Magnus Carlsen vs Vladislav Artemiev | 24 Blitz Death Match | 21 April 2021

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yo i am late as always the stream has finally started now uh hopefully the games will get going pretty pretty soon uh i don't know if vladislav is ready um but as you can see from the title uh this is going to be a 24 game well best of 24 game blitz match against artemiev um pretty serious stuff in in that sense also we play three plus two um as i think none of us want this to be a uh a flag fest yeah late as always uh boomer tech skills you know and uh i don't know i just think that things are gonna take less time than they eventually do like some people have a bad sense of time like um they a minute will have passed and in their head like only only 50 seconds have passed and this means that they're always late and i i think i'm one of those rather than um rather than somebody who doesn't respect people's time yeah now i seem to have crossed out the chest 24 logo but this is on chess 24 on the new interface hopefully the this interface will be ready for for a general release fairly fairly soon but it's certainly certainly i think um yeah nicer than nicer than before anyway uh the games are not starting there it is okay am i on the wrong cam no i'm not on the wrong cap okay never mind the game has started he's played one d4 let's go rtmf is um young relatively young born in 98 grandmaster from from from russia um who has a very positional style of play i would say at this point he's definitely a top top five blitz player in the world so this is clearly a very tough challenge okay let me um try and uh play something slightly unusual here i'll go yeah let's go knight bd7 a6 there's queen b3 i feel like i've been stalling in this exact position before okay let's go c6 you can go bishop d3 but i feel like rook c1 is a it's a waste of time probably if not a waste of time then maybe not necessary because how are these lines 27 castles e5 d95 takes 95 maybe it's a little bit dull yeah i don't know what else to do though so i'm thinking this knight d5 cd5 bishop d2 queen d2 queen d5 should be more or less equal and if you take some d5 immediately um then i have bishop c3 and then e4 winning a piece so i think this is fine if cd5 i will have to cons i will have to consider whether to go cd or or 95 yeah but this this is what i expected though and i may be very slightly worse but i think realistically it's just gonna end up equal and i don't know why he's his thinking um regardless i think yeah this is pretty much pretty much equal um maybe i can hope at some point to have chances with the majority hoping that it's easier to set it three against two in motion than a fork four against three um but i think it's unrealistic anyway now g6 feels like the sensible way to get luft 25 yeah this is uh pretty pretty cool i think hp6 yeah capture so his idea is capture rook c4 rook d8 and then rook d4 trying to get control over the d file that's clever probably don't have a lot of choice attack queen e7 queen c7 maybe in c7 there's still queen d1 maybe i'm actually slightly worse okay let's go b6 rook d7 maybe this forcing queen d1 at least maybe it was a queen of six rook a7 rook d8 looks like counter plane huh yeah at least in blitz this seems reasonable if it doesn't take i just go rook d8 and i exchange and i'm never never ever worse yeah i just realized 58 queen c3 when i lose hmm yeah there are no tricks there it's a pity okay queen of three rk7 there's r8 e5 yeah he's not much better but he's certainly slightly better and it's hard to it's hard to imagine me winning h4 i go h5 okay he decides just a trade i think that's oh maybe i don't have a perpetual there no i think i'm fine i'll give a check he still has f3 that's a pity yeah then i'm just much worse i should still have good chances to hold but now it's definitely suffering and i should have put the king on on g8 as well okay c5 trying to exchange queen d1 quinn oh my god i just keep on blundering i thought i had this check but hmm not good not good okay i'll try and fight of course but now it feels like a lost cause at this point it's been awful how does he intend to keep everything together okay this way makes sense okay queen d7 i'm going for queen h3 yeah i'm just hoping for tricks at this point but he's getting shorter time maybe i can yeah now i think i'm saving it tomorrow it's unbelievable [Music] unbelievable this is no good take [Music] wow okay i'll take it i guess i will take it wow too much one two weeks too slow indeed wow never stop hustling just complain complain complain and then you win what can you do what can you do oh knights f6 it's going for some prepared line here okay let's see what he's got here this is a it's an old line usually i think white is a little bit better here but the only worry is that you will probably know it better than i do um what do you play here f3 i guess g5 yeah i think rook f2 i'm not so worried about the pen maybe i'm worried about the pen and i guess you guys know that you can spam um you can spam with a few exceptions it's mostly it's mostly fine um but you can't as per usual in like at least half serious matches you cannot you cannot um i'm gonna suggest moves and even though we don't have a lot of moderators we will ban you and you can never come back meanwhile in the game yeah he went 94. he played this so fast that i suspected that it was something he knew um but now i'm getting a little bit less sure about it because it seems to me it seems to me that this end game is better for me because of the the bishops and i'll be interested to see how he intends to try and equalize here i got c4 rook d8 rp2 potentially and if he trades i have a potentially strong passport so he goes rook c8 makes a lot of sense guess now rook d2 rook behind potential pass pawn centralizing i didn't see 95 though that's really annoying really really annoying oh boy yeah now there's no question of me having an advantage now i probably need to see how i can equalize okay let's go c5 hoping for rook fd8 plus this and bishop well there's still not b3 even this one doesn't work uh he actually went rook fd8 it's annoying okay let me try and get a little bit cheeky here i have some [Music] serious tactics in mind so the line i have in mind is rook t2 bishop d2 knight beat oh sorry knight b3 bishop b7 okay which i'm gonna have to play fast of course but i think this should probably work rook c7 yeah maybe even bishop f4 works there rick b7 and then c6 but i was thinking rook c7 c6 if knight d2 i rook d1 okay but maybe bishop f4 is actually stronger i think bishop f4 is stronger oh no it's maybe it's not bishop f4 rook b7 c6 rp8 is an amazing trick because i have to play c6 now obviously time is time is running out but that's one of the good things about playing three two that you have a little bit extra time for all of this bishop a5 and i don't think he can stop my pawn rookie seven c7 hp6 there's bishop d5 which probably means that i'm better if he has to if he has to give up the rook for the pawn then my bishop pair will probably reigns supreme on an open board okay so he's maybe gonna try bishop e6 yeah i think he's trying this and now rook c7 and then rook f7 which i guess is sensible let me bring the king in still believe that my bishop is better than his knight um yeah king goes i think this ending should be close to winning for me now bishop d2 i think i want to go a4 a5 or just king c6 actually maybe just king c6 yeah let's go king b5 yeah i want to keep his king out a little bit b3 oh knight d3 he's going for kind of play okay i know i have to play faster obviously i still think i have enough pawns to win here did i seriously just blunder my bishop that way oh my god didn't even pay attention to the bishop unbelievable oh yeah ah let's read it poor okay draw i was playing a good game here at some point i mean just move the bishop king e6 king f7 and i should win yeah not good the first two games have been i have been poor what can i say not throwing for content just yeah i don't even know what to say just sp5 is displayable here because i played this against gary meyer two years ago in the