Magnus Carlsen vs Ian Nepomniachtchi || World Chess Championship (2021) || Game 1

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hello everyone and welcome to the first game of the world church championship 2021 between magnus cross and and yani palmishi magnus being the world champion and nepo being the world champs championship challenger uh we're gonna uh cover all of the games that are gonna be played it's 14 games and the time format will be two hours per player and no increment until move 60. so it's a bit of a different story than when magnus faced the caruana or or when he faced karjakin it is the i think the same format that uh was used in the vishwanathan anand versus magnus calls and world championship match so something that uh magnus is used to uh so you can't really just let your time go go down uh forever because you will not have that 30 second increment you know uh at the beginning when you make a move so uh first 60 moves should be uh sorry 40 not 60 moves first 40 moves should be reached and then you will be gaining uh some increment after every move uh and also you will be given an additional hour on the clock uh so that being said uh let's check it out this is game one already a very exciting one uh let's see uh let's see what they played and how how it went so nipple with the white pieces opens with e4 we have e5 by magnus so there was a lot of discussion what um an apple will play of course it's impossible to to figure this out but e4 is very solid nipple is a more of an aggressive player so uh it does make sense for for him to go e4 but but i did mention in the previous video uh that uh the only two world championship games that magnus lost were playing against the d4 and playing d4 himself so i thought maybe nepal was d4 but okay he went e4 e5 knight to f3 knight to c6 and of course bishop to b5 the rule lopez is on the board with a6 uh magnus goes for morphy's defense and bishop to a4 we have knight to f6 and now neapo just castles with bishop to e7 and rook to e1 uh so this is a very standard stuff nothing out of the ordinary ordinary here we see this pretty much every day we have b5 bishop to b3 and here magnus castles and now uh the the real question here was will nipple play c3 and allow magnus to go for the for the marshall attack uh i was uh very much hoping for this to happen but it did not nipple played h3 sort of the uh the anti-martial variation now we have knight the a5 now and this is the real uh surprise of the game uh usually what people play here is just bishop to b7 or d6 but here knight to a5 is very very interesting i i don't know if if it's a new move let me just check real really quickly uh queen captures on d5 let me just check this okay okay there we go this is a new move all right uh so here knight the a5 was played now attacking the bishop here and nipple didn't really take all that much time to decide whether to capture on e5 or not he played knight captures on e5 saying that uh we kind of had this in our preparation in our in our training camp uh magnus captured on b3 we have eight captures and bishop to be a captures and bishop to b7 and here magnus is down upon but he already has a beautifully developed bishop his dark square bishop is out his knight is out uh whereas nipple only has a knight developed on e5 and the rook on e1 so magnus leading in development a little bit but for the price of one pawn we have d3 now as the e4 pawn is attacked twice so we have to defend it we have d3 by nipple and now magnus immediately strikes in the center with d5 so not allowing white to consolidate uh quickly we have e captures on d5 and now queen captures on the five threatening checkmate with queen captures and g2 uh nipple played queen to f3 uh fairly quickly and now comes bishop to d6 by magnus putting more pressure on that knight on e5 and now what do you play here well you could trade queens but that doesn't really give you all that much and the problem is you can't really play knight to c3 this is what uh carlson's opening idea is is uh kind of based on uh and it's very hard for white to develop his pieces the problem with knight the c3 is that we can play queen captures an e5 and the white is just lost you you've lost a piece and there's no way of uh regaining it for example rook captures on e5 we're gonna play bishop captures on f3 and after we we have to move the rook after something like rook to e1 we move the bishop back bishop to b7 and we're up a piece so we have a light square bishop white doesn't so nipple again finds a move very quickly here he plays king to f1 and it is now as of move 14 that we have a completely new game uh there are a couple of positions where queen capture sandify was played but this is uh a new move and it's a very interesting one apple found it very quickly so probably he had it in his home preparation at some point uh now the the thing is a little bit different um because if you go for queen captures on e5 now uh or rather after king to f1 uh uh rook f2 b8 was played but uh if you play queen captures on e5 now well then queen captures on b7 is an option because now for example queen to h2 isn't uh isn't all that troublesome queen back to f3 we're going to play queen h1 check king to e2 uh looks terrible but it works rook f38 to check and we're just gonna block with the bishop to e3 with black's queen uh hanging on h1 so he's gonna have to move it we're gonna play king to d1 and we've sort of castled and uncastled uh but uh you know it works and the black didn't really achieve all that much he's down upon and white is very happy with his position so instead of this queen captures an e5 we have uh rook back to b8 by magnus and now what do you play uh well here we have queen captures on the e5 and this is basically forced um it's uh hard to you know make make a different move here because again if you play knight to see three queen captures on e5 is the same uh the the rook is now guarding the bishop there's not much you can do rook captures an e5 bishop captures an f3 and after we move the rook bishop to c6 or something again it's the same thing so