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The rules are a card is drawn and each card represents a piece

[2=a pawn, 3= b pawn, 4=c,5=d,6=e,7=f,8=g.9=h,10=knight, J= bishop, Q=queen, K=king, A=rook].

The player has to make a move with the piece for which card pops up. A card is redrawn if there are no legal moves. If the king is under check, the player gets 5 draws to get a card which protects it from check and if it doesn't happen the player loses the game.

They played two games, one starting at 43:15 and another one starting at 49:00.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/abhinav_4 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

It was a fun stream but I think prefer dice chess over card.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Level-Entertainer358 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

What's next? Darts chess?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

One obvious thing to point out here is that it was carlsen who proposed to play this format. He is known as self-proclaimed inventor of this Card Chess format and he mentioned last time in the tweet that he would love to play this format on stream!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PuchookPuchook 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] criminal [Music] why later yeah because uh i got a message from magnus manager that magnum might be sleeping i'm like oh man 10 000 people are waiting they're going to kill me but welcome oh guess who we have here also uh by the way uh please meet abhishek upman who is one of india's top comedians yeah there's no rating system in comedy so you can say whatever you want and we have one of india's best chess players also with the gujarati welcome welcome welcome hi samaya hi abhishek hi my name is hey you said hi to me first thank you that shows [Laughter] yeah so i have to give that to you magnus seems focused on something else though yeah i think mine is playing a game now i'm focused on uh i'm focused on the stream oh yeah i'm just i'm just i'm focused on the chess part that's gonna come and i'm sort of zoning out on the whole greeting party oh okay okay but i'm gonna be fine you're gonna be fine all right uh i i did see that you're watching football while playing the saint louis so i'm not sure sure about that you know i think there might be a match going on it's a little bit early in the day all right just did you just wake up magnus be honest uh oh but guys can we please like the chat we have the world champion with us we have uh three amazing players of chess with us and magnus carlsen and what a great panel we have today and we are going to play guys we are going to play some fun variants of chess hand and brain obviously and we are also going to play the very special card chess which magnus will teach us we have a deck of cards ready but we don't know how to play so let me introduce uh to everybody who's just watching abu sayyak umanu obviously uh the indian fans know he has been one of the most uh you know what force for us promoting chess in india in the initial days he used to come on our stream and he's a very popular guy he has millions of followers so he used to get the audience so thank you so much abhishek you know uh abhishek i and some comedians we had a group when we had started the streaming chess we had a group it was called uh road to magnus yeah and we never thought one day we would be chilling with you and you'll be on stream so this is literally a dream come true like literally yeah i'm honored yeah and we were discussing that it took like six months for us to reach our dream like we should really increase the standards of our dream started this month only in six months we achieved this video yeah uh guys can you hear me well is the audio proper at least i can hear you will awesome uh guys in the chat can you hear me well if you can then let me know and uh guys welcome welcome everybody that's the father but like and with gujarati how are you i'm doing great i have to stop promoting your black lotus in every stream of mine this is this brand that you're promoting which uh guys which reminds me uh chess 24 is doing a simul with hari krishna and with vishyana you can sign up you can register for it the link is in description you can take part i'm also going to take part and i'm going to be destroyed by the way magnus since last time we met i i was 1400 back then today i am 1570 and uh today i am going to be facing you and abhishek umanya with with it so i think i might have some decent chances of beating your team today with it you're in my team all right so we take handicap already yeah okay 1400 to 1570 sounds like random fluctuations [Laughter] but so i i'm not an expert uh guys uh in the chat video will be joining us for the second part of the stream where we'll be playing karchers so for the first round we are going to be playing hand and brain where magnus will be the brain of abhishek up menu gujarati will be the brain of me samarana and by the way magnus uh abhishek was 1800 rated in his prime right yeah eight years ago 10 years ago now i'm now i lost three games to summa just today that's how bad i am now but you're close yeah i mean many games you played but sure we played three three any i won i lost all three and see i don't make mistakes i exclusively blunder so i just want to let you know that i don't make positional mistakes i i hang a queen so that's you should just keep in mind okay yeah i'll keep that in in mind and try and keep it as positional as possible yeah all right guys so let's begin quickly uh abhishek i am sending you a challenge on chess 24 i have sent you a challenge can you see it chad what he's saying it's really a big deal because he wears this uh shirt or whatever it's called only on his lucky days he voted for like olympiad final and now so you can sense how big it is for him it is the biggest day it is the biggest thing yeah i accepted the challenge awesome uh i am sending you the link to spectate the match in the zoom chat can you see it all right so uh we are with the white