Magnus Carlsen vs Daniil Dubov | 16 Blitz Death Match | 22 April 2021

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we're back another day almost on time today at least it's better than usual um stream setup is scuffed again there's there's no music still and um i don't know i'm a little bit a little bit tired today so i feel like this match is gonna it's gonna be tough um since duboff former world rapid champion knocked me out of um of one of the champions chess tour event and an extremely well prepared tactical and challenging opponent so uh right now i'm just waiting for him to get connected and then we'll get going uh we're starting a bit earlier today since daniel is in yekaterinburg commenting on the candidates and uh he needs to needs to sleep obviously um so that that makes sense um i don't know if he's streaming uh i think artemis was streaming in russian yesterday um [Music] but yeah i don't know if if do both is i don't think i don't know i think he's a little bit too cool for the whole streaming game in in general um anyway he seems to be seems to be online right now so i guess we'll get the games going pretty soon and uh yeah as you can see from the title the format is a little bit different today uh we have 16 games uh only so uh probably will be a little bit uh a little bit of a shorter shorter day today um but nevertheless it should be uh should be very interesting yeah this is uh this is just24 new somewhat new design and you can see the score in the in the top left corner and as you could see from the the games we played earlier it's been it's been a lot back and forth but this zero zero that's where you will see the score today don't know if you're here daniel but anytime i'm ready to go i have become a full-time streamer and i will probably say this later in the stream as well but i am planning to stream a little bit on saturday and then i will briefly go back to my former job as a professional chess player for for the next week or so after that okay out of curiosity people want to describe uh sorry subscribe why is that exactly i'm expecting only serious answers here no aces today howl unfortunately yeah you didn't don't need to support me i'm fine just trying to give you entertainment anyway i think we're gonna see uh catalan from from daniel today um i had this against him a bunch in the tour with i would say fairly limited success as black but i know i i believe in the general solidity of my position here um yeah if you just want to give me money then i will in general um i will in general not not accept it unless of course you want to you want to buy some of the products then that my uh let my companies offer then of course my uh my view on the matter differs a little bit so i don't want it personally but to boost my general net worth then i'm fine with it um anyway let's talk about the game a little bit i don't know if it's too different it's just there are nuances right so i guess he's threatening cd585 queen c7 here and although d2 is hanging b7 is also so i guess i should probably retreat the bishop now hmm if i do retreat the bishop i'm allowing 95. maybe just let's go rook c8 then general i feel like i have a good version of stonewall structures here it feels like i've i've won some time c5 ridiculous now i guess i'm just gonna go c6 i can go c5 but i will retreat the bishop somewhere and then potentially i can start attacking maybe um yeah 94 so it goes for something concrete let's i gotta speed up a little bit at the very least so let's not talk too much for a couple of moves c5 i want to take an e5 and knight d5 f3 i'll probably play c5 okay so he goes for this i assume he's a little bit better here but my knight is very strong that's why i gave up the bishop instead to have this blockading knight on d5 otherwise his rook could have come to d6 and probably caused me some trouble but i guess i guess it's a little better but i feel like my position is relatively easy to to play so i don't i don't particularly mind mind what we have here this bishop is a little bit passive okay so he takes he probably wants to go a4 and create a pass spawn queen e7 hint at c5 at some point yeah f3 this is very logical if we go e3 there's f4 let's take it then ef3 i got f4 here i think i should also go f4 this could get very sharp f4 creates some some some tactical chances for me potentially but it's also a bit weakening so it's uh it's a double-edged sword okay g4 yeah let's go jump in it's maybe a bit dubious i missed queen e4 that's really unfortunate queen g5 there's rook c3 and this one is falling okay i have to do something else then yeah my last couple of moves have been quite unfortunate rook d6 is i think pretty precise not allowing bishop to be seven yeah my position is really bad now but let's keep on fighting attacking c1 let's push it i just missed something simple again rook c6m so bad my only only chance now is to create some sort of confusion maybe i can who knows okay oh nice that's really nice queen h6 has got rook c1 so now i just lose okay good game very very good conversion from from him right there and yeah so i was undefeated yesterday and uh this this time i crashed and burned in the very first game this is potentially going to be going to be um a lot a lot tougher than it turned out yesterday okay goes for the classical sicilian let's see what his ideas are here he's