Machine Gun Kelly Breaks Down Eminem Feud, Halsey Rumors, Mac Miller's Death, Binge EP + More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlemagne to God we are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest in the building he's been a trending topic for a couple weeks yes MGK welcome sir what's going on you confused the [ __ ] out of me when I first said ha ha ha cause he has a jacket on a shearling that was like is it cold outside today that jacket is fresh as [ __ ] I said oh you got taller you did look like you got taller but then when he turned around I say you ain't got no shirt on so I guess it was for fashion mm-hmm yes a special time right now so how you feeling sir I feel great you got an EP out smartest thing you could have done put your name wasn't so much absolutely with that planned already oh you do know I mean well it was the EP plan yeah yeah I had out a project in the works I mean essentially just me being like I'm back on my rap [ __ ] I've been doing movies for some time yeah by the way that was a big move to I appreciated that the reason I appreciated that because I feel like people should be held accountable and I feel like people are just saying whatever they want nowadays because of social media and they act like people aren't even human you gotta say Leslie just in case allegedly so whatever happened I come in that sir let's get right into it because we've been watching this whole back-and-forth with you and Eminem right did you anticipate him responding to you to rap double not the first one the first shot well you replied to his Cyrus I replied to his shot Shauna come I woke up to that he should have said it six years ago are you waiting for six years ago um you know truth be told we had to handle it behind the scenes breath six years ago spoke about know he and I know he's a recluse we can't find him so we did we didn't speak i spoke to paul rosenberg and his team because that is as well as man to man as it gets with him you know what I'm saying so what I had said you know it all started with the daughter thing so what did you say his daughter got him so mad did you say you know what I said that she's hot you have to she was out of line for that 1516 look look I'm a father one I didn't know how old she was all the headlines said was this person that we had known through records has all grown up hmm that's the headline I saw I made a comment you know I didn't feel like it was disrespectful but I'm a father I have a nine-year-old daughter I get it 100% and man-to-man I'll tell you I apologize can I take the tweet down short but public apology because we're talking about the same guy who shits on dead people and you know Christopher Reeves who's in a wheelchair I mean get on it yes so I mean I guess look man it's it was it was a silly comment to have started all of this it says something said some silly to trip on I get I get it if it was like you know gruesome words were used or like there was you know sexual implications in it was the Rosenberg you took the tweet down your pologize behind the things you thought it was done yeah but but that's until you know machine gun our Kelly line no yeah I mean like that was well that's that's the thing we had settled it behind the scenes and then as I continued to try and move about my career you start to run of these like funny little robots you're like huh you know why can't I go up here and not and then also you can't just minimize it to shave 45 you've got to think about Eminem his Interscope Machine Gun Kelly is Interscope this man has brought hundreds of millions of dollars to that building I'm new it's my first album there I just came in not only did that happen but at the same time me a yellow wolf or beefing yellow wolf is an Interscope artist and he's up under right so the building automatically is like this box you out well I mean I have my loyalists and then he has his loyalists fine I think that's a little difficult for a new artist to have to overcome okay though but the problem comes when people that are assigned to work for me aren't working and they're picking sides and then the people that I'm supposed to you know depend on to get you know to help my narrative be taught me look in my opinion you drinking on player to kill you okay you've got the good [ __ ] I love cats that you're going is more but I like this one too no matter what okay so the apart Rosenberg make a call and tell them to shelf your project no coming no what what what Eminem said no this is this is actually funny what Eminem said wasn't true was that he didn't make a call written regards to the daughter situation and you know that was false Jimmy Iovine and puffs conference called me at nine in the morning with multiple other people and that was a conversation that happened at three in the morning the previous night with harf Pierre James Cruz Paul Rosenberg James McMillan so I'm lied he did talk to puff maybe we don't speak to him we don't know where he is we we don't speak to him we speak to his spokespeople and I'm speaking on the world you