at the top of the climbing s's through this section right here 145 miles an hour flat out before jumping on the brakes for turn 11 and turn 12 there at oak tree and then down the back straightaway close to 165 depending on how you've got the car loaded with downforce or trimmed out for speed anywhere between 163 and 167 miles an hour as you get to the end of the back straightaway this little rise jeremy is when you come over it you can begin to start saving fuel that downhill run into the brake zone of 14. yeah that's right lift off early there and if you're in that part of the racetrack you could hear that the drivers are just kind of coasting there there's no full throttle sound from that uh 5.4 5.6 liter engine that these cars all use great engine it is uh dare i say it's super reliable relatively inexpensive for a racing engine lots of horsepower as well and it sounds great doesn't it traction control not super advanced traction control on these cars but you need a little bit of it former iterations didn't happen as you see keith grant down in turn two with a big slide we were talking about the 21 car being on rails earlier keith grant has taken the slot car analogy to to that one that slides around because the rear of that 40 hanging out there and that's a problem if you do that too much jeremy you can begin to wear the rear tires and the car is going to be a handful as grant now up through the climbing s's like we were talking flat out grabbing gears on the way up there but he and his brother have had a great run this year they've showed all kinds of speed you look at their finishes they finished third eighth fourth and thirteenth not a good run at watkins glen but the worst they've qualified is fifth that was once every other time they've qualified inside the top three and actually on the front row twice they've shown great speed they just haven't had the finishes that they wanted but finishes is where the points pay out and another problem for alan brynjolson oops there's the problem there you get those slick michelin tires off in the wet grass hard to find traction and he's fortunate because to me i didn't think you could leave the racetrack today without getting to a tire wall and is that the problem there onto the front straightaway the 47 was involved but there was a white and blue was that the leader it was maurice krantz the leader a problem trying to get past the 47 car of john brownson i think krantz was around he was was he yeah one 154 won that last lap and so a spin uh over here let's see what happens can we see what happened looking back from turn one that's going off yeah and about the same time brendolfson went off here's krantz trying to get by brownson coming down through the roller coaster doesn't see him that's a big hit side to side but i also saw look like maybe part of the front splitter of one of the cars come off the 47 of brownson ends up in the wall at the outside of the corner krantz back underway but you've got to wonder about that car that is a rare mistake and i'll call it a mistake for crayons right now but we don't see hiccups very often for him and i think he just felt like bronson saw him but man with a lead like the one that he had did did you really need to do that there yeah i mean it's a difficult place to pass i mean it's it's full commitment coming down the hill there toward hog pen uh and you've got to be absolutely uh sure that the guy that you're trying to pass knows what you're trying to do there oh john brown so he's got that car spinning around on the wet grass he's got some traction is he going to get back up the hill again oh man it's so treacherous down there on that slick grass he's just going to try and yeah try and point it downhill yeah downhill turn left would be the key uh there john and just try and get a little bit of you know he he's from uh there you go colorado he knows all about slippery surfaces there you go and now there's the rear entry but that's done that's a scary place to do it but yeah well done like you were saying jeremy you want a little bit of that downhill to help you get going that avoided a full court caution but for maurice krantz his lead now down to four seconds and what kind of ducane chassis does he have underneath him i saw him weaving the car from side to side down the straightaway trying to get an idea is everything where it needs to be is everything in the right place is the steering wheel straight is the alignment off a little bit what kind of car do i have to work with are my michelins up to pressure did i cut a tire down like i said a move that i'm not sure that if he could do it over again he wouldn't do it differently yeah i completely agree with you there and as a result of those cars spinning around down there yeah everybody was slower on that last lap but uh you're getting right back up to speed again maurice graham's actually extended his lead over dan gilbert by almost two seconds on that on the next slap so to speak after his spin despite the fact he went across the line at significantly slower speed having resumed from going off at the final corner but he's back up to speed again and dan goldberg now is he's got his mirrors pretty much full with keith grant uh of the uh from uh from tennessee uh hot on his tail hot on the tail of the the floridian dan goldberg in the motel six months 40 minutes into the only endurance race prototype challenge will run in 2021 three hours from here at virginia international raceway and drama for the leader maurice krantz caught up with john brownson as he was trying to lap him down through the roller coaster section of the racetrack has turned krantz around lost the huge lead that he had and now trying to extend that back over dan goldberg but that was a problem that crans probably did not need to have and it's easy for us jeremy to sit here and judge because we're not behind the wheel of that car as you're coming down through the esses and you're making split second decisions and for crayons like i said i'm sure it's one that he would like to have back especially if there's damage done to the car but with a 42.87 the last time by i would say either he is seriously upset with himself and pressing hard to make amends or the 21 duquesne chassis from mueller motorsports america underneath him is quite sound indeed as the 54 josh charges second in the championship trying to move his way forward trying to get around the 17 of tennis right now yeah just get past brian thienes there uh to one it's a bit of a battle though he should have been a bit more aggressive there i think josh sarshan really assert himself dive down the inside so there's no way brian cenas can turn in uh to that corner but he does make the pass so he is up now in sixth position uh but the gap back to uh back to the race leader is still over 40 seconds despite the fact that maurice crans lost uh about 10 seconds with that spin just a few laps ago so josh sarshay now is up into seventh up into six excuse me uh but he's still got a long long way to go to catch uh catch up to the front of the field but as you say drop moist crowns having made that mistake right back on the same sort of pace that he was running before that spin that turned 17. what it's amazing what kind of fire gets lit underneath you from time to time as a problem for the off jason rabe nosed into the tire wall the car looks to be okay ray just a little lockup i'm going to assume on the brakes here let's see just slides wide that's up at 11 and 12. we see this quite often the left rear gets dropped as you're trying to let the car track out and get ready for turn 12 and when it drops especially as wet as it is to the outside today that tire hits that slick dirt and grass and around you go yes so uh he's uh yeah he he's gonna have trouble getting out of there that again that's wet he's not even on the grass who's on the dirt and uh against a wheel spin i think this might need a full course caution uh 42 minutes down in this race most of the teams i i think are we're hoping for some sort of caution period during this race to give the kind of food consumption or the fuel the stint length because of how much fuel they use a little bit a little bit more leeway and i think we're probably gonna have to go gonna have to go full course caution here yes we are well i think about that it is a 40 minute minimum drive time that would be sufficed at this point in time but the full course caution is going to help you save fuel and extend this first stint so right now the strategist on the box trying to decide what they want to do and for josh sargent think about this i'm sure they were counting on the full course caution you talked about it jeremy some 42 seconds behind the leader was sergei sergey his teammate dakota dickerson second in the championship they sit fifth on the racetrack and that 42 second lead that maurice krantz had is now gone the yellow helps bring that back together and i'm sure that's what they said to josh at the beginning look focus don't be too aggressive don't throw our championship away but we've got to get you to move forward for charge that's like telling a driver to save fuel but go fast i mean they want him to be aggressive but not too aggressive i had to laugh you and i were talking about the quote mistake that we felt krantz made down through the roller coaster and then in the very next breath we were talking about josh charzay needing to be more aggressive again it's easy for us to sit here and watch i know just like the fans at the racetrack standing in the different corners you sit and you watch the races and you question and you say why didn't you do this and why didn't you do that so easy for us to do the same thing for these race car drivers think about that at 160 570 miles an hour at the end of the back straightaway the decision time that you've got to make a call are you going to do this or are you going to not do this it's like a major league baseball player for a major league baseball player standing at the plate with a 9 500 mile an hour fastball coming at him they've got a little under half a second to see the pitch decide that they want to swing and swing the bat all in less than half a second that's what these race car drivers are doing in less than half a second in tenths of a second they're making a decision as to whether they can or they can't and then they have to apply that decision all in fractions of a second it's a fine line you know as you well know brian having race at the top levels in this sport uh it's you know it's it's it's very difficult to strike that balance between being conservative and pushing too hard uh you you're trying to extend your fuel sid you're trying to save fuel you're trying to push hard you try not to lose too much time there's a lot going through your mind plus this is a really tricky race track as well and particularly up there at the kind of the top of the hill in uh in turn 11 and 12 it's you know it's a double apex right handed with a tightening second part of it it's a really tricky track and if you get off the road there just a little bit with your left hand side wheels as uh as he did right there uh it jason raped it it's it's very easy to uh you know to lose control which is which is what he did unfortunately but you know this full cause caution it's good news for a whole number of people bad news of course for maurice crans whose race whose race lead has been erased you've had to feel like this was coming that there would be a full course caution at some point in time and i'm willing to wager that it's not the last one that we're gonna see today and so you you try to kind of work your strategy around that and the strategists sitting on the box have historicals they have those on their computer they know that historically when prototype challenge has run at vir in an hour and 45 minute race there are x number many yellows and they look at that and if it's 1.2 in an hour and 45-minute race they extrapolate that data out and say well we believe they'll there will be two their their programs even go down to when the yellows typically happen at a racetrack and that's the thing that i find fascinating you'll talk to these guys and they'll say yeah you know in a six hour race we typically have three full course cautions and they happen in the latter half of the ring so that's what we're betting on or in a two-hour race it happens there and that's the kind of information that they use to make their decisions pit lane is open and a lot of takers and this is interesting the leader is in driver change so hugo de wilder hopping aboard that number 21 car from brussels in belgium to 16 years of age he started off his career in formula four finished third in the southeast asia championship in uh 2017-18 uh raced in a very competitive french formula formula four champion 2018 and second in that against some very very talented drivers since then he's done a whole bunch he's did some f uh some formula regional euro cup the last couple of years and as you said earlier until some prototype racing as well so getting a lot of experience for one so young and there is damage to the 21 if you look below the left headlight just in front of the left wheel the outside of the front splitter is gone on the right side you'll see a definitive extension with a little cup there just underneath it that helps add down force to the left side of the car the other thing that that little cup on the outside does on either side which is now missing on the left side not only does it help add down force but it helps direct air down the side of the car which adds downforce in different ways other than just the front end it helps direct air through radiators through wheel ducts all which help boat with cooling and downpour so that section being missing will affect the car will it do it to a great degree i don't know i've not piloted one of those but it's on there for a reason and now it's not on the left front of the 21. yeah probably as a result of digging through the grass there when he spun that car i'm sure or maybe the initial contact so the contact was on the right side but watch when the cars come through the grass jeremy there's the hit and there's the piece you can see it fly off as he slides down left side first that's kind of a ditch there a little swale and that left front of the splitter dug in and it took that piece completely off it did and um there's uh john brown's an extra excitement he's known as and he's showing again it was really unfortunate though i mean it's not the sort of place you expect the leader three to make a pass uh at that point of race at least he's just got to be patient and follow you through there if you're not completely alongside which he clearly wasn't at that point in the race the leader was not completely alongside that the slower car so you have to give respect to that uh driver even if he's not running in the same place as you he's going to make that corner as well and he wouldn't be able to because there's some contact between them but as so we've just seen a wholesale pit stops there the only car on the lead lap that did not make a pit stop was kind of a 33 that's ari baylor who's running in the seventh position he then now therefore will lead the race in caliber 33 he'll be sharing that car with a garrett grist uh 26 year old canadian who is super fast and uh and what's interesting about this fact is that the caution came just about 45 minutes into the the race uh and so from here to the end i think everybody's gonna have to make two more pit stops uh so but if he can stay out there there now it'll be potentially won fewer stop than everybody else and right now he has a track position so uh you know interesting strategy there by that junior three mo sports team to keep arie out on track when everybody else elected to come onto the pit lane yeah a bit of a gamble there for sure and go back to that incident with krantz and you were talking about something as the lead was extending and you were talking about concentration and i wonder i think back to now it was a long time ago okay it was a really long time ago but i think back to when i was driving and i can remember at lime rock park and i'll i'll give you the year to show you how long ago it was in 1990 it was in the toyota atlantic championship and i had a huge lead it was the first year the chicane was at the uphill and it was a legitimate chicane just past the apex of the uphill it's not where the extension is now at lime rock park and i was about to win in my mind i had already given myself the victory going down the back straightaway towards that chicane and i was counting points and prize money in my head that's how much concentration i had lost because of that lead and i turned in for the uphill and completely forgot the chicane was there because my mind was somewhere else and i spun and i spun out of the lead and consequently i didn't need