Diddy Speaks On New Energy, 50 Cent, Mase, 'The Four' + More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is DJ envy Angela yalla mean the guy we are the breakfast club we got a special guest in the building brother love is here yeah just call me love just love now just love I know I just I just needed to simplify it I make things so complicated sometimes and I'm already black so I'm already your brother so you just you don't need to say that you just hit me with the love I have told people I feel like Diddy's energy has shifted yeah cuz I cuz I always used to get bad vibes from you but now it seems like you just in a different zone yeah I used to always get bad vibes from you also I think I think we both have changed we all are evolving and you know the energy it takes time to really kind of connect and understand the power of you know you can speak about it I spoke about it for years um but you know I've had my ups and downs if I'm going through something off I'm not feeling a cat or whatever it is but now I don't feel any of that you know I'm saying like you know I just I just feel loved you know even for my enemies you know life is beautiful now I felt very old this weekend I had a birthday party me and envy and your son was hosting with us which one Justin combs I was like what is going on I've been in the club with Diddy and now I'm in the club with Justin combs maybe it's time to hang it up um no it doesn't it doesn't really feel we're because it's it's important for me to make sure that I showed them how to move out here you know so it's more that I don't hang out with them a lot if I have you know have a club date or something like that then then we'll rock together but um you know yeah I'm not trying to really just be partying in the club with my kids I'll be seeing you trying to keep up doing y'all be doing your dance battles on Instagram yeah you'd be icing after those cuts oh you do a kick one time I said what I heard dancing is my thing you know saying that that keeps my spirit and everything right yeah I think it's cool order to see your kids in the club the only thing is like when I seen your son's in the club or even Clues daughter in the club I feel like I'm dad now I've been watching too much and you gotta watch what you do without me feel like I too much below you're watching movie I'm looking listening to and you're looking at you like I just feel too much of a I gotta protect now you know I mean yeah I just feel that way when I'm in the spot yeah no I mean you know for me it's just really showing them how to really be careful in the clubs with the lookout for making sure that you know they they know how to really move around and stay on point absolutely you know and so that takes some teachers some time so you got to go out in the field with them but you know I try to make sure like if I'm going to this spot make sure y'all going to the other spot and we usually meet up back home we usually collaborate back at home if we have in a celebration walked in the club and you saw your boys with another vodka at the table and knots around yeah you never have a problem they wouldn't be able to come back home change the locks see what a great job you do oh man he's modeling dolce gabbana and rapping and your daughters are beautiful we saw the video of you giving one of your daughters a dog you know you know she reacted which was really sweet I mean it's incredible seeing them grow up and actually be nice human beings and I actually have their head on straight because you know I didn't have to end up that way when you think about a lot of other celebrity families you know it gets a little weird sometimes you know and they haven't been acting weird yet throughout things but you know I'm I'm very very proud of him you know very very proud of them as men and also the girls the way that they're growing up and just the way that they treat people it's just like outstanding 90 then as you know the boys they don't got like new-school everything a little too tight energy going both go back and forth I think but a lot of stuff didn't yeah yeah I mean I mean what they do they they definitely keep their New York swag with it cuz you know out in LA the jeans could definitely get too tight the shirts could get too tight you know saying so they I think they've mastered they fit and still you know people know that they from New York and that's important to them all right yeah I see Christian got a he's been dating a girl for two years and what's that conversation like now you know seriously and this is where you started going a little while yeah I was like none don't play yourself yourself we're not about to be puff granddaddy that's not happy you know I'm saying that while everything's on pause I went a little further but you know I don't wanna you know I want to respect his girlfriend's privacy but um you know I sat down had a conversation with them you know we all on the same page I hope I mean not right now you know right now I got asked on Ellen you said you were gay are you finished yet I love children you said you were engaged before out I'm trying to get to it's a race I could go to eight without a problem I could go to eight real quick yes I won't stop so how would that work though would you have them with your current woman oh you bring in some neutrons right here you might want more than one way I am a king when I'm not doing that though you know you know what I was supposed to happen in the future is gonna happen but that's that's something that I want now you were engaged and I would only have it I would only have it with my girl yeah once again I mean I've got your responses is it it's noted every everybody you know a little bit too much you know sometimes so that yet I said I tried it the 1730's and I work so what you had nine ninety ten yet ninety on other sides we had to make up man I was a dumb as a bag a bad day something that shouldn't came out of my mouth now back to my question okay you said you were engaged for four hours when you were on Ellen mm-hmm how did you get out of an engagement like did you just say I was just kidding like how