Magnus Carlsen streams playing the Lichess Titled Arena June 2020

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there we go hopefully there were some some lip-readers here earlier is the sound sound okay first game is gonna be against typo usually I do pretty well against him but he's flagged me many time oh that's about sorry just wondering upon he goes for the awakened tricky bastard okay um I'm gonna be fine we got ourselves a pretty normal bond off without a pawn obviously which is a bit of a bummer but okay I'll take commission be 595 I've had worse positions I think also in this game so castles I'm gonna take with the night and then bhishm a six wizard which is a tiny bit awkward I'm still up on down with a kind of a dubious position but okay I guess I'll take this Bishop c6 try and hold bit worse still obviously Bishop to d6 oh we should be eight now I think I'm fairly fine objectively speaking I'll see if I is a bit of a bummer I guess I'll have to I'll have to do this then okay hopefully I won't be flagged here friend well there's no way you can find me here that's okay blender upon in the opening bit of a nervous start you know oh the camera yeah it's a little bit messed up I tried to fix it fix it earlier today but I'm really I'm really not good at that stuff so I think you'll have to to make do with what what you got there like I'm not very technical I'm a technical chess player but I'm not very good at fixing technical things so we got ourselves the Kings Indian here I'm not playing that great to be fair Bishop g5 was not a great move okay this is confusing I'll take this hi guys no matter what take back c8 my king is a bit weak but I have a lot of activity so I should be fine Queen g6 broken 3 now I'm completely dominating and I should win fairly comfortably yeah I don't know okay yeah here rook f1 rook F 191 night before oh there's Queen g6 but whatever I do I'm winning [Music] Baba's uh no idea who that is obviously be three okay before I think I face this line quite a bit I have no idea what to do against it so it's a bit of a politic when you're facing me I like this and I won't know what to do some best developing pretty normally and here I'm trying to claim that my bishop no sorry my knight is a little bit better than my opponents Bishop oh this I don't think works creature five isn't important move attacking the Knights and now I want a piece up and I should win the game right before no need to fear anything here I'll just take the rope there's rook see a doctor that's game over another one for me um yeah I think at the start here at the start here a lot of people are gonna score a lot of points so if you are in fact rooting for me which I hope a lot of people will be and you don't see me near the top of the table don't panic because there's a lot of time and I'm not saying that I'm always gonna be at the top of the table but I think I'm gonna be near it okay thank you very much so I gave up b3 so that if I would hang later on but obviously I didn't expect my position my sorry my opponent just to to give me a piece for free but I'm I am thankful obviously okay I'll take take this fond still have to be a bit tiny bit careful but should be fine I'm a piece up to flying like us protecting against all sorts of nasty forex changing some pieces to simplify the position push the pawn yeah remember this wasn't great oh that's actually not a fork okay this got a lot trickier than it had to a lot break it try to bring the King in to protect some of my pieces oh I'm hoping he's gonna blunder something sooner otherwise I could be in some some trouble with time and everything now my pieces are fairly well coordinated c7 coming next c6 that's one check and now see IDs coming next and that's gonna be plenty of time to check mates yeah so I'm not gonna owe them it's the board mess up yeah the word is messed up this it is that's a shame okay that is a shame I have no idea what to do about that maybe I should just take a break to actually fix technical things I kind of don't want to do that Oh didn't see that this happened so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna psyche a rook because why the hell not he's nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready okay II five Lucas six we go for broke don't wait there should be three what I have in here probably nothing okay continue defiant of course oh that's an unpleasant move really really bad I'm gonna I'm gonna really have to us along with this game no threatening mate at the very least still threatening mate she's only got one check oh I'm not threatening mate no I'm meeting okay that was fun it's a shame you guys can't actually is he see the word because that was a good night okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna pause this in order to to fix to fix the board so I'll be I'll be back very soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I don't guess the I'm gonna hope that this works this time on the streak I won like four games in row but against fairly Oh against this guy huh okay how does the board look let me see alright still still messed up okay never mind I was they gonna Castle kingside showing a little to no respect it's gonna go g3 not if for don't know what I'm doing here image whatever I think this is gonna be really back oh he took with the Queen huh that's a shame ya know they say lost what should I do here it's just no kind of play yes there okay I kind of - lovely nature Prince but I have to okay I'm gonna lose this thing for sure just no kind of play that was a bit of an unfortunate unfortunate lapse there my only chance is that he's gonna get too nervous here okay Bay 3 i I feel a glimmer glimmer of hope here not much though not much not much no use this again this guy's no fun that's why for the next okay yeah this was this was really bad dream of ever okay