pieces with it we have to defeat magnus and that doesn't open for me that link wait one second but i mean i don't see the link where should i you can't see the link what can you see yeah yeah now it opened yeah second time it worked awesome okay so we are right so a hand and brain right yeah it's not standard okay i know what you want to play so i'll say pawn no no no not that oh what how can i make a mistake in the first move itself because i know what you want to do on the next move okay palm yes come on please please yes i prepared this you sure you sure yes okay please one thank you this one is on you if something goes wrong it's on you okay pawn there are so many good choices you can't go wrong yeah nice night do you know this opening like this i've seen it before i'm just okay so we're heading we want a positional struggle right i'm gonna speak i'm gonna say pawn oh oh oh those two this is the kings beauty it's a good move it's just uh yeah it's a it's a good move it's not a bad move now i'm confused as well what somebody wants to do here it literally i i think it literally could be four different moves that he wants there um bishop okay let's go safe let's go safe why don't save man just attack okay bishop fine i mean i can attack but we have to also be take measured responses okay uh pawn on again come on please do what i want you to do abhishek is playing after two months and you put him under king's game with the writer and you know this this uh in that conversation between used to i know what you want to play what is this me and magnus don't know anything about each other uh so i hadn't expected you to go g5 that's that's for sure um but now that you've gone g5 it isn't so easy to play safe so i don't know oh man [Music] chad do you mind if i keep the time here oh yeah we don't see the white thing oh we see it yeah now you see it yeah guys we have 22 thousand people watching but i would like the stream so we reach what is this opening this has been known since practically since chess was invented oh wow way to make him feel better [Laughter] i beg you think think beautiful think romantic do not think material i know what you want come on let's go for it are you two dating i know what you want uh king yes he is literally prepared for the stream yes yes okay i mean this is collusion to some extent i would say but um they're giving us stuff so i'm gonna say pawn this is what collusion yeah i mean you're you you are uh clearly hinting so oh yeah okay queen nice no i expected because from its excitement it was obvious that you wanted to play castle not 95. i think it's called museo gambit or something like that no yeah it's the museo gambit uh i don't know the name but i know that it exists okay pawn again i literally prepared this line i haven't okay okay what is this um abhishek is so nervous right now i don't i have no i think what is king's camp but when you need to start playing kings rambling oh man you know today i played three games with him i did not play this opening um okay maybe we should be straightforward i feel like why to complicate things unnecessarily hey you are my team no bro yeah so i'm saying straightforward so i'm saying uh queen straight forward you mean straight i don't know i'm not renting anything i'm not hinting anything i was just talking to myself just play what you want to play i said queen yeah usually usually they play d4 and bishop f4 but i feel okay we can just go for it magnus's expression after d6 was epic though oh man he woke up [Laughter] this could be ugly could be this is not what i i woke up for [Laughter] let's just say that okay fun one yes come on what one move is left now oh should i trust someone yes please bro i'm a modern mikhail let's go i mean you know you shouldn't um okay [Music] i need to there was zero confidence in your world in in your voice that's true okay queen queen bro never move the same piece twice in the opening with it yeah you've already moved the queen [Laughter] you know go for the basics like what the opening is move which comes to your mind with the queen okay all what we have learned in the past six months it's time to apply wow wow this is putting a lot of pressure yeah okay just play whatever you want to is this fine it's okay it's not enough it's not bad but the thing i know abhishek will not find what you want to do man i think you are all underestimating abhishek he'll come up with a brilliancy magnus he said he said already oh you said queen yeah yeah i think that helps us queen helps us wait wait queen queen is the right choice for sure it's uh it's there are only two moves that's good one two they say more the less is more nowadays there's only one more noise i love this opening you know i love this aggressive opening yes very safe okay so um night okay i think this is how it's done yeah if you had played knight e3 i would have left the stream okay bishop bishop bishop really i i have very little confidence in this move but i have even less confidence in other moves so yes so solid okay this is interesting you have a couple of options i predict that in about five moves we're just gonna be a piece up with what um all right so okay semi yes let's play a knight one second ah you can't mess this one up right right yeah yes okay i see one tactic magnus is happy after i said night which is confusing me you you've never seen me play poker okay bishop okay pawn pawn pawn are you sure okay i mean if i take with the bishop he just completes his development do you see what i see with it yeah i also see that oh no um has to be queen no yeah let's go quinn because oh man you wanted to you can you can play queen and i'm just trying to the pin but where do i put the queen okay with it are you proud of me so far yes can't guarantee though yeah it's a good move actually hmm [Music] okay now the pressure is on me how should i continue it's really not easy i see a move it's probably not a good one though yes oh man no suddenly pressure is on yeah that's not meant in bad ways i it's just basic probability did you think i'm thinking i'm thinking what's the best