🇬🇧 REPLAY - Race hour 1 - 2019 24 Hours of Le Mans

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too busy saluting yes I think so could be could in fact me and there you see the 61 cars almost at 62 but we lost Tracy Crohn's number 99 proton Dempsey proton entry after Tracy unfortunately had a crash and Wednesday prac and Wednesday qualifying and there goes the formation lap we're about less than nine minutes now from getting the 87th running of the world's greatest race the 24 hours of them are underway of course we used to see this great race started exactly how the cars are lined up now they used to drive it used to stand on the other side of the circuit opposite side to the cars they used to have to run across the track jump into their cars and off they would go start them engaged the gear etc etc now of course we still traditionally have them started the warm-up lap like that but the race start is the normal normal way nowadays man used to be a spectacle and if you recall it was 50 years ago that Jacky Ickx in protest walked because he did not think that that was a safe way to start the race because nobody really belted up until they were whistling down the Mulsanne straightaway he walked to his car was pretty much the last to leave the grid and came back to win the race in the closest finish in the history of the race and he said he has often said that about halfway across the grid he thought to himself I don't know this is the smartest thing to do if somebody comes over he he survived and made his point in the following year in 1970 it was still an echelon start it wasn't a rolling start it was still an echelon start but the drivers were already in their cars for the start and they were underway it's the field now goes through tat Rouge and starts the run down the Mulsanne straightaway grandma and the good news is all 61 cars a record field record starting field for this great race got a weight from the grid and they'll be coming around under the control of the safety car to start the race in just a few minutes time you know the air is the whole position car in the hands of Mike Conway one more year for the tote at CSO 50 on your screen you see the entire starting grid now as they go through Jamie what's it like at this point heart rate up there yes very high you know this is this is a yeah like I said early it's the biggest race but you've just focused actually as a driver you're not you're not sort of sitting there alcohol my god you know you're focused you're looking at your systems you're talking to your engineer you're warming everything up your brakes and your tires especially for the LMP cars because they've got the carbon brakes of a carbon brakes only work when they're hot when they're cold like unlike a steel brake which works cold so they've got to do all of those things it's quite slow this lap but you know the pace car doesn't go particularly quick so and really it's that high energy from the high stopping distances where you generate the temperature so yeah the drivers will be pretty cool inside and also the brake temperatures also help raise the tire temps do don't they yeah they do because the brake disc temperature transmits that through the wheel and helps to raise up the tyre pressures as well which is a problem here you don't want your tire pressures too low with the high speeds on the straights [Music] it's got a quick shot there that's a Mart imprint of Young's trailer who was the young driver Omar sponsor behind this expansion into the Dane train era for how a 30 year career at Pro drive already behind him and Alex hurts some of the elder statesman in the in the pit lane they're coming out of the second chicane now just a short but kilometer run down to Mulsanne corner from here over the over the brow then dive down into Mulsanne corner that's an area where you don't even really hit the brakes we turn in now yeah it's a very very quick high-speed entry difficult braking zone because you're turning right all the way through it and it's the slowest corner on the circuit of course this is where Anthony Davidson a few years ago had his contra tomp with the with a Ferrari it's one of the most spectacular incident ever seen wouldn't the spirit of a bond award their magic Pepsi back with the team that bears his name this year and when we're watching on I'm sure with very interested eyes Paul dalla Lana Lance from tour you can see the tension rising now in the garages as they come around for well those iconic moments in motorsport is the cars emerge behind the safety car from the Porsche curves as now they enter the run from Milan to Indianapolis this is about a mile and a half and it's really become the fastest part of the racetrack now Jamie because but chicanes have have made the we saw a little bit that's right we saw the fastest ever recorded speed three hundred and fifty point one correct two kilometers an hour 220 miles an hour Proxima Thunder is officially the fastest man in the WEC era that's the LaVon 24 hours with that's one of the tests de cartes backing up this this parts frustrating for a driver actually because that at that speed you really can't do anything you know you can't warm anything because you're just going too slow they want a bit of speed at least 100k and of course the pace car will continue to slow down and allow that field to bunch up because it's very strung out right now as we can see from the helicopter the pace car safety car pace car and the pole sitter are just now entering Indianapolis Allen it's just passing me the information the way that this is done and Allen's done this from the safety car before that they measure it to the second there are waypoints and they've got to meet their own Delta to across the line at exactly at the right moments so that makes is being governed by the safety car it's like governing how much fuel you use in a lap isn't through they come to Indianapolis and down to a large big crowds Indianapolis named Indianapolis because of the banking that's correct and it's a left-hander left hand turn yeah so just before that you've got the right-hander which is a fantastic corner as well very difficult the highest point on the high speed point of the track as you enter it exciting corner hard on the brakes into this fantastic Bank corner the banking of course helps you to go through the corner with more speed because of the banking and then fantastic run on down to the Porsche curves yeah I'm sure we'll be hearing a lot of freight is presently asking the grid to form up like so neat and tidy starts and then we're gonna see whether or not it will be tota to hole position one two or whether or not yes and be racing or the rebellion cars can steal an arch or serene Highness with the flag called Ella Lana they're looking on kind of it's kind of a nervous smile they're very much when you're when you're the co-driver how hard is this yeah actually there's moments in the race when you're watching you're helpless aren't you you're you're sitting there it's in control of someone else you obviously have worked together all year testing etc so you have a immense faith in each other immense trust and but it's still that nervous time because in a nanosecond your car could be out [Music] yep and in years past this has been lamothe a fantastic very important race this