Maggie Street Virtual Service (12.20.20)

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to maggie street missionary baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the pastor amen our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit maggie street missionary baptist church worship with us virtually morning worship service at 10 a.m each sunday sunday school at 9 00 a.m each sunday and each thursday evening bible study at 6 00 pm [Applause] giving just got easier you can give online online giving is available now for members friends and family check out our website for more information at www dot maggie street church [Applause] follow us on twitter at maggiemsbc [Music] [Applause] happy birthday and happy anniversary let's stay together connect with us online via facebook twitter instagram youtube or email join us for our morning devotion prayer call monday through saturday at 6 30 a.m and on sunday at 8 30 a.m the number to call is 978-990-5408 access code 26567 be sure and join us for revival of encouragement with pastor ezekiel pettway senior each wednesday at 7 pm our theme there will be joy god's great joy joy joy [Music] down in my soul sweet beautiful soul saving joy love joy joy in the soul [Music] joy joy joy in my soul listen to the music the sound of the angels come and see the child who can make you whole he was lying in a manger away from home and [Music] the special [Music] he was sent this holiday to take our pain away [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes i know that he is able to know that he is able joy hey he gives me strength [Music] my [Music] praise the lord my brothers and sisters it's good to be in the house of the lord again the word of the lord said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i am so happy to be here this morning to share a word of god with you uh let us have a word of prayer father we thank you we bless you for this day we pray your blessing upon all that we do all that we set our hand to do we do it unto you and for your glory we pray god that you would hide self behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard allow the word of god to be preached with power boldness and conviction to the end that our lives might be better we ask it all in the only name that matters in jesus name amen let me encourage all of you amen if you want to give at this time go ahead and you can give online or you can bring your gifts to the church someone would be here uh from 10 o'clock till 11 o'clock to receive your gifts or you can continue to do what you normally do that is mail it in to us we would greatly appreciate it and let me just tell all of you thank you for your support thank you for your continuous support throughout the year we're grateful to god for what you have done over these past 12 months now let's get into the word of god we won't hold you alone i want to give you a message for christmas amen something to think about during the week from matthew's gospel chapter number one verse 18 through 25 now the birth of jesus was as follows after his mother mary was betrothed to joseph before they came together she was found with child of the holy spirit then joseph her husband being a just man and not willing or wanting to make her a public example was minded to put her away secretly but while he thought about these things behold an angel of the lord appeared unto him in a dream saying joseph son of david do not be afraid to take to you mary your wife for that which is conceived in her is of the holy spirit and she will bring forth a son and you should call his name jesus for he will save his people from their sin for all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the lord through the prophet saying behold the virgin shall be with child and bear a son and they should call his name emmanuel which is translated god with us then joseph being aroused from sleep did as the angel of the lord commanded him and took to him his wife and did not know her until she had brought forth her firstborn son and he called his name jesus my brothers and sisters i want to talk today as the spirit of god leads i want to talk about god's perfect gift god's perfect gift many of us if not most of us amen we like to receive and also give gifts at christmas time but none of us can compare with what god has given us in the person of jesus christ i thought about this message before i preached it because i know most of us we like to go out and shop for gifts for people that we love and we care about and oftentimes we think about what is the perfect gift for this person what can i give them that suits them that makes them feel thought about in this season and we shop online we'll go to different stores looking for gifts to give people because we want to make sure that we give them what we call the perfect gift we sometimes say this looks like him this looks like her this would fit them this would fit her and i want to give them something that they will remember me by for the rest of their life but my brothers and sisters can i remind all of us in here today and those of you who are watching online amen that the greatest gifts are not wrapped in paper and stored underneath a christmas tree amen but it is wrapped and it is given in love and when we talk about god's perfect gift amen i cannot think about anyone more perfect than jesus christ our lord amen no one can compare with god's gift of a savior to the world whatever you might give someone this christmas season nothing is like the gift of salvation that jesus has given unto us we buy birthday gifts we buy anniversary gifts and sometimes we do what we call a just because gift amen and i want to let all of us know today that god has given us a gift in the person of jesus christ because he understands that the world needs a gift that money cannot buy amen the bible says in second uh uh corinthians amen chapter 9 he says thanks be to god for his indescribable gift amen when you think about jesus and the gift of life that he has given to us he is indescribable there is nobody like jesus amen you ever met a man that could walk on water have you ever met a man that could turn water into wine there's nobody like this jesus that we serve amen he is the perfect gift for all of humanity jesus is the most perfect gift of all why because he is god manifested in the flesh amen the bible says amen that the prophet isaiah spoke of this in isaiah 7 and 14. isaiah said behold the virgin shall be with child you never heard of a virgin giving birth and jesus's birth is miraculous and it makes him a perfect gift because man has nothing to do with it there is no seed of the man in the woman she is a virgin god uses the spirit to impregnate her and he is our perfect gift for the