Kevin Hart And Tiffany Haddish Address Katt Williams, Talk Night School + More

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you're watching the breakfast club morning everybody it's dj envy angela yee charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club we got some special guests in the building yeah yeah kevin here complaining about chad's that he bought saying that the chairs won't go up no higher i'm complaining about the chairs that i bought i just don't understand when you guys know i'm coming you should have my setting ready you know what you bought it's not about what i bought it's about what i need i told you that this is i'm not saying that you gotta make it a public thing but put a put a [ __ ] pillow under here you want to build that pillow yeah my torso is longer yeah tiffany's taller it's fine it's let's not make a thing out of it i'm okay okay i don't know where to start with y'all let's start let's start there uh night school hitting theaters september 28th excited uh i don't think i could be more excited why i'll tell you why uh first of all you got damn right uh reason why because it's the first movie underneath my production umbrella heartbeat productions uh taking it a step further you know from just being the talent turning the business the business notch up and in doing so i wanted to put myself in a position to win so i teamed up with my guy will power packer again uh this is our seventh movie together four number ones two number twos hopefully we're talking about one more number one and coming off of a number one success i said dude it makes no sense to not have tiffany haddish be a part of my first movie hey especially understanding her story and where she's coming from so we cast a tiffany in the movie uh along with another amazing group of actors and actresses uh the list is too long to name but it's so many and you know right now we're talking about something that was built from the ground up that i got the witness that i got to be a part of and and right now the conversations of being a partner to studios instead of a work for hire is a real one so it's an exciting time for me and this is an exciting time for tiffany as well how much money have you and will mean together so far a lot of money buddy seven or six movies a lot of money you don't need to get in the numbers okay it's up there it's up there now why night school have you ever been in high school either of you i can tell you the the the whole story behind night school and uh and the reason behind it is it's something that i think people will be able to relate to um you know it's a movie about second chances in life so many people do things the first time around and may or may not get it right and then doing so you feel like it's over you feel like i've lost all opportunity there is no way to win in this particular case education is the forefront of the story and so many people that don't embrace education properly end up going back to have to do it again and what you find out is when you embrace it the second time you do it correctly and the opportunities in life are still there and it may even be more uh this is a movie that embraces that this is a movie that highlights that and we do it uh from a funny perspective but that people can relate to i'm proof of that i got my diploma in night school i'm so well spoken as we go on yeah how were you guys as students in school in real life i was okay i was all right you know i did i did i had a 2.5 grade average there you go is that good that's not all right 2.5 i graduated i graduated i had a lot of credits because i went to summer school every year so you can see more school every year no because i didn't want to get in any trouble and it was boys in summer school of education i celebrated the 2.50 i'm talking about that's exactly what i'm talking about listen we had these conversations about equal pay in hollywood and tiff and kevin y'all both are on the bill how does that work out uh look i know what the conversation's on um you know look i'm all about the the the female the female growth you know especially in entertainment you know i think that that women and and the voices that are coming from these women should be heard and the opportunity should be given that money though is it equal pay i don't think so but you know what he's producing on it and what not you know but he he we both just got houses you know his house is in the hills somewhere we can't find it my house is in south central now look i i think that the conversation is one that needs to be had and now that it's being had you're going to see more opportunities for women to get what they've been requesting and what they deserve um i think it's all it's all project dependent it's all about um the level of stars that you're dealing with and you know you you have to understand how do you know what your level is well within box office draw what people ignore is that within a talent this box office drawing this box office success tiff is the biggest star in the movie so she should be you know what if that's what people find i did just want to send it then i was saying you didn't just see a radio personality get roasted earlier this weekend i'll tell you the difference in okay heart and i use this as a segue okay the difference the difference in me if that was the case there is no reason to to put a dimmer on that light the reason why i say that is because i i've been there i'm i'm there i sit in the chair i've sat in this chair for a long time naturally there's other people that will come behind and will surpass wherever you are in this business when that happens you support it especially especially when you're coming from a position where there's been a demand for people of color to get a shot so here's my frustration because i know you're going to get into it let me tell you my frustration that's a good question okay i'm gonna tell you what's been on my mind what's been