"Why our church no longer plays Bethel or Hillsong music," Pastor explains false teachings

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I have always thought Hillsong to be "empty music" no Holy Spirit.

I am not familiar with Bethel

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
so on encourage you to grab your Bibles this morning we're going to be looking at a lot of different places in the Word of God this morning but we're going to begin 2nd Timothy so if you'll start there 2nd Timothy chapter 3 before I begin to read anything I kind of just give you a little background as to where we're at today and why we're about to do what we're about to do it is with great heaviness of my heart then I come to deliver this message to you today because I understand the implications of what I'm going to say today can have a tendency to frustrate to discourage or to outright make some of you angry with me and what I have to say I did my part to try to avoid this message today but God wouldn't allow me to go away from it it all started for me with a very simple email that I received back on October the 12th someone submitted an email through our website with just one sentence the sentence sin would be interested in knowing your views I'm playing Bethel music as worship in your church a little bit about me I like to try to operate with a zero Inbox policy whereas that means by the end of the week I like to make sure that I have no emails in my inbox that I've addressed everything I've taken care of everything I've replied or responded to to what needs to be replied or responded to but when I got that I read that as I what what what what's the question behind this statement because I I really wasn't informed on a lot of details so for the past couple weeks we've been mercy myself in research and discovering some things that I'm just not comfortable with now that I know the things that I know we can no longer accept some of the things that we've been doing and we need to make a change this morning I want to talk about the reason why we need to make a change and the purpose behind it like I said I realized that there can be some resistance to the message today and I'm ok with that I'm gonna do my best to give you the Word of God in this process to show you in Scripture why I believe what it is that I believe and if there's any opposition to that I welcome you to show me in Scripture your point of view as well we're gonna go into this dialogue together and we'll see the implications of it as this sermon kind of comes together but I want to start in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 if you notice there in 2nd beginning of verse number 16 it says that all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true to make us realize what is wrong in our lines it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right verse 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work so that's a fundamental truth about the Word of God it teaches us the truth it rebukes us in the error it corrects us when we are wrong and it gives us instruction to lead a righteous life I want you to hold your place there because I'll get back there in a moment but but right now just turn a couple pages to your left and and liquid it says in 1st Timothy oh I love the sound of those pages a man none of these verses are on the screen today but they're all found in your Bible there should be in your lap 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse number 1 it says now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last time some will turn away from true faith they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons these people are hypocrites and liars and the consciences are dead oh we're living in that time turning away from true faith turning away from sound biblical doctrine and they're pursuing this and they're pursuing things that sound good and and feel good and and seem religious but are so wrong it's just unbelievable well let's keep going now go to your right I'll try to direct you so you get there quickly go to your right go to first John first John chapter 4 still holding your place there and second Timothy don't don't don't let go of it first John chapter 4 verse number one says dear friends do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the spirit you must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God for there are many false prophets in the world this is how we know if they have the Spirit of God if a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus came in a real body that person has the Spirit of God but if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus that persons not from God such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here so so we're told test them put them to the test those that proclaim to speak or to deliver or Word of God put that to the test so how do you test it well what's the measure that you use to test their teaching you take all that they say about Jesus all that they say about God all that they say about grace about Redemption about salvation you lay that signed my signed with the Word of God and it should be abundantly clear and if it's not absolutely there's no place no place in our hearts no place in our lives because it's not true it's not from the Spirit of God it's from the spirit of the Antichrist don't be a part of it well there's more let's go let's go to 2nd Peter now go to your left I'm gonna direct you there 2nd Peter just a couple pages chapter 2 beginning in verse one but there were also false prophets in Israel just as there will be false teachers among you they will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even denied the master who brought them in this way they will bring sudden destruction on themselves many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality and because of these teachers the way of truth will be slandered verse three and their greed they will make up clever lines to get