does it not happen like how do you moonwalk out of it mm I acted like it didn't happen he was drunk I need meant a lot I mean I was definitely you know in the spirit but you know the next day I just you know saying I just you know treated and like we had a great night last night you know I mean she brought it back up now just like you know maybe we should just like wait a little while can't tell you which girlfriend but you know it see how many girlfriends you got it man we only know one may not know I'm talking about in the past didn't happen right now that was yeah yeah yeah you just assumed it was Cassie yeah but I was just telling the story about just a wild night that happened I was in Vegas that's a good look you marry right now nothing in Vegas I mean I got proposed to whatever hold you yeah and I say yes that was the good thing no no no no definitely she definitely had a ring and she definitely put it on me but it wasn't it was like just it was like um one of her rings that she said that I guess I compliment it on you know you told her what you had to say no no we was in a relationship that's not coming out yeah yeah but it was um it was just all in the spirit of fun I'm just you know I'm just made it wasn't like a real serious thing you know but it was it was just something that was interesting that I did you know I did say yes and dig you know proposed when you talk about polygamy though we do watch you and be like yo man didn't got a nice little setup going on when you be at like Thanksgiving yeah all your baby moms be there and your girlfriend and all your kids that's dope a lot of guys can't get that off yeah you have to take care of everybody and if everybody's happy and you're taking care of them and you're respecting them then um you can have a meeting like I had I had a UH can we all just get along meeting mm-hmm you know and it's just it'd be better for all of us how long did that take that probably just happened this year just wait you know everybody the whole squad really yeah yeah I mean you have to start to treat your family like a tribe if you write you know if you have other mothers of your children um the the separatism starts to wear just on the family as a whole and we all we all end it together you know so we might as well figure out how to coexist and they they get along lovely laughing and talking and partying and dancing and chilling and shopping and you know everything is everything is good because they're good people though - they're good people and kasi is a great woman so what were they like the old G's versus like the the newcomers no no I wasn't really nothing versus anybody was just it was just making sure it's just about honesty you know I'm saying and just making sure like everybody everybody's clear and um yeah but it wasn't like there were no problems like everybody's very respectful as women just as themselves they're not really into you know fighting the beef and like that I can't see you wanted boat somewhere on a yacht and I didn't know you were there then everything gets crazy we got to just keep it open like the worst ladies let me explain some real right now I'm the best I'm not the worst I'm the best you know saying I've had my different things and point of views and stuff like that in the past but I'm cured now love and everything is alright there you go well let's talk about the four cuz we've all been watching the show and we do like watching the four yeah and I saw the first episode when you have to be very honest and one girl broke down and cried but she did come back and say you're gonna sit front row in the Grammys when she performs but before you do that but explain the four because a lot of people are confused with the concept of the four okay it's like vocal Game of Thrones say two chairs of Thrones say there's royalty kings or queens in those four Thrones a challenger from another realm gets to come and challenge them and call them out so you have the four best singers we could find at that time hmm we start where all the shows finished so we start with the actual for that that were the best out of all the auditions you guys picked the four right yeah so we picked the four then you could be at home sending your audition to the full music calm then you could be on the show and you could challenge someone so like there's somebody her name is Divya okay so sage Avaya you see the value up there and and you're and you're like a singer from Canada whatever you could go once you get past the judges you come and perform for us once you get past the judges then you could go and you could go to juvie and say I want to challenge you and then they basically have like a singing battle like a rap battle yeah so it's like a a sing-off and it's real it's real combative and you know combative and also give a loose July dividers off the throne yeah she's out here yeah so if Tony challenges Javaris Oh Tony is just somebody I made up right and he beats Joe via then he takes her seat and your eye is gone no more on the show Yeah right dammit man first for that we started with they all gone but yet everything they're really going so that's what makes it such interesting TV it's not the regular format that John was thoroughly disrupted we have hip-hop on there you know I made sure that that was in the contract we have diversity R&B and um it just feels more like us it feels more like us it feels more like the culture and um you know we're free to do whatever we want and we have a good chemistry with the team of people but it's a real it's hard to sit down and watch some of these shows and people really really love the show I love it what made you want to do the photo because you don't need the money and you your time is money so you it's a commitment at times what made you want to do it I want to do it because if if I stay out of music too long like it's like I lose I lose my energy you know if I if I stay away from coaching people and teaching people the knowledge that that I have you know sometimes I feel like like like you know the business is taking too much and so this was a great opportunity to return back to my roots