Joe Budden Talks Leaving Complex, Relationship with Eminem, Industry Moves + More

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This was such a great interview. The podcast is obviously great, but it was dope to hear Joe answer on topics that have swirled around him the last few years in a much more focused setting where he was a bit more pressed to answer and clarify. Specifically his relationship with his son, Royce and Eminem, and some of the shade between his podcast and the breakfast club.

A lot of funny moments but this one probably took the cake for me.

Joe: emphatic wave heyyyyyy, I LOVE her!

Charlamagne: you don’t even know who that was. Who was that then? That was the industry wave. “Hey, I love her!” Who’s ‘her’?!

Joe: I’ve seen her a million times.

Angela: what’s her name?

Joe: Psh, I don’t know.

👍︎︎ 258 👤︎︎ u/sammylaco 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

MuchDank is gonna have a field day with this

👍︎︎ 100 👤︎︎ u/BiasedPenguin 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

oh hell yeah, shoutout r/theJoeBuddenPodcast

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/numbertopencil 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Seeing Budden drum the table getting hype gives me mad nostalgia of peak Everyday Struggle. It's too bad that show ended because I think it could have become a major part of the culture.

👍︎︎ 205 👤︎︎ u/Rhojanxd 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm truly happy for Joe and the turn his life has taken for the better as of late. A healthy relationship, a beautiful kid and getting that podcast bag with general respect from the community he fights/fights for so often. Shout out to him.

Edit: Great interview as well. That part about having a disagreement with someone, and them needing to pull up, discuss and address it or gtfo was real as shit.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/luneydesmond 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/Illgetausernamelater 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

As someone who has been a huge fan of Joe for so many years I have to say it's both awesome and interesting to see so many people embrace him now. I've always liked how outspoken he is and how he just tells it how it is. People have definitely understood him more as time has passed. Plus he's obviously very entertaining. He's an incredible artist too and I wish he was still making music consistently.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/mattislinx 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Yoooooo. This is gonna be a good morning