so what should i do what should I do oh I started a new game we'll have to we'll have to fix this later on too bad it was a bit of a beta unfortunate lapse there in the last game I feel like I played this position against this guy before and it's not particularly promising that's got to be signed okay rook c2 just playing very very slowly look see one yeah once to change the bishop because the bishop has kind of a hard time finding decent work in this environment okay let me try and sharpen the game just a little bit my hope is that this Bishop on g2 is gonna be strong 93 I guess would make a sound I didn't say that let's talk more tryharding that is what is required I think trying a little bit of an attack because why not okay page six never a bad idea in bullet chess is it oh that's an unpleasant move I was hoping you wouldn't trying to change Queens now bail out yeah unfortunately he saw this and nice he's completely fine trying to get 98 but I think yes good current plan but he goes he goes passive and now I'm considerably better don't think she has any real kind of thing just going for him I cream my stuff yeah this is just one Jack huh she's playing really creatively but there was no hey yeah yeah okay so how do I actually fix this cuz it looks okay I have no idea I so should make this one smaller as well okay I never mind gotta start playing some some chess at some point gotta start playing some chess and trying to win some shotgun Wow oh no why didn't you take this immediately you could have you could have won a lot of material there no I'm actually okay no just so all of a sudden I should have I should have been losing but now I'm waiting on some instead which for him is kind of an unfortunate turn of events here jack oh he just wondered why I'm not seeing anything just way too casual it is once upon a time I could both stream and play decent chess but those days are over and that's when okay I'm very bad game no I mean still it still camera and bottom right corner like this okay I guess that works never mind playing my report rawr Oh shouldn't have let people know that oh no idea if this is good or not but I think it's not unreasonable go for an endgame yes I feel like take the youth to the endgame right that's what they say rookie Tori should go I'm not sure sure but just a little bit better but I think I think I'm gonna prevail I'm happy to play this I'm gonna grow age 4 and then I'm gonna try and push the punch so now I got it I got a favorable favorable structure on the Kings side to make up for some of my my pork misses ok he plays like this but now I'm already are breaking through here take th-th-this now he's just playing playing this all wrong unfortunately for him lettuce okay I should I should just come should've just they're gonna eat you there don't doubt myself so still I only only lost one game oh so I'm getting revenge against mr. beat me with a mouse slip and then showed good technique okay let me do this castles I'm gonna take the center because why not yeah it's probably got the memo that I don't play these positions all that well that's a problem okay let me set a little bit of a trap no I didn't fall for it unfortunately I was hoping to to get my d4 there at some point now you sort of you sort of equalized actually okay trying to change these gained some space on the side just have sex and now I go 83 and that's a little bit over I can eat no no he's King he's in some trouble 93 and that is very bad news for him Queen g2 is forced on that 92 I went upon and I should win the game okay got my revenge Wow yeah I'm all alone this is just just dry earning quiets streaming I don't know what I'm doing here no asymmetrical dryish position right push a page three we rotate mmm gotta go back with the bishop trying to pretend to play for a win here keep one part enter a list a trick see one is about no he wants to change but now now I think he's a bonus in a lot of trouble and once I win the I pawn as long as he cannot exchange the bishops this is an automatic win because the pawn just runs and I don't need to care about it don't need to care about the epon one bit because visual controls a - and that's just game over don't get mated and that's it good stuff okay yeah you don't see a little part of the board and you don't see my writing I guess but who cares about my rating you know it's gonna be pretty decent probably gonna fall a bit throughout the tournament but who cares that's quite all right okay it takes you six I feel like I played this opening against him before grandma Ciroc mano played this against me in the world rapid and I've been inspired to try the same opening this just misses a home he's kind quickly but it's not playing very well I guess repeat one and this is a little bit annoying but I don't think it's too big a deal just go be three and then complete development oh I was expecting bishops III this one this one I'm pretty comfortable with just a change and should be pretty straightforward I changed more stuff your stuff I've keeping the rook active check first thing is came to an awkward start squared the rook at five take the pawn king before next that's game over oh I have to play a little bit faster okay that's okay roof should be a pretty simple from now huh he's trying to stare at himself here [Music] little bit shaky little bit little bit slow but it's okay he's gonna research Wow okay I'm not gonna research I already said I'm driving so I'm not gonna be so obvious I'm nothing dude what is he doing just gonna play a plus position you know and I'm gonna flag no it's gonna try to win him position at all there is a zero point event B c5 what are you doing what are you doing oh that was a Muslim wanted to go to a different square but I understand that he wants to show off his newfound mouth speed but this is simply not gonna work half a minute