know what I'm saying I don't even know why everyone's writing for this man so it's out this is a person who won't even show up to do a real interview meaning that swea works for shade 45 so it's all staged yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a little weird man I'm a I'm a man of the people I'm a vulnerable dude I don't mind you know putting myself out there but there's artists who don't do interviews like that some of the bit like shoddy you're not gonna be interview Prince he didn't do too many anymore Eminem is known for not doing I mean not listen I've worked there I actually ironically enough in one shade 45 even but when I was 18 years old before the baby for I had ever had a well before I was even famous yet interviewed me on like how you know not don't put your day job yeah now people are saying that this whole thing is a ploy that endoscopes using to help you sell records oh man that'd be great yeah because I want to equal playing right I went I took it to equal playing rooms I mean let's let's also say it like it is you took two weeks I took two days you use the Ronnie J track I used the Ronnie J track you use the million dollar studio I used a dresser room before sound check well I think he was contemplating his install process was I don't want to make you any bigger is what do you say I mean that's another funny narrative that I hear I've sold over 20 million records for room right now as me as machine ok I've been in ten movies four of which come out December to April it's very hard for me to accept that like this career just buttered out of nowhere via him I've had a John Varvatos fashion campaign I've been III don't I don't know what place you get linen me to I've done Warped Tour for three years this is a punk in the heat tour I've also went bar to bar with you know partial Mathers like I don't there isn't any everybody thought I'd given you flack for your career so odd it's like how many 20 million yes I've had a number one pop song these are real facts but you know what when he did take the shot at you on a kamikaze album wasn't one of those things like that you were ready for it because you've been feeling like you've been banned for a while you've been feeling like the little shots have been coming at you so you were you were prepared I don't think anyone's prepared for that I mean you know I'm always I'm always I mean I'm not a sucker y'all gonna Punk me I mean ultimately that's the that's the ultimate thing it was one of those things his rap devil just same rap devil scene executed video de scene it was there it was like one of those now I can't help that I'm that I'm on point I can't help that I thought it took this for y'all to see my talent not y'all being you but you know that I I hope that I thought rap devil was better than kill shot I mean I guess I guess I'm in the minority because people been giving me play anyway is a great lyricist I don't think anybody can deny that no I didn't I just say I didn't say kill shot was better I just say kill shot wasn't trash that's what I said I think I was good I don't think rap devil was better what's that six for me dawg six for you let me say but I thought rap rap down execution was was a leg shot rap devil we're talking about facts you want to talk about man buns you want to talk about a hairstyle I wore for a movie a blockbuster movie shout out nerve and at in a 10 episode Showtime series called roadies I'm an actor homie how disconnected are you called me a mumble rapper oh can we just pour some out for this old masters you can afford I mean look like if you want to talk about those numbers right let's just take bad things just take bad thing right cuz cuz ultimately I people just keep jumping back and forth with my whole so you know take what take till I die take time I'd ever has no features a song all about Cleveland what is that platinum or double platinum double platinum okay that's that's all that's a song about Cleveland just me by myself how many would you know because he said he passed you yo well he's not he not only can he not rap but he can't do math either so I don't know what yes many of them I didn't even say no name so I don't even know why everyone's getting sensitive Halsey I'm sorry the 30 year old and the 50 year old said those names not me so did you smash Halsey absolutely I think that's wack now like that was when that was when she and I were rocking right and I was just on some like flirty smells back when I had ironically hairstyle yeah that was that time though you know I'm saying so I I don't no y-you know she keeps getting thrown in it as this like I never said no names you know I'm saying of course some I thought ponch line in because I know it hurts and this is hip-hop but the whole point is that I seen you one time the last time I seen you you were acting real weird and then the next time I see you not in part because I don't see you I never see I didn't see what person that next might seem on a screen you look just like me so it you know to know each other in Finland that's awful we're