here nipple trades we have queen captures on d5 knight captures on d5 and now we have bishop to d2 again it's not easy for uh for nipple to develop his pieces here uh because you you want to play that knight the c3 move but if you play this then this knight to b4 is is a real problem uh because your bishop is still here you don't have the option of placing the rook on c1 to defend the the c2 pawn and well rook to e2 it just looks very clumsy white's position would be very bad here so here we have bishop at the d2 uh waiting with this move but also freeing up the c1 square for the rook uh to use if knight to b for his played uh we have c5 by magnus again played played fairly quickly and now knight to f3 uh neopo just retreats the knight uh when knights the c3 again can be played now for example if knight of b4 we can place rook the rook to c1 with the pawn being defended and it's uh it's a playable position uh but nipple decides to go back knight to f3 and now magnus really went into um not too too deep of a thing but but a pretty big thing uh and after 20 minutes he played rook to d8 uh interestingly uh if you go knights to b for now uh you're kind of inviting bishop captures on b4 and this will double your pawns but it uh appears that this will not be good for white because if this happens for example captures captures uh what do you play here now now this is a backward spawn it's going to be very hard to defend it for example knight b to d2 we're going to play rook to c8 attack the pawn and after something like 94 we attack the bishop bishop to f8 you're going to have to defend it with something like rook a to c1 or rook to a2 but this is a permanent weakness so it would it wouldn't be all that pleasant for white to go after this so the point is after knight to b4 white can't really capture here you're going to have to play something like rook the c1 and this would be the position that would probably arise on the board it looks very nice for black with uh you know white's pieces being placed very clumsy uh but uh magnus decided against it so after knight to f3 he went rook back to d8 like i said after thinking for some 20 minutes and now we have knight to c3 finally nipple plays this move and now he offers magnus this b for a square uh interestingly the the engine gives king to e2 is also a very nice uh resource just shifting the king to d1 and you no longer have to worry about your c2 pawn so uh castling and on castling is definitely a thing so after rook to d8 we have knight to c3 like i said and now knight to b4 putting pressure on this c1 pawn c2 pawn and the question is will nipple defend this with rook 8 to c1 or with the rook e to c1 so both uh moves have their merits but you have to decide on one and apple plays a rook e to c1 so he keeps the rook on the a file uh as well it's a it's a semi-open files so uh he he decided uh he decided to keep it there even though the e file is a fully open file so you know it also makes sense to keep the rook there but of course uh he has his reasons uh and here we just have rook eight to c8 by magnus and now the situation on the clock is some one hour and 12 minutes for nipple and an hour and 26 minutes for magnus and here we have knight to e2 interestingly it's kind of possible to offer a draw here with knight to a2 just saying okay let's trade knights and if knight c6 knight back to c3 knights to be for knight a2 but you know if you've come all the way to dubai to do this then well maybe you shouldn't have come at all but okay after rook 8 to c8 we have knights to e2 now again in control of this f4 square so probably bishop to f4 is the plan but also just freeing up this c3 square so we can play maybe c3 at some point uh here we have knight back to c6 by magnus now you could continue with something like bishop to f8 also you want to free up this uh uh d file for the rook uh and now again if bishop captures and b for c captures it's uh i mean it looks great for black it's also not bad for white so uh it can be played let's say d4 here and it's uh it's a pretty pretty uh funky position at some point the bishop might be able to come to e4 attack that c2 pawn but of course many things can be played here at some point in the official commentary well there's no basically official commentary there are many uh official commentaries now um it's uh uh it it's been said that um uh well you you could uh just uh you know uh play like this but it's uh it's hard because at some point your position will just deteriorate you you play a move and then your opponent makes a move to counter that move you play move your opponent makes a move to counter that move and at some point you just um find yourself in a terrible position and something similar did happen in the game just not in this position so here we have knight to c6 magnus goes back he wants to bring the knight to e7 then to g6 and then possibly to f4 this would be very good for him so bishop to e3 and now comes knight to e7 and here finally we have this bishop to f4 move interestingly you could also play knights the g3 here uh it looks very ugly because you can capture on f3 you can capture on g3 but none of this is all that great for black black is down upon and his real uh plus side here is that he does have the fully operational bishop pair so capturing here uh wouldn't really be all that impressive you now white has the f2 square for his king and you've uh eliminated any possibility of bishop captures an f3 ever being a threat because now you're just gonna undouble white spawns uh but okay after knight e7 we have bishop to f4 nipple goes for this trade now even though some other moves could have been considered but uh you know it's such a such a dry position uh where any move can be considered and it doesn't really give you all that um uh you know much advantage so here finally we have bishop captures and f3 now magnus gives up the bishop for this knight but it comes with a with a good idea bishop captures on f3 g captures the bishop captures on f4 knight captures and now rook the c6 as now white has some weaknesses here uh rook can come to f6 