to count points and prize money because i did not win that race but um but it's like you were talking about jeremy your concentration when you get that big lead it's hard to maintain it you know it's hard to maintain that focus and those little mistakes like the one i made like the one that i believe maurice krantz made in trying to go around john brownson there with that big lead it's easy to make those mistakes it's hard to stay focused when something inside of you is allowing your brain to kind of wander because you don't feel like you need to stay focused anymore and you're a pilot i got my pilot client pilot license many years ago one of the things the instructor my flight instructor told me was if you make one mistake don't make another no and that's exactly what is the case here for for for mortgage trans he made one mistake but he hasn't made any others and that car is still effectively in control of this race he's in second position right now with hugo uh the wilder at the at the at the controls but uh that was a that one little blemish aside it was an excellent first first hit for our championship leader well i think the thing that's interesting is when you look back in the fifth cat in the fifth place on the racetrack the 54 josh charger out of the 54. dakota dickerson is in the 34 just behind camo out colin mullen in and so david grant is now in for keith in the 40. rasmus linde in the six all of these drivers have experience on this racetrack and so now you've got dakota dickerson second in the championship thinking this is when i need to make hay three cars in front of me is the championship leader 10 points they had in hand coming in here i need to get this done because when they do their next pit stop 40 minutes from now you can be assured maurice krantz is getting back in if i'm gonna get it done and get in front of the 21 it needs to be now green flag waves restart underway ari baylo leads the field in the 33 to the flag and keep your eyes back a little further in the field look for dakota dickerson in the 54 to be charging to the front trying to get temperature pressures but he's got pressure from the 34. colin mullin looks to the inside of dakota dickerson as they head through three into four dickerson dives to the inside certainly a different aggressive aggressive level in what we saw from josh sarge who was behind the wheel of the 54 early on uh wow yeah that's that's exactly right colin mullin uh the youngster there uh not yet another youngster just 19 years of age from he's also from danville but not the dangle just down the road uh from the heat from here in virginia he's from danville california a suburb of uh of san francisco and uh in the bay area and he's gonna be charging hard now he's fast he's super confident as you said he's had a couple of wins in a gt4 mercedes for effectively the same team cockpit racing west last time out very impressive wins as well so he's going to be charging hard here but out in the lead we see a change already baylor has already i think capitulated so it's the wilder who leads now for rasmus linda another very talented scandinavian in fact is from rottenburg in sweden a very accomplished open wheel driver as well he made his indie lights debut uh last month uh in uh with with the coast racing and he is now back in a prototype kind of driving this car all season long with dan goldberg and he wants a win [Music] [Applause] piece of debris either from the racetrack or from one of the cars as they came down the back straightaway that time and it went flying into the air i believe it was off the number six this is down the straightaway look this second car in line the number six it's a shock cover and off it goes it is now gone that's the shot cover on the number six of rasmus lin it's gone it shouldn't create too much drag but it will create a little low pressure area which will have some drag with it and he won't have the straight line speed that he was hoping to have meanwhile the first two have checked out payload has dropped to third grant in the 40 just behind and then dickerson dakota dickerson right behind him the 34 colin mullin and stephen mclear trying to hold on to the rear wing of colin mullin in the 43 just behind yeah and uh you've got his attention assuming he wasn't he wasn't too blinking at this time i would assume that would have started as kind of a vibration jeremy as it began to flutter he may have felt that thought what is going on but it cleared itself pretty quickly number 61 when danny code for george staples is not consumed after a split stop came in along with everybody else but that car has already tied up the uh lp's three two championship for this season unfortunately many takers in that class this season they've already tied up by that title but uh i'm trying disappointed not to be out in the race at the moment but what a race it is developing into now we've got two leaders who stretched out a little bit over the rest of the field now baylor doing a super job there to hold on in third position ahead of keith grant dakota dickinson colin mullen stephen mccleary trent hinman all in his wheel tracks as well the only one of those leading cars that did not change driver is brian thinus he kind of a 17 he's also hanging on there very very well indeed uh and the number three car uh was also he's also on the lead lap in the in the 10th whoops i was gonna say that's frustrating mike mike skeen just came out of the pits in contact there paula mullen into the side of david grant skiing in the three just leaving the pits and that kind of bunched things up there in the 3-4 complex allowed the 54 of dakota dickerson to get through but man that was tight down there if you can see the frustration for dakota dickerson trying to get through there so aggressive behind the wheel he knows this is the opportunity and right now the 21 and the six are getting away those two working together pulling away from the rest of the battle behind dakota dickerson desperate to get past he is that was uh you know off course excursion there for uh for keith grant and coming back on there very very fast he didn't want to lose any any more position didn't he but he's battle at the front of the field now google the world uh holding on ahead of rasmus linde uh it's a ducane against alicia again but legion is second and third now with arie baylor having yet to make a pit stop still holding on to that position in third holding up that whole train of cars behind him rasmus land dan goldberg fifth in the championship they are mathematically removed from winning it but hey you can certainly finish second or third you want to finish as far off the order in the championship as you can and the best way to do that is to win races right now the 54 dakota dickerson trying to get past the 33 i talked about the aggressiveness the desperation dakota dickerson needs to get to the front he needs to hunt down the 21. he needs the six to do some of the work for him he's cheering for erasmus lynn right now who's running just behind dewilda and dakota dickerson all over the back avari baylo and you got to give it to baylo doing a great job of holding off dickerson he really is yeah but uh dakota you know you got past uh the number 40 car on that previous lap when the the when keith grant was off the road in turn he could have turned three and now he's closed up he's still going to dickerson onto the tail of arie baylor but joe he he he's very experiences to kona dickerson uh he's he's won championships in all sorts of different categories and he knows it's there's still two hours just under two hours remaining in this race a long long way to go he's not going to get carried away and make a low percentage move he wants to make sure it's a clean pass on arie below he knows he's faster than aries not a professional driver uh as his decoder so he's just gonna provide his time make him get a good run out of a corner here pick one and make a clean pass that's what dakota will be looking for he'd be looking to try and get a good run out of hong kong onto the front straight and maybe he can drag past on that front straight but i know the number 33 car that's one of the cars that's running a little bit less downforce than some of the other contenders so it is quite pretty quick on the straight you can see it's pulled away a little bit on the straight there compared to dakota dickerson they get into the braking area though and the number 54 closes in again so that strategy of running the low down force that's why it works because it makes it even more difficult for somebody to overtake you it's got to happen in here for dakota dickerson you were thinking the exact same thing that i was there's the aggressive move breaking zone to four dickerson through he's got the position but that's exactly what i was thinking jeremy i was looking at ari baylor down the straightaway and thinking he's pulling two three four car lengths over dakota dickerson it didn't take long to kind of analyze what downforce settings they were running because they're both in the league chassis but baylo certainly has top speed and that's that decision that you've got to make early on what are you going to run you look at on the league chassis the dive planes like the number six car the second in order the legion chassis dive planes underneath the headlights pretty well scooped you see them and they've got lips on the side that's a higher downforce setting if you look back to arie ariebello's number 33 what you would see on that legend is the dive planes are almost flat and horizontal so he's running very little downforce those dive planes almost flat that's what gives him that straight line speed over the other car see him there just in front of the headlights now they're just horizontal that's the lowdown for setup yeah and dakota dickerson again you know he's done his homework there he knew as you were suggesting bran till that the turn four was gonna be gonna give him his best opportunity to make him pass get a good round out of three get alongside him going into four he was clearly alongside in a breaking area uh move done nice a nice aggressive decisive move from dakota dickinson up into the third position he's now going to try and track down lee even with that pass he's just turned his best lap of the race to go to dickinson in that third place car man this is a good battle stephen mcaleer in the 43 colin mullin in the 34 and they are going at it hammer and tongs there into turn one a little bit of a squeeze by mullin mclare having nothing to do with it and they were side by side through a couple of corners two very very talented sports car drivers i will tell you though what i was noticing as far as aerodynamic bits and pieces on the cars maybe good news for dakota dickerson jeremy and that is rasmus lin seems to be running a very similar downforce package at least to the naked eye that dakota dickerson is running and i don't see the wild up pulling away all that much down the straightaway in the duquesne chassis so perhaps if dickerson can get there he'll be able to battle with maybe a couple of car wink links the decaying has but he's not just driving away i don't think it had the top speed that the 33 of valo had well you might be right that's going to be very very interesting oops 74 car off the road again uh that's not the first time he's got it just jason rabe again same place he was off before isn't it yeah that's some damage to the rear wing this time he's gonna have to come to pit lane obviously it's deranged the splitter underneath and also the rear wing and hopefully it stays on as he heads down the straightaway here and does not depart because that could create another full course caution if it came to rest in the middle of the racetrack hopefully jason can get that car back to pit lane they can affect repairs and get it done i'm gonna think it happened similarly except there was another car right there i wonder if the other car was involved as well but ended up in almost the exact same spot that he was before this time with the opposite end of the car striking the tire wall and this time with damage which he did not have last time colin mullin all over the gearbox of the yellow number 40 just in front now showing keith grant behind the wheel so perhaps they didn't do the driver change because after the pit stop it was showing david in the car but it doesn't really matter who's in it colin mullin trying to get by it so is stephen mcaleer and just behind them the number three of mike skeen he is down a lap but behind skiing is trent hinman charging forward in the number seven alan brynjolfsson started that car had a couple of problems but hinman man with that full course caution it was perfect for them it has brought him back into the battle it has but he slipped back a bit uh shortly after the restart but he has now made up that ground again and back onto that train of cars and you're talking about that battle between colin mullin and stephen mclear uh coincidentally those two those two cars because it's mainly his co-driver uh steve nicholas excuse me uh colin mullins co-driver that was battling with stephen mclean in the gt4 series over the last couple of weekends so once again they found themselves together on the racetrack dakota dickerson uh set a new fastest lap at a race last time around is that that's mullen off the road doesn't it often hog pin a long slide he hasn't hit anything skiing trying to get past stephen mcelro skeen out breaks himself into turn one he is off skeen was trying to get his lap back only his second appearance in a prototype challenge machine this year finished on the podium the first time he was in it and he's trying to keep it moving and again the wet grass here and slick michelin tires is a problem colin mullen i believe may be stuck there just off the front straightaway yeah that's unfortunate was a contact between those two uh it was uh the number 33 car was slowing to come into the pit lane i wonder whether that caused uh that uh incident there could well have been uh and uh most unfortunate for mullin the castle kind of pointed the wrong way sir he slows right down yeah yeah he blocked the number 40 cars he was heading towards the pit lane colin muller was stuck on the outside nothing he could have done about that that was a uh that was a uh well unfortunately it's one of these that's going to happen here but uh ari bale of there you know slowed up in the middle of the corner and caused the constantina behind him yeah i think i think grant actually gets into him look at him come off the corner grant has no idea that balo's going to slow to come into the pit lane you don't see it from that angle but from the angle looking down the racetrack the other direction watch this well this is this is skiing off in one [Applause] get back to pogpin and you'll see that one view looks like he just moves to avoid but on the other view i think what you'll see is that there's actually contact this may look so grant hits the back of the 33 then slides left colin mullen gets put off the racetrack by grant that's that contact that put mullen to the outside all precipitated by ari baylo and baylo to me looked like he was out in the fast lane slowing down he in my mind he should have been tucked further right if he was going to commit to the pit lane absolutely right you should have been and um you know he's not a pro driver and but uh lack of respect there i think he's trying to carry as much speed through that final corner that's fine uh but uh he he should have made his intentions clear and there's several ways to do that uh these cars do have uh turn signals i think don't they uh there's various things you can do uh to to to make sure the driver behind you knows you're gonna be lifting off the throttle as soon as you come out of that corner because keith grant was was already looking to the inside which is where baylor needed to be to get across the pit lane yeah it's kind of one of the vagaries of this race right there that it's a fast final corner but i think you can carry all the speed through there then move across to the inside but he he left his move to the inside a little bit too late did baylog and that to cause that concertina effect and really unfortunate for paulie just to get stuck in the grass he's on a little bit of an upslope there wet grass no way to get that car even turned around so you can go downhill on that big grassy area and get back onto the racetrack um but uh you know really unfortunately that's going to bring out a full course caution with there's about one hour and 52 remaining in this race so we're closing in jeremy on a normal race length for prototype challenge an hour and 45 minutes is the normal sprint distance for prototype challenge to what we run all year long but now effectively for dakota dickerson it's a sprint race distance with just him driving do expect to see crayons