and also in the vibe that I'm in you know / Mendes is really sharing and trying to help people be the greatest that they can be and so I thought the show was a great idea and and it was an opportunity to come and bring diversity I know I had an opportunity to come and bring diversity to primetime in these and these type of shows and what's the endgame for the show like what is the winner win or the for the top form win and how long is the season do they get record deals or they get money yeah um it's a six weeks special mm-hmm you get a record deal with Republic Records um then you get us the panel you get me and Khalid and Charlie walk and Meghan Trainor I saw you had to check Charlie walk a little bit snappy with you you had to remind like I remember you talking to Diddy yeah now it's the the you know the stuff with the shows intense in there because it's like a Coliseum so our audience is totally different the audience energy and everybody's like and the testosterone is up in the hormones and it's crazy and you know you know you know he just he just felt like going a little too far it was all good we reel it back in and we keep it moving on but um you know I think Charlie walk is he's that guy that you want to have your record in his hands you know and also I we have I Heart Radio you know they they get to win that that iHeartRadio power play that program the Calla program major get played once an hour every hour on a long time you know saying you get your record fully support it if you're after that you trash mmm seriously yeah and so um so so so we really feel like we have something to other shows on half cuz me and Callie we're gonna stay involved we're gonna exactly produce the album we're gonna do a social media blast them out there and so you know it was something that was special Catelyn made a comment on the four on the last episode what did he mean when he said this I remember Diddy saying if you get on your knees what was he talking about I said if you get on your knees you're supposed to cry are you saying if you're singing a song oh okay we segue into the drink champs interview and fab and Jada and everybody they've made a compilation video you could they said you were signing real suspect yeah did you see that when they started playing the game the pause game I would definitely that came from Harlem so yeah came from Harlem I definitely would say some home I would the crowd would be like wow did he just say that you know saying I don't play games y'all know you know saying I'm a grown man I don't play games but um yeah the compilation no I was I was coming off of being in Miami a night a party and I don't really remember what I was saying you know saying you like a reminder I love it all that was you scrambling you sound like when you do it like that daddy when you scrambling and scraping for [ __ ] I mean it could be funny I don't really be on it like that I know I'm bad at the game you know adding up with somebody who maybe somebody who's homophobic but I'm not homophobic and I really don't you know care you know I just but I'm bad at the game and it's probably hilarious I would love to see it and I would love to see the video compilation it's a lot yeah 50 came up here and he was giving you flak for asking fab to party so you he'll ask you oh yeah ask you to play it play to play the clip man yeah please lip go ahead I want to party with me for your birthday man I'm yeah we party for my birthday before you came to my party you know but meme ain't never really party you knows that I had 50 about that he said you did to say anything have you asked him to take him shopping yeah I thought he needed some clothes I'm a nice guy I don't have no beat we don't know why if he loves me he loves me y'all gonna see if I mean y'all can't see oh we can you can't see that he loves me but see you really hold on you really think that's hey you really when you really break it down you've been out here long turn you know he loves me oh they like you you know he loves me okay you're both passing it yeah I don't know either side oh I don't know I don't the same no we're not okay we're not the same you work hard yeah and and and um you know I mean I respect that I don't I don't never hit him with no you know no I don't even think of no other man man besides if I'm thinking about another man thinking about uplifting I'm not thinking about all that all them nuts you know they can't really touch me you're at the end of the day you'll see and you'll know what it is you know that the track record y'all know y'all know the business acumen y'all know the community service y'all know what I'm about you know and um when he does that it's like funny to me I don't really take a person I know he has a different sense of humor and he's just not in my life we don't have to never cross paths and I will never say nothing negative about him you know cuz that's just not me it feels like something must have happened though like that we just don't know about behind it he loves me there may be a situation a deal went bad sometimes um sometimes people that feel like they don't like you and they act like that they really love you like I'm not I'm not I'm not like you know just saying it to say you know I mean I mean something's it's something about me that has a mommy all the time and I'm not going nowhere so you you have me giving out a lot of money lately you gave French a 200 grand mm-hmm it's charity yeah give a kid a million dollars for a picture it was a modeling contract you ain't that much my kids back all other models like yeah we been here nine it didn't it didn't happen so yeah so where did I come from you saw you I mean it just comes from a story off and I'm saying tonight you know dancing that is crazy man so you went mary j blige with her getting her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and she told a lot of stories about herself and things that she's been going through in her life and of course you have some great stories about coming up with mary j blige what you told also so you know let's shout out to mary j blige you shout to mary mary j blige you said