put some pressure on these weaknesses or maybe even to h6 to put pressure on the h3 pawn now if you look at the position white is still up upon but he does have three pawn islands white has two pawn islands and it will be a little bit easier for black to attack those pawns if the rooks ever ever get into the game could be very dangerous uh so here rook back to e1 attacking the knight on e7 and knight to f5 this is what carlson wanted to do uh either way and now finally we play c3 we we prepare to uh push some pawns in the center uh but also it's a it's a very useful uh move to prevent for example this knife from coming to d4 and later on maybe we can even play c4 and put our own knight on d5 uh so here how do you continue well it seems like you could just kick away this knight and win the d3 pawn but if you played this then rook to e5 can be played and now of course you're not going to move your knight you're going to attack your opponent's knight and after g captures rook captures you're going to capture on d3 by white will capture on f4 and we have uh well both players have three pawn islands two two rooks each there's not much to be done here so instead after c3 we have knight to h for by magnus putting pressure on the f3 pawn we have rook to e3 and now comes the moment where you have to decide what to do and it's a very tricky position and the best move in the position is pawn to g6 simply preparing this knight to f5 move uh because if the knight comes to f5 to attack the rook yes you want to remove this rook and grab the d3 pawn uh white can always play rook to e5 and attack that knight the g6 prevents this and now knight to f5 is a pretty big threat but magnus decided to play king to f8 instead uh sort of improving the the the position of his king uh and now it seems like uh the the the same idea can still be played but nepo or rather magnus thought that nepal did not have a useful move here because it's not very easy for him to move his pieces uh but he does have this very annoying knight to g2 move and now magnus really has to decide uh what to do here again trading knights that's uh you know they can agree to a draw that's not uh you know a lot of fun so magnus does go back with knight to f5 now attacks the rook but now comes the move that we've discussed and the black is really missing that g6 move so rook to e5 attacks the knight so you don't have time to grab the d3 pawn g6 now and now not even rook to d1 but rather knight to e1 attacking this uh uh d3 pawn uh we have knight to g7 and now comes rook to e4 again uh a very tricky position the best move probably for white is to just advance the doubled uh f pawn and then we'll just prepare f5 especially since black is getting ready to play knight to e6 if he does this now then we can play f5 and well this is now really good for white for example knight to f4 we're gonna go after the h3 pawn but now we're just gonna play f captures on g6 and after h captures rook back to e3 regarding this regarding this twice so nowhere is there so this is something that nipple could have gone for but instead he played rook to e4 and now it's a little bit easier for for magnus to counter this idea and he finds it on the spot he plays f5 attacks the rook and you have to go back if you play something like rook to h4 to put pressure on this pawn you might even blunder your rook for example g5 attacks the rook and now what do you play here all of these squares are taken by by uh magnus's pawns so you're gonna have to capture here and then just king here and uh well you lose uh that rook because knight covers this pawn covers this real covers this and that's it you have to give up the rook and you're gonna lose this game so instead after f5 we have rook back to e3 and now comes knight to e6 the knight of course has to come to f4 there the knight will be a monster since nipple does not have a e pawn or a g pawn to kick it away from f4 and now uh here after knight to e6 we have knight to g2 uh and uh this is uh uh what uh what i said that uh uh anish geary mentioned in the live commentary that all of the moves that white made were uh aimed at countering black's ideas of course the rook is needed here to prevent rook captures and d3 the knight is needed here to prevent the knight this knife from coming to the f4 uh but now magnus shifts the attention over to the queen side and pushes the absolute strongest moving chess and that of course is pawn to b4 and now now you have you have some problems here you can't really react to this of course you you never want to capture if you capture then this is just terrible uh there's really no no no reason to do this you have four pawn islands you have two doubled pawns the this is just the bad so nipple of course finds the probably the best idea that is king to e2 you have to go help out with the king and now rook to b8 what magnus is now threatening is c b captures in c three b captures and then he wants to win his pawn back uh retaining a more active position uh we have king to d2 uh if you try and keep the pawn for example with rook to b1 that's just going to end very badly we're going to play a5 and now what do you do for example king to d2 we're going to play b captures and c3 b captures and a4 and now the rook on b1 is is a pretty big problem and the other lines really don't help so instead after rook to b8 we have king to d2 and now we have b captures b captures and rook captures on b3 and now with some threats of maybe rook to b2 check so we have to counter this king to c2 by nipple and now we have rook back to b7 the problem with doubling up on the b file is uh the knight on e6 nipple can just capture here and that's it yeah you're lost if you capture the rook where you're going to lose the rook on b3 and even rook b2 checking the c1 you don't have a good continuation here uh and you're just uh down down a knight so instead after king to c2 attacking the rook magnus goes back rook to b7 and now nipple plays h4 a very useful move not allowing magnus to just freely advance those pawns on the king side and maybe even later on you can you can undermine this