on my heart heavy i was trying to sell a movie first i want to talk about the movies the movie's going to be so okay september 28th goddammit go check it out check it out all right now i want to get to what's really bothering me okay i want to ask i want to ask black people what we want what do we want we we complain that people of color weren't getting opportunities in hollywood we were getting ignored for the oscars for the emmys it was a big thing after that big thing people of color got recognized for their hard work for the efforts and run awards people of color also won emmys people of color are now being giving opportunities to star to lead in various projects well just the ugly people according to something this according some okay why are the people of color the ones that are tearing the people that are getting the opportunities down my frustration comes from you don't realize when i preach about the crabs in the barrel mentality that eventually we have to take responsibility for our actions so if i'm looking at people that share my craft i'm going to bring up the people that cat williams name little gerard carmichael uh hannibal burst myself tiffany haddish correct little rel is seeing so much success after doing especially relevant he went on to do get out he now has a show that he's producing and starring in on fox gerard carmichael had his own show that he starred wrote produced gerard carmichael was on to a second special hannibal burris saw success within comedy specials and is now doing various movies where you're getting the opportunity to have features and to have a presence me kevin hart the guy that sits on top right now have taken advantage of all the money that i have i've shot over 56 specials for the upcoming generation of comedy why because i'm trying to create opportunities for others rather than complaining about it i'm fixing it i'm putting my money where mouth is i also take full responsibility for any and everything that i've done in the [ __ ] business good or bad my frustration with cat williams comes from you keep pointing at hollywood hollywood this the white man this this and this when do you take responsibility for your actions you had the shot cat was in that position you were the guy you were set up to be the star you didn't show up to work you [ __ ] off promo shoots you [ __ ] off your promo [ __ ] uh trips that they had set up for you you became a risk to the studios which is why the studio stopped [ __ ] with you why was he at risk he chose drugs oh okay take responsibility for what you chose and say you know what i gotta fix me and i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna stand up for comedy so when you say tiffany haddish doesn't deserve or isn't really a comedian and these other women have worked hard which they have shouts out to melanie community camacho shouts out to lunell shouts out to leslie jones who are all underneath the umbrella of cat williams kat williams have you ever used your platform to [ __ ] bring the people that were under you up you haven't so because you haven't don't [ __ ] on those that now are i've used my platform and i've brought my guys and girls up the brand of kevin hart is a brand that's expanded so [ __ ] far whether you like me or not my presence of comedy will forever be felt because i'm a [ __ ] boss i sit on the top of it and the opportunities i'm giving are the ones that i'm creating so take responsibility for what you did you [ __ ] you nobody else did you don't hear chris rock dave chappelle the kings of comedy seinfeld you don't hear george lopez eddie griffin you don't hear [ __ ] uh uh who who else can i go down the the road of other comedians steve martin martin short you don't hear the guys that got on top and that made it by doing what they love complain about the people that are coming under them the reason why is because they're happy with themselves don't blame everybody else for your [ __ ] don't [ __ ] on my sister light because you're not happy with your [ __ ] this [ __ ] is earned it's not giving i don't give a [ __ ] if you're tiffany haddish fan or not it's iron tiffany has got years in the game it's not an accident that tiffany haddish got an opportunity to star in a movie it's not an accident that that character popped in the movie written or not written a character has to pop it and he even acknowledged the years that you've put in before that now i want to ask you i was so contradictory you were very classy in your response on social media because the first thing i thought was that's effed up what's tiffany going to say because it has to be hurtful when somebody says something like that especially i'm sure you were a fan of his you know at some point i still am a fan of his i think he's hilarious so what did you think when you heard that before you responded well i thought i was like damn what i do to him did i [ __ ] his man and then i was like you're stupid that's what i thought about it that's what i always think when people say mean things i always think that because i figured it gotta be i must have taken something funny and then i realized i never did nothing to that man and then when i started like really listening to it i was like oh he got his facts wrong he's obviously not paying attention to me and somebody must been complaining to him about me or whatever and maybe he felt some type of way i don't know i i just feel like well you know it is what it is i i don't i'm not tripping i'm not mad i'm not upset but did he apologize because we seen the picture there was the first thing he said he apologized he said listen listen listen let me explain what's going on and he explained himself and then i was just like well you know what did he explain what kind of explanation i hated huh he just said i hate it no he didn't say that he said he was high i want to step in because i'm gonna let my sister keep it classy yeah somebody kicked my sister ball over the fence