Magnus Carlsen Almost Blunders d5 and He Warns Himself "I should be careful!"

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okay let's go ahead with uh with another three-minute game against lady from austria okay no more anglo-scandinavian go for a symmetrical english instead of all things uh yeah lots of decent setups here which one should i choose okay let's go for let's go for the modern line bishop f5 the idea here is um you want to provoke e4 and then you go bishop g4 and you're pretty happy with um the weakness that has been created on on d4 and otherwise you go for bishop um like queen d7 and bishop h3 trying to leave yourself with um uh with the fianchetto bishop against a non-fiance bishop um maybe d5 or bishop xa3 h3 followed by d5 was interesting from there knight d5 since a bit a bit soft i don't really know what the plan was there um going h5 intending to go h4 possibly um but als also i just think um h5 h4 could be a good inclusion for me now i don't know exactly why it was just that my intuition told me that why intuition why did you tell me that the intuition doesn't know okay well will develop normally d5 i think now is logical um i may go knight a5 then 4xb5 also 95. either way i'm doing fine but probably not more than that if given the chance here i may take on d4 and then go d5 or actually after p3 now i can go d5 immediately because of the pin on um on his rook there was no reason to to shy away from that 95 is an option here for him now but i think i'll take an e5 then go rook fd8 not really worried about the lack of a fiance bishop there um and uh oh i should be a bit careful rook d1 8 would be a positional blunder now because of um because of the um yeah because this possibility of of going for uh for d5 immediately um now i'm not so worried about d5 though because i have vision takes b2 followed by by knight f and knight f5 uh rook c1 is a good move once again preparing d5 in general my opponent is playing very well here and very solidly so it's not going to be easy to win this okay i'll go uh which one okay i'll go b6 just to um prepare knight a5 and um [Music] yeah to give it a stable square there once again i think he should have gotten d5 there first we need to trade him d2 pull by knight a5 because then he can jump with the knight to e5 as well i think in that case he would have been doing fairly well but now i think i'm the one who is somewhat better and queen a4 is really really annoying to me because i'm attacking both a2 and c4 and in case it goes c5 which is the most logical move in my opinion then i'll take an a2 and my queen will find a very nice home on d5 later on consolidating everything so i think my opponent is basically losing a pawn here and this is probably even worse though because the thing about when you're playing with so-called hanging pawns um which is usually pawns on the dnc file um nice little tactic here by the way uh knight e3 coming up with uh with a fork and then rook takes c2 the thing about these hanging pawns is that they're very strong together because they control a lot of squares but once you lose one of them all of the squares around that pawn become very weak so it very often happens that when you lose one of the so-called hanging pawns um you you're gonna lose both and that is why sometimes it's good to have hanging pawns rather than an isolated pawn um because um because you control more squares and that is often a choice you get between hanging pawns and an isolated pawn but also um it means that um with an isolated pawn you only have one pawn to lose in the center and often that can be uh you can gain some squares from losing that pawn but when you lose one of the hanging pawns often your opponent is the one who gains uh a lot of squares so it's always an interesting discussion there
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 51,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen banter blitz, magnus carlsen chess, magnus carlsen blitz
Id: AQocslMF8l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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