year it takes on even added significance it's the last of the super season champions will be decided today as the field comes through the Porsche curves for the final time under the control of the pace car caught in corner because of the car track there on the right hand side this was this is fantastic in the night this is the place where as a driver when you come through seven eight nine ten o'clock you get a lovely width of a whiff of sausages from the barbecues and you think oh I can't wait to get ya and they give you some blend faster yes you know you can't have that fun food there you see the the fairground of the ferris wheel on the left as they finish going through the Porsche curves Graham magical moments and share mola well this is it let's go racing this is it Premal agreement day who will it be first onto the bull some boy that's a mystery Graham thinks it might be one of the SNP cars I think it'll be a Toyota they're coming through the Ford chicane the pace car will pull off the field looks absolutely fantastic the super season is about to begin its final race through the Ford chicane there goes the pace car coming up on three o'clock fresh summer time the 87th running of the 24 hours of Lamar under way [Music] her serene Highness charlena Monica waives the tricular and they are under way and it is the Toyotas who have managed to block the racetrack quite well together as that rebellion Graham he tried on the inside then tried up the middle and to no avail Toyota leads through Dunlop yeah great start by Gustavo Menezes really did take a good luck up the inside the brake cooking quite quite make it stick but it is the two toes is through tete Roush on to the mall zone for the very first time it would be well 24 hours I'm sure of will to election up and down this fantastic 61 car field and the 28th continues to lead from the ball in the lmp2 category as the field streams down the Mulsanne straightaway for the first time we get a look back at the GT pole-sitter just a little bit of bumping you're boring in the pack for GT pros they came around the first ball - laughs okay I put a quick change their nicotine getting the start henry Tincknell in the second position one two three four five different manufacturers in the top five fantastic good college team we take you know side by side as they go into the force of chicane pill hold the position Antonio Garcia you see they're in third place in the Corvette then comes Nick Tandy in the American and 'red Porsche you can tell that one because it's got the Brumos livery the tribute livery from the great room Mo's racing operation in out of Florida for many many years and then BMW BMWs program wrapping up here at Lamar they would love nothing more than to go out with a great performance paint no having another look the board is looking strong very strong in the second half of the straight this first bit they're pretty equal here but you just see towards once they get into that sixth gear before Josh starts to catch obviously in the slipstream as well looking further down the order and it's the force of looking racy at this point they're the ones looking to make up the places not more so than Harry Tincknell he's got the look of a prizefighter around him here but Nikki team is a force to be reckoned with that's the way this class is going to be the entire 24 hours so it's like they've got a bungee cord going from each car they'll spread out a little bit then they'll come back together I expect this racing to last for 24 hours at the front of the field Menendez has gotten vice Sebastian blenny for second place Wow stuff there that all happened in idiom sorry gram here comes Garcia on the inside Antonio Garcia makes the move coming out of the Mulsanne corner the run down to Indianapolis taint no pulls back up alongside I thought Garcia had the Pats made but he didn't take no holds the position wow this is the first lamp right so the lemurs did indeed briefly take second place but slots back into third position with two massive you and me going back by the rebellion but yes give estava Melissa's looking racy as well this is going to be an absolute dogfights in GT Pro that's allowed though Nikki teams just draw a little bit of an advantage as the leaders can across the line in just a moment to complete the first lap we're sticking with this GT Pro battle and well we might through ghost number seven three point two seconds clear might come with a separate me then Gustavo mother says virtually pet from Stephane Sarrazin British Center for open Hanley Saab Dillman Matty over savvy air holds the leading position in lmp2 from Nicole a p.m. the Sydney checkout beam car I'm Davidson third in records B car keyed Avanigadda in the racing team Netherland de Lara so Menendez and Buemi seem to be having a little bit of a battle out there because by the Mulsanne corner the rebellion number three was in second in by time they got back to the start/finish line the Whammy had reclaimed the position onto the front straightaway for the first time for the GTE Pro cars fantastic full grandstands if you've never been able to come here and sit in the tributes and see the start of this race it's a spectacle not to be missed one call the hospitalist artisan GTR it's a one two three four now for bullsháá that comes courtesy of the number 78 car bunks on our Braille is now ahead off the gem W motorsport Ferrari onboard with the number 93 now we're on board with a number 66 that's the in down in let's see where is he he's eleventh in class that's olivier cloth that's in the car of the 1966 livery again if you're just with us all of the four the four ford cars commemorate great poets in ford l'amour history and the race star is under-investing it's not unusual not unusual that may well just be procedural wait and see whether or not a lot of freight system race control spotted something we didn't 94 car tucks in behind I'll call it team car it's what the WC cars yeah that's Gemini trailing Jimmy Bruni the 94 car one of the u.s. entered entries semi-sentient 66 Ford Juke he came out there as he has been from the very start the race with the 51 Ferrari Livia bla with Alessandra be a greedy the current GT world champion when I used to do these American LeMans Series races Jamie in the United States we always know if it got boring up front go to GT there's always a battle there and it will be that way all day today double yellow at Marshall position six Ted roof that's a tete Rousse inch is this great great feeling this when you're in the car your own you sort of hit a brick wall the the Aero aspect of the speed stops but when you're tucked up behind these cars at the beginning your car just keeps accelerating and it's such a great feeling you at the engine just keeps going and going still that battle this time it's Ford versus Porsche whereas the 91 karbix good has escaped from the u.s. entered car and gets by the 66 car with ease there after the after the hump in the Milan straightaway well this GT Pro battle is living up to his billing and then some of the moments now we had Ford and Ferrari we've had Ford abortion now it's for the Corvettes let's the coal that goes around the outside that's the 64 car that car had a rough first night of practice and qualifying there's the 63 let's say under the front now you can tell the