world today joseph amen decided that because of what had happened he didn't understand what god was doing and so he said to himself i'm gonna put her away secretly so nobody would know what is going on in other words i'm gonna hide her so they won't know that she is pregnant can i tell you that there are some things that god is doing in our lives you cannot hide it god wants it to be on display he wants people to know that i am in this i am causing it to happen regardless to what's happening in your life sometimes the stuff that's happening it is so terrible to us that we think it needs to be hidden but can i tell you god has a way of bringing it to light and putting it on display so that everybody will know that this thing is not of man but it is of god jesus is born of god not of man man has nothing to do with it and that is why jesus could be born a perfect man and live a perfect life and die a perfect death so that we as perfect sinners can have eternity through jesus's death amen and so he demonstrates his perfect love not just to some people but he demonstrates his perfect love for everybody do you not know at this christmas season that you can't buy everybody a gift your desire is to bless some people there are some people you want to give something but you don't have enough money to buy gifts to give to them but can i tell y'all that when jesus was born into this world he is the gift to everybody it makes no difference whether you have money or not he is our perfect gift he came for a purpose and his purpose was perfect and that purpose per that perfect purpose was to save sinners that's why the bible says amen he came to save sinners his name shall be called jesus for he shall save his people from their sin this makes this message so easy to preach today because jesus amen is a miracle message he is the message of a miracle that was done by god and we need this miracle gift in our lives today so that we don't have to worry about whether or not somebody is thinking about us on christmas day god had us in his plan from the beginning of the world so jesus came perfectly to perfect imperfect people like you and i to give us perfect salvation so first thing i want to tell you today is that god's perfect gift is given in love my brothers and sisters if you are going to give a gift you need to give that gift in love don't give it as an afterthought give it in love when you do something in love you put your heart in it i often think about my sister when she cooks a man she cooks with love she puts her heart in all that she does not only does she cook in love when she serves it she piles it on she don't give you a small plate she gives you a large one can i tell you god piles the love on on a big plate he don't give you a small plate god does everything in love listen at what the word of god says in john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life god gave his all he gave us jesus a man a perfect savior one that did not know sin one that would not be enticed into sin he gave it to all of humanity and god gave this gift in love notice what he said that god so loved the world that he gave amen you can give without loving but you can't love without giving god loved us so much that he gave jesus the one and only that's nobody like jesus he is mono g known that is there's no gene in anybody like jesus christ he is one of a kind he stands in a class all by himself so god's perfect love is poured into jesus and that makes him the perfect gift in other words god divested himself emptying himself poured himself into jesus and god is perfect god is without flow god has no faults and when he poured himself into jesus he poured his perfect love and jesus is our perfect gift and love for jesus he left heaven listen at what jesus did he left his throne in heaven from eternity to come to this earth amen so that he can get heaven to us that's what jesus did he came down from heaven so that he can give a little heaven to us amen as a matter of fact amen he wants to get heaven in our heart while we are here on earth the bible says amen in ecclesiastes that god has put eternity in our heart in other words man longs for eternity but it got messed up in the garden of eden but here comes god amen through his son jesus sending him down through 42 generations so that we might have this perfect gift and that gift is through jesus christ our lord he has given it to us in love my brothers and sisters if you don't have money to buy a gift for a person just show them some love you may have to hug from a distance you may have to send them a text with a hug on the text but just do it in love the second thing i want to tell you is god's perfect gift is available to everyone god is not like us he does not hold back god is not prejudiced god loves everybody and his perfect gift is available to everyone and what i like about god's perfect gift he has a one size fits all gift amen it doesn't matter your race it does not matter your religion it does not matter the region that you live in it does not matter who you are where you come from the love that god gives to us is available for everybody that makes is so amazing it is for us all it is for the those that are sick it is for those that are well it is for those that are wealthy it is for those that are healthy it is for those that say they look good it is for those that say they don't look so good it is for those that are young it is for those that are all this gift of love that god gives to everybody it fits everyone now all of us don't have the best of health and all of us don't have wealth all of us may not have good looks as people call them but the gift that god gives us it looks over those trivial things in life god love is available to everyone so what are you saying everyone can have the blessings of the lord absolutely god's blessings are eternal and we can have his blessings his love his gift is to everyone and i believe that's a word for us today to let people know in this season that we're living in people that are giving up we need to let them know that god has a perfect gift for you and is available to you right now jesus is available to the poor he's a vote available to the homeless he's available to those who are living in sorrow and pain and loneliness god longs to bless all of humanity the only problem is that you must accept this gift of god why because it's available it's available to every last one of us now the third thing and i told you i wasn't going to preach long any gift that you buy it's going to cost something it's going to cost you some time it's going to cost you some money it's going to cost you some effort any gift god's gift calls jesus everything it cost him his all everything has a price it costs money time