Magnus Carlsen Plays Against GustafssonGambit and He Likes His Opponent's Move to Save the Queen

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okay uh this is another classic mistake that i make in this banter blitz sessions is that i try to accept a username that i find somewhat amusing uh and this is gustafson gambit 1300 from bulgaria but what happens is that you i usually make this mistake that i see username that i i that i find amusing and then it turns out that i that i played them before and usually i try to mostly play people that i haven't played before in order to give as many uh a chance as possible to play in these um but there you go um it happens from it happens from time to time and at least my opponent gets the chance for a revenge because i could see um that i'd won the previous game surprisingly enough um not too much to say about the opening he's chosen uh somewhat rare line here with um uh with with the queen takes d4 instead of knight xt4 which is reasonable i think you're not gonna you're not gonna get an advantage as white but i don't think you're gonna be be worse either just gonna have a pretty uh normal game i think bishop d2 was a little bit careful uh careless though um since i do get knight g4 attacking the queen this is why in these lines you very often go h3 as soon as possible just to cover cover the square on g5 so sorry on g4 so you never have to worry about that particular jump and finally after knight g4 queen d3 knight b4 would have actually trapped his queen in the middle of the board uh but after queen g5 which is the best move he does have the square on h4 so he's he's as well as f4 so he's pretty pretty safe but now i do get a double attack on f2 and also b2 which hopefully will pay some sort of sort of dividends um queen b2 rook b1 then if queens d2 rook c1 my queen is i think quite certainly just just trapped i don't think there are any any tricks there but i can go queen queen a3 after rook b1 then there's rook b7 bishop c3 rook d7 knight f6 well i do have bishop h6 though okay i'll go for that looks looks a lot better actually he does have the option of going knight d5 now and if bishop g5 knight b6 bishop d2 there's knight d7 i think he comes out on top there [Music] um yeah after queen d5 i should probably try and win another another tempo with the knight of six truth be told after queen b6 this whole operation didn't didn't i think achieved much most probably so um yeah um quinn d3 now i spoke about earlier that night before traps the queen after queen d3 now it doesn't trap the queen but it does leave him in a world of trouble um queen d4 is the only decent square for the queen and then queen takes d4 knight takes d4 and the bishman d2 will hang leaving me with an extra bishop and uh knight a4 is ingenious probably the best try there was bishop e3 in order not to lose immediately even there after knight d3 bishop b6 knight takes b2 um i would have at least won a couple of pawns um [Music] as some strange lines they're going like bishop a5 b6 bishop eight bishop b4 a5 bishop a3 rook takes c3 bishop xb2 rook takes c2 then bishop takes f6 he may not have lost a piece there but i think he was still losing a couple of puns uh here uh however he does save his queen but um but um yeah full pieces is lost through queen a3 it's just important that i i trade on on d2 first um now of queen a4 i just moved the bishop back and i'm i'm a clear clear knight up here after knight c2 there are a number of options uh sorry knight d2 knight c2 queen a4 um [Music] qui rook uh sorry knight a1 rook a1 queen b2 r281 doesn't seem to win on the spot so i'll just grab the pawn with the bishop instead knight c4 i think can be met very easily with queen c5 everything's everything's well protected and um yeah from from here on on it should be rarely fairly simple uh grabbing another pawn but i wouldn't say queen c3 was a mistake because that pawn could not be protected anyway let's just go d5 now winning yet another pawn he has to move the knight i will trade queens and then and then uh grab another pawn actually as a matter of fact after 95 i might have gone might have gotten queen d6 and queen g3 rook c2 winning a pawn that way a3 think i'm gonna go knight c2 again attacking the rook a1 as well as um still threatening the knight in c4 um yeah c4 this doesn't really help i just move the queen rook c1 is probably best but then um here i just take the take the rook no need to no need to make it any more difficult than it is um 94 is also coming here and that's going to be a rook and three pawns up and this is uh we're getting into now now you resign kind of territory the clock situation also not helping queen b6 setting up a possible smothered mate and here after um is there any immediate win here i don't know we'll just go queen f6 attacking the rook and i won um yeah quincy for this move loses so so many pieces it's hard to even count them but there there was nothing there for him anyway so again doesn't make a whole lot of a lot of difference we'll give a check he's gonna lose some time okay
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 119,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen
Id: sVlG0I9WGN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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