two Corvettes apart the 63 car has the white Corvette banner above the windscreen and the 64 car has a black Corvette banner above the windscreen so that's how you can tell those cars apart and the same thing with the Porsches through come the leaders complete lap so it's a three seventeen point nine one zero for Mike Conway four and a half seconds down to the good from simple way me he's beginning to drop Costel Femina says just a little bit behind that it's line of stir with the two SMP racing cars and Bruno Senna in the second rebellion what we're also saying is actually all the GT and cars are right on the tail of the Pro cars the reason for bar every ad card has a pro in it and generally the pros seem to have all started because so although if you've got this Pro Am different actually the cars are very similar and every car has a pro in it so what you see in this first in is actually something like the 35 car battle those might occur only when the Porsche is coming them from a head of Matt Campbell another one those Porsche superstars Ben Barker so quickly for Porsche runs on Abril Jeff Segal Jorg Bergmeister Giancarlo Fisichella Keiko Selena Jerome play come over Toni Vilander and TRAI Puccini Charlie Eastwood petrol ami rattle fry Lewis periscope Bank and Ishikawa son that is your GT an order and there wasn't the name you listed there that you wouldn't want on your teen fantastic stuff absolutely absolutely great drivers concerning the start of the race no further action well whatever they might have seen they looked at closely and their eyes must have deceived them well it wasn't the cleanest of stars was a it was I think a bit rush because they were just after the three and I think it was a bit spread out for their liking they liked them sort of true Indy car style restarts you know but anyway real world panel the third position now Vitaly Petrov is getting his head down beginning to attack co-star Verma says are getting closer and closer so a bit of damage on the rebellion there yeah there's a guys Clayton that's off to the right there where it shouldn't be I think it's the final it's the these cars are not painted there by naught so it's like a sticker all over the car and I think there's a black bit there just on the right-hand side and I think it's a bit of vinyls come on we'd call that a wrap in America a wrap yes not like the sandwich weed problem is though is that creates drag yes basher that's a critical area which actually feeds airflow to the rear wing so yeah I have some problems with that three-way battle now for the lead in lmp2 right there on your screen there's only one speed for the first ten minutes of the LeMond 24 hours in and out and that is flat-out it is top speed absolutely fantastic stuff in every class absolutely a sprint race for this first ten minutes and it's not settled down any time yet and you've got three good peddlers here and this in these three cards and the TDS racing bucks Pierre and then Nicollet Lapierre in the Signet tech and then in the dragon's meet Anthony Davidson first second and third Koufax up to second in GT Pro in his team from Garcia signal Tandy estra DaCosta mother Regan Gavin Westbrook Bruni Pierre greedy claw jamming a Maxie Martin and Martin Tomczyk and Ollie Jarvis and that is your deal GT Pro 10 more see them on your screen yeah knows the tale and know that they're still a stun on the timing screen here there is not one of them less than a second apart staggering it needs naught point eight nine point nine nine point six not point three and so on it's an incredible fight there it's one of the four it's moving around the Ferrari set the 51 or the 7151 51 clear parkland with olivier plar I think Albert ll BAM but they're looking a bit nervous just biting the nail well not just the World Championship winning driver and Aleman winning driver of course but our team owner with Porsche gt3 will be seeing a lot more of Alabama motorsports Co run with his brother will as the time goes on I'm sure of that 92 Porsche in car now with Kevin estra he's going to hope he's heading for a world championship win with driving partner full season driving partner Michael Kristensen they come through the Porsche curse that's a beautiful entry this is a great sweeping set this has good rhythm doesn't it yeah it's it's really it's up there with not many when you ask drivers what's your favorite they were sort of a Rouge or 130r at Suzuka but actually the Porsche curves is phenomenal to drive here's another look at the start yeah it's a it's a little bit strung out but yeah not too bad yeah there was a big gap between the p1 cars and the p2 cars but then once the hammer went down there you see the move it's interesting I mean it's a hybrid runs out actually the SMP cars are quicker yeah rebellion sorry it wasn't good it was a good go at it wasn't it give it his best shot it didn't quite work and he knew he had to get it done by Dunlap and if he didn't get it done by Dunlap because it'd be able to regenerate under braking see it from in car in the eights and watch to the left of the car head and no son of her buddy and yeah job done I wonder we didn't actually see the overtake did we we didn't know but I wouldn't be surprised with that really slow warmup bath yeah probably the Toyota didn't have that much hybrid power so that's that's why they were able to stay so close still a replay here as we look at him come on to the rest right now we're back live with our race leader Mike Conway in the Toyota TSO 50 knock is pulling away I'm putting away very one indeed he's now six seconds to the kilt efficacy of a 317 four to five Jim roll a new track record for Mike Conway he is pushing his name bear in mind people what did we have a opposition 15.3 was it yeah yeah you know so he's two seconds off the the quali lap at the moment he's got a full tank of fuel race start taking a bit of caution to everything that he's doing but very close to the qualifying phase Antonio Garcia has now gotten the Corvette up into second place as we go back to look at the GTE Pro battle and they are nose to tail for fourth absolutely Porsche intrasquad battle 317 297 another track record for Mike Conway's he stretches that gap just a little more six point seven seconds now got Kevin estra almost not quite champion elect it's got a lot of business to do to claim that title today battling it out with Nick Tandy estra and his teammates in the 91 and 92 car are runners in the World Endurance Championship regularly and in fact our Porsche has been crowned World Endurance manufacturers champion that's why the the gold paint scheme the white gold and black paint scheme on the cars this year and then behind him the American WeatherTech sportscar championship car and here comes the Corvette Antonio Garcia has been feeling racy all we can he get it done here in the run to Indianapolis yes wow oh wow what a move what a move well let's see if he can carry it all the way around to the front straightaway cuz Corvette leads lamothe it's been four years since the the car has been able to carry a team to the top step of the podium this is the c7 our ironically in 20 starts the c7 our is the carry on car from the c5 are in the c6 the c7 is really the least successful of those three Corvette cars when it comes to outright wins only one win for