not gonna have this conversation like the one thing we're not gonna do is like big up someone's gangster that's not and and and and and being someone that who's had an issue with me okay you know you know how I approach yeah I approach you as a man I've came up straight to you with the I don't know where we're a maze V&A has he he thought I sit it on Cleveland you have you have definitely said some negative things about Cleveland I said remember what it was but yeah he did approach me yeah you did he buckled down and you by itself to I'm always by that's the other thing yeah no you know you got 30 people here with you right now I'm on a tour I have a band as well you know I'm sent us five people like what happened in Finland would be easy [Laughter] next no no no no no no we did a bunch of drugs together and yeah I thought there was no sit there yeah yeah so there was no beefs like I was like what you mentioned Finland in the record he mention Finland in the wreck no I mentioned filling in the post like tell the truth about Finland stop it's not backed in like there was some like weird like oh yeah you know I blue it's like man I remember you coming up and being like dude man you rap circles around I could never wrap as good as you just like so you know I guess when you go on like a Netflix rapture series or something and you you're talking about how you're the greatest in this area it's like well this doesn't matter what you say and like to is also not a fad you make like you make club records you know you don't impact the youth to me so like you know saying or like or like my soul so I don't okay so what happened in Finland is you always chill everything was cool you know some drugs and he goes and talks about you does this hurts you like just the fact that I mean just coming up right and saying being a fan of eminem cuz you were a fan of eminem does it bother you now that it's like the person that I really admired and liked it's causing all these problems for me why does he keep acting like I'm just like I care about this dude like that it's like you were cool to you're not cool don't whatever now yeah now listen you did have a bunch of tweets where you was fanboying about Eminem absolutely and let's look at the dates on those tweets like 2010 we're bringing absolutely I said he's my I don't want his diss right on the diss record to him absolutely why don't we still why do i what why'd you delete all those I know I don't have I had nothing to do with the linear that if anything was delete which I wish I don't do you know that they're deleted no I just ready yes exactly but let me let me say this the narrative is becoming a little unfair right now I'm in a boxing ring with one person I came as one person hmm I never asked puff to retweet a thing I never asked any of my celebrity friends to get on my side I never asked them to comment under my pictures yeah we ride I never asked one of that I stepped in a boxing ring by myself and which way in which I was evoked to do and I just stepped up sometimes and they could become your rivals and here is this audience throwing banana peels while I'm fighting in my corner they're just throwing banana peels in my corner you edited you fake edited boos into a performance of me performing rapped ever like not only did I not get booed but every time for the last two weeks Michigan included I step out in the crowd after that song plays and walk through the entire arena and there is a video of this Rhys Engel day and I give every and I have one person with me when I walked through I give 10,000 people a chance every day to do what they want to do say how they wanted what they want to say feel how they want to feel it's me and one dude I've done it for two weeks you you can't edit the narrative to be what it's not you I've seen fake edited ghost writing credits it's like what are we doing it just like just just your your boy got his knees are weak you gotta accept it it's like look you know I even see today the dis nah you know it's the most popular dish on YouTube everyone wants to tune in to see the legend just got punched in the mouth everyone wants to see what's happened and of course you're gonna tune in you're gonna go you're gonna go see Rocky's last movie do you respond to rob you glass movie was good do you respond to what his last kill shot yes I had a clip ready that's how I tell you I had a clip ready I heard kill shot and I put that [ __ ] back in the holster I'm like oh word all right he just he called me a mumble rapper I'm like why not hit him with another shot just to prove your point though because I was this wasn't even on my path anyway they're like people get this whole thing with me like oh well did you know this just he's cloud chasing she's like I'm on a tour opening up for like up a rock band yeah and a completely different my state than this thank you though for bringing me back to this thing cuz I'm a I'm like my energy is so up and I'm not so bad that's other thing I saw - they said that the concert was a Fall Out Boy concert and that wasn't even