grand cay classic with castles instead of instead of bishop e2 no shirts were harmed in the blundering of this bishop nice one just the ones i think this one would be easy direct though it's been it's been through some hard times okay so he wants to go c4 a4 don't need to defend it immediately but i think it makes sense i want 97 c5 generally speaking i should be fine very harmonious development e4 maybe i could go e5 dfi knight g4 okay i'm sorry if the arrow sometimes goes dry i'm very very new to arrow drawing i think c5 is reasonable can't go d5 but i'm not particularly oops worried about but only structures when this knights on d2 so i think i'll do that cp a b queen b5 just push basics i mean this one okay why again wasn't worried about this one because his knight and d2 is passive that's why okay let's bring the knight maybe the other way the other knights as well the bishop is a bit passive so could be a potential worry and besides it should be noted that artemia is and is uh is a maneuvering player so slow slow play like we have in this game should in general suit him pretty well um let me take and then i'll go a5 activating the bishop but it feels like i'm making moves rather than playing chess at this point i don't see you don't see the see a very coherent plan in what i'm doing she's gotta get the e5 this name this is probably kind of pointless okay it's sort of enticing e5 i don't think it's great for me but i feel like and i can possibly complicate the play then you find 97 maybe this is a threat with e6 i take on b2 and then knight c4 with a discovered attack okay i have to protect back of course and my my worry here is that this uh sorry not that but these pieces are a little bit out of play so they are tying down some of these pieces to the defense of of uh c4 but they're not doing much else so i think i might have to bring more pieces of the king side eventually like knight of six maybe 97 rook c1 i'll go knight of six quincy three let's try and bother him a little bit before i don't think queen a3 was good i think he needed to go queen i1 then i would have gone bishop cia trying to get trying to get the bishop to f5 no i think i'm doing fine knight b2 there's bishop f1 let's go 97 94 i go 95 attacking c4 93 yeah i think he's losing the thread a little bit here knight b2 now c4 is falling and this just winston exchange no [Music] yeah let's grab it f6 yeah he's still fighting here but looks pretty pretty bad now i'll just try and consolidate knight f7 looks solid he does have some strong pieces so it's not like he's without any compensation but i don't think it's nearly oh ricky seven bishop sorry knight e4 okay let's go king j8 then king j8 he takes takes an f6 queen of six and then knight e4 it's a bit annoying okay we'll take it and then go bishop again it takes on f6 i'll take back and try and play an ending with the pawn up i just need to take i didn't consider that yeah he's he's he's a tenacious fellow okay let's go h6 take it king of seven you know my rook was trapped when i was sick so i didn't actually have to take immediately now this should win why did i believe i had him in check there why did i believe why did i believe queen d4 was czech that was just amazing i mean i can't even explain some of these brain farts i'm having i think if it trades i win okay i'll try and trade anyway that's a good way to try and fight c2 there's a win no i don't think so okay we'll go here did i actually blow this i don't think i did yes i did oh my god seriously seriousness wow he fights well he plays really really well with just a few seconds on the clock but i mean the way i'm failing to [Music] uh to convert here is is awful oh yeah yeah this is going to be a molding stream i'm sure people already knew that but this is going to be a serious molding stream from now on okay this line i used to play myself back in the good old so-called days i've had this as black against vichy for instance usually white is a little bit better b3 maybe black usually has to go queen b6 at some point in exchange queens and then you know there's not much but there's a bishop there okay we'll take it d3 c4 just push base6 and then d5 i think so i'll try bishop b3 thinking of this this i can win a template with c4 later on maybe i'll go knight c3 um this way fc1 there's still knight before i think i could do i can go c4 though rp4 bishop e2 d5 i'm definitely a bit better here which basics i got a3 knight c6 cd5 and i should be better hmm another line i'm thinking of here is dc4 bishop c4 bishop d5 trying to exchange then i'll go a3 bishop c4 ab4 bishop b3 rook c8 and then ba five with a better end game obviously that point is pretty much now that he's gone king of eight so if a3 knight c6 cd5 has got knight d4 line doesn't necessarily end there but i don't think it's too promising for me yeah let's go a3 let's publish p3 if he goes d4 i go back and i start pushing these pawns that should be much better and bish basics i got cd maybe we should play dc4 pc4 i think rook b1 later on i'm definitely better question is how much wait a sec maybe i could have gone c5 here i guess it doesn't matter now c5 okay never mind just played cool for the moment i have a very nice positional edge let's go here intending c5 then before i think he has to attack and see far or now at some point maybe bishop a6 was a good move if i go c5 then he blocks that's no good let's take on a5 at least i i do get a a past outside pawn here like i had in one of the previous games do i want a dark squad or light square bishop it's not actually obvious to me which one i want okay let's go for the light squared one i'm running out of time so i think we're okay and you should hold yeah it's definitely holding after okay this i should have exchanged one pair of works i assume this is fine as well probably change now knight f5 what the hell is that he's not getting the knight where he wants no this was no good night d7 sound like a rook d7 this reckoning is massively advantageous for me i feel like this must be winning okay let's exchange this one first it's not winning is it no it's not winning okay okay maybe i needed to go immediately maybe it wasn't that clear okay so i won the first game where i was lost and then i've been winning in the next three or at least close to winning in the next three and i haven't won any of them go figure huh i wonder what he wants okay he wants to close the ceiling yeah that's fine by me as i said he's a maneuvering player so it's really not a surprise that he that he wants kind of a quiet position let's go e5 drawer rate feels like the candidates huh welcome to slow blitz molding and throwing oh this is interesting this i had with white against weitarshek in the olympiad in tromso and in 2014 i don't think i played f4 that early though can you somehow play i think you probably probably can go bishop h3 and ef4 i think you can then d5 okay so gf now we've got queen b6 maybe i think i've seen something like this before maybe also d5 is fine it's maybe a bit of an overreaction to um to to his opening play i think it's fine g2 maybe putting pressure here okay it just takes interesting i have to take twice of course and if i can get most like a d8 and b6 to neutralize the pressure on this diagonal then then i should be fine yeah um bishop h3 and all this probably wasn't great uh but it's fine i missed this one not sure it's a big deal but i definitely missed it now this is fine just take and then i go bishop e5 maybe i'll take with the rock actually and put the rock on the 8. now let's keep it simple take with the knight rook e3 i'll go rook e7 d4 i'll take knight c6 okay okay there's nothing better for him here i'm at least completely fine let's see six okay let's just go knight d5 seems easier 58 it's probably just going to be a draw to be fair maybe you can try for something slight with this bishop but i doubt it and besides some blitz getting tricked by the knight is a series this is a serious problem potentially okay now rook d2 you can go take a7 but this is just a draw as long as i can get the rook behind the pawn and uh and um yeah and you cannot activate this king i'm fine and here i got knight d4 maybe