it's not enough like I mean I'm even playing I'm playing so bad but it's not gonna matter it's not gonna matter one bit I'm doing an admirable job they're already not to win the game but it's not gonna it's gonna not gonna be enough it's not gonna be close to enough here for I don't know wait push g500 he tricked me Oh what ah just haha just way too casual and way too arrogant oh that was a nice rolling job you have to give him that a very nice job of trolling and he's gonna have some serious bragging rights from from that game yeah however the tournament things up he's gonna he's gonna be pretty happy with that one right here I'm just exchanging Queens I guess decisions actually not so clear I gotta focus at least elicit a little bit you know so he sucked the pawn in the opening I don't it's not apparent what kind of compensation I've got really slowly he gets to activate his rook which is a little bit annoying just a little bit as soon as I get to activate the King I should be should be winning in d5 c4 just push push push she's fighting well that is annoying me Rick c3 now I take this no it's over okay I tweeted already good stuff no I'm not gonna be searching as I said I'm just trying trying to win it's okay though it's all fun okay I'm gonna lean forward you know everybody's playing this is so annoying I gotta I gotta try try and play something else against it my play is really quite reactive is not good I have very very few plans of my own okay let me just pretend that my structure is so good that I can just oh that was not a good move j6 just weakens his position irreparably Queen c3 is coming that's gonna be game over there's just think nothing you can do here yeah but unleashes got an extremely fast I have to sell and I'm just playing way too casually okay get a couple of wins other days I was here as well oh he's won every single game I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna lose sell ERISA for sure today just zero chance the way that I'm playing no way just play fast I guess just this I think it's just a seven or something think it's somebody pretty good in 95 try and get a bit of a better structure 94 h3 threatening to drop the knife for the core it has to go to c5 now this should be very good for oh how are you kidding just way too too much nonsense with another blender no that's just nothing here but I'm gonna find it obviously it's been threatened my rook I could easily miss that not this time I have no counter plan that's the problem yeah go check that's a real problem [Music] 5751 would have won me different now I get to find a little bit at the very least he's gonna change this tank this is winning but come on you guys wish me for that stupid remove very very very not good yes so far this is a show just nothing nothing short of it no I'm sure of it no I get age for what am I thinking why did I think this was impossible oh yeah yeah 85 anything is good forever oh yeah yeah so faithful is one thing but to play this but okay this is not the most accurate way to play for him but it's just a mini mish mash them looks bad I got some hope that's all we need really just need hope behind one pawn we're good son it's no good yeah I still ask the affirmation hope is still here this is mate rooked you so and I take it I think this is mate oh did Gary actually just quit the tournament like that's what I would have done if I was him oh I do this mistake of bringing this this is this is mr. penguin playing obviously people didn't know he's tricked me in this way many times but I still got a good position so got a good position so everything's fine it's all good bishop sea snakes ain't gonna go for the bishop and so hear him I'm obviously a lot better because of the bishop and also because yes now that was pretty inaccurate to the point I say that in five take it screwie for and yeah he's gonna bring this night might begin to play it's not so easy for me actually not so easy it's gotta be a ten skin right to the finish oh that I did nothing work try it a bit of a cheap drink there all right for more cheap drinks it's all about a trend attrition before I run out of time he's playing man that's pretty well that's the same oh that's mate no no there is no chance okay there's no chance losing a lot of games no my mojo is not here mojo is not here at all Gavin oh I'm gonna pause for one second I'm going to eat oh wow Mike yes I said as I said earlier on he finds just quit determined right now he very much has that's something I would very much support I would have done that myself in issues mm mm hmm playing this very well it's just an active move for no reason let me take this take you fine they're gonna be sure she too and Cordish my forces play somewhat too slow too slow okay let me just hope this fun ending is good for me so don't see what else to do nobody's to get faring with thumbs at this point probably not doing not doing too well what is this okay whatever you could you could have taken him you could have taken on f7 at several points but I just don't care oh yeah I saw that he had this but I hoped he would miss it we're gonna list this game as well lamb okay I'm gonna fight enough enough with the losing now this is a 1906 I mean anybody who wants a point for me you got it that's that's the truth at this point okay okay this is so I thought I'd reached the low points of the tournament already but I hope this is it like I lost like four out of five games thing very good I just got the zero mojo didn't mind playing like this actually it's just better here h4 what's the point of that I get a good scream huh okay let me just try let me just try and trick you more ever tell me once that oh I gotta work I just so blind just don't know why I get that check are you gotta be kidding my coin is trapped funny losing everything I don't know don't know what is I'm just going