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oh lord my oh [Music] somebody oh oh somebody i pray i pray that's your prayer today come by here lord wherever you are wherever you are we're going to make this virtual streaming this virtual worship real we're going to bring it into reality because the holy ghost the holy ghost connects us it's not the building it's not the positioning of the pews it's the spirit spirit to spirit heart to heart and we welcome you this morning to join us in worship today we pray that wherever you are you position yourself into a place where you can truly worship without distractions without chaos somewhere wherever you are in your room in your bedroom in your car at your job wherever you can find your place where you can be with us in worship not to watch but i want you to worship with us because we're going to go into the word together we're going to magnify the lord together we're going to exalt his name together we're going to receive a message together and we need to unite to do that i pray that you do it i need you i need to feel your spirit i need to feel your expectancy as it combines with our offering this all of us here today we come to give an offering to the lord and the lord will use what we give to bless you and god will use what you put into it to bless us so let us come together we welcome you today it's raining a little earlier outside but it's fine where you are i'm sure i'm sure you're not standing in the rain you're in the comfort comfort of your own house and this is the large day this is sunday the day he rose that we celebrate sunday as the holy sabbath as the holy sabbath of christianity and we thank you for being a part of it today and we thank all of those that are here to participate i want to open up today with prayer with a scripture then a prayer for our scripture today i want to read briefly from psalm 27. psalm 27 and what a word this is the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my fret my flesh they stumble and fail though a host should encamp against me my heart shall not fear the war should rise up against me for this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord that will i seek at them that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set me up upon a rock and now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me therefore i will offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy i will sing yeah i will sing praises unto the lord hear o lord when i cry with my voice have mercy upon me and answer me when thou sayeth seek ye my face my heart said unto thee thy face lord will i see had not thy face far from me put not thy servant away in anger thou has been my help leave me not neither forsake me or god of my salvation when my father and my mother forsake me when they leave and go to your hand and i see him left alone then the lord will take me up i'm a witness teach me thy way o lord and lead me in a straight plain path because of my enemies deliver me not over until the will of mine enemies for false witnesses are risen up against me and such that breathe out cruelty i had fainted rather i would have given up a long time ago unless i kept believing to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say wait i say on the lord wait on the lord wait on the lord [Music] for somebody [Music] sounds so beautiful all said again don't you know god is a healer i can't give up now give up somebody confusing you're waiting with your giving up come too far this christian journey is not easy but it's guaranteed for somebody i don't feel no waste time i don't fear nobody told me to lift up to all of those who are [Music] in bereavement who's lost a loved one this past week we know the wright family the fielding family jesus those in our family church family we want to remember we pray for those who are sick mother gatson tell his mother remember her in prayer remember my own reverend ochsner there are many dorothy black remember them reverend fire all remember them remember them in prayer even if you're sick you don't give up no matter where it's your state the best is yet to come won't remember those who are in financial difficulty we know the government leaders are in partisan battles over extending help to the unemployed [Music] it's easy to do that when you still employed but we're going to pray that god will prove himself to those of you that are depending on him to get you through this and we pray for those parents who are entering a new season of education for their children and for the teachers and instructors and for the principals of schools and our district leaders in education our college students everything is so changed everything is so challenging but god but god is still in control yes he is you don't have to see a way matter of fact you don't even have to pee away because we serve a god that can make a way out of no way and i believe him today [Music] i want to pray a prayer not only for our members but for all of our listeners the thousands of you and i and i don't take any credit we don't because i believe that god has helped you to find this site for this season i believe that god has allowed you to [Music] be experiencing and fed through what he does through us received letters from someone in portland oregon sow the seed into the church and ask that we pray for the racial turmoil on america which extends to the white house oh thank you jesus receive a letter this morning from new york [Music] asking for prayer [Music] that god will keep them strong and many others too many to name but but i come to tell you this is no time to get separated from god don't don't blame the situation of the church doors being closed for safety in any way hindering your closeness to god because he's right there he's right there [Music] if you feel that you're not as close to god as you were i want you to try to figure out and guess who moved because god don't move he stays the same yesterday today and forever the same god that big mama called on when the cupboard was bad arthritis was racking her body the same god is able today to see you through oh yes he is let us bow our heads in prayer [Music] and i want to include we have some a special group that is viewing us but i want you to do more than view i want you to participate in worship today the charleston alumni chapter of the delta sigma theta theta sorority have put together a a watching power of watching party and chosen us to be their place of worship all over the tri-county area and they're watching this morning we want you to know that we want you in this prayer because in spite of our sororities and fraternities we all got problems somebody in that sororities minister miriam thompson just came out of the hospital recovering from surgery other than that sorante had to bury a loved one in the last few months somebody in that sorority is wondering about their children education some are concerned about their future education but i come to tell you god is able hey yeah he's able he's able he's well labeled so let's buy our heads together go to our heavenly father in prayer [Music] you wouldn't brought me this father leave me oh god our father we come we come this morning on this the lord's day we come to you with our hearts bowed our heads glory in the name of thy darling son jesus christ and we come o lord because we realize that in times like these [Music] we need you more than we ever thought we would [Music] but god we come first to say thank you for keeping us these last few months have been a tedious journey but every day you kept us you kept us you gave us you gave us favor in the midst of a pandemic you watched over us even when we didn't do a good job of watching over