a bishop no bishop b2 there was 92 in the knight c3 and here i'm very slightly better but obviously it's a draw but i'll try and give him a slightly hard time i mean all of these three against twos are drawn but these a pawn is not much use maybe okay so that's the first concession at the very least that's a little something now my rook is technically the one that's passive but i don't know if that is the case in practice so rookie 4 a4 no i can't do anything there yeah my rook will be passive so this is just a draw quite a straightforward one at that we have to be very very slightly careful just okay go this way draw draw draw draw draw okay let's see if i can win the game is white he usually goes for some variation of the slav let's see which one he has in store today so we'll have the semi-slav let's go bishop g5 see what he's got ipd7 oh he goes for the for the cambridge springs it's not a bad opening but he has suffered a bit in these lines so which one do i want to go for logo cd5 95 this is the old main line and then rick c1 is the new move i think yeah so the point here is usually white would go queen d2 but then the more modern move is just to to to emit that to go a3 immediately so b6 what's the point here for white so queen d2 i think just transposes to to normal lines no generally if you take on a3 just white gets e4 and very good compensation with the bishop pair now i don't remember this so we'll just play play normal h6 is useful since the bishop is a little bit worse on h4 since it has only one diagonal rather than two to work on i had this ending as black against gary meyer once um in the dresden olympiad in 2008 i think i also had it against evan chuck in in in 2009 and leon rapid as white both of those games were drawn but i was definitely worse against meyer at some point also there were some titanic battles that cheered had in this lioness black i think both against kramnik and oroni and he was defending these positions and i feel like i've seen artemis play them as well generally white is a little bit better but black holes i'm not sure knight d6 i think i'll go bishop g3 and then um because a4 maybe let's just go a4 i'm probably going to get hanging pawns here eventually in the in the center on c4 and d4 after he's taken and then the a4 lever is important either forcing him to take so that the c pawn is passed or that i can take on b6 and create a weak pawn on b6 okay so we just castles interesting he wants a quick rook fd8 with with counterplay so i feel like people normally castle hair is white and not kingy too i don't really know why so i'm gonna go kenny too i feel like i feel like yeah the king there might be enough pieces here in the center that the king doesn't belong belong there um but i i could see things opening up here in a way and like like we we have in some previous games since it's really becoming a theme as well that i'm playing with the bishop player in almost every game somehow against his knights i mean he is very good at handling the knights but i feel like my bishops should eventually prevail in a few of these games um yeah let's go g4 maybe anticipating knight d6 oh 97 it's a little bit surprising to me now we can potentially go knight e4 at some point okay a5 i think if it takes it i got knight b3 and knight c5 question is whether i can hold on to everything here in the center because if i can hold on then i'm gonna be much much better strategically knight c6 knight 26 then i take take rook b1 now g6 is a surprising move okay let's go i don't know if i should go bishop b3 okay let's go bishop b3 seems a bit a bit saner clearly i have to speed up this is going to be another another potential time trouble game yeah ruby with two rupee one he's got no he's got some annoying tricks knight g2 is good you could also take it on beef on d4 there first yeah i lost a lost controller here okay four no no i think you should have got knight h4 no i think i'm doing great e5 rp6 rook d8 knight b3 it's good knight g2 though just getting a bit out of hand he gives up a piece but it doesn't have enough compensation here okay let's go back try and consolidate g2 okay g3 this is still not at all an easy conversion even though i'm a piece up can i go knight c5 probably not okay we'll go ahead i have to go here then 92 let's go trade take it oh 96 he has to try and at least come keep some pieces here but now i think knight c4 i'm winning f6 bishop d5 otherwise i just take yeah good uh i think yeah he had a better position at some point but what can i say i [Music] got it eventually so win four draws win this this is classical chess you know pick up a win here and there that's all you can ask for really okay let's go e6 okay bishop g5 i just wanted uh to play a hedgehog type of session let's go c5 then trade on d4 hp7 too much bs in chat somebody's saying can't argue with that okay there is there are some more aggressive ways to set up with bishop f6 there but i deferred castling a little bit in order not to in order to possibly be able to castle coincide in case he starts attacking on the king side now this is generally quite solid for black i'm i don't love the fact that i've played h6 so i might want to put the bishop around but yeah you can't have it all probably gonna end up yeah setting up a head check structure so that's the one i got now why is this this color keep changing it's kind of funny okay let's go knight h5 try trade a little bit generally speaking i'm doing doing fine slightly slightly worse because of the space but my position is very um very solid and potentially i do have a couple of pawn breaks with e5 and b5 now i'll just trade knight f6 back and yeah life is not good then at least decent queen f4 don't know what that does attacking this one but i'll go b5 and then i'm also covering that square i think he's playing a little bit softly here now i get queen b7 and i think structurally i have a slight advantage um since i will be able to create some kind of minority minority attack on them on the queen side and compared to normal quincy um coral split structures my pawn is still on d6 not on d5 and that that means that these squares are covered for his knight and um that makes my position a little more flexible you can also exchange queens but let's not let's not rock the boats um so how to progress now group a4 is interesting b3 i will view that as a weakness and maybe just go back otherwise i want to take over the a if a file and whenever he takes ba4 this pawn becomes weak so i'm trying to exchange everything on the on the queen side here more or less and then just potentially have the better constructure with these four or five against these five or four if we exclude the c three and d six pawns which may also be exchanged eventually yeah okay i'll take take rookie eight so if i go over okay he has got c4 which is annoying me hmm let's just take and look at it if he takes takes queen b5 queen a1 um this damn arrows again uh queen a1 knight f1 what's going wrong here nevermind knight f1 queen c3 queen b8 king h7 queen d6 knight queen b3 blah blah blah yeah slightly better vlad is certainly taking his time now okay knight f1 interesting yeah let's go knight d5 queen c3 knight queen b5 knight c3 looks good also c4 knight f4 probably wins upon she has to go g3 i believe she duly has done maybe i just have nothing here i got nothing nothing is what i have damaged hmm i probably don't have anything i'm somewhat up on time at least let's exchange try and pretend that his pawn is a bit weak 92 i think maybe d5 cd it's too little this is probably also too too little ip5 g4 maybe yeah i'm not the dull better okay draw yeah there's a pattern okay let's uh keep on the opening tour here there goes e5 i thought he would go c6 and this guy of course is going to go for the reversed offer uh reversed um close to selling here hmm so interesting usually black goes for f5 before knight f6 so i can try one of two plans here one which is to go b3 bishop b2 and so on d3 and try to be flexible that way or i can go for a quick rook b1 b4 for me it's hard to tell which one is best let's go d3 95 i think 98 is the move you're sort of supposed to play here maybe this