pawn structure with a move like h5 and now what do you play here well this knight to d4 check move looks very interesting but it doesn't do all that much the problem is after knight to d4 check of course you're not going to capture this if you capture then it's just game over it's check you go here to defend the rook now even rook b2 check comes and after king d1 we can just play captures now if you capture with the knight then we can you know capture the pawn so uh or rather if you capture with the pawn we can capture the knight so you have to capture with the knight and it's just a very very bad you're down the exchange and your position is terrible so instead after knight the d4 check you would have to play king to d2 and then your position oh sorry after knight you would have to play king to d1 and then your position is you know just fine there's nothing to worry about the knight is just silly there and the knight has to go back so that's why it wasn't played magnet started with king to f7 and now comes rook e back to e1 now the king guards the pawns here and you don't need a rook on e3 as it's a very passive square for the rook king to f6 by magnus and now knight to e3 and now nipple wants to bring this knight to c4 and there it will be a powerful piece uh and now uh magnus here uh had to decide what to play uh knight to f4 seems like a very promising move uh as it's a it's a very active knife for example knight to c4 we're going to play rook to e7 now challenge the rook here and after this maybe okay knight back to e3 um asks what do you play here now this knight can't really move because knight d5 check with the win win the exchange here so we're gonna play rook to d6 and then uh keep the uh keep the position alive however in the game rook the d7 was played by magnus uh and uh also by playing rook to d7 they've reached move 40 so they've reached time control additional time was it was given to them they both now got an extra hour on the clock uh but nepo just played knight to c for here and this is a uh well a very annoying move because it's hard to it's hard to make progress here with black uh what do you play here that's the question the e5 square is very weak if knight to e5 is played then you're going to lose the exchange so you're going to have to play something like rook to d8 which is not a move that you want to play uh instead a magnus played rook to e7 but rook the e7 is basically an invitation to a draw and uh well nippo decided to to grab this um opportunity we have knight to e5 attacking the rook now you can't move the rook away from the sixth rank because of rook captures on a6 so rook to d6 was played knight to c for rook to c6 knight to e5 rook to d6 and knight to c4 and he was in this position on move 45 that magnus and ifo agreed to a draw as there is nothing more to be done here like i said uh it's uh you can't move the rook because this pawn falls and the white uh well white uh really does not have any any active play uh of his own to to go for in you know yeah instead of this repetition so uh what do you guys think about game one uh i think it was uh it was a fairly interesting uh you know at the end game not so much but but the beginning and the opening choice uh i did enjoy it's not as crazy as the one that uh crossing and caruana played in 2018 in london that lasted over seven hours and there's you know there were so many uh crazy moments where where i think magnus even had a win at some point but it was uh too uh too ambitious to to go for for such an idea uh but here uh the i think the finest moment of the of the game is this move 14 uh after bishop to d6 uh you know threatening all sorts of nasty ideas that nipple just played king to f1 and he said none of this works now my position is fine and you know the game just continues so magnus gave upon very early on in the game he got a fully operational bishop pair for it and then uh maybe maybe that one point where he uh could have uh played it a little bit better but you know it's it's hard to say because this is classical chess all of these uh lines have been uh thoroughly crunched by their teams by all the engines they're using and it's hard to say if you know it would mean all that much here instead of this king to f8 i just prepared this with the g6 and now knight to f5 is a pretty uh pretty nasty um move to face it it's hard to uh it's hard to counter this move after g6 it's uh uh white white doesn't really have a good reply to this at some point he he will have to give back the pawn but he will probably have to give back the pawn in in any lines like in the line that he played uh the the engine gives c4 as a very interesting move here that point being that if now you go knight to f5 we can play rook to e5 uh and now if rook captures on d3 then of course we can just capture this rook so that's uh or rather after rook captures on d3 we can just capture this rook so uh we can't play that but let's say king to g7 and now now the game continues so maybe maybe something maybe something in in those lines uh but yeah very very exciting i'm sure after the the first game their teams will have a lot to do and they will not go to sleep early as you know the position might repeat in game three where uh magnus will again have the black pieces nipple will again have the white pieces and they have to be ready for uh any and all improvements uh uh that are possible uh so yeah that's game one of the world chess championship 2021 hope you guys enjoyed that we're going to be covering all of the games so so stay tuned for that i would like to thank eduardo j pagwaga business coach academy please like and subscribe again supankar and david kimura for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot to really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the world cheers championship 2021 thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, carlsen vs ian, carlsen vs nepo, watcch world chess c hampionship, watch world chess championship
Id: 9pO8m4_KMeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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