used to pick her up in your what you had a Volkswagen Rabbit nice to pick up from slow bombs up in Yonkers and you know the to remember and I always remember her like getting into getting in my car you know cuz freezing outside the way somebody gets in your car cold and my heater wasn't working and we trying to be trying to make sure that we could get to the studio we have enough gas money and then the see her there see her get nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and then to be able to present her her star in Hollywood which is just like it's on the same block as mine um it was it was crazy it was it was a crazy like like life experience to be like wow if you really stay focused and you really really go hard and really stick together you know we could do great things and so it was just those two kids that was in that Cabriolet um I was that rabbit right yeah both right right now you know we we bend in down over her star in Hollywood it was a just a beautiful moment you know I'm so proud of ya people when I posted that on my page you know I got love for you and Andre and Marion people was like they go Diddy all up in the pictures I'm like y'all don't know the history yeah yeah if you knew the history you'd understand why is him Andre Marion in that situation yeah hey man people gonna say what they want to say me and Mary's thing you know that that's something a little sacred you know there's something that every you know she asked me to do it and something I would have been near then whatever regardless cuz I mean that's my sister we have a close relationship so it's different than just an artist I worked with how did you not be bitter when when I went Andre fired you could y'all still break bread to this day mm-hmm works for that's what I just um I just I mean I wasn't bitter I knew that it was a life lesson that I needed to learn I was scared if anything because you know losing your job is kind of scary but I was able to bounce back get on my feet get the deal with Arista and and as he said in the documentary he fired me and made me rich you know so I didn't have nothing to be mad about you know he gave me my freedom he sold was coming down the pipe before before I saw it and you know he let me get out of there with Biggie and Craig Mac and I could do nothing but love him and he's only been a great mentor to me and somebody that you know you know always loved and be indebted to him and what about the Panthers how can you buy the Panthers is that a possible position and what do we have to do as people to support the process has just started so we I would be able to give more updates on that maybe like in two weeks but one of the things I want to say is that it was never about me running behind the Panthers it was always about we it was always about like we need a team I jumped out there to make sure that they understood that that they have to consider you know some black ownership right now where 80% 70% a league being african-american and it's just time like if right now we don't own nothing and if we don't own nothing and we don't have nothing and and and we have to make that change and I feel like that shift is coming that that we have to make sure that we have you know a seat at the table have you put together an investment group yes put together an investment group and it's just going through just going through the process I don't have anything to update on right now but yeah but the thing is I just feel like we as a community we need a team and so you know whatever it is you know it definitely be a collective it won't be just like about me it'd be a collective of people coming together from from us and you know putting it down that's another thing people are Diaby not gonna let no black person on an NFL it's a it's a lot of lot of rules a lot of regulations a lot of loopholes you know and you know as I said I'm just starting to go through the process but I can't understand why people feel that way because it's definitely it's definitely a lot of loopholes that are in there but um no rules are made to be broken rules are made to evolve and you know somebody doesn't jump out there on it then nothing to change you know they'll just you know keep on going and giving ownership today boys you know now did you give Joe Budden five million dollars for revolt no don't give it I don't know where I'm with a what he's these numbers are coming from yeah yeah you know that did it happen that deal done is not yet know yeah you got a plan in place um I'm trying to get it together you know I'm saying you know sometimes it just takes time it's not you go and do a deal really overnight you know I mean you can but it's best to make sure that you know everything is right so if it works out it works out you know you know hope it works out what's it like to work for Diddy now cuz I remember back in the day that was the standard like oh you could never work for Diddy if you did this if you mess up because you know you know for being tough yes so work for it has that changed as you've evolved I mean I still demand a certain amount of excellence so no that definitely hasn't changed I'm always pushing people to be great I'm definitely like a boss that if you come and you work with me and you could go and you could go and be a president of any company that's out here and so so I have that responsibility to make sure that that we stay evolving and stay great you know and most importantly stay competitive because that's one of the main things I want to represent it's just really being able to go and compete with the others you know and make sure that we get ours always wanted to know in the last let's say 10 years or 15 years did money ever get tight for Diddy ask is it was about a good seven-day where did he took commercial planes and I was like but and you it's filming he was like look gas is high I'm get on his [ __ ] commercial plane I never know if that was a joke no that was did he campaigning for something else or if it was like you know hold on I gotta I gotta watch this flow sir maybe being smart no I had I had like took a blood bath you know was showing John