ourselves [Music] some of us even right now have may have been attacked by this covet 19 and don't even know all that you did to keep us alive but god we said thank you for keeping us from seen and unseen danger [Music] every day you put food on our table clothes on our back and some of us got more mass than we could ever use because you love us you kept our families safe some of us have family members that are sick and some that are going on to be in your presence that are with you right now but we are not going to give virus credit for the victory [Music] because it was you that called them call them to be with your god for we know that death and the grave have already been conquered by the powerful blood of jesus christ so god we are not worrying about those who died in christ for the bible said they are blessed we come to the altar this morning those of us who are still in this old sin sick world those of us who are still fighting sickness and disease fighting trouble on every hand for those that went to sleep with a headache and woke up with a headache for those marriages that are on the brink of collapse [Music] for these your children who don't have a job and don't know if they're going to be called back [Music] for these your children who are still fighting habits day after day those who feel they are so close to the edge all it will take us another push to go over but god we come we come praying for those who are sick physically emotionally financially in need of healing come for those who are bereaved over the loss of loved ones [Music] the loss of things that meant so much to them [Music] for those who are aging can't do all the things they want to do for others for those who are in nursing homes not able to have visitors in the most precious hours of their life in the icu rooms and those that are connected to respirators [Music] depending on you for one more breath in god we come and we pray for the body of christ for we know you're gonna keep us but father i do believe that some just need the fellowship one more time somebody needs to be in the number one more time just to tell somebody that all is forgiven just to shake another brother's hand just a saying in the number with the choir one more time just just to sit in your house that we have consecrated [Music] one more time oh god we pray that you turn the tide we're gonna believe you're gonna do it we're gonna wait on you to do it but we ask you to keep us until you do it us on one accord even when we can't sit by each other and i pray in the meantime that you work on individual hearts work on individual minds and individual families an individual of ministers and individual servants work on musicians and work on preachers work on ushers and work on deacons work on deaconesses and work on sunday school teachers and leaders work on youth workers that children church workers and foundation workers work on us individually that when we come together we'll come out like pure gold that will be ministry minded loving one another doing more than we have been done taking nothing for granted realizing what a privilege it is to be in the house of the lord on a sunday morning to represent the king of all kings help us o lord to get an urgency to please you may every word may may every walk may every note [Music] be as good as you put in us to make it may every sermon [Music] be pleasing in your sight because god time is so short and there will be a time where somebody will stand where i stand and sit with somebody else sit and they no longer no longer call on our name [Music] but when we come to that hour we pray oh god that our living in your sight will not be in vain we pray for these sorority sisters may they be sisters in the true meaning of the word servants to one another and together unto all mankind bless our children god bless them as they go into these schools learning from computers parents that have no idea how to make that happen bless these educators who didn't take this course in college [Music] may their love for children grow even stronger bless the first line workers in the hospitals our nurses our doctors our orderlies help them oh god in the ministry they are doing some of them are the only leak between a family member and a loved one help them father [Music] as we travel the road of this land of the dying on our way to the land of the living bless the ministers of this church help them realize their calling is not limited these four walls but wherever they are they're still a servant of god at home in the family on the job may they by your power walk worthy of their calling [Music] and oh god we pray [Music] that when church days are over [Music] in the building our online whatever your choice will be we pray oh god that when we must stand before the judgment seat of christ we will hear the voice saying well done that good and faithful servant may heal and break forth today in the mind in the heart and in the soul and we will give you all the glory for us [Music] for you are our all in all jesus we pray it's in the master's name of jesus let the church say amen you know from where i started nobody told me i know [Music] i'm grateful to be here another sunday i'm thankful to be in the land of the dying on the way i just wanna take this time to tell you that i appreciate you for your love and your mercy you covering i me through i remember when i was a messian but god you cleaned me up yes you did you i wanna tell you now everybody says wrapped yourself in flesh came down from heaven to fulfill your destiny you showed much love when you gave your life it was the ultimate sacrifice you rescued me when you died on calvary yes you did everybody i wanna thank you you rescued me [Music] [Music] lord i'm grateful that you changed thank you i thank you thank you me thank you thank you everybody wanna tell you thank y'all thank you lord hallelujah lord he's everything to me he said he would my the lord said he would be right there me said he would be right there to me the lord said he would be right there my is the lord said he would be right there [Music] is is is i i believe i believe i believe is i believe i i believe i believe is i believe if you believe god's gonna do something for you in this season even if that's pandemic i tell you to get about your man get up off your couch and praise god like you in this church because it is um do you believe i believe i believe don't stand up yes hallelujah and that means it's my done i'm going to take him at his word hallelujah i know i know you feel like we feel today oh jesus god i thank you i'm going to take him at his word to god be the glory hallelujah just take that for a minute and just let it marinate i'll leave you hallelujah that's what you got to do in these times that we're living you just got to take him at his word you can't walk by what the news says especially what the president says you got to take him at his word we walk by faith and not by saying oh i felt that thank you crazy i'm learning to leave jesus and i'm finding [Music] more [Music] once again thank you for attending worship today making the day special for our house and your house we can worship together we can magnify the lord together i know and i know wherever you are listening [Music] take that song to your heart god said it i believe it and watch watch the power of the word work in your life we want you to be mindful of all the things that we need you to still not only participate in worship but we need you to participate in giving i was talking to someone yesterday i was at a service for one of our members grandmother and and they was talking about the church doors being closed and and hearing so much about what royal is doing i said well really it