on to be honest like I have days when I play poorly but usually not this probably just gonna start believing huh [Music] I'm also too slow what about whatever listener yeah I think I I seriously lost four out of five okay now I'm gonna do the lean forward trying to barely play I'm still down in time amazing so if I lose the game this one I'm gonna say like I can't even beat a flaming a thumb it's not an expression it should be an expression but I won this game okay so now that comeback starts I cannot win the tournament obviously and think I'm just way too far behind but I can at least try and get a decent decent placement [Music] down mustard some sign okay back to the roots of chief I really that must have been a mullet g4 take it's a four and I win a piece and I should win the game but we'll see okay couple of qui couple quick wins it's good for the morale in a group you know people are pretty down at this point they don't like to see their boy losing every single game now that is one one they think that this is it this is the comeback coming and define next I think I actually have a pretty good position like at least a lot better than I deserved from any up 95 Wow can't believe I blown over that should have something here don't know what though 25 must be it too many pieces are hanging me for now now see five see if I was gonna go on that's gonna be really bad news fun okay I'll take care of 93 now so really good might even work g-tube has 27 oh that doesn't open 8 6 I didn't see lots of shine I'm still winning but no it's gonna be definitely less than clean oh that's just me no no that's my ex oh so close I mean so slow gran delicious nil scandal is famous Swedish go master I gotta go Jesus Ricky one really wow that is some serious breath that he's showing me okay now I'm gonna try and make use of the case I'm majority push push push f4 f3 now all the way Ricky 5 [Music] easy but I'm much better much better let me try this one that was a nice move clip it and ship it just gobbling up some ponds minding my own business and there's no counter plan ricca-san protects my fish and that's a mouse slip but it doesn't matter work if to g3 game over it is that four in a row a little bit of a streak is there hope I don't know wouldn't wouldn't say so quite yet but I'm playing faster at the very least at least it was I made him think a little bit can you just go b5 let me just pretend I got some threats yeah you can yeah this is a good move cuz Queen is fine I couldn't met by a 5 now he's doing fine I just did this to protect age for it but I'm not like that's very least my opponent is playing slowly those are the good news no that was a bit unnecessary I didn't see how d8 was was protected but it's fine it's all fine before SpaceX is gonna be over okay I think I've got something resembling a mojo right when I'm on the first h for real Wow oh it should be for it's a good thing I didn't bring my bishop this exercise I intended not because I didn't want to do it but I couldn't do it because I was just low okay it's gonna go g3z reroute that bishop at some point we got just pretty normal in your ring position error thing I might even get a little bit better but there's really nothing much in it okay let me try and change the pawn structure that's why not always to type the Queen when you can making use of a few extra seconds or we set a little trap win your pawn if you can your opponent might fall for it I'll take it and I'ma put up 24 that wasn't necessary to allow okay I want a meeting here with 110 h5 his mates let his most certainly mate yeah you're liking this huh five six wins in a row it's by far the longest streak of the Knights it's only gonna get worse from here the famous scares attack good to play him let's go what do you do here oh he's spending a lot of time which I'm loving of course fish have sex I couldn't find this before okay okay no problem c3 then I gotta go 97 oh yeah at night if six didn't say that now I'm not doing that badly trying to provoke c4 weakening some dorks where's petition potentially here okay I'm applying for tricks you didn't fall for it that's a shame I'm gonna go I find and why did I want to go with five I thought I'd miss escaping okay he's meeting me or maybe it's not thank you yes anyway I'm social time now that I have no chance I had Quidditch three there okay too slow but it's okay I got some mojo back I lost my fire but it's alright I'm never gonna catch Shelly Reza yeah I mean honestly it's probably better than my bullet and also also I'm just way too too far Maryland let's take this no he goes for we should show five green be six okay just castles that I would say is fairly bright okay I don't care I'm just I'm just throwing my pieces in attack nicely green be for no plan no idea an idea for doesn't work it on one okay okay yes yuck I'm just lost now just lost but it's okay I went a few games in the wrong so no I'm happy with the Knights Oh watch out for your rook sir what is he doing oh he has 93 she just knows I was silly this is an awful game of chess just need to decide really really bad nice meeting me instead really really bad really bad I'll play the borough loon that's a typical blitz opening right 94 tricking him into a changing the Queen's when my knight is on a better square c5 Bishop oh that was a bad pre-move very bad remove yet you have not be fine winning but he's still better gypsy I ate Bishop e7 kf7 no I'm fine trying to change push the pawn all the way he saw it that's a shame bring the bishop to g6 close the position put the pawns on the right squares no I'm not afraid of the exchange because then my King is active but I have no way to break through so I'm just gonna move around for a bit I'm gonna place these six I'm gonna play wish me fun when I have the chance okay I'm just gonna go b5 if you kissed me another chance I'm gonna