back in the 21 at some point in time i would expect to see lynn stay in the six championship implications are big here the 54 has done exactly what they needed to do we chronicled the problems that they had in qualifying the broken drive shaft they had to start from the back of the field they've been patient when they needed to be patient aggressive when they needed to be and at this point in time they've moved that 54 up sitting third right now behind the safety car and the championship leader is within striking distance for dakota dickerson yeah very much so and uh you know this is a potential opportunity to make that splash and go that some of these teams might need then again if the caution i don't think the course should be terribly long i think in fact actually we're within 15 minutes of the previous quarter so this will be a short yellow so the pits will actually not be opened you won't be able to make a pit stop right now and that number 33 team by the way they they did make that uh that pit stop and i think our our back on lead lap where is kind of a 33 which look at the tracker here and uh see it actually but i'm presuming that uh the car is out uh and uh and back on the lead lap i would expect should have been able to make that stop i think and stay on the lead lap you would think always good to see the fans who come out to virginia international raceway always come out in droves and even with the weather being a little iffy this weekend grant stands still full of fans watching emsa prototype challenge on the hillside as well and those boys added a little early in the day but that's what happens when you go to the racetrack jeremy true and look at the tents the campers that are here for the weekend a lot of families come out and stay for the weekend and tents and motorhomes and make a weekend of racing here at vir and it's a great place to come this is one of the finest facilities in north america not only for the drivers but for the fans as well uh great events a go-kart track up the way that i've bruised myself on once or twice with uh some of my compadres in the broadcast world we would never tell our producers that we were going to go to the go-kart truck it's the age-old you're better to ask forgiveness than permission right [Laughter] just don't get hurt is what you would hear and they kind of give you that frown and it was almost like a parent saying you know better so where is the number 33 car he's is he in that train i think he might be a lap down eight i think maybe he is i think he's a lap i can't see on the tracker there's any cars kind of at the uh they're not yet packed up behind everybody so yeah i don't see any damage to it which is no i think he just he lost a lot when he came into the pits you know before the caution period came out but uh what's at 91 wasn't able to get back out again because they they yeah they came in to make the pits up as we saw they were doing that's right what effectively effectively caused the yellow effect wasn't the fact he was pitting uh he the yellow didn't come out because he get he likely made his pit stop the yellow came out because he slowed uh too quickly coming into his pit stop but when he resumed he wasn't able to do so before the leaders have gone past griss potentially the fastest man in this field or the fastest car in this field is now a lap down to everybody else so that's uh that's uh he's gonna have to work his way through here uh and then you hope for another judiciously timed caution period or go like the clappers to make up a lap which is awfully difficult around here and remember this jeremy there are minimum pit stop times if you take fuel there's no such thing as a splash the way i understand the rules if you come here that's right in the car it's 91 seconds that's right and that's and that first that first round of pit stops then here we go we're gonna go back to green then we've got 37 laps now it is on time to get it done if you're going to do it gold or lind i should say around the outside look at dakota dickerson from third is he gonna take over the lead he's side by side with dewilda up into turn three no there may have been a little contact and now rasmus lin trying to get back by this is aggressive stuff well and these are the two championship leading cars number 21 car leads championship by just uh 10 points uh over the number 54 dakota dickinson so that that attempt to pass was not only for the lead of this race but also potentially the lead in the championship as well for to go to dickerson he's really on the case here he's caught right up again despite that big slide he had in turn he's caught right up again with hugo the wilder as they head up the hill through the climbing up toward every turn forget the complicated math what could be what should be who can move this that the other it's very simple jeremy whichever car finishes in front of the other one takes the championship lead is in the championship lead when we leave here at virginia international raceway dakota dickerson a lot more experience in this type of car in the lmp3 machinery than dewilda out in front in the 21. he needs to get this done before krantz gets back in and it looks like the 21 may have a little bit of straight line speed we know that the 54 running a little bit higher downforce setting through hog pin this first lap dickerson with a good run let's look at the gap and what happens to it as they get down towards turn one different type cars duquesne chassis in the hands of dewilda out in front then the league and alicia in the hands of erasmus lind in third dickerson if he's got the higher downforce this is where you take advantage of it what can you do under breaking impressed with dewilda the 18 year old belgian out in front doing a great job a lot of pressure we talked about this jeremy reese krantz's championships are squarely on the shoulders of this teenager yeah true and that that's a lot of responsibility to bear isn't it uh for hugo he believes uh don nice job there to maintain that lead at the end of the straight and clearly dakota dickerson was able to get that dj chassis up to speed right away at that restart you talked about a little bit earlier on grind so that the chicanes sometimes take just a little bit more time to build the heat and pressures into their michelin tires and dakota dickerson was trying to take advantage of that but the builder the wilder thought him off and now they're absolutely nose to tail as they head up hill on the roller coaster yeah dickerson with a great run off of oak tree that time but looks like the duquesne maybe half a mile an hour or so more difficult to get anything done right in here maybe on the last lap you can stick your nose down inside but we already saw maurice krantz trying to get past lap traffic and the perils that await you if you do it wrong and for dakota dickerson just trying to take measure right now the 21 in front okay what does that car have that i don't where is he quick where do i close on him where do i have an advantage where is there a disadvantage as the 47 has just come out of the pit lane this is going to be a pick and look at lin in the six up beside dickerson he takes the position wow great opportunist move there by uh by the swede rasmus lin to get past the similar cartoon legion is there of course and the number 47 lederhosen doing a respectful job there to get out of the way of the leaders he knows he's many laps down now after those uh successive pit stops uh he's six laps off the pace is dario so hats off to him therefore for getting out of the way of those leaders let them get on with their battle rasmus lynn now in second perhaps dakota dickerson josh charges championship hopes rest with rasmus lin let him take the battle to dewilda let him go up there and fight and if the two get tangled up dickerson can get through he'd like to do it on his own he'd like to clear both of them and set sail but i'm not sure the speed exists in the 54 right now jeremy no i mean and the the the lap times 42-6 last time you know it's difficult to overtake around here isn't it brian it's uh it's uh we've seen how difficult it is to rotate these cars are very very closely matched and uh if if one car's got the straight line speed it's really difficult to get alongside in the braking area to make a pass we saw dakota dickerson try it several times he's made a couple of passes at to turn four which for him is the best you know the best opportunity but i think you know this stage was still uh one hour 40 minutes remaining this is the normal uh race length for these cars so we've got effectively now our three ways distance to go and we've got a heck of a battle up in front here with uh who go to wilder rasmus lim to cody dickinson and stephen mclean pretty much knows to tell trent hinman is not is his is poised as well and that bright yellow gold weighted with archangel uh leger as well well and for trent hinman in that bright yellow number seven he's got this gnat behind him and garrett grist grist being shown a lap down but not letting hinman get away filling his mirrors that's not for position but if grist gets by it throws a car between hinman and are in front and that makes it difficult then for hinman to get past mclear so that's the problem when you have a mic scheme that we see in the number three and for garrett grist they're a lap down tony's chasmets in there as well another very very fast race car driver thrown into the mix and even though they're a lap down they're not just going to disappear there's chasmets in the black orange and white number 60 just behind him mike skeen skiing with his problems earlier in turn one went off there lost positions but now keith grant in the sixth position [Applause] you grist all over you talk about how quick he is and this prototype challenge machinery and he is not letting himman get away oh and uh chris he said the fastest lap of the weekend so far in the official session that was the first session of the weekend on friday turned a woman at 40.6 last time around for garrett christ was a 142.5 which is that car's fastest lap in this race so far so still a couple of seconds away from the the cars potentially rasmus lin challenging once again as they head around on turn one is he gonna be able to make a move and turn four on our race it will go to wilbur and a problem for the 40 grant off down in turn one don't know if there was contact involved there but think about this as far as the championship goes as grist has gotten past hinman we were talking about how quick he is hinman needs to just say let him go and i wonder what the radio communication is right now to dewilda behind the wheel of the 21 if lind who has absolutely nothing to lose is putting too much pressure on there's the contact chasm it's grant side to side down in turn one and that sends grant off to the outside i'm sure that will be looked at by the officials to see if that was just fair hard-nosed racing if a little more than that but meanwhile up front what i was saying jeremy what are they saying to dewilda if if it gets too intense if there's too much pressure if linde is willing to risk too much do you let him through granted it's dickerson that's just behind you but all you need to do is finish in front of the 54. two spots is better than one but don't throw it all away if lynn gets to be too aggressive that's a good point uh raspberry on the last upset the fastest slap off the race at 141 with 8-4-0 for rasmus in that uh motel six car for uh performance techno sports it's kind of a six in second place at the moment and really putting the pressure on the wilder talk about the teenager with the pressure of kranz's championship on his shoulders he has been perfect to this point on the restart every lap that he's put in he's defended when he needed to and hasn't risked too much to keep lynn behind but lynn very aggressive and again you look at the championship implications of it jeremy and rasmus lynn dan goldberg in fifth their best finish of the season a second place at sebring a third at watkins glen last time out goldberg and lynn have had speed they would like to take a victory and they don't really have a lot to lose oh and there he goes around that's a danny sullivan that was crazy rasmus lind a spin off of turn ten look at this gets through a slide sideways the car hops a little bit starts to go over then comes back around a complete 360 and maintains the position and a problem for the 21 [Music] and just like that the championship complexion changes a problem for the 21 to wilder slow well off the pace so rasmus slips spun on that lap but now leads the race on the replay coming off and then a puff of smoke for dewilda as he came off of oak tree tracked out up shifting off of the corner and then he grabs the third gear fourth gear and a puff of blue smoke out of the back you were talking earlier jeremy and you shouldn't have said it you talked about how reliable the power plants were they're going to call you if indeed it's a problem with the engine it's going to be your fault 21 to the pit lane they'll fuel it just as a precaution they can't work on it yet they'll go ahead and fuel it just in case it's an easy fix and once the fuel is in i would expect to see the engine cover come off looked like they were even having see one of the mechanics in the back kind of given the cut sign across the throat don't shut the engine down here comes the engine cover [Music] just like that just like that 10 points was maurice krantz's lead coming in but it is not over it's an hour and 34 minutes to go and i'm just looking at the body language by those mechanics the one nearest the wall looked in and just hung his head and began to kind of slowly walk away indeed the 21 is out in the 54 stays the championship lead would go to the 54. i'm not even gonna go there yet with an hour and 33 minutes left to go in this race but even if the 54 works a drop out now and gorilda out you see his head shaking i think it's day done for the 21. [Music] it's why we race jeremy it's why we race you never know what's going to happen think about what just happened we saw rasmus lin a complete 360. the car airborne didn't lose a position carried on and two corners later the race leader came off the corner up shifted two times and a mechanical problem and now a problem for the 47. kangialosi in the fence this is a dramatic race isn't it and uh just astonishing to think that russell's lynch should spin on that last slap i end up in the lead of the race i've been in second place i still can't believe people can say that it was the oddest thing i've never seen one of these cars hop like that the car slid sideways we talked about it earlier it's 145 mile an hour corner the car slid sideways and then developed so much grip so much downforce watch the right side tires there's the slide they just dig in he starts to go over and you've got to think dakota dickerson was all over the brace going whoa this is going to be ugly and it was a look at the right side tires just dig in that's amazing and the car almost goes over and then around he releases the brakes well brian his lap time was a 144.8 including that spin his previous lap was a 42-0 so he only cost him two seconds on that lap but on his next lap he sets the fastest lap of the race we're under caution now we set the fastest lap of the race did rasmus slid a 141.535 for the young swede that was that was the easy couple of laps i've never seen anything like it i mean truly other than danny sullivan at the indianapolis 500 i've never seen anything like that but even sullivan didn't get airborne and look what all the turbulence has done not to the shot cover that's missing but to the windshield wiper sliding sideways going backwards like that completely inverted the windshield wiper that was that was truly bizarre so what does all that mean then so i don't know it means that we've only got uh i think we've only got now five cars on the lead lap uh because garrett grist he's up into second position on the road but he's still a lap behind uh the the race you know a lap and a car length behind rasmus lind the third car on the road is stephen here it is that's just incredible and you know what you have to give rasmus lind massive credit he gets on the curb the car starts to go around he steers into the slide you can see the correction with the front tires but he stays collected and here's how i know that watch the tires he releases the brake right there when he knows the car is about to come around and get to 360 he released the brakes which he had locked early he released the brakes so the wheels would turn and the car would roll and that's exactly what he did and it i mean masterful job masterful job he not may not have taken a breath yet inside the car but maybe now he can but just a spectacular job of driving by rasmus lin and now finds himself in the lead that's the other thing that's