a hold of your money and when you flip it through the channels and you're stopping there you hear them the first say you want to grow in your faith you want to experience a breakthrough in the bonds it would you just show a seed of faith and how do you sow a seed of faith yeah by giving them money but give them a little bit of money so that you can experience the breakthrough that's what we're talking about here in their green they'll make up clever lies to get a hold of your money but God condemned them long ago and their destruction will not be delayed go back to where we begin 2nd Timothy now we transition into verse number 4 I love this passage of scripture because it came across this passage of Scripture shortly after surrendering that to the ministry there's a student in college at the time and filling God's call to full-time ministry and surrending my life to that not really understanding what it means and what it's going to take or what what it will look like as it plays out but I came across this passage of Scripture early and it was always a source of encouragement for me and it is still today notice what it says but again in verse number 1 of chapter 4 I solemnly urge you and the presence of God and Christ Jesus who will someday judge the living and the dead when he comes to set up his kingdom verse to preach the Word of God be prepared whether the time is favorable or not patiently correct rebuke and encourage your people with good teaching for a time is coming what people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching they will follow their own desires and we'll look for teachers who will tell them whatever they're itching ears want to hear they will reject the truth and chase after myths but you should keep a clear mind in every situation don't be afraid for suffering for the Lord work at telling others the good news and fully carry out the ministry that God has given you one more passage of Scripture if I may turn with me in your Bibles to Ephesians chapter five seasons chapter five then we're going to unpack the implication of all of this listen to the instructions given to us beginning in verse number 10 Ephesians five 10 says carefully determine what pleases the Lord take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness instead expose them it is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret but their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them for the light makes everything visible this is why it is said awake Oh sleeper rise up from the dead and Christ will give you light the same spirit same heart the same love that I have for you I want you to know it's time to wake up Church I warned you be very careful to the music that you listen to be very careful from the albums that you let I say albums how old am I be very careful from the music that you download and purchase and be very careful to the pastors or teachers that you listen to and follow or streamed their podcast very careful for the books that you read just because a song is played on a Christian radio station doesn't mean it glorifies God just because she can find the resource in a Christian bookstore doesn't mean it actually belongs in that bookstore be very careful now I realized that what the message liked today there is bound to be some resentment some hesitation some pushback there's bound to be certain criticisms that will arise and so in light of that I want to just address two of them and these are two of them most often expressed criticisms when it goes to addressing false doctrine and false teachers first of all the one pushback is often judge not lest ye be judged pastor be very careful let he who is out sin cast the first stone all those things are found in Scripture it's often the misapplication of those things that get us in trouble I want to show you what Jesus had to say when it came to the subject of judging others turn me your Bibles to Matthew chapter 7 because this is where the quote comes from judge not lest you be judged Matthew chapter 7 if you're there Sam there some of you just said I'm there you're turning their pages so I'm on to you I got Matthew chapter 7 verse number 1 says do not judge others and you will not be judged verse 2 for you will be treated as you treat others the standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged and why worry about a speck of your friends line when you have a log in your own how can you think of saying to your friend let me help you get rid of the speck in your eye when you can't see past a log in your own eye hypocrites first get rid of the log in your own eye then you will see well enough to do with the speck and your friends I Jesus does give us a warning about judging others but the judging he's warning us about it's the hypocritical kind of judging he says look you want to deal with the speck that's in your brother's eye but you got a plank in your own you can't help that brother deal with yourself first and then when you're in a right place in a right position then you can help your brother and sister deal with the speck that's in their eye he's not saying don't judge he said just don't be a hypocrite so often quote verse number one judge not lest ye be judged but we don't even make it to verse number six look at verse six I'm bringing out the New Living Translation it says don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy or another translation don't give this sacred to two dogs Jesus says don't give the sacred things to dogs and then he says don't throw your pearls to pigs they will trample their pearls then turn and attack you do you just catch what Jesus did he identified some people as dogs and some people as pigs so in order to obey verse number 6 then we have to make some judgmental decisions about other people's character and conduct you have to be able to know look don't waste what is holy on those that are outright rebellious and unholy be able to discern between you know is that person a dog or is