during that we all did during the recession mm-hmm and it was it was just you know time to tighten up you know you know that was like a crazy time but you know we made it through you know you just got to recalibrate yeah but I was only was only like seven days I was right now I'm gonna tell you it was like it was like six months it was like a good six months you know saying I had to get up out a hole and that's part of it that's part of the hustle man you got good days you got bad days you know saying balls in the hole dude what's in the hole head lost thirty thirty minutes yeah Wow that's a hole that the reason why you work so hard and you continue to work so you it's not it's not really about the money um right now right now is really the opportunity the opportunity to be to really be a factor in life and factor in the world in a good way you know when I get calls and entrepreneurs see me from Africa in Germany in you know London you know black people from all over the world when it when it when they see it the narrative changes you know and they see a successful man that looks like them you know you know and so that's what it is for me is building great things so I can leave make sure I have infrastructure left as my legacy and also the teachings to show people you know how to do it and so that's that's you know what I'm on all the time whatever cuz I thought Sean Sean made stuff for us John store in the airport in Atlanta Atlanta John still Papa yes sales is up we've been having some bad boy discussions lately so I'm glad you're here you know mace was on with Angie Martinez mm-hmm and he said it was his pin that kept bad boy alive after big died and I dispute that people think I'm hating because do you think I don't like me but I just said I feel like it was your star power that kept bad boy alive I mean I think it was a combination I mean it's definitely his pen like those you know he came up with the been around the world more money more problems can't nobody hold me down you know I'm saying so that's definitely true I mean I tell it to him all the time I he's one of the people responsible for my artistic career but um that's what it was about that was his strength you know I'm saying if I got Mason next to me to pin something and I was already in because I did the Benjamins but I did that with the locks so that then can't can't nobody hold me down and other records came after that and we didn't know if you know if the vibe I they didn't we didn't know what if the vibe was gonna be right enough because we definitely had a quality control so he didn't do myself I had to put myself through a quality control and after the Benjamins um I knew I could do it and I knew just the way me and Mase talked back and forth like the way we both was from Harlem and kind of slurred our words sometimes I knew that it you know that there was a there was a cadence and a vibe and a DNA that could be developed so from the producer side ain't no yeah me stepped up and knocked him things out the park don't you think I'll be missing you with the setup for that though even though it was a tragic record I'll be missing you came after candle by homie down in the Benjamins yeah the majority of the success is is because of you know that record right there worldwide level because it was like the first number-one hip-hop you know single worldwide ever and it was really like one of the first times that the world was exposed to hip-hop on a mainstream station so you could be in Bolivia and that thing was just coming on in between like the hottest groups in Bolivia and it really changed the scope of hip-hop and opened up the doors that record right there and and definitely kind of it it gave it gave us a little bit of life that we need it because we definitely was all about the feeling like all about to quit it was just too much you know you know ain't nobody else had ever experienced nothing like that in music and so when missing you came out it was that right there was was one of the turning points because it was it really just showed the vernal vulnerability so I was able to go do that with other records what makes a better artistic fit for you didn't big for you the artifact wasn't it a point where big was executive producing your soul yes yeah no I would just say that they different you know I'm saying I would say that when when I look at us I look at us as a whole so when you saw the bad boy family taught us that's the way I look at if I don't really look at it separately me and big we had a separate friendship you know and you know I look at that like that as an artist you know I just really looked at them individually how much your solo album was done before a big pal it was called hell up in Harlem and it was like 70% done Wow in denim I was like I can't do this you know then I'm a missing you then it was called no way out now you know we had I'm sure you heard everybody talking about the five best lyricist on bad boy no let's break this down correctly right because I'm glad you we do the person that we've been waiting to hear weigh in on this right it was it's about lyrics bars delivery nothing no it's not star power not album sales nothing and it's not even a distance I just said I haven't seen a witness I said that mace wasn't a top five lyricist on bad boy and I did not say he's whacked I just bad boy was stacked right he's got busy I knew it was you're tough huh big kiss styles chic black Rob and then I had g'd up at six inmates at seven yeah yeah y'all tight entitled to your opinion I'm definitely not going to step out with that you know okay so what makes being a top five yes he would well Andale Shawn prayers out of my father he'll be in the top five yeah that's it I think maze I think people don't respect me because they hear the the foo-foo fluff-fluff dance song but he forgot how lyrically nice he was I think people forget out a nice black Rob La Mesa yo yo check this out mace was leading the way like like so mace was the the the you know Jadakiss and styles there and she they kind of like laid-back if you notice the energy they kind of laid-back and so you know mesas