crazy to me that happened in turn 10 just two corners later that very same lap seconds later the leader of the race comes off the corner goes through two upshifts and loses the drivetrain of the engine yeah and it just that quickly it changes speaking of just that quickly rasmus lind just behind him has the fastest car on the racetrack garrett grist the lap down so jeremy all grist has to do is get past rasmus lin another full course caution and where is garrett grist indeed back on the lead lap he's back on the lead back around at the back of the field yeah that's right so the the third place car on the road behind of the race leader rasmussen and a lap down garrett christie column of 33 is dakota dickerson then in congress 54 he's running uh third position on the road but second in the race ahead of stephen mclear uh trent hitman brian thinus and a really fine job in this uh opening stint and he finds himself in fifth place and uh once uh the pits are openly i think we'll see that carl pitlane and uh and jacob edson taking over behind the wheel uh and then the first car lap down in sixth position is garrett grist mike skeen has all sorts of excitement is in seventh david grant now is at the wheel number 40 car getting they came in and made a pit stop right before this full course caution came out so they've lost a lap as well so effectively on the uh on the same kind of strategy if you like there as as garrett grist but he has made the driver change and a pistol so right now the 54 pits from second and this is a strategy call they did not need this fuel at this point in time although they were closing in on it one more stop will get them to the finish for sure 91 seconds the minimum time from the pit in line to the pit outline three working crew members on the car one fueling one for tires and you can actually have someone else working then a fire bottle person and a vent person if you need it for the fuel system but three working crew members and there's the other working crew member he's changing he had somebody changing the front tires and another crew member changing rear tires you saw the fueler so those are your working crew members and then the fire bottle is not considered a working crew member but you have to have him and if you need a vent person for the fuel system based upon the fueling apparatus that you have you can have a vent person out there and all this does is that time on pit road means you don't have to have multiple crew members you don't need to have more expensive equipment there's no time to be made on a pit stop by throwing money at it also makes it safer because no one's in a hurry to get things done you know that it's going to take some time to get it done and i think it's one of the rules that i love about that yeah i agree and oops big lock up trying to get some some heat into the tars there for a decoder dickerson that was a big lock up into turn one uh not uh not something you want to do too much however you don't want flat spots on those tyres um big puff puff of smoke he's left in his wake so hopefully those stars will be okay and he'll be able to catch up the field and get going again so yeah i'm sort of surprised that he was the only one to come on to the pits kind of make a pit stop during that caution period uh because in the past i i don't think you were able to refuel the cars under yellow were you but i think you can nowadays is that correct i was good with you saying all of that until the very end when you said is that right ryan as i'm trying to open up my 2021 sporting regulations oh you go nah well i have it on my computer which is what i'm looking for but okay fine but you threw me under the bus on that you know yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry well you know at least we're both under the same bus right well yeah and you and i do the same thing there there are so many rule books and sporting regulations and sporting codes running around in our heads that it's hard to keep them straight not wrong but uh so it looks like we're gonna go back to the green one i can't remember why this caution was period was called now four now 47 kangaroo oh that's right there yeah at turn four in the tire wall that brought that out but i this is interesting so the strategy with the 54 no one else took it the six rasmus lin with his danny sullivan can he spin and win the fastest car on the racetrack is garrett griss second on the racetrack if he gets by rasmus lin we have another full course caution he'll be back around to the back of the lead lap cars he'll be a contender for a win because he has been rocket ship fast in this machinery the championship we came in here only a ten point lead for maurice krantz he's out of this race with a mechanical problem the drama just continues to get added to here with an hour and 24 minutes to go round five of six for emsa prototype challenge in the 2021 season and the only three hour race on the calendar and it has been full of drama already just a little bit less than a normal sprint distance race to go from here at vir yeah so a lot to play out in the remaining uh in the rain time in this race that's for sure and uh yeah we're gonna have a we can go restart them do we never reset probably next time uh around but um you know the these uh the strategy is is always important in these long distance races and you've got to make sure you get it right but for rasmus lynn now he's going to come under pressure from mcgarrett grizzly he certainly doesn't want garrett grist back on the lead lap again he's going to try his hardest to keep that number 33 car behind him but at the same time he wants to make sure he doesn't make any mistakes as well but uh yeah both of those two uh garrett grist and rasmusselin they're both products of the the the road to indy the open world series that leads with the scholarships towards the the ntt indycar series both had a lot of success there in terms of wins neither actually won a championship but rasmus lin came very very close to winning two different championships in both usf2000 and in indy pro 2000 unfortunately came across the buzz buzz saw that was kyle kirkwood and beat him in both championships but in indy pro 2000 he only lost it at the final race by i think it was two points was a margin between lindt and kirkwood so clearly he's a supremely talented young man he's got this opportunity to join his performance tech motorsports team and he's grabbed it with with both hands as that 20 year old from from gothenburg in sweden rasmus lind well think about how many young drivers have come along at just the wrong time i'll throw our good friend out there as well calvin fish who during the formula for 2000 championship in great britain and i know you followed this with great interest during the time calvin one of the only drivers to beat airton cena in the formula for 2000 series of course he only did it like twice i think cena won the other 15 races i asked calvin once why didn't you get so frustrated that you took him out and come said why i couldn't get close enough to him but you think about the performance that he had i mean he was the guy that finished second to send up but second didn't matter and calvin's european career then moved to the united states and there have been a ton of those you guys when you race with guys like cena or a kyle kirkwood over here as we've seen in that ladder system in the past sometimes you're standing there raising your hand trying to do anything to get noticed and there are a lot of young drivers out there that have mega talent i will tell you jeremy it's one of the things i love about the prototype challenge series bronze and silver drivers only in the series and what that brings is very talented drivers who don't make their living doing this often times paired with young professionals who are trying to make a living doing this very talented drivers like we just named rasman lin stephen mcelr hinman dakota dickerson garrett grist mike skeen and and on colin mullin just looked through that list of young drivers that are there who are trying to make a name for themselves and they're using prototype challenge and really sports cars in general to do it there was a time when young drivers who started in open wheel ranks focused solely on open wheel ranks and i think we've seen this renaissance of sports car racing over the last several years thanks to the sanctioning bodies here in the states kind of embracing sports car racing as a whole and not just their package what that's done is build sports car racing and in my mind taking some of these youngsters out of the open wheel ranks saying hey you can make a living you can have a career driving sports cars and it's why we see the talent that we see these days yeah i completely agree with you and again going back to that uh that uh f2000 back in center calvin food says i was lucky enough to be to be covering the series that year all the junior series in the uk and to what calvin fish was a heck of a race car driver don't yeah don't say that he'll no seriously he seriously is and uh you know he doesn't really get the credit he he deserves because unfortunately he just as you say he came across iron center and unlike uh other drivers including senna calvin had not done a year of formula ford 1600 before stepping up to f2000 he went straight from go-karts to to and at cena as it turned out and actually was apparent then was clearly very very special so for calvin to be running with him and beating him on several occasions was no mean feat but i mean think of that when you look at those feeder series especially in europe and you run down the list of formula one drivers who were there that that moved on but didn't move on to the top rights because they were second or third and they were second or third to someone who was truly special like we were just talking about same with drivers over here and as you were talking about in the road to indie series or in formula regional americas or f4 us it's the same thing you know it the talent is so deep there are so many of them out there it's why as i said the renaissance of sports car racing over the last five to ten years has been great because it's brought a lot of that talent into the sports car field whether that's in prototypes or in gt based machinery it's why i love series like this because we get to see some of that young talent um paired with some of these drivers who don't make a living doing this and it not only makes for great racing on the racetrack but it makes for some great friendships going forward and some some great education as far as the business world for some of these young drivers to pair with some of these drivers you know and it gives them an opportunity to not have only have fun driving good quality race cars but understanding the business world as well we're about to understand racing and prototype challenge because we're back to green with an hour and 18 minutes to go rasmus lin in the number six out front second car the bright yellow and black number 33 a lap down garrett grist trying to keep stephen mcelroy behind him because grist wants to get past the blue and red number six get his lap back and get back in contention here at virginia international raceway if he can get past the six and we get another full course caution he'll circle around the track and come back to the back of the leaders and have a shot at this look at the intense battles a little further back remember dakota dickerson in the 54 just behind the red and white 17 right there just pitted during this full course caution a strategy move for them their nearest competitor in the championship championship leader coming into vir maurice grants is out [Music] could be a big point stay jeremy for dakota dickerson and josh charger 13 lmp3 won entries in the field today that should classify the 21 car i think by the end of the day as probably 13th or 14th in the field maybe 180 points for them when it's all said and done and if dakota dickerson josh sargeant can finish up on the podium could be a big point stay it was only 10 point lead for krantz when they came in to the race this weekend round five of six yeah and he could actually end up being even worse for uh the 21 team because they all those cars are behind them because they've had problems the 247 most people was 37 and 74 and a number 61 for a conquest racing they're all back on the racetrack uh still several laps behind 21 but we don't think the 21 is going anywhere at all and the other guys are so finally after a long time in the pits uh george steakhouse has taken over the wheel of that column of 61 many laps down but uh he is running second in the p32 task out of the two cars but it was already just by starting the races since the championship for that team and uh danny koch and george staples stephen mcelro now in second in the 43 robillard racing that duquesne chassis and he was saying that he's one of the drivers that i spoke to said he felt like the legie was the faster car around this racetrack lap time wise overall in good conditions but it's where you make that lap time right now the number seven of trent hinman just behind him two young guns mclear and hinman with lind out in front then dakota dickerson who should be if they continue on to finish this race the championship leader at the end of the day and it's just how you know you think about what's going on in the mlt motorsports camp that fields that 54 car and you they made that strategic move to fuel on that last pit stop and you've got to think that they're thinking about nothing other than trying to win this race jeremy if they can take maximum points away when the 21 has their worst day on the season that could mean a lot as we head into the final round at michelin raceway road atlanta in just a few weeks time well you're absolutely right there and if you can win this race it'll pretty much put to the championship uh out out of out of reach for the number 21 team because that would require if if they go on to win the race number 54 and that would require another 54 card to have the same sort of bad luck and be out very early in the race of the finale in order for 21 team to make up enough points to to catch up again so let's look there's still i should say an hour and 14 minutes remaining in this race dakota dickerson makes the move there on uh one of the uh lapped cars he's dropping relatively conservative at this stage he knows now that uh he and his co-driver josh sasha are looking very very good in the championship so absolutely no mistakes whatsoever now that's the primary focus for dakota dickerson in the remaining time in this race if he can finish the top four or five that'll still give him a very handy lead into the the final race at the petite le mans weekend at michigan raceway road atlanta next month well that's why i feel like they made that pit stop you know you don't want to get mixed up there you want to win the race let's try it see if we can do it with some strategy everybody else is going to have to pit why don't we go ahead and do it now see if we can get positioned by doing it with pit strategy that way we don't have to go wheel the wheel we would like to win the race we'd like to take maximum points away from vir but let's not go wheel to wheel with somebody if we don't have to right now we need a good finish and if we can win this with strategy that's what we'll do that's why we saw that pit stop yeah exactly right but meanwhile out of the front of the field remains rasmusselind in that motorcycle we've seen uh george stake off going for a spin there in the conquest racing entry yet another spinner at the exit of uh well the old oak return was a huge oak tree uh parked uh parked uh planted uh on the inside of that turn as he just got on the throttle a little bit uh too quickly there george stegos coming out of that final quarter this is george he's a successful businessman from the toronto area of canada uh it's effectively his first season of racing first full season race he was supposed to race last year but with kovid and the problems getting out of canada uh they he raced very little last season so he doesn't have a lot of experience but he is gaining it and that was you know an experience there to spin at the old oak tree turn and oak tree of course uh sadly uh perished in a major thunderstorm here several years ago now that as a remark of respect that is still known as true corner i was gonna say it will always be oak tree and you have to think too that for george stegos and nick johnson right now in the 15 the two lmp3 two entries here that is the older car it does not have traction control so it is easy to take that power from that five liter v8 in the back and get a little too greedy with the loud pedal there on the right and a little bit of wheel spin in that very very tricky area of turn 11 and 12 and you can lose the rear end relatively quickly