your crowd in the crowd - I know but the crowd didn't know why they were throwing their middle fingers up for nothing like that did you not just hear me explain okay let's just say let's just say one it's not there's a there's a real video and a fake video yes and we have both you posted we can watch the real video it's on worldstar as well you've watched a real video and you can watch the boos well it sounds like a wrestling video I mean it's that much of a joke I saw another one today that just popped up you know he wrote rap Devils seven months ago I thought the footage is right here I recorded it in a trend that you know I'm saying an address ten feet away from the locker room not pop that champagne I recorded that Friday the day he released his [ __ ] I woke up to his [ __ ] I woke up to jeez actually this we'd all laughed our ass off of that heard the mm was like oh okay but you should not to say that you should be a B but I it the conversation is starting that MGK cos spit weird I don't think that conversation was there now I mean listen I think that's the first time I mean I've all I said am MGK actually grabbing his ass off on rap devil you know how we met when we was here the first time I was impressed you know which i think is a good thing put you back into a space where you I think you feel more like a lyricist you got a different swag now yeah yeah I think uh I think that's why I said like if this is what it takes to show my talent on then I'm with it I was raised by wolves I'm uh III was I was meant for this like I got energy for this if you look at any of my track my track records of beef isn't Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey I agree it's all gorillas I've went to war with nothing but gangsters gorillas and 450 pound security bouncers you know I'm saying allegedly this doesn't have anything to it I'm talking about my until my right like there's there it's it says what it says this is the first time we've ever heard Eminem actually go after people that can rap Joe Biden Machine Gun Kelly right you mean he went at cannabis but cannabis was kind of on the downslide I think ultimately 2mv in response to your question it's like you know I own hip hop this moment because of how I came in was was hip hop right I had had frustrations even from you being one of those people I was like what is it that what is the disconnect between like my you know also to be fair I feel like you know the narrative that the labels choose it so is what you hear mm-hm and my fans get to hear this amazing other music that maybe you aren't tuned into right I mean like this so give the radio yeah of course and so here's rap devil which is like an authentic Kelly wrecker like that is what Machine Gun Kelly sounds like to me that's what I've heard my whole this all these years absolutely absolutely I mean without a doubt but ultimately there's always been bars as all I'm saying I never came in with no substance I know what you know what I'm saying and and I guess now I'm looking like see like I did rap devil in four hours video all that that was a four hour you know it's the only Ghost Rider was a pill of adderall where were you when you heard Cosette we were on a bus kill shot was the recent one yeah we were you when you heard that I I flew to uh I flew to Dallas to meet to meet there's this girl is it you fly out to meet girl you don't know I call honey because I need to get I need to get away alright there was other stuff going I was supposed to play and like I got whatever and I went and I really just needed a break you know I'm saying and I'll and I had just had this like this whole week was you know all the energy was spent beefing with this dude starts to die down alright cool I need to like you know I'm saying I need to go get away honestly I need to get you know I'm saying like some [ __ ] I want and just you know I'm saying like sleep for 18 hours because I've been just up attack in the world for you know it's been me against the world trying to fight the Internet yeah but I don't though III honestly I hold so much in I keep I keep a pretty GF I sit back I smile everyone have their own debate you don't think I want to come out and be like this is fake this is not true I just don't do that that's alright it's the same thing I do with em I bit the bullet for six years yeah I'm gonna take my jabs of you for doing house [ __ ] like banning me from certain things and and making it difficult in my own record label I mean I play I like it's you know yeah I'm gonna shoot my little my shots like in the technology that says it was like yeah you're owed that of course I'm gonna shoot these I'm an MC man and you're holding me down or you're making it very hard for me you ever had those conversations with puff and the reason why I don't need nobody I don't need no but I'm not asking nobody to post for me I'm gonna ask nobody to troll for me I'm in this ring with little old me so you like bad boy does enough for you um I feel like I stand on my own two feet and I don't ever ask anyone to do anything for me