way i can convey the move to you oh there is a very nice move but will you find it i will find it bro i am 1570 um okay we go all in right yeah we spare nothing okay let's go bishop but it's probably too much to ask for yeah that's why okay bishop see only one bishop can know that's in my favor yes i can see five legal moves right that's way too much yeah but only uh okay few make sense guys i think i found it yeah i found it oh now i'm proud c6 i take you take with knight then it's like nothing happened nothing happened okay king yes oh king interesting magnus is playing very safe yeah he's not playing the pieces he's playing the opponents thinking kinking i can place it there what he can do but i can't believe someone found bishop v2 come on man i'm 1570. so basically they put the bishop on a light square so we should in general put the king on the dark square if we can oh yeah but like if you're making a choice between king d7 or or king d8 or then okay team da to say for okay but well done okay sama yeah uh bishop okay oh this is simple nice nice nice okay queen obviously sagashi is in the chat thank you sanchez saying it's proud of me for this movie should i do it should i do it that's what i'm thinking nice thank you abhishek why this is what i wanted youtube oh man safety you know safety above all this doesn't look like safety to me but we're gonna we're couple of options right now and i'm very tempted by all of them yeah i think you know you don't get chance for uh to go for glory every day yeah i think you should taste we should go for glory you should go for glory yes exactly what i mean say the peace and believe in me bro okay famous last words rook rook okay i'm scared but uh come on tell me it's the correct move no what world is that going for it going forward we look into f6 yeah rookie yeah oh i would have definitely taken with the knight i don't know whether that pin would have probably seen it [Laughter] and here what does that belong on open file oh very good very good it doesn't yeah but it's okay sacrificing yourself we still have good good pieces yeah yeah we still are winning you're doing well you're doing very well don't worry it's a great match so far it's a pretty difficult choice um [Laughter] night oh wow really i thought you'll say bishop i just was not crazy then i changed my mind okay oh i know what you want to do okay um somewhere yeah you got this yeah i got this uh bishop bishop yes this is not gonna be close no he'll find it i know i know because one bishop can't even move yeah yeah nice nice okay uh sagar very very very good um queen okay this one if you find the move i want i want you to play uh i will forever be grateful i will no pressure no pressure just 35 000 people watching because this is not an easy move take your time take your time take seven minutes he's so worried about she's so worried guys we are going to defeat the world champion so what i'm gonna tell you is that there are there is one move that's okay and there's one move that's that's pretty good the res the rest are really really really really really really bad once again no pressure oh i know i know what the magnus wants to do now i got it now i know what magnus wants to do okay that's not gonna happen that's not gonna happen [Laughter] yeah i i'm i'm thinking b5 because of the shipping to b7 okay we got sorry about all that we got to play at some point oh yeah okay i know what magnet magnus you wanted a5 right yeah yeah that was too much normal and the thing about putting the queen on a5 is that bishop b7 doesn't work because we have a chicken b queen queen somewhere yeah yeah oh and also when we put the queen on a5 uh they cannot move the d-pawn so easily later on because no but it was tough for bishop you know even i did not instantly get what magnus wanted wanted to say but when he said that there is only one move which is really good then i thought okay this is what he wants someone said queen right yes we're still fine we're still fine yeah yeah this one this one you can't mess up okay somewhere yeah you got this i'm scared but i got this you got this okay this has been a good game so far i have to say king's gambit always a fan yes okay should i go for it go for it bro i got you um but okay i'll not i'll not come on man don't say that um okay let's just move on okay uh let's see it's a good game so yeah indeed good game so far i thought after the opening will win easily but the defense kicked in not sure where but i'm thinking no just play what you want to play okay okay it's fine it's fine knight yes pawn on d4 would have been better queen queen we're taking over queen yeah that's why i wanted pawn on d4 which would have been a better square but it's fine are we up material no queen we are not that we are peace down oh no we only have attack you play the kings gambit yeah that's why we should play catalan you know queen where you want um it's fine it's fine it's not bro it's fine it's fine we'll win we'll win we got this their king is weak so we'll win is this a problem but oh night night night night oh it's fine it's fine okay queen queen hmm okay this is a free pawn let me think no it's not a very fun rumor if it takes okay i saw it i saw it i saw it i saw it i saw it bro hmm okay okay bishop you trust yeah magnus yeah i'm trusting i'm trusting i've got i've gotten such a good response so far okay [Laughter] come on we don't have time um and we don't have a position also but it's fine um okay okay okay okay we'll do one great move yeah fast fast secure skinking king king yeah yeah okay i mean get out of all the problems there is a knight yes you don't get to be surprised at my queens i'm getting pretty surprised at yours okay that was a terrible choice yeah choices yeah yeah yeah yeah queen but if you chose [Music] oh man oh can you see what the charge is saying what chat is saying i can i can sense your heartbeat my heartbeat is off the roof uh i also can't see the chat by the way it stopped yes that's good that's good um okay um okay okay okay okay no i have to think for you as well right no no i i i know