way knight c3 98 b4 so on okay let's exchange first then i feel like this is something that they write about in a in an old doretsky book i'm pretty pretty sure i've seen like this exact exact structure i can't say that i have much though let's try and advance but realistically i don't have don't have too much to hope for this in these positions i've played this i've over thought it and i've played it too soft but a lot can still still happen yes deciding whether to go knight d6 the i36 or to go 97 should i go d4 now seems sort of wrong i don't particularly like my position okay let's go d4 try and change the the character of the position a little bit maybe f4 is good u4 ed knight d4 probably not clear it takes 96 i'll go 92. because bishop b3 that was f4 now he has got d5 but i'm loving the fact that once the position opens up he has weak weakened his king with f5 so that's what i'm sort of backing on so he's trying to open up this way can i go b6 should i go v6 yeah i think i should trying to soften up his structure a bit c6 i go to d5 in general i'm trying to open up the position because his king is a little bit weaker so spawn would love to be back on well even f8 but preferably f7 like do you find now didn't see that coming does bishop a3 make any sense if i go c5 you can close up with c6 so i don't like that um okay let's go bishop a3 then clock is obviously a little bit of a worry at some point as well i think rook f7 i'm allowing f4 it really really really wasn't called for boy okay i'll have to try it but f4 cd maybe maybe for f3 now at least i can take i don't have the time let's go back i can give up d4 i'm fine with that i just don't want to get any f4 shenanigans g5 maybe for myself looks dicey okay let's go knight f4 try and try and exchange simplify the game a bit since i am there's pretty short time this may be a weakness but also maybe a strength i don't think he's gonna take but why not pre-move he's catching up with me on time so that's good yeah it's logical but now i'm fine now i'm probably probably even better see one rook c7 let's take it 96 knight c5 to come starting to look very promising okay knight c5 i wrote d5 i didn't see but maybe there was nothing to see rook c1 probably winning now grab it should be technically winning we push this is the one that i didn't see okay messing this up a bit it's very resourceful in defense okay i should still win yeah let's just go grab grab everything that i can still push yeah just push work ending is easily winning i think you can just give up b6 at this point because the h pawn is queening this one will take good stuff only one draw in a row this time before i started winning again yeah it's a bit it's a bit it's a bit uh ridiculous in a sense now that uh it's a bit ridiculous that uh we just keep on getting so short on time both of us and uh and then yeah we just spend way too much time thinking in the middle game and then there's some messy ending but usually i'm either getting the better of it or or eventually winning so um that's good i'm gonna take a little little break and i'll be back okay let's let's go again we closed the [Music] rematch rematch window here so now i should know how to get it back but unfortunately i don't oh that's wrong yeah i accidentally deleted his account on purpose that's what i would have done after after that game i'm not funny i'm not even a little bit funny especially not today i'm very very serious and playing making a lot of a lot of draws that's a lot of draws and very few jokes i did wash my hands yeah thank you very much drawers aren't that funny why is that that's not working yeah i don't know what's going on here and also we all only played a third of the match now so this is going to take a while coconut games rated with a group of 4 10 if only there have been 10 more but thank you probably have to refresh this uh you yeah sorry about this um and as you can see i'm not an experienced streamer so i don't know how to fill in that air so i just sit there being quiet and there's no music so it's really uh it's really people being alone with with their spam it's a pretty sad i would say shame on you all but again we're um we're only a third of the way so there are a lot of boring draws technical problems coming probably some molding maybe even some good wins who knows at some point i'll certainly lose at least a few a few games i'm drinking the old you know rum and coke without the rum and without the sugar also called coke zero or something noah okay there we go uh wait a sec we don't go why is it not working now the question is how can i get this on on stream maybe i need to maybe i actually need to change the scene okay let's uh oh now we have it okay good good good good then i won't keep vlad waiting anymore and i'll just start making moves sorry but for all the nonsense hopefully there there isn't that there aren't that many hiccups coming up d3 it's a bit surprising let's go for something a little bit forcing bishop b4 these lines are generally okay for black is this a bluff i don't know takes takes takes queen e2 rookie one probably isn't that great for me it's castle instead rookie one rookie eight there's maybe takes c takes and then bishop g5 and that could be less than ideals let's just take an e4 it's gonna be pretty symmetrical but usually there's a lot of play even in this position so now i want this yes i do like stephen curry he's pretty it's on a pretty insane streak right now it's a random question though let's go bishop c7 get that bishop out of out of the file maybe rook d8 maybe develop the other the other bishop how did i even manage to find a question yeah i know so i think i think the conclusion after all is that people they don't like mods when they have them and then when they don't have mods they want mods because it's um because it becomes just too spammy and too ridiculous is that it i think that must be it i'm moving this rook here since i don't know where where to put this bishop here i don't want to put it here because he will just chase it away with h3 and if i go bishop e6 he may have knight g5 and the rook may be decently placed a knife eight if i go for a a5 a4 at some points it's really spending oceans of time though not sure it's the best strategy okay now i'll go in five i'm not sure he played this very sorry accurately um i guess this is reasonable what is done here but it has he has given me the square on d4 so the question is should i just jump in or can i wait for a better moment i'm not sure i can't wait well i can't wait of course but i'm not sure i've been useful most knight f4 bishop f4 ef4 looks very unconvincing bishop b6 should be three maybe don't feel like i have a lot there um yeah okay let's go bishop b6 now you're fine there is 94. yeah so bishop e3 and uh i go for 94. think of tank pull the tank again rook a2 looks artificial and rook d1 i'll take an a3 so he has to take rook d4 i think i'm a little bit better but realistically it's pretty hard to win i believe yeah let's try it off this strong bishop i'm hoping this pawn is a little bit weak knight f5 is interesting it's not what i would have would have done i feel like yeah maybe his bishop is strong but my knight is also very it's also very good okay let's centralize not into crypto queen b2 maybe europ3 yeah nevermind let's just take oh there's squidney too also queen c4 now i got knight d5 though [Music] okay don't have that much time you can go a5 a4a5 here is good compensation this wasn't ideal i should mention that if i had gone if i'd gone rook f8 instead i would get me i got mated in beautiful style so make sure i have time to show the line but trust me rotate queen g5 maybe it doesn't rook d8 yeah maybe i need to start bailing out here but this is most probably a draw even though i'm still i can still claim at least a symbolic advantage it takes but then i don't think he's completely equalized here it should make a draw p5 okay let's go kg6 first then bring the knight do i have problems actually defending that pawn i don't have time do i okay let's go i don't think i should have done this now i can play for one without risk at the very least okay h h3 h5 h4 i think that's