and you won't hear me in the end of my you know looking back on my career being like so and so didn't give me this and this and this and this look thank you for being for whatever it is that you've done and as and as far as I'm concerned that's that's the gang I've rode with them dudes I don't your artist is oh you know I mean if I'm having a problem with my distributor somebody should speak up I think that you got to also understand the powerhouse that is that is what about did he did he got to be like yo y'all messing up my money - that's my artist if I was did he I'd be did he so you're saying you got to Dallas and you heard the record when you got I landed and heard the record and I mean the first thing I thought was and I listened to it and the first thing I thought was this [ __ ] is cheese but the artwork is fired and I just like you know that's why t-shirts me absolutely because I thought that artwork was [ __ ] awesome how do you feel when Jeezy said things I did he stands next to him more than he does you I don't think about it I don't feel about I don't I don't know I'd never act well I've had I'm signed a puff and I never asked puff to stand next to me how did he gonna feel about you drinking another tequila other than in daily on LBI yeah you call me two days ago I an answer why you didn't answer cuz I don't need to be talked out of doing something like this right you didn't feel like I'm not saying that's what he would have done you don't support you know no say what if you would have said it I don't need to hear that either I need to go into this clear-minded this is me in a boxing ring yeah did it bother you for Eminem cementing your daughter like here's the autograph for your daughter where's that did you a starter cap yeah where's the net did you ask for autograph I don't know honestly I don't think my daughter would want it she texted me when that when is that kill shot came out and was like you know I mean yeah nine years old you can't even offend a nine-year-old I do you feel like a Stan do i yeah absolutely not I'm from the Midwest I'm from Cleveland I grew up three hours away from Detroit I'm a white boy who's in a predominantly black neighborhood definitely in a predominately black industry absolutely I'm [ __ ] with Eminem growing up without a doubt I'm running away from home I'm doing drugs I'm getting jumped I'm getting robbed and here's this dude who's like yo I'm going through this [ __ ] too the thing is it's cool till it's not cool you aren't that dude no more you aren't a person of the people no more weather you know and so it's all coming out answer the facts it's all there you do do it all and I saw you do a lot of ages and when it comes to him and you do know you're gonna get old too oh absolutely but the thing is I'm not a hypocrite I'm also not gonna be doing what Eminem's doing when I'm his age I said it in rap devil like shoutout to every rapper that's a bun of me I know that I'll never do you like this [ __ ] I will never be still bitter after everybody is shown respect and I don't plan on stop until I get my respect there's going to be a point when my face is on movie screens to the point where you're like I it's just this is it gets gonna get to a point where there's so many songs there's so many of these situations that you're just like I you know I'm saying there's gonna be you get to a point where you can only try and hold me so many times that I continuously overcome that [ __ ] when I'm this you know it's like I I'm a fighter man it's alright a lot of that we know publicly like he went through a lot of struggles and battles with addictions as if we don't know they're gonna say that's what I was gonna say so I know you've had you know certain situations also and you've been vocal about struggles that you've had as well so I kind of feel like maybe sometimes people do step back and try to stay away from all that for their own mental that's fine but don't act like you but don't but that's fine but then you got to humble yourself and know your place mmm this isn't this isn't for you no more bro this is like this is a street this is that this is a street genre he said he rather be a do to him than 20 year old you that was the best line I had in the whole kind of a remix of a jig and I was about to say the fact that that is the line which I'm out that are like the factor or the puff line maybe like that's the hot line yeah I'm telling my facts you tell my man buns let's talk about it are you ready for smoke from Buzard oh let me put out on the table now as it has been and then he's like look let's have a conversation now you open today to have a conversation yeah he doesn't want to have a conversation but I'm just saying let's just say that happens [ __ ] you you blew it you blew it I was all conversation yeah it was cool - it's cool - the night he said he wants you to shut the [ __ ] I wish he shut the [ __ ] up you know what else he's no he knows quote him correct time off from the interview yes call him correctly shut the [ __ ] up qual him correctly his own he had