played oh he's played this g6 line yeah hmm yeah this is what he's done done a bit recently don't know don't know exactly what to do against this let's go 92 attack d6 knight f4 i guess um so i can take an e6 probably don't need don't need to do to do it immediately yeah let's go queen d2 first maybe we'll play f5 regardless okay let's continue strengthening a bit if it takes on c3 i take fb4 bishop c6 maybe no win back the pawn 94 i didn't actually see yeah i guess he's completely fine now taking a 5 bit by 5 and bishop d3 i don't think i have much at all yeah i thought it would probably retreat retreat there with queen g5 it's obviously an attractive move threatening threatening a fork yeah we'll sidestep it first of all bishop d3 i'll have to go knight d3 which is an ideal to be honest generally um generally speaking i would expect i would say um generally speaking i would expect some some non-simplifying move from him here [Music] but then again yeah i was i was wrong he chose to exchange the queens but i i could be a little bit better here i'm defending b2 for the moment so if he moves his knight i can move my knight freely um without wondering about without worrying about blundering that pawn and otherwise yeah bishop h6 my only move is f4 um but i don't think it's it's that it's that weakening yeah the only worry here again is once once i move this knight then he's gonna start he's gonna start attacking the pawn b2 but i don't think i have any choice okay let's go knight c1 i missed that yeah i don't i can't take on i couldn't even take i have to go back then this isn't very good now i'm definitely not better probably not worse either or not really worse at the very least but that was just a waste of time okay g3 i have to make some lift for the king yeah let's bring it in nine to five we've got 95. i don't have a lot of moves that's the problem let's go a3 maybe not b4 knight f5 knight d5 and then he's got rook d4 hmm i'm getting outplayed unfortunately okay i have no choice yeah and out of two i give up a poem but i don't see what else i can do my p4 he's got a5 i don't know a choice oh considerably worse and i'll be very happy to save this okay so it takes that's the safest let's take a4 yeah not bringing the knight in that's my my best chance rook h2 i'm maintaining jack and rook d7 hoping for knight g5 it's not easy for him to win yeah rook c7 that's very sensible i guess we'll give a check thinking i can get the rook back to b6 and then maybe start breaking on the king side but this one i missed i just completely missed that seriously he's in time yeah i have no chance here oh boy this is bad really really bad so far but he's playing he's playing uh he's playing very well very very well but i i gotta i gotta do better than this that's for sure okay let's play the slav instead yeah streamer instead of pro player as you can see from the as you can see from the play it's probably where my my future lies so what's the what's the story here yeah i don't know the theory here probably should not gone for this line then hmm let's just take it and go for the fiance generally daniel loves playing cadillac catalan types of position and just sucking this pawn and these positions used to be considered good for black but more recently white has found ways to get a a lot of compensation match with alireza like this yeah it could be wouldn't rule it out okay let's bring the knight here also opening up for the bishop this way 96 hoping for knight b4 maybe e5 i can at the very least get a temple with bishop f5 maybe yeah actually e5 knight f5 is better than if he if he takes this one i got bishop b6 okay let's go knight before i guess one knight g5 maybe i can take here get back like this yeah i have to take the pawn he's got good compensation but i don't think he's better okay i guess i'll take it if i was a nice move i'd underestimated that one knight c4 i'll take knight c7 should be fine bishop h6 i got queen d4 and then long castles yeah i'm sure his commentary is pretty good at this point like he's winning winning uh the games in in great style and i would uh i would enjoy it in his shoes too okay rook v8 i think there's still queen d4 maybe oh he's got bishop c6 king f7 maybe it's not so bad yeah still oh king f7 yeah i got some problems here some serious problems okay i'll take on p2 if it takes rook b1 take on c6 i guess i'm a little bit better but should be uh it should be drawn i'm not sure what else he can do okay so he decides just to keep the tension let's bring the queen back for the moment i don't know what to do here okay let's try and simplify a bit bishop f4 i still got e5 and i think i'm fine yeah take it in king d7 and i survived wow he decides to to go for it guess that's reasonable but i don't think i can be worse here just consolidate bring the knight in almost certainly better now g5 is an annoying threat okay don't have time for this just going to sack the exchange still very very solid and i'm some material up since i have so many points now i'm very safe at the released let's take it rt5 it's hard to win very hard to win bring the bishop around okay a5 i don't think it's good that pawn is just gonna be weak i bring the bishop to b8 now exchange the pawns then i should win a5 and i should win the game there bishop c5 okay i'm on the scoreboard it wasn't clean actually nowhere close to it but