i want it back it doesn't matter what he said it doesn't matter what the apology was so you didn't like the apostles it's not about the apology and i want to get this very clear i want to make it very clear kat williams is an amazing talented comedian which is why i'm so frustrated i sit from a [ __ ] from afar and i admire the man's talent i don't like that you said anything negative about a woman of color that's getting her shot say it to me say it to me i'll take it all hate me you do seem to be more offended about this than that i have i have sat back i have forever been the humble guy i have time to not be humble today i have time to fact check everything he said because the world of cat williams is a fictional world is he selling that's right yeah let's run this yeah yeah he said on his last talk i was like when was she married to a white man i went back i was like cause i by a white man before and then found out he was really black when we did that dna test but it is what it is so you weren't married to a white man no no i know that but whatever now that he's taken 2.4 million tickets on his last tour false that's more than beyonce and jay-z that's more than justin bieber and justin timberlake it's more than billy jones the eagles that's one and beyond saying justin timberlake combined okay do you understand how many tickets 2.4 million tickets are right now right now all this stuff is is google it's google you can google it it's all [ __ ] researchable information i am sitting on 1.3 million tickets sold shouts out to all the comedians that have given me the opportunity to get here because i wouldn't be able to do what i'm doing without them and their hard work there is nobody close to me in ticket sales and comedy and you want to work with i am worldwide i am on par with the likes of your bruno mars jay-z and beyonce okay i'm up there with those people so in comedy it's unheard of to get those numbers to throw out numbers like 2.4 million it's ridiculous that's false it's not even close also to say 15 consecutive 100 city tours it's false what are you doing so so where did you do the new stuff when did you ever work on something consecutive means in a row where where there's a forbes list every year that comes out go back to 2007 go back to 2006. cat williams has never been on it go back to my last five years in comedy i have one year where i got number one this year i'll be number one again i have one year while i was number three the other years i'm number six i'm number seven these lists are researchable the people on social media on the internet feed into words you feed into diction you don't feed in the facts another fact a hard [ __ ] fact cat williams did not own all the specials he trashes the white man the white man owns your content you don't own it so catwoman don't own nothing no false is this false is this provable i am now coming to get my sister's ball that was kicked over the fence i think you got it i'm only saying this because of how you attack innocent people yes attack me once again attack me i got the armor i'm bulletproof say it to me i'm going to ignore it i'm only doing this because of what was said about innocent people that are working hard on their core tiffany does have an hour stand up special on the show from the hood to hollywood she's got two she's got two also netflix specials are not netflix specials are not given by what you sell on the road that's the most ridiculous [ __ ] i've ever heard in my life it's not another fact so it's not about tickets no what's that it's not about tickets it's about your brand it's about your your return if i'm a business and i want to invest a high amount of money in you how am i getting my money back everybody can't demand the money if you can't justify how i'm getting my money back think business people netflix is a business all these announcements came out for the specials i kept mine on the raps just because netflix gave me 40 million dollars what whoa this is this is a fact we need a better chance listen we need better chances this is all researchable information if you go look for it i just chose to keep it to myself because i don't care i'm only saying this now because i'm fact checking what was put out as fiction okay that's not how they give it that's not how they do deals with that being said once again when you look at all the comedians that are up and coming young old whatever as a comedian that's sitting in a position of power if you got any financial growth any financial success put your money where your mouth is and you change it so if you got a team of people which he does which are very funny once again shout out to red grip camacho lunell leslie jones that was there for a minute i know them all i love all those people but i can't name one of these jokes it doesn't matter i wouldn't never [ __ ] on them instead i would say take your money and create opportunities for them so they can pop within your brand and make you better okay all the negativity that i've received is from cat williams and mike epps ask yourself why those two people that [ __ ] themselves over there all the [ __ ] today what'd you say tiff all the [ __ ] i said they both got their break in the same movie they both popped on the same movie friday friday afternoon so what happened i'm saying in general where does all the negativity come that comes to me do you get along with any of your peers with everybody michael jackson and you had a little thing but then mike blackson are fine that was more about me and mike blackson knowing each other for real you let the this fiction [ __ ] take you out of the the realm of saying you really know me so at that moment mike i'm like dude you know me like enough is enough you know that at this point when all this [ __ ] is going down you know how [ __ ] serious it is you know me like we really are friends i get it from everybody else i don't give a [ __ ] but you different you know me