i know things we don't exchange queen come on no but we vd always exchanges queens fast we don't have time wait we have three minutes chill we don't i don't have time you okay you don't want to exchange queens really yeah up to you up to you tell them um okay okay okay um um okay look what what yeah that was a bad move but okay fine i mean you don't want to exchange queens so what can i do yeah but bishop g5 that didn't work queen of three seven kingdoms yeah we should be two yeah bishop c3 yeah yeah exactly when a2 was also not talking it was a good move we need to it was fine i mean but is like more complicated rook yes look really okay queen queen oh by the way the chat is not working youtube crashed rook what is chat saying yeah charities thank you somewhere queen g3 [Laughter] what we lost you played queen g3 you should have played queenie two are you allowed mate in one i didn't know i didn't see are you you are distracted you last move you said queenie i was going for this background a lot back rang me somewhere back ranked okay let's just compare some positions right uh we have on move twelve hi everyone hello how are you sir good how are you all good just got checkmated me and magnus just won the game just got back right back rank mate ah okay and everything was going fine and then i don't know how what happened i i don't even know what happened queen g3 happened that's what happened i'll just i'll just send you the link can you send the link in zoom chat uh what link of the game of the game okay yeah i sent it don't don't laugh at us not spread the word [Laughter] you're playing so well until a certain point but i think when the chat stopped working you got distracted and you look focusing on the stream that's what i'll tell myself before going to sleep i didn't even know the opening you guys already knew oh no i think i will shake begs to differ uh with us and what a great panel we have we have i said uh abhishek umanu is the top comedian uh you obviously i know within uh magnus and me also and uh we have we thought let's have some fun with two world champions a future world champion and with gujarati uh we thought let's play some fun variants of chess so we first played hannah brain and now there's a new format of chess it's called card chess which magnus told us last time so magnus can you tell us what it is what is card chess it's kind of similar to to dice chess in that the moves are chosen pretty much at random um so basically each piece is assigned a card the a pawn is two all the way up to the h pawn with which is number nine um knight is ten the jack um the bishop is the jack queen and king uh obviously and then ace is the brook and so you draw a card and then you play okay you play one of those moves and obviously if there's no if there's no legal move by that card you draw another card and if you're in check you have five um you have five chances to draw a legal move otherwise you lose the game oh so basically uh i have a i have this deck of i have this card a deck of cards on screen right now so it has a lot of uh you know uh numbers and things so two three four five six seven eight up to nine other pawns right a two b two c yeah what about nine there's no a nine right array that's why we start from two two nine is eight but what about one what ace is one we don't have one jack is you stream poker somewhere some of you stream poker and you're like there is no one in cards what is this maybe he's focusing too much on the stream [Laughter] okay i can't believe it man it's okay all right so cool so uh abhishek please stay with us we are going to have a great uh mat unless you guys are busy you can we will gonna have vishy anand versus magnus carson playing card chess guys can you see the car on the screen and the chat the chat can see it yeah one second perhaps yeah the chat can see uh the chat will be able to see it and i will just announce the card and you'll have to believe in me like last time that i have if i've said four then it's four if i've said it no worries i will i will watch the stream later on and check if you've been if you've been honest and i saw what you did there you just took my video and hit the back rang mate yeah this thing you're so embarrassed by that can't believe that happened which is uh how have you been today uh i've been fine weather is kind of cool here today so oh where are you but it's uh actually looks like it might rain oh okay all right guys on the screen you can see the board and also guys uh if you have to uh wish he sir and uh hari krishna no uh not not yet not yet wishes and hari krishna are doing a simula guys you can book it the link is in description you can play a simula against them i'm going to be playing and hopefully i'll uh you know uh get defeated in 40 moves or less but i think i'll i'll sustain i'll sustain something uh by the way sir which is i have reached 1570 rating on chess awesome on chess i'm just so embarrassed by the last defeat i'm not speaking right i know i know i had prepared so i had prepared i had spent the entire night on chess base i have never used that as software first time i used it to learn this game and museo gambit that's the same opening we played and okay well that's that's fine uh magnus can you please send a challenge to vishy yes um check check check um yes can you just check your mic yeah your own mic because i see in the chat that your mic has some issues no that's fine that's it's back guys back to normal uh we have two world champions playing this fun variant of chess it's called card chess where you can see this card right here guys it is a deck of it's one of the cards from the deck and we're going to have some fun what's the username i need to challenge which is what's your username your username on chess24 um i'll put it in here uh yeah yeah you might notice the magnus in the chat but that's my username okay yeah sure sure also can you uh once the game is started can you send the link so we can all see it there must be another way of following the games as well i feel okay so what's the time like 15 minutes yeah 15 15 