that car in 2014 the other cars had four and three respectable just 15 minutes into this great race there's a whole lot more where that came from many years we've seen Corvette Aston Martin fold here with those great and here we are again look at them with one second apart both the same color two great drivers two great cars with very different noises as well and thumping v8 from the Corvette turbocharged now with probably than mountain so and two great teams I can remember the respect that they both had for each other before and after the race there would be a handshake line up between both teams and then once the green flag dropped that's the fun part yes having any and the Corvette's looking very strong at this stage is slightly ikki away as me two big battles underway in lmp1 meanwhile we've already talked about Gustavo Miller says with Vitaly Petrov at his tracks but Berger said a big getting to get into the back of Stefan serisone for fifth place with the SMP racing beyond 180 are to fend off the second rebellion Gibson but the moment we're sticking with this battling quite right - as is often the case the first 15 minutes of this thing have been helter skelter and now they're starting to get in to a bit of a rhythm you're starting to see sand some gaps develop there there are big gaps but they're just comfortable you know just enough spread of three 17.2 for the Toyota that is probably the last time we're going to see a quick lap because after five laps of running they are already on the back of the GT and cars amazing speed that's over an eight and a half mile lap yeah incredible five laps later and every five laps of course that drivers going to see that car again maybe's again [Music] look at that isn't that one two three four five six nose to tail yeah this is a replay of I think Hal Garcia got past first thing no yeah look at that just absolutely stunning stuff and the confidence that you have in each other to race that close flat-out yeah you're not gonna make a mistake you have to have that confidence you have to have that respect as well these are truly high speeds that you are going and you know we're on a public road and they're approaching 200 miles an hour guys that's 150 through that corner down to a hundred nose to tell it's it's really a lot of respect between the drivers but good heart by to go ahead now we're back in 10th 11th and 12th that's Jimmy Bruni Richard Westbrook in fear we D let's say camera ranga you all get ready of the calvin the foot astonishing looks from the way pi and then further back or racing more side-by-side goes through Costa Ferrari to the outside of the fort can he make it stick though no this time he can't we used to have a saying in America if you were if you were a cameraman no matter what the director tells you go with the side bites I know in this case which side by side do you want me to go with [Music] if you're here and you're listening and you get a chance to take a walk over to the inside of Indianapolis in the night time itself fantastic base to what as they sweep through the right-hander I mean on the brakes and into the left hand of the Bank left-hander Indianapolis it's a it's a really a truly spectacle place to watch from into the Porsche curves that Corvette up the inside of the Ford positional change further down in GT Pro the 94 Porsche jamming eight matches yone goes past Olivia Clark and here we go this is just a family says now having to defend hard from Vitaly Petrov as they come into traffic that's something that I really hate when I've done the race in both and an lmp1 car can stop way quicker than a GT car and when you're in the GT car no lmp1 car does that tube dives comes past you pulls in front of you and slams on the brakes where am I meant to go I can't stop as quick as you so I really hate to see that drivers have just stayed bodies lying overtaken no problem and really really a a hard thing for the GT cars to deal with this is minimus and Petra bananas in the number-three rebellion that's the bright yellow car then the blue and red car behind in the SMP my Conway really pulling away at a great rate I mean we're on lap six yet he's already eight and a half seconds all pase pase has been astonishing for the stop this race hold on a second - laughs we did hear about where me saying earlier on in the warm-up that his car was feeling very good for the night maybe maybe we see a difference there Moses there rather cut the corner it's not helped too many better off right back with him looking a very racy indeed and I think patrols are shaping up for a pass here yeah I think so too I think he had a much better run light rain reported at malls and so now in traffic pet drop making trying to make his movie dope to the left was blocked by the rebellion now he'll try to the right but now he's blocked by the number 85 for but your own blink him on behind the wheel and that's gonna give just enough space as here's another SMP rebellion battle only this one is reverse of the first Oh big big slide from Bruno Senna though as you're trying to get the power in but it's almost like a negative it's lit of the the battle for third position is battle for fifth it's Miller says defending from Petrov it's Sarah's and defending from Senna and sprinkles ahead I pick oversteering moment there for Bruno but it's not a good thing to see you don't you want a nice secure rear end at this point of the race and having a big snap like that at all give it a little yeah yeah yes be a bit careful I'm bought with Bruno Senna can see the rear end of that's SMP racing car ahead look in the positions doing because they come down into malls and corner on the brakes very very hard on the brakes the head Petrov has got Menezes in his sights in the line of traffic in front he's looking for space here he's not gonna find it until they get to Indianapolis he's gonna sweep around the outside here he's gonna try it's coming done huzi huzi I'm not quite so great battle [Music] mole traffic I think they forgot to tell these boys 24 hours not 24 minutes three Porsches ahead that is funny battling GTR as they come through one two three 88 77 and 86 Kali mudra from rebellion enjoying this for the moment at least yeah 23 minutes in and who's gonna throw the next punch a Rollie camp Ellen Barker your top three in ggm [Music] leaders meanwhile overall on with the GT Pro leaders now to lap them as they come by to completes lap seven of this great race is that going to have any impact on the GT Pro battle just ahead of these this pair about the length of start/finish straight away with most of the GT Pro squad between them so interesting that so far it looks like the rebellion is maybe running a little bit more downforce cherrychanga all running like that and their two Porsches making it by so take the losses two places there with a mistake coming through Dunlop estra and Tandy both through yeah it goes from third to sixth fifth third to fifth and you wonder sometimes is that because of the p1 cars coming through they can affect they can affect themselves as much as they can affect the other cars and and the other battles they can use the traffic as a pick to fight in their battle but when they do the other battle the drivers if they position themselves right pounce out a mistake goes both ways great battling through