that's what me and mike [ __ ] came in but me and mike are fine i'm saying negativity i'm saying [ __ ] talk i'm saying the constant downing of people that sit in the position of success that have worked hard for it comes from people that have yet to realize they're [ __ ] up this is simply me calling you out on your fuck-ups stop pointing at other people stop pointing hollywood for your [ __ ] up [ __ ] is changing i sit as the biggest [ __ ] comedy star in the world right now on an international level box office and goddamn touring stop talking to me about the opportunity that we're not getting because i'm creating them your [ __ ] up take responsible for your [ __ ] up don't kick my sister ball over the fence no more i can't talk to your kids i would never want to get in trouble y'all don't understand where my frustration comes from homeless you was there for her when she was homeless [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] the joke of the money that i gave her i'm talking about a real grind right homeless no bed back seat watching your ass in bathroom sinks and now you finally get millions for a movie and now we want to go you ain't dissing you ain't that the [ __ ] out of here man applaud her first and she seems so grateful all the time and you have nothing bad to say about anybody i've never seen tiffany haddish come at anybody be negative it seems like you're always supportive yeah i am supporting if i got something bad to say about somebody i'll say it to them and they face first straight up why are you so loving why are you so loving and forgiving the people who try to discredit you because they obviously are hurting and they need some they need some love they there's there's something wrong with them for them to even come at me i never did nothing to them right i never said anything bad about them so there's something that's personal and obviously they crying for help so i'm gonna be kind and i'm gonna keep it pushing and and not absorb whatever they trying to put out we already reached out to you and apologize to you too is that true no no no where do you get that from you no and i want to make this i want to make this perfectly clear this is not a kevin hart versus cat thing this is not that i don't give i don't give that much of a [ __ ] i don't i don't have time to care that much this is a i'm shining a light on what we complain about we complain that we don't have then we get and now we tear down those that are getting what we said we don't have make a decision i'm gonna ride with whatever decision we make y'all on the platform help me figure out so i know what we're sticking to maybe i'm wrong so if i'm wrong tell me now so i can take the money out of my life out loud network so i can stop trying to produce these movies and get diversity looks and make a multicultural cast pop because i thought that's what we wanted so if it's not what we want tell me and i'll pull back and i'll go back and i'll do what was being done that we didn't want so we're going to fix the problem then help a [ __ ] problem become fixed by being a part of the solution and not the problem when you are down and you attack those that are now becoming a part of the solution you're the [ __ ] problem it's interesting that they always say the white man gives people in hollywood stuff i think we haven't been watching y'all bust your ass for years absolutely i can say that there has been a heavy heavy separation within races and opportunity in the entertainment business i can say all the complaints that have been given over the past are not only correct but but worthy of the attention that they got okay within all the movements within all the conversation within we need more you goddamn right i get it i was a person that was told movies can't translate overseas with black leads and comedy i was told that to my face i begged for those opportunities i pushed for them i got him and now you see more movies with people of color in the lead position getting those opportunities because we're pushing for it so if we want to see change then we got to support those that are fighting for the change so in every way shape or form everything that i'm saying right now is about solution i'm putting my money where mouth is guys you're not going to hurt me i got it i got it for real and tiffany you're not going to hurt me they talk about people giving people stuff you had to fight for an audition for girls trip right yeah i fought for that but i was constantly on my agent about getting me that audition and i got it and then i went in like four times and then finally i got the job but yeah i mean i was just thinking about it like every person that's ever given me an opportunity in this business or fought for me or fought with me to get a job or put me on something has been black it from my experience anybody who's given me a great opportunity where i've made some money has been black um so to me when they say oh the white man whatever to me i don't i don't see it that way i mean i've it's been black or hispanic uh middle eastern but mostly black people have helped me and it when it comes to stand up it's you know i'm supported by not it's like everybody i feel like and my job in this business i feel like to me my position i come from bringing joy and when people like oh she's not funny you're not funny i don't care and my comedy not for you you know i'm i'm here to not make the whole wide world laugh i'm here to make the people that buy tickets laugh that's all i care about and you know it's a perfect segue to to go back to our reasons for being here high school when i say perfect segue i'm saying when i talk about second chances when i talk about the purpose of the movie when i talk about why the movie was created when i talk about the vision behind it it's to motivate and inspire yes you're going to laugh but there's a message within it within everything that i'm saying yo second chances are valuable