Magnus Carlsen vs. Challengers

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foreign welcome friends ah they don't stop welcome everyone hi anna is uh i just wanted to make sure if audio and video everything is good yeah i think we are live i think everything works and yeah hello everyone and welcome to this great exhibition where the players of team vulgar and team kramnik will challenge the world champion magnus carlson yeah and we start with uh the first game uh i think is zoo jina from team polgar so anna tell us about uh your students from all your teaching and uh when they are going to play um yeah maybe let's say a few words about the challenger story in general you know when i when i said my previous sentence like that players of tim pogba and tim kramnik will challenge the world champion magnus carson i just thought it was it sounded a bit as a fun because um the players of tim voger and tim kramer they are competing in the challengers tour so it's like the players of the challenger store are like challenging the world champion it's a bit funny uh but i think uh it's um it's a great idea to organize such kind of exhibition for the young players and speaking about my students i am the coach of um three students they are karissa y christopher you and nergo we have the youngest team but it's a really nice squad yeah yeah so yeah and uh so basically the format is like magnus will play against both the team players so it will be straight 20 games and not just that he will also be playing with coaches so at the end of the session me and anna will also be playing and yeah it's going to be very exciting we can already see zouziner is very focused yeah the players are getting already i think um by the way magnus is also streaming on his own channel so you can also follow both of the streamers simultaneously and yeah the game is about to start and decision or is the first one uh you know what comes to my mind it must be really very late in china i think it's a 2 or 3 am so that is very true because in india it's already 11 30. so in china it must be already quite late yeah so it makes a lot of sense that chinese players start first and uh yeah uh just have been waiting real long for this game to come but i think she is still very excited to be able to challenge but i see only e4 yes so far uh it's enough okay so for magnus also it was uh he was commenting on candidates and some really long games and then the last game has just finished we have the game between caruana and ml yes he was not there until the end but uh yeah when this end game was uh going on it was until then he was still commenting yeah but i just see move e4 is that still right i mean i don't see any other move yet he has time don't worry he has time he has a lot of time i'll finally see if i'm on work we get a sicilian yeah here we go and now general is pondering already somehow she has not not played a second move it's strange she has lost it's 20 seconds okay night of me yeah now now we are getting into the game so what's your peak it will be uh mad off dragons vachnikov i think it can be anything well magnus is known to play a lot of technical games yeah he didn't have so many of neither from games comparing to smash nicole but i think he may choose any open he might play knight c6 v6 e6 even something really strange like asics i don't know uh but it seems we're going for the niger for for the classic we are going for the night off yeah that's interesting impressed me actually the most from the opening choice because uh i didn't expect vegeta from manish today really it was that was the least expected maybe definitely so g4 is one of the move here bishop is also very strange after bishop okay there is some plan with shortcastle and there are also plans with uh queen d2 g4 but yeah now we are getting into the classical format of seven engine yeah by the way this particular move i always thought g4 uh there were many good games actually judith versus um shirov is a very good game also yeah when judith has the opportunity to play g porsche you will not miss it i think yeah okay be five nights too late to play g4 because b4 is straightening and the opponent e4 is cleaning yeah and once you once you play a3 against uh b5 it means something has already gone wrong because now the knight will come from d7 and c5 and yeah i'm pretty sure it will be knight bd7 now yeah now this is some serious trouble because black more or less got uh an ideal setup for scavenging so if black gets a6 b5 with impunity and then we cannot do anything much on the king side it's already advantageous like it's easier from black side to play rookie one is a bit unusual because after you play f4 there kind of stays well on f1 and also now knight is coming to c4 yeah how to stop this actually i already don't see how to stop it anymore yeah because even if you want it's still right if my phone is coming and you come here you want to take some probably already bishop c1 is more or less obligatory but um yeah black's pieces are so uh so nicely blessed or white's pieces are so awkwardly placed and white has lasted too many times i guess you're not some of the plants maybe like bishop or page just like bishop to seven to improve the position of the bishop and then maybe even e5 so that's why g6 is also useful yeah something feels strong here yeah so would you like to go for d files just going to say would you like to go for d5 e5 and id4 yeah very concrete approach yeah okay bishop for our advantage i would probably play something like c3 to keep this stabilized at least yeah because if b3 there is bishop c5 yeah this tactics yeah yeah b3 bishop c so here at least the knight gets stabilized and now what to do he kind of stopped this idea yeah this way and then b should be three so but ninety six what to do with the bishop also what to do with the knight as well yeah um it can also be an idea ah this is interesting he goes for the b3 pawn so we will probably play what could be one i know but rook b1 you know i can take and then take on b3 and at the end with xc1 yeah that's also hanging and look at the time difference but that's quite uh yeah one important thing they are playing without increment so yeah which which means this is no chance i mean irrespective of the position this is yeah it's like it's chronic set you can either play badly or slowly or you cannot do both so here oh yeah difficult times only 15 seconds i don't know and also after 91 this is becoming like a fork yeah so yeah so okay okay i'll just piece up no i even wrote d2 wings again everything works yum good start from marvelous very very clean game yeah so i think the main critical point was here when uh as far as i know g4 is the most critical move and once he allowed b once b5 was allowed then uh it became easier for black to play yeah also in the end maybe some rook a2 yeah but still was like 15 seconds there were an option we have our next participants which is prague team kramnik and the winner of the polgar challenge this game is going to be very interesting guys this game is going to be extremely interesting prague is a very good blitz player and yeah and he will also be playing in the melt water in the coming tournament yes i'm not quite sure sorry starting very small like in four or five days so yeah yeah yeah it's starting in uh maybe this saturday i'm not i'm not absolutely sure about this but it's starting here very soon and i was talking to prague park said he has not played magnus in a tournament you know he played in some leeches uh arena and some uh just 24 arena but not exactly in a tournament and do you think he prepared for this game so here is an interesting uh thought how do you prepare against magnus yeah like someone who can play anything and everything uh yeah and this is the way you prepare you play queen f3 cannot be a part of uh like you don't expect this to happen yeah yeah and uh well it's very it's very extraordinary i i like wow wow this is very original this is very original i really like the approach and the attitude with which prague is playing yeah he's playing fast he's playing aggressive dynamic i don't know should we go on e4 should we go unfortunately i'm not sure if i can play g4 i would like to play g4 but then every time i have to watch out for something like this but okay i have e4 yeah e4 is more natural you have good center you have castle like d5 maybe yeah yeah black skin is stuck in the center so it makes sense to open the files yeah but i am sure that after d5 black will attack on d5s it looks too risky but otherwise what to play also the question maybe now we will know oh 97 i think i prefer white's position but uh i also like wake's position my just still very unclear because the position is so unfold thanks and maybe bishop sifu and to sacrifice ah no we are not sacrificing because after bishops is freaking three night before we have i don't know bishop c4 it's natural once black castles then maybe we can try to get h4h5 you don't care about the e4 pawn at all yeah it's not my game maybe even knight e2 you know so that after bishop system we have knives this way that is actually true that is actually true so once knight comes to e2 then i don't have to bother about the e4 pawn anymore although right now you cannot take yeah because once you take i have uh 20 seconds more than 20 seconds progress ahead on time yeah so let's see if frog will play knight d2 or h4 s4 92 solid because chrome necktime graphic one solitaire team kramnik won solitus here queen is seven and h4 okay so now why can't i play e5 because you take care of what i have a quick in mind see e5 knight g4 i have d6 hmm nice tactics so if i start with e5 how how is black playing but now d6 means a piece no we have to ask magnus why didn't he take on d5 also question oh this is it this is on the board uh okay white is one in the piece but uh the king will look i'm looking at magma's face no looks like i'm not sure did he miss it you're looking you're looking at the face and not sure that was great looks like he mismissed it yeah this is straight piece phone if you take here okay take and this is hanging with the check yeah it's quite unpleasant if you missed this during the game but it's not this looks lost actually to me and after she takes c6 do you take on d6 or no no it just take on b7 can i take i know bishop d5 is too much no just come back maybe put it here maybe put it here so no attack on b2 yeah b75 then just uh bishop d5 was also not happy like why should i give back the piece like why it is a full face up after all yeah are you thinking about playing rugby 8 and that icon 63 but you prefer to make it immediately okay if you want to simplify why not 95 yeah and then the screen defined now it's getting about uh more skills yeah also now black will start the attack first i think well the knight on it is not the most beautiful piece but look black skin is quite safe while white skin is facing some problems yeah if magnus survives this this is uh this would be amazing aren't they and look where magnus started to play it's amazing yeah it was full piece from peace not miss me might be three okay that was messed perhaps now it's easier for white to play queen c4 king a2 rook d5 oh this i missed to be honest king a2 d5 or even rook d7 but 8 seconds versus 14 seconds yeah it really doesn't matter yeah but i think uh it's quite a lot this five seconds when you play without increment it i think prague is definitely getting flanked here no uh we have the timings right here yeah yeah nice try by prague really nice try oh look how many games oh no how many moves he managed to make on the last second but unfortunately he wasn't banned yeah it was completely winning such a nice tactics uh we saw somewhere around here yeah when d6 it was just a full piece even something like this uh well not the queen be trapped a queen could be trapped yeah maybe that maybe oh no then i could take at any point you should get the better version also i could play queen c7 oh one of my students kazakhstan she is a very strong player she is an international master and also she is the one youngest deputy mayor of her city 21 she is the deputy mayor of almaty and very aggressive player i i know josiah quite well we have played many tournaments together and even sometimes versus each other so yeah very young and um already quite strong like you you may see his close to crossing 2500 and uh yeah let's follow her again ray lopez or italian or italian okay yeah