to produce his and hire his own interview and still couldn't unstitched utter his way he sounded like a [ __ ] man I don't want to hear nothing about it there's no end I'm already over it you see I didn't I don't I'm already over it Vince comes up bins comes out tonight at midnight so is this gonna be addressed at all anything some shots anything on this new project that you didn't anticipate putting out right now this is the project have you slowed down the drug use absolutely not it's called beans called binge I said but but to be honest you know the the the the truth of the matter that might have come with explaining this EP outside of the fact that there's angst attitude you know sex drugs and 808s like other than the obvious the the breakdowns I'd like to give I'm not gonna give out of respect for Mac and I was gonna say that when we met yeah I mean I gotta tell my truth do you take it serious Mike you know cause he'd never know oh my drug use yeah me no it's I don't know it's it's I don't know I mean you know look if I were if it was gonna be a lesson learned I might have learned it when happened to Pete you know I'm saying there's the the the reality of situations is you can't as a world expect to break people down constantly and not expect them to want some type of escape alright I don't have a mom I can call I don't have a father I can call I don't have my you know I'm saying like my like my aunt who was the last thing that I had is gone right I got a nine-year-old I call and confide all my things and when Chester Bennington died and that tore that was you know mm and a friend of and a friend like in my life like I sold a lot in a tour that after the most successful album yet I come out was about to change our lives and all that was true I put that on a nine-year-old do you know what I'm saying are you not going to it therapist you weren't taught you are in the streets you weren't taught that that's okay I get it I get I haven't made that I bet I had you know what I've been trying to I've been trying to fight to get back all the things that were lost when when I have I had a number-one single on the pot I'm not talking I'm number one on iTunes like rap dollars for the past eight days I'm talking about a number-one charting billboard song that's sold how many worldwide seven eight million six seven million worldwide in one year and like it was that moment yeah there there is no question when I win a Grammy or when I win at V in May that no one's gonna there is no said alike you know he doesn't desert there's none of that there is no like you know there's nothing other I can't see anyone doing other than this standing up and being like damn homie it's been a long time coming and you know I think I I hate what you say but nothing has an excuse and the reason I say that is because small people learn from me all my things why I love you you ol thing was just after I was long at holding what to say sometimes comfort from humans isn't enough but you don't want to turn to drugs especially when you see how absolutely it's a huge issue talk about that on the I talk about that on the record there's a song called lately I talked about that we got a huge fight in the Chicago Airport huge fight and it was all of yes huge I know there's no yes men on my team huge phantom out to the point where it's like we're physically brawling with each other over over my over the tempers the temper that comes from using drug I know all the rear I know everything that comes I almost I almost I almost was mad and you still could be if you don't slow down and that's fine but like not election that's not fine excuse me and you can tell me you're a fighter but not willing to fight your addiction especially being that you got a nine yo that's that should be the reason why I go to therapy when I got y'all do contribute like you said to your temper to mood swings to depression and all of those things so thank you I know all that stuff you know but like I said honestly I'm not gonna see her and fight for drugs wonder what my whole point of this was that I I'd rather not even you know I'd rather not go into it just out of respect for my now you said he was almost Mac did you or did you overdose at one time before there was a point where I it was so bad it like there was an itching so bad that I'd peeled like I'd scratched my skin saw on my skin peeled off and there's blood you know I'm saying it couldn't piss couldn't you know I couldn't do no it was just like it was I had I had done too much as long as it pills we don't need someone it's not it's not it's not this is none of this should be for anybody this is like a little learn the lesson man learn the lesson but but I'm not gonna not so much move cuz I Bente let's also be clear and let's be fair to my narrative I've also spent projects on projects telling people messages and and I don't want preaching is the wrong word but but but giving people the right way to live and those records laugh that flew over tucked under like we're not speaking on those records right now we're speaking