favorable for me maybe it's defending this well yeah it's defending well i'm not sure i can win this i had to go back with the king yeah eight is the threat unfortunately don't have any winning chances anymore okay i'm just going to force the draw so i had nothing there another draw still still three games up so that's the good part but a little too many draws for for my liking yeah i should have tried to get knight against rook but yeah in time i just yeah didn't manage it yet he was too solid i think i had this against him before placing some blitz games this e6 line what is it that you should do here question mark yeah i don't know why i'm asking mark probably doesn't know i want to get b4 yeah that's just moves you will get banned life for lifetime okay let's try a bit from here seems to be aiming for for e5 at some point maybe i should go bishop p2 normally i would think bishop a3 though it's a little more yeah you don't get banned if you ask for a ban we don't we don't submit to your your wishes your wishes that way so if you if i ban the force in spammers then it's okay first of all was wrong was wrong with having forsen's face in the chat i don't see could be wrong about that yeah of course i know about forsen i'm i'm one of the biggest twitch streamers out there and so is he we have a we have a club i know i am i'm just feeding the trolls but i think that's part of the game isn't it i don't know something about spam in general just speaks to me quite like spam not speaking of the dish but spamming the activity so this is interesting i could go for for an exchange sack here it looks pretty promising it also rook c1 looks very nice so many choices let's just sack the exchange this knight is so strong and once his bishop is gone then this diagonal it's going to be huge and this queen could be in some trouble and there you have the arrows going astray again cougar queen c5 yeah let's go queen c5 it takes takes and i haven't decided whether i want to regain the exchange there then later with 97 but it's certainly an option regardless here it's pretty clear that he's misplayed the opening and i'm just much better now mainly because of this night who would win the desire not to give in exchange for the undeniable allure of the bishop pair that's a good question it's a very good question and i don't know the answer fish f3 maybe i misplayed this maybe i misplayed this ever so slightly i mean my position is still dominating but i thought it would be even better let's go bishop three could have gone b6 there as well but yeah his problem was i go with moves like rook d1 to d4 and tonight is just paralyzing all of his major pieces and even though i don't win anything immediately i'm still still doing really really well here rook d1 i feel like something tactical has got to turn up here soon knight d4 there's queen queen e7 okay let's just make some air for the old king okay i better play faster let's let's go let's go for the attack it's always good in time trouble okay this should win 27 i'll take knight of five yeah this just wins knight f5 and game over star mating threats second b7 take back and his pawn is not dangerous at all oh he's trying to invite roxy8 that's quite a clever trick actually okay now bishop three bishop e2 yeah and for those who just joined were playing with uh for the increment so um flagging is never really an issue i think that was the best best game i've played of the match so far let's go for for something a bit solid here he had a fork really we played 10 games so there are potentially 14 games left if the match if the match goes the distance i don't think i'm estimating one because his knight was protecting c8 this one yeah i don't think i did should anyway not read chat losing i iqp iq points by the minutes i know you were promised losses and you haven't gotten gotten them i'm sorry about that i think it's something about our our styles that he's a good defender but not an especially good attacker and then i just end up being somewhat better in a lot of games and naturally and ends up being a bunch of draws and also in this in this game the position is very very dry and we could well see see another one of those those draws but i'm hoping eventually after we've traded that my pawn structure on on the queen side is gonna be a little bit better okay let's bring the knight around possibly to d6 and f5 attacking this one also now that the hispawn is on g3 it's hard to play f3 so it's a little bit harder to kick the knight away yeah let's just rewrite the knights not so worried about the c file here since i got a good square for the knight in f5 and my position is very very safe i don't think he should have taken on d5 to be honest i think that was good for me structurally g4 yeah i spoke about knight five so we decided to prevent it it's very very very sensible queen f6 rook d1 [Music] rp8 but it does have rook c6 there maybe i'll go the other way try and pulse on the c file after all i also have the threat of queen before potentially attacking d4 and i4 yeah rook c6 makes a lot of sense as i change my mind i'm gonna move the knight back so that it's not it's not hanging i think over the last two moves uh sorry the last few moves his moves have been a little bit more to the point than mine maybe there's also a queen b5 there okay let's let's exchange a few pieces after all my pawn structure may be a little bit better in the ending so it's not like exchanges aren't necessarily bad for me 56 there's rook c1 and queen d6 good thing this is not the arrow championship yeah you're quite right oh he probably made a move long time ago i just didn't notice okay rick c5 yeah let's force that exchange force it like forces huh um queen p5 queen b5 roxy one take on f2 we can take an a5 but looks good for me oh it goes for it it's an interesting choice certainly complicated complicating the game i've also got rook b7 queen a5 take on c5 i win the exchange and i have d4 later on it's unclear but it looks good for me let's do it let's go must be must be better for me um okay queen e5 b4 d3 attending queen e2 and if it takes i take an a2 hopefully invading i can give a couple of checks but i don't think it matters yeah now i check and i take on b4 and i just win queen d4 threatening one good stuff the last two games have been have been pretty clean i think okay so we have uh some sort of real opus here let's see what he will go for oh yeah i think i had this against him before it's interesting oh this one before these lines with bishop c5 are not very popular not they're not considered very good question of course is where you play against them because when you play these lines that have been sort of have been so unpopular and generally rejected by theory then can gain an advantage because people don't know them i kind of want to put the bishop on g5 so i'm just going to do that and he may at some point go h6 and either b7 or or g5 but in either case i think it's good for me that the bishop is on b7 it would be better off going to c8 and e6 possibly or g4 so he's gone b7 immediately which is surprising to me since it's i thought now my bishop could also go the other way so i would have thought it would be better to include h6 first but what do i know okay let's just go c3 h6 i probably still have to go bishop f h4 maybe i can trade and commission d5 yeah let's try it looks reasonable may end up in a situation where my knight is better than this bishop it's what i'm hoping at least and for the moment feeling that my pieces are a little bit a little bit more active here knight c2 d5 i probably just ignore 93 this bishop is a little bit suspicious so i think i'm a little better and even if i'm not position is is easy to play no i'm certainly a little better even if it's it's not much it's easier to to play and there's little little risk and at this point just trying to to do exactly that put some little pressure on him and just frustrate him by not giving him a lot of chances to to beat me now intending knight g4 and okay makes sense to go h5 i guess so i'll go rook d1 attending d4 and you allow set interesting you can also make moves like this instead possibly queen a2 or r1 so it's