mesas is turn you know saying especially back then you know you know so his he was leading the way with a lot of the free styles that was out that was coming out you know and just just really keeping everybody rapping together so he was the one that was like kind of setting the ball for all the other young guns that came after big you know I mean that's a real time and Woody and he was knocking it out the park you know I'm saying after the bad boy a reunion tour have you guys decided just as a collective everybody reunited to do anything else and we haven't talked about it any more adventures coming out of that and I mean you you you never know we haven't talked about it we all had a great experience and sometimes you just want to lead a game on top you know and so that's what we are right now we know we we honestly know we have some unfinished business you know in London and in Africa but um you know I I think that what we did in the US I think that that we sealed it up just right you know anything else would be just you know nothing with the legacy I'm shocked that you still even want to create music when you had the era that we're talking about now like because what can compete with that and that was just a wrap that we just mentioned yeah you know times change and if you don't change with the times then you know you're talking about what you did in the 90s and um so you always have an opportunity to to be authentic and be yourself and it make music and there's a lot going on out here but that doesn't mean you know you have to get pulled into a certain style whatever it is you know no but I think that you know we we are a different a different time hip hop is is more diverse in there's there's a wave going on that you know people have to understand when the punk rock wave came out a lot of people don't understand it you know um and you know so for right now I know it's not the traditional hip hop but but you know these these these kings and queens out here is talented they not they not like not they're not not talented I mean your kids love it and that's what music is about that's what hip-hop is about who's a bad boy net who's on bad boy um my son Christian Cassie and Quincy French down I'm about 100 French French yes I'm sorry Machine Gun Kelly Machine Gun Kelly yeah make that a good idea he was like he want to get with Christian and uh I was more talking about the new battery oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and also that they have you know MGK has a deal with with its do bad boy in school okay yeah may say you want to get with Christian and help help help help him yeah yeah he definitely should get with him and I know they talked about it I look forward today when you heard unforgettable did you hear that was a hit when you first heard it yeah you're immediately yeah yeah French I've been really searching for hip for a minute and then when I heard that when I was like yo you finally got one just just gonna get you where you wanted where you want to be you gonna go all over the world with this one worked out it got him his own Ciroc flavor yeah why do you think people still have such a fashion fascination with big in--park stories cuz you see like it's always a new documentary or new something all the time I mean it was a movie I ain't gonna lie to you it was a movie the movies aren't really even exaggerating you know it was it was just a crazy time and so I think that's really intriguing to people because it was it was so it was so real it was like so dangerous and it was like you know we was we was all just living on an edge that I don't even think you know people really have the stomach for right now you know I'm saying still unsolved so there's still questions people have so they're still doing documentaries trying to figure out but it doesn't help with healing though does it like it's like always I'm like literally it's always a new big pock document yeah now yeah well you know what it is just like we're part of history and right now is like they're you know our history is it matters because because we want to know you know the kids want to know what went on because it's they hear about Tupac and Biggie is such a group hearing their names their names and names and then you you go on a search to get as much information as you can and you know every day there will be many documentaries and many movies because both of them has such a such diverse personalities right you know somebody sent me this picture yesterday you remember this this night yeah Xerox jr. my feeling like I don't understand how I went from that to the craziness it became and he forgot I'm a bad boy t-shirt oh yeah yeah I mean I think that I think in the movie it was depicted the way it was you know in a two-part movie I know some people who said they didn't rock with it but um as far as the storytelling as far as what it was as far as the big interaction and how things went left that's that's how it went down how much of the whole story yo-yo legacy do you want to tell while you're still here to tell it like we saw the documentary like how much do you want to tell well yeah I'm gonna tell it all I'm gonna tell it all you know I don't I've lived an exciting life I think it to do well on a big screen so you gonna be a DD movie yeah one day Oh Charlie may not plan on being great about my plan on there being statues and different things like that you know absolutely yeah yeah how did you win uh I know one time you and Drake or Rocky how was that first conversation I got back cool you know he did a a song on the little Wayne mixtape admitted he was at your house we see videos of him at how did that conversation come back about mmm you know we just bumped into each other and just kicked it just sat down and kicked it to men and um you know had some some real talk and kept it moving it wasn't wasn't no need to be the end of the world you know you know I didn't have no malice towards them and it was just a you know one of those nights so we moved past it as men and we was cool before that's why everything went down cuz you know and then sometime brothers have scraps you