go Bishop f1 now I'm gonna try and call the other way oh he actually gave me the chance that's a shame oh there we go Hey oh it's actually trap my mission what a terrible game I'm not drinking of course I'm not drinking stop being silly now so I see and I have a pretty experience this guy usually but he's doing much better in the tournament to the show the French Oh 194 I actually seen him do about it against me before so that was a bit of a pretty move fail yeah he gets out in time five why not it's a little bit awkward friend I mean the awkward part is that she's obviously got a running position but he's kind of convert it somehow it's not so easy the exchange doesn't mean a whole lot as long as we just were just making moves okay let me do this try and do something that I believe is good for me positionally because I don't know oh this is dangerous now he is collapsing he's just completely collapsing that's the thing though you usually loses to me so now even though I'm playing really poorly he actually thinks he's playing somebody good [Music] yeah the resin will win the tournament there is no doubt about that I'm just trying to get a decent place like second or something where are you supposed to be huh okay fine okay I'm just pushing with no clue no clue just pushing some pieces but now I think I got a good position because he alone c5 okay 93 is threatened you didn't see it that's gonna be game over pretty much I got a new change and some compensation for extra change I would say and now mister you're shorter design okay yeah um I'm six points behind second place that's quite attainable hitter I'm not gonna say what I read the name is first time outside it was not here oh that's just a blender right it's okay though as I said in just two just two two games something extra change doesn't mean a whole lot when the position is closed then just have to make make a lot of mousse okay I could miss m27 didn't work obviously not gonna change prints oh that was a good mouth that he found it was a good okay now I'm gonna change screens I got uh I got a pawn for the exchange that I was a little bit worried about his potential attack now he's just weakening everything isn't it oh he's got some points he's got some serious points actually at forty five kind of keep the position closed oops yeah rookie three I'm just lost it's a bit of a shine got a fight of course that must completely and utterly lost yeah just a change oh this one I don't think you should have done I got 92 and I can find a little bit cuz my king is no longer caged oh you gots this thing that's a shame mmm why is this so slow I'm losing all the scrambles clever tactic but fail I've lost two in a row time to win one huh okay just gonna play a quiet system I play this again soon mine to have times before envelope okay before I don't know why he does this though because he always gets bad positions it's almost as if it's an advantage to have played a real of this that's at a high level okay I'm not gonna say too much because my last few most have been terrible should just shut up and dribble too slow way too slow now it's got a decent position as well just annoying it's got more than a decent position what am i doing no clue I could've taken two things oh my god gave me a second chance though Queen is a little bit of sight just fine oh there's the rook I actually have a chance yeah we trying to change change more stop oh that's oh come on I'm okay I'm gonna I gotta just my mouth somehow cuz this is moving really slowly I'm your brother and plug it than them it's moving really oh maybe just the maybe I'm actually not used to to the to the mouth speed like I'm used to other settings from because I'm not playing this I'm on the computer than I usually play by both um maybe that's one of the reasons I'm some I'm so slow like this is not to make excuses of course I mean I'm just saying just trying to hurry to play to play you know creatively it's not it's not doing around your fingers okay I suppose Blatt this is actually pretty bad okay I'm actually getting married today No he's escaping Richard III what's important to prevent no there's no mate huh yeah that was an unfortunate primo but it was check so hehe yeah it was check so otherwise I would have been mated myself I do okay I'm gonna take a break before I see em to adjust the mouse settings I'm gonna get everything as it should be and then if I still lose I have absolutely nothing to blame or nobody do I went to touch Shh I think he could have done aged five and there would have been pretty good no definitely gain initiative okay I'm just exchanging this changing everything taking the pond rerouting tonight I was bit too slow no he's got squares for his he's just nights not anymore [Music] what are you even doing what have it done to my position no one coming before I think I'm back in this back in biz at least when he's spending this much time he has no chance just push where's the mating sound there it is nine of 7oj time eight okay good good good that was out of the first page again oh I was gonna take a break that was it okay I tried try it adjusting the settings no it's the it's a little bit faster I think I think that's good for me Oh dirty guy no it's too fast I can't believe he tried something dirty on there okay I'll take this what is he doing giving up the exchange I say thank you very much and I'll take the exchange oh he's got some compensation but once he goes efore he loosens up the bishop on I need for it quite a bit which was not good from chiang kai course the exchange of rook alright I haven't played this real if you're anything but I'm still I'm still gonna win this I believe Jack that's one check and this is gonna mean mate I think pretty soon or indie I'd rent a queen g5 exchange Oh Queen if lake was made but whatever I win a bishop I win that game I like