seems to me in times like this the church has to do more because everything i was always doing before the pandemic i'm still doing that now we have to add to it our praise team singing coming rehearsing being prepared our musicians now we have to wear the math now we have to be more effective and efficient and more appreciative of the little opportunity god gives us to connect together and we need you to give i'm seeing more need arising we're still doing our feed the hungry and and it's really not you know when i say hungry we're actually feeding the need not the needy but the need and and we ask people to continue to sow into that we are feeding up to 500 families a week volunteers are coming out to help distribute this food to pack it up package it up those that we need to repackage up to package up and bag it up and giving out to people all of this is happening because of your giving in order to get that food and give it out on wednesday we have to almost refrigerate the entire life center because we don't want nothing to be spoiled we want everything to be fresh we need you to give and i even see in the future we are helping the needy we're helping those that are in need we are at every homegoing services not only for our members but for the immediate family members of our members some are even traveling out of town to be with them for grade size services all our expenses what i call investments in the kingdom are still being paid we're putting new roofs on the building we're using this time to upgrade we've been putting in new carpet we're upgrading our technical equipment we're try to upgrade to a better wi-fi system man and all of these things are being done because we're we're moving in expectation waiting on god don't mean you just sit down and and wait and eat chips amen waiting on god means you need to you need to take one step and then god will take two steps so please give many of our members understand this but i want to reach to those who are trying to store up god's money for your future that you're concerned about your future so you're going to keep god's money i hope you understand what i just said to help your future you think the best way to do it is to keep god's money believe me from somebody who's tried it don't work he told the prophet micah because my people won't bring me ties and offerings they think they have more money about keeping it guess what he said he said i'm gonna put a hole in their money set in other words the money they put they put the guard's money in they putting it in the top god gonna put a hole in the bottom that the more you try to save the less you're gonna have i've lived that life i've lived that life get paid on friday and old half of it out and by monday you broke god don't he put a hole in your money set it may not be a literal hole in your money sack but it'll be a hole in your thinking about money in other words every time you see something on sale you got to shop every time you buy something there's something wrong you know it's just the money will go if you don't give it to god it's going to go but if you connect to god with your righteous giving god has a way to bless what you have left to do more than you ever thought now that's where i'm living at in that area that now i i see the difference and i want to share with you please trust god you can give online as you are given many of you giving people are mailing in uh contributions sowing seeds but those of you who know that you're connected to this church and you have been fed at this church you need to sow your seed you can go online right now raw royal r-o-y-a-l-m-b royal missionary baptist church mbc royalmbc.org and you can go straight to online giving it's completely secure we use it i use it and you can give right there online right now i i hope that you continue to do it on the lord's day that's a blessing thing many people do it in envelope but they put the envelope together on today and bring it to the church you can bring it to the church if you're not in that computer level that you want to do it that way and we have secure places to receive it at the church office we have security on in place we have our trustees that come and bank it the same day you bring it the same day you bring it uh they put it in the bank and you can mail it in you can bring it by the church office enter the other week 10 to 3 p.m or you can do it online go online right now and look at the security of how quickly and easily you're able to good and also for those that are giving online remember that online you can put your offering envelope number and you can also designate what you're giving to uh it could be to win and that's women's day women's day is coming up we're asking every member of the church to give 200 for women's day uh it's coming up the second sunday in september we're going to have a special broadcast worship service but we want you to give because you know what we do with that offering always we pay down the church mortgage on this building we've paid over a million dollars last year and we look to do the same thing this year if god is blessing you don't uh rob god don't rob god of what belongs to him because if you are blessed it's because he trusts you with that amount god will bless you at the level he can trust you to use rightly what he gave you so please give you can do it online right now i see some other needs coming up this school thing is really has me concerned of how we as a church family can help and maybe we can even uh create ourselves to be what a friend of mine was telling me they're doing in another state they're becoming a educational pod you know what a part is you can put it in your in your house and to help extend your wi-fi system to give your wi-fi more power in your house and i think even if we can work that out maybe in some of our buildings educational buildings we can upgrade all of our computer systems immediately and we can get to a level where we can maybe work out to help some children that might be falling through the cracks that we can be a weekend place or at the school place where they can come safely and receive some some additional educational help i see that i see that happening we can do that i can envision that because everybody don't have the help at home that other children have you know they have to have the same teacher have the same lesson but after the computer goes off a lot of those children don't have that extra that somebody's going to stand over you and look at your homework and we want to see if we can be something like that but we need you to give we need you to help because if we do this we got to have qualified teachers and qualified teachers got bills too amen so we go so we want to do this right we want to do it and i want to prove i'm like this i want to prove that our children are not going to fall behind we are not going to fall behind i want to see that show that we can do excellent that we can do above the average but it's going to take the church i think to help uh let us continue don't forget about voting is so important black lives matter let's they definitely matter in the polls it definitely matters in the voting booth black voters matter we don't realize the power we have as a voting bloc as a voting potential and you're going to hear more about this we got to do our senses your people in your house matter the people in your home matter we must complete these sentences it does no sense to get out in the streets and yell and holler and march and walk but not come back and do the things that we're marching and walking for please vote make sure you're registered is easy to do you can find out make sure you're registered and also make sure you're counting in the