Carlsen's opponent kept making threats after every move and Carlsen don't know what he is doing

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please potentially get a plus score oh yeah yay oh i shouldn't probably shouldn't spend my first moves drinking b6 t5 i'll take it like i'm losing some tempe but the structure is in general good for black so i'm not too worried okay he's going to go a45 does he have some kind of trick she does have some kind of trick since i never exchanged on g2 he does have he does have knight c4 bishop b7 ip5 like why can i not see this why can i not see this okay okay i mean even after all my complaining i still got a good position like 94 it looks fine but it's got c3 annoying okay rook d8 i think is probably more useful then a b a b c three knight c6 and we'll see what happens f5 are there any tricks me don't think so there are tricks why can't i see this why can i not see this please tell me i like have to spend a bunch of time [Music] oh wait a sec no fed okay oh they're still f stay for and i'm lost i'm really upset really upset there should be no chances here oh there's that check as well okay i resign okay i'm just i don't know what i'm doing i really don't know what i'm doing really really don't know like why could i not even like castle in the last game just at some point castle it's a very very very good idea it's been done ever since they introduced the rule in western chess and you should do it it's it's highly recommended it is highly recommended knight a5 yeah as i said earlier like this guy really loves to put his pieces on some some weird squares so h4 i go with g4 and i don't think these socks are really that dangerous like computers usually love these sex and dispositions but um i don't know do okay g5 f4 because c6 such a weird position no that doesn't even threaten anything come on you're better than that stop blundering okay at least i'm going for this pawn and h4 i didn't actually realize that knight c4 threatens knight e3 that is a bit of a bummer that is a serious fork in the road i think i should take on c6 at the release at some point and then go with the knight to e4 but uh okay now i got rook f2 protecting the second rank and um hopefully bishop c3 or something along that those lines will be good soon i'm up on time for once that's at least one thing to be to be happy about i don't even know if happy but like less dissatisfied okay so position has been liquidated a bunch he blended they blended this one though one c6 what did i take with the queen like was there one reason to take with the queen i'll give you the answer there wasn't there was no reason what like why when i take the night it was probably not that big a deal but i feel i feel cheated i thought i was winning i feel cheated upon learning that my position is far from winning now it's not even better but now i'm down on time suicide i don't know threatening something rook d3 same policy hopefully threatening something can i take this pawn i guess i can you shouldn't have allowed this knight e5 eg4 i'm officially getting close probably not close enough though yeah not close enough okay no i'm not gonna play this guy anymore i just it's okay it's okay he is just better than i am right now it's massively sad but it's true like i can't even beat that guy so i'm gonna play somebody else okay there we go like in the normal rural office i should be doing okay shouldn't i what line is he playing is he playing oh he's playing the sugar in yeah that's that's true let's play like crown nick and then i guess you go d5 right okay that was a bit of an ambitious pre-move this guy's of course ridiculously fast so playing sort of a close position is closed position is probably the worst thing that i can do okay i'll go a5 and then i'll go g4 should be good for me position is obviously extremely close which is which is about a bit dull but still i think my my position is quite a bit better okay so he wants to activate the dark squared bishop i'm not sure he's going to be allowed okay i'm getting off that piece any day i feel like i just got a completely decisive attack here and his knight on b7 is not it's not participating okay so the idea is queen g4 bishop h6 another way to avoid mate but then i got queen h4 he has to go bishop g7 i take a g7 take take root g1 that's it okay that's it okay that was easy okay he's really gonna play like this huh okay now i'm just gonna play simple chess whatever whatever i had this position a million times against this guy before of course why he just i'm playing it as well i don't know because i don't think it's very promising b5 looks good okay i was just gonna go b4 i know they can take and then go a3 which he doesn't still i felt like that was good for me now i'm just better because i have a better pawn structure and yeah rookie five i think it's just not gonna work rook c6 i guess takes doesn't improve his situation a whole lot rook c8 is common and position looks very very good for me footage could go bishop eight three the night nights and nights okay queen c7 i'm giving up b4 but i'm getting c2 generally speaking that should be a very good trade-off okay speaking of trade-offs i'm gonna trade queens as well if he wants to of course which he doesn't he never wants to exchange