very safe line both are playing quickly do you play this lane as well uh i have played different setups in the royal office but uh usually i prefer fifth move small short castle instead of d3 but i also tried this three in some other games bishop d2 lane is interesting but also without a4 it is possible this is the inclusion of airforce kind of stopping all sorts of 95 plans yeah this is the type of the position where um the person who understand it's better will actually win the game unless there is some huge blunder because yeah it's more strategical it's more about the plans about the setups uh about like which pieces to trade and which to keep which form structure to choose uh you may already see like bishop c8 move which may look a little bit strange but the bishop on the e6 is really better player than the bishop on b7 i i already like white's position actually maybe it's easier to play yeah i'm not trying to [Music] use the weakness of the will take it take it yeah yeah the phone is uh i can't take this one i think you can really get nicer but magnus doesn't you can't but exactly a tremendous active plane because now after take take e6 will be under pressure 85 and 96 i don't it's so clear about a5 i'm not sure either i'm also not sure but we could not take here yeah because at the end there was rook fd1 yeah we should keep the pawn on d5 because when we move it then the pawn on e6 is vulnerable is it still possible to play rook fd1 because i'm kind of hoping after something like this ah i cannot do this now after h3 this knight has to go to h6 it's a very sad place to be uh yeah but then it comes to f5 maybe so 97 it's amazing how quickly magnus is taking these decisions yeah like the last move particularly you exchange your knight on good night on c6 and he's doing it like instantly yeah night h4 johnson has more time significantly more time maybe some rook f4 some activity can i take here and i don't know can i go queen g5 let's say how do you protect here once you play g3 i wanted to take here attack this guy yeah that's better idea and 25 is played so maybe queen justin is queen g3 yeah that's queen g3 to attack the queen uh the problem is that the knight on d4 is much better played than the knight on h4 and also the former v6 is already quite weak so seems like seems like black is moving on yeah now magnus will be much faster e6 so far yeah good good start good start for magnus very good start indeed and he ends up on ahead of time as well yeah at some moments he starts playing so quickly that he's much quicker than the previous participants and the games you have seen next we have uh leon leon is uh also a very promising grandmaster from india he's young and during the lockdown he actually made his norm so he was staying in europe and yeah let's see how this goes yeah i've heard him stayed quite born in hungary and even me i even met judith yeah yes he met julian also yeah and he played even some all the board tournaments i mean not only one tournament but a couple of tournaments during this pandemic time which is [Music] definitely not that unusual romanian yeah so let's see how he will do how much do you think magnus will score today i had this discussion with maria with my sister today and it's a good question maria said he that magnus will lose only two points maximum only two points i was more optimistic and i am expecting um i'm actually expecting some of the young players scoring uh at least half a point or maybe even some of them will manage to win uh so let's see let's see who is closer and uh closer to the truth and who whose bet was better what do you i think honestly no idea it's quite intimidating actually the way he's playing it's pretty intimidating by the way i just wanted to point out the audience like okay it takes there is e3 i guess and then this queen is kind of the knight will be hanging on honestly i don't i was trying to calculate this but uh yeah probably nothing is going on yeah question 121 yeah quincy to d5 on the board so after cd5 uh probably he wants to get some sort of bishop f5 uh but it's only the third game and something unusual on the board is happening yeah yeah yeah or it's it's the first game this is the fourth game and i think prague came very close uh to beating magnus also the final position he was winning but uh yeah there was no time left but a good try a good try from uh very good try that very good try that right i think this will also give him some confidence so after f3 doesn't i go back to f6 or is there anything better for me oh it's interesting yeah i was also wondering why he was thinking so knight d2 he probably wants to take yeah take take then go back to where he sings back again take 24 i don't know yeah true 28 group d1 i would like to get e4 at some point a long casting even better yeah because we'll look at black's development yeah you want to get e4 at some point so maybe the decision was queen a5 was not the best yeah what is intending for e4 maybe just e6 or what no he's intending to develop the pieces i wise decision yeah good decision whenever you don't know what to do just develop the pieces this is also these are the decisions magnus is taking pretty quickly i mean how many players do you think would open uh this file you know so confidently it was uh i wouldn't but but i am not a magnus and i think that after e49 b6 maybe we can go like uh two months back yeah we could play i'm not sure this case deep fire was the best at one point sorry like if we don't take on d5 but if you play e4 yes yes exactly what 96 we have supplied true true but yeah he got his all his pieces properly developed i think he's hoping for some king b1 rook he won and asked like you know how we are going to develop once black has completed bishop e6 i guess he has to go for some g6 bishop g7 yeah yeah and after g6 i think h4 don't need one i'm also always skeptical about such checks yeah with i don't know inclusion of ed5 or something magnus makes it very solid now he says okay this bishop is bad once you play bishop g7 both the bishops are hitting one my king is safe and i want to go each for his friend g4 yeah very pleasant position bishop to exist wins no yeah i think it was running on the spot maybe even f5 just sacrificing the exchange yeah this position looks disastrous rook f1 to make it to keep it simple maybe actually this is not that bad actually actually now the bishop is coming to fire and i think it's uh yeah it's not that bad anymore yeah this was actually the moment yeah he could uh he could take here and and one of the bishop would have been gone yeah true i think he played f4 too quickly but now he's trying to save his slight squirt bishop so maybe if the king moves then king a1 and he's trying to like square the bishop with a3g for later on yeah what is the most uh important factor in this position that is 38 seconds versus 21 seconds you know you don't care about the position time is really important okay many moves were having animals were played and one more b3 on this side to shut the knight maybe but it is about also pre-moving yeah no important skill but very very important skill how good you are in this i am not good at all in this oh then i just wrapped you know who is really good nihal would be very good in removing uh i think half your rules are yeah they're just amazing amazing magnus game next game is also going to be very interesting uh so i have four students uh in this uh polgar challenge uh tournaments um so my students are nihal gokesh dansa and sara so now gukesh will be playing about gokesh uh until he became you know grandmaster until he become roughly about 25.50 he never used engine never very recently he started using indian i know this because not only i know but bukesh trainer vishnu is also my trainer so i know gukesh has never worked with india so very special talent yeah interesting each side so another different knight of six and now c4c5d5 benco bank on the board what would what would you play f3 or vs6 probably just uh just something simple yeah i think it will go for this kind of setup knight c3 g3 standard one another in this case maybe e4 or no okay g3 yeah there is some e4 queen a5 i guess the shopify is the most even on the main one do you know about which performance 967 no i don't remember i definitely don't remember this okay the idea is yeah to provoke some of their weaknesses with e4 and f3 so then the idea maybe bishop c8 knight before bishop a6 and uh i'm getting here yeah the other knight goes with them like 97 95 or 97 square so a3 is a nice move we have very nice profile axis by uh location anyway knight b4 but now wait but how do you do this because now bishop basics i'm simply taking um i think manus must not be three yeah it looks like it yeah seems like he missed but i hope he can try with c4 maybe now this spawn i have to take care yeah somehow there would be one and then try to come again like this maybe also queen sister is the most sterilized but black's move was so easy to play sorry not that way yeah knight to e5 knight to d3 bishop f1 as bishop d3 was writing maybe it was even possible before rook fb8 and now the big question if uh let's say if the king moves there is bishop would you take on not would you take um maybe maybe i would take if king is played but also what else to play queen e2 is that possible it is possible still there it's legal it's legal but still bishops is marine bishop c3 okay i have to take and then you take here yeah oh i can also include quintex a6 but i don't if i'm gaining anything because end of the day you can take your rook is kind of protected yeah both of the rooks are protected both rooks are protected once again magnus is uh ahead of time um yes actually i would prefer this position i mean i would prefer to play this position with black color i think it's easier because it's black who is kind of attacking and it's white who has to think how to protect all the phones sure so now it's the problem can i do this i know then you have check on c uh knight c4 was not possible because of knight except for okay [Music] sorry yeah with this uh pieces black white is kind of completely tied down yeah right too much that's a very sad movie if you have to clicking h3 uh well it's kind of try to pin yourself but not the pleasant move to make rook takes d2 wins no rook takes d2 i cannot play sorry it's a blunder maybe f5 quincy or what's the idea just to push the fork c4 c3 and take here it doesn't look good this is gone this doesn't look good at all just takes on e3 and takes on d2 magnus doesn't want to allow any counter and also he is well ahead on time magnus is just gold and everything just spawn by four four zero or five zero this is going to be five zero gokus resigned already yeah oh yeah and latin yeah will be the next one so uh indians are chinese and basically asians are playing at uh to start with that that makes a lot of sense so then as you said yeah it's late night so it makes a lot of sense that asian starts playing first it's the middle of the night so yeah yeah good they are starting first then oh lee you you must have you must be knowing her better than me what do you think about her like her strength uh i think she she's an interesting player she already cost 2500 so she's one of the best in the world among women she's really good when it comes to some complications on the board like some tactics she can spot really very quickly she's the player who can start with both d4 and e4 on the first move so that means she's also um quite seriously prepared in the openings right yeah here she opted for some safer line which makes sense when you're playing with a much stronger opponent let's see first of all it was attempted yeah there's bishop right with kind of two temples but uh in return white got knight on b3 bishop on d2 and neither of them are optimal so that kind of justifies playing bishop bishop for bishop civic and bishop e7 yeah typical idea 95 trying to fight for this square do i put it immediately i can wait one more move because e5 was bishop takes e5 yeah i was about to ask about d6 and now maybe not just 94. why it has a very good position i think it's the best position the best position we've seen okay but this one [Music] by the way i don't see in the stream i don't see any video right now i'm seeing the game i don't know if they can hear us ah you're no it's okay we are back we are back again f3 playing volunteerly but yeah okay why not grabbing center yeah maybe then we should