within everything that i said directed towards cat and what was said yo you got a second chance yeah people still ride with you they still [ __ ] with you they always will because you're talented you're talented acknowledge that yo you know what the first time i may have done some [ __ ] second time i'm coming back stronger than other people watch the road back to cat williams getting back to the top oh you mean like with him winning the emmy what yes that's like that's your mom that's nice hey man he didn't write that role by the way though i'm just saying whoever same thing he's accusing other people i'm not here to attack that i'm saying as a fan i would embrace you acknowledging whatever and going that's a second chance within my movie you'll see second chances become highlighted you'll see them be celebrated night school is bigger than the last that you're going to get there's a message and any content any content being developed that comes from heartbeat productions will have an underlying tone that you will be able to take with you because that's what i'm trying to do from a production standpoint so this group came to you first and then your script was developed by me i was developed by you and everybody yeah oh you wrote it yes ground up yeah shout out to harry radford joy wells matt kellert glenda richardson uh john hamburg nicholas stoller all amazing talent writers that came in that helped in within the development of the script uh done underneath the heartbeat umbrella then after that taken to my guy will packer read it loved it took it to universal sold it universal said let's do it we did it and now we're releasing it that's the the steps within development but what i love the most is that you're seeing something that can be branded and that can be underlined as what kevin hart content will look like i want to be a partner i've been a work for hire for a long time so now it's about becoming a partner so when universal looks at me and they say we're developing with kevin it's because we're partners when warner brothers says we're developing with kevin it's because we're partners when sony we're partners the world of being a work for hire was a great one but the business in me won't allow that to last the business is now about pulling other people up embracing the opportunities that can be given opportunities that can be given the first earned given i thought you've been doing that with your stand up though you own all your stand-ups right yes really for real now not just for radios it's not once again it's all researchable information well not the the one that i just shot okay that's netflix that's why they cut that check so they can that's theirs 40 million dollars and that was just for one special i know i'm doing two giving them two so twenty twenty two twenty million dollar specials we don't need to get into that the math is great it was done along at the same time when uh rock chappelle uh ellen when we all we were all figuring it out and i didn't know if i wanted to go theatrical again um because i you know i eddie murphy man he's up there that that 50 million number is a crazy number it's the highest grossing standard special of all time and you know i i shot for it i i tried i gave my all uh i made the list and i have three specials on there but that man sits at the top for a reason that was done in 1986 or whatever a stand-up comedy concert grows 50 million dollars and that shows you how amazing this man was and you know uh it's the highest one the highest one is 36 or 32 something like that oh okay 30 38 38. i thought one you have for 23. 23 32. so caps over more than you because he did 24 with one of them it's not a fact he's poking it's not effective he's not poking i'm just saying that's not he's trying to smoking he's not poking he's doing his job these are things that were said i'm telling you that's not a fact this is all once again researchable information doesn't it feel like as the success comes and things get bigger for you just so much more hate comes with it at times as well you're like damn especially youtube because they seem like they love you on the way up and then when you get there it's like ah she ain't funny oh she's this oh she's that but they love you when you're on your way up yeah now all of a sudden oh she reinforces the negative stereotypes of black women that's the movie guys i feel like i stole one of tiffany's jokes on here one day and didn't credit you for it good job i think it was the dead cockroach one you know what i'm talking about the dead cockroach with guys andrew you trying to clear the conscious right now what's going on like i said one day and everybody thought it was so funny i was like i think i got that from tiffany yeah you did but i'm not tripping what was that joke i don't even want to repeat it it's yours how does it feel to come on that come up and now people change up on your switch up on you well i expect it i mean that's a part of the process i've been researching and studying in the entertainment business for a long time and that's part of the process they love you for a minute then they hate on you then they love you again and they hate on you it's like a dysfunctional relationship does it ever bother you uh not really no because my check is getting bigger and bigger so continue to continue to be a publicist for free but i mean that's where that's where the relationship has to come in you know as a guy that's seen it from all sides and we see that happen to you i've seen the love i've seen the hate i've seen it this is where it's my job to educate and make her understand this is the movie this is the this is the most watched movie ever the most watched movie in the world is the rise of a star the fall of a star in the fight back of a rise that's the most watched movie in the world you can go through a list of stars that you've seen done it and it's just how people it's just what we're trained to do yeah because