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/CocainexCaviar 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club the breakfast club now good morning he said he was never coming on the breakfast club again you said that he did I don't remember that joepie says a lot of things uh good morning good morning first of all you know envy got light-skinned memory so he remember everything that hurt him at some point I said that as a rapper Envy when you was a canned spicy last time I was in here what happened yeah I remember Andy was telling me I was a failure a loser but at the time he was making his town and you know I thank you for that because it helped me realize a few things but he was making it sound then like if you weren't putting on our Instagram it wasn't happening and I was just late to the party of realizing that people actually thought like that so that was our argument then right and then I left there and I started trying to post it on Instagram and I'm looking like I'm really trash on something social media wise and that's kind of interesting cuz you was always on the internet first yes he was before everybody else yeah but late to certain realizations on internet like I was on the internet but I was probably yeah it was never promote that's not who I am that's not it's not what I do now you know what's funny when when we let go up Marissa from the podcast cuz she was our rich re tweeter of things when she left me Aurora July he said let try to retweet everything he said let go at first so you admit him your fire I did out of love sometimes you fire people out of love like you I mean you can put anybody in those positions really no chance no no no you could you don't want to do that want to take good care of people told me you were gonna stop rapping I didn't believe you in the barber shop and I was like why would you do that you're nice was like no I'm not gonna do it oh yeah we had and I tried I called you to try to get you on my album you told me no and I was like come on Joe and apologize like you thought it through and you stuck with it thank you like a one-hit wonder I saw that was clubbing don't do that well it made the Tapia dating a conscious decision oh no it wasn't conscious you know when I was doing my my last sound when I did rage in the machine before I did that out I was trying to figure out a rebrand but as an as an emcee mm-hmm never this so this wasn't a calculated thought out I knew I wanted to do broadcasting and that was it I'm telling you I was late to the party of even realizing that everybody thought I was so trashed and just the way that you was living just you just living together so I think I think that when I think that when you may I made started to make certain changes for myself good things started to happen and the universe started to respond and I started to have a lot of those conversations like I had way in view about people not understanding their retirement from wrap thing well some grab her stop texting me stop talking me all together yeah could you started talking about them probably I've been talking about them I've been talking about that's my thing I've talked about rappers my entire career a lot of trouble yeah sleeping with executive job I love Tracy Tracy Tracy she's great she gave me my start you get my start and radio as somebody I was telling her yo I'm scared to death like I don't belong on there just going there and it was great I loved it and you stopped because as Kevin Lau's made me Wow Kevin Lau's made me he didn't think that you could sell records and be accessible every day on the airwaves he didn't think that was it and I was 22 23 at the time so it was like you know you got time when your science though yeah I want around like when you have a child you have to travel go on tour go on the road it's kind of difficult when well at 22 23 you don't really know that you have to be responsible for y'all monitor they called you Joe burden you gotta stop talking to complex I know it was a financial thing where you felt you were supposed to get a certain amount of money no that was at the end that was that okay but did you not love they're like what was the real issue I'm creative creative differences creative differences I think that the idea what I thought it would be going in and probably what it turned out to be indeed by the end of it just real different where'd you think it would be I thought it'd be a bit more mature and I'm not knocking it because I thought that they had the potential to be the greatest thing ever but I just thought some of the content would be a bit more mature so they picked the content oh it was a collaborative collaborative effort watch it now no no they wanted more beasts more problem I'll check it out win-win is when I want to hear something it may be act got to say but that's not very it's not often I can see it in your face it that wasn't gonna last oh let the record show I called it you did call it but you called it because you thought it would be insubordination on my part get up and walk away from it in some way shape or form definitely think Jose what I would do with that what I know I appreciate it I've to be more some of the people are appreciating that very many people are honest with me casters gonna last as long as you do that's different yes I could be a I could be a [ __ ] on my own [ __ ] but not a ton to meiosis so they weren't paying me enough to deal with some of those things but but I had a vision like that was the first time that complex situation that was the first time it was like you know what let me really stay out of my own way I want to quit I want to go in here and tell all these people suck my dick but wow there's a greater there's a greater cause so I'm gonna