that person a pig using the language of our Lord in the context of what he was saying so it takes discernment to recognize go all the way down look at verse number 15 you can see him right there verse number 15 says beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves you can identify them by their fruit that is by the way they act can you pick grapes some thorn bushes or figs from thistles the answer's no a good tree produces good fruit and bad tree produces bad fruit a good true can't produce bad fruit and a bad tree can't produce good fruit every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire yes just as you can identify a true by its fruit so you can identify people by their actions it takes discernment to recognize that's not a true sheep that's a wolf just up in sheep's clothing and in order to recognize false prophets and in order to be able to identify false teaching then we must exercise discernment that's that's judgmental decisions and evaluations we must be willing to do and that's what Jesus is teaching us we live in a day and a time where we're tolerance is a dominant theme in our culture and in our churches if you dare to confront or to expose sin or if you dare to label someone's teaching as being non biblical you'll be accused of being judgmental and unloving I believe the Bible is clear that the pastor is the one that's being extremely unloving if they allow for wolves to affect their flock if you allow sinning believers to infect the flock without confronting and exposing their sin that is what is unloving listen to what the scripture says in Romans chapter 16 verses 17 and 18 it says I urge you brothers and sisters to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching that you have learned keep away from them for such people are not serving our Lord Christ but their own appetites by smooth talk and flattering they deceive the minds of naive people the Bible clearly teaches us that we must exercise biblical judgment and discernment let me show you one place in scripture where it's so easy and clear to see turn with me in your Bibles to first Thessalonians chapter 5 now the pages are getting fewer and fewer that are turning come on hang in there with me 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 chapter 5 four verses begin in verse number nineteen says do not stifle the Holy Spirit do not scoff at prophecies but test everything that is said hold on to what is good stay away from every kind of evil five imperatives are given to us in these four verses the first two are negative imperatives you know do not stifle the Holy Spirit Donetsk all fat prophecies those set the boundaries for the three positive but test everything that is said hold on to what is good flee or run away or stay away from the things that are evil so when it comes to two manners of doctrine when it comes to the issue of theology then we are to judge these matters these things within the biblical parameters that we have and we must exercise judgment discernment evaluations so that we know what we're receiving into our life is true in an accurate reflection of what God's word has to say so the first pushback is often judge not lest you be judged the second one is often well it's okay to expose false doctrine but you kind of cross the line when you begin to expose false teachers we begin naming names in a moment I'm gonna name some names some of you are gonna be like really some of you are following the names that I'm going to mention I'm gonna tell you about these people out of my love and my concern for your spiritual development when they say that you should expose the doctrine but without naming names my first response is did you even read the Bible listen to what Paul says in first Timothy chapter 1 he says cling to your faith in Christ and keep your conscience clear for some people have deliberately violated their consciences as a result their faith has been shipwrecked general statement then verse 20 high mineus and alexander there are two examples he just identifies them just calls mount exposes it in front of everyone but that's not the only place there's other places like second Timothy chapter 2 Paul writes beginning in verse number 15 work hard so that you can present yourself to God and receive his approval be a good worker one who doesn't need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth avoid worthless foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior this kind of talk spreads like cancer all very general generic then he says as in the case of high mineus and philetus just calls mount two individuals they've left the path of truth claiming that the resurrection of the Dead has already occurred in this way they have turned some people away from the faith I've heard people say I can never confront another person about their sin you know he was out sin cast the first stone but I'm saying that to dodge this difficult and responsibility or this difficult and loving responsibility it's the very opposite of love if you see a child running out into a street about to get hit by a car I would think love what motivates you to yell to do whatever is necessary to try to rescue that child to protect that child from danger so likewise we see a fellow believer that is following them the path a dangerous path of dangerous teaching and heretical views then love ought to motivate us to shout to do whatever we can to get their attention to stay away from that danger with that in mind let's just rip off the band-aid first and foremost I warned you be very very careful I would stay away from the teachings from the writings from the from the spiritual wisdom that is shared from Pope Francis now some of your like know oh yeah there we go stay away from it it's not biblical I can give you a list of reasons that caused me concern I'll share with you one Pope Francis himself said we are living in a time when religious believers from people of goodwill everywhere since the need to grow a mutual