"I'm Sure He Has Good Preparation Here, I'm Just Curious" | Magnus Carlsen vs Anish Giri

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okay yeah let's play something else the old london oh he goes bishop five that's it that's interesting i'm sure he has good prep here i'm just curious generally you take him b1 here just curious to see what he's gonna do so the whole point of taking b1 is that you prevent your opponent from castling which is obviously a pretty nice achievement people are night now they're good night t5 here i guess not whatever i don't know what to do doing here so i'll play by few so he's gonna win uh he's gonna win the piece back clearly but my hope is that i will have some structural advantage and that my king can eventually escape from the center and frankly at the moment my king doesn't look very threatened now i talked to him and he's not threatened so what can i say so my intention is if let's say knight d5 or something then my intention was basically to yeah just to go bishop g2 let him take on f4 with whatever piece go brooks t1 pick up the pawn and just claim to have some structural advantage and i don't see any reason why that wouldn't be true now as well although this maneuver rook to b6 does bother me a bit he's quite good at finding these defensive resources okay i don't have anything else i'll have to take oregon's 95 immediately maybe that's even better you are just nothing it would be quite an unfortunate development okay let me try which before protecting the rook and on um on b1 and clearly i i want him to capture on f4 because i don't want to take on d6 and improve his spawn structure i think he will go rook b6 okay h4 h6 i go h4 he wanted g5 to force my uh my bishop to to make a decision there it's really not easy to find a good way to to defend against rook b8 because what i would love to do is king d2 to c2 but then um then he would go with um [Music] he would say take on a3 and that thing is not actually protected okay let me let me just for a second make sure that i don't blunder king c1 is rook b2 possible root b2 uh bishop a3 rook c2 knight c3 let me see their especially takes c6 though yeah okay doesn't work for him i'm still not sure what to do next maybe you can go rook b3 and if i go bishop c2 which is the logical response um then yeah then he would probably just take a b2 rugby to bishop a3 and i don't have a rook c2 anymore yeah rick p3 is good maybe i broke a4 though there's knight b6 followed by knight c4 okay not condensed if now of course rook um rook 8 to b5 would be a huge mistake because of bishop c2 tracking the rook so he does have some questions to answer here but i believe there should be some solution for him but probably rook f4 was underestimated or missed by him and he's spending a lot of time clearly doesn't know what to do just good i don't see what he should do either okay he goes back bishop d3 okay this is pretty clever bishop c4 there's a rook c3 check and then there's then you can take an a3 so what if i take a d6 first and what i'll do is i'll go bishop c2 and then i'll take on d6 and then bishop d3 that seems seems to be good i think i'm winning a5 b3 now oh damn it he's still okay i can just take on d5 first sure he does have some kind of play though i think i'll just have to go for it cd5 then he doubles his rocks but i don't think it's it's quite sufficient go b4 okay tries to run okay i'm short time seriously sure time i think this should be very good roxy 7 now and then i push okay yeah this is not a perpetual rookie two okay two let's just make sure i don't blend or anything protect against mate and he lost some time okay that was uh a bit nervy at the end but i think overall uh i calculated things decently well at least better than than he he did
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 168,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen banter, magnus carlsen banter blitz, carlsen banter blitz, magnus banter blitz, magnus carlsen chess, magnus carlsen chess games, magnus carlsen play chess, magnus carlsen chess channel, anish giri, anish giri stream, anish giri chess, anish giri banter, anish giri channel
Id: _UP5eXvb948
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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