and as you said stay coast not a lot of experience and that just kind of bit him up there that time the good thing is slowest area of the racetrack you typically don't hit anything up there with a spin like that and he didn't was able to get it re-fired and back underway meanwhile garrett grist still putting the pressure on rasmus lin we said that lind and goldberg are going to be aggressive and try to win this race they've got a second they've got a third but they do not have a win this would be huge for them dan goldberg was really impressive both last year and this year in the opening rounds very very quick rasmus lin very talented and once they started pairing together that six really came alive it did yeah a couple of second place finishes for rasmus linden back in the predecessor of this championship the old prototype challenge series as it used to be back in when they had the the land chassis uh dan actually did win a couple of races uh back in the early uh 2010s uh he made his debut in that championship back in 2010 he won a couple of races for the same team uh but he has not yet won a race in an lmp3 car and would dearly love to do so today did you see garrett grisly see that that wasn't lockup it was almost lock up jeremy that is somebody breaking at the absolute limit that left front just notching over it kept turning shot the tire smoke off of it but it was rolling over obviously slower than the the speed of the car across the ground but that left front is the unweighted tire most of the load is over on the right front which is why that left front was rolling slower and you saw the tire smoke off of it you can't brake any better than that that won't flat spot the tire because the wheel didn't stop but i mean that was what you see out of a formula car driver who can actually see the tire watch this you'll never be able to read michelin on the side of that left front oh it stopped for just a second you made a liar out of me but i mean that was a tenth of a second maybe that it stopped but that was just spectacular breaking yeah how hard is he pressing there's an idea there's an idea yeah and you gotta you know you want to you go off the brakes as soon as that will begin to lock up you get off brakes you see the pressure a little bit then hard on again just slow it down for the corner make sure it doesn't miss the corner entirely but you know that's as you say that's on the limit driving for uh that uh number 33 cut off garrett brisk but rasmus lind is soaking up the pressure last time around was a 145 141.562 which was within fractions of a second of his best lap of the race so far which is the fastest lap of the race so rasmus sling is right on the limit there in that leading car the motel six car uh in the blue and red colors but think about this jeremy we've we've heard anywhere between 50 and 57 minutes on fuel and if you go to the 50 mark that means you need to be able to run another 18 minutes if you can get 55 out of it you can run another 13 minutes we need to keep an eye on the race clock at the top and see where we have cars coming in because if you stop before an hour left to go in this race or even shortly after an hour to go in this race you might have to come back in and again with a minimum pit stop time anytime you fuel the car it's a 91 second pit stop so you have to keep that in mind you don't want to do that extra stop because every stop that you put fuel on it is that link yeah and as you see you basically lose a lap just about a lap making a fuel stop here so that's something that all these teams are going to bear in in mind and uh you know it's still you know we're still over now remaining when do you make uh that that final pit stop we saw a couple of cars coming during that previous caution period number 54 car in particular number 40 also as a lap down uh david grant is now at the wheel number 40 car uh having taken over from his brother keith and they are running also one lap down in the eighth position three cars on lap down number 33 is garrett chris who's trying desperately to get back on the lead left but he can't find a way past our race leader rasmus lind also won that down about uh he's actually seven seconds piano number the ground in number three car is mike skeen running seventh [Music] [Applause] matching the pace of the leader rasmus lin lap after lap and as you said just cannot find a way by land up on the apex curving at oak tree that time by but still maintains the momentum and looking at the front end of the legie chassis both of these cars it leagues like the 33 running less front down force with that just flat dive plane just below the headlights for rasmus lin you see a much more aggressive dive plane under the headlights they're on the 33 they're almost flat that's minimal front down force that they're running and they'll balance that with rear downforce the rear wing he should have better straight line speed but if he can't get off the corner it's not going to matter he closes up a little bit looks to the inside under breaking side by side the car twitches and he's through garrett grist is through but is lynn going to let him have it i think at this point time if your rasmus land you go okay you got me have at it and go i'm not gonna throw a race win away because a lap car got their lead back the interesting thing is you saw how much the 33 twitched in the brake zone downforce is not only good in the corners but it helps the car stay planted in the brake zone and for garrett grist we saw his braking earlier into turn four and he is all over it and that car twitchy with that lack of downforce he gets it done he's back on the lead lap if we get another full course caution garrett grist could come into play for this race win certainly for a podium finish in the 33. yeah very much so uh but he is going to be another fuel stop as well though so uh he's going to have to need some some good fortune i think to to make that happen and meanwhile in third place that vault lighting machine of uh trent hinman he's maintaining the pace of those two leaders just two seconds behind him and he's running the same times as the leaders that actually was treating him as fastest lap of the race last time right 141.9 uh but uh he's certainly pushing hard and trying is able to maintain the same sort of pace as both rashford flint and stephen mcalee ahead of him behind them in the fourth position dakota dickerson again he's just turned his best lap off the race as well yeah mlt most wants car number 54 a 141 with eight seven three round five of the 2021 emsa prototype challenge championship underway from virginia international raceway just over an hour to go this was a three-hour race the only three-hour race on the 2021 calendar big championship implications when we came in only 10 points separated maurice grant from dakota dickerson and josh charger grants problems with his teammate you go to wild up behind the wheel that car is out and for the 54 of dakota dickerson who runs fourth on the racetrack right now this could be a big big day in the championship could really separate themselves from france with just one race to go at the final round at michelin raceway road atlanta in just a few weeks time and uh each of the second third and fourth place cars number 43 7 and 54 all turned again their best laps on that last lap with the uh slight mistake i think rasmussen was kind of caught uh caught off guard there at turn one i don't think he realized that garrett grist had a run on him and he had the inside line before he even knew he was there and as a result that it cost rise was a little bit of time over a second compared to a second and third and fourth place yeah mcaleer considerably quicker that time hinman right there within a couple of tenths of macular that's second and third on the racetrack and for stephen mcaleer and joe robillard two top five finishes the last two rounds and they have been strong steven was really hopeful of the performance of that robillard racing duquesne here at vir loves this racetrack has run well here in the past joe robillard a great opening stint not putting a wheel wrong he's handed that car over and these longer races give these driver pairings where you have a gentleman driver and a pro driver a little better opportunity to finish farther up the order it gives that pro driver a little more time to get things done and that's exactly what stephen mcelroy is doing right now and jeremy when that gap closes inside two seconds now it just does something to you as a driver they're a little closer the rabbit's a little closer and it's almost like they're pulling you closer each lap you seem to find a way to pick up another tenth or two to me it was easier to run fast when i had somebody to chase yeah i yeah fair comment it is uh but uh oh look at this car they've got it back out again okay uh that's uh that's start working right now that car is is still one lap ahead of courtney crone who's taken over from jason raven number 74 car so he's like wow they've done a good job to get that car going and whatever the problem was they clearly wasn't terminal and that could be very very significant so running now in the 12th position is car number one meanwhile a quick shout out also garrett grist you talked about having somebody to chase and going faster well now in clean air he's able to use that straight line speed advantage that he had and he's just turned the fastest lap in the races kind of the 33 garrick wrist 141.1 but this is big news for hugo de wilder in that number 21 car to get back out into this race he seems to be up to speed as he's coming through the through the s yeah he wasn't holding back at all garrett grist meanwhile as you said moving forward as he's moved out from rasmus lin but stephen mcelro really closing down on linde in front of him although the last time by he was shown yeah i was going to say there was a problem with timing and scoring for a minute he was shown nine and a half seconds back but i could see him lurking back there and right now for rasmus land he's going to catch the 61 of george stakos at exactly the wrong place on the racetrack he's going to catch him in the climbing s's and that's going to give stephen mcelro an opportunity to close a little more certainly rasmus lin respects turn 10 maybe a little earlier more than he did earlier in the day jeremy after the problem he had there mcelroy gets sparked a little bit by the 61. yeah and uh george taylor saw the first car coming and left him plenty of room i don't think he saw mcaleer coming took me by surprise there uh i'm actually he just heard his best lap last time around 141.4 so he made up nearly a second on the last lap over rasmus linda i think that cost him some momentum as he had to get pastoral stakeholders after the oak return but still he's charging hard and stephen mclean in that second place carving robert go to sports steven mackel here no stranger to victory lane but in emsa prototype challenge competition it has been a dry spell he would like to hunt down lynn and he and joe robillard have such a great relationship such close friends if stephen mcelroy could bring a win home for joe robillard here at vir that would be a huge huge day meanwhile rasmus lin trying to do the same for dan goldberg and trent hinman holding down third i just don't think that he has the consistent pace that mcelroy and lind have i think there's some magic in that number seven car but to me jeremy it doesn't seem like it's a car that trent hinman can drive consistently quick yeah it does seem that way doesn't it i i agree with you and uh garrett grist has reset fastest lap but fractionally quicker 41.158 uh compare that to the only the only other driver in the 41s is uh actually colin mullins just started 141.7 in the count of 34 he had uh i spent another pit the longer pit stop for some reason number 34 guy had been off the road earlier on uh and the only other car in the 41s is a dakota dickerson in fourth place trying to track down trent inman and hats off to colin mullin for that lap after the problems that he had with the kerfuffle onto the front straightaway when the 33 was about to come in checked up caught keith grant by surprise grant moved hit mullen mullins off the racetrack had a great run going in the top five even though he's now five laps off the leader they that car back on track and colin mullin showing just how quick of a race car driver he is down in the 41 with some of the fastest cars on the racetrack right now but well back in the order now the leader to pit road 57 minutes and change to go jeremy and this could be the last stop absolutely it's the last stop i think you know this is uh 57 minutes is about the limit of these leisurely cars uh so it's it's as early as he as he can possibly make it and uh you know he's gonna make that uh that's switch now and they will take on fuel and the fresh tasks by the guitars going on to that car so brand new set for rasmus lind to finish off this race and the number 43 car also on to pit lane and the number seven as well so dakota dickerson uh who made his stop uh a while ago is out now in the lead of this race but he's gonna need to stop as well there's no way dakota dickerson can go to the end that's for sure he does inherit the lead and the 43 is in and remember minimum time on pit road is 91 seconds you cannot really make time on a pit stop unless your competitor has a problem if you both match the minimum time whatever the gap was when you came into pit lane is what the gap should be question is the tires that are going on the car we saw sticker tires going on the number six not sure what tires are going on the 43 and what i mean by that jeremy is sticker tires versus scrubs so the 43 was away sooner the six out in front but if you've got scrubs if you're stephen mcelro and you already have a set of michelin tires that has been scrubbed run a lap or two they will come in quicker than the sticker tires and lend with lock up on those stickers down into turn one as soon as he gets there there's the 33 of grist bye so that is that's four position isn't it yeah but of course christa also will need another pit stop for the end of this race and here's the thing this is where drivers make time where the good drivers can really really make a difference and that is on those cold tires on sticker tires if you can stay balanced stay calm but still provide lap time even with minimal grip on those cold tires before they have temperature before they have pressure that's where the magic is really made on those out laps same thing with an in-lap if you can maintain the pace and do everything break at the last minute get it down to the pit lane speed limit at the line and not 20 feet before you can make time but the out laps really really important it is very very uh critical there and by the way i think number 47 cars just gone behind the walls oh no it's just actually just showing us coming back out again i was going to say gone back behind the wall but apparently it's just another lap so it uh uh but uh the number 21 car by the way is still running in 12th position and has a couple of laps in the hand over number 74 but out in front now dakota dickerson on his own last lap around with another 41 for dakota and in that second position now is gareth bristo albeit almost a complete lap behind mike skein now to the pit lane and i want to give this shout out to both tony's chasmets in the 60 and mike skeen in the number three two drivers who are not on the lead lap cars problems early on and weren't a part of it and both of those guys the consummate professionals tony's kazmitz one of the hardest-nosed drivers in the field in anything that he runs including if you go meet him up on the go-kart track here at vir he doesn't let anybody have a position but both of those drivers saw the leaders coming through knew their position within this race and made it easy for the leaders to get by tony's chasmets did it a couple of laps ago mike skeen just did it for dakota dickerson down the back straight away so even though mike skeen tony's chasm is not having the best of days hats off to those guys consummate professionals like i said enough there's a pit stop there for a mike skiing the second one the final one of the day for that number three card it was still a lot down to the leaders before making this stop so it's uh it was a good first it by mark sharon there just making his effectively making his serious debut he tried to do a race early this season but didn't actually didn't actually start the racing it was that was that um yeah watkins glenn uh and didn't actually get to start the race although for some reason he was created with championship points i'm not sure why that why that was uh but he's he had a good first hit he handed over that car to mike skeen [Music] both might have had an off at one stage in the game but the car is still running as is dakota