on I'm sure they touched somebody though they did but we're talking about y'all we're talk about the people control the narrative well thank you for that but you know we're going to rehab have I gonna rehab no we don't care about your narrative and what you speak we care about your well-being we want you to be we want you to be the truth we want you to tell why you did it because like you said this kids dealing with that every day but what bothers me and what scares me is is you know you got a nine year old that you got to look at yeah and I would and you know we sat in and we've been so many different places with Mac so many different times I've been in the club with you so many never you've never changed and it's like it may it scares me to say damn I don't want to say rest in peace to you use I'm saying so if we can help you can't accept that for years I think not I I will not I actually take what you said with the fighters with what you said about being a fighter I will take that and I actually really I dig that I will say this use what I've done with this M situation as an example to the youth because it'd be different if I was coming out and it was all one thing it's like not like let's be clear stand up to people that are [ __ ] with you and like stand up with the purpose stand up whether you think it look it's right now to me it feels like leonidas and the 300 versus xerxes in the world I don't care if I'm worse but I feel you okay funny but point being like a god is bleeding everywhere I never seen so many grown men so emotional in one week here's the thing that you're right but if you die of a drug overdose Eminem wins that should be enough to help you get sober well there we go tomato juice for the next 365 days there you going I want his team to hold him to that - absolutely well album is out tonight mm-hmm make sure you go pick that up but we got to check up on you more man and you get everything out like because they're more backlash from rabid devil we not seen because we saw Eminem fans are crazy we saw the guy approaching the bar call you [ __ ] whatever whatever that didn't end well but now he's suing you or trying to sue you I wasn't I don't know another mother good answer have there been more situations like that we that we don't know of like just people were talking crazy to you absolutely absolutely absolutely we're worse so and I and I'm not and I'm not hiding so was it worth it absolutely I think you should let that the second Eminem just go just for the coach at one time I'm seriously why people paying attention to you and you they saying MGK can rap why not give them another 16 whatever cuz they're about to get nine tracks tonight there you go can it be a bonus track I think I think the world was watching I stepped up and did what no one in the history of hip-hop has done and I think I gave people one of the funnest weeks in hip-hop in the last 10 15 [ __ ] years oh listen white people y'all will while this [ __ ] was the craziest thing I've seen in a long time and even aside from all that before you leave movies let's talk about the movies yeah because you are playing Tommy Lee which I'm excited about yeah well then the first question you ask because he cuz he cuz cuz honestly he drove a dick with his I mean he drove he drove a day he drove up the he troubled he drove a boat with his name strong - all I'm saying - go watch the lot of stereotypes about why few who got defined by Tommy and I told you when we used to go to that cake bakery is come master bakers they had the Tommy Lee cake and that was the big penis cake that's [ __ ] hilarious are you thinking a movie why are you asking about his penis you playing Tommy Lee if you know the story of Tommy Lee yeah happy I'm also looking at her while I'm answering he was asking why are you gonna show your dick in the movie I was so drunk on that said I was showing my dick anyway so I mean where it was one of those movies where it was like if we're gonna do it we're gonna do it like let's live it live the lifestyle so I mean there's a book called the dirt the movies called the dirt if you want to know what the movie is go read the dirt and all that stuff in there we were doing Wow I'd be a shower or a grower any more penis questions so we know he's there are you a shower or a grower maybe grower Sarge are I think I got the best of both worlds for oh yeah any more questions comes out on Friday show me wants to know have you ever hurt anybody all right okay like [ __ ] them yeah yeah consensually all right mmm is done no more that mm-hmm no more mmm even if you send something else done no more gez so I look I'm out here see you guys see y'all at the party yeah no drugs though MGK Machine Gun Kelly binge it's The Breakfast Club good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 6,042,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, machine gun kelly, eminem, killshot, diss, disstrack, battle, binge, binge ep
Id: Le0u232ODx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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