be sprint knight d4 just to improve the position of the pieces yeah and also for the first time i'm seeing so much time advantage it's like more than 30 seconds actually yeah so first of all but now b5 sorry uh what b5 you want here uh i didn't want to allow b5 that's actually very true what is to be done uh i was thinking about knight a5 i don't think about today's before 94 you this is nice yeah c6 because rook c6 had a fork for rook c6 just knight f5 was possible although i don't know who takes c1 e5 d4 this is definitely better for white it's not raining i just take bishop takes d4 for instance okay d5 d4 was played in order to yeah to play an id5 on the next move so magnus is trying to find some control play but uh his position is definitely b4 knight b7 you're not even getting the c6 pawn roxy 7 and bishop b6 this looks winning to me it could be a first win if uh latinjay this looks winning beautiful this looks winning isn't it beautiful and also she is up on 10. okay bishop g5 oh this is a nice tactics and queen f3 or queen is queen c2 maybe just move the king queen c5 professional roxy one and queen and we see it once the queens are gone that was really unpleasant oh it's just uh this is gone well that was see it and after grenade he spotted it yeah that's me oh my goodness such a such a sneaky guy this was so much winning [Music] brilliant hats off to magnus yeah i mean fighting this position particularly from here which is like dead lost i mean i have absolutely no doubt uh that why it is even if it takes here for instance i don't see uh you know take take still white should be winning no with so much of domination put the queen on c5 sorry some maybe some technical uh difficulties especially in blitz but must be winning of course yeah yeah knight f4 was brilliant you have taken this net after kim jifo queenie foyer now it's impossible to say we are so sad next one we have nihal this is also going to be very interesting yeah i think you've known your help pretty well yeah yeah yeah nihal also uh i know him pretty well in general and also here i am his trainer so we are also having some classes together he is brilliant he is absolutely brilliant and uh who is prague come again who is older nihal or prague or they are of the same age actually this is something that i am not aware of i would know this i am not ever actually i have to google they all look like so young i know bookish is younger than both of them yeah but i don't know probably prague is older but i could i cannot be completely sure okay okay so this will be proper lopez or magnus already played one ray lopez so maybe some italian no he sticks to his four brains yeah so knight f6 d3 yeah okay but i think we can tell this uh we can't tell him this during the game true i'll message you on the line with c4 are are trying to reach him yeah yeah i'm trying to reach him because uh his camera is not on and i was told that uh get in touch with me hello his message team i also assist his trainer so let's go okay he has no camera but he has a nice position i like this 97 uh idea when the knight is coming to c5 or maybe some f5 ideas also possible what do you think about i mean in case black didn't play knight d4 but in case played knight c5 and this uh these triple pawns yeah yeah hey we got something very interesting check this i think nihal uh i know this pawn will be gone anyways yeah so the position still remain dynamic okay yeah d4 c5 d4 c5 i know so it's quite clear yeah no um windy spring maybe no okay it's good this is definitely good for that one up yeah and uh very decent position quincy eta maybe or to try with d5 but this is more skin no right now d5 yeah yeah i'm thinking about d5 of music or why not but i would prefer to keep their concept four so i would be rook c3 is also very interesting and would you take here and then play queen g5 queen f4 bishop e5 looks tremendous yeah it looks very good also queen g5 and h5 idea if you want to play for a draw but i think you can even achieve more you can definitely achieve more yeah when g5 win e5 and bishop to e5 so can h1 let's see let's see this one i'm thinking maybe bishop e5 so this looks very scary for uh for right so minimum draw minimum draw or b should be fine just imagine you're playing versus magnus what would you do i would first play queen g5 in one second and then think okay yeah that makes a lot of sense you have to repeat once and then i think also uh after bishop e5 right away you go rook h1 yeah i guess if i want to repeat i can still repeat no queens instagram yeah what's wrong maybe i saw my five ideas but i think this is difficult okay queen g5 and queen i know he's not no no but no there's a fine screen d7 but then it didn't make sense to repeat because he had less time so why to use time for repeating i don't know when d7 he wants rook c2 or roxy well in general he wants to exist so he decided to play yeah he's not afraid wait 45 seconds yeah with 35 seconds he still decided to play yeah brave brave decision and a queen but this rook c2 and he wants queen g4 there is check there is check here so if i play rook c2 right now how do you stop queen g3 and queen h2 together i probably you know what magnus wants magnus wants rook c2 and king f1 oh but then we get something that's i don't see actually a defense right now i think the best practical decision is to take quintex f7 uh yeah but then can you flag there are still 19 seconds in 19 seconds i'm not sure queen eight and now okay yeah so now it's about all about uh all about blitz bullet skill yeah so yeah black is completely winning what do you think i think this is gonna draw i think black will not lose black will not lose and most likely this will end up wrong nihal is exceptionally good in pre-moving exceptionally good so he's playing online every day yeah yeah i mean that's his main practice look at this rookie look at this rookie three amazing really amazing so seven seconds it's it's literally jaw dropping the way nihaan is playing oh look at the speed yeah look at the spoon my goodness oh martin was lost you're probably the first one to score on the first one today the first one to score here amazing amazing congratulations to nicole and a very nice game very tactical one i was very impressed uh somewhere here yeah he i think he spotted in this like in a millisecond yeah okay three and maybe you can show the line that if king takes then there is a fight yeah rookie three the point was okay of course take and then bishop c5 and we take on uh a7 yeah but i was like even before when all these tactics were taken on d4 and c3 and b2 started you mean uh somewhere around here right yeah after bishop d7 detection through not b7 but taking the back so one critical moment was here then also another nice moment was here when he took rook takes f3 and then another nice moment of declining the draw declining the draw against magnus and most importantly uh somewhere here i think he had like 17 seconds yeah then finish it off without a blunder actually there was no there was no blunder at all who is a very strong player she's also broke sister now magnus has to this a3 line in ninja magnus played a number of times in a in rapid and blitz but not but i think he was used to play f3 on four not after a3 uh yeah that's that's one of the standard length but magnus also played the few rapid games starting with the starting with a3 and then getting into this position so this is the this is the opening where white gets this uh really nice advantage in the center and yeah something like yeah something like you know some sort of kingside attack implants yeah and black is trying to play something like either with d5 opening the position or some idea with the b6 bishop a6 knight a5 trying to exploit the weakness on c4 traditionally something like this has been played number of times aiming for this c4 pawn and why to typically ignore that and go for some sort of kingside attack yeah but uh yeah sorry i missed some moves oh my god don't miss the moves it's important yeah yeah yeah and egypt sorry yeah okay okay we'll try to be more careful so now yeah nigel's queen knight h5 is coming also qd2 and maybe some idea with h4g5 just some direct attack b5 nice idea to try to find some counterplay i think it's some sort of bengal maybe it's already too late maybe not seven if h i'm very surprised with king g7 actually yeah kim jose is staying under knight h5 jackson maybe it's not that great knocking it seven here but black lost the champion but where is the break i don't see a break intake with the bishop he'll play c4 and this knight here will permanently tie the queen on d8 if you try to change the bishop bishop d7 is not an option bishop basically i think i can even play c4 yeah and after bishop d5 we can take releasing thinking maybe some move like king f2 get the rook out the knight alone is tying the queen yeah this is fine okay some desperate try here to get queen each for check for knight f4 it's all ready to pass yeah that's too many castles like always possible yeah talking about take maybe i can take here put the king on g3 yeah too many bones just too many yeah king g3 even h4 g5 is possible there's just way too many options this game is not going well yeah now i think http1 and the magnus will try to move this class yeah h5 all the acting okay it's good to try i mean of course better to do something rather than not doing anything but um the position is still bad unfortunately maybe even h3 i was thinking h3 in the previous moves but h3m kind of maybe some time some h4 queen f2 yeah this is good yeah now it's going magnus is going for black's king f6 is definitely good i think magnus will want to bother to calculate all the months after can you just chemistry is much safer but he's thinking so maybe he's about to take and he took wow wow that's surprising you're like like shorty man from tilburg yeah uh he wants to checkmate with the kenya yeah no but now rook takes and this is made no i mean if i check his name is next my last student actually sarah sarah kaden from iran yeah sarah will definitely start with d4 that's why she's a she's a different player she's a different player and she likes english she's very very solid yeah he's very very solid but he's ever seen the member uh she's a member of team pogar not the member of jimmy yeah she's a member of team polga that's true something is wrong about it i don't see moves yet sarah played d4 and uh yeah magnus is here to make his first move magnus is thinking like which opening to choose yeah amazing small break and michael's just talking about something as far as i can see yeah i have no idea what he's talking about yes you know yeah we we scored one point at least so maria uh according to maria we were still yet to score one more point right yeah we can't do more according to mario and why doesn't the game start the game started already yeah yeah they can start it but yeah the b5 g5 is a standard theory kind of like a bandco but without c4 so the idea is maybe similar but not the same and it's not the sacrifice of the pawn so bishop g7 and maybe a4 at some point immediately okay maybe she wants to castle first but i am sure she will play a four she'll play so this is the main player play a4 okay we could bet all our money she would play a4 yes yes okay 94 maybe even a5 if i were like yeah probably want to take take first and then play a5 and then play against the spawn yeah and then some knight d4 rocks one starts with knight b4 directly which is also fine but i'm a bit skeptical maybe magnus will go a5 or not uh he can or he can try to or what else i like white's position yeah black cannot move the knight from v8 okay they can but if the knight from b8 is good then white's knight is coming to c6 and that's unpleasant so bishop is six now white's position is so pleasant hey fine i know forex you want queen b3 yeah actually now i don't need it that you're right i can just play something like rook c1 and this might be this knight is tied down because of my c6 [Music] yeah knight yeah very impressive decision particularly in blizzard to giving away this bishop which is probably the best probably the best move and definitely the practically the best choice and now this knight is threatening everything how do i stop i have to take coin queen is weave but then i'm losing this phone but now today things are getting better from one i think uh his position quite improved yeah where to put the queen keeping it here will allow some