understanding and respect and support each other as members of one human family that sounds all good I'll have any problem with that then he says for all of us are children of God and to make sure I'm not like just misunderstanding what he's saying or what he's trying to express he also says many think differently feel differently seeking God or meeting God in different ways in this crowd in this range of religions there's only one certainty that we have for all we are all children of God I tell you what when the Pope says that we are all children of God he does not reveal the truth of scriptural he only reveals his ignorance of the Word of God this is what scripture says for those of you that are already resisting and already pushing back this is what the Word of God says John chapter one verse number 10 he came into the very world he created but the world didn't recognize him he came to his own people and even they rejected him but to all who believed him and accepted him he gave the right to become children of God so who are the children of God those that believe and accept him says they are reborn not with the physical birth but a birth that comes from God then it says in first John chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 those who have been born into God's family do not make a practice of sinning because God's life is in them so they can't keep on sinning because they are children of God who are the children of God those that are born into God's family how are you born into God's family by believing and accepting Jesus Christ into your life it says so now we can tell who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil anyone who does not live righteously does that love other believers does not belong to God there are two classes of humanity the child of God and the child of the devil if you don't have your faith your belief rooted in the Son of God then you belong to the devil you're his kid not gods stay away from that teaching it sounds religious but it is not biblical I warn you here we go stay away from the teachings the decorations the preaching the books from people like Joel Osteen stay away from Bishop TD jakes heresy that comes out of his mouth stay away from Joyce Myers Kenneth and Gloria Copeland Benny Hinn Brian Houston of Hillsong Bill Johnson of Bethel I'll come back to those guys in a moment stay away from Jen Hatmaker she's a false teacher she doesn't believe in the biblical view of marriage the biblical view of sexuality don't follow her stay away from Sarah young that whole Jesus calling devotional stuff any worth a piece of paper it's printed on she literally says like if you research it she literally says in her introduction I know that God's Word is sufficient for me but I long for more it wasn't enough and because it wasn't enough I wanted God's personal revelation for me so I found myself a quiet place with pen and paper in hand and I began to write down the direct revelation of God to me how Joseph Smith started the whole Mormonism isn't an interesting that her direct revelation that Jesus had to say to her has now been published and sold billions said that was just for you Sarah on August 23rd of her book she's talking about be careful it's a daily devotion so devotion goes to August 23rd and she talks about be careful of idolizing their children and I would agree with that but in her original book it's been rewritten since then she uses the story of Abraham and Isaac as her an example and she accused Abraham of having uncontrolled emotions practicing Sun worship and idolatry none of these things are mentioned in the Bible but if what's interesting is if you go and buy a current edition of it today August 23rd has nothing to do with Abraham and Isaac and it has everything to do with the whole different story characters in the Bible so which makes me wonder wait Jesus did a self correct in his insight and wisdom Jesus doesn't make mistakes it's the altar of truth there's so many things like stay away from that I don't care if it's a Christian bestseller I think right now it's like number five on the Christian devotions and and and best-selling it's garbage you don't need to be filling your mind with it immerse yourself in the Word of God Joseph Prince stay away from them Fred Pryce creflo dollar I'm gonna be nice Todd white it's another one Rob Bell and Oprah Winfrey whatever tour that they're on together she literally says that there's millions of different paths to get to God and what you called Jesus is good for you but all that matters is that you're faithful and true on whatever path that you're on we all end up in the same place it's just garbage stay away from the stuff but it's not just the pastors or the teachers that we listen to it's also found in the music that we listen to as well to which that question was posed to me so in light of that making the decision that right now we as a church will no longer sing songs from Bethel from Bethel collective from Hillsong a Hillsong UNITED we're not singing song from Jesus Culture we're not singing songs from Jeremy riddle from Corey Asbury and a list of fifteen or sixteen other different artists so why are we taking this position why we no longer singing their music why we're no longer going to be doing that because they align themselves with or they come from churches that are theer theologically problematic if not outright heretical it's like you gotta be careful you can't just pull the good that's in those songs say it's okay for us just to sing the good stuff and and void the the other stuff so how it works you do realize where maybe you don't when you purchase an album from them or when their church sings a song of theirs that we are financially supporting their ministries so when this church is Church in order to be able to to play music that is copyrighted we have to purchase on an annual basis something that's called the CC Li it's a license it gives you permission to sing copyrighted music and