census the date has been extended we need you to make sure that that happens two other things i want to mention number one new members class we are blessed even in the pandemic we have added over 30 new members to royal missionary baptist church 30 new members amen thank you thank you thank you that's what i mean that shows me god is working i don't know we may have to baptize 50 when we come back to this or more we're gonna have a big batman i have to do it on saturday morning and break for lunch but what we're gonna do you see on the screen the new members the first new members class for those who have joined the church and for those who did not complete their new members classes before we started we want you to go to royalmbc.org and click resources and you will find the information on how to be a part of the new members class it's going to start tomorrow at 6 30 p.m so go to the website before 6 30 and i think it's only going to be an hour so those new members wherever you are even those that are not in the state we want you to be a part to learn these fundamentals these fundamentals of the faith it's all scripture that you would be surprised what you can learn by walking through these lessons we talk about the holy ghost we talk about the holy spirit we talk about jesus we talk about god the father we talk about the blood uh we talk about uh regeneration being born again we talk about giving we talk about the the structure of the church as god left it so be a part of this new member clad i'm looking for about 50 people at least to be on this first new member's class tomorrow and lastly but not leastly you know well you know all the other activities we have bible study on thursday zoom uh sunday schools early sunday morning uh youth uh church on saturday afternoon and also our teen pulse and let me say this before i say the last thing yeah teenagers and children parents i'm old school i hold you responsible it is no reason if you talk about my child i don't want to do that that's the problem if you know christ is real and god is real and you know you're going to not going to be with your child the rest of your life you need to put forth effort to make your child know who jesus is youth church sad as 2 p.m your child should be in front of that screen amen i said it monday seven o'clock your teenager should be in front of that screen well you say well they don't want to be in front of the screen well i'm going to tell you something i'll learn tell them either you're going to be in front of that screen or you won't have no computer the rest of the week that's what you got to do you can't ask nobody if you want it if you have somebody they want some chocolate chip cookies they're gonna say yeah you can't base their choice you the parent you the parent old school brought us the way if it was right and grandmama know it right like jane brown said you have a fight amen if she knows she right you going to church you're going to get that education that's that that teen post uh dialogue with with licensed instructors we got principles of high schools we got uh the the the retired air force dr harris who is over all the all the uh counseling who's over the the the clergy at three hospitals they're on there talking with these young people and your child is somewhere somebody they don't want to do it you need to make them sit in front of that screen yes i said it now the rest is up to you you pray about it all you want the seven o'clock that should be on the seven o'clock you got teen pulse you're a teenager turn off everything else sit in front of that screen amen you got to bring them there you got to bring them that i mean they may think they're not listening but when they get older it'll kick in take my word for it so parents be on your job last but not least back to school rally and prayer september the 3rd we're going to have a drive-through at royal baptist church where we're going to pass out bags bags for our children for school supplies september the 3rd we got a almost a banquet room full of supplies and we even gonna give out some uh sanitizer supplies and wipes that your children can wipe around their desk areas train them to do that to keep it neat and nice it's all gonna be in a bag uh so september the third from 3 to 6 pm and everything i just said you can go to the church website or call the church office and get the information on this that's why our church office is open to give out information and receive information this wednesday we will have the food grocery give out again and i'm asking for extra volunteers because we want to use this wednesday at 12 noon not only to put the food together but we also want to help the royal foundation and the youth ministry put together the back to school bags so please volunteers come out for those of you who can't even stay from 12 to 4 at least come out in 12 at 12 and help put the school gift bags together for our children this wednesday 12 o'clock we want to do it all at one time so please come out this wednesday volunteers we need more volunteers thank the parents that are sending their at-home college students and they're at home 12th graders i guess they'll be going back to school soon for those high schoolers that you're sending out and those college children that are not that are doing all virtual classes send them out to help that helps hope it helps a whole lot this gives us a break it's a blessing to see those big healthy guys pushing that cart with all the groceries on it so send them out this this wednesday at 12 noon continue to keep your church family in prayer i love you i miss you so much i miss all of you i miss your theolo i'm 63 older sitting right there nobody's going to get her child and she'll get back either amen bernadette i miss you you know i do sister jameson you know i miss you all of you i don't want to call names but i'm gonna say all of you we miss all of you and what we're doing we're doing it because we love you and we know that if it was us on the other side you would do the same thing so the praise team is going to come now and bless our heart and after that the word of god we pray will come and bless our soul you can't be god-given no matter how hard you try make sure your seed is in the ground because there's a harvest coming after this [Music] so [Music] he is exalted the king is exalted and died i will break him he is exalted the king is exalted [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is so he is exalted [Music] forever is is [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone give [Music] we give you praise before you hallelujah lord we oh got to put it in me i'm going to give it back to you hallelujah lord we love you we love you we love you we love hallelujah hallelujah [Music] is [Music] despite what i've been through despite of what i'm going through gods are awesome you're wonderful you're amazing he's amazing he's amazing yahweh we praise your name [Music] lord [Music] there's no one like him there's no one like him thank you praise team as we prepare to go to god's word i want you to go with us to the book of joshua glory hallelujah to the book of joshua chapter 23 joshua chapter 23 and i want to look at one verse as joshua speaks to the nation of israel this is his last speech joshua's an old man he's about to die soon to die and joshua has led these people out of the wilderness [Music] to where they are now settled in the promised land [Music] but before he departs [Music] he leaves them a promise from god [Music] concerning those who god has brought out of the wilderness in verse 10 he says these words one of you shall chase a thousand for the lord your god he it is that fights for you as he has promised you one of you will