you live in a world where some people love negativity yeah some people love it negativity drives the world that you guys are in negativity drives the world of blogs it drives the world of news people love to see it it's something that we embrace so until you realize and understand negativity can't penetrate my armor unless i allow it to then you're you're not going to be okay you have to have that realization so in entertainment if she doesn't have the knowledge and the thick skin that she now has because of the [ __ ] conversations out and beating her head don't you read that from my upbringing i mean i grew up in foster care one minute i'm in the most wonderful home next thing i'm snatched out to the next thing thinking nobody nobody there cared about me so i've been trained and built for this my mama used to talk mess about me and then next second love and kiss on me so to me this is i was made for this i'm built for it so y'all can talk all the [ __ ] y'all wanna talk i'm still gonna be smiling at you because i know in a minute you're gonna be like dang i love what you said right there that made me feel good so i'm gonna keep it pushing i love how you protecting uh you know tiff in this situation but how do you protect you know other artists including her just in the business period i pretend they don't make the same mistakes you made coming i protect him by giving him the opportunity i protect him by being an open book and an example i don't i don't sit in front of you as a perfect man i don't portray myself to be a perfect man flawed in all i stand on the platform that i stand on you get to see the hard work and effort that was put into my craft and in return i take it and i say hey man i can't wait to see the next version of what i am if not bigger i can't wait to see the next version of the next generation that surpasses all this amazing [ __ ] that i'm doing and that that creates other opportunities for others i got to see a blueprint that so many did before me and i took what i saw and i said how can i be different what impact can i have so when you say how do i change or how do i have an effect on them my effect is by saying hey man take this use this for whatever you feel you can and when you get the opportunity that you feel you're going to get from this don't [ __ ] it up be better than me you got to see what i did you saw a blueprint live in person be better than me that's what i feel that the people in our craft of comedy which is one of the hardest goddamn professions to make it in because you're being judged on a joke to joke basis so when you're a person that sits in this chair that's in this field come on man you got no choice but to support the ones that made it out that gauntlet that's a gauntlet to get through the gauntlet how y'all feel man everybody all right [ __ ] you all right come on now that's interesting even when people hating when they can name five or six black comedians that's big because usually there's only one huge huge that's why i was so taken back like at the shot for real like real i'm i couldn't be prouder of real i couldn't be more happy he's like that's a great guy you hate me [ __ ] great guy man that man don't bother nobody yeah you find him attractive though hey look man that's that's that's not for me to determine okay look that's all right all right that bothered me when he said that brown's doing all right brown's got he's got kids that's a mutual agreement right there you helped her out early with his stand-up special relevant i was lucky enough for rel to allow me to help him out i came to rel as a fan dude i'm a fan i would love to produce your special i would love to do it i would love to do it and and tell me how i can make it okay for you manrel had a conversation i said i want you to do it your way i just want to help he allowed me to do that and i love the fact that he took that and ran with it man i'm a fan i'm a fan of the craft i'm a fan i am a fan i can't say it enough i love comedy i love the art and craft of comedy i love watching the ones that did it before me and i love watching the ones that are coming up after me if you take nothing else in this interview nothing if you take nothing else [ __ ] take the fact that i want to see other people win it i'm not selfish with my position i wasn't blessed and given this opportunity to [ __ ] on others that's not how i look at it and if i'm wrong like i said please tell me and tell me how i should handle it tell me how i should be handling my level of success and then i'll correct it so for all of our black people out there that want to see more people of color in a position where they're winning ask yourself if you're a part of the solution or the problem is that simple is that simple we love you for being honest man one of the things that you're super honest about that's been like intriguing me lately is like the fact that you be getting your head died and your beard died because i got grace probably [ __ ] up up here but he has hair at least no no he does that no but here's the thing no i i think i was using the wrong color for a minute because of my dark brown no i was going dark brown but when they go back my [ __ ] my [ __ ] turned like a dirty bronze like one girl you're washing your head she's like your hair looked dirty what are you talking about this is my natural color i'm thinking about getting something for the bed i do bare but you got to go light the one thing you don't want you don't want that uh you don't want that goddamn highway street you don't want to go too dark and be out there looking like you can't move your face you know not the beijing i don't do that oh so it's not bad no you don't do that you got some rich [ __ ] dude even when you wiped your forehead just now ain't nothing no you gotta go a good product the last thing you want to do especially when you married is get up from a pillowcase with a [ __ ] yourself i got a nice product man and you