tempo and knight b3 also there is also some sort of knight b3 maybe queen a3 is not bad because after between c3 so giving another tempo but she wants a queen on e3 i guess i also guess that's what she wants will michaels take on e4 or will he play no i don't think he'll play earl b3 and i don't think he will take on a4 though it's possibly a hit on e4 trainer just messaged me that yeah there was no way he could uh he could reach and finally nihal saw the message and yeah he was simply not there after this win he happily went to sleep or maybe i'm not sure he will be able to fall asleep so quickly i mean after winning the world champion is it so good knowing nihal i can tell you most likely he's playing some more bullets that's what he does ah relaxing yeah this is the relaxing way yeah you want to relax just play a bit more okay i still like black lights position my pawn is coming to a6 yeah that's balls where the interest is six and sally is ahead on time i think i would have yeah 24 queen e3 i think it's better to give that means but this actually looks very good for white on pin queen d3 then 1995 yeah i wanted to move my bishop also um how do you do this um how do i do this i don't know yeah not bad actually yeah i think she also needs some kind of the left leg h3 sooner or later now queen h6 is it here okay acquisition 6 is a serious threat yeah somewhere knight d5 should happen but i don't see it happening right now i it is happening here so bishop d5 what is the plan group d4 or what i'm not because also there are all sorts of bishop f7 check i don't see what is the trick actually the track is to confuse your opponent this feels like white should be winning yeah i was about to say maybe queen takes d4 take on uh c5 and move the bishop but oh rook b1 rook a1 queen eight no maybe rook b1 no just no this is oh she blundered she blundered here yeah she blonder because this is a she blundered at this point this feels i mean intuitively it feels they should be winning but maybe i'm wrong do you see anything here maybe okay take is at least not winning no i don't see it anyway the next game started yali sokolsky another student of mine but in a different platform in process training she uh he is one of our student and the previous game how did it end uh previous game she uh resigned here she resigns right after 25 yeah so we have yali sokolsky from israel before he didn't participate in poker challenge but maybe he will participate in the next challengers tournament we don't know yet maybe magnus is explaining some ideas in his previous game yeah something that was it's also very impressive the way games are starting so quickly just one after another instant there's no delay yeah very fast i think we are going ahead of the scales or paulson some sort of maroxy banks conversation made by maurizio system yeah castle they should be seven so magnus is building this hedgehog structure yeah and we'll wait when he'll try to break with d5 or with b5 later on like in two animals black will typically get a setup like this usually they don't put the knight on c6 because you get crook c1 and knight d5 so we can expect yeah we can expect d6 and knight d7 happening pretty quickly unless yeah well after queen d3 uh uh that's actually possible to play knight's success i think yes true true but even even with the knight on d7 you keep all these options open yeah like knight coming to c5 or e5 targeting this queen i don't like the queen on d3 to be honest yeah if you played queen d3 then you should try to play f4 and b4 that's true that's true no castle or do you think magnus will go alpha zero uh he might he may try this yeah h pirates for it's a very typical plan in this position wow so g4 even before white uh black castle even before white thought about grassland van g4 g5 move the knight maybe move the knight from maybe here or here and then get back the knight to d7 yeah that's nice and that's what i mean yeah you don't want the knight on e8 typically tonight is i think better on d7 yeah i think white is a better or doing it because they are playing very actively but this may work again that because yeah after after you put the pawn on c4 then uh yeah this idea was b5 is quite unpleasant because it's already opening some files yeah and it's not so easy to play with white i think it's easier to play from black side i i would never be sure about the evaluation but i think it's much more easier to play from black side yeah yeah there is also e5 which could be very uh yeah e5 d5 you have to calculate everything and here if you're like way too slow king side attack is not happening so now i think white's best bet is you know get king b2 and try to uh consolidate somehow we should be for us thinking maybe b6 here at least make sure the file is not getting opened yeah and also b6 is good because black cannot take might be a very yeah black cannot take because then you lose the pin and i'll take on e4 so b6 probably queen c6 and then summer of g1 or whatever but this time once again magnus is ahead on time now i really like black's position bishop a3 mate in one is threatened yeah this doesn't look good for right when there is king v2 is probably obligatory now but still not not not looking good maybe queen on b2 or rook c1 one of this this is a very bold decision i must say nice to my nice reaction sorry and nice reaction with this knight sapphire bishops are fired and mcqueen takes a 5. oh my god yeah also knight c5 you could not take here like knight b3 was coming and now after queen a5 how does it stop here it probably cannot stop okay this is uh over how it is over maybe just because you just will create or repeat increase the pressure and then some tactics oh there may be some nice checkmate on the a file like to take on c3 and take on a4 or take on a4 immediately something of this kind yeah at some point there will be some some kind of tactics i'm trying to let's see how magnus will do it okay he took two he took so now bishop c3 what is this point [Music] um maybe something like this was possible and there yeah that's what i wanted this guy wanted to make the checkmate no but you know there was bishop c3 this was the problem and then there was queen a2 but anyway we got to this position right now and yeah minus one nice so it's uh what's the score nine nine one yeah nine one for magnets score is uh is not good for the challengers but they keep on challenging so polina chavalo is the next one so now paulina you decided to put the board to look it forward no but no but that's what i was told to do i was told to flip the boat should i keep the boat shouldn't we see from magnus side or not um maybe you should yeah magnus keeps on waiting so it's more pleasant to look at the position from the winning side but we may try it different ways and finally four finally magnus j from e4 can we get some catalanium classical kaplan this queen c because i think it's some kind of variety because it's without d4 but if if white eventually goes for d4 then of course it's catalan type of structure do you play catalog with white yeah both sides actually i'm not an expert i just play so now what uh yeah uh 95 is one of the plans another one was to play something like this with bishop b2 yeah e4 and d4m more standard the operations so now basically it comes down to whether you are getting something like c5 quickly or not if you don't get this then the position gets a bit suffocating yeah c5 directly expect maybe some sort of rook d1 or bishop d3 yeah i think it was good to start with c5 first because if black started with knight d7 then maybe ruby wants to fight d5 true true knight bd7 difficult to handle sometimes there are still ideas with c5 d5 even with phone sacrifice but maybe it doesn't work here brilliant why not why not why not in the area but i i was actually ah this is the trick basically take take if you take there is 98 no what is the tree right h4 there is no knight g5 so ed5 what does he want yeah queen d5 is on the board and i'm a bit curious what what is the trick actually maybe there was no trick there is no trick the only thing only way to attack is this but then i come to d7 meanwhile is messaging me saying who doesn't play catalan guys to all the viewers srinath did a fantastic chessable course on uh catalan so if you're playing catalan that's your destination and if you're not play if you're not playing catalan that's your way to start catalan all right maybe one now yeah you once said queen c8 get five yeah because if you play queen c7 then we should play four what else can i play actually i have to put the queen on c8 and now definitely knight five is coming without a doubt then maybe i'll keep e8 then it starts to get a little bit uh scary i don't see how exactly but let's say take take take here you have to take with the rook i have some moves like queen f5 but your next is six so how do i get something here some sacrifices just just to show the audience like okay i was seeing this but this is not nothing is going on here 97 right knight is happening again no bishop 86 happened in the game oh wait why do i have bishop i've seen the live board bishop 86 by the way yeah we should be six happening so take on pizza and then take one queen c3 probably but it's still uh no then there's bishop f8 maybe he wants to take on h6 first take on h6 okay go king g7 night wait this is the current position so did they play the line we were discussing or no but on the live board you see there is uh there was bishop design followed by sex on the line i see different position actually in life chess i see a i see a position on the live chats i see knight six checking h8 i think this was played yeah this was played because moves are also getting updated yeah i like black's position i don't know what is the computer evaluation but it feels like black should be able to consolidate it with my physics yeah objectively it has to be good for black knight no no i don't like any move no it could be very difficult to play yeah knight belonged on d4 without a doubt now we have this position quincy foreign will happen at some point oh this just got mated yeah but uh but there was this moment when uh molina could play knights with six and i think yeah yeah it was it was at this point i felt uh we fill knight uh c6 and get the knight on d4 it's not clear actually maybe queen f5 still can i find 94.5 h80 and then get the queen to g7 maybe some ideas with princess friend before but and i says it was a very good trend next game is about to start we have still one point still one point we are trying our best yeah we are trying our best so far only half good score and uh truck had a fantastic uh position but uh yeah he lost one time yeah also latin yeah the game is about to start knight f3 c5 will it be four yeah okay e4 probably we are going to see an add off i am looking at magnus he's so relaxed he's just he's very relaxed talking talking playing another night or game and let's not forget he was commenting for like i don't know how many hours on candidates yes he was in the studio yeah very safe choice a very positional choice probably takes and play queen d3 how do the yeah i think take some 23 is one of the option and then what is thinking if white is going for the short castle for the long castle depending on how uh how black is playing depending on how we feel also it's and then probably take and get the knight play queen c7 and get the knight to six that's how i remember this line and then what black wants to get the knight on f6 yeah to his style queen c4 is such a nice move but having said that uh how is he going to deal this the main main issue in this position is this knight is far away from d phi square that's strong if the knight could jump to d5 what white position would this is too slow because there is instead so maybe some g here bishop c4 probably there was this move and after queen c4 b5 some tactics here but it's winner three um i was hoping to give some checks but uh yeah not sure i can take baggage anyways in the game we have queen v3 b5 controlling the c4 square magnus is thinking right now okay what white wants to do is to play the light square division for the knight and then to play the knight on d fire that's a three and this knight has to go here yeah not so easy to do that and also black managed to keep the knight f4 is very nice who it was not obvious like how this rook is coming to play and pattern of the position is changing okay now there are some ideas like