the traffic and not luck had he done last time can he do the same again he's going to get a lot closer tricky moments this for the GT castle both both sets LLP and GT but for the GT guys who are very close and having a battle within a second of each other closing speeds lmp1 cars flying by you and watch the watch the helicopter there [Music] of course this is an opportunity as well for when you're the driver in second place or behind the other it's an opportunity to use the traffic to your advantage yeah sometimes you get lucky with it sometimes not how often do you worry that they've seen the first guy but not the second guy yeah you'd hear the second guy especially yeah you do we saw a couple of years ago alland actually coming down through the Dunlop curve and one went through and I think the Ferrari didn't see the second one coming or vice versa so he does happen you have to have your wits about you at this point because that all the cars are very close together let's check in on pit lane with with Luiz yes I've just seen that the number 25 algarve has come into the pits I'm walking down there now so as soon as I get to them it's a bit of a way I will find out why both coming from head to toe Illinois's champion last year with g-drive racing moves back to previous email cough bro in LMS this year as behind battlin no dealing with traffic again this is the battle for fifth position where the cap just emerges in front Avista it's almost it's almost luck it's almost locked so I was talking about it earlier I think the SMP car has got less downforce for the rebellion because the rebellion was able to pull away in the portal and get him there they are no no I see other way around mostly 5/5 oh yeah so I think slightly different strategy from the two team because we saw one all over the other down the straights but then pulls away in the Porsche curves absolutely just just that kind of put this in the context what kind of speed are we talking there as the lmp1 cars were passing by J meeting those GT Pro cars that was not slow that was full bore GT action yeah quad right now is around 120 miles an hour through the last left there at the end of into Indianapolis they're there they're touching 200 miles an hour Wow into the pits come the lmp1 paddlers 4/5 after just 23 minutes in a lab that's seems a bit early [Music] let's check in with Lily's real quick do 28 but they saw that everyone else is going to be coming in on the 28th so they stopped at lap early to get him in and back out again soon and mr. traffic so seems early for me for lmp1 that this don't really eight laps into the race it's about right splitting strategy good look over the number one car giving the from the currently a race of the pit stops here 17 car down in comes apocalypse car as well in comes the that look good to me not the TDS car from the lead inland beat zone so yes indeed he was into the lead goes nickel a Pierre just took the position with those three lmp1 cars having stops as Allan McNish rightly points out they've had the to formation lap the sighting lap or laps possibly before they put the car to the grid so yeah about eight or nine laps these are the second cars so bring them in first that way you know that there's not a issue change the position David Ragan has gotten the 71 car up in the sixth position little bit they've had contact maybe the Corvette before a car that it's flapped all week and the 64 clintus dicing up the inside of the BMW there as taking the opportunity to go in the gap created by the dragon speaker I'll touch side to side there may have been three-way contact there BMW Ford Corvettes three fighting ferrets and a sack for that's the Porsche just waiting to see if they all go up and a big cloud it does I don't think they will oh look at this Wow Wow Oliver Gavin there's a big set right there Wow Yardley Hastings finest Monty won't cop send the hands off Jimmy Bruni he's looking to make progress as well he's not afraid to get racy either Oh No for using all the road this is an absolutely fantastic battle the Porsche now before should having a look on the outside [Music] all these slightly escaping that call better looking very strong a bracelet just aren't they just 63 car leads by 1.3 seconds from the Keating pulse a big Aston Martin then Porsche extra Porsche Tambe take then the Ford Davide Rico on Olly Gavin we just seen they're making further progress doc Miller Jimmy Bruni Felix de Costa I son of Mia greedy it just goes on and on and on big over there six overtakes as the eight car comes to the pits for the first of the pit stops for our leaders so the eight three and eleven second third and fourth all stop we wait to see whether or not been Hanley follows our down pit lane but might come wait continues on around for another go that's gonna put these leaders right back out amongst the you know small that he goes that's that's what Jamie pointed out earlier that the car had the rat maybe was coming loose and it could be an aerodynamic it's you they have changed the nose [Music] just own a half an hour gone because you know good Chris what they're saying in the pro battle is that all bets are looking particularly strong Epson flows throughout the race you know there might be strong now at the beginning on full tanks your car constantly the track evolves the car revolves with the track the temperature the night time the daytime the Sun except all these things change your car balance slightly so you might find now the Corvettes are strong in the night the for two stripes and only hit absent flows this strength strength and weaknesses with the cars I can remember sometime back in the early days of the WEC the then felt my proton Porsche that was the factory after at the time and just have the legs on everything and then the temperature dropped three four degrees and they fell off a cliff well remember when Sebastian wammy said in the morning warm-up that he felt the car was going to be perfect for the night cloud cover has come over since that morning warm-up temperatures have dropped degrees so perhaps the racetrack is coming into coming into its own for Sebastian Benny as Mike Conway goes out goes purple in Sector he still stopped yet remember that suspect is in lab so pushing very hard in lap remainder on the other b2 field ending towards the pets just waiting the last couple to confirm that's exactly what the plan is for the only car in the top what is that 17 that hasn't stopped yet is the leading car on the screen the battle for second third that's Darren Turner being chased by a Niki team rather being chased by Kevin estra one two three four five four different manufacturers in the top four no two Porsches there five the quartet strong that I thought they were he was going to pull away from Nikki but Nikki is hanging on in there I think he's using that toe to good effect on these straighter the Corvette is punching a hole for it and it seems to have all settled down a little bit although they're still pushing hard and still flows well extras the man on the move at the moment looking like he wants fun sister go past the Aston Martin Duffy had told me on Wednesday after on Thursday after the wedding nights qualifying it was pretty confident they had the race pace here comes the number seven with Mike Conway behind the wheel it'll stay