chase a thousand enemies for the lord fights for you as he has promised one i want to use for subject this morning it only takes one it only takes one a true story is told of a great newspaper columnist who wrote editorials for the new york times he credited much of his thought in writing to monthly trips he would take to the seashore on the atlantic coast he had a beach house there on the beach he would go there and lock himself in for the weekend but on early mornings he would rise up before the sun came up and he would walk the sands on the beach to develop his thoughts and this newspaper columnist writer says on one particular morning as he was walking along the beach while it was still dark as the sun was rising he saw in his path farther along the beach a figure a shadowy figure that seems to be dancing in the dark he thought it was dancing he saw the arms moving he saw the feet and legs raising he thought it was a dancer out practicing in the early morning sands of the beach but as he drew closer he came to realize it was a young man at the beach in the sand seeming to be reaching down and picking up something and throwing it as far as he could back into the water and as he got closer it really began to intrigue him as what is this young man doing he would move and pick up something and throw it turn right around pick up something and throw it he thought he was storing sand or seashells but as he got closer he said young man what are you doing we are the only two on the beach please tell me and the young man said without even stopping what he was doing reaching down and picking up something and showing him saying i'm picking up starfish that were brought in by the high tide last night and yesterday afternoon and the tide left them on the sand to die in the sun because when the tide went back out it didn't take the starfish with them and i'm throwing them back in the water to save them and the man the newspaper writers writer with a smile said to the young man young man you're wasting your time he said this is a part of the ecosystem of the beach every morning thousands of starfish are drawn onto the sand and die in the sun look along the beach you will see countless starfish you're not making a difference in what's happening to the starfish you're wasting your time it's making no difference and the young man without even stopping reached down and picked up another one and threw it as far as he could then he looked at the newspaper columnist and he said it'd make a difference for that one that one it only takes one in our text i love the way god speaks to joshua's telling them that one of you will be able to chase a thousand enemies away one of you one of you that that rings in my mind as i preach to you he said one of you he's talking to you he's talking to me because there's only one of you you are the only you you are in god's hands just as that one starfish was in the hand of that young boy when he puts you in the world he puts you in the world to make a difference in you it only takes one to make a difference in the world it only takes one to make a difference in the future of your life it only takes one to make a difference in your family it only takes one to make a difference in your house and guess what you are one one is a powerful number in the bible two is the number of unity or division three is the number of divine perfection the holy trinity father son and holy spirit four is the number of creation five is the number of grace six is the number of man's spiritual incompleteness but notice that six the number man's incompleteness plus the number one which is the number of god plus man's incompleteness equals seven and seven is spiritual completeness which shows that man without god is incomplete one is god's number there's only one god god can do a whole lot with one isaiah was only one as isaiah stood before god god asked the question who shall we sin and who will go for us when no one there but isaiah isaiah said here am i lord not not he in my ministry not not not me and my crowd not me and my church not me and my posse not me and my family here am i send me noah was only one the bible said the entire world was full of evil in their heart but god found a man named noah who built a boat and saved eight souls esther was only one no one could approach the king to change his heart to allow the jews to be killed but esther was one and she said if i perish she let me perish i go to the king abraham was only one obeyed the voice of god and created a nation that created a church paul was only one on the road to the massacres the lord said i've chosen you only one and now in our text this voice speaks through the millenniums to you and i saying one of you shall chase a thousand enemy you see in god's hand you are promised victory we are promised guaranteed outcomes in our clashes with enemy against whatever or how many times the enemy comes at you if you stay in god's hand god will empower you to chase a thousand god never empowers a crowd never in the bible but you see god make a motion and ask for a second god doesn't work through groups he works through individuals that form groups god worked through ones he works through the one jesus the one jesus works through the one church the one church works through the one word and the one word works through the holy spirit and the one holy spirit looks through the one you the one of you the each one of you you god works through you he's looking for direct through you to make a change in the world on the day of pentecost yes that was 120 believers in the upper room in one place on one accord 120. but notice that when the holy spirit came into the room as a mighty russian when the bible said the fire set on each one of them each one of them got the fire my message today is for someone that has been waiting on the cavalry to come of a prince charming to ride up on a white horse to rescue you from your life situation i come to tell you don't wait on them the power to arise from the pig pen is already in you the power to upgrade your life to fix your life is not gonna come from being a guest on a tv show the power to fix you is already in you and that's my message today i want this to rank home to you that you can do it yes you can you can chase every devil out your life as soon as they come you can lift up the standard because i come to tell you the power is already in you oh yes it is through you god can make a difference in any area of your life there's only one person that can make a difference in your life and that one person is listening to me right now for that one person is you in god's hand with god it only takes one it only takes one to defeat the enemies in your life it only takes one to turn your wrong ways into right it only takes one of you to start a business only takes one of you to achieve a goal it only takes one of you to encourage a friend to be a good parent to be a good spouse to serve the lord with gladness to believe in your miracle to stop waiting on people to show up to help you and you help you maybe you feel unloved but let me tell you if anybody love you it ought to be you loving yourself the stronger your faith the stronger your power the only limits on what is possible for you to achieve even in a year of pandemic starting right now august 23rd 2020 the only limits on what is possible for you is the limits that you put on what you can believe is impossible for you but jesus said that all things are possible to the one that can believe you're waiting for help before you take a step not realizing that it's the step that attracts the help not the help that starts the step it only takes one one spark can start a california forest fire one drop of rain can start