Magnus Carlsen is Impressed by the Perfect Move But His Opponent Should See The Point

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okay let's go for uh another five minute game against yon 606 uh don't know who that is obviously so we're going to go e5 uh e45 and we're going to go for the old relopez trying trying to play relatively classical chess so far today at the very least and obviously here there are a lot of options for for black ranging from more aggressive with b5 or bishop c5 or knight e4 to more solid as as he plays with bish b7 rookie 1 b5 yeah these lines have been been discussed for um over a hundred years at the very least that's at the highest level now again number of options for for black here my favorite for many years was knight b8 um the knight bd7 the brayer system also bishop b7 and then rookie 8 the sightsef system is very popular as well as knight a to a5 the triggering system they all have um different advantages in drawbacks um yeah this one i'm not that sure about rookie eight there there is a line where you go knight d7 but i think you usually wait for knight b2 bd2 because here i get to develop the knight to c3 and i think that should be an advantage for for me usually yeah usually in the rear lopes you you develop the knight to to d2 that is mostly because you're not allowed to put the knight on c3 in in one go um g6 is very reasonable um preparing a possible bishop by fate and bishop g7 rerouting that bishop and also closing the diagonal of my bishop on c2 i think i may just take the chance though to go bishop h6 in one go and after bishop f8 um i do feel as though the weakened dark squares may become a serious serious issue for him so i'm gonna go queen d2 develop and now if um yeah if uh knight c4 there was queen h6 also i think after b4 there was knight d5 which should be favorable for me um now i do have a bit of a decision to make though e5 is tempting um because of the tactic d5 uh d5 bishop f3 i can take on f6 or queen d8 and then take on f6 with check taking the bishop later on f3 winning winning a full piece um the question is if he goes for something like knight h5 is that really favorable to me i don't know but it's it's kind of tempting so we'll we'll see probably d5 and then knight h5 is good now that i think about it yeah this was um uh yeah this was probably probably not not quite correct but at least he's um he set some some concrete uh challenges um wow knight d5 is actually a very nice move if and this is a big if if he sees the point so knight d5 would look like he's just winning a piece because the knight on a5 is hanging but he has this very nice intermediate move knight c4 attacking attacking my queen um after which he'll take back the knight later on and additionally he will um he will get a very nice outpost for the bishop on d5 as well as improving the knights on a5 which was on the edge so i'm not really sure if that is favorable for me at all i do have other options like b3 maybe um restricting the knight on a5 or also bishop to e4 um i think i'm gonna gonna play b3 um to um probably keep as as much tension as possible and try and induce induce a mistake here for instance now i think c5 which looks very logical may be a huge mistake because of knight e4 then if de5 i think knight c5 is good and if cd4 knight d6 is very good and his position will probably collapse so it turns out since he did not respond to this threat probably the moon knight d5 on the last move was more lucky than good sorry to say and now um [Music] he will have bishop f3 somewhat ruining my my king side but it is nowhere near enough and after after 95 now i can meet queen g5 very comfortably with bishop b4 and there are just no chances for him bish b6 is a decent move but now bishop e4 is quite unpleasant [Music] i'm going to win i think even more material either either one more pawn as in this instance with the c7 hanging and now d4 is not hanging because of queen takes f7 um or there were also in other lines the pawn a6 was hanging for instance if he moves his his rook and um now again i think we have the old mopping up job queen e7 looks decent now if rookie 8 if he keeps chasing i will go queen queen c5 offering a queen trade under i think quite favorable circumstances i as i would get a pass pawn and after he moves this queen i can just um yeah queen d4 is probably even better knight c6 was also nice um after queen g4 there should be a decisive sorry queen c7 there should be a decisive discovery check probably knight g4 it's reasonable this um now he may not be mated immediately because he has f6 but at the very least he loses his queen and others making one okay uh interesting interesting game there um i think my opponent's play was reasonable there um it was just one tactic that was missed with which lost him she lost him tonight
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 341,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen is surprised
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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