15 plus zero can't believe i lost if it's any consolation it's not that unbelievable to others thank you that makes me feel very good okay there we go okay you're on youtube we couldn't hear you yeah i don't see you in this chat group you're not in the zoom chat right yeah uh i'm waiting for the link magnus will send in uh wishy you'll have to accept his challenge in chess 24 under play zone challenges and once the game begins he'll send us the link ah okay so i should log in you should log into the new play zone and then you will yeah meanwhile chat if you have any questions anything you want to talk anything you want to say you can say accept the fact about except roasting me you can say anything all right we are there for that yeah i challenged you in the in the new play zone this challenge should be there can i uh click the live stream there uh if you go to uh then there's a play zone over there under play yeah and that there is incoming challenges okay oh god sammy is explaining to me how to pleasure who just got bankrupt back [Music] from you awesome please accept it and magnus please send the link in the zoom chat kingdom campaign okay there we go okay i see the game started awesome all right hold on uh do not play your first move because the card will decide your fate one second i can't see the game yet even i can't see the game wait so what is the i said yeah oh it's 15 minutes yeah 15 plus 0. okay all right guys we can all see the game and it's white to move because white moves first and it is a seven so uh who is uh white should be the white pieces it's seven so the pawn on okay that's great five right yeah yeah no no seven is f right seven is yeah okay you can take that oh excuse me i counted from uh okay so let's for the rest of the game eight is the uh g pawn and and and seven minus the edge pawn okay oh yeah i'm just saying okay this one will let it go all right all right cool so it's five you see how i avoided the birds opening okay should i go d6 or okay i'll go d6 okay then somewhere you have to show the time of white yes it's showing it's showing on my right oh okay okay okay okay it is a night right that is a night yeah then is the night funny this is great wait for it it's an ace and ace is a rook right so you're gonna have to go legal moves so it's a ten it's a ten yeah very good seven no seven is e pawn right but that's not possible three three that's double flame keto wow oh wow it's a king oh man look at that it's a 7 again so again we do it uh it's a legal move so it's 10. ten is a nine ten is a knight this is really interesting you can go knight if i check why would you go 95 but because its likelihood of d6 pawn coming is very rare no yeah that's the problem with it what did you do to me all it knows is yeah no i thought like there is a number of tries no no he has limited i have five tries five tries yeah so okay in five tries you have to get six right you have to get the number six six are king six so can anybody here in the panel calculate the probability of that happening why six six or five no five is deep one right ah yeah sure so king king or five king or five yeah oh yeah five anybody with the probability yeah so that's each each is one out of seven right okay guys in the chat i'll leave that up to you yeah it is a six oh so that first try is gone that's good first try is gone it's at three also gone it's a seven also gone can't believe it's an eight also gone last try this is the last try i can't believe it it's a pen gone one zero thank you stream ended bye sequence of moves i i get the king he gets the knight okay guys so magnus has lost this one and she has won this one already wow how about that magnus how about that that was uh that was like wandering into a background checkmate okay see 95 was brilliant i have to admit i wasn't sure what it was trying to do to me but that was a good idea by the way the beauty was i wanted to develop knight c3 and it was it's such a lovely position maybe it's better not to play knight e5 so quickly because knight c3 was even more awesome at that king but i'm so glad you played 95 you took the risk and now magnus is down so this is the shortest game of magnus now [Laughter] so guys since we are we have finished this game uh with uh this was such a beautiful ending uh so can we play a hand and brain uh vishy sir uh because we have one more part one more card let's do one more card one more card and bring so let's go for this let's go okay so i basically resign [Laughter] and then you challenge me i challenge you yeah i'll challenge you again oh sorry i already sent you one book okay uh okay okay okay there we go [Music] magnus there must be an easier way to follow right like the running games on the interface um yeah the problem it's a little bit not everything is ready on that oh okay okay so far it's a little bit cumbersome but um it's gonna be fine okay okay i see magnus wants to win this should have conducted 2013 world championship with car chester two two okay very good two is a pawn yeah i think you should go aggressive in this game that's what i feel i i'm going to play the most aggressive move every single time wow what what an opening it's a jack no that's that's not good it's a six six is very good though six is epon right yeah yeah a big fan of ananda magnus currently reading the mind master wishes great lessons please thank him for my behalf all right it's a six right yeah no six was e pawn three four five six right two is uh it's a seven it's a seven very good i'm opening up to check already i can see where this is going i mean if you have moved your e pawn then you would have checked me and the game would have been overall yeah yeah you could have won actually if i quit it's an ace no it's a jack oh oh no jack also we have jack right yes knight is there no jack is a knight right no jack is special oh jack is bishop 10 is knight so you can move the bishop i can move bishop no yeah yeah bishop g4 bishop e2 i think that's a good strategy i really don't want to do this but i promise to make the most aggressive moves so it's a two two is the