you know it's still something um what is this i thought these lines in general were better for white but maybe it has some concrete idea where do you go knight e4 or knight a4 i think you go knight a4 yeah both both players cameras would be nice indeed don't know um i don't know how to do that and i actually set up the stream myself today that's why that's why those things are not happening um i don't know why he's playing this land because generally white is just a little bit better and i'm generally happy to to play endings against him not d4 rxe1 there's not a three queen of three queen e7 maybe the queen e3 looks a little bit better oh he checks first yeah so i should probably bishop b5 bishop d7 queen e2 am i not a little bit better there i think i am it's queen e4 i can take the bishop e3 and this king would not feel safe in the center i would i would think queen before king of one yeah the king unless he can exchange queens quickly then his king is going to be in a lot of trouble i don't really see it 95 i got rook d1 so he gives a check just gonna sidestep with the king this king is a lot less safe than this one so i think this is um this is very good for me yeah obviously if daniel wanted to do this he would be great since he's got he's got oodles of charisma and an entertaining style and as well as being extremely strong can i take this b6 a3 i don't know queen of five rook d1 starts walking this way i probably shouldn't let's maybe go rook c1 instead make sure his king doesn't run away next i probably want h4 rook h3 to develop oh he's wearing the balenciaga shirt he always wears that is shocking oh so he's intending this i missed that maybe i haven't played this very precisely then okay let's go a3 for more for lack of alternatives than anything else queen a4 yeah what maybe there was nothing special but i feel like i could have gotten something more okay for the lack of alternatives let's grab a pawn so i'm taking then grabbing d8 and a7 but i feel like you should be able to equalize here so now with concrete play probably starting with b6 i would guess then bishop b8 escaping with the bishop rook c6 maybe yeah let's go g3 maybe not g3924 it's annoying oh this one no i think i have chances so bishop gets here then it's attacking b6 and defending f2 27 okay let's go king g2 i don't know what king d7 was all about think i'm consolidating now he will get a good knight on g4 so it won't be or e4 but it so it won't be easy to convert but i'm clearly much much better now can you have three it's not so easy to untangle maybe root d3 maybe not not sure this move does a whole lot but it's a move yeah i wanted probably should go back and then wrote b3 yeah now rook b3 and there's no fork no i think i'm making some progress let's try and stymie his pawns test him a little bit oh i thought he would go to e4 now i think i'm just i'm probably just winning okay not easy still oh that was close i'm very close to flagging there very close okay gotta play a lot faster this is tense very very tense check bring the king finally oh there's a fork it's bad news okay now now i'm everything's protected and i should be should be winning quite comfortably bishop d4 let's do a check take a pawn let's see two i got k2 there should be six now check i start going with the king again okay c4 rook b6 yeah this doesn't work now i got p7 and the pawn queens wow i didn't have yeah i didn't have a complete control there i mean at a certain point i was very close to uh to flagging and yeah i might have simply fly to be honest i think i made the move with 0.2 seconds ago so far i'm not not really hitting my my stride okay now this one i'm gonna play a little bit different style okay g3 yeah this is probably good for white how should i set up here probably like this e5 there's not p3 maybe it's interesting hmm a5 there's 91 yeah we have to play like this but it's it's not very attractive might be three i'm expecting and i have to probably have to take e4 knight g5 d5 takes rook e8 it's hard to believe i have to take now he will be a bit better or maybe more than a bit better maybe not that bad if he forces if he forces the bishop somewhere i'll probably take with the deep one here 95. this just isn't very good okay i have to speed up a3 i'll take take bishop c5 95 dc5 and i'm a bit worse hmm yeah it's a bit slow but i have a minute so it's it's fine but obviously the trend is in these games are that he he gets ahead of time ahead on time that's clearly not ideal uh and i think these positions maybe look a bit worse for black than they are because yeah this he's got the bishop pair and my pawn structure is a little bit scuffed but my game is very fairly free probably go e4 now how am i to deal with e4 it's the question for take before it takes rookie one by five f3 knight d6 looks fine it doesn't have to play s3 you can go bishop b2 and i cannot pin at once anyway he's gone rookie one so no reason to spend more time on that um yes it's a bit annoying maybe my position is a bit worse than i thought but what can you do you gotta play the cards you've been dealt or that i've dealt myself in this case bishop d7 i think bishop c6 he's got to play f3 at some point i believe yeah i don't think i don't think he's played this very accurately knight g5 now knight goes to e6 i think i'm gradually if not sort of equalizing i should be pretty fine and