after exercise you should be fired maybe might be three yeah yeah i'm thinking something like this yeah we were thinking like in the same direction but magnus doesn't think like that he's solid and centralizing his pieces yeah because we are thinking in that direction this is the reason why we're is a trick that we should avoid maybe a five rookie feet what do you think he'll go for engine okay cake then knight e4 the end game is more pleasant for white and easier to play so that's a very logical choice yeah we have bishop and we have pawns on both wings so bishop is typically better in such scenario yeah then the plan may be to create a first pawn or to try to create another weakness on v5 like what marcus is doing i was hoping maybe he will simply take take on a4 i like f5 because with f5 the knight on a4 gets uh kind of an outpost and g5 g5 do you think it weakens the king a bit uh it doesn't weaken the kin but it weakens the pawns so now magnus is trying to trade and maybe to come closer with the king maybe we can get a draw here if uh if we are like enough if we are lucky but now rook b7 rook b4 and k2 the phone is gone rook c5 so how to play and this takes and then he wants e2 that's actually smart and g4 is also smart g4 is smarter g4 is smarter or is important okay but this king a2 yeah now it is lost you'll play h3 no we are losing badly we are losing very badly we just scored only one point so far so far uh we have 22 games i think uh so all the players and uh both of us and also divis and uh ias or 24 maybe now i think we have a realization [Music] only one point so far but but we are still fighting all support hold the part all our support is with you it would be hilarious if end of the day we are scoring only two points maria will tell you i told you it will be hilarious if you score under two no no we have to score nihal won so for those who joined now nihal defeated magnus we were very close by lighting ji and also uh they had a really nice try but i but unfortunately they lost in the end so did voloder played d3 first one that's very interesting did he do that yeah he started with d3 we got a reverse uh modern so um we should see from uh magnus point of view maybe yeah this one also the reverse colors and yeah it's interesting because it's micros who can play the first artificial moves like this where he is real yeah but now it's voladar who started with d3 let's see how an attack a bishop f7 i think magnus will play g person yeah so black got complete central control now i'm not sure if you'll go for a long castle or you'll simply start developing because p5 doesn't it's not scary you get your knight uh to e6 if you want to yeah i i would actually go short castle now we can think about taking on e4 some moment just maybe not now because oh yeah because it happens because the king is on e1 so now if you play b5 and i'm coming with a check yeah we have seen a similar idea yeah with nicole yeah but if y takes on d4 oh it takes on d4 then i think takes here yeah i'll be fact this happened actually already this is on wait no that's not on the board before happening but cb4 knight takes before and short castle happened maybe when it's not that clear how do you play knights uh knight d4 sorry 94 i decorate bishop e5 i thought and black is upon up and if y doesn't do anything then maybe c5 is the next move so maybe some ideas with e5 sacrificing one more pawn but trying to activate the pieces is it possible to play this and play maybe some ruby and i cannot play this queen d4 song so knight it cannot take so maybe to try with e4 yeah yeah f5 i expected knight g5 yeah [Music] white has a nice control now or the light squares but black is two pawns up and i think this is really important a5 yeah i didn't make much bishop on a3 maybe x6 now just to take care of this bishop d5 centralizing ambition d5 then maybe c5 is a moment or maybe we keep the pawn on c7 in order to meet 96 or 6. yeah by the way another pawn is hanging on a4 but nobody cares [Laughter] so nice sex and rookie eight you want rookie yet yeah why not is there a threat there is no threat yeah yes saves the bishop and i like this setup when bishop is uh here it kind of takes care of all the all the squares that knight can jump oh mangos wants to double on the x file why not indeed queen eight yeah or we should be six i don't know we need it i also thought about bishop e6 and then regrouping with them all right um maybe even some sacrifice with raw caps it was also possible to play orchestra on the previous move true true now well who gets to there was bishop g2 yeah look at the time difference yeah just struck a fire just like yeah take look at cycling f5 you should do yeah only eleven seconds per loader yeah remarkably fast now f2 is falling oh yeah bad news not looking good it's not looking still only one point well that just proves how strong magnus is what to do yeah absolutely and let's not forget these kids are actually exceptionally strong too it's not like magnus is playing some uh you know some some beginners yeah they are the best uh the best juniors we have another one from magnus yeah this is the next one e4 probably another c5 another night off um maybe something different maybe some aloha alakan with knight g8 no he won't do that no he's playing oh my oh wow seriously i think this is what you should not do versus max seriously i mean if it's not a mouse slip then it's not what you should play well but she's smiling yeah i i think in the stream she's smiling so this was uh so this was intentional yeah this was international this is this was not a mostly magnus is laughing oh yeah everyone is laughing so now we play comic chess now knight f3 yeah now we play from niches no she's in system she's she's insistent but but no no no well i'm not sure that this is what you should do because you got a chance to play versus magnus so just just play just try to do your best if you lose your lose but maybe you don't lose so i mean why to make such moves uh just for fun i don't i guess everybody has their own philosophy i mean for in my case yeah obviously if i you know if i'm playing someone as strong as magnus my philosophy would be i would like to get a proper game where i can learn the maximum yeah but uh yeah people have their own uh own interpretation and understanding so very important that white cannot custom also equally important black cannot castle for those who came who joined the stream just now uh the reason they cannot castle is because they started with king e2 king e7 so it was a bomb cloud opening which i got to know very recently that it is called bomb cloud that was played with this many times sorry uh this is what milos tried many times yeah but also hikaru i think uh a number of times they played true so okay play queen d2 maybe so maybe to try something like in epsilon okay yeah what to do with this kick so probably it's time to go h4 h5 king f1 because we cannot cast earlier at least at least the crew kind of gets activated h4 i like king d7 how much do you like [Music] i'm pretty sure he's just having fun here yeah because his rook on the a8 is already on the open file so he wanted to put his skin on the safe place this room this king e7 and king to be it reminds me one of ding's game yeah and uh i think it was very in bolin he kind of uh plays king f7 and he gets his king to b8 yeah this h4h586 it's kind of didn't work so let's try with a4 yeah but now this rook is fixed so i have to play b3 in order to kind of get my rope on oh wow b4 not bad not bad but if i take exactly if i take now takes is e4 so do i take with the pawn or do i allow do i allow black to play e4 uh i don't know what what will happen but it doesn't look good c3 i know c3 is knight b4 cannot play c3 cannot move the rook because this is hanging but here knight b4 d4 i have to play probably but once i play d4 there is f4 e3 i mean i move the knight and then f4 e3 everything will happen at least play c4 don't allow it for e3 a c4 is e3 anyway it's anyway yeah even after bishop's departure stolen through his time e3 maybe i can still move the rope oh sorry move the queen queen successful spread equine six is also good just quintify then yeah that's not didn't work it didn't did not work don't do it in your old games don't play e4 followed by just don't do it it doesn't work it doesn't work now b5 e3 and queen f3 queen after okay yeah he will just get into endgame oh this is probably no more in-game no he will get into the middle game with a hundred pounds up okay i lost the count but it's three three point three pounds up this is next game is going to be very interesting uh vincent kramer student of peter laker very solid player and also very good blitz player this is going to be interesting as well a very very positional player yeah many nice games from the in the vulgar challenge yeah yes yes i think he should uh no he didn't share a second because he lost the last game to my student to christopher you but if he won like had he won that game he would have finished like on clear second place but he lost and in the end he was fifth i guess yeah also i think he was completely winning against uh who was it nihaan probably yeah nihal i think he was completely winning and then yeah didn't didn't go well but very solid excellent opening preparation very good position on understanding so let's see how it goes me sand go oh this will be nimzo maybe he's a ninja player vincent that's his main repetitor the question if marcus will play an is three or not it is knight c3 and will he play a3 again a3 so the stemish system probably that's what it's called i think so no i'm not very good with the opening name so we got similar position once again true yeah maybe it's exactly the same one yeah i think it was also played for now it was played by the way if you guys want to prepare this system you have to wait a little bit i am making a course from blackside which on i i think something happened to conglomerate screen i can still follow it but i can't follow the games and i don't know if the moves were made or not i'm still i'm still watching the position okay it was my internet connection that uh okay you're back so you are trying to introduce the chorus but i think instead of d6 what did you propose d5 that should be a secret right now but what i proposed here is completely uh you know sidestepping the entire theory and uh yeah something completely new direction okay okay viewers watch out what now the course when it's released just take it and you will know all the secrets of the neutral and as it's one of the most popular openings it's quite useful to know the ideas and the setups and so yeah what you know how many games magnus played on a3 because i was spending lots of time on this line and yeah i like black setup black is kind of provoking d5 and you'll probably get his knight here and vincent has lots of time advantage it's also possible to try on c5 and then later on to regroup the knight from g3 to d5 i think magnus headed the game versus wesley saw in this structure so yeah so he went for it again yeah and so maybe then i just and this is coming this is coming very quickly but black is not obliged to take once knight allows knight comes to d5 but also okay what to do we should particularly pay attention to this pawn which was kind of controlling a very important square this is an interesting setup also i feel it it stops knight d5 beautiful play so far by uh winston but this king c7 allows knight uh d5 with check yeah so maybe king's sister but he goes into seven now he's gonna that's very nice this is very nice because now again the phone is attacked oh this is a very nice game by vincent i would say i mean as of now it looks like uh he's out playing probably eight 28 and then okay if night comes to i thought maybe the other rook though oh but now uh no i think it was better with that rook because it's protecting the ac spawn yeah you're right and now it's just bishop takes the phone yeah this could be our second point this could be our second point our best bet right now yeah i will hear that there are a lot of hopes on this game because look at the time yeah he has uh more than he has one minute and a half versus 45 seconds per magnus yes but now you spit spending some time you should be saying right okay okay a5 a4 or b5 i like it yeah but doesn't like it so he played it for himself look at this bishop it barely has any square and also but important thing it is stopping the rook here oh i was