things you turn in songs you a list of songs and how many times you sing them you have to report this kind of stuff and so what happens is each church that pays the license fee and then when they collect all the data and information then those artists or those groups receive compensation based upon the number of times their song gets sung we're in a number of churches so when we sing one of their songs we become financially contributors of their churches that they come from and there's where the problem comes in I told you I come back to them and so let's just camp out here for a moment I'll start with Brian Houston of Hillsong a Hillsong UNITED Hillsong Church is the Pentecostal mega church that's affiliated with in the Australian Christian churches it is the Australian branch of the Assemblies of God and part of their doctrinal belief is that of the prosperity gospel this quote comes directly from Hillsong website it says we believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and bless lives in order to help others more effectively and this falls in line with the teaching that God always wills to heal and that blessed equals healthy that's the prosperity gospel which adds that God's desire is to enrich you financially and just to make sure you don't think I'm stretching or or you know grabbing at straws just from one line from their website we cheered direct a direct quote from their pastor he published a book this book was published many years ago but the name of the book ought to get our attention you need more money this is book in his book you need more money on page number 8 Brian Houston says we we have to become comfortable with wealth and break the bondage guilt and condemnation of impoverished thinking poverty is definitely not God's will for his people in fact he promises his promises talk of blessing and prosperity and say that the poverty I'm sorry the prosperity gospel is either a perversion of the true gospel or fall so far off course it is another gospel completely either way it has no place in the church and ought to have no place in the life of a true Christian in their biblical worldview the movie to you what Paul says and he gives a warning to Timothy in fact I want you to see it for yourself turn with me to first Timothy chapter 6 I know some of you are done listening to me you've checked out I get it just thank you for not walking out that would be a distraction draw a picture in your bulletin 1st Timothy chapter 6 I send what Paul says beginning in verse number 2 the very end of verse number 2 teach these things Timothy and encourage everyone to obeying some people may contradict our teaching but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ these teachings promote a godly life anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words the stirs up arguments ending and jealousy divisions slander and evil suspicions these people always cause trouble there minds are corrupt and they have turned their backs on the truth to them a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy verse six yet true godliness is with contentment is itself great wealth after all we brought nothing with us when we came into the world we can't take anything with us when we leave it so if we have enough food and clothing let us be content but people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction and then it says in verse 10 for the love of money not money in and of itself it's the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil and some people craving money have wandered from true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrow Paul also says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 I hope that you'll put up a little more with my foolishness please bear with me for I am jealous for you but the jealousy of God himself I promised you a pure bride to a one husband Christ then he says in verse number three but I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent verse 4 you happily put up with whatever anyone tells you even if they preach a different Jesus than the one we preached even if they preach a different kind of spirit than the one that you've received and even if they preach a different kind of gospel than the one you believed Brian Houston and the whole prosperity gospel pursuit and doctrine is corrupt it's unbiblical that you should stay away from it we get to the manor of Bethel and their pastor Ben Johnson it's just a little bit more weird at times I didn't know much about their ministry and what they do and how they're organized and the school that they have in order to train other prophets and and healers and and whatnot but they Bethel the leadership practices promotes endorses I don't really know which one is the right word but something that's been referred to as grave sucking other words are grave soaking or mantle passing some of you never even heard of this before nor did I this is what it is it's the practice is based upon the idea that the spiritual calling of an individual who has died may be reclaimed by somebody else the theory is that God uses the Holy Spirit to anoint certain believers with a specific purpose such as healing or prophecy but when that person dies the work of God has been foregin best the Holy Spirit is wasted it's lying upon the bones and unable to continue the calling and so this unrecovered is how the phrase did the unrecovered anointing is apparently available to anyone who would physically come and claim it for themselves some people have said all it's just an inside joke it's not really serious it's it's something that's just taking out of context I've seen that argument I've heard that argument but this isn't taking it out of context take a look at this picture there we go that's the pastor's wife Binney Johnson she's an Oxford she's currently lying at the tomb in that picture of CS Lewis soaking it out trying to get the residual anointing that's contained within that grave you can't really see it from there