eventually i may be able to take over the initiative yeah let's go a5 hoping for a4 probably should go a for himself which he does let's consolidate the structure here b6 it's probably going to be a lot of exchanges now on the on the d file h4 okay h6 i guess i don't think i can do anything other than trade no um rook d8 take it knight d4 takes queen d6 yeah i'm certainly fine now question is whether i can actually play for a win here which i assume will be a bit difficult are there any tactics well or not because it's not worth spending too much time on let's just make waiting moves for the time being oh that's a good move okay let's exchange do something super tense okay let's go back change the queens looks like looks like a pretty clear draw he has the bishop pair but i think i'm just way too solid my position that is not me specifically let's a six e5 yeah he just wants to trade now um he just gives this one up i don't know why i did that i don't think that was necessary it's choking a little bit i want to take like this but i'm not sure that i can hmm that was not ideal i should have moved the bishop first okay let's go with the bishop to d1 yeah this is just a pretty clear draw i believe but i will try of course okay now let's go for it high five probably i don't think i can do anything though yeah let's just offer him a draw okay um first draw of the match i guess that's fine let's go bishop b5 play more closed positions against him knight d7 all right what's his idea here i had a game against jeffrey john in this line where i got a very good position as white i should have yeah i should have studied the line since but i i haven't unfortunately oh this is the way that they play yeah have this against somebody get scary maybe okay let's go rook to one yeah the wide scores are from games were played before but two and a half two and a half that's the that's the score right now and if i'm lucky i have one or maybe even two mods and they will be able to to bring updates if needed two mods certainly would be a personal or no sorry three mods certainly would be a personal record for me okay go start going e5 knight d5 c4 yeah let's just do that simplify the game a little bit du5 then i should be somewhat better just because 98 well okay before 98 seems a bit excessive to me yeah asia's is not here today so the fridge is not a problem now i've waited with the development of this knight to get it to its most active square now that the pawn on c3 is gone and generally generally um i feel like i'm a bit better here now okay let's try and get active on the king side um i guess 94 94 d5 d5 you can connect sorry to queen b5 maybe ugh back to the scarfed arrows now that's a bit annoying maybe i could could have played this better what to do oh i don't actually have anything at all here would be a bit disappointing okay can't think anymore need to take action bishop is awful in g3 though at least the supporting knight comes to d6 so i guess that's something now he went with the knight from c7 which means that queen b5 is never an option i feel like that's favorable to me yeah that's gotta speed up d4 routine one seems like a good plan the old centralization when they don't know what to do what's the rook could swing over here after this light has moved somewhere okay now let's jump in knight c8 didn't expect this to be any good maybe i don't have anything here okay let's go back i'm just throwing pieces at him literally not even caring yeah this probably didn't work i wanted knight f6 but he has rook c4 now it's massively annoying otherwise i think this would work this one huh can't i jump in now knight f6 i still got gf6 and rook d4 rook d4 don't think this check is any dangerous and i retain all my attacking potential on the king side rooksy one first look at this works i don't have time rook rook d1 rook h4 now this mating though isn't it jack oh he's going to h6 take the bishop where's the okay i think i have a pretty clean win bishop h4 and then bishop f6 we should have tried the h5 first maybe now this wins easily rook f8 knight c7 and i just start advancing the king yeah well that's how you would expect him to to beat me rather i would say than the other way around that was a fun attack though i would say now i'm back to to suffering in the catalan i guess okay let's try and play this way somebody tried against me so e4 is maybe happening hmm what can i do then probably not play these dubious lines to begin with of course let's go rookie 8 seems useful okay b3 now i can start going e5 let's just do it not over overthink things for once it just develops i guess that's reasonable takes bishop 3 bishop h3 not sure if that's desirable yeah i could do this but i will be a little bit worse but i'm not sure what else p5 now i think is precise 95 then i could maybe take here and now i just have to take back queen e7 next i'm very solid um yeah you can check out just24 to see duboff but i i'm at least hoping his mood is not as good as it was at the start of the match so i'm in in the lead for for the first time yeah this is the old rum without coke and sugar without no that's wrong it's coke without ramen sugar that's the one and while i was saying that i didn't pay attention expected uh yeah expected rook d won first and then okay never mind never mind knight b6 i think let's try and be solid 93 i will go c6 please