it's not like i'm forced to do anything immediately but probably wants to do this and this so i have to do something at some point we don't gain a whole lot by going d4 ed4 94. you cannot take an e4 because of knight c6 but after queenie queen e8 maybe i don't have a whole lot there maybe i do okay let's go queen eight maybe i have e d knight c6 couldn't win a pawn b4 is an idea for him yeah this wasn't great this wasn't great but i i had to make a move at some point yeah b4 that's what i was worried about see before there's c5 too bad we'll just have to retreat then no i'm certainly not better anymore and it should just be very very dryish just have to speed up a little bit so that i die that i don't that i don't uh lose the game unnecessarily yeah this wasn't this wasn't very good could have handled this a lot better do i have knight c6 no i can't say that i do okay i think regardless of what he's gone for there it's pretty dry and droish yeah i just need to make sure that i don't blunder let's go knight to 5 93 maybe yeah roxy five okay he just he just trades push bay five is the only move but it's quite sufficient try it even more and control okay halfway there halfway in the match and i'm up five games so in order not to lose the match i just need to to avoid a complete collapse so i think the position i had in this line the last time was a bit probably on the dubious side um i don't necessarily think it was because of the opening i think it was because of my later play b4 maybe okay to go insects maybe just shoot it down after two seconds okay let's try c5 then it doesn't look too bad i don't love the fact that i have to recapture like this but to some of you people in chat um so if you listen to me today you are aware that it's possible to bait me because i don't know i find it um i find it funny smile for some reason i like it but some of you have got to try a little bit harder i think i should take cd3 and put the knight on d7 this looks solid fc8 possibly knight d5 next aiming for this square or even b3 and this i don't love my weakness here but i think it's way too little for him to to hope for a real advantage a favorite game of the candidates yeah i would say um would say the games the game from the first round of the of the restart between fabian mbl i thought i was that one was awesome with the the opening idea that we came up with maxim's um ingenious defense and eventually eventually they made some mutual mistakes in the in the ending but i think that was uh entirely excusable uh and i thought maxim's sorry fabi's conversion eventually was with sublime let's take here 97 who's your favorite dr dre song slash collaboration i don't know have you forgotten about it i haven't that's what i can say it's honestly a good footballer now he has many good qualities but he's um it's not a good footballer okay 94. i think we're heading towards the draw now it's gonna be the dullest game that we've had so far let's go e6 stop the pawns for now i think he's slightly hoping to get something here but seems very unlikely so yeah i guess no it doesn't force it immediately that's fine king of six not b2 king e5 then i might have been been losing maybe i'm in some danger even here maybe i've been a bit careless how have i gotten into any trouble apparently my chat is polish now i think something must have happened yeah is it a raid from the biggest chess streamer ever welcome i'm busy losing an equal ending if you if you were wondering but the match is going pretty well and you can see the score here playing against one of the best blitz players in the world okay i gotta make a move move move move okay now i think i can go back with the king i certainly have some some worries here now rookie one push p2 just gotten scary uh so it's just gonna go back and then okay we'll wait for the moment it's repeating okay cool think yeah probably couldn't make progress but it was a little bit scary there at the end yeah as you can see i don't know if you like draws in poland but if you like draws you come to the right place i'm at plus five now so five wins and eight draws in a blitz match go figure huh these games are indeed a little bit boring i very much agree it's very uh uh it's very much a um sir kg match so far so you are uh bartosz army right that's the one yeah there are a lot of yeses in the chat now so i think that's cool um i haven't seen i haven't seen the show uh so why why is he so popular this is not me asking like trying to discredit or anything i'm just genuinely curious because this is a guy who's shot up from nothing and become the biggest the biggest um the biggest chess room there is so it's pretty pretty damn impressive oh he's a giga chad explains it all yeah i mean just fun to watch this it's reasonable like you don't need any more any more reason to that than that to watch uh stream anyway thank you so much you're uh definitely very very welcome here to my community of spammers and trolls as i like to call them haha you are trolls thank you that's good to hear then you'll fit right in meanwhile here in the game there's nothing much going on don't know why i brought my queen over here since with this construction there's obviously no attack so i'm just trying to play play positionally queen b4 what kind of move is that so the point is 8th a3 94. okay that's fair that is very much fair yeah 94 yeah before take on g3 and then take on c3 what should i do yeah queen d3 there's bishop a6 like how is there no way for me to defend that pawn that seems pretty hard to believe actually queen e3 allowing knight g4 takes rook d3 it's really really sad i guess i have no choice and again don't suggest moves you will get banned for life for all of those who are new in the chat does barters moderate his chat by the way or does he just allow some trolling and not all yeah f4 i think it's gonna happen now queen d2 maybe no it takes i think that's a little bit too soft now i believe i can equalize i may have to give up the pawn on a2 but i don't don't care too much about that literally don't should care a little maybe um queen a2 i can't trap his queen can i i'm just gonna have to rely on centralization i think yeah we'll take queen c5 there's queen e3 sure i think he should have gone for the pawn since now he's lost all his his initiative and it's it's not better anymore rookie four okay four maybe yeah rook v8 is probably a good move rook c4 why did i go rook c4 that was insane somehow yeah i just hallucinated there it's really really bad what can i even do now i have to take this one probably lost at this point i'll try to keep his king out a little bit yeah this game has been awful really really really really bad like i was worse then i was completely fine and now i'm just blendering everything again okay it's gonna check me twice it's fine it goes for c4 eventually i have to take q3 don't think he has anything immediately decisive i may be saving this i think i should save this now check okay yeah i don't want my king to be pushed back this move looks ridiculous because you can take it but i got grippy fire fb6 yeah okay check king of five should be saving this now maybe not maybe not okay i have to push push push push what is this i can take a b3 now what i think he just gave me a roller check e3 e2 i got rookie one and much like the internet i remain undefeated unbelievable unbelievable i should never never ever have saved this one yeah i didn't see rook f3 was checked that was his problem unbelievable new title over the top chest streamer drawing and molding wow wow wow hmm [Music] i don't know these lines perfectly and there's 95 85 so on oh arrows are scuffed again let's see six i think he wins bishop d3 so if i get if i go h6 i give him something to latch on to with g4 h4 so i'm not i'm not sure that's called for how else do i deal with the threat f5 but before he's weak in his position with some um he tried to queenside castle queen v1 that's funny uh let's go h6 don't love the weakening but didn't see anything else okay so it's just castling it's just castling kingside if i'd known that i would have played a lot faster because this is not that dangerous so with his idea this bishop h7 king