dickerson staying out there still to make his final pit stop and generally speaking if uh in this situation we've got five cars on the lead lap by staying out there if there's a full course caution that would enable all the other cars to to go past you uh while you if you need to make a pit stop that is which he does but in this instance if there is a full-course caution and dakota dickerson can make that stop under yellow that could play into his advantage so at this stage i think the plan for number 54 car should stay out as long as he can and and try and build a lead another 41 that time around 41.8 for the race leader dakota dickerson closing in on 51 minutes to go in the penultimate round of the emsa prototype challenge championship this one round five from virginia international raceway the leader dakota dickerson out in front and he's got a problem carr seems to be slowing down left rear tire something is wrong is it flat it looks to be and now a problem for dickerson i expected to see him in this lap jeremy because his lap times were stellar while rasmus lin was trying to get the sticker michelin tires up to speed dakota dickerson was flying and again that's how you make time when your competitor is on new tires if you can get clean race track and get some flyers in you're going to make time on them that's what dakota dickerson was doing i figured he would pit this lap now he has to that left rear michelin is down wow just drama everywhere yeah did he was he off the road coming into the climbing s's on the long shot there the third car in the order there it went you see the smoke just there at the apex it's the left rear so it wasn't because he was up on the curb wow what a man what a great job to hold on to that legit chassis that was an instantaneous deflation right there at the apex of the climbing the beginning of the climbing s's and that could have been disastrous we've seen an ebb and flow to this championship and again something [Music] coming up something unexpected drama and dakota dickerson has gotten the 54 back in that may have taken their chances of victory away scrub michelin tires it looks like going on a sticker on the rear a scrub on the left front that's interesting try to get a look at the right front michelin which will go on and looking for the tread see is it a sheen yeah it looks like a sticker on the right front as well but it was a scrub on the left front that makes sense heavy loading on the left side tires around this racetrack that may have taken the victory away jeremy for the 54 because of that long half lap to get that flat tire in but if they can hold on and finish this race still with a top five finish which certainly they should be able to do it's going to be a big point stay for them versus the 21 and maurice krantz it is as a garrett grist goes across the line there uh he will now be the new race leader with 65 laps in the books finally that uh the complete retire change on the number 54 down off the jacks and he'll be just waiting for the uh the time limit he knows what the minimum time limit is to spend in pit lane and he'll light up those uh new rear michelin tires and be back underway again but you're right he'll be down i think in the in the fifth position but there is still a pit stop to come forward number 33 of garrett grist [Music] and we said that's why we race it changes literally by the moment hopefully for the mlt motorsports team there's been no damage the tire didn't come apart and hats off to michelin they are known for building a tire that even if there is an instantaneous deflation like that we seldom see as george stakos has a problem we seldom see those tires come apart and turn into saw blades so to speak in deranged bodywork and even suspension components and brake lines so that michelin stayed together but he does have that well not anymore i was going to say he has a flapping piece of bodywork jeremy but that righted itself yeah i mean i mean you're certainly concerned now in that mlt motorsports camp because why did he get a puncture because we didn't see the car off the road at all i didn't see any visible mistake by the race leader so is there something rubbing on that left rear corner is that what caused the problem that's certainly one of the things to give me through that team's mind i'm sure they had a good close look during that pit stop as we see dakota dickerson there now weaving around on the straight uh the the far end of the racetrack from the pit lane just trying to build some heat and temperature into these tiles we've seen all weekend long how difficult it is to get the tires up to temperature on a track that's not particularly grippy more problems for the 34 and conquest racing column balling behind the wheel of that ducane chassis right now and the crew going to work just trying to see if that was an airline that he was putting there perhaps blowing the radiators out remember when mullen went off the racetrack and slid through the grass easy to pack mud and grass in that radiator opening perhaps they're trying to to clear that out blow that out i would expect to see a little more work up towards the front of that but it looked like an airline that was going in there crew member there on the left rear what happens is it packs the radiator and then the temperature begins to climb and with where they are running in the order right now it would be foolish to stay out and risk damaging the engine or any of the other components that are cooled by any of the coolers the radiators that are in those side pots come in get it taken care of and get back out on the racetrack so garrett crist continues to run in the lead now last lap times of 41.6 uh that time pretty much matched 41 41 5 by stephen mcalee in third position he's extending his lead over rasmus lin but uh the other four cars that remain on the lead lap number six 43 7 54 and 17 they've all made their final pit stop for fuel and garrett chris still needs to do so his number 21 car back i thought it needed fuel at this stage so he's had another problem for number 21. uh the he's eight laps currently behind the number 34 car that also remains still in the pit lane and now uh that number 21 machine of the championship leader coming into this weekend hugo de wilder showed the car with the championship leader maurice crans making his debut this weekend but maurits are obviously a lot of experience in this championship and they remain now just uh about a lap and a half ahead of courtney chrome who's driving a number 74 car and in danger of putting the number 21 another lap uh another position down the order well and that's just it every position is going to count jeremy i mean when you get down to the latter half of the top 10 that's when the points really begin to fall off you get 350 to win 320 per second 300 for third and then every point matters after that you get down to 12 13 14 that's 190 180 170 and if you don't think 10 points matter well they had a 10 point lead when they came in here so every position that you get back i think they're going to keep an eye on the 74 and the 47 and see if the 47 goes back out keep an eye on the 74. if if we're going to lose another position to them is there enough left in the car to go complete another lap you know literally simple math like that to try to make sure that you can hold on to the position and not lose another 10 points they'll also keep an eye on the 54. you know that the 33's gonna have to pit it will be at least a 91 second pit stop that should put dakota dickerson up into fourth jacob edson in the 17 up into fifth and so i don't think dickerson after that tire having a problem i don't know that he'll ever be able to close down on trent hinman again but still a top five finish for them you look at that if he were to finish fourth he'll collect 280 points and if the 21 walks away with 180 points it'll be 90 points to the good for the 54 as they lead vir and that's just how close this championship is going to be when we go to the final round at rhode atlanta stephen mcaleer through the climbing yeses there he comes 43 for robin racing that jacane other than that that ducane in third position all the other top six cars are legies uh the grant brothers david is in seventh placing caliber 40. that also is a ducane but it's been a legion race so far at the moment as we see a couple of cars there uh struggling at this stage but uh the silva macaulay is closing on rasmus lim each last couple of laps he's reduced that deficit it's now just over a second between the second and third place cars there's mclear at the top of the hill coming down through the roller coaster lind in the red and blue number six onto the front straight away legie in the hands of lynn duquesne in the hands of mcaleer and steven said he felt like the legion was the faster car he's sitting in the behind the wheel of the duquesne chassis what do you do he's had time to study he's been around him what's his plan with just over 41 minutes to go and that's what the professional race car driver does he doesn't just get there and pounces it's taking him a while to close in and every lap he has a look what do i see him doing where is he turning in is he turning in earlier than i am later than i am where does he break how do i use that to my advantage how do i use it to my disadvantage i was talking to steven last night and he was saying you know i think they're the faster car it should be fun fuel mileage is going to come down to it he's the one that was telling me 145 miles an hour flat and easy up through the s's i said it would be easy flat for me too probably in second gear not at the top here like you guys are and then through oak tree now according to him it looked like the numbers that he gave me and i'm not going to give them out to the general public because i don't want that data out there it looked like he might have a mile an hour or two over some of the league chassis but again it really depends on what downforce settings they decided to go with in the race and what down four settings the legion chassis has just in front of him joe robillard one of he's stephen mcelroy's biggest cheerleader we talked about the relationship that uh that these guys have and he just jumped joe romilar just sent me a text and said mclear is a god he really has so much respect for him he also said you know his brother sam is watching and he means stephen mcelroy's brother sam who passed away uh this winter and it really he was exceptionally close to stephen and it shows really what kind of a guy stephen mcelroy is exceptionally close to his brother who had had health issues his entire life and sam's picture is on the back of stephen mcaleer's helmet he carries him with him everywhere he goes and we actually had a little faux pas with graphics in one of the races earlier in the year and it said sam mcelroy was in the car and steven sent me a note after the race and said that was really cool of you guys to do and i said i got to be honest with you buddy we didn't do it on purpose it just kind of hit it up that way and i guarantee you that piece of uh piece of footage they have kept somewhere on a hard drive yeah very cool and uh here's our race leader though garrett gris making his final stop of the day comes off the jacks the fueling is completed he'll have to wait now until you can see that on his dash at the time he knows what how long it takes to get from where he is right now stationary to the pit lane exit so he doesn't get below that minimum pit stop time so it's an agonizing weight there for garrett griez the way he goes now we'll have to see where he comes out on the racetrack uh in relation to everybody else i i think here comes the leader down the hill so looks like he's going to stay on the lead lap here's garrett wrist he's he's heading into turn one as the race lead erasmus lind comes off the final corner at full speed of course but he is now at the tail end of lead lap that's kind of a 33. the gap between the first two as a complete uh lap 71 is just uh just a second now it's the closest it's been so stephen mcelroy is closing in on rasmussen 143.0 for rasmus last time around uh a full uh six tenths quicker was stephen kelly in second place stephen he's won a couple of races in the uh in this uh into prototype challenge in the past but his co-driver joe robinard his best is a second place finish so that would mean a lot for even more for seton to bring that first win in this series for his co-driver joe joe roberla the fifth round of the 2021 emsa prototype challenge championship continues from vir and the battle for the win between the six of rasmus lin dan goldberg and the 43 of joe robillard and steven mcelier is heating up up front just over a second at the line the last time by for rasmus lin the battle for the win between two teams who have not stood on the top step of the podium so far in 2021 i've got to believe that no one out there wants it any more than these two drivers rasmus lin and the red and blue number six stephen mcaleer in that blue and green white camouflage paint scheme number 43 from robillard racing down through the roller coaster through hog pin 37 minutes to go and we'll see what the gap is this time by good stuff as you close in on somebody as i said earlier i know steven mackel here well enough that he's sitting there watching rasmus lin as he begins to slowly reel him in and he's already thinking where can i get this done obviously if a mistake is made or traffic presents itself in such a way that the gap opens you've got to pounce on it but if it's not there then you need to think your way by and that's what stephen mcelroy is doing right now if it comes down to the last lap jeremy you may have to force your way by yeah and uh i think steven mackel will be uh would be willing to do that because uh he's they're not in the in the championship reckoning uh here joe roblox six in the points coming to this weekend at 60 points behind dan goldberg and rasmus lim to win this race uh there's 350 points for a win 320 for second so he's uh he's not in contention for the championship coming in this weekend farther than that behind the overall points leader but you know it's all about the win now for stephen mclean rasmussen last time around he's responded i won 41.8 by our race leader and he was actually able to extend that margin just a little bit over stephen mclean i think rasmussen has things in hand but you know he he made his pit stop with the the the outer limits of the the fuel range of these cars with 57 minutes to go so i'm sure he's having to manage that if they run flat out these cars they could do maybe 52 minutes 53 54. he's got to run 57 minutes on this final stint of fuel so he's going to manage that fuel somewhat in the leading car well and mclear was right there with him with the stop and i'm wondering you talk about aerodynamics and drag well that burns fuel if you run more downforce it takes more power to push it through the air so that's going to have a factor in it as well and the other thing jeremy is if you're going to save fuel you need to do it from the time you leave pit lane if you stop on the outer limits of your fuel run you need to know that as soon as you leave pit lane you need to start saving fuel you can then go after it at the end if your crew tells you you saved enough you can't wait for two three four laps to go and then all of a sudden save fuel you just can't there's you can't slow down enough to save the fuel so for these guys up front right now rasmus lands stephen mcelroy if they're saving fuel they've been doing it or they needed to be doing it from the time that they left pit lane absolutely right and you know this this team performance tech motorsports from south florida they are super experienced in these cars they run them not only in this series but also in club racing in south florida as well so they know they know everything about these cars they know how to save how you know the drivers know how to save fuel uh and rasmus lind uh is a you know even though he's only 20 years of age he's still hugely experiencing all sorts of different classes and although sports car racing and the kind of necessity to look after your fuel burn is relatively new to him still he's he's become pretty accomplished as it over the course of this season and last well i can tell you stephen mcelro mcelroy is expert at saving fuel i've seen him do it throughout multiple classes he knows how to get it done and i wonder right now jeremy if that's what we're seeing because remember mclear was right there seconds behind lynn and now all of a sudden in the last two laps with 33 minutes left to go and really no traffic between them stephen mcelroy has dropped back to two and a half seconds and i wonder if it's just the crew saying you know what this is gonna be close so close in fact saving a little bit right now would be a good thing let's save it