a rain flood of the katrina coprocess one look across a room can start a family one step can start a journey one seed can draw up grow a tree one one one you can chase a thousand one you can prevent somebody from committing suicide one you can encourage a true sister one you can help with a broken-hearted person one you can stand up for right one you can lead a soul to christ one you can make your choir better your church better your marriage better your home better your family better your health better your attitude better life better one you can fix all that one you can make a difference you said pastor i'm trying but people don't help me like they used to help people everybody's so jealous and self-centered people promise to help you then when you need it they let you down how can i get myself out of this hole how can i get myself out of this hole how can i myself start a new life well my brother my sister when you're walking right talking right praying right giving right living right don't depend on people to be your help because sometimes the people that you're looking for to help you are the ones trying to keep you down you don't look to them look to him look to the heels that's where your help is coming from let god bring your help to you don't pick your help and bring it to god you can only see people's outside appearance but let god choose your sidekicks because god looks at their heart it only takes one you it only takes one to do the work god assigned for you it only takes one to work your plan it only takes one to achieve your dream to say the right prayer to sow a right seed to do your best it only takes one it only takes one god's not waiting on the crowd to get right before he will bless you god's waiting on you to get right so he can bless you that's what i see in our text joshua is called together these jewish leaders that have fought many battles he's pulling together these that have seen god open the jordan river for them to come out of the wilderness he's talking to experienced warriors he's about to die he's talking to these that he have been with for over 20 years and saw the walls of jericho fall down those that have saw giants conquered on the hills of judea those that have seen the amorites and the hittites and the hittites and the jebusites run away from the land they had because god told them wherever the soul of their feet would tread upon he had already given they had seen the miracles of god and now they they are in the promised land now that they are delivered from the wilderness now that they have their own vehicles and their own homes and their own property god lets them know enemies are still going to come but god said that if you stay where i put you one of you she'll chase a thousand they got there as a group as an organized army a military tool of god but god said now that you are where i want you to be don't worry about depending on others depending on me one of you shall chase a thousand oh my god that promise applies to you and me for how many of you can be a witness that he brought you out the wilderness that he brought you to a place of promise do you realize that we are living in the promised land the promised land is when you live according to the promises i'm eating because of the promise i'm in the promised land my breakfast is in the promised land my vehicle is in the promised land my healing is because i'm in the promised land but god is saying even though you're in the promised land you still got to fight enemies that promise comes to us through abraham abraham just as him being the biological father of the jewish nation he's also the biological father of the believing nation for those who have faith in the god of abraham are made righteous by the blood of christ to receive the blessings of abraham therefore we walk with power we don't know we have one of us just chase a thousand and isn't that tension in the text that the god who brought us out still got to see us through the god who brought us and kept us while we were yet in the world now that we are his children we still got to face enemies god is saying number one you will still have trouble the battle is never over never think that you're so holy that the devil won't show up you wouldn't have to chase a thousand enemies unless you had a thousand and secondly some battles in life you will seem to have to fight all by yourself he said one of you would chase a thou that means you got a person a thousand devils you got your thousand you got a thousand just raise your hand you got your thousand i got my thousand and sometimes don't think it's strange that nobody sees the problem you're dealing with except you and thirdly god promises to deliver you he promises that trouble will come that's the promise he promised that sometimes you will seem alone but lastly he promised that he will deliver you but you got to fight god didn't say you'll stay in the cozy comfort of your home while he knocked the enemy inside the head he's no you got to chase him god said i'll fight him he said i fight for you but you got to chase him you got to put up some resistance you got to be in an offensive mode as three reasons i believe we seem to always have enemies number one your past deceives your enemy number two your favor angers your enemy number three your faith confuses your enemy and number four your courage frightens your enemy i'm gonna say that again your past deceives your enemy your favor angers your enemy your faith confuses your enemy and your courage fights your enemy number one your past deceives your enemy that's why you get attacked see you wouldn't have to chase a thousand enemies unless they had come to you you're not looking for trouble but trouble will come to you well what causes trouble to come to me when trouble hears me confess my great god when trouble sees that i'm standing in the hand of god it's because the enemies cannot accept the fact that you survived what you already been through you look weak and enemies investigate your past they know your weakness caused this to happen and your weakness caused that to happen because they didn't look at your bio even though you admitted it they see that you spent a lot of time in the wilderness so your weather your enemies think that well since this person got a got a checkered pass since this person got some weaknesses that are on total record that we can come in and take what they got that's why they come at you that they can take your position and take your situation and steal your joy and destroy your praise that's where the devil makes a mistake because he's been deceived by my past and does not realize that i just don't look like what i've been through the enemy thinks you never had trouble but having to know i've had trouble before the enemy thought you never had to fight for something but the enemy don't know i had to fight for what i got see the enemy may know you've been in the wilderness but they don't know what it took to get out the wilderness and to have what you have and you're not going to let it go without a fight how you look deceives the enemy you look all nice and holy you don't have the weapons of physical warfare so it deceives him he doesn't recognize your past empowered you to hold on to what you got your pastor sees the enemy secondly the favor of your life angers your enemy if you ever want to see your enemy look at who's not smiling when they take a picture that's when that's when people when i get an honor i call people at the crowd come stand by man i want you so i can go home and look at the picture and see who wasn't smiling i wish i had a witness here when you announce your blessing on facebook see who don't like it some people like everything you put on there