I get it but the little comments on the side become evident that this is a practice of teaching that exists among them when they say grab some for me grab some for me - Wow then the next one so it's not an isolated incident there's the picture of her hugging on to the tombstone of Charles Finney trying to soak in his anointing if you need further evidence I don't know why you would but just in case if you do Bill Johnson himself wrote the book called the physics of heaven and in Chapter four he says this there are anointings Mantle's revelations and mysteries that have laid unclaimed literally where they were left because the generation that walked in them never passed them on I believe it's possible for us to recover realms of anointing realms of insight then he says realms of God that have been untended for decades simply by choosing to reclaim them and perpetuate them for future generations I mean that's the superstitious practice is is blatantly it's it's superstitious it's superstition it's unbiblical it's crazy there's no other scripture that teaches this stay away from it and they also promote something that's called a canosa's theory oh this is problematic too this is a whole nother gospel this is the warning that we read in first John chapter 4 verse number 3 if they don't teach the truth about Jesus then it's not from God it's from the spirit of the Antichrist the canosa's theory goes like this that Jesus when he left heaven to come to earth abandon his deity in heaven so that when he was on earth he was on earth 100% man and that's it and they base that on on Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 8 let me read that for you real quick it says had this mind among yourselves which is yours in Christ Jesus who though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped and verse 7 says but he emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross they pick up on the phrase emptied himself and that's what they say they say that he left his divine attributes in heaven when he emptied himself but that's not what this verse was talking about this first doesn't talk anything about his divine attributes this verse is talking about the humility of our Lord when he abandoned the praise and worship of heaven to enter into our mess in our muck here on earth it's talking about his humility and the canosa's theory is dangerous because if you believe that Jesus was only a man and then there's logic girls Jesus was able to perform the miracles and raise the dead because he was a man walking in right relationship with God and if you being a me and are also walking in a right relationship of God that you could do those miracles too and we could train you how to do them if the canosa's theory is correct and it's not then it would mean that Jesus was not fully divine and if Jesus was not fully divine that the atoning work that was accomplished on the cross would not be sufficient to atone for the sins of the world the proper view is the hypostatic Union the hypostatic union is the belief that teaches us that Jesus was a hundred percent God and a hundred percent man jesus said himself in John chapter 10 verse number thirty he said I and the father are one Colossians chapter two verses 8 through 10 says don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and a high sounding nonsense that came from human thinking from the spiritual powers of this world rather than from Christ for in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body this is it there too so you also are complete through your union with Christ who was the head over every ruler and authority and these are just a few reasons that should give us pause for concern each time we gather to worship we gather there are two messages that get proclaimed there's the message that we preach and teach through the songs that we sing and then there's the message that we preach and teach to the word that we give make no mistake doctrine matters proper theology is important and if we're not going to quote their pastors or quote their leaders teach their theology then why the world we're going to sing their songs it's deceptive it's not worth it and let me be quick so you don't leave here thinking yeah what do you go away to attack all that contemporary garbage that's out there today let me tell you those little pews that those little handles that are in that P writing from you those are problematic too it's not just current contemporary music that causes problems with theology and doctrine there are some hymns and those hymnals that we are not be partaking and singing of that too because it's not true and it's that accurate and it's not a true reflection of the Word of God don't worry we're gonna adjust that too we're gonna work in getting there at the right kind of hem mold so it's the right kind of hymns that support our theological position as a church so a line of Scripture ain't no mistake that dangerous doctrine should be silenced not supported and it matters what we do and how we do it and so we will take all the steps that are necessary in order to make sure that the proper theology is taught and that improper or false theology is identified and corrected as well how do you know the difference you know how'd it like a pastor that's like a lot of work there's a lot of music that I've been singing and I listen to it that sounds good and now now you're saying that I need to take extra steps and how am I supposed to know what am I supposed to do let me tell you this the way you identify a counterfeit is by knowing the original don't immerse yourself in trying to discover all the counterfeit theology that is out there don't try to discover all the false doctrine that exists immerse yourself in the Word of God study the true thing so that when you see something that's contrary to much true then you'll be able to say Danny right that's wrong it sounds good it feels good but in any Ryan love the Word of God immerse yourself in God's Word we