now and see if you can go later because that was uncharacteristic to lose that amount of time in that short a period so i'm wondering if perhaps mackel here are a little bit of fuel save right now yeah it could be uh and uh you know rasmus lived he's upped his pace so at the same time could have been a little miscue out on the track for the second place car we also don't think we saw it so you know they're they're uh i think managing their expectations still 32 minutes to go look that's a long time yeah it's going to be 18 laps or so so you know there's plenty of time for things to go wrong on either of these cars there's still only a couple of seconds between those two leaders and uh only behind them by only four cycles is trent hinman in the vault racing cannabis seven as well so uh you know there's um a lot of managing expectations jacob edison doing a nice show i think dakota dickerson is just kind of cruising in that car at the moment he doesn't want anything else to go wrong he's turning 43 he's one minute 43s on a regular basis so he's not pushing too hard at this stage uh jacob edison is turning his best laps in the car behind him that's number 17. in fact not too far behind him uh is the is the number 33 of excuse me number 40 of david grant and jacob edson's another one of those young drivers that we talk about 26 years old colorado he's won championships in skip barber he's won the porsche gt3 cup challenge usa in the platinum category in 2017 lamborghini super trofeo pro am championship racing in 2021 in lamborghini super trofeo with stephen again another impressive youngster from california they've got the world finals coming up at the end of october in masano italy and now jacob edson also spending time in a prototype impressive again that some of these young guys have taken to sports cars and are expanding their opportunities in sports cars driving both gt based cars and the prototypes think about a lamborghini super treveo another imsa category anti-lock brakes traction control certainly some good aerodynamics on the car but a far cry from one of these lmp3 based prototypes and prototype challenge and yet talent really seems to rise to the top regardless of what series they run as the 40 hits pit lane okay fine yeah he he needed a splash of fuel that was running on the lead lap though was david grant and that will relinquish that uh sixth position to garrett grist who's charging along there behind him uh garrett gets lost up but a 41.9 so a pretty full tank of fuel which is just a little bit slower than our race leader 142-2 for rasmus linde last time around this would be the final pizza of the day for number 40 david grant we talked about the speed for the grant brothers they've had it it's just what happens in the races sometimes of their own doing we saw problems today on the racetrack for i believe it was keith early on with a spin down in turn one contact with another car but they have definitely shown speed now stephen mclear is going to lose a little more time trying to get around the i believe that's the 15 nick johnson johnson leading in the lmp3 two category so a different class prototype once again it runs to last year's specs a little less horsepower doesn't have the traction control but in the hands of a very talented race car driver like nick johnson you can still go plenty quick in it it gives you an idea the difference in the horsepower and the top speed down the straight of the straight away there as mclear easily goes by but you saw the rolling speed through the corner where the horsepower doesn't really matter nearly as much and nick johnson on pace with stephen mcelroy now mclear on to the front straight away four seconds back from rasmus lin he did nick yoltson sharing that car with with mike watt who did a couple of races in this this is the older generation p3 car from leggier he did a couple of races back in the first season of lmp3 did mike watt um in in 2017 since then he's been concentrating on ferrari challenge uh nick johnson is now his driver coach and it's nick yolks who drives that number 15 car at the moment are looking to to have a comfortable win in the p3 2 category as rasmus lin makes his way through the esses now one more time that gap pretty much four seconds it is now from first to second with rasmus again down in the 41s oh and a problem for the 34. it's a big off for camo now behind the wheel of the 34 and i think that might be there at turn 10. [Music] indeed it is through the left-hander this is where we saw erasmus lin with his excitement you know what jeremy i think he gets in there behind the 47 and just loses the air that's we were talking about this earlier you get up close behind these cars they have so much aerodynamics on them that they create this massive wake of dirty air and for camo you could see he gets in there behind i believe it was the 47 or the 74 in front of him and then the front end just washes out he just can't keep the car at the apex [Music] that's a big spin his attention good music he didn't hit anything he's on the upslope again he's gonna struggle for traction isn't he now yeah that is going to bring out of course now jeremy oh wow this brings garrett grist right back into the picture with uh 26 minutes now remaining in this race yet another full course course this is our our one to fourth of the day the fifth round of the 2021 season coming down towards a checkered flag with 26 minutes to go but this three-hour race longer than the 145 races that they've run before an hour and 45 minutes is the average sprint race distance this was a three hour race here 26 minutes to go the fourth full course caution of the day and this will pack up the leaders up front jeremy it is going to be a wild one for the remaining 20 minutes you got to figure it's gonna take three or four minutes to get this problem sorted out and back to green and when we do go back to green the gloves are going to come off yeah this of course is going to erase any fuel concerns that everybody would have we might have had so we flat out to the end from here the question is how hard are they use their michelin tires how much grip is there going to be left in those tires for the final what 20 minutes or so see we shouldn't take too long to get this car out of the way of this race it's going to be really interesting and we're going to see a quite a battle with rasmus linde leading from stephen mclean who really wants to get that first win for joe robillard trent hinman in third place dakota dickerson who did not want to see this caution period because that's going to put him under pressure now from jacob edson and particularly garrett grist who is uh is i see one laptop just on the tail end you should be on the tail end of the lead lap hats off to the amr safety team who right there on the scene immediately whether it's something minor like this spin here for antoine cabot they're in turn 10 or more major impacts they're always right there always doing a great job and i can tell you as a former driver when you know that you've got a safety program like imsa has put in place like the safety program they have it makes you feel exceptionally good as a driver and very confident if you ever have a problem on the racetrack when you look up and you see that safety team that's there yeah fantastic job they they do they put a strap on that car and uh pull it out they've got a bit more traction in that safety vehicle they do on the race car but it's slick tires no tread and those racing cars and uh so therefore no traction particularly on the wet grass but uh the truck will be able to put it out of the way and then we'll be getting to get back to green again he's got a long way to go to find some great stuff get off the green and onto the grey onto the asphalt and get it back to the pit lane that's what i always say about these safety teams as well it they're not just rescue workers somebody who can go grab a car and hook it up and tow it in like perhaps your your local record driver they're a lot of them are emts and they're especially trained in the use of extrication tools the safety car that's there with the medical personnel that arrived the the doctors and the safety personnel in the medical building when you arrive there if you've made contact with something you're going to see those people and they are always there to work with you and make sure that you are safe and you are well and you just can't see say enough for them they're especially well trained and they love what they do and that's the other thing that makes them so good at what they do is that they're racers at heart and they're there to look after your safety and your well-being and to make sure that the race gets back going as soon as we can and for rasmus lin he's sitting there he gets to take a breath and i wonder jeremy if every time he runs through turn 10 there he can't help but think about what happened about 30 or 45 minutes ago when he came through turn 10 at speed that's right and that will be on the highlight reel for a long time yeah it will yeah and uh boy that was a dramatic ride that rasmus lind uh took there i think you know maybe there you go he was he was closely following number 21 car kind of got the air off the front of the car and just allowed the the back end to come around and overtake it but boy that was a masterful recovery by rasmus lynn didn't lose a position it cost him about two and a half seconds that's it and right back on the case again and off he goes brilliant stuff don't you know dakota dickerson was going are you kidding me yes are you kidding me i i thought i was about to pick up another position you've got to be kidding me yeah it was pretty wild so the shot cover missing off the six we saw that come off down the back straight away in the early going obviously has not slowed down rasmus lin the spin in turn 10 has not slowed him down and looking for the first win of the season but now you said it jeremy and i think this is the most valid point that we have to go on right now this has been a by the time we get back to green this will be a six to eight minute full course caution without a doubt so we'll do another lap at least behind the safety car fuel concerns are gone it's go time if you've got anything it's time to show absolutely that's exactly right and this is why it's going to be a fascinating contest it's going to be duquesne in the second position lichie that leads and then a string of leagues behind in third fourth fifth and sixth place we've got six cars on the lead lap then number six number forty three number seven number 54 number 17 and the fastest car on the track 133 garrett grist from grims grimsby ontario canada and he is going to be charging he set the fastest lap of the race 140.735 which is a a second quicker than the old lap record set in the previous generation the car by kyle kirkwood last season i suppose it's not quicker than that actually uh but that is also the uh not quite the fastest half the weekend he turned at 140.6 in the first session yes that would have been friday morning actually uh for friday morning gosh i can't remember now was it yesterday morning i can't remember what i had for breakfast it seems like an age ago in any case it doesn't matter it was the first practice session of the weekend and garrett chris has almost matched that that pace in a race that's pretty good going so he's going to be charging hard here from the sixth position when we get back to green the top six cars all on the lead lap i believe dakota dickerson has lap traffic or it looked like he did i don't know if there will be a wave by or not um so will he have clear sailing to the rear wing of trent hinman in front of him see now mike skeen is in there in the number three car being shown a lap down he's between himself and that bright yellow number seven bolt lighting legie of trent hidman so dickerson going to have to get by skiing and i said earlier that bosque and kazamitz had been exceptional with letting the leaders through kind of understanding where they fit into the order it'll be interesting to see how easy mike skeen makes it for dakota dickerson but then again how hard is dickerson going to press knowing what he's got in hand in the championship right now with the problems for the 21. yeah i mean you know mike skeen he's a lap down if he can pass all those cars ahead of him he can get back on the lead lap so that's what he's thinking right now mike skeen is a a very experienced uh driver he is one in just about everything there is to drive originally brought up not too far away from vr so this is kind of his home track it's certainly one that he very much enjoys he lives now in charlotte north carolina but from the virginia area and he finished he's won one of these races uh in the past he finished second in his only other outing of uh the season that was uh mid-ohio so you know he knows the car he knows the tracks he's got a fast car underneath him he's in fourth position on the road at the moment and i think he's going to be pressing to try and get back on the lead lap because if there is another full course caution it'll give him an opportunity to move make up even more positions imps a prototype challenge from vir virginia international raceway the only three-hour race on the 2021 calendar about to go back to green with just over 17 minutes to go and rasmus lin the red the blue number six leads stephen mcaleer down into turn one lynn a little lock up mcleary looks to the inside he's going to get it done mclear to the lead yeah wow and uh just a little bit too late on the brakes there for rasmus center locked him up and uh he did well to maintain control of the car but not quickly enough uh to prevent stephen mcaleer going past and now we've got another race leader in this race it's caliber 43 it's stephen mclean who leads from rasmussen it is not over by any stretch of the imagination we talked about how the duquesne chassis seems to take a little more time to come up to speed but it was rasmus lin with the lock up into turn one that sends that car wide opens the door and mclear says thank you very much i am through and he is can he stay there as rasmus lin needs to turn his attention to the number seven of trent hinman just behind and now dakota dickerson has indeed gotten past mike skeen skeen we talked about being a lap down and dickerson on the rear wing of the number seven right now can he get to a podium position wow and uh it was i think the fifth different leader in the race center will be steven mclean with what 16 minutes remaining as dakota moves out to try and make him think about making a pass on the trent hidman uh headman doesn't pull that one off and trip excuse me excuse me run around no i was gonna say trent hinman a tough customer to pass especially at the end of the straightaway looks like dickerson has a run off of hogpin though what does he have as they head down to turn one trent hinman could care less about dakota dickerson's championship hopes yeah alongside in the breaking area on bill on the outside is dakota dickerson how brave is it going to be over under it right not well he's going to yes wow side by side they're heading towards two and three this is gonna be a tremendous battle between these two it's gonna hang around the outside line that's a bit over under again is he going to get it done side by side they've been side by side through multiple corners there has not been any contact and now looking back across to the inside trying to do the over under again through the turn four five area nothing doing for dakota dickerson but that was good stuff those two young drivers showing immense talent immense respect and some great racing there in that turn three four and five area dakota dickerson would certainly like to move up a spot wow that was that was pretty close out there wasn't it and uh i think yeah they were certainly some and some elbows out i think that going into turn four do four and five between those two they were kind of banging mirrors there almost but they both got away with it and they continue in the same position with rasmus lint uh excuse me trent hinman is still in third place are you surprised by the level of risk dakota dickerson willing to take for 20 points jeremy yeah actually i i i sort of am but but he he's a racer i love it i think it's great he's he he wants to finish on the podium if he possibly can at the championship but he's going to have a pretty good championship lead after this weekend but certainly is not wrapped up for the number 54 team by any stretch of the imagination just under 14 minutes to go in the fifth round of himself prototype challenge in the battle for the final podium position has been intense and great battles really all around the racetrack the number 33 of garrett grist moving forward he was the fastest car on the racetrack until he had to make his last pit stop that dropped him back