except when you get blessed you feeling sad i'm praying put the little praying hands up there but wait till you announce i've been blessed it's hard to get people to to celebrate your blessing your favor they they feel you don't deserve [Applause] your marriage you don't deserve your vehicle you don't deserve your promotion you don't deserve the joy and the peace and the contentment you have in life especially if they seem to have more materialistic things than you but some people don't like you because so many other peoples do like you but what they don't understand is my god takes pleasure in preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemies [Applause] those that god favors no favor is not fair you don't realize that's why i praise him not to get something but to thank him for what i already got enemies are angered by your favor they are deceived by your past and your faith confuses them people of faith speak strange things around people that don't have it when faced with a doctor's report people of faith seek a second opinion to a high power your praise confuses people if people that don't know god like you know god would look at what the praise team just got through doing they would think that the praise team don't have a care in the world all of their bills are paid that all of their children behave their marriage was carved out of ice cream and chocolate cookers and the devil is wondering and i know i know he'd been fighting this praise team and these musicians and every time the devil turned on youtube at 10 o'clock there you are again the devil is scratching his head after all i put you through the last week or two here you are again but what the devil don't understand [Music] oh god no weapon oh i feel like preaching up in here no weapon that is formed against me shall be able to prosper and before i take it back i'll add more to it [Applause] that's why ephesians talked about faith putting on the whole long and i like what he called faith to shield of faith the devil can't understand with what he threw at you hallelujah during this coronavirus before the coronavirus after all he threw at you you're still standing oh i wish i had a witness here i know i got a witness somewhere watching me that you know the devil can't figure out why you still giving god praise that while you still got joy unspeakable and after all you've been through after all people done to you you still standing but what they don't realize that the god you serve gave you a shield and everything that came against you didn't hit you it hit your shield and every time it hit your shield your faith got stronger oh do i have a witness here for god i live in for god i die and if god be for me who can be against me oh thank you god your past deceives your enemy your favor angers your enemy and your faith confuses your enemy and lastly your courage frightens your enemy because i always wondered why would a thousand enemies running from one you with all the hosts of imps and demons that satan has at his command have you ever wondered why they can't get next to you why is it that when you walk out the room people shut up when you walk in the room they hush or they was talking about you but when you walk in they shut up have you ever known why people you know don't like you still want to hug you why does trouble run from you how can you have the courage to still sing after what they whispered how can you have this courage to pray for people you know trying to tear up your house yeah psalmist said they will come at you one way run away seven ways what happened how does your courage frighten your enemies one against a thousand is because your enemies begin to realize that your help comes from the lord that your help is not by power not by might but it's by my spirit saith the lord your enemies see you as a easy target if there was a fret of you that never would have came at you but when they came at you they ended up running away what caused them to run joshua didn't say you have to fight a thousand he said you just gotta chase him what caused them when they had you they got afraid and ran away i believe it's because they saw the power that was working inside of you many times your enemies see you as a easy target because they believe that if they can turn against you you won't have no help if they realize that you're out of money and they won't give you any you'll go down they realize that if they spread gossip on you god won't use you no more but when they see you to survive one attack after another and still have courage they begin to run away they thank you all alone but but how many have realized that if god be for you who can be against you and when you're a child of god you're never alone because even if nobody helps you your help doesn't come from the east or the west the south of the north your help comes from the heels and i always remember i'm never alone he promised never to leave me so even if you see me and i seem to be by myself i'm not alone for god is with me and when my enemies came against me they couldn't see the god that was with me they only saw me as i was you see for god is a spirit and the spirit of god is not visible because it's in me what keeps you surviving is something that's in me can i get a witness here you know i'm reminding of the story i tell you that when i was a little boy i got my favorite woosh toy on christmas during that time it was a blow up doll called bozo for those who don't know bozo was a clown that came on tv every day about four o'clock in the evening and when i get from school like every other child in my neighborhood we would sit in front of the tv and watch bozo and bozo was a clown with a big smile painting on his face and bozo used to have a hand up waving hello children it's good to see you and when he went off the show he would smile and wave his hand i'll see you tomorrow children it's good to see you and that particular year they came out with a life-size bozo to blow up dawg it was about this tall and you put air in it and it would come up and bozo would have a lifted hand and a smile on his face and that's what i wanted for christmas and i was a happy child because i couldn't wait until my daddy blew up bozo and i hugged bozo and i loved bozo and sometime i even used to have a a man crush on bozo and i took bozo into my bedroom that every morning when i wake up the first face i would see was bozo waving and smiling and when bozo smiled i smiled hallelujah somebody and this went on for a long time but one time i got in trouble and my grandmama put a switch on me and if anybody ever been through a switch experience you're not a happy camper and she said i go in your room no tv for you tonight so i was angry in a bad attitude and when i went into my room the first face i see was a grin in bozo and i don't know how you feel but when you're in a bad attitude you don't want to see nobody grinning in your face so now bozo who used to be my friend i'm trying to help somebody because of my attitude bozo didn't change but now who used to be my friend became my enemy and that's how some people look at you because you going through what they went through but you still got joy so what i did to bozo rather than hug bozo with my little young man's fence fist i smacked bozo and when i hit bozo bozo went down but to my surprise he come right back up i said wait a minute i hit him again he went flat to the ground and bozo popped right back up and i was mad with bozo because he didn't just pop up any kind of way when he came up from the ground he still had his hand in the air i wish i had a witness and he had joy on his face and the more i hit him the more he bounced down and came right back up again do i have a witness here