Full Interview: Eminem about Kamikaze, MGK's diss, Joe Budden, Tyler the Creator and more (2018)

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[Music] you already be history all right there we go we're out of here all right go that's it sway so before we get started will you please sign this damn baby bro craziness our teenage years I didn't know I had bars once once upon a time huh let me say Marshall you want me to say yes please okay that's em pay rs80 mmm-hmm and I signed a vinyl for him yeah look at that man look at incredible yo yeah man your signatures so much better than mine thanks man yeah no problem man oh man you threw me off with that [ __ ] up your whole [ __ ] not really this impressed that you dug that deep in the creeks man I didn't know you I'm always digging the crates uh that's good to know man that's good to know do you want to use any lyrics from any of those songs on that vinyl but I doubt what I was gonna ask you where where cameras are off there's a couple bars and I wish I could have yeah that's cool man go ahead man what's mine is yours man if it make your [ __ ] tighter you know to speak on Barstow and we are kamikaze came out you know you shocked the world the way you did it what made you do it I mean a revival came out December 2017 I wasn't there long ago it's less than a year what made you just drop it on the world the way you did because I feel like I feel like the way the climate is right now if you give people if you give people enough time to I got an I'm coming out in two months you give people time to say man you better have a song like this all right [ __ ] with it if you don't have a song like this I ain't [ __ ] with it yeah he better not be rapping like this he better not be rapping about this or I'm not gonna [ __ ] with it and when you go into an album you're going to anything with the mindset of this is gonna suck and then even if even if you kind of don't feel that way you're already kind of formed your opinion in front of all your friends and you know I'm saying late so I feel like I feel like giving them no warning was the best thing to do just because it doesn't give people enough time to you know when the revival tractors came down the pipe yeah I remember that it was like overwhelmingly this [ __ ] is gonna be trash yeah and that was me nobody really wanted to be wrong about it yeah they had already formed I'm not saying everybody but a lot of people had already you know form their opinions so yeah that was interesting like revival really got ran through the wringer so to speak before it even got off the ground but you know it this is that day and age you know oh yeah you know how but you just it to that like before which is what I find interesting about you before you spent your whole career being critiqued and criticized by organizations like LGBTQ community or college campuses or police departments you know but hip-hop always stood by you so that was you know that's what you found your refuge but now it came from inside of hip-hop you know how did that affect you me sitting back and seeing things that I saw it was kind of like I felt like I felt a bunch of different ways I felt like okay maybe because it doesn't sound like everything else in there in and what what most people are doing mm-hmm maybe that was what tainted their here because I remember a time in hip-hop where you had to be so different from the next person or you were trash there's a shift somewhere that happened that if it doesn't sound like everything else then it's trash automatically yeah and I just said back like okay all right I can take that it's not like I can't take constructive criticism but I feel like it kind of went beyond constructive criticism so I had to go back to it and look I have made albums that definitely probably would not be my the top of my list mm-hmm what encore okay relapse which I believe encores are better album and relapse relapse is something that I looked at a couple of years went back to and cringed at oh Jesus Christ I even realized I was doing that many accidents I don't I just studied for whatever reason I just got into it and was just like started on this weird serial killer vibe kind of thing and started wanting to talk crazy and start bending words more than only way you could bend them bend them is with this accent trying to use this one like and a couple years later I you know in making recovery and slipping out of that getting out of the accents and Beyond it made recovery yeah and I always say that if it wasn't for relapse I wouldn't have been able to make recovery and if it wasn't with if it wasn't for revival I wouldn't been able to make this out so I'm good with it it just you know some people more than others went a little weird little far with it a little far what I want to get into that too and I almost you know when I listen to kamikaze and I hear some people say man that's the vintage em we want it you know we want it shady back right and when I listen to it man I have to admit man I hear something in you on this album that kind of made me rejoice anyway I've done in the past I like the fact that you're not running from the criticism I like the fact that in this digital age you're not you know cowering and in reforming to what people think you