in the order but this battle between the 54 and the seven dakota dickerson who should be the championship leader if he finishes in this position at the end of the race trying to get one more position away from trent hinman just in front and i don't think we would have seen that level of aggressiveness jeremy had the level of respect not been there between these two drivers i think dakota dickerson felt comfortable pressing that hard knowing that trent hinman is someone who will race you hard but clean yeah that's right they're two former winners of the team usa scholarship in natural effect they're both open-world drivers earlier in their careers and now established sports car veterans and we talked about trenton hindman early on he's driving in three different races this weekend had a good strong run yesterday in the intertext sports star championship he's got another two hours of racing sharing also with brought with uh alan bryn yallston in the michelin pilot challenge race will take place a little later on this afternoon he'll be driving aston martin in that race so uh it's a busy day and weekend for trent hitman but he's a young professional that is is continuing to move up the ranks lap traffic now in front of stephen mackel here it's tonis casimis the good thing is he runs a good pace the other good thing is he's been very respectful throughout the day letting the leaders through when they get there what does chasmets have in hand now as they had head into turn one not just pulling over and letting them drive by but i got a feeling that when they get there he won't make it too difficult and certainly that's exactly what stephen mcaleer wants to see and look at this for third the battle continues this is what we saw last time dakota dickerson now on the outside line that's where hinman was the lap before it's what got him to the front and now dakota dickerson mirrored what trent hitman did last time around he takes the position he's got the podium position that was a great pass by dakota around the outside of four to give the inside for five brilliant move by to go to dickerson but look who's right behind both of them that is garrett chris who's in that battle as well now uh he wants to get that third position as well you know you know that and i'm not too far behind because it's jacob edison too who's gradually gaining the experience in that um the ogara mo sport to us racetronics team as well call number 17. mackel are a little off of the apex of oak tree that time i thought it might give rasmus lind a little bit of a run but lent cannot capitalize and mclear maintains the gap as they head down to the in the back straightaway and i kind of look at the ebb and flow again the duquesne chassis in the hands of stephen mcaleer the league in the hands of rasmus lin they've got their strengths and weaknesses in different areas on the racetrack and right now stephen mcelroy are focused forward remember both of these drivers both of these teams winless in 2021 one of them more than likely is going to take a victory here unless they take each other out and so they are pressing on it's about pride it's about adding points it's about doing the job these two young race car drivers are paid to get the car to the front it's what they're trying to do and it's exactly what garrett grist is trying to do as he has a battle on his hands with trent hinman in the bright number seven bright yellow number seven just in front yeah and certainly he's clearly struggling with that car at the moment he's uh he's he's have a hard time particularly turn three there uh he's he's the car step sideways he then has to be get a bit defensive into four so it's costing him time but he still managed to keep barron chris behind him at this stage but with uh still just under 10 minutes remaining it's gonna be a tall order for trent hitman to keep guarant wrist behind him for the end until the end of this race [Music] dakota dickerson who did get power straight him he's going to be hoping that it takes chris longer rather than shorter to get past into that challenging position into fourth imsa prototype challenge continues from vir around five of six the only three hour race on the schedule closing down on nine minutes to go the battle for the lead less than half a second the last time by at the line the 43 of stephen mcaleer leading rasmus lind the championship leaders and contenders not up front fighting for the win right now the 21 reese grant's coming into this round with the championship lead that car with problems well back in the order and dakota dickerson josh charges they came into this weekend in second they sit third on the racetrack right now if it were to end this way it will be a big point stay for them but we still have a long way to go brian till and jeremy shaw with you and this has been a great one yeah and the good news for number 21 team by the way is because with antoine camo having uh having spun off the road and out of the car the number 34 car for conquest racing and uh jmf motorsports that means that to hugo de wilder has now moved past for another position so up into eleventh place now that'll be worth 200 points for uh for that number 21 team and particularly because he's not in a championship race this championship race this is his first event of the season and his co-driver for its crayons those extra 10 points could be very very useful come the end of the season in a few weeks time well think about that jeremy i mean just uh 15 minutes ago maybe 20 minutes ago they were 13th in class and 180 points now they're 10th in class or 11th in class with 200 points so a 20-point swing why do they not quit when the car has a problem and breaks down and it's sitting there in pit lane because you've got an hour and a half to go and if you can get it back on the racetrack and salvage even one more position it's another 10 maybe another 20 points if you can salvage two more positions that's what the 21 team has done and they are out there collecting points and that battle right there garrett grist in the 33 that bright yellow and red go into battle with trent hinman a little rg bargy as calvin fish would say they're into turn 14 a pretty good smack wheel to wheel it was uh coming down the street there and again that straight line speed advantage that the number uh 33 car has he wasn't very uh he was very forcefully trained him and trying to sort of squeeze him down down there on the inside the corner but chris just well i think that was something it almost looks like trent hinman thought that grist was going to clear him pretty quickly and aggressively and he was going to drop in behind him because the contact was left front to right rear in a place where you wouldn't really expect that so think about where you sit in these cars on the right side perhaps trent hinman just kind of lost perspective on the 33 there that's typically not something that you would see out of either one of those drivers no harm no foul they have continued on and the battle up front continues on with just over six minutes to go it's been ebb and flow ever since steven mcaleer was able to take the lead on the restart that little bit of lock up for rasmus lin into turn one opened the door mclear through and it has stayed with this half second lead it was .49 seconds .51 seconds 0.50 seconds i'd say that's consistent and it's consistent in mcalleer's favor it is so that's exactly what he needed to do there but the fastest gun track last time around was the third place car dakota dickerson he was only a couple of seconds behind that he just turned his best lap of the race 141.543 so uh yeah i think he yeah he was he wouldn't have needed to save fuel after that uh now that pitstop but uh he he's now running a lot faster than us before we had that latest caution period and he is right there now think about it he stopped a little bit later he has a little fresher tires on the car as well so perhaps that's what we're seeing but dakota dickerson closing in now in that podium position and in fact if you look at the 54 team dakota dickerson josh charge they have not been off of the podium all season long i always say consistency wins championships you find a way you're always there you should always be there if you finish third in a third place car you won your class for the day and i think that's what they've done all season long they've presented the best car they can they've done the best job they can they've had a win three other podium positions and it looks like if they can hold on for another four and a half minutes they'll have another podium position and they'll have the championship lead when we leave virginia but uh dakota once again on the last lap said his fastest lap in the race at 141.4 but the butt is that the garrett grist behind him turning one minute 40.8 he made up half a second on that last slap with garrett this so he hasn't given up the hopes of a podium foolish by any means one minute and 42 second laps basically on average grist is running out of time so is rasmus lind the gap was half a second the last time by at the line and i think it may be just slightly greater than that this time as stephen mclear one more time leads through hog pin and down the front straight away it should just be a couple of laps left here at virginia international raceway for stephen mclear can he bring joe robillard their first victory in the 2021 season joe robillard's first victory in prototype challenge yeah it's going to be awfully close actually whether it's two laps or a three they're about three minutes 42 i think remaining they're turning one minute 40 40 something so it's going to be fairly tight but uh he's still legally this is probably the biggest lead that he's had now as he heads uh uh up to through the s's and towards the the climbing s's uh to on his 89th lap but lurking there behind him remains rasmus lind and not far behind him also is dakota dickerson closing on both of them is garrett brist as watch the last lap around for gary griffith wasn't quite so good he must have made a mistake i think costing a little bit of ground to go to dickerson but this race is far from over far from over it was eight tenths of a line eight tenths of a second i should say at the line the last time by stephen mcelr over rasmus lin but it is less than that as they come off of oak tree with two and a half minutes yet to go looks like two more laps jeremy i would think i don't think they're going to get to the line and see a white flag this time by to you uh it's gonna be tight it's gonna be close yeah uh but no i think it i think it's gonna be two more laps but it it it's it is it is close uh one minute for yeah you know they're within you know 10 seconds so no they won't be white fat this time it will be next time around so next time by it'll be two more laps now for stephen mcaleer just another two minutes he's got to hold on and keep rasmus lin behind the michelin tires beginning to lose their edge carr getting lighter on fuel dancing around just a little bit more and while the car and the tire may be going away rasmus lind is not going away jeremy in fact he is closer than he has been in the last 15 minutes to the rear wing of the 43 of stephen mcelroy yeah and to go to dickerson's he's only another 10 12 car lance back as well so if these two get into a heated battle then dakota dickerson could be there ready to pounce and all the last couple laps he just turned his fastest lap again as to go to dickerson in that third position at 141 uh excuse me nurse that was a previous number he's in the 49 certainly he's losing no ground to the the leaders uh and he you know he's in the posing position as well he's managed to maintain that gap over the last couple of laps from garrett griffs who's still in fourth place [Music] looks like stephen mcelro is able to get that great run off of oak tree every lap leeds pulls out another car link maybe two over rasmus lind and that gives him some breathing room hog pin one last time 30 seconds to go white flag this time by round five closing down from vir for prototype challenge steven mcallier one lap to go the first victory of the season for robillard racing stephen mcelroy or joe robillard it lies less than one lap away but there's no one who would rather throw a wrench into that then rasmus lin the driver in the number six he and dan goldberg have been on speed all weekend long and have been so impressed with impressive rasmus lin with that spin up and turn 10 earlier in the race without losing a position and has not gone away they've had a couple of trials a couple of tribulations a couple of scary moments but they've held on what can they do lin there seems to be a little better through the beginning of the climbing s's had closed in perhaps that run off a turn five gives him a little bit of advantage closes in but if you're gonna do it you need to get it done now heavy braking into turn 11. into 12. he looks inside he's there they're going to make contact side by side off the corner mcleary back to second place what are the officials going to say about that they'll take a look what's mclear going to have to say he's to the inside this is the preferred line into the braking zone at the end of the back straightaway can he hold it side by side wheel to wheel it doesn't get any closer than this stephen mcelroy rasmus lind who's going to make it through the corner mcaleer is off lin goes through just like that you had to get it done there was time running out only a few corners left to go rasmus lind spin to win at vir down the front straight away takes the checkered flag the first win of the season for dan goldberg and rasmus lind and it came with the gloves off stephen mcelroy are getting the worst of that they've got a feel for steven mccleary but i'll tell you what did did did rasmussen want that win or not he certainly did what a great move i mean look yeah that's forceful racing on the last step yes it was contact between the two the door was open there and he stuck it down the inside at the turning point the number six car was absolutely from my my perspective alongside let's have a look coming into through turn 11 the first of those two right-handers he just dives down the inside you know it's a very forceful pass no doubt about it but but mcalee could have uh perhaps reflection should have closed the door a little bit more the question is here's the problem for mclaren tries to stay with him around the outside and just loses it my only question about the turn 11-12 incident jeremy is does the six stay on the racetrack if the 43 isn't there well yeah it's a good question and it's a big point stay on the racetrack that's why i'm glad you and i are doing this and we're not in race control i hated to see him back there because he tripped an absolutely brilliant place and uh the wrong course here for the picture and whatever happens even if there is a penalty he's not going to win the race now and he just tried to brave that down the outside going into into turn 14 at the top of the hill and he came off second base but that was for me that was just great racing between two very talented drivers and that and take nothing away from dakota dickerson who might end up actually with the win if it all turns out in his favor he was right there across the line just three tenths of a second behind in second position and garrett grissy was within the second of the at the checkered flag as well but that was a great motor race and yes it was a very very forceful pass but look that's a last lap of a professional motor race you've got to go for it yeah spectacular stuff unofficial results look like this the number six rasmus lin dan goldberg they'll take the victory dakota dickerson and josh charger what a huge day for them they'll take the championship lead with a second place finish garrett grist one of the fastest cars on the racetrack good run for he and arie baylo when you look through the rest of the top 10 what you don't see is the 21 of the milliner motorsports team and that is a problem reach krantz dropping well back in the order and well back to second in the championship run a great great race from vir imsa prototype challenge competition it has been a spectacular one it's what we expected the only three-hour race of the season this is the kind of racing that virginia international raceway breeds one more race to go to decide the championship in prototype challenge it will come at you from michelin raceway road atlanta in just a few weeks time for jeremy shaw and brides hill thanks for joining us this championship is far from over stay with us [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Josh Sarchet
Views: 32,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O9PERv-aU_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 38sec (12278 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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