in the car checking just fuel at this point cleaning the windshield double stenting the tires double standing of the drivers so I'll become de rigueur here and come on out so that link back to crazy world of GT Pro formal of deja vu all over again absolutely fantastic action from just about everybody well let's be let's be fair everybody yeah and it's not hyperbole folks this is absolutely stunning endurance racing we are just 34 minutes into a 24 hour race and these guys have been at it hammer and tong here comes one of the rebellions through the traffic again because of the pissed-off jump wits outcomes might come weight and that's the gap so that was out of our knowledge for the rebellion as Mike Conway left the pits one of the things they do of these cars is well besides cleaning the windshields and lights of cleaning the light panels or there's other panels so that they can be seen they have to be seen by the officials or they'll get called in and get told to clean them up well be interesting to see what happens later in the race when we get into darkness dipnote is through qualifying you a lot of filmdom of panels and it seemed particularly on the lmp2 cars and they will be called for that and they will be required to replace them cars have to be able to be identified in the darkness one two watches who watched GTR but for the moment that's the car guy the bright yellow Ferrari ahead of the slightly less bright yellow Ferrari with young D Blackmore Easter Egg livery yeah charreteras Waldo deliver livery and then project won the championship leaders in the FI WC but when we get back to Adam p2 action talked about track temperature air temperature that's going to be a factor for the tire battle not said much about that yet that will come I'm sure later in the race at least slightly cooler conditions that is going to be something that that dunlop runners are going to enjoy this is actually almost perfect conditions it's humid it's cool it's not sunny so there's no brightness in anybody's eyes it's it's good for we used to love this in television because you didn't have to go with the neutral density filters everything the cars look great this is about as perfect conditions as it gets it yeah I mean the only thing we have got is it's quite gusty good job see affects your cars especially at the high speed corners but yeah apart from that the conditions are pretty perfect problem there for bit number 20 49 sorry lmp2 car and it's mira Konopka the lmp2 am winning car from the ocean Amman series last season a longer pit stop for the remainder but he is now dropping right back down the field yeah the number 20 the number 49 card hey RC Bratislava entry a minute 25 seconds top Graham yeah that's a killer 293 for for the porch there 294 the shortest of the three straights of the Pulsar yep let's see what they do and the run to Indianapolis compare that to the 341 that Vitaly Petrov was just for 343 for Tom dill is up top that knows Ted out of Sarah Sam mighty fast [Music] now are we gonna see a look up the inside 492 card not quite there but right with them interesting isn't it we're seeing Sebastian play mr. top speed at only 3:05 comparison with Mike Conway's and the other Toyota at 320 smoke where they're coasting where are they going to listen caps and again it's the way in which they'll manage the hybrid energy in the cars yeah very similar between the Aston Martin and the Toyota actually top speed where the Toyota Ops is much quicker isn't with the punch from the hybrid system out of the corner whereas the lmp1 non hybrid cars they just keep accelerating until iterating in the show hundred and five kilometers an hour that's about a hundred just a little under 190 miles per hour still on there goes the SMP racing car again making its way through the GT Pro leaders goes Pascal destra and its target and done instantly is Niki team hanging on to Antonio Garcia's a little bit of a gap but not much we've got car reported slow on circuit by the way that is the number 30 car that's is decane engineering and indeed Nicosia man is dropping down through the order he's dropped all the way to 18th in the class category there he is punch a punch oh yeah that looks like suspension the quick the tire looks okay [Music] French driver trying to get back to the pits he's already made one pit stop yeah so this will be a second stop for them well it did not like the the tar was on what's the wheel on properly it's not that goes from the pit stop let's keep an eye on the number 30 guys got a long way to go to come home when that's their early run spoil this time to get back into this but Nicolas your man is gonna have to be very careful bringing that car a long way home second gear down through the Fate under the famous Dunlop bridge through the esses here fourth gear 210 on the brakes for the esses tuck it into the a bit of cat camp but here it helps you up pop up over the hill here scar get light the car gets light yeah especially in the GT car and the exit here is super important of all the road used for the long burst of the bull substrates you straighten that out as much as you can don't factors you can one of the wax [Music] still making its way back between the two she cakes down trying to get out of the way and take the shortcuts somebody's ready I was I was talking to some of the guys in the pit lane one of those are cool 45,000 euros but the no speech no speech here Kevin estra has not given up the ghost he is now right on the tailpipe of the Aston Martin pretty Larry isn't it he's closing again boy look into the a inside as they come to the second chicane he's gonna be on the outside now the clock he holds him off don't run out of Road traced on that I think he's got him now he's got the inside position as they head down the mall song he's gonna have second place if there's the slower car that's dr. nice no baby I'm sure there were no yellows there that was a white flag no yellow flag their horse has done it though and now the second Porsche and the cue is on him as well that's the chicane engineering car now starts to drop a course there are real positions on track for his GT cars going by the decane engineering karts could have dropped to the right to the back of this field and team has now fallen back into the clutches of Nick Tandy wonder if he's got a little bit of a problem now cuz he hasn't fallen back hasn't fallen back at all from Kevin estra that's just the next it's just the next member of your class knocking on the door hey don't forget about me back here everybody's racy holy capping slowly catching this lot pretty started I think good p14 was it in class he's now up to p7 and he's slowly catching you can see him in the distance so the Corvette's they're definitely looking very strong the Porsche is looking strong Aston looking a little bit weak at the moment but as we said earlier it can change oh it's a long race I mean I think I don't think anybody in this class is showing any any weakness let's check in with with Louise down in the pits I've made it down to two can thirteen who we've seen going slow it is a puncher I believe from right is that what you can see I don't know but they've got a nose and one tire ready in the pit lane where he does come back Louise it didn't look like a puncture we thought it might have been the