thinking bishop d7 bishop c6 to get here i like the bishop on c6 because it kind of attacks both the bonds like c4 at some point maybe b5 yeah b5 and then a4 yeah i think yeah and king bc f6 also is good okay minimum draw but i think you this winston should win oh wow really really like the way vincent is playing here oh what a game look a face it's just positionally outplaying actually knight h3 knight f4 was also an option excellent game purposes three knight five yeah it's it's it's getting impossible to comment now yeah it's just it's just some random move i think it was uh no this cannot be a repetition so this is the first time the position came this position first time second time and third time oh yeah it was a very like a draw for magnus but what a game from vincent so impressive so impressive i mean um he was stopped yeah and if you show this game you know to some to some student or you know to some player and say this is a classical game from black site it looks like almost like a classical game in austria i propose that both of us show this game to our students because we are the coaches so i think it would be nice to show it and uh because it's very instructional one very nice one yeah very instructive and it's really pity that uh here this repetition happened it's interesting oh the next thing next game started so that next game has started yet right this is your student uh no he's not my student i one and half points okay another this realign but now magnus in the previous game he tried with c4 now he tries with c3 yeah another setup so one and half one and half but we were close to making the two and these are so close these are so close so close then yeah white will play d4 at some point get them i'm sorry get the knight to g3 i expect rookie one or a four year rookie one i think okay one knight of one knight and then slowly trying to play although there is a four night a phone yeah being very standard d4 knight g3 or a4 what do you what what would be your take uh a4 before miles played i had to say something very quickly usually versus um d3 black tries to avoid playing bishop b7 this move would you have played bishop g5 bishop h4 it would not have occurred to me naturally usually they don't do it with the knight on f1 but as the knight is going to history it was fine and before i like before yeah taking space huh yeah before then b3 at some point maybe i don't know so now magnus doesn't carry with d4 he's trying to improve the position of the pieces trying to get more space for his um what to do with this knight this knight is kind of blocking uh b7 bishop yeah so but even the e7 square is not ideal for this knight because again it is getting controlled yeah it's restricted by the pawn on e4 yeah so essentially this knight is a huge problem in the position uh there is the plan of going there was a plan of going and 98 96 that's what i saw in many of the games yes i was also expecting something like that but that was not what happened in the game so knight h5 heading for knight f4 will d4 come eventually possible possible black desperately wants to get this knight in a better place because currently okay this knight on f4 looks good but uh what is it doing d5 that's going to be oh can i play d4 maybe we take on f4 and then take on d5 and then d4 oh as well actually you want to take and just simply start doing something h3 yeah such a bold move h3 but he wants to go on ig4 yeah well h3 is a very bold move your opponent breaks in the center and your high school yeah high school you have to be really careful with knives before yeah maybe now okay and ig4 was played immediately but it was also possible to take on b5 and then to take control over the a file and maybe sometimes fighting bigfire okay seven some ideas like that yeah but how do we how do i stop i don't know i told you knight g4 was coming what am i supposed to do with this now i'm also scared of d4 at e5 all right takes is e5 and after d into e4 okay take on e5 this is hanging therefore knight is hanging i almost don't see a move right now so knight e5 this is hanging okay there are too many planes if i want i can also take bishop f7 first this doesn't look i think this is awesome this is lost yeah again we we don't have uh engine so we cannot be completely sure but here i think uh we can safely say you know black can resign so after h3 it was actually a very uh crucial point to do but black had to think what to do in case white plays sniger for the next one yeah so this d5 h3 move definitely reminds me of uh the same uh thing between um spasky carpo in uh candidates where spassky and kerogen goes d5 so it is something like this that d5 is threatening on center and magnus says you know what let me play hd creating a square so maybe maybe it was necessary to take on e4 and some idea was queen this three did it sorry at what point like if you take one e4 now oh oh sorry the game another game i think started another game has started so let's focus on it oh it has not apparently so maybe i can quickly get to what you're saying here so what at this point into e4 uh i don't know i i was just thinking about some details before that x4 and then knight d3 or queen d3 because the pawn on e4 maybe queen d3 maybe even knight this ring you're not scared of ah you want to take bishop before that's the point but yeah let's see if i have another game very interesting has anyone other than uh can anyone challenge in in number of games to tv approve like in in scandinavian the amount of number of games uh tiviakoff played in scandinavian is like insurmountable yeah and especially this system was queen on d6 yeah quickly on d6 yeah so many games he has played true he's a specialist h3 is a bit um it's i have i haven't seen it the movie h3 uh that often because usually bishop g4 white is not scared of yeah this is a bit too slow i think now black has a normal setup and the position is about equal yeah okay stroke d195 maybe rook the one she'll play queen c7 i guess can i d5 put the knight on e5 don't think who would the knight just pull on knight yeah just make some move knight e5 here okay take can i take and play g4 or something i don't know we'll see does it might be player on the boat i have no idea but magnus did not allow that magnus player group 88. now some bishop f4 is a dangerous four is getting i'm getting optimistic again again can i think i think life has told us that you shouldn't be optimistic can i take and play g4 or not tell me uh so if for b sub g6 then you take ng firearm yeah i really wanted to take that i really wanted to take and play g4 but that did not happen in the game in the game it was before e3 maybe there was 95 or maybe there was 95 yeah we'll we'll get there currently this is the position yes no i'm not now i'm not that optimistic anymore oh no optimistic anymore now there is a trick if bishop a3 will have rook a1 but magnus won't fall into it not take bishop e3 i can bet any amount of this no at least knight f7 g4 this is over optimistic okay now the knight is three is protected always know this idea anymore but um so we should do sex just something safe bishop g6 yeah our v8 oh we guessed them all you guys do so what's the plan for why not so clear rook d2 i thought it allows some sort of tactics no okay we take on e4 and then we move the queen somewhere so it's not no you also differ [Music] so now magnus is trying some idea was 95 and then bishop to five our bishop of six no magnus is trying to be changing this bishop so that uh he can put more pressure on the d4 pawn okay now click and take on this three and click on e5 after that sorry now yeah after that or he can still wait take on d3 maybe i'll start with bishop f6 wrong well the position is not bad but oh also timing is not so bad actually yeah time is very good but not too much to say okay it's only time this so convinced here maybe and i decided she was 9496 yeah it's not so bad i think 94 yeah my d6 oh no no no let's not okay now you're optimistic again queenie too when yeah we need to why not some hope white is not uh what is not having a bad position g3 like king g2 very solid i also had some kind of plan like queen d2 followed by rookie four nice franklin screen very nice very nice uh would you take with the pawn yes probably yeah she was pausing so now 96 deep work in f2 or q1 maybe to start with d4 yeah okay start with d4 start with d4 and then aim for this one actually white is e4 okay not still not bad because this knight has no square if you look at this this knight does cannot go anywhere watch out for f6 can you take my support okay there is some hole but uh goodnight has to play very quickly now it is all about pre-moves yeah it's about primos yeah just uh just play something b5 magnus wants to yeah it's all about pre-moves now at some point uh even a3 could be very annoying um yeah yeah now we have no chance yeah nice try by goodnight but what unfortunately she was in the end this was very close what were you what are we saying somewhere here yeah so we wanted uh the next game uh no i meant uh this 1927 yeah yeah take yeah can i lost yeah quite lost yeah yeah white lost uh so do you have time to check i don't know yeah i'll be completely check because i can see the lifeboat as well so we were saying here uh not at this point knight f7 king f7 and g4 not very sure looked attractive at least now there is bishop e4 okay but at least i mean if nothing else we can take here but i also feel there is some moves like g5 it was definitely interesting yeah very nice try very nice there was also some bishop no there was none next game started oh my students also my friend also my students but in a different platform approaches training he is also uh one of my students okay our students our student our student is playing let's let's root for christopher a rooting for christopher and dragon on the board yourself queenie too oh did you teach him that i must say my knowledge ends right here after queen e2 like right here like right at this point yeah i have no idea he's playing the way people play versus neither yeah this idea was bishops but i don't think that is what you should do versus dragon so the one good thing about having the queen on e2 is okay to create some pin the second thing that comes in mind is uh with the with the queen on d2 you know in future when you get some knight e5 knight c4 my queen is slightly better blessed often these two okay it blocks my bishop so i have to justify that and you lost the temple i lost the temple okay i can play h4 and kind of say this is not exactly loss of tempo but still how do i justify this setup i think that is already better he needs e5 desperately but once you get e5 then things could change but you will not get it you will not get it yeah that's the problem you'll play g5 and knight h5 especially when you're playing versus magnus you will not get it you'll not get e5 there's no chance maybe you'll play knight f5 or yeah but then hey can i play can i can i go really crazy and play something like i thought you would say that and you're but i don't know like even if i get rook take c7 and king d8 i'm not seeing anything uh immediately he goes for it but there is some bishop before knight f5 in the end like knight g3 it takes it takes the sick then bishop d4 so okay let me get we can try to make some moves here knight g3 it's pretty sure he will go here check and king d8 and nothing happens yeah by the way that's on the board we have e takes d6 i think bishop d4 is a nice move here you just eliminate this knight okay whenever a piece happens to try to trade the pieces this is one idea and another is to put the knight of f5 after that that's why but also what bothers me is after bishop d4 if i take i cannot take back the bishop because there is four and on the other hand if i leave this bishop this will be a monster yes but this is just face down how many points do we have or shouldn't we speak about that no no we we said we will definitely score more than two points let's let's be optimistic let's be optimistic yeah do you still believe he can do it and i i i really hope we achieve this two points before you know we go out playing him so we should have we must get the targeted point before that so that we don't feel any pressure yeah then we don't have any pressure but you said you have prepared against magnus uh yeah i have been preparing the whole day i was so surprised when i got that message in the morning like uh magnus has agreed to play versus