a pawn oh that's such a good positional move it's a seven all right it's a three three is the b b okay let's let's let's get uh three more sevens v5 you went for it e pawn six but uh [Laughter] guys who are confused about the system two is the a pawn three is the b pawn four is the c pawn five is the d pawn e is the sixth pawn and so on somewhere i'll do one thing i'll make a quick graphic which you can just put though oh great two you can't play two because a pawn so you have again two you can't play and now you have a jack and a jack why are you doing this to me oh my god [Laughter] so he's just taking revenge for the previous game it's a six queen down magnus already nah it's okay it's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna get two more sixes now queen and that i actually had to move the queen right those are the rules yeah i think i better step out of the way for a second it's an eight oh okay okay at least i uh protect the pawn what uh what an opening what a beautiful opening i've got exclusively a pawn move so far yeah it's a nine oh that's good strategy why not h5 well with magnus's luck he will get another pawn move anyway so i wait for it to come to g5 it's a king finally okay okay eight eight no eight is a g yeah you have no you have zero oh it's a seven wow that's not ideal i'm allowing a check but nice it's a seven i can't believe it oh come on don't do this oh don't do this to me it is three okay an ace so am i where should i send you that what's up what's up it's fine yeah no leak here and that's not movable so we oh it is a destroyed yeah yeah six it's it's all going pretty well for me so yeah the last few moves i've got my bishop back i got a lot of space e6 now there's no more check on g4 it's a 2 but you don't have it so it's an eight okay it's a nine yeah that's just a setup you give me an a to give i'm not making this up it's eight and you don't have an eight so you have a king i have a king wow okay oh that was i don't know maybe that wasn't good okay it's a two come on come on some have sent you yeah thank you oh that is too safe should have gone a b and then b3 oh yeah that would check again it's a 10. okay let's go b6 and then pick c7 it's a jack yeah that's also fine let me quickly add this over here so that people can see give me one second have you ever read this position in a real game is a question okay that's let's ignore that question okay guys this is it these are the rules i think i've had quite similar card chest positions before though all right it's a two run i just queen [Laughter] it's a three yes yes yes okay this is going my way now queen down one more three no give me a four it's a queen come on come on how about queen a6 queen as4 okay hmm that's that's probably a better move actually you need a three right yeah you'll get a six that's okay oh nice oh i need a four you need a four pretty badly you have an eight the hell is an egg okay so magnus needs either a b a three three five or a five and you got a nine that's so good i still have my threats eight this is wild i had not thought this would happen oh man it's a 6. but there is no e there there is no up on it yeah all right it's a and now it's a 10. 10 is a knight hmm okay so if i go knight b5 or is more dangerous okay i'm just gonna develop why don't you go knight b5 no i probably shouldn't okay i i thought if knight b5 then the check on e4 is is more dangerous so i should probably shouldn't do it uh six okay okay okay i think uh here we have less control uh compared to uh nice science chess because you have to move that piece directly yeah you definitely have less control would you say you're saying something okay knight f4 has been played and this is a very risky move because now if magnus get if wishy gets a 5 sorry uh 6 then it's gone and let's see it's an ace ace is a rook yeah that's a pretty bad okay it's not a disaster but rook h4 oh i thought rook h4 no looking good so it's a jack okay i'll take it jack is bishop oh no i think the best chance is to give a check question you have to go knight c6 94 or something if you get a chance you have a nine you have the edge so now you have a three the b pawn which is also not there oh yeah yeah oh he has he does no there is no there is no b pawn he's black now yeah yeah where is the b pawn oh yeah okay you have a four the c5 finally that moves late but anyway yeah oh and now you have a two no you don't have a two no you have two again and now you have a jack jack is bishop thank you so much for this slides helping a lot ah it's helping me also how did you make it so fast man technical reading okay magnus okay it takes that's a risky move because now rook a3 might come if you uh which if you get ace will you take rook a3 i mean there's a traffic jam of what i can take i can take b7 you you have a 5 the d file no no nothing you have a queen which unfortunately was lost in the last moves so you have a queen again adding uh salt to the wounds and now you have a seven nope it only works in a check right like that yeah only only for this oh only check okay yeah yeah oh okay okay it's a three three is b pawn okay only one move d5 it's a two which is nothing no it's a five defiled yes i thought it was oh you didn't play d7 yeah why should i go d7 though yeah it's an e it's an 8. so that's pretty good yeah okay give me a night just give me a ten once it's a four three four yeah yeah i think somewhere you can just tell the piece directly no okay it's a seven the f now it's a two no three no two nope nine at yeah h pawn yeah no you have no h5 no no it's spiked oh sorry sorry i was watching the stream okay it's seven finally nope is oh okay this is a tricky choice actually aces i i would go to k3 rook c3 why not i mean just give a check why not what's the harm okay okay rook or knight rocker knight okay now magnus needs a 10 minute acer 10 or an ace and let's see what he has he has an air oh thanks for the advice we did it's a two which is not there give me an eight come on eight it's an eight yeah [Laughter] oh my god okay i can see where this is going queen okay did magnus