just stay and it was a certain point in that mix I don't remember the month but you could cut on the screen and see that he wasn't play anymore like he don't care but who's a novice who's new who can't interview who Joe is turning it up now and I was saying at the time I said it's just wild it every other company you could tell that radio a person that said just to every company in the world is looking at my value and it's high ah there y'all are the only ones didn't they don't recognize that yeah I'm saying to be around them like you know it's like yeah you know your values higher but how long is your button going to want to be here in this situation well if anybody that knows Joe button history I have no problem exiting the problem no problem the problem I guess they invest in you and they want to invest in promoting a showing and you can't you need you need you need balance you need balance so that's the problem if that's your perspective or it could be a really good thing like it was cute in the beginning when they put the little disclaimer thing there that yo these [ __ ] about to say some wild [ __ ] so we know it was cute but when you stop looking at the cuteness I understand why it's there Joe was a hothead of we in corporate America you want to not be liable I listen I understand all that [ __ ] so that can work in your benefit if you have a partner that you know you aligned with I was never Alliant with them true a really appreciative to them and everybody there aDNA that their whole staff like the stuff that I learned in that year it was imperative moving forward for me y'all gas it up a little bit though y'all jump out the window and say some crazy stuff like everyday struggle was the greatest hip-hop show ever attention time potentially no way you talking about sway in tech in the morning back in the day we had we had our buck you talking about yes all of these great hip hop platforms I'm a Rap City tongue wanna fix box you're on TV rats so you do know what the word potentially means right yeah so I mean giving some time I would never you know I'm not that arrogant takes time a lot of time you take it takes a lot of time but you know what me what me and a can and those people were building what we accomplished in that short amount of time if we were projecting yeah we got all them [ __ ] I got all the [ __ ] if we projecting that's how much faith I have in me as a broadcaster that's a heavy statement yeah we need listen I would be a terrific all the rappers from last decade is better than all the rap I mean it's better than all the rappers rapping now like you want tomorrow to be better than of course yesterday like I'm watching you all the time give props to the people that mentor you and the people that you look up to and idolize but at no point do I take it as Charlemagne ain't in the same realm or don't get just as busy as next like week I have respect for people and and know that we we get busy that's all I'm saying true about this podcast yeah cuz there were some issues I guess up here on The Breakfast Club no there was not ever any issues problems with me throughout the years because we have a personal relationship there's never been a business beef it's never been like yo everybody not playing my [ __ ] it's never been yep it's been yo we care about each other I don't like how you and it's been met Charlemagne and I have had mad friendly beef actually like Joe Budden but I'm not even talking about with Joe button do we mean some back and forth on social media but you could never DJ envy you did have an issue with me with Joe no not with Joe yeah we set some stuff on on on the podcast station and he's entitled to his opinion but like I said I'm not gonna let you talk [ __ ] about me and then come on my platform to promote you did Rory say - I really definitely hurt unless I'd be missing it what did Rory say about everyday piss you off there's when I wasn't damn it every week but but know what Envy is talking about was probably from like two years ago so you know it's one of the things that Envy heard and caught on a lot of yeah he might slick stuff and I was mad at Joe and the reason I was mad at Joe is because you know the Breakfast Club is is we go play roles right so if and this is what I told Joe I said we all have a certain role that we play that's what it was so if it's if it's if we have Kanye up here and let's say Charlemagne's going at Kanye and it's getting uncomfortable my role is to make Kanye feel comfortable so he's open enough to answer the question I'm Kanye you wrote Kanye down let's move them over there's a he flies out to knock it off you a snitch Rory doesn't understand radio he doesn't come from radio so he gave an opinion of a [ __ ] who don't understand radio and if you got spicy he cursed me out about it but yeah he shouldn't come up here right you can't come up here promote you stuff on my you know after going at me don't make no sense and then you get mad when I say no you can't come up here I'm here to promote stuff yeah probably other means wait that's all wrong when I hear why people talk about the coach in a certain way that's all Charlie just wanted to know how he was waiting at Kappa house to do a podcast with a guy who would a white guy you don't talk about what is still mean am i laughs talk about rumors [Music] he had enough that [ __ ] is my friend but yes I be fed up with Andrews the podcasts over I keep seeing Andrew and cans together I don't know yes now yeah let your coals just run off and do some others that doesn't sound like it's breaking up you should wherever you were to go off and do other person the fancier Charlemagne t-shirts get the more messaging they get no again really not a candy [ __ ] I'm joking Rory in mild not