us not only versus the challengers but also versus some of the coaches and i was very glad about it yeah it's my first time i will have a game versus magnus and it's i think it's also the first time i will play versus the reigning world champion because once they played versus carpool in the symbol and that's it that's all my experience versus the world champions you have more i think okay at least you have played many blitz games versus uh yeah that's for sure and magnus i have played three times i played the once in uh world rapid once when he was 13 years old in dubai open and the last one how did he do that i think there is some hope no no no there is a funny story which i have already uh shared in some places but yeah it's always good to revisit this so i'm playing this 13 year old kid and you know he beats me very badly in trombosky and i'm very upset i mean come on how can i lose with the 13 or 14 year old kid like this then our indian trainer vladimirov comes and says surya don't worry you have lost to a future world champion take my word but okay after you lose the game you don't want to hear such things but okay i said yeah fine two days later vladimirov is playing magnus and magnus beats him in like 20 moves i go to vladimir and say don't worry you have lost a future world champion and you were both right oh but this seaport is trying i know there is an icebrick with knight fire now so yeah and last one i played was in uh the street fighter grand swiss in uh isle of man so that was classical um so it's uh 3-0 yeah that's not a good experience sorry not not the best experience yeah no well uh uh i lost in dubai i lost an i of man but in in world rapid i missed mate in three and uh the game ended in a draw oh look what's happening they're playing on one second yeah and magnus one magnus won but that was very intense that was actually there was a chance in the end like a chance for flag and not a chance to to have a good position it was lost even if you flag somebody here you just get uh half a point yeah like by the way how did he play c8 knight christopher so he doesn't have his auto promotion on yeah because imagine you are playing in seconds and you have this auto promotion queen it can get really nasty because you don't know how to promote knight then and you have to go to settings and change but that that is kind of impossible to do uh yeah especially like when you have to change the settings in all the platforms you are playing yeah but i have never played on this platform so i don't know what the settings are here well we are taking class in this platform i have not played in this uh this platform yet yeah i think all the couches have classes in this platform oh these three by madness now who played d3 against uh well one of them and then he opted for some pier structure with white pieces do you think it'll be bishop d to queen c1 or not or just normal king's indian normal kings indian okay and maybe after e4 we'll see some kind of switzerland 16 and half versus one and a half does not look good at all can we even erase that six somehow so that it becomes one and four enough that looks uh horrible for us but we keep on fighting a4 hold the knight before i expect knight c4 or c3 i don't know maybe he's thinking e5 i don't know no no e5 bad move why i'm kind of skeptical like okay take take take i take on eight you go bishop g4 i don't know it kind of gets scary then f three or b i think like after e5 okay if you play detective 595 you should be fine then you take on c6 and take on easter eggs what do you want no i'm just saying that b should be sign that we take on c6 and then we take on seven by the way i just say bad move and that's on the board no i saw this line i saw this line and i was skeptical after something like queen queen b7 maybe not on c6 because i want to avoid this i was a bit skeptical here but uh yeah i think magnus says i have no idea what magnus wants after playing this i'll think about f3 instead of bishop f3 here f3 yeah yeah like in case rook a8 don't get under this unpleasant thing it looks scary so queen b7 then white has to play either rook e3 or king g2 can you please tell me why did you play queen d7 and why not win b7 i have i have zero explanation on this let's ask magnus but there after queen d7 don't we have knight e5 your idea yeah but i'm like totally speechless why not queen b7 because i'm simply attacking and i'm kind of forcing these two moves if you play king g2 it comes under pin if you play rook e3 i have bishop h6 yeah that's quite surprising it's very surprising the only explanation i have is he was probably thinking about queen c6 and my t5 and missed queen d7 so anyway yeah 95 wasn't the worst okay now it's running for what yeah this i'm i'm shocked actually this has to be some sort of hallucination because the position after queen b7 is like i i just don't know like when i said e5 i didn't see uh i was scared of this position maybe king g2 yeah maybe this is what you wanted then h3 and then h3 maybe this is the point this is the point okay we have currently this position yeah first chase the bishop and then chase the knight somehow yeah you have to be careful with some queen h5 ideas but after queen each fight there is a three or there is four how do i because f3 there is 95 so do i defend the spawn or do i attack or should i play something like queen e4 24 here yeah um queen e4 we can also take on history but then white trades the queens very solid okay i've given the pawn but now we're going to open a file on which we'll try the rooks so quite an easy play for white yeah magnus knows by the way i i don't see abdul sauter of pain oh nana i have a news for you you are next no oh yes i am i am next you are next okay so quickly tips how should i play versus max play for me play for win and play fast play for when play fast play good don't bother play solid no blunder is okay just play fast our blunder is okay but okay but play fast i'll root for you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all thank you all oh okay i am getting ready i'm getting ready i think uh flag magnus a grand dinner from from my side i can what can i do or [Music] uh yeah i can mute myself and i can also like uh yeah i can also put the speakers on zero but by the way things things have turned and liang is winning now he's going to flag point this is hard pressure no we pressure that we did that okay i will i'll meet myself now and i'll also put the speakers for zero because i think uh yeah i should stop commentating and start working yeah good luck all the best see you there i will be back yeah somewhere here uh yeah michael's blundered yeah there was this fork coming so we have the first coach playing so all the viewers what do you think and i will uh maybe beat magnus we'll see that it's difficult to predict what uh jana is doing a little bit of stretching before the game good i'm expecting some sort of e4 so far uh the results uh nihal defeated magnus and also um avondale won in fact one on time and as well as final position also was better for him and we had a draw in vincent winston game which is very impressive all right the games have started now e4 e5 it will be some sort of rye lopez i guess magnus played a lot of rhinoplast so far he played d3 in most of the games once again we see d3 and we were just discussing uh this kind of position so bishop c2 or rookie one and then knight d2 one of the games we saw magnus went for knight f1 and bishop g5 we'll see how it goes here maybe he's thinking for d4 i would expect either d4 or knight for but no h3 happens good thing is anna is playing fast this is very important so knight f1 so in one of the games we saw that was bishop g5 bishop h4 that did not that is not possible anymore d5 anna is a very active player i mean active as in uh she's very dynamic and if there is an uh chance to activate position she will not shy away a4 there is also a good move bishop e3 but a4 yeah i am expecting maybe some bishop b7 and this bishop e3 so this pawn is indirectly defended like whenever white will take ed5 will take and the pawn is getting defended here my gt i i think am i still doing okay how to put the pieces here do i do i put my queen on d7 but also having said that um i think why its moves are easier here like we should play bishop e3 between e2 or even a5 yeah and now bishop a4 is coming there's been i don't like the move b4 particularly because it allows bishop a4 not only the pin but the pawn on e5 kind of gets becomes a target knight e4 is an of course an practical decision you would like to get the defending knight out which was not doing anything like uh compare uh d for this position where this knight is not doing anything and this one where we got rid of the knight which was not doing much and the other night which was kind of keeping a target so queen d1 and now magnus is thinking bishop d1 i believe rook d1 he did not want to play because of b3 so bishop d1 and now again this spawn is doing a very good job it is taking away the square and bishop a4 is threatened so ah now he is taking time he's probably calculating if he can play bishop a4 but i believe you'll end up the day you will take bc3 so black's main problem here is what to do with this knight where to put this bishop e2 fixing i mean fixing the target on a6 i would think bishop f8 maybe to activate the other bishop but i will not get a chance to come here because white will play bishop e3 and take away the square and this bishop is fixing my rook 97 the problem with the c6 knight is okay first of all it was getting controlled by this pawn and now if you look at this knight it is getting controlled by this phone so the knight has not made huge progress here i'm expecting bishop a3 or bishop b3 and bishop b3 happen anna had a different motif she wanted a knight on d6 that's a smart thing to do you activate your uh so she took care of the knight but still the bishop is not doing so great so now let's play bishop perfect that will keep some sort of a threat of bishop c5 if need be now i don't want to play bishop c5 because rook d2 does not come with a tempo f5 as i said anna is very active player if she gets a chance to create some dynamism in the position she will she will go for it c6 is a yeah too hard to explain c6 but yeah when you have 30 seconds you're playing magnus you just want to make some move and she's doing that pretty nicely she's just playing fast now i don't like the position as such because after rook d7 my king is like really weak and bishop c7 happens after king h8 bishop c7 because bishop g7 there is take and it takes back here and now group takes c7 at least if nothing else here rook g7 you just take here and watch out for this bishop yeah it is still fixing the rook here i don't see any chance here i absolutely don't see any chance i think anna will probably resign here next would be my turn so let anna join i think she has to share the screen and then okay i am back i tried to regroup some of the pieces but i outplayed yeah i guess i have to [Music] i have to get there now so i'll i'll mute this one okay so now it's my turn yeah we are switching i'll show you so yeah i'll probably uh what should i do i should i should mute myself and i should also mute you guys yeah hey yeah just it goes for zero or that's what i did i don't know maybe you have some better option all right so i'll yeah and start playing i'll mute myself i should i yes but i am still viewing uh but i think surya forgot to anna okay okay this is fine now okay okay i'm here i'm here after my own game i didn't have so many chances in the previous game but let's see maybe ganguly will do better so now i have supported surya i hope sileria was supporting me when i played and now i'm supporting him and magnus went um uh for this yeah hippo set up yeah and uh surya is playing very solid he played a4 which stops b5 now he plays h3 which stops knight g4 i said i said he was playing very solid but now he went for a very active g4 move which is um quite a good move to play the idea for white maybe to go with um then to develop with bishop e2 uh i thought that instead of d5 3 i wanted to go bishop g2 knight e2 knight g3 but that was perhaps that could be met with e5 d5 and 94 that's a typical idea in all the kings indian structures so d5 of the word knight before now a5 because if white didn't go a5 then black could play a5 and regroup the knight first like with the knight a6 knight c5 but after a5 black has ideas with