please no okay i got the nine what happened after the nine i'm waiting for my number ten it's ten it's ten why don't why do you give him a ten ten is a rook it's fantastic fantastic stop spreading this information with it sorry sorry i mean it's so confusing and every time [Laughter] it's a tree this the the b point b okay now it's on vishy and he has a queen he hasn't oh no he has a queen that's all i want to say [Music] in five moves magnus has to get a king otherwise he's lost and guys i'll leave it up to you to calculate the probability of this in chat it was going weedies is a expert of illegal moves [Laughter] all right number one move is six nah no drama just read any number it's ten go on it's pension what come on the game continues you know that's why i thought that's why i thought queen edge to check would have been 92 92 yeah yeah yeah it's a nine and you don't have an h5 so it's a jack jack is bishop oh that's good that's good bishop is good but he still have the knight check i thought bishop had six bishops i think in this game anything like bishop h6 is unnecessary queen no queen three three no oh yeah yeah oh yeah b yeah okay i think uh eight it's the g pawn wow you know this game should be used as a probability test like yeah absolutely it's a jack there's no bishop with magnus so it's [Applause] i can touch this again i can dodge it one more time yeah if you get an 8 then also you're it's a jack oh sorry about this drama but it's a king [Music] yes keep on giving it that's there go there we go okay give me a five it's a seven the f uh there's no it's three the b pawn no pawn it's four the c pawn no pawn it's a king oh that's a good move oh you can step out yeah okay step out of check yeah king decent is good no checks now oh man it's a six now it's a five the d-pawn yes yes yes okay now one more thing we're fine it's the jack there's a bishop there's no bishop it's a nine the h pawn no h pawn it's a jack no no bishop it's a five nope no eight nope no queen no eight again no ten ten is night okay uh d595 okay where do we where do we want to give a check d5 if you put on d5 then you can check from f6 yeah there are a lot of moves where i can check the next okay i'll go okay i'll trust it's a king king he has to go back i think black's best chance is to go ruxism rook c1 or something i don't know or b6 through b5 but i need the rook to cut yeah yeah yeah yeah white support seems very good now i mean what's the odds of that no white's odds are very good now any move is good for him yeah rook b8 987 all moves are good for him it's nine even the material is kind of equal on you know that doesn't matter in this game i think king safety it's all about that it's queen grant oh king is very dangerous why oh because anywhere he goes there is a check on next move it can be there if i go to c2 rook c7 i can take with pawn or knight or i can move the queen or i can move that i can take with pawn or rook yeah i mean it's the same even if you go on a2 or c2 it's the same yeah it's the odds are the [Music] oh we have it again it's very risky this time yeah yeah what you went for it you went okay so three three or ten give it to me eight first try gone it's a nine second try it's an ace no third try i should have gone to a2 it's a queen come on last one i still believe this is the last one little little build up for this one the last one and three two one it's a five gigi it's easy i dodged the dangerous checks and then i get this one and i cannot i cannot get a three or a ten or a king in five tries okay let's see you're lost anyway but let's see when you started your countdown your build up you said three two and a three oh man okay let's see how many times would it take for you to get a three okay yeah let's rub it in next is four then you have three okay you seventh place seven seven oh man that was that was epic that was epic why do we matters in in your rules uh after you get your three can you play base seven you have to play bc7 no b ah no i have to make a legal move oh wow this was a great this was a good i still need five actually i don't know i mean it would be interesting if you were allowed to play b7 as well there yeah it's like this atomic chess where you can do illegal moves also but this was a great game right game what a game what a game uh that was damn fun that was so much fun uh thank you so much for joining and i'm in more for some more chess only if you guys are interested i would uh i would love to if you are guys yeah i thought i can't stop this somewhere i mean i played queen b7 i lost the queen i won this i lost that i lost punisher and then so that's it that's it magnus one final one if you want to win you have to play against somewhere with some time odds that would be fun let's play max one last game with me with timers you have 50 seconds 15 seconds against five minutes 30 seconds against five minutes yes yeah or or 15 seconds against three minutes okay 15 against three well i would like to see the panel of whose side it is on abhishek whose side are you on in this match thank you sir whose side are you on 15 seconds versus three minutes well the guy with the bigger handicap you [Music] i actually i actually think that's going to be pretty tough for me yeah it's tough it's tough it's tough with it who said are you on uh i'm also on your side beautiful thank you i'm going to disappoint side with foreign let me be a unanimous underdog no i think magnus likes it when uh you know again yeah all right uh magnus can you send me a challenge because i just want a screenshot okay yeah you you'll send me your username and chat i gotta go but i'll watch you on youtube yeah thank you so much for joining us uh it was so much fun that we had you and thank you so much later the pieces don't go like this thank you thank you thank you so much thank you so much bye-bye but uh how to do time odds you have to let the clock run yeah we speak for some time now we have so many yeah yeah and you will send the link until then yeah kind of uh the the use the nice summer it's s a m a y r a i n a no no it's it's it's r i