Magnus Carlsen Sacrifices His Queen to Have "A LOT MORE FUN" Against 1413 Rated Player

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i'm gonna accept a five minute challenge now [Music] against claude massero apparently from the uk sounds very french okay i will go through the uh what's it called it's called the anglo-scandinavian i think because you're playing the scandinavian against um against the english and yeah my opponent is apparently english i'm playing the english so what i can say about this opening is that it's not good but not as quite as bad as it looks which is um often the case actually for openings where you bring your queen out early it looks ugly but it may not be that bad e3 i feel like it's just a little too soft and he's not trying to punish me at all for my proactive play and this just means that apart from my queen which is strangely placed here everything else kind of makes sense um and now that he said he's allowed uh my h-pawn to run up the board as a modern chess player i'm obviously going to be happy with that so the current status is i am happy uh and i think my position is pretty good um now i have a choice though both bishop g4 and h3 look very attractive bishop g4 there is queen b3 um knight f3 then followed by castles there may be some h3 it looks like i should have some tactics there okay i'll follow my intuition and think later if i shall be required i'm already seeing tactics like queen b3 knight f3 king to f1 long castles um by the way after king f1 i do have h3 but i'm not sure it's great here i also have h3 and this time i do think it's very good though um those other lines were very very very um interesting though but i guess we'll focus on what has has actually happened um fg4 looks forced yeah bishop f um bishop f1 unfortunately isn't very good i can go bishop takes f3 and win the rook as far as i can see but i have another option which is a lot more attractive uh and it's a lot more fun um so i'll take on c3 the point of this move is just to uh to free the the e4 square for for my knight oh no that's not good you should have taken the queen there was no bluff like um like take the queen what are you thinking about um yeah so b c three was obviously the critical line i would have taken an f3 and then if knight uh king f2 i would have um knight to e4 check which is really really nasty so we probably or king e2 i have at very least a discovery check like knight xh2 and then take the queen so i was winning my material back which is not as good as winning a rook um but i had the chance to play a flashy move and i thought uh why not especially seeing acid retained a massive advantage for me now however um he's just losing the queen um with with check and mate is um is imminent as far as i can see um there should be a very quick mate here let me treat this as an exercise and try and find it okay mate in two probably there is no mate in two knight f3 uh king e2 snow mate in two no knight d2 is made knight d4 is made yeah uh but no no that i saw uh but knight f3 king d1 knight d4 is not made so there's no mating one but knight f2 queen e1 is made in in three so okay whatever we'll go now we'll go for the go for the maiden three don't see anything better so i think for my opponent uh and this is a very nice mate though uh which one is the best though uh knight g1 is also made the the infamous double check uh this is cruel but which one do i like better i think nah knight knight d4 is still um it's still nicer because there is a bit of an echo of legal mate so i'll go for 94. okay um the lesson here for my opponent is clearly that uh call my bluffs when i play proactiv provocatively in the opening try and punish me i don't always know what i'm doing i usually do but not always
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 647,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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