encourage you to take the time today this week to immerse yourself in psalm 119 go and turn there last passage some of you thinking last passage that's a long passage some 119 longest chapter in the Bible 176 verses broke it down into 26 different stances each stanza begins with a different Hebrew letter you have to read this in Hebrew to see it and understand it but this was a learning tool it took each letter of the Hebrew alphabet and each stanza represented the next letter in the Hebrew alphabet so that each verse in each stanza began with the letter that came from that section so like this first section for us would like saying it it's a so verses one through six I'm gonna Swan through eight all those verses would have began with the letter A and then the next section would begin with the next letter that's how it was written the prominent theme of psalm 119 is that the Word of God is sufficient let me read through some of this with you not all of it just some this is joyful are the people of integrity verse 1 who follow the instructions of the Lord joyful are those who obey its laws and search for him with all their hearts verse 4 you have charges to keep your Commandments carefully you can understand we say law Commandments decrees it's all talking about the scriptures ok so he says you have charged us to keep your Commandments carefully oh that my actions would consistently reflect your degrees then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands I wonder how many of us could say that today when I compare my life to your word that I would not be ashamed verse number 11 I've hidden your word in my heart then I might not sin against you verse 20 for your law your laws pleased me they give me wise advice verse 35 make me walk along the path of your commands for that is where my happy is found where is the happiness found walking in the path of God's Word that's how you have a happy life I'm Joel writes that book be quiet even your best life now the only way this it could be your best life now is if you're going to hell when you die for the believer no matter how bad it is it's as bad as the love of me everything is eternally glory after that before the non-believer this is as good as it will ever get anyway 37 turned my eyes from worthless things and give me life through your word verse 47 how I delight your commands how I love them I honor and love your commands I meditate on your degree decrees verse 54 your decrees have been my theme or the theme of my songs wherever I have lived I reflect that night on who you are Oh Lord there therefore I obeyed your instructions this is how I spend my life obeying your Commandments man sorry smell my life gonna be great testimony of us all if we're embraced then I spend my life obeying your word verse 66 I believe in your commands now teach me good judgment and knowledge I used to wonder off until you discipline me but now I closely follow your word verse 72 your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver oh how many of you can agree with verse number 81 I am worn out waiting for your rescue but I've put my hope in your word all your commands are trustworthy verse 86 protect me from those who hunt me down without cause or say denying your eternal word o Lord stands firm in heaven your faithfulness extends to every generation as enduring as the earth you created your regulations remain true to this day for everything serves your plans Oh verse 103 how sweet your words taste me they're sweeter than honey your commandments give me understanding no wonder I hate every false way of life Oh a few more verse 129 your laws are wonderful the Wonder I obey obey them the teaching of your word gives blind so even the simple like me can understand verse 140 your promises have been thoroughly tested that is why I love them so much 144 your laws are always right help me to understand them so I may live 149 in your faithful love O Lord hear my cry let me be revived by following your regulations a couple more let's do 160 look at that the very essence of your words is truth all your just regulations will stand forever verse number 174 O Lord I have longed for your rescue and your instructions are my delight let me live so I can praise you and may your regulations help me may we live to praise God and may the word of God help us to understand what that means and how that looks let us be very good students of the Word of God let us be very careful exercise great discernment and what we take in with our lives the music we listen to the people we listen to the books and the devotions that we read be very very careful no invitation a challenge for you today church is to exercise great caution for those that have checked out a long time ago may you know I say this to you because I love you I want what's best for you I want you to pursue the truth because the truth is life giving freedom is found in and through a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with that being said let's pray Heavenly Father thank you for today thank you for this church I got I pray that we would put a great value on your word God help us to be protected from the false teaching that exists help us to be disciplined based our opinions our belief on your word and let us stand under the authority of your word and made us be okay with that no matter what happens
Channel: Doreen Virtue
Views: 3,780,322
Rating: 4.2677703 out of 5
Keywords: nar heresy, Paul Washer, Paul Washer's shocking message, Paul Washer's shocking youth message, American Gospel movie Christ Alone, Strange Fire conference, Clouds without water, Fighting for the Faith, Chris Rosebrough, Lindsay Davis, The Cultish Show, Apologia Studios, Apologia Church, Justin Peters, John MacArthur, Warren B Smith, Wretech Radio, Todd Friel, Costi Hinn, Redeemer Church, Ray Comfort, Living Waters Ministries, False gospel, False christ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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