should sound like how people think you should act and you're calling it out and I actually like some of these review shows that you see on YouTube and they take people's music and they have fun with it I look at these kids and I and I see us when we were young myself when I was younger I've seen you too but we'll go to a G Rap Album and oh this was dope that was dope farside album this was dope yeah they just kind of doing that right and you dress them so you're that in tuned like in the beginning a ring ring when you talk about if you could teach fatigue me you know you can make millions if I could teach you there's nothing I would be yeah it gets into the territory where it's like it's like you got okay so since the Internet has become what the Internet's be coming here since YouTube and all that you've got so many how can I say this it's it's almost like not enough Indians too many chiefs so it's like somebody everybody on the internet and in hip-hop especially is it seemed like either a rapper DJ a writer producer does something has something to do with it and it's in and I love the fact I love the fact that so many people now have been able to get on easier than it was for me or you back in the day cuz we didn't have that we didn't have this platform so I appreciate the platform it's just that now you've got now you've got people that not only are doing the same thing and they can do it better but you've got people who don't do anything and are just critiquing it so I sat back and I'm like okay that's fine people can talk crazy about me that's fine they should they should express themselves and they have a right to but I also get to say whatever the [ __ ] I want about you know mmm I'm like I said I'm good with revival [ __ ] it mm-hmm because I couldn't have made this album without that yeah and there is something I'm not gonna lie there is something inside me that is a little more happy when I'm angry it's like as much as I as bad as it feels you know to be there there's also something about it there's a rush of it that I like because it inspires me to say something back you getting that weird area to where it's like oh it's just he doesn't care about what anybody thinks about him but now he cares about what everybody thinks about him no he's just saying he don't care he'll say anything he wants about you if you say about him because he doesn't care like there's so many different levels to not caring about [ __ ] you know I'm saying but it was interesting it was definitely interesting because I'm like how [ __ ] off his mic here yeah Jesus Christ like and then and then it was interesting to watch the reaction of the Chloraseptic remix verse that I did you know with 2 Chainz and get out in January you kind of you touched on you guys form to opinion just from a track that's where I was at yeah at that point in time that is definitely where I was at but I watch people going oh why wasn't this only viable honestly I probably what if I said it was on revival you won't know because you didn't listen probably yeah but I kind of felt like okay I guess this is what people might want cuz I'm always stuck in that what the [ __ ] do people want like like you were saying that the OM is back and he's too old to be dough and he can't do like no matter what when Isaac I should have zagged no matter what you got half and half every [ __ ] single time you kind of say that you allude to it and one of the songs well you said you set the bar so high that you know at this point you know everything is considered a failure like you almost competing with yourself that you touch on it a lot in every song well not every song but majority of songs you touch on it I appreciate but I have to like the Joe Button thing is it's a really interesting because that along with MGK of course it's making a lot of noise out there and it throws a lot of folks off when Joe first started commenting it was mixed reaction some people said it was disloyal some people said man he's entitled to his opinion well I would assume that obviously it got under your skin considering relationship you've had with him with slaughterhouse yes how do you how did how do you describe your relationship with Joe but how do you describe shop with Joe button I mean listen me and Joe button aren't you know we're not friends like that we're not like we didn't go to the same [ __ ] high school or something I'm saying so I get that part but when I'm out here flying around to different places and doing interviews and trying to use my platform to pump up slaughterhouse every chance I get and you're using your platform to [ __ ] trash me and I'm one of the things that keeps this ship moving do you know I'm saying so you're doing something you've got a voice in hip-hop so you actually could be affecting this ship a little bit you know saying because you don't owe me nothing but I've never gotten a [ __ ] interview and been like Joe Budden [ __ ] is [ __ ] trash that last album he put out is [ __ ] trash so that's that's kind of the attitude I took to this whole album kamikaze is like alright what if I give everybody my opinion about them but I want to talk about slaughterhouse because there's a lot of including myself people that really feel like this slaughterhouse saga was unfinished