this speed better actually this is terrible oh yes for this how would you just lost the tempo here mr. mutt bro I'm playing a bit slowly I can have him cut that much should I got the moral from this very strange Oh Punk he ventured oh it's a very technical player this guy so so it's gonna go for or it's gonna go for the Queen exchange when you ask the chance so I did I I'm I saw her mister age six I'm not so sure about taste decision to castle although oh you say that good plan because well this one I don't like you should just have taken your luck me know I'm better now I am better Rick up six I think no King g7 cuz I take G 647 b8 and there we go fishbones go simply go to g4 I'm gonna win the rook and there we go another way that should be at least a funeral I think okay I'm late mr. Vladimir to reach in the fur that's a bad free move that could have played Bishop g5 would have won another a bit of a pre move gasps okay I'm trying to keep the position somewhat close but think realistically speaking I'm totally getting mate sit here that's fine I'll try to make him okay let's say well listens are worried about this one I see six per month we should be fine and I defy my gosh G for each six all right six this one never mind just exchange this one wouldn't say this plan this brilliant thing gasoline no fear so I think my position is quite ok but practically speaking it's a little bit easier to play white now i'm keeping at the earliest decent control I think position I don't think it's all rights a real shame if this is okay I know this isn't work go spit up and there we go almost they'll mad at him but but only almost okay four points behind him of four points out of second place as I said earlier I have no chance like if I'm gonna have a chance against Elias I need to be in much better shape than that as I was here about a month ago when I adopted him and bullet but usually I think he's better I pull that stuff there we go why don't you this one that was no reason for that jazz playing for trace are they gonna work oh yes Queen B - was hoping you wouldn't say that yeah whenever you make comments like I was hoping you wouldn't do that you know you're approaching the game all right it's actually playing pretty well this guy don't want you solo read it hopefully it will get nervous I'm gonna push it's gonna be too though never puts a foot wrong oh they're a little little sign of nerves there's no minute then we go first time you loose your you kind of win no mates Oh probably line more than illusory kind of play at this point and there's me ha ha ha oh now that was nasty that was real nasty no boy Oh finally a game again celery is uh okey he's gonna play the Berlin huh yeah let me just play some quiet position then get flags sounds like a great idea drew a floor it's gonna go to d5 just remove the mines I'm just moving pieces at this point there's no if you're trying to find sense in my mouth I can tell you there's not just just moving pieces yeah I have to take this but I don't like it where's the drink oh there's the Drake there are many tricks what is he doing he had like a million ways to make me there I mean he's still waiting enforcement hmm that was bad I mean I just I've no belief in myself again stellar is it it gets my tear so bad I mean I don't disagree don't disagree one bits for don't know what I'm doing here give it the poem for st. really enabling reason dude that is too cheap I'll not define doesn't work since I've spent that much time figuring it out though I'm sort of happy stabilizing she does have some potential against my king but don't believe it's too bad just gonna you're just gonna gobble it out upon and 95 finally the night enters and here actually resides which was a bit premature but nevertheless I was winning there mister Artemia okay oh I just what it was I thinking he would go if I'm there because night of six is the correct move Oh senseless stirring that was the way I started the position of the tournament as well just giving up I mean all of my promise I just backfiring so badly it's a shame it's a shame to time down Shane do I sense a glimmer of hope here look I do I didn't see that one of tho 95 there is still a glimmer of hope maybe there's more I always see you gonna defend his night here I think he's actually just losing some material appreciate there we go push it push it Venus goddess gave some all right okay now it's safe and I go for this Rick of six it's gonna be that's gonna be mate or something made to Jason I think I'm nuts why does he still alive here how is he still alive but that's that's gonna be oh whatever let's try an old favorite a minor D 686 just gonna change it you know I'll simplify you simplify the game the way an old an old lad should I don't think this works that well he gets three pieces for the bomb but I don't think it's enough now that's clever is it a fail think that is clever tactic but still a fail there we go I'm in second first time of the day and I get a lead as I again um it's bad anything else do you for go for it tell the guys huh show me the money show me the money I'm giving you all my prep right here all the goods so why you're supposed to be here you're seven maybe I don't think this was too brilliant but yeah I mean in a practical game you still got some problems here with with development and so on Queen before I'm not worried about that take a d4 and I'm kind of play now this one I am worried about though but still it's not so bad see do you rook e8 at Queen h4 as well Nikki Jade safeguarding the king let's bring the rook over here if nothing else then just to be just a show-off gonna take this one cover Queen c2 that should be bad news that should be really bad news Bokke and I was I was really complicated but the good thing is I got a position that was easier to play for me and he was sort of forced to burn