suspension at the moment that's what they're saying to me and that's what they've got but I will keep an eye out stay here [Music] just a quick links' after that round of pit stops ten seconds gained in the pits by sebastian wang in the number eight toe tap so difference in pit stop strategy or whatever they did in that last stop at o2 but a minute and four seconds for Mike Conway 54 seconds for Sebastien Buemi still taken ten seconds back from the charging number seven still flashing away that big stuff with this GTE Pro so is this is this a championship strategy we're seeing where whereby the seven car is gonna be a little bit trying to be rabbit early and see if the webbing will we'll try and keep up and well we've seen it happen before have a week see whether or not you can make the the non hi Prince chase if they possibly can as the bike on us I don't know I mean I mean between the two Toyota's they've been allowed to race but I say absolutely yeah and just bought so you can get the aid to Jason plus one LeMond legend leaves us Girona another level that gingers pops in for another couple of hours welcome to a 20-19 LeMond 24 hours been with us all week of course on the coverage to peter than Breck and pizza you've been watching behind here this is a dogfight it is it's great I think the interesting thing for me in this is that we're we're gradually seeing the the tire we're coming into play between the different cars and I think Aston Martin is possibly using their tire harder than the other cars and starting to fall back now whereas a Corvette seems to be very strong right from the starting fight a beginning it's indication of who's got the straight-line speed in general the Porsche isn't quite quick enough but Esther did - deep fire there but no we put the de force let's pop by sandy yeah yeah the four just come back sandy the GT cars are starting to make their pit stops let's check in with the leaves yes I can see to come past me which our Ferraris but I can see it was 83 and I can't see the other one look like standard pit stops awesome poor Chanel and the 93-91 are both getting ready for the cast coming it was the weather tech racing 62 was the other Ferrari and what's going to be a very busy petland a smoke from the bit rear of the Dragons p-card look boy they're big but see starts to make his way through this battle this is third fourth and fifth in the GTE Pro battle now you can see a haze in the air there so I wonder what heroes never a good sign this early in the race that is Ben Hanley and he's dropped back back behind the bike Collis by the way there's another slower pitch number 124 from the Dragons be squad 8 position overall succumb it's carefully smoking that's that's not good so that's obviously happening as he's getting on the brakes he's off the throttle of that stage at this models for the chicane engineering squad after a lot of bad news over the last couple of minutes that car has made it back to the pits unscathed other than the problem which initially affected it that's miss Jo Louise it was a it was a run flat that front does not look flat to me it's pretty bounce unity see and take it back they've released the car well he did a great job than bringing it back without getting that tired to delaminate and fall apart yeah if it yeah I mean it does certainly look like it's sitting Lord 20 prepare pencils beginning 93 64 68 91 the numbers on your bingo card in pit lane right now today generally in that situation you're getting a team of two cards they'll pick one one lap before the other car generally is the car that's behind will pit first then and so that's why we see Garcia still out there and Olly Gavin knows if it's synchronized pitting as the Corvette the port and the Porsche all hit their mark exactly together just just out of the corner of my eye 86 golf racing car came in to pit lane he rather had braked himself had a bit of a bump across the the gravel on his way in that was Ben Barker coming in from third position in class and it's gonna be a very full pit lane of some very lovely GT cars well it's that's seven GT pros and a gaggle of GT Elms follow them in I think every one of those drivers on a double stint so a driver stays in and I think Nick tears nicked and he beat them all out so Tandy was the first in and he's the first out you watch these pit stops underway by the way a penny on slow it is going slowly it's the number one car seventh position that going very slowly Bruno Senna but news very early on in the race just 4050 minutes in interesting he was a exactly a hundred and twenty kilometer Noah as if he was on a speed limiter police people wasn't varying very weird lmp2 battle TDS g-drive racing team Netherland that is the battle for second position with head of them Nicola Pierre none seconds up on goggle so the TDS or occur then the eres matched or occur from g-drive racing the funnel race with the team the racing team nedelin de Lara well up at this stage get have under Garda the cracking starts miss race at Spa strawberry rates last month the white flags you see there for the rebellion that's ahead of this group limping back to the pits if ever days see on the left side of your screen you've got to think guys after two blown engines and qualifying this isn't good no first black white flag for track limits it goes to Giancarlo Fisichella this generic van for a position in this class I saw watching that battle with their nikki team and Kevin extra we saw quite a few times nikki team running wait on the corner onto the main straight and remind me of where that is tete Rousse yes yeah he was certainly using all the tight limits there so I think they'll be looking at him thinking right too much more of that man and we're going to be giving you a warning as well I think they've also given them some time to settle in because when it was really busy with traffic I think they were giving people a little bit more leeway just because if they were using a little bit more track to stay safe they were allowing it now that we've kind of settled in they're gonna be a little bit more watchful the track limits is the Oh this is a very different way an unbelievable move by the TDS number 28 there to squeeze in ahead of the Ford through coasts shuttering fan and three goes key to Vonda Carter making a move on the inside T of Sonic fan and since a pit lane comes to Fort so from a situation where we were looking at huge battles up and down the GTE Pro order now gentlemen some of the LMB twos to play yes as the top six cars now in GTE Pro have come to the pits the Corvette 63 the 92 Porsche the 95 Aston Martin the 67 Ford the 71 and 51 Ferraris also the 94 Porsche and the 82 BMW and the 69 Chip Ganassi team u-s-a towards the top nine are in that in the top 10 in fact is Maxine Martin brings the 97 car in so all of our GTE Pro cars will now have made their first pit stop mark off the pace of Mike Conway from the staff this race we are not you're just over 50 minutes into the race it's just as we saw that quick shot of him with damage on the Front's of the Porsche it's just as we saw that shot about to lap the 23rd place car overall the settle Arthur Opel Corsa tanara looks like the Corvette is the first away followed by the Kevin Esther Porsche [Music] 95 head of her octagonal keep an eye on the pitstop times for