effort and someone has to do the leg work salvation also cost we love to say in church that salvation is free and that's true it's free to those that receive it but salvation cannot be purchased with money so we know that salvation came through jesus christ what did it cost jesus it cost him his life it caused him to be tortured it caused him to be marched from judgment hall to judgment hall it caused him to be spat on it caused him to be slapped in his face and sometimes in this life we are going to be mistreated but it cost god everything in his son jesus the christ it cost him his life it caused him to suffer on a cross it caused him to be speared in his side by a roman soldier it cost jesus his life he left the father's side in heaven can you imagine what heaven is like it's like we really don't know because we've never been there but jesus left heaven so that you and i might one day be able to live in heaven with god the father so any gift that you buy it costs something there are some of us that like expensive gifts but do you not know that salvation cannot be purchased with silver and gold and material thing it takes blood to purchase salvation and that is the perfect blood of jesus christ that knew no sin never sinned never found god in his mouth and he is the perfect gift that caused god everything through jesus christ our lord he gave it all up so that you and i might have eternity why do you think jesus came he came for you and me he came to the earth to suffer and to serve humanity listen this is something that we've got to get in our spirit jesus being god's perfect gift he came to suffer but nobody wants to suffer he came to serve but nobody wants to serve to serve this present age my brothers and sisters we have a calling to fulfill in christ jesus our lord that's one of the old hymns of our church then he came to die if it's one thing we must do we must die yes we are going to suffer in this life we ought to be serving humanity but my brothers and sisters we have to die to ourselves and our agendas and our will jesus came to die literally for the sins of the world so that you and i might be saved what a gift god has given us in jesus christ he paid a debt he didn't owe and a debt that you and i couldn't pay there are some of us right now who are in debt and we wish that that debt can be wiped out i'm talking about financial debt that we wish could be wiped out and we know that we cannot pay it all right now that's the problem and the predicament that we were in in sin for the bible says that the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life so we needed a cosigner we needed someone to pay our debt jesus paid our debt and he set us free so that we can go on our way god's gift calls jesus everything but it's free to all who will come this is what isaiah said in 55 and 1 when you get a chance come and buy without money without price he tell us to come don't cost you nothing are you willing to come to christ and give him you all here's the final thing this gift that god gives is so perfect that it works and it lasts forever this gift that he gives it works it's perfect and it lasts forever you know people buy us gifts at christmas time some things they buy it may not fit you may not like the color of it it might not be what you really wanted so what we'll do is we'll wait till after the holiday season and we will take the gift back and exchange it for something else or we will exchange it for the value of the gift but this gift you don't have to return it it's not defective it's not outdated and it will always fit and it will last forever and that is jesus's salvation for us we never know about gifts that we buy we just don't know or even the ones that we receive and if we will be honest there are some of us that hold christmas gifts to the next year so we can pass it on to somebody else because we didn't like that gift and we said oh this would be the perfect gift for someone else but the perfect gift of god which is jesus it works he works and he lasts and he'll last forever what lasts forever his forgiveness will last forever his salvation will last forever the work that he has done the finished work on calvary will last forever it will never ever fail you will never have to return the gift of salvation back to jesus he knows how to give the perfect gift the lord will meet our needs if we continue to follow him so my brothers and sisters as i close if you did not get that gift that you desired i suggest to you god's perfect gift and his name is jesus the christ if you have not confessed him with your mouth believed in your heart and made a public statement lord i repent of my sin and i believe in my heart that jesus died and he rose again the third day according to the scripture i invite him into my life i want him to come into my heart to live in me and occupy the throne of my life i accept your perfect gift unwrapped and untainted in the person of jesus christ my brothers and sisters this is my gift to you this is god's word for the people of god except god's perfect gift in the person of jesus christ so if you don't know him that's your invitation to salvation we're grateful to god for all that he has done and all that he is doing during this christmas season we're not going to get caught up in the commercialization of christmas we're just going to get caught up in what jesus has done in the finished work on the cross god bless you god keep you my brothers and sisters i pray that your christmas becomes what god would have it to be a very merry joyous christmas i wanted you to consider matthew chapter one for your devotional reading for the rest of the week to be encouraged through it and god will keep you through this week i pray that you stay safe stay out of harm's way father we thank you we bless you for your loving kindness we thank you for the perfect gift of jesus christ you've given us a gift that surpasses every gift that can be given and we marvel at your love for us your care and your concern i pray blessings and favor upon your people that you will keep us safe from covet 19 and all those other things that could happen to us between before we meet again we thank you we love you we adore you and we pray all of these blessings and they only name that manner now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest ruled and abide with us all hand forth now and forever and we'll see you online god bless you headway senior is the senior pastor maggie street is located at 642 maggie street montgomery alabama 36106.
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 217
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cBwFc9bOO8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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