Magnus Carlsen Says "COME ON! I'm NOT Gonna Accept Draw!" Eventhough He Has Worse Position

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and often that can be uh you can gain some squared from losing that pawn but when you lose one of the hanging pawns often your opponent is the one who gains a lot of squares so it's always an interesting discussion there um yeah 25 55 um no nationality or name uh interesting to see uh go gonna go for an old favorite of mine here the the the banker gambit which i think has kind of um faded away a little bit um it's um it's not a as popular as it was and the way people usually play it is without taking an a6 there um and allowing a4 and then going queen a5 later on followed by bishop takes a6 um i think both ways of playing are okay but um when playing this opening you got to be aware that what is usually going to be better [Music] it's just a question of um whether you can sort of complicate the game and get a playable position rook b1 this is the old main line for um for white and i have to say my opponent is playing it quite uh correctly uh playing rook b1 and uh bishop d2 is um is the correct move order there and uh it usually leads to some some white advantage um yeah so here i can go knight g4 which is typical in 98 but now a4 may happen then it's been a long time since i played these lines um so i don't really know what to do uh i think i played this move queen a3 though before and uh sort of um yeah obviously i'm not going to repeat moves that's one of the points that uh white sometimes has to make some kind of concessions in order to get out of that repetition um yeah we'll go knight c7 for the moment i'm not worried about the pin uh to my my queen uh now i'm a little bit more worried um because an ip5 not that worried though the question here though is how am i creating counterplay it's not it's not obvious um uh where is my counterplay and my mind okay we'll no probably we won't okay let's um bite in the sour grass as we say norwegian and move the queen away um probably queen a7 could happen next i gotta i probably gotta play c4 at some point the good thing about my position though is while i am upon down and there's no very obvious compensation for it my structure is very solid like the only weak point in my structure is potentially upon an e7 while d5 could be a little bit weak for white b3 could be a little bit weak and if you move the pawn to e4 which is very logical protecting the pawn on d5 then there could some could be some fairly weak squares uh behind it especially d3 and the pawn on e4 could come under attack as as well so that is one of the points of playing this opening that you do get some um some long-term structural compensation for for the pawn you're down so you shouldn't really panic if you cannot find immediate compensation and most of all you should not listen to the computer because the computer will always tell you that white has a huge advantage which could very well be true um but it also um um it's it's a little bit demoralizing i think when you're trying to play this opening bishop g5 is a bit surprising because i can now i can now win a pawn with bishop take c3 followed by bishop takes e2 question is do i want it then rookie 1 knight takes d5 queen d2 my knight looks look a little bit exposed um probably i don't want to do that it's it's also a common theme here whether actually taking an e seventh is a threat i believe it may not be uh bishop b7 i got rook e8 a5 deflecting the queen i got queen takes a5 and the knight in c3 is hanging if his bishop moves away to uh to h4 uh then g5 would trap the bishop so ian in the end he decides that there's nothing in particular to be um to begin there okay let me go queen before i assume bishop d2 is going to happen that i may go c4 it looks risky um but i may get away with it if bc4 queen c4 let's just think about this for for a sec if bc4 queen c4 rook b7 bishop b7 um i think i think i'm happy um knight c5 is coming next don't think he can trap my queen with the e4 bishop f1 because i couldn't beat three there later on knight b5 is interesting um then cb3 rook b3 queen a4 seem to be doing well okay i don't have time for this obviously um and if knight b5 cb3 queen c7 i got queen a4 knight c3 pack i take on c7 and then i'll take an e2 some very complicated lines here um queen c6 as well didn't think this was dangerous queen a4 knight sees seven might be very good for white but i don't immediately see what's wrong with queen c5 here now i see what's wrong now i do see what's wrong there's rook c1 and i was thinking bishop takes b5 and i'm completely fine but the rook and on uh yeah the rook on the square called uh b7 will be hanging then so that could mean that i'm in a world of trouble then after rook c1 um okay so i think this means that i have to turn to plan b which is to to try and hustle him in one way or another meaning either to fly him or to somehow track him and uh a church of rio that's the name took some time for me to oh that is so tricky that is so nasty what he did here yeah it's really nasty because you can take on b7 now okay i still have a hope though it's not it's not that lost at all rook takes b3 i take an e2 i should have excellent drawing chances uh knight f3 though yeah i'm not gonna accept a draw come on have you seen me play before i don't accept like seth draws in worse positions either i'm going to get flagged or i'm going to flag you okay let's just exchange those make some quick moves and then it's going to be a flagorama flagorama sorry dude those are the rules don't hate the player hate the game actually i i am the player and i am the rules i i do make the rules so i am both the players i am why can't i speak i am both the player and the game so you can hit both obviously okay
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 188,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen blitz, magnus carlsen chess, world chess champion plays chess
Id: MM1btbr9b7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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