somewhat better for sure usually it's not a it's not a lot but he certainly made a lot of progress over the last few months bishop d7 it's the only decent square not to allow f5 and as long as you cannot do something violent on the king's side if i do get moves like rook d8 bishop c8 developing then i should be fine and it's it's hard to see how we can break through after all having exchanged a couple of um a couple of minor pieces is pretty pretty nice for me okay um he wants queen a5 i think i'm fine with that should be six maybe maybe you can just take the pawn it looks stupid to think after queen and fire because clearly that was his intention but now i was a little bit unsure suddenly of what to do let's yeah keep the tension now here can i go bishop e6 i probably can't yeah i'm a bit cramped g6 and ambitious b6 maybe this is a good maneuver that he found here maybe i can try f6 that's what i need to do yeah i think i'll try that there's a pin well it doesn't work too rightly click this one again yeah for those who weren't here yesterday don't suggest moves you will get bound for life but i'm sure most of you know that by now okay let's go bishop g4 should i exchange let's keep the tension for now maybe i can take with a pawn looks a bit ugly oh i'm that short time okay then just never mind what was the point of f5 seemed a bit dumb d5 is what i wanted to do anyway no he blew this no i don't think he's better at all let's give a check should i trade yeah why not one i want to simplify because i need to i need a position that i can play with a few seconds king of seven rookie two though how am i getting out maybe this way rp6 now coming to d5 root d6 annoying really annoying okay let's give a check oh that didn't actually work let's go back and then start advancing the king but i'm a lot worse now i couldn't even take an f7 because g7 is hanging but it won't be easy for him to win it's going to be a scramble check go around add up take it take an h5 should have good good drawing chances now 97 okay but i think i can exchange this way can you three maybe this king will be in a bit of trouble check king of three could be mating him here yeah no it's mate knight f2 after king h3 or knight f6 wow wow hustle hustle he outplayed me the entire game and then yeah it was faster there's nothing wrong with that though nothing at all hustling is just part of the game okay let's go e3 play this against him many uh many years ago in the world rapid and blitz in the rapid specifically i think maybe we've got this exact position huh could be at least yeah uh he put in uh apparently asia's put in uh the evil evil um command it's funny um i'm feeling like this is like exactly what we had the last time let's play bishop d3 yeah 94 i was hoping [Music] the queen c2 would be would be working here not sure it is roxy one no maybe that's what i have to do queen c1 maybe quincy one knight c3 bishop c3 dc4 bc4 knight d4 it's what i'm worried about knight d4 queen d4 i don't see it for me okay let's go quincy one then queen a5 i will probably i will have to take take then a3 probably or maybe knight 92. what about the hammer yeah what about the hammer okay so he decides just to exchange oh we can still go dc oh this is what i missed spent all this time thinking about other lines and i missed the most obvious one yeah it takes night before i'm in trouble okay king d2 i've once again mishandled the opening like he has played the opening a lot better than i have in this game in these games what i'm hoping is that once you exchange this of course if if he changes queens my king is well placed and otherwise i'm hoping to get rook d1 king e1 very quickly and run away yeah rookie one so my problems here are only of a temporary nature i believe so if you can't cannot find anything quick then i'm fine don't know what that check was all about maybe some e5 still i got 95 then 95 yeah that's just no good is it just no good df 95 94. if i take an h7 i end up losing a piece to rookie 8 later on so i have to take this one oh now i'm just i realized the line i wanted to play didn't work at all now i'm just much worse it's completely outblame in this game probably should just take yeah okay i'll just take on b7 because otherwise i feel like i'm just worse for or a lot worse for nothing so it's better at least to to get a pawn for my troubles rookie 8 i'm assuming or at least expecting does this work queen g3 queen c4 at this point let's go queen f3 then oh this loosens rookie eight rookie 21 where's his mate now yeah i should have i should have lost there um but he's given me some some hope you can take your perpetual if you want but i'm not sure he has more by now yeah i think he he just starts to make a draw unfortunately for him yeah just to show uh queen of three i was losing here because of rookie eight rookie 8 and then rookie 8 kf1 knight h2 and and the fork yeah i click rematch uh i don't know if it's um if he's here and we're halfway now so i'm leading five to three i lost the first two games and then i've been unbeaten since so that's that's decent at least okay let's go into more catalan torture huh just play the main line for once rook d1 is this is this a thing yeah i will just go b5 he certainly has some ideas here to to justify the pawn sack but i'm at the current moment i'm not that worried not sure maybe i'll just go c6 if he takes the