do it because you want to light them to it because they're just not skilled enough no Rory I'm all can do whatever they want they didn't carry one I know uh on their own alone yes no exactly that's tough to do I'm not dissing my [ __ ] to carry a podcast alone right I listen to the people that do that it's tough they could do it together they decided I'm not sure I could do it yes I'm not sure confirmed for me they got a scrap everybody got a scrap a little bit man the only thing I'll be mad at is like Mike still nobody's longtime all he was wrong bin ma give us two months they say the breakfast club was over you can't put a timeline on it you can't put a timeline on it I don't even know why he would say that do you know Joe you come from radio being a nationally syndicated radio show is a big deal like you got to put us in the line when you talk about us you talk about joiners buddies right the Elvis Duran the Howard Stern like and we black in hip hop radio Joe Joe is sensitive you're yelling at me right now Joe's new she I don't know what we we all have podcasts we need to do like a podcast mashup or a switcheroo let me do one with your bum [ __ ] I'll kill him y'all could go get with my [ __ ] tear them up do what you want you could do you could do one with Marissa I would never do to Joe Budden ever do Joe Budden podcast if you weren't there why the hell without what would I talk to those two about whatever you were talking Joe about this sounds like y'all I don't think Joey's accomplished well listen if they're if they're firing shots I have to allow them to do with my [ __ ] fired shots all the time we got to do it listen to Spotify move with a very indiscreet move very cool okay sound like you at all why Joe you think it's industry SuperDuper but it's its industry in a good way because it's your way I feel like you're partnering up I don't feel like you know you because they gave me some or a million dollars oh good for me oh my god never come back I'm having a blast nah honestly no use on Spotify 4 million islands see no I'm about to say cuz you could make that on your own boy I did not sign it a lot of fire for a million dollar more than a million no so why is on Spotify Joe the opportunity the opportunity to be global and it spread my message I need some help man I need yeah yeah I'm on YouTube staggered staggered 48 hours after mine it's about a fireman I need to hear more about this matter but I've never been on the worst Rosenberg status' wants a stay to the culture of my new show on revolt well I know Charlamagne got a flight to catch I know out there they were saying I only had 10 minutes bringing and then everybody else on the schedule I don't care about now you know you only be honest now I get to see some of the people that I actually like do you even know what that was that's who was that did you know I'll see when I eat somebody y'all know I'll say when I know I do John is a hater you know sha'lame gets on you a lot it says on your podcast sometimes you're going into artists and then when you up front with the artist you don't say the same that wasn't the podcast what at that too but you apologize to every artist that came it's not true yes you did it's not true now all of them aside easy and you had smoked for jay-z all right this is the thing that I'm maybe I'm a little lost but when I have the smoke the art is here so I feel like when I see them is not the time to continue that you heard what I said now you're gonna respond and we're gonna have an adult conversation about it that's how I say it so you think they should come call you on it and then y'all get into it yeah like a lot of a lot of times like when you say the energy is different right well you know cuz you look to you do this [ __ ] like a lot of times I think it's come in before the cameras come on extra sensitive they extra hardcore and tough date it's just a lot that's how you burn my moments well I love it too yeah I love it too but I mean if you're gonna come in here like that and let's have the conversation you heard what I said you feel the way let's talk about it if not [ __ ] out my face this record about you so what did he say on that record I don't know [ __ ] you Tone oh I already I really what do you say uh not things that I was proud of no no he was he was venting so what exactly what he said he said I wasn't around and I was gonna ask you about that I was gonna ask you about that is because the new son you post so many pictures with him you're around so your older son looks at it like Danny wasn't there for me no we're in a new generation Envy so my older son looks at it like my newest son has way more followers on Instagram than he does but you do feel bad about the fact that you weren't around not on because I made every effort to be there like it's not like I was just gone and lost I made every effort to be the you young so I mean you young so that was me and his mother's battle like now that he's older now that her and I are amicable she's married you know we are great now so back then I never thought that day would come like I choked with my mom now that why I never thought that me and my first child's mother would get along better than you and my dad like that I never saw that day so yeah now we're great my oldest is with me every other weekend anytime he can come over and hang with dad he just went through Drake concert Friday him and Moll cuz I didn't want to go but yeah like I'm not gonna go I wouldn't trust Drake apology you and drink have a very weird relationship you might be around drinking nothing you might send somebody with a low sweatshirt on the jump you you think yeah I don't think so I don't trust him live trust issues okay I wasn't I wasn't necessarily trusting oh y'all