know I'm saying and we got to be able to move past it we got to be able to have scraps with each other and didn't move past it not map it in your life that made yeah did you go to anger management is like what happened spiritual which is a good thing it's a great thing actually but it's something happened that just did he just turn and became love yeah man I think I was also like going through like a stressful time to you know um probably like two three years ago and I was getting everything out my system and I mean if you've been there you won't you understanding if you're like a person that has to always be on the like the defense and and you know be be ready then Dennis that's the energy that you bring you carrying around with you you know I mean I just once I sat down in how to talk with myself you know I just I just love love you know say anyway just it just connected with me it was just like anything else is a waste of time on the defense with who do you top with a food chain - yeah yeah and then that makes you throw yeah I mean you just have to you have to have a guard up man you have you have to protect your person you know I'm saying it's rough out here you can't give everything to the game you know and so so you know I looked at the game from my history is being very antagonistic you know I'm saying you know our crew a crew that's that another and you know that's a part of growing up you evolve when you see things differently and um and so I think that's what it is and and then just you know getting closer more of a connection to God but being honest with yourself like how do I want to be seen I don't want to make people feel you know what's the truest thing to me because that that over there that ain't shoe you know saying and so I was able to get get things pointed in the right direction and I appreciate you commenting on it but you've always had a connection with God even with the Steve style situation when you hit him it was over God technically yeah I mean God has always been in my life yeah but um you know I had my days and that's what you know that's what life is about being able to go through your low points and your high points and in those times when I would act out like that um that was just that was the environment I was in that's the that's the way it was feeling out here mhm you know people getting punched in the face every day every day somebody's getting punched in the face so I figured why be the first one to punch people in a face since the punching in the face is gonna start at some time and um that was just the climbing it wasn't you know it was it was just the climate that was out there so I definitely um tripped and fell a couple of times what about the you see a UCLA coaching Jay Cole did you reach out to them and smooth things over with them yeah yes I put all of that in my past you can bring up all 20 different things Charlamagne and it's in my past in my past I want to be an example of a man that evolves and we gotta let things slide though too you know I wouldn't let no in slide I love I like so much slide right now because it's just not worth it like that has nothing to do with my life I came in here by myself I'm a leave by myself you know and I'm a child of God and and anything else I can't it's a waste of time for me right now my time is precious yeah my time being I'm beefing with you over here I'm not happy to see you or I'm not happy to be here in the room with you guys like I'm happy to be here you know I'm saying I'm happy to see y'all I haven't seen y'all this is like you know we're all an extended family you know of each other so when I come in the room that's the way I I wanted to feel because that's genuinely was in my heart over the weekend and she was telling me it was like the best party she's ever been in her life and people were saying this year in particular was like the best one yes so needless to say do you ever look around and go who are these people in my house it's time for them to know no I've been blessed to meet a lot of people did I didn't say that this year and I think that was the I was really careful about everybody that I was inviting and when they made sure I had a lot of family and true friends around me and awesome one to have all my family all my kids the mothers of my children my girlfriend there it just felt like you know I finally got my tribe together and and then I leveled up on the production I just like you know I took the production up a little bit I wanted to get people like a great experience going into 2018 and you know sera and DeLeon was flowing a coursing we had a great night fireworks it was just a real cool vibe it was a real black excellence vibe and it just it just felt good to see so many people get dressed up and so many people to be doing good you know it was a definitely a time where a lot of people are doing good for themselves really building their careers and could take care of themselves you know so it was it was that type of vibration in there the first year people brought their kids cuz I don't recall seeing like yeah I know Khalid had his son there fab had his kids was this the first year that no no we always have a kid friendly zone we put him in another wing something matter right - yeah after - 2 a.m. my son but yeah yeah I think it's important that I doing the countdown you love me I want to be around my family you know is it weird living in LA no I love it it's a it's a great quality of life for my kids um you know I always miss New York but you know I'm here once a month it just is it's good for me so I could slow down and and I could create that's one of the things I really want to get back to like is you know I've been tightening up all of the companies business-wise making sure I'm putting in the right leaders I'm really trying to build a super team right now of executives that I could really get money with that they could be incentivized that they if if I make money they make money you know and and I really I'm looking for executives like I used to look for artists mm-hmm so I'm like like transferring my head over into instead of making a record I'm