s h a b h are you just i think i won against him when i had like zero zero point zero one second with this odds 15 against three minutes so yeah i saw that game yeah did he where he said b5 and then move something else yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that one yeah man if i defeat magnus it's going to be the highlight of my life that's you know i think the odds are like really unfair but uh hey come on man he's world champion man the odds are unfair against me all right let's go uh okay i don't i don't know how you do timeouts so just let the time run out yeah let's just let the time run and then we'll we'll have a chat and uh i got black as well of course i got black i must say it's very tough though magnus yeah okay so what i do is the clock doesn't start running until you play your player right i i dare you to play e5 oh this is interesting okay i will play e5 beautiful but can you guys send me five to prepare for your king's gambit just send me their link yes this is going to be fun this is going to be fun to watch do you want to bet money that's the last thing left now chad please let us know whose team are you in summer or magnus let's see i hope i hope this is not rated because rating is 3194 against 1500 so yeah it's probably rated that's gonna hurt a big deal okay everyone's in magnus stream thank you thank you chat thank you i i streamed five months for you every day i stream i used to stay up at 4am and stream can you play king's game with nothing more beautiful than the king's gambit yeah my dear magnus you should enable primus if it's not there just hey how to enable primos must be there no some setting yeah thank you thank you i have an elite mode but i am not elite so let's not go there okay it's fine i don't need because without primos it's impossible to win yeah 15 seconds yeah so magnus what do you like to eat uh that's a that's a good question i'm sure not indian spicy food probably not today i love indian spicy food in general um i don't know i was referring to the draw that you're offered doesn't agree with me okay but enough questions i got to focus on the king's gamut let's go one minute left you know the chess player inside i have noticed that the chess player inside all of you guys is like always so competitive even if it's like a fun variant you guys want to win like you have to win of course because you're gonna brag about it of course i'm gonna tell the world that i beat magnus if i do i um magnus have you activated the free moves i think it's already activated object by please you're on my side no no you're just yeah exactly for fair play hey tick tock it's going down 15 seconds guys all right it's about to happen check check mic check okay okay you've never started this i don't know oh deeper okay okay okay castles oh no i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared okay let's see let's see let's see he's going to give a discovery right i'm not going to give away any any secrets oh no i'm not very scared okay i'm going to give a discovery check so how about wow that was unexpected i'm so disappointed i'm so disappointed no no no no you have one chance of defeating oh my god you just have to protect your pieces that's all you got to do you shouldn't have shouldn't have shouldn't have one king's gambit man it's really the worst possible choice in this situation exactly fine fine fine shame me chad shame me i made a fool out of myself in front of 35 000 people no i thought like after you played d4 you have very good chances i thought matt it took him six seconds yeah he yeah once he got this queen before it was okay obvious that it's gonna be the end minus one last one last and that's it that is it next time next time okay fine fine we have to build it up for the audience you know yeah yeah all right all right cool cool cool i'll practice i'll practice all right thank you so much for joining magnus thank you so much had a great time thank you and uh thanks for coming no matter what happened whatever happened happened backlag made happen it doesn't it doesn't change anything making 16 happens [Music] all right can you talk about the good things thank you so much for joining guys uh if you want to uh participate in this simon the link is in the description you can play against hari krishna or vishyananda i'm going to play all so even after what has happened today i'm still going to be brave enough to play and uh thank you so much for joining magnusi see you next time uh and uh abhishek and uh with it uh you can stay we'll just say bye bye to you in hindi uh so thank you so much magnusiji for joining us thank you my pleasure pleasure thank you so much see you man it was made in seven not even more seven seconds yeah i was disappointed i mean i thought you had good chances [Laughter] honey vishyana and magnus college and we're going to have another match with him in the future i'm going to defeat him someday so bye bye bye bye bye bye bye see you soon [Laughter] foreign be i hover or uh i had a lot of fun i had a lot of fun honestly so thank you so much for joining i also did my an academic class today uh and i'm teaching chess over there i'm if anybody uh followed or watched that first stream it was great mech of the both and i'm keeping i'm going to keep doing these vishyana is going to do that uh with it is going to do that we're going to teach chess on an academy so yeah please follow us there also and thank you so much for watching thank you so much guys bye bye take care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] couple of days because i wanted to spend some time with my family uh because i've been streaming since a long time so i couldn't spend any time with my family so i was not there but now i'm back and i'm back for a long time uh before i go to go and take a like proper break so the ashraf extreme bye
Channel: Samay Raina
Views: 907,651
Rating: 4.9697914 out of 5
Id: L3P3eE8Cy5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 18sec (5538 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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