pawn i'm fine i think have a good pawn structure and no worries and this sort of transposes into some different lines where black usually does okay is 97 reasonable now could be no knight d7 knight c6 bishop c6 bishop c6 rook c8 and there's a pin with bishop c6 i got queen c8 and i think i'm fine yeah let's just do it yeah i'm expecting bishop c6 okay so we just it just plays it slowly he's a pawn down but he's judging that he has good compensation which is more than reasonable let's go rook c8 nice c5 got knight c5 dc5 queen to 7 i think before there's g5 should be fine for me there should be two we can play but i'll continue developing and this bishop sucks but i have this square for my pieces potentially also the knight can go here so i i mean he has compositional compensation but i don't think he's better and yeah although he don't love sucking material i think bishop f4 would be too much even for him knight d3 on the other hand probably is a very good move which i completely missed yeah now we get this bishop to f4 that's just really really annoying bishop f4 queen d7 queen goes to e8 i'm solid but this one it's just not very good you can go b4 making sure that i never do this bishop t2 it's really really trying to suffocate me which pay five now d rook d7 hoping to get bishop d8 probably yeah i have to exchange probably have to give a give a pawn back with bishop d8 at some point i should make some lift for my king so i don't believe has anything concrete at the moment let's go knight d5 actually just trying to provoke e4 then i will go back and then bishop d8 oh maybe you can just prevent it you can just go queen d3 yeah queen d2 he's playing so well really really well no i'm just suffocated turning into one of these games where us i don't like to say one side is playing and the other side is just clapping i can't do anything but wait at g4 i'm hoping to have knight h7 right seven have to try and hustle him here again hoping for bishop c7 that i can take rook d7 oh this this yeah this one i don't think it's that dangerous this one i believe is fine for me i just take and i don't have anything better so yeah take go back then i take on h4 get knight g5 coming i think i'm fine now work effect is a big threat so he deals with that quite effectively how can i create counterplay let's go knight e4 let's see three to d5 maybe okay and now we're cafes what's this idea f5 i think is a bit too much so tense really really tense i'll take it what's this idea i take again is he just collapsing here now okay let's go back i don't have that i don't have that much time oh i missed this one that was his idea of course we're just losing now probably just losing gypsy seven why why that is rookie eight now okay oh sorry that was the wrong button poor really really poor um i mean in general they deserve to win in that game but [Music] i shouldn't shouldn't uh shouldn't have blundered it away the way that i did now i'm a little bit tilted i have to admit that that's a pre-move well the queen a4 was directed exactly against d5 so that i can get some initiative in the center so he gets one back and i'm only leading my one now this is a tough match i didn't lose a single game yesterday and today i lost three hoping to get knight f3 and d4 eventually yeah e5 this it's in general a bit better for me d4 coming yeah he clearly he pretty much d5 and i don't know why he did that no i'm just comfortably better we get the sort of positions that he usually gets in the catalan where white has some advantage in the center 94 55 okay does he want to exchange i guess i'm fine with this increasing my influence in the center further let's go a4 trying to pressure him on the on the queen side not sure what yet whether i want to go e4 and the close of this diagonal okay a5 bishop f6 now knight g5 must be strong knight goes to f54 so he decides to take it but now i have the bishop pair for free let's go a6 now mess up his pawns a little bit b6 d5 i think is already it's already crushing it's queen e5 there's bishop c6 or rookie 5 bishop b4 and the bishops ready to show their power obviously this is a massive attempt at the jinx but i think this could finally be uh be uh be a good game maybe i just gave him knight g6 now maybe i need to do something else like queen a4 maybe yeah knight g6 it's a bit unfortunate let's go queen e4 i guess maybe bishop f4 maybe bishop f4 is the one i'm not worried about taking f4 since i will get a very strong pawn pawn center rook d6 also rook a6 yeah let's go rook a6 d5 yeah i expected this now takes takes takes takes takes queen c4 sets id attacking a6 d5 and f4 so um yeah let's take it and go rook d6 instead coordinating my pieces before i start grabbing more material rt5 yeah i don't think i'm worried about the ending general this should just be winning for me bishop d2 then f4 yeah this is just winning by now kf2 spawns are doubled but they are strong and uh he's his knight is not particularly effective and his pawns are not going anywhere let's go rook d7 keep the rooks for now with the maximum centralization um i should probably give a check yeah let's give a check keep his knight offside has to go to h6 h3 and now now let's push should be fairly fairly comfortable now takes rookie rooft8 e7 he has one check just not enough okay yeah i think that was a good game and fairly fairly easy conversion there okay