is y'all got a good relationship now I would say we're all right okay you know all the people that I beef with when I was rapping like we're great now well I'm not rabid I left the tickets like if I like fatherhood Jojo called me periodically to ask me about fatherhood stuff in it and I like seeing that that's out of gentleman first of all dropping aclu's mom's insane Santana Cyn Santana chain like I told you that when I saw all this baby culture my brand-new upgraded Joe so goddamn much those [ __ ] act like she didn't she did but I mean joke like a frown oh we're just swimming classes I want to get my money great this is great Joe this is a wonderful job and it's a more enjoyable Jodi I will say that yes pool party now he has the married section or you know the order I should say that together so you know I'm changed I didn't throw a pool party yes he did I didn't what about and and the whole team over there because you were assigned a shady I think I am Stein you still scientist 18 I think okay but you're not gonna put out any more music no no never still no good no no not II know with slaughterhouse no Wow retired I'm retired for real rice and roast it wasn't a hat wasn't happy with other things you were saying about him oh no me every smoke me worse and and a good conversation where's my guy braces my guy away from music you feel like you fought the fans forced you to say something about them but at first you were being respectful respect in the situation not saying how wack his last album was even though it was and then after a while it's just like they kept pushing you pushing you pushing you and it seemed like they forced you to say something no no I don't think it was defense it really was just whatever that song was that I was talking about that I don't remember the name of the song but when I heard the song that we really was my natural reaction to the song but not just em like I have a problem with artists who latch on to big movements to sell a record like we don't hear you speak about these things when you're not attempting to sell a record so that's not a that's not specific to him that's him well at that moment kanya it's a bunch of them it's a bunch of people doing it today I agree with you but I think that the time is a little bit different so I think every artist feels a different type of calling because we've never seen anything like Trump in the White House so I think then why don't I call you when you not trying to celebrate what do you mean you say we've seen a deaf artist feel a different type of calling I think a lot I think not even just with artists I think a lot of people's voice has risen because people are realizing to be us that we have in the White House I think a lot of people using their platform is different and some people feel like a message is more powerful when they put it in music and maybe they don't feel like cuz em doesn't talk a lot about he doesn't do any because a lot period and speak out he doesn't really tweet or anything I can't really say how he felt I can only speak about I felt hearing the song I was glad we were able to get past it because that moment seemed to cause a lot of tension between people what we moved past it that was tough a lot of people it was his loyal in know and the reason the reason I say that is let's say it's like can we stop can you stop let's not do that no I have a really good interview here don't make me angry in the morning no I don't think so you include you don't know the difference between you and cluing me and mnv I thought you and Emma was close maybe not maybe you're not as close as the people assumed that show I like you include like Emma's not on Joel's Wikipedia you know what I don't like the Parliament when you say that you're not close with someone it's interpreted as malice or a diss or like I'm just not close with him and that's all there's a million people on that I think the people assume that you guys were tight I'm neveress possible for people's assumptions I don't live my life based on what other people think that's actually a dumb assumption though just could your side to a guy I'm not you know necessarily the tightest twit I am super super super tight with voice so I mean I explained to him dead you know I respect his feelings but my relationship with em is not the same as his so I mean you can't hold me you can't expect me to bathe in a manner that you would and that's all and he understood he disagreed but he understood it state of the culture will you be discussing more than hip hop on state of the culture hopefully cuz I feel like that's the only thing just limiting Joe Budden a little bit that he's only always discussing hip hop I like I would like to discuss more than more than hip hop I mean really i'ma try to I feel like when you discuss it you end up discussing other things because this hip-hop also discusses politics it also discusses the me to movement there's so many things involved with hip-hop the world is intermingled now you can't talk about hip-hop without talking about a million other things here's all our sports it's a nice base yeah you could talk about sports when it comes to hip-hop too and you would end up if you've talked about sports you would end up tall my politics tremendum like it's all just one big gumbo now so I'm gonna try to I agree with Charlemagne if there's if there's some areas that I think I need to improve in and be able to maybe hold it down solo by myself I would love to just try to be able to talk about everything that's passionately older your father now you bout to be a I'll try to embrace it before the white is gonna be this 40 old guy having to talk about juice world yeah but you know what I like Jews world I do Tom you know what though and