c6 or e6 and e6 was on the board now rook a4 oh look at this look at this the knight is almost right but there is c5 so did xc6 knight c6 bishop g2 what about the pawn on a5 or eater e5 yeah i have noticed that i have no idea that syria is very good in finding some tricks so now he's trying to trick magnus it hd6 i think this was a good trick maybe it was not necessary to take on e5 because i believe this uh pawn structure is already good for black so maybe some options like h5 was possible if g5 then knight d7 even was sacrificing on d6 uh because uh was development wait what is so much behind in development but okay let's see what happened on the boards knight a5 e5 knight e8 it hd6 bishop d7 rook before and b5 on the board okay we have to be very careful with this rook on b4 and where is it going to be played to be honest i don't like 3s position so much uh maybe he had to go oh no but if he goes back then he would have allowed knight c4 so he wanted to keep them rook on the fourth round to prevent uh knight c4 but on the other hand now the rook on b4 is in some troubles and this is not what magnus was uh blundering but this was this is what magnus wanted to achieve because this bishop is really very strong in this position uh bishop a8 played anyway because if you don't play bishop a a then you don't have any compensation european is tucked in the center and knight c6 or knight c4 was coming or even bishop c6 so uh bishop a8 queen a8 and f3 knight c4 and now in return uh white sacrificed the exchange what would have happened if white didn't do that for example if we go with the bishop somewhere to c1 then maybe a5 was coming or queen a7 uh or queen c6 or just taking this pawn was also quite unpleasant so rook c4 b takes c4 but now black has a two-part bishop advantage and uh yeah the king is still in the center so bishop g5 threatening bishop e7 f5 look what you have to do when there is the king on the center you have to open your rook and open the files b should be 7 rook f7 f takes g4 is the threat rook h2 uh so that the rook is not under this diagonal and that the rook is trying to get into the player which do very creative move i like it queen b8 played a pawn this pawn is the problem also bishop e5 and this one is the problem this is like a strong pawn like the pawn on d6 is really very good it's also uh putting these two pieces uh will have to be like very passive oh another idea is just to take and this rook is hanging so what did sria do knight e2 but what about okay if rook is seven we take queen h2 and queen d7 and that's why queen b2 was played queen d2 f takes h6 look at three oh it's two poles down rook f2 rook f2 but i think it's bad news for surya maybe just queen a1 knight d1 would be the only move also uh roxas 3 is possible now if knight is 3 then bishop c3 or am i missing anything no bishops 3 immediately um what to say it doesn't look good for white and basically it's just lost unfortunately now just to queen d5 also thought about the idea with the e5 but then i give this pawn so why to give this pawn if you can just cart two of the pawns and queen d5 is very safe offering the three the queen straight and also attacking that pawn queen f4 oh but queen f4 wait wait how to protect oh oh i think magnus milled that one h6 but now this this queen of seven oh i think madness missed it oh my god what a save what to say by surya look if 97 and bishop f8 or no bishop f6 because if we play uh if we play yeah bishop f8 then there is queen e5 check so uh after 97 there was but three place for win now syria tries to take this what a trick what the trick okay now it's a draw again or surya wants to win on time i think sarya wants to win on time and surya wants to win uh by the position let's see let's see the pre-moving skills of surya check check check check check check who is who is faster no i think no no no look what has just happened oh my god surya it's very much just happened this trick was queen of four when i saw it i mean i felt like a queen defy i don't know why i didn't want to play it but for some reason i didn't want to play it and then when you played queen f4 i was like oh my god how to stop queen fe there is no way to stop queen of faith uh so amazing nice tricks and you lost just by one second [Music] no i'm so bad at removing i'm so bad you are definitely a hundred times better than i am but what a nice game by you okay in the beginning it was not so nice but in the end it was brilliant brilliantly really brilliant look at that look at that and here you didn't want to repeat here you had an opportunity to yeah to continue queen effect i cannot repeat i mean even if i would have three seconds i have i cannot rip it in such positions yeah but you found another trick because if there was no trick you would have repeated but there was another trick and you continued to play and please pay attention even though white is at two or how many yeah two points down but this pawn on d6 is very strong and it's compensating everything so now d7 this pawn is one move away from promoting i think there must be perpetual somewhere or there is no perpetual i think at some point he uh yeah he did not give queen d4 check uh yeah yeah yeah windy four if uh sorry quincy one then queen a1 this is the way to keep one by the way started so i think we have to so now uh arthur arthur what are our our our last hope our last hope days arthur i think he's playing together with devis or at least there were some jokes about it like they might play some hand and brain because um arthur kogan and divis they were doing commentary on spanish and maybe some of you were following it uh if not now you can follow their game i don't know i think arthur is playing on his phone because it's a bit too much to play hand in brain versus marks no i i know what i have to do after today's session i definitely need some coaching from nihal so nehal if you're watching this you know you have to teach me how to make free moves how to do these things because i was actually ahead on time when this started but somehow magnus was you know 10 times faster than me okay yeah he's really very fast i you can see that when it comes like when he's under 20 seconds he moves incredibly quickly but really but he also has uh so much of experience that it would uh it's not a surprise he's playing so quickly right oops wait i'm am i i see him saying nihal is playing among us which is some kind of some kind of a video game okay so uh we have to actually we both should write to nikalia yeah we should we have to take watching romney on how to because you saw how how fast he was playing when he here like uh 18 seconds really good very good uh my heart was breaking when i saw like you both having three seconds two seconds and then when you had one and he had two i was like no that may be gamer and what's happening in the game oh arthur is playing very solid the knight on c7 is not the best piece in this position but if we move the knight from c3 and if we don't um control the b5 square with the bishop then the knight can move to b5 so we have to be very careful with that why it should typically aim for uh i don't know e5 at some point yeah like control and on the right moment strike yeah but uh now you can't play e5 because after you take c6 knight e6 i think right from right sides already yeah true e5 from white side is one of them plans but then you have to be uh sure like how you're going to guard the d5 and a4 a5 that's nice it's nice maybe some plan what can black do some plan with f5 looks scary sometimes it works but you have to be very careful with that and magnus went for bishop a6 the idea is that if we trade the bishop then tonight uh this knight on c7 at least it's placed on b4 which is kind of a better square and also after we trade the bishop then we have the idea with c4 yeah so we can't take with the queen if we take with the rook okay after c4 we can just play i'm thinking maybe knight six knight before uh like yeah because if before we know that magnus can take we know that we have learned something today and then take the pawn on a4 uh but as you said that after d4 knight after c494 if we take yeah from here you have 86 on the board uh yeah he played knight a6 queen d2 and very interesting move because you want your you want to attack on b3 and you want this other knight on c7 which kind of controls uh this b5 square this one i think it was blundered this was blunted yeah because i don't see there is enough oh maybe not yeah maybe no i think it was bluntered yeah throw everything at him let's try yeah but e5 i mean if black plays this then we take and then we get this square for this knight so but e5 stops all this contour and no still artor is trying rookie four and then at some point i thought just rookie too much yeah foreign too much it's not the checkmate here but he author has got some practical chances what is knight h4 uh because rook d2 knight f5 is a check but and also seven seconds versus 21. but but maria if you're listening you are wrong we scored two and a half so you are categorically wrong yes we did it we scored two now i mean me and you didn't help much but our team scored two and a half yeah the coaches we will not get to the coaches score that is not very important yeah good we had we had a chance to play we had a chance to play it was very nice of magnus that he agreed to play yeah i think we should thank magnus for uh we should really thank mangos for doing that uh because um in my opinion we shouldn't really think too much about the result and yeah let's all thank magnus let's congratulate him on this win uh because you know in my opinion um the young generation has been really facing difficult times during this pandemic period and the vicissitudes uh they currently have is trying to play at least somewhere and this nice caster from uh the world champion who keeps inspiring who offered this opportunity to play versus him was really very very nice so thank you magnus thank you for doing that thank you also for commentating the games on your own channel i think some of our viewers who are also following it there and let's hope it was not the last one that you will get a chance to play once more and ah we will try to prepare better yeah but by the way uh just to update like we scored two and a half points and this was scored by nihal uh vincent who drew and amanda liam who won so that's our score yeah that's we will not speak about people who lost yeah we will skip that i will skip that part we'll just highlight these three games yeah really congratulations to those who scored and also i think we should uh thank to all our viewers who stayed with us who believed we could score yeah yeah i think that's also important yeah thanks for being with us i particularly liked uh okay nihal's game and also vincent's game i thought was a very high level he outplayed it was very good also one must not forget about sara and the lighting g played he tried very hard in the very end so let's congratulate him on that uh if he had only one second more things could be really different now yeah but i was completely losing so it's not like i played a good game i got lucky when he blundered and then i was close to winning but yeah no i mentioned that we are speaking about that um okay i think that with this we are slowly ending this stream thank you all thanks audience for yeah for being patient with us and uh i guess i was making lots of uh wrong arrows and thanks for being patient and yep see you see you soon again thank you everyone see you next time follow uh challenger store follow magnus tour which will start in four or five days and where pragnando will participate as the winner of the first challengers tournament which is also called the bulgars challenge so i see you very soon uh have a nice evening if uh it's still the evening or have a nice day if you're somewhere in america so all the best to you see you soon take care bye guys you
Channel: chess24
Views: 231,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, training, analysis, Julius Baer, Challengers Chess Tour, Polgar Challenge, Kramnik, Polgar, Judit Polgar, Vladimir Kramnik, Praggnanandhaa, Keymer, Abdusattorov, Mendonca, Hou Yifan, Boris Gelfand, Ju Wenjun, Bjerre, Gukesh, Nihal Sarin, Awonder Liang, Magnus Carlsen, World Chess Champion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 4sec (9664 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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