let's just just do something else i don't want to play this queen's cabinet positions anymore let's play the grunfeld try and beat him at his own game so um for those who joined recently we're playing 16 games as as it says in the title and if the game um if the match is decided before that we don't play the rest of the games so six more games and i have a two game lead now [Music] you know what let's just try and try and play oh yes this i don't want to play big theory though let's that's the thing how can i uh probably shouldn't have played the grundfault if i didn't want to yeah okay let's just uh play e6 this isn't very good usually you would want to force queen d3 before you go for 36 but yeah just felt like no more theory here in general white gets a little too free a hand here i think so black is a bit worse queen d2 maybe it wasn't the most incisive it just wants to go d5 yeah i guess that's totally pretty pretty good what should i do green this sucks but it's it's a little bit sad probably a lot bit sad a4 maybe i think in this current structure he's unlikely to to uh get too strong an attack on the king side could have gone 95 but it seemed there i would have no counter chances whatsoever so i prefer to prefer to keep it at least a little more complicated than that because he would have just traded everything on a4a5 i'm just considerably worse without counter play bishop has nothing to do on b7 so let's put it on a6 potentially attacking this one if i can find another piece to attack it as well surprised he hasn't gone for a4 yet it's probably just a little bit better here could get the queens off as well with queen c3 next yeah okay so he's sort of forcing me to do it it's got queen f4 then queen f4 knight e5 maybe looks okay [Music] mm-hmm 95 a little bit worried about knight d2 this one i didn't see at all wow this is potentially it's potentially just losing for me now i have to go quincy too yeah maybe a 95 was just winning for him still very very dangerous for me but he's maybe blowing it a little bit d4 queen f3 bishop c4 d6 if bishop c4 rook c1 i don't think there are any tricks there queen f5 i could do that's very very sad let's try this yes it's just bad yeah it's it took i was hoping he would miss some ideas there but i just went for a line that's lost f6 rookie 8 i don't have any tricks i think okay i have to fight at the very least rook down but what can you do yeah it's really bad just trying trying to confuse him whoa email slipped wow wow i mean that's a bit too much but that's why you don't resign huh embarrassing really embarrassing uh now this is rigged that's why that's why he wanted to um that's why he wanted to to play um incremental take it oh he's playing on the touchpad okay let's just take this pawn why not oh man what's his concrete idea i mean he has compensation here many ways but does he have anything concrete yeah you don't even evidently malslipped i mean there's no doubt about that in this game i'm just i just blown already like how can you i was trying to play a little bit differently in the opening and i'm just losing in 13 moves is that really it i might still lose this match can i even fight here i don't think i can yeah bishop d3 bishop g4 bishop b2 rook a2 you're just taken on b1 and wow this is gonna be a truly embarrassing game like not even not even just not even fighting as white amazing truly amazing yeah he goes for the most precise i think getting my bishop instead but at least i've learned from from the last game that i shouldn't resign now even getting myself mated here okay yeah i'm gonna resign so bad that may be the worst game i've ever played but he's playing he's playing really well in general so he's not always he's not always clutch in in scrambles which makes a lot of sense if he's playing on touchpad but apart from apart from that he's sort of playing better than i am so i don't feel like i'm in top shape at all i'm a bit a bit tired today but i shouldn't be playing this poorly really shouldn't so we had this one last time as well how can i play more accuracy than i did then it's a question forever k7 it's still gonna go okay let's do the same then i'll have to improve later on i think this should be fine for me okay let's go h6 defending h7 in in many lines now i guess i'll just take and then i'll go a5 eventually i'll try this and give upon and hopefully it doesn't have anything too violent on the king side so he's giving me a pawn potentially should i take it that's the question because of the rook a6 maybe yeah i could have taken on d4 but it looked looked very dicey hmm 97 96 looks good for white d6 maybe bishop d6 queen e7 let's try that but i'm not ah i'm not um very pleased with the this opening in general because i am in general i mean in most of these games i am upon up but it feels like i'm risking a lot more than his he's just he just has good compensation everywhere hoping for our potential it says we're both playing like idiots no i'm not so sure i think i'm playing a little bit below my my usual quality i think he um [Music] he's playing okay uh he's actually playing really well it's just that sort of let's see if he wants more than a draw um i think he's he's playing fine it's just he's not hustling that well if if he had hustled well in this match he would be he would be up okay no i think i have to go for c5 i think this may have