queens so i'm going to go queen b5 try and insist and now i'm going to go with the queen to b6 which is which is the square i really wanted and it's an excellent square because it attacks both b2 and d4 okay bishop c4 rp8 queen b4 v5 rp3 coming gaining more and more ground okay so now he finally sort of admits defeat okay there is okay there's g5 and takes takes this knight is either going to be trapped on e1 after or sorry the knight is not trapped it's going to g1 but knight e2 i got knight g4 and that's pretty much game over uh what's the cleanest way okay i'll just do this go with the knight to e3 rook b3 winning that pawn okay that's going to be resigns winning a third pawn very very clean positional game there okay now he's done with uh with uh the sort of classical openings already and he's just gonna he's just gonna go for blood okay i'll just go h3 [Music] now maybe this is clever okay let me just take i i need these sort of clear positions bishop c4 yeah you can do this and i'm only a little bit better there we go knight goes to d2 should be good on c4 eventually okay yeah let me just be very safe and go c3 not to allow knight to d4 and it's not much but my bishop is a little bit better than his and b6 is not a move you would want to play normally so he's going rp8 but i feel like i'm just getting getting this for free and i'm just considerably better c5 i don't think that makes it better for him to be honest i'll take bishop b5 knight c4 knight b6 bishop e4 there is knight d7 [Music] i have a feeling that was missed that's what it is knight d7 looks good f3 don't even want this bishop to go to f4 oh sorry to be for now threatening 95 i'm threatening bishop c4 i'm just threatening chess at this point i can just take an e5 okay there we go yeah oh b3 good stuff good stuff so i'm now playing a london as black which which should be okay i'll go with knight e4 never allowing e4 he seems to be very sure of what he's doing i'm not really sure why because i think i have a good position f6 takes it i'm just better [Music] c7 threatening queen d6 probably got to go f4 at some point or or indeed bishop a3 f3 now take it quin f3 i don't like let me go bishop c2 maybe that's just being hyper accurate but for no reason but i feel like this bishop d3 now and then e5 i think his pieces are quite badly misplaced actually and besides um besides i mean i'm just i have the two bishops i have not a single weakness in my position so there is every reason to be quite thrilled b4 because why the hell not takes bishop h2 hmm let me go just return the bishop i'm hinting at queen c7 always queen c7 now i think rook f2 i think we should do no that doesn't win oh that would have been super ugly okay let's just remove the bishop then rookie three winning a pawn what's the queen of four wins a pretty fat pawn now we've got we're coming to a1 that should be pretty much over rookie two i got bishop d3 there's there are even made threats on f1 there okay he's fighting well he is fighting well 96 is the point or he's going to go on e6 now but i got bishop f7 and then i got rook b2 oh he's got 98 it's a bit annoying let's play it safe then nothing is gonna stop me from gobbling up a couple of pawns here rook c3 now oh i plundered i blundered he could have gone bishop c5 okay he had to take with the rock but still it was lost now it's just completely over he wants to rematch yeah let's go okay what's the story here no not queen e2 what am i thinking about h3 then queen e2 this makes zero sense or does it make a little sense oops 95 a castle and i'm pretty happy happy 94 i think you can just take rookie one is not achieving anything is the volume too low i can just shout you know oh you just shout if you want oh bishop e6 i think that's sort of thematic but i don't think it's that i don't think it's that great okay b3 just gonna play the ending and be happy very happy three indicating a so-called tempo c4 asking this knight where are you gonna go okay rookie one over protection playing according to nimzovich and now i get knight to d4 and that's going to be bad news because i win a free pawn and is my night trapped it is not it is not even close to being trapped the night is alive and well and i'm winning an exchange i'm winning an exchange and i'll take the exchange and i'll play another game good stuff good stuff sky doesn't play a lot of theory so let's see what he does again okay he's just gonna go d3 then i think it was a good opening choice okay what are the plans here i'll go h6 probably i'll put the bishop on e6 after this i go g6 normally like somebody is asking me like stop playing this guy's obviously tilted af like i i don't understand that like if he's tilted shouldn't i shouldn't i play him in order to [Music] uh in order to like beat him a bunch of times i mean i think that's like that's what i obviously should do okay finally i guess i'm bringing this knife back into play like i feel like this structure is good for me but okay i'm gonna go queen e7 first taking back what i said oh crush his soul yes i like that soul crushing is one of my favorite hobbies
Views: 148,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carlsen, chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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