h8 d4 and he claims that i cannot go g6 if he does claim that he's probably correct and if queen takes bishop e4 before i move and then d4 he has some initiative there as well okay i'm a little bit worse than not much should be able to draw but three draws in a row now am i just gonna win the match by by desperately trying to to make draws in each game i guess that's that's the sad reality at this point queen e7 dc knight bishop e2 queen b2 bc5 rook d5 knight t4 works for me i'm more worried about him attacking the c pawn what else can i do i can trade a bunch of times that doesn't look good very good either hmm time i think i'll take back immediately to ask him some more questions consider concerning his his coordination because with the queen on b2 he would have easy play with rook c1 and so on now his queen is a little bit a little bit too stuck here and he has completed the castle with the queen d1 and then rook d1 but i don't think it does him any good he probably should just waste the move at this point with something like queen uh queen c2 and then and then just taking back on b2 but then i've at least gained some time maybe after green c2 i have knight b4 queen moves i take on b2 queen b2 d4 and then take on f3 we do a moderate amount of trolling in poland you love to hear it i think moderate amount is still a little bit on the conservative side no okay so it does go for this the problem with knight before he's he has he has bishop f6 takes and then queen c5 so that's probably just no good okay let's let's go for this instead simplify a bit he takes everything on d4 many many times i have queen g5 at the end attacking the rook on c1 and checkmate so he cannot actually win a pawn and thus i believe that i'm able to to equalize pretty easily and eventually possibly i can play for more and you can see on time as well that he's catching up with me he's a deeper deep thinker this one okay while i was drawing arrows he made a move a rook on d4 is pretty strong so i'm not sure he can tolerate it for long maybe something like bishop h3 maybe that's a good move although i do have ideas like rook d8 queen g5 rook h4 okay so it just takes queen d one no i'm absolutely fine probably even slightly better to be fair maybe not maybe not really let's go quincy six now let's just trade off the bishops i like my chances in a in a major piece ending here with this passport so i think i'm slightly better oh no it's just forcing everything off it's annoying check look for i think yeah this is just a draw oh he doesn't want he doesn't want to draw for now okay that's fine yeah i lose a pawn now that was a bit unnecessary but it's still still a dead draw if it takes an h6 it's a very clear draw with pawns and only one side he wants f4 now i'm messing this up a little bit but i don't think nearly enough yeah let's take it yes it's just a draw don't know if who is playing for a win here if anyone don't really think it's anyone draw draw draw you won't believe this this is actually the second four game drawing streak of the match which is pretty ridiculous for for for a blitz match we've played 10 draws we made 10 draws and one and i've won five and not lost any it's pretty pretty insane oh knight of three i'm allowing this a6 stuff but yeah it doesn't play like that a c5 then e6 okay it's just a funny mover so i faced this b3 line a bit recently um let's let's try this one face this uh a bit in bullets that's black i've struggled struggled somewhat i think this is how you're supposed to play as white against this b6 move it's very concrete stuff knight d7 you go to d5 why not music i don't know how to put on music do you have any other stupid question practice i have played in a bunch of times and blood symbolities very very solid yeah that's the um the idiots in the back you usually put on music besides you guys watch me with music though sorry without so where's my incentive to actually put it on i think if i wasn't talking i would play better with music but somehow to me talking talking over the musics music seems a bit seems a bit much not sure i can do that okay let's take go knight c4 threatening 96 knight c6 i got queen of three yeah again don't don't get moves also knight d7 i got knight d6 queen d5 knight c6 with two very strong knights and the real ogs will sure remember my the decisive game of the 2019 world blitz championship against grandmaster nakamura where i wear one where i had those exact nights and in this kind of structure somehow you saying i remember in all caps makes it makes me feel like you didn't remember it you just want to be part of the part of the group i don't know uh so queen of three 97 96 okay let's try it let's go moving for 97 96 queen b8 rook c8 and if yeah this is super complicated rook a7 yeah i guess that saves the material for the time being but i can i can go rook d1 hinting at e4 i can also go queen f4 hinting at knight d6 let's go rook d1 seems better 96 somehow i didn't think that was possible maybe it is yeah probably it's just good i'm still a bit better though am i not ah maybe i'm not 96 94 no doesn't work 96 rook d6 no knight d6 he's got 94 and then queen d7 that's the problem really really annoying okay i think i have to go for it but i i don't think i have any advantage anymore unfortunately i think he can even take on d6 actually i don't know much if anything yeah i don't know i thought i was was doing great in this game 27 seems obvious now let's take this one queen g3 try and confuse them oh that doesn't work okay we'll give a check oh this doesn't work damn it doesn't actually work no this didn't actually work i thought i had something brilliant here if it does work being too slow here oh queen d4 loses okay i have to try this okay and ending again okay one only only way to set the pawn oh this is a mess this is a proper mess you're e5 now this i think i'm saving it these games are crazy just complication after complication and they just always end up in draws rook d6 now i'm making a draw unbelievable unbelievable all of this and just for a draw but 94 was kind of a sick find there i think that's five draws in a row now rona ah this is pretty bad content which is what i care about these days it's knight five i had this against eloreza and the banter blitzcap last year and that's i mean that was the first time i saw this line and i found it so hard to believe that that white could have anything but removing this knife that wasn't c6 has removed some of my influence influence in the center or these two squares so that i guess that's that's the point but still giving up the bishop pair seems kind of weird so yeah this is what i had against solideza d4 i took a d3 um yeah the format is 24 games and then you cut and against others i castle then after queen of three i was worse so i think what black is supposed to go bishop of bishop g4 it's also possible rook lifts here and pawn is hanging so this is not a bad line for white at all i mean my first instinct is um you know yeah first to 12 and a half i would guess yeah uh he artemia would have beaten already except for etiquette too much etiquette it's a bad thing eight rows to go i don't know if obviously this is super embarrassing but uh i'm well embarrassing in the sense that it's unprofessional but i don't actually know what happens if the game is if the match is defi decided before 24 games whether we play the last few games or uh we just quit we have we haven't actually discussed that why did i lose speeches i don't know probably didn't play well enough you got any other stupid questions you want to ask yeah it's chess 24 and 24 games you're right either all questions are stupid or no questions are stupid there's really no no line in between the guy with the man bun ever become world champion it was pretty close i would say back in 2017 i was on my way i really really wanted to get the man bun back then now i don't win most of my games i draw most of my games haven't you noticed okay so if i take rook d1 that's his point i'll go rp8 instead then maybe rook a7 but i find it hard to believe okay so here goes queen of three though that's clever i guess i should take i don't don't have any tactics bishop