Magnus Carlsen Spends Only 45 Seconds to CheckMate His Opponent and He is Sorry About It

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let's go for a uh five minute game the uber 2200 blitz from from germany got ourselves a sicilian of the classical search um wow i thought it was going to go for the night earth okay you want a dragon sir you could have you can have your dragon i'm not afraid i am a little bit afraid but not that afraid asics usually when people play kind of dragon dragadorf style and dragon and knight of hybrid they don't castle that early because this a6b5 you know bishop b7 knight knight d7 and so on all that uh that whole setup is a little bit slow and when you castle kingside usually you're gonna get slaughtered pretty quickly with the g4 h4 and bishop g h6 and so on and this is not this is not even about the opponent that you're you're playing like the thing that makes the dragon sort of a difficult opening for for black to play is that everybody knows or at least everybody who's played e4 at some point in their life everybody just knows how to attack you just you just push on the on the king side and this makes the dragon a very difficult opening to play as black but a more difficult but but an easier opening to to play as white and you can see here um he's never got going on the queen side and already he's getting he's getting mated i think pretty shortly and unless he he finds some some brilliant defense so it's really it's really not an opening um that you want to play play by by hand because people know what to do as white and most of the time you're just gonna you're just gonna get slaughtered um basically okay um yeah yeah sorry dude that was that was just a bad um bad opening choice i'm sure my my opponent is usually a lot better than than this but you gotta you just i i think you just can't play play this way when you play the the dragon
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 672,479
Rating: 4.9278474 out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen
Id: sEZn7tSlt08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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