been a blunder since dc i can go bishop c5 and i have a check on b7 hopefully eventually my pieces will get out and i will be doing fine um maybe i don't even need to develop that much maybe i can just eventually take bishop d6 start running now let's take it 56 yeah this maybe wasn't so good it was a bit strange but i didn't see what what to do maintaining bishop is three bishop c5 and i don't love it hope he doesn't have any tactics here don't think he necessarily does i'm still suffering from that lack of development here it goes for the most concrete line but i think i can cover all the squares for the moment now this one this i don't think he can afford no i think i'm just exchanging everything and winning the ending let's just go away for rookie six i take rook e8 the recon thing is an easy one here also rookie eight king h3 yeah i can just go a3 rook a6 there's queen b7 or quincy eight okay he's fighting on queen h1 yeah i don't even need that we need to okay okay uh it wasn't a great game but at least after i got up my conversion was decent now i just need half a point more to win the match and yeah i don't know for all my complaining in general you know as long as i win i'm at least reasonably happy i had i had this against him in classical as a matter of fact oh a5 okay let's go a4 just this bishop g5 forcing f6 maybe bishop b3 knight fd2 and f4 that's the idea should maybe just go queen e6 bishop f6 that is surprising to me it's trying to entice bishop h6 isn't it what's it called g5 then um very interesting i'll rubbish bad sex i think this is too provocative what he's doing start bringing the knight around f4 is an idea um i think your four is good even by far you can castle king queenside eventually but structurally he's a little bit worse and the king isn't completely safe over there either eventually i will sorry i will move the rook over here probably i'll do that immediately as a matter of fact then creating some pressure queen of three now this is a big threat yeah bishop f4 bishop d6 or 96 may be coming positionally is under under huge pressure now maybe his best idea best chance is to do this and then f6 i think that's what he's gonna do definitely definitely the best chance i would say maybe i shouldn't have allowed it anyway we'll just continue normally maybe i should have should have gotten more out of out of the position than this but it's still still a pretty nice edge so he exchanges that bishop there probably wasn't so much use for on the edge and um oh he probably wants to exchange some more i'll go queen g3 hitting at bishop c7 let's go bishop d6 a bishop d6 is just a cheap trick yeah why not i'm moving for rook f7 bishop c7 then knight d6 taking the rook but bishop b5 i think it's okay there's nothing wrong with playing for tricks right he can do something along the lines of rook g8 though rookie 8 runs into the same same idea yeah rook g8 is more or less expected let's go rook f3 rook f1 c3 now he has to take with uh with the pawn otherwise otherwise something false yeah pontex is forced but then i'm invading and he's in he's in very bad trouble positionally let's just go h3 keeping it keeping it real yeah this i don't think you can afford well rook f6 just wins so the rook is hanging here later okay that is the end of the match uh managed to end with a pretty clean game fortunately i have to say i was suffering massively with black in his this match um like all the games that i won with black was only after a massive fight where i was usually usually worst for for most most of most of it so i think you can see from these games how strong he is and if he's on like a good setup and he learns to to or i don't think he wants to learn that but if he was hustling a little bit more in in these games i think he would be even even stronger um still though after he won the first two games i made uh i made plus six over the next um next 12 games so that's that's good winning eight games and and losing only two more so the result in itself was pretty good but i still feel like i can i can play better [Music] anyway um let's let's um do the whole uh raid thing yeah i will uh i will search a little bit for whom to [Music] um to give that honor to today um so jan today he was commentating um feels a bit weird to give him the raid then wouldn't it um so who is who's there who's there at all um [Music] yeah i was thinking of forsen but he's he's not online unfortunately um you know what um i'm uh i'm just gonna send you to to yan hope you hope you like i hope you like dry german humor and uh goodbye and i will see you for a short stream on on saturday you
Channel: Spect
Views: 39,598
Rating: 4.7866669 out of 5
Keywords: chess, Magnus Carlsen, Magnus, Carlsen, magnus carlsen blitz, magnus carlsen chess, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen blitz chess, magnus carlsen speed chess, blitz chess, grandmaster blitz chess, magnus carlsen bullet chess, carlsen death match, magnus carlsen death match, carlsen vs dubov, carlsen vs dubov blitz, daniil dubov., dubov, carlsen vs dubov death match, daniil dubov vs carlsen, carlsen dubov, carlsen vs daniil, magnus carlsen daniil dubov, magnus carlsen dubov 2021
Id: Aj1uHWY7hRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 53sec (7793 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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