a bunch of time and that was his undoing let me see if I can go on a bit of a streak now oh this is what I did myself against Maya right it's a bit too too subtle though isn't it trying to play sort of a semi moderate see bind oh that's a bit annoying see - I just dropped my own ball - gotta go now he lost himself a piece you tricked himself instead of trying trapping my Knights really I'm just gonna go rooks e1 just no need for complication just play simple chess no needs I think you should resign now mister you are Ponton and you have no advantage of on time okay okay oh well it is I again is bad news for him or for me that's the question I'll take it yeah this is just good a good position from lack probably a for each one take it I'm somewhat better here though thank you how kind of miss played this what should I do not at five creating a threat rook f3 Roach e6 is just too solid so I'm not really going anywhere about positionally I'm doing pretty well oh there's no Technic that's a shame should I do here okay just to something yeah that was a to keep the King know my position is getting a bit dicey I don't know so I'm gonna be flying from Australia oh yeah even one this yeah I know I have no chance f3 I don't mind I'd to squashed okay that's the only very small chance I have left come on Oh take it no I was a that was a bit stupid so close so close okay I'm still number two right mr. magic stop no no don't care just playing just pushing some pieces around a wooden board or in this case screen a wooden screen and talking some nonsense also it is fine oh this is no good this you cannot do mister oh yes 93 I was a bit overzealous there okay we're done I'm gonna go for gonna go for some cheap trick sarah palance I'm Way up on time so I'm gonna be fine and not was lost you should have gone to f1 and then it would have been up there work before now his night is his in the deadly pen so route d1 there's work out for when I take the Queen once he takes the rook every k1 that doesn't actually make a difference still just win it okay preciate you're fighting a lost cause mister it's admirable but there's just nothing o never tack tape of mail has a there's a fire oh well it is that again this time let me see what it's got oh he's just going for this there should be seven good oh we can take him I forgot I forgot about these it's fine yeah these I'm feeling like I'm doing well personally speaking getting a bunch of initiative on the queenside no I think he's losing upon the question is am i quick enough to convert it that is the only question okay that was silly but now I invade for real this time Rick a7 it's pretty much game over yes no kind of way win at five still fairly stifled cringy for wait there we go no actually pretty easy to two against other as I'm pretty happy with and I got the fire again okay I mix the trick and geez just put the pieces on decent squares huh don't overthink and that was probably premature okay I missed Queen III Edie okay gotta give up on me cuz I didn't want to go Fe just don't play ball though came away trying to reroute the spaceship oh you see that I'm gonna be lucky if I get something out of this game yeah this is not a great game of chess are we sexually threatening manage more stuff I have to Quincy one has made that is a shame that is a damn shame this one okay sure Oh 93 stop me Bessie do it come on slow oh yeah that was a sham okay I should have lost the long before though but I'm still number two and that is all that counts oh the counts hey I'm just thinking his moves completely you know development just not much but I think my position was somewhat easier to find this move is bad that I can tell you for sure right see Rick see 594 so I go for this instead then I take e 6 and then Luke's you fine and that's gonna be game over just a free piece miss your Afghan it's not good for you now this one I have pretty good score against just take the center good thing I did not remove that 93 afterwards that would have lost a bond there we go palm for me oh that's really creative should I do about it guess nothing I didn't see that this one here was too clever I'm trying to be maybe should this text was written to changing I didn't want that tries to change still I'm trying to keep I'm trying to keep some pieces we should be for this I'm gonna play for a win cool little bit yeah that's okay bad game bad game what's my winning percentage of this tournament it's going to be pretty bad the dragon to earth oh you just gonna immediately publish in below that okay let me try and get a quick Ruxandra c3 because that is what you do new plan exchange Queens then I'm fixing the structure but this time it's not a disaster but most of the potential for my position is gone now Rick before okay he dangerous Oh miss Ruth before him but it's fine it is fine what is he doing now thank you Smith's placing his pieces take this oh it's got some drinks oops yet full grovel mode instead is he actually winning material oh that's a damn shame gonna go do you find obviously God Ryan I am [Music] yeah there we go you could have taken them you could have taken the apartment I don't think that helps right because there's still help mate with not against Bishop that is possible okay still we try the london system and she goes great this six just go back right man it was a bit of a gap but it's fine you fine I'm just gonna take you fine take some space just doing 28 winning a pond no I'm actually not not wing into anything shouting for no reason would be seven od5 there's ninety eight did I say devilishly tricky about other days I once think that was appropriate he's not gonna say he's not gonna be happy with the drama oh here's that's fine for me I probably would have got the flag just keeping the 50% you send them some very difficult opening to play against I take it I can hi-5 I don't