and finally what i decided i said what i'm going to do if he keep jumping back up next time i hit him i'm gonna sit on top of it man and i sat on bozo for about 20 minutes and i said bozo you had enough and bozo didn't say a word but as soon as i got up bozo bounced back up with his hands in the air and joy on his face and i kept on hitting bozo i would come from school and knock him down again and he'll bounce right back up do you hear what i'm saying and finally you know one day i came to bozo and bozo didn't stand as high as he used to stand his hand didn't go up as high as it used to raise uh his smile was not as big as it used to be yeah and i saw bozo he was going down a little bit but he still had a little hand up and a little smile on his face and finally bozo up just faded to the ground all the air that was in bozo went out from me sitting on him and hitting him to the ground so i did what i thought i should do i had to find out what was it inside of boso that kept bozo coming back up and when our cut bows are open up in the bottom of bullseye with something that looked like a magnet it was a stabilizing magnet and what it was it was a magnet that no matter how it fell over it was straighten itself back up and it wasn't bozo that kept getting him back up it was what bozo had on the inside of him good god almighty and bozo is just like you well it's not you that keeps coming back up but there's something on the inside working on the outside do i have a witness here you are never by yourself like the old preacher said when the robber was going to rob him but he had to run away and they put the robber in jail and they ask the robber what in the world have kept you running away from the preacher and he said i don't know but it was a big old man standing right beside him that i thought i only fought the preacher but i was afraid of the big old man and when they told the preacher who said he was by himself he said a robber said you had a big old man beside you and who was the big man the preacher thought for a minute and said i know who it was he's talking about andy yeah somebody who is andy he said you don't know andy and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that i am his own my brothers and sisters up you don't have to worry about who come at you because the god you say he's able he's able to take good care of you do i have a witness here and he all right the god i serve i'm never by myself i got god leading me i got jews beside me i got angels camped around me i got the holy ghost in me i got heaven over me and surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and don't take but one don't take the one you can change your life today it don't take but wanda you can change your home today it don't take but it won't happen you can change your ministry today you don't think but one have because look what god did the one god gave his one son put him on one cross save one thief went in one tomb they thought he was by himself but they didn't hear what he said he said if i be lifted up i draw all men under me good evening my children i want you to leave here today knowing that you're not by yourself if god desire you can chase a thousand you can chase your pain now you can chase your sickness because the lord said i fight for you and what i notice about chasing that when you chase somebody you can't reach him so you can speak to him you can tell him get out of here the lord is on my side that's how you chase the devil up put a word on him he said if you resist him he'll flee from you god said that's not enough you gotta chase the devil so you won't mess with your children so you won't mess with your family so you won't mess with your body chase the devil it only takes one it only takes one it only takes one [Music] one soul at a time somebody wonder reverend all that preaching would you be satisfied but once so one soul one soul could save this church one soul could come in this church and take us into the next millennium one soul saved today could be the one speak over my body one soul save today to be the next governor of south carolina one god uses one he don't like big numbers because when god does something he's jealous about his glory and i'm speaking to somebody today it's not you can change right now the greatest change you ever make in the world is when you change yourself god puts you in the world for a purpose if you hear the message today until your ears let it go into your heart [Music] what better way to come through a pandemic [Music] been in the hand of god stop stop putting god on hold [Music] god is the only one that can empower you to overcome every issue in your life and like bozo every morning you wake up with your hand in the air and a smile on your face if you say the prayer with me repeat say father save me save me from me i'm a sinner i acknowledge my sin i repent of being the person that does it save me from it say i believe in jesus christ i believe in jesus say i believe he died for my sins [Music] i believe he was buried and rose from the grave the third day [Music] is in heaven right now sitting at your right hand i believe please save me if you say something that's simple from your heart save me god will hear your cry he looks at the heart and what i want you to do if that's you i'm talking to right now i want you to contact our church office tomorrow don't put it all you can text it right now you can text it right now put put my name on there they'll get it to me tell them right now the message yesterday completed my journey to jesus i've been waiting on other people to get right [Music] and god been waiting on me to get right contact the church office and tell them you accepted jesus christ and you want to meet and talk with someone become part of the church family that's all you got to do we'll take it from there we have a process of system in place someone will pray with you someone will meet you we'll get you to come in and fill out some information so we can put a covering over your life so you'll know who to reach out to do it just don't put it off jesus said in the day that you hear my voice hard not your heart don't say next sunday will be cool no between now and next sunday you can have a goal a new a new goal in your life between now and next summer next sunday you can get a call for the job that god has for a saved you show that it's real you got to chase you got to chase the devils out your life god's gonna fight them but you got to chase them and every step you take chasing your devil that belongs to you that wherever the soul of your foot steps on healing belongs to you promotion belongs to your peace in your house belongs to you [Music] god's gonna fight but you gotta chase him [Music] and my brothers and sisters that's all for today that's all it only takes one god bless you our delta group alumni group thank you for listening in remember it only takes one to make that a better group only takes one to pay your dues on time only takes one to cheer up that sister that you know is hurting it only takes one god is looking for one god only wants one because when he uses one he gets the glory how many can say he gets the glory in your life [Music] see people see me but my enemies don't see my help i didn't get here by myself he fought for me but i had to get up and chase [Music] so god bless you god keep you [Music] volunteers remember i need you wednesday remember to support the ministry god bless you
Channel: Royal Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 3,517
Rating: 4.52 out of 5
Id: qZv96nxzQoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 34sec (7054 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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