each of those eternity Garcia one minute nine for Corvette one minute 10 for life of Kristensen Nikki team 112-111 very signal 112 but a video recon certainly found a bit of a gut to Nikki team he's lost out in that one the one car makes it back to the pits Nikki team has fallen down the order to fifth [Music] but just ready and I'm now doing a normal pit stop as I can see this was the one that was slow on track yes it was totally normal pitstop they're not looking at anything else [Music] maybe because they couldn't get the fuel and maybe they thought the fuels of the cony given fuel alarm it could be that simple you said yeah I think you said it was at 120 kilometers an hour right straight right well they just managing fuel from that set was that a ghetto mode on fuel maybe we know that when you put your speed limiter on the car goes that different map a fuel saving map so that might well be the case well I'm sure we'll hear from rebellion racing but that's certainly not good news for them this early in the race drops him down through the LM beats in order so Bruno Senna has dropped off the back of the and a B 2 and B 1 train would say by the way Ben Hanley has not pitted that car that was showing smoke decaying didn't look to me to be able to speed either but the rebellion certainly looks up the speed now or is that the other car have I confused [Music] we'll keep an eye on brilliant centers second sector time we'll be looking with something around the 78 79 second mark for that rebellion to be showing us that there is no further issue I'm calling that let's fuel yeah [Music] so going back to the GT Pro battle the big winner of the pit stops was Nick Tandy vaulted up to second place ahead of Christensen and the big loser was Nikki team dropping from third back to fifth it's a mark of how close that or was that the spread of those pit stops was just five seconds it's also interesting to see the race strategy of Boo is double spinning their drivers and who is it Garcia stayed in Tandy stayed in Esther got out Kristensen got in I think in the 68 car Muller did not start the car Nikki team stayed in malla Ridgetown stayed in brownie and Tincknell stayed in mulleted stop he did start okay so only the Porsche of the top eight cars changed the drive should say just seen that second sector from Bruno Senna he is absolutely back up to speed you know it was by the look of things it seems to me that the cars had stopped that a little bit earlier than the second of the team they had the extra lap on the fresh tires and I think that's what helped oh in Chinese case because he was the fastest thought wasn't he and he must had a great old lap and jumped ahead of the Kristensen slow puncture is what we've been told for rebellion yellow that means pit entries close sorry about that that pre-move being totally appalled oh it's more than that is the number 88 Porsche well he's just this has just happened he had just come to us this this happened after the full course came out make sure of it maybe under braking full course shell over drama you look at his skid marks there's no contact with the wall spin around twice as knee I think he's been caught out by the car ahead of him yep all hit yeah or hit by someone from yet no he was side by side with with the project one car and just went round and round that was a close call well that'll be forth throughout me bits it will be flat spots galore on those that set of Michelin's without a shadow of a doubt so I think we're probably going to see the 88 car back in again so the full course yellow there was some debris down at Marshalls post 21 22 which is Mulsanne corner as the only thing we'd actually seen not seeing any other evidence of dramas around the track in the speeds for the cars on the racetrack 80 kilometers an hour as I fill course yellow came I we were onboard with Harry Tincknell and you could see Nicky team take a distinct advantage on the brakes didn't he he didn't get down to 120 near nearly as quick as how he dink noted well there is an art to that they've got just just a little bit on edge five seconds utk rather than 120 yeah 8080 yeah the stuarts and race control by the way with GPS we're going to go back to full one green track is like the green track is back to thee a cheeky wee break test now Wow oh wow Jimmy Bruni and Ally Gavin a little gamesmanship there didn't work for me did it well Portia's in front of shot though he just didn't get up to speed as quick as the Porsche behind them but we've got three wide behind five six seven cars in that gaggle and that is the braking zone one of which is everyone Gavin gets it back the SNP car harrassing Bruni from the rear and will be by him as the gun the power and Harry Tincknell was a loser there as he dropped back a couple of positions because of the SMP car making his way through the traffic also at the front Michael Christensen has kind of pulled the same trick on Nick Tandy and gotten by him at the after the first chicane [Music] two Ferraris battling away with hurry Technol and 495 car for courage save a each that's not going to provoke into a braking zone is it throughout let's see much of Ferrari yet in this race maybe they're Bo P is slightly not favourable at the moment but I strike robbers in and as the race goes on there's a good chance that Ferrari will start to claw back some other time that they they've you know they're losing against their competitors you know Sal has managed to get the 88 car back to pit lane that will be with Louise Beckett's anytime soon I'm short for a new set of boots the meantime remember that battle we start for the race with in GT Pro it looks the same there everybody's just kind of a different position absolutely there is the 88 in the pits she no Sun after that scary moment side by side with the project1 Porsche of York Bergmeister on the plus side no damage on the car looks like so got away with that one just a used upset a Michelin's he was pretty lucky there wasn't he at the turn that could very easily have been into the barrier [Music] does look like he stated in the car double-checking the full-course yellow procedures as they do after pretty much every fire shell I would think the they need to check back there's there's been a couple of little Indus instances that were a little bit dodgy yeah it's again not unusual to have a look at that one neither a seventh official but people to get it wrong through goes the 64 car on the 68 so allah gavin having lost out briefly with that rather dramatic in car from Jimmy Bruni makes progress now we are at the end of the first hour gentlemen it's been a fantastic first 60 minutes of the 87th running of the great race that I'm on 24 hours 20:19 quite rightly we're watching a lot of GT action that's where the action is very interesting
Channel: 24 Heures du Mans
Views: 524,759
Rating: 4.9030304 out of 5
Keywords: 24 Heures du Mans, 24h du Mans, 24 hours of Le Mans, Le Mans, FIA WEC, WEC, FIA World Endurance Championship, Le Mans 24 Hours, motorsport, racing, ACO, Automobile Club de l'Ouest, #LeMans24, #WEC, endurance, toyota, porsche, ford, ferrari, corvette, ligier, oreca, Aston Martin, Gibson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 51sec (4191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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