know i here's the thing you can't overdo it right like if you if you if you're a guy out there and you're suffering from that you know from that other side you know i'm about to be 40 next year so it's coming it's on my ass i feel it so you can't over die do it when it's necessary sometimes embrace the gray let that [ __ ] go out and just look like look like morgan freeman for a good two weeks just accept it and then and then after that surprise and get everybody with the young you yeah who trying to go dance night school is out next week make sure you go check it out make sure you support so listen if all these people apologize it'll be all good right listen i'm not here for drama brother okay it's not about the apology it's not about like me and cat don't ever have to talk or we can't talk it doesn't it doesn't matter it's not going to affect me anyway i am about support that's it i'm about support i'm about growth and for me to be where i am and to say the things that i can say it's because i have the knowledge and i know so we're really trying to see changed let's support those that are embracing and marching towards making that happen that's it that's it it's not about the apology it's about change i'm gonna support that man i'm gonna be a fan forever whether i like him or whether we don't like each other i'm a fan become a fan of his talent it has nothing to do with that i want to make that very clear this has nothing to do with that this is not a beef this is correcting what you said that you know you shouldn't have said this is about you embracing your fails your fuck-ups and you acknowledging what you did and stop pointing a finger at everybody else eventually you gotta point it back to you eventually you gotta do this you get a full pack of tickets to see a screening of night school hosted by charlemagne yes charlemagne said he's buying one box well popcorn well now i got rich people you know what i'm saying you just got 40 million dollars from a netflix place it's september 25th it's only 300 people yeah i'll buy the popcorn you buy the popcorn got it got the popcorn you got the soda yes that can't work not one soda for everybody you can buy one for the theater you said for the theater no no no no no one put it there for everybody they're gonna come with them leaders from the dollar tree yeah nothing like having a good system got two more movies coming out this year yeah what are the movies tell them oh i got the oath coming out in october and then i got another movie called nobody's full coming out in november aren't you on tv too uh yeah i'm on tv on the show called the last og and i got some more groupon commercials coming and i got some seasoning and salt and when they're working on releasing on this oh my netflix specials coming and then i'm also going to bring up six other comics in that special i'm doing a tiffany howard presents my favorite comedians and it's like comics that have been doing comedy for more than ten years that deserve a chance to shine hold on so you mean to tell me you gotten put put in a position of politics and now you're putting other people on yeah that's what you're supposed to do that's what my big brother taught me wow down man uh give me a second i want to run down stuff i got going on you guys got a second just before we get on here we got a second okay i just need a good 67 seconds earlier okay first and foremost night school that's the priority guys please go out support this movie september 28th like i said there's a big meaning behind it first movie underneath the production company of mine heartbeat production so i need your support other than that got a drama coming out it's called the upside me brian cranston nicole kidman that's dropping january 11. drama that's that's just drama you guys this is gonna be it's a it's a great look i can't wait for people to see it secret life of pets too get ready for that one i'm in that too that's why i brought it up because you forgot to say it i don't know when it's coming well i do that's my job tiff that's why okay 2019 you're getting hit with that uh the tour irresponsible tour i'm on my last three months we're wrapping that up strong uh big cities coming up if you don't have your tickets go get them also filming jumanji too at the film of jumanji two working on another animation working on a comedy called lil kev and that's gonna be about my life but me being told i'm telling this life through uh through the little version of me with an adult voice it's pretty dope so it's the same it's just it's you right now that's pretty much it yeah but when you say it like that yes uh that's exactly what it is uh and more importantly man laugh out loud network go see it uh download the app uh amazing comedy faces young old new all go to the app go see this world of kiaman a comedy that we created it's about giving opportunities like i said to this young generation so did i say i got a movie coming out with melissa mccarthy as well i also got a cartoon coming out on netflix 2019 as well that's for comedy unlimited partners i'm producing that too okay okay yeah did you get more for your netflix special than monique don't say that don't me thank you guys for the time we love you guys uh this has been real you know this is what it's about it's kevin thank you guys and we do have to say congratulations about you guys are both up here honestly i know we're all cool with each other and we joke around a lot but that's huge that you guys are doing so much so many big things so congratulations to tiffany thank you kevin thank you guys thank you thank you love y'all appreciate y'all mr breakfast club good morning you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 4,972,459
Rating: 4.7277431 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, tiffany haddish, kevin hart, night school, katt williams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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