b4 maybe because i want him to take back the pawn here bb 2 is also no but i think he takes with the queen and then i don't know what i'm going to do okay let's go bishop b4 it's heading to north ward's another draw by the way it's pretty pretty sick so tomorrow i will have a shorter match against daniel dubov and i don't like to give guarantees where [Music] um when i cannot be absolutely sure about something but i think the chances are there will be less stress tomorrow with than you and yeah i know someone you don't like um don't like um some of you don't like the um uh the increment but i think it's it's good for being able to to talk a bit more generally try and be more more instructive and also also i know that both vlad and daniel certainly prefer prefer increments so i think it's only fair to them to to do that uh okay i got a i gotta speed up i've misplayed this a tiny bit i wanted f6 bishop f4 king f7 and then rook d7 king e6 but he could take on c7 first okay let's go oh i'm short of time okay let's go b6 i don't like it though don't like it one yeah this is really bad um go back check okay no no i think he now i got king e7 and i'm fine absolutely fine now now we can even start to hope for for a win i think out of five there's some weak pawns trade is fine 58 maybe after b4 go here anyway g6 now i'm a tiny bit better i don't think it will be enough but nevertheless i can try check back let's go b5 weakness structure a bit okay check maybe i don't have much here but i think i'm a little bit a little bit better now for sure can start running the pawn okay rp5 this is unpleasant frame possibly very unpleasant give up g6 but i think my pawn is just too fast now yeah he's got no chance now there's no mate i just go king a3 an a1 and look at that after a million drawn rook endings and one in a row i win one very good very very good yeah it looked like another draw but i think my technique there was pretty good i uh i gain more and more ground and eventually it's too much for him so i tried a sort of not so ambitious line here by just going knight c3 and knight of three against this here doesn't he just get a queen's indian temple down don't know what his ideas because he thinks i go e4 and normally the white pawn is on a3 and the queens indian whether i have the best technique um it depends on the situation general i have good understanding and that usually leads to playing endings well but my rook rook endings can be a bit bit shaky sometimes but they have gotten a lot a lot better um i have gotten a lot more comfortable and confident in defending rook work endings hmm okay here is just uh it's just a tempo down on some normal theoretical lines i think much income tax did i pay last year is that really any of your business don't worry i pay my taxes i'm a good citizen yeah i i know i shouldn't shouldn't let myself be baited somehow like answering the most stupid questions though maybe i should have gone e3 first maybe now i can take push basics trade off a few pieces i still think i'm a bit better there thanks for streaming you're welcome maybe his idea is queen c4 um and then bishop before it's a bit annoying actually it's probably really annoying especially in blitz those positions are a bit difficult to play when he has so many good squares for his pieces and with such a relatively small material investment yeah i think i don't have much now but i probably have a little bit because i'm gonna go after knight c6 i'm gonna go queen c2 uh forcing him to to trade or not to trade but to take my rook and then i think i will get control over over the c file so yeah not bad not bad will i adopt the world championship challenger in bullet maybe 95 wow okay what's the point it probably wants to go to f6 later to attack e4 so guess i'll go roxy1 then not coming to c6 looks like i'm considerably better now um yeah nice knight c6 queen c6 that i missed so to go f3 and that's not really a desirable positionally speaking anything else d5 no okay i don't know what it took i got queen c6 here with a slightly better ending possibly also knight c6 looks good bishop f4 but light is so strong it's paralyzing his queen in this rook probably much better now yeah bishop e3 doesn't do much let's push text takes thinking of tags possibly 97.95 okay now i just chop this one off and d6 oh so this one this is how he's sort of fighting on or maybe it's not queen d3 and then d7 i think that just wins immediately oh no i'm not threatening the bishop okay calm down just a tad come on [Music] come on yeah rookie 2 looks good 97 don't think there are any serious tricks here yeah i know this works for him hmm it's fighting on let's give a check rookie two just be really really safe and he's obviously left empty under there queen of five queen d8 otherwise queen of six queen c5 but now this is an inertia at this point okay you can see two winds five draws two more wins this is the way that i do it now i have won the match um let's just uh let's just ask ask the guys if if i should play anymore this should have been decided beforehand obviously i'm not that averse to ending the match right now i mean i don't think i've played brilliantly but like being undefeated against such a good player still pretty awesome i feel i there were some games that i shouldn't have uh shouldn't have drawn but there were also some very good saves okay in the meantime i'll check well sun scored and watkins had an assist good times huh sun gets max bonus as well uh no i'm not a tottenham fan but i'm i'm a fan of my own fantasy football team yeah apparently apparently the match is over um and yes my my team has been doing well recently like i had a pretty pretty mediocre season at best but last few games uh the last few rounds i've been rising so now i think i'm at about 10k worldwide which is pretty good i would say um oh you probably can't see it no i don't think you can see all of it the the one guy the guys who are missing are lookman and also and uh and i get watkins from the bench since rafina didn't play so yeah super league again i will refer to my podcast in norwegian of course um yeah sanchez nine-pointer was pretty sick although bright now really really solid and chelsea while solid so that at the back they haven't really been um they haven't really been very potent since tuchel took over it's kind of his brand of football that's a little bit it's good but it's a little bit sad so i'm not shocked that brighton uh kept a clean sheet and i thought that forster would be benched after his last outing anyway so that's why i put sanchez uh okay um there's a day tomorrow as well uh so i think i'm gonna end uh thank you all for joining um [Music] forsen spammers the og fans memers and trollers polish trollers all of you uh it's been it's it's been it's been a good stream i think um and the match wasn't that exciting after all but shutting out a player of artemyev's strength i think that's something i can be proud of even if even if the play wasn't sparkling okay so i think i have two mods can you tell me who's who's online i can actually open twitch myself and see whom do we have uh yeah i would would have rated yan but he's playing among us i think among us on stream is pretty dull huh um i don't know really i don't know let's uh let's just end the stream i don't think i'm i'm raiding uh raiding out a body thank thank you for following and i'll be back tomorrow at five central european time
Channel: Spect
Views: 71,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Magnus Carlsen, Magnus, Carlsen, magnus carlsen blitz, magnus carlsen chess, artemiev, carlsen vs artemiev, vladislav artemiev, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen vs vladislav artemiev, carlsen vs artemiev blitz, speed chess championship, magnus carlsen blitz chess, magnus carlsen speed chess, grandmaster blitz chess, magnus carlsen bullet chess, magnus carlsen vs artemiev, carlsen death match, magnus carlsen death match, artemiev vs carlsen, carlsen vs artemiev death match
Id: RxYTsE_oZg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 37sec (11257 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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