hip-hop yeah you're right about what you're saying but in hip-hop I feel like we need more people who are able to articulate ly Express exactly what's going on people that have been there like I'm seeing a lot more people that that come from the industry opening in my house now and just being commentators like so while I probably need to branch off I'm not doing it just yet we need people who can who can in depth ly speak about this no it's no are you doing so you're not doing it yeah that's why I was caught off guard it's Sen doing it why don't you I did you have sim come up here to ask her that is doing other things well I answer that no it's sending them up oh you have to ask you are terrible cuz you're a terrible liar you're so in dispute you gave this super industry answer about NASCAR you know why because you're NCCAM your NCCAM Love & hip-hop except for that one little date you're not doing a percentage on it I'm not saying anything I am here to talk about my brand-new show state of the culture on revolt TV airing Mondays digitally Tuesdays linear Mondays 5 p.m. Tuesday's 10 p.m. on TV hold on out since print time Monday digital Monday digital 5 p.m. Eastern Time laughs oh no love to come on TV to of their yes who's your call but there will be different things we're gonna spice it up when it be different things for digital and I like that word a lot of stuff man I ain't gonna lie that's not true oh no you guys I know you're a man of your word my brother I know you men of your work you are we talk to you about a battle I told we told you how I was gonna wash you and I lost the battle you never lie doesn't is you gonna give us the money for change change you couldn't even donate to charity I was in a baby store I'm in a baby store when y'all call I'm just trying to get diapers yeah I'm a cash ever tool now well now I can just do a [ __ ] ad on the I didn't I didn't have not enough aimin [ __ ] not enough baby make sure you did a right person because sometimes people say it's wrong so Envy did happen with me on venmo one time in it in a centre-back it was a lot it was a lot of like four grand yes at five I was so if there was one person that could make you come out of retirement and hop on a song who would that person be oh it is not nobody that you've no icon what if Sharda was like John easy one is yeah but when I I said that because you know be forced to think of something so you want to think of the legend try anybody on my top ten if they ask me to do a verse I would be humbled and and I would a lot of thought like whole call right now and say you're on universe I'm gonna sit down and think about it for a long time but I'm Pro nagging rustic studio yeah he not gonna respond to you son New York Times headline to hip hop Howard Stern that they give to every black outspoken media commentator they probably did that the star it's it's humbling I understand what they what they be trying to do when they when they do it I was grateful that that wasn't a headline they actually printed on Sunday they changed it but um I feel like they discredited you a little bit man I'll tell you what because why how it doesn't even like Howard Stern doesn't even like podcast and yeah I know what's your knowing I know hip-hop podcast has never been done before so Howard's not even in that medium so how could you be the Howard Stern of hip-hop when you're doing something new in the podcast field doesn't mean I don't like the way Howard discredit song podcasting don't say it is for amateurs it's a low elitist no comment let's be honest you've had a lady twirling like this in the background over there Charlemagne is flying to LA to Kanye's house I don't know we don't know another another interview I'm not going there for that but yeah just like that like personally I gotta interview Charlemagne I do this name is such a contradiction Joanna you here last week timeout I don't listen to nothing Joe said timing Joe even with g-unit he came to my radio show in Columbia South Carolina with a g-unit hat on I think and he was talking [ __ ] about the games when it GU and I know you was it like that exactly you should be able to beef with people and still wear weird the [ __ ] and I wore them bum ass cheesie's on on laundry day and I didn't pay for I don't know that guy could be a racist you you don't know he could be know all the stuff we drop times there's comfort and we drink sometimes it's comforting I know I know about Kanye and you do too and you better net we need you we need you over no no don't try to move to LA don't try to go be one of them we still need your black people need you I'm black it's [ __ ] the [ __ ] soul comes out every time you take your foot out I'm she's trash yo hip-hop in the community we build so much I don't know the desert red state of the culture my new show on revolt Mondays digitally five p.m. Eastern Time Tuesday's linear 10:00 p.m. this starts September September 2 and I do ever calls I don't know if I want to announce that now cuz y'all are not yeah oh no a co-host co-host no now I'm not giving it to you all you rushing me I know [ __ ] you know listen up stay tuned to my show at some point I am going to announce who the coast is and I'm gonna tease it is very very very very big pause Angele clearly needs a [ __ ] dictionary and that is it I love everybody here don't just wait for me I love y'all I love y'all love y'all stated culture goodbye miss Jo but is the Breakfast Club good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 3,145,700
Rating: 4.7542548 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, joe budden, everyday struggle, complex, spotify
Id: 0ZdMvUnTS48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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