making a business plan and putting the same type of creativity in there and you know for the future I have to have the the best team around me people that uh that are capable and and really really really brilliant and and great at what they do and and did not a freed me up to be able to just to be more creative because when you're creative and and then you happen to be borrowed down with business sometimes it kind of takes away so this this is a year I'm gonna be real creative man that the show is off to a great start you know and we also add too can't stop won't stop so we I think we we setting up everything setting up the pieces in the right way you know and focused lifestyle choices if you made I think you drinking the did your green juice to see you on Instagram with the I don't know what kind of machine that is you be running in yeah that's alter G machine that's an antigravity machine um and you know I had a knee operation and so in order to get back I can't I can't really not supposed to run impound and so and so they made this machine that that you could just run on like 20 percent of your body weight anywhere from 20 percent to a hundred percent and it fluctuates and it helps get you back in that rhythm and get your legs up underneath you um but you just do to my schedule that that's the thing I'm fighting with right now I'm trying to make sure that I have enough time to take care of myself and make sure that happen have time to work out and in the food thing the food thing is hard I ain't going to eat I was saying the other day like you know yo y'all go up and down and I was like I got a really I got a really make sure that I find out cuz we all have different allergies in us I mean I'm saying and I was like it's something that's you know puffing me up every now and then and puff up then slim down I know a lot of people out there go through swarm that y'all know which have no idea you have to cut those things out yeah cuz I'm about to do this detox starting on Saturday I'm nervous but I guess I'll find out all of that when I do it and you had things back are you getting sleep with your notorious for not getting sleep yes I'm definitely getting more sleep you know I'm getting more sleep out I would like to get more but um yeah I'm all the way in on taking care of myself you know I'm saying this this has to be you know I went from me to we but then I have to have a section and some time just for we for me so I could just be selfish and I can make sure I really like zoned internet because even we're changing over your nutrition you you have to have time to really study and understand it yourself so like like that's becoming one of my new hobby you know but it definitely you know it takes time it takes time and just I know everybody knows but you know the greatest wealth is your health for real we can't do nothing unless you unless you're right what made you gravitate towards Catlett about the other person I've known Khaled for over 15 years and I just I just love always loved his energy and you know I I thought he would be a good partner good person on my side so I could stay in my in my zone and just speak when you know I need to speak and I don't have to have the whole show on me you know you know I and and just what he's representing him what he's doing right now and I think he has connection to you know to the artists to younger artists and um I think all of us together combined you know it makes what a great show Kathy has great positive energy - yeah are you doing in Miami Marathon cuz there was some rumblings about you doing another marathon no no I don't know well no marathons ever again um what's the church announcement yeah the business was that make sure everybody when you're tune in tomorrow I mean when you're tuned in tonight 8 p.m. everybody tune in we have the the for viewing parties all over the nation you know and make sure you have your own make sure you have some Rock some DeLeon be be by a television at like 750 it's going down let's use hashtag the forum and be checking everything live so I want to know y'all opinions especially in New York let me know what time in this hashtag before tell me whatever you feel about the show and um you know we gonna keep on banging they had the toughest battle on last week it kind of hurt my heart was I yeah cuz I really like to meet some Brooklyn I'm yeah yeah it was a great battle I didn't know who was gonna win that one I think so far that's been the toughest battle yeah you got washed which one you thought I went in the big dude battle uh yes dad I got killed him the guy that came to challenge imagine dragons song they don't have to be like brand-new yes so they can have written and you know done other things and won awards but they still can compete yeah and you could actually be sitting at home and watching the four and you can send your audition to the for music calm and be on the show the next week that happens this week that's how quick it happens yeah di Warwick's granddaughter was on there so you had to give some real harsh work with an audience yeah it's all out of love all of the criticism in it is out of love and I think that's another thing about the show that feels so great is you could tell where we're we're really trying to help the people we're really trying to tell them the truth I give them some advice even if they're they're good or they are they're bad one quick question if they don't make it right to the end can you sign them if you wanted to like the people there don't win yes so they're not locked into anything if he wants Rhoda all right well we thank you for joining us thank you thank you everybody tune into the for on Fox 8 p.m. 8 p.m. everybody keep tuning in hashtag before thank you so much for your support and um god bless y'all happy new year yes club alright it's the break this club is Diddy [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 2,416,871
Rating: 4.6325998 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, 50 cent, diddy, bad boy
Id: _1mIPOYZzfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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