know what is correct more volatile but I don't care I go back and makes a castle take it I can not afford try 44 and I'm happy very happy there we go take the rock and are we actually gonna get an easy game could it be true no not that easy not that easy still got some fighting chances I messed it up very slightly but it's okay take this I exchanged everything I've Leonard the pawn he doesn't see it i safeguard my structure and he's all good oh good here LeBron there we go oh I'm just one point ahead of the clever tactic would fail searching about the current speed I can I cannot possibly even deliberate playing 30 second Jess led this against I'm just a plethora of earlier tonight and for some reason I won that game that's when it's gonna be tougher but he blundered upon quiet oh I forgot about the the berserk obviously I'm gonna win this oh look it yeah it's the same that happened like once I realize once my opponent berserks kind of relaxing okay I'm gonna win anyway but don't relax the worst thing I really got flagged against giving that's pretty sad so I'm not gonna that's gonna be unhappy with coming second in the tournament or even a third if that happens but losing to a Burger King Gary is kind of okay yeah no idea what's over here I think I just got myself pretty really lousy position because I cannot Castle okay gonna go for okay see five taxi five don't take with the cream and try to suffer I can steal Castle queenside what am i doing okay I'll take it I'm gonna win this but I'm sure - I'm sure time but I have a feeling I'm gonna win this thank you thank you take the rook that was a man sleepy wasn't okay for it but I probably would have managed to finish him off anyway like once upon a time in the good old days when I was young I was quick I used to get like almost 200 points in those tournaments now I'm gonna be very happy if I just reach like 130 just kind of a sad development I would say but it's it's how life goes and there's nothing you could do about it I haven't played this very well but so good not the way that's the night yeah it's gonna go d5 so I'm just gonna reroute and play further oh I didn't even see it I was hanging I guess you didn't either okay this one I'm gonna take everything is gonna go towards looking side let's go let's go you can't take it cause you one is hanging okay queen of two bishops III take it rookie one honey's in trouble lots of trouble k p1 p2 p1 making it Queen ha that was nice no and mr. clever tactic would fail is losing everything so as long as I win a couple of more games I should be good for second place which at my current age and form is to be considered a success don't know what I'm doing here placing my pieces on some really unfortunate squares draw what are you doing you're offering your draw and the bullet game Basilius oh he's actually he's offering a draw because he's doing well in the tournament and he wants to secure that okay I could have taken the rope but I wanted to take his bishop instead I didn't see that it's getting some counter play me no likey I didn't want oh that is really bad news actually that is really bad news put a drink in the ground and I could oh okay there we go still some chances nope not anymore okay I'm just doing this low but mr. clever tactic but fail is still losing apparently is a penguin I'm just gonna berserk I burst a bunch before much I'm rarely successful with it okay and this I think I've messed this up against this guy before that's just really really bad okay Missy drink he's taking much better possession and going for a slightly better ending I cannot get it but I feel like yeah it's a bit of a cop-out is not better anymore this is one of those positions where Karpov would say yes you are slightly better but you are going to be slightly worse soon and I miss this getting too careless it's still fine though take it take it rupee - it's a good move i wicks you - it's also okay protective instamate okay flag or be flanked that's the question huh there we go take the pine run back with the rook run run run anyone yes there we go Oh arm arm arm whatever that's the guy who's somewhat dangerous if he wins another game now with the fire she could actually get second place which would be a bit unpleasant I would say take it take it to go b5 ofg really I'm just gonna give a pawn my structure is good and ha creating it to their screen of seven nice cheapo go see if I can win this game on time what's the standings oh um I'm just home and driving man am I not hmm that's unfortunate okay I'm gonna no it doesn't matter yeah I'm gonna take the draw just to get one more points in the tournament because it looks a little bit better okay so congrats to ali reza he was by far the best today like i was not even close and normally i should be able to sort of give him a run for his money but today that would I wasn't close and you know what I actually I actually enjoyed playing today let me see what my my win percentage is 68 which is laughably poor but I kind of enjoyed it still and maybe next time I'll do better and yeah for I mean let's see if somebody's challenging me but otherwise I'm just gonna go win no I don't want to play I've had enough I don't know if I'm losing and all of that so thank you guys for watching I'll be doing Vangelis tomorrow and chess 24 eight o clock in the evening Central European Time and then of course the chasuble masters is this it's gotta be running for for a while I mean the semi-finals we've got quark against thing tomorrow it's gonna be awesome so so so yeah see you guys
Channel: Patrick
Views: 753,399
Rating: 4.8198977 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus Carlsen, Lichess,
Id: l4jl33MLQZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 56sec (7316 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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