you know I know there's a glass house album that was pretty much completed but never release right where we had left it about two years ago was everybody came in and different some of some of the guys in the group picked certain beats so many guys didn't feel those beats are they like the other beats and there was like there was definitely enough songs to put an album out but for the most part it wasn't a complete picture because everybody wasn't on the same page of what their favorite songs were so I thought they were gonna go back go back home regroup and try to make a few more songs I didn't hear anything from that and then at that point I started getting really deep into revival you know I was recording every day so a couple months go by and from what I understand it to be what I was told I didn't hear this firsthand like Joe said slaughterhouse ain't hot right now we don't have a buzz we need to put out next table from that point everybody started branching out Royce went and did his album crime like everybody started doing their own kind of song oh [ __ ] so I thought they were just happy with that you know I'm saying like they just wanted to maybe work on their own projects for a while and we would come back and visit this or whatever when we made the first other house album the welcome to our welcome to our house that was another album that I felt like holy [ __ ] people who literally just trashed this they trashed this out and there was a huge [ __ ] backlash of oh man you say what we want to hear it sounds too polished and elicits like you're not listen you're critiquing these guys who are [ __ ] wordsmiths jr. I'm saying like so you're there's look there's a certain type of person that man I like I only like two beats a certain type of person that would lean towards lyrics mortars certain type of person that was leaning towards a voice more they like better you know I'm saying like everybody leans towards towards their own thing but I was just like holy [ __ ] cuz to me the beats were crazy on that album and only thing I did was added my little touch of like sprinkle in music in these tracks and mixing them to try to bring out you know the production a little bit which I don't even know if I did any actual beats on there on the first album but but all I heard was the backlash that it was too polished yeah so we said okay let's do another album and then you guys do what you want to do with it which is kind of we left the ball in their Court kind of thing so I didn't want to touch it in a sense of like other than give my opinions on songs I didn't want to touch it I didn't with my production because I felt like if what if that is the reason yeah that they didn't sell albums I don't want to hinder that you know saying so we gave him another album and next thing I know I hear Joe talking about who got that money who got what money mm-hmm like he did say I saw a clip that he put up interview with him a crooked that he felt like that maybe perhaps like he alluded there you and Paul got joy the money there but but the album I hate to say this because I think the guys are super [ __ ] talented but the album didn't do much to even recoup the first budget then we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the second album that never came out what money didn't you get I don't know if I made a [ __ ] dime off slaughterhouse I don't care if I made nothing I believed in them so I you know I wanted them to I wanted them to be huge man I really did I wanted a group that lyrical to [ __ ] just must do everything you know I'm saying and it definitely hurt my feelings a lot when the album didn't do good the first album it was just like [ __ ] man like when we got ceiling on the hook of the my life song I was like yo this is this might be out of here what was the meaning behind the line when you said the last hit you I'm paraphrasing the last hit you got was what your ex chicken that was what that was was that that was a tap just a tap it was a tap but he was also saying that his his alleged domestic abuse things or whatever which I'm not gonna get into butt but I feel like I feel like the reason I had to do that is because like I said there's a there's a there's a fine line between saying you know what this guy's really been cool to me he's helped me out and tried to help out on many occasion so I'm not gonna go in on untouchable like that I'm gonna say it ain't for me not crazy about it whatever whatever but to be the worst song you've ever heard in your life have you listened to your own [ __ ] do you not listen back cuz if that's the worst [ __ ] song you've ever heard in your life I don't know yes it's interesting so we'll never see that glass house album probably as far as you know I don't know III don't have the answer to that I uh I I want to just make it clear though that aside from the drill [ __ ] I think that slaughterhouse is one of the best rap groups ever to ever happen but that being said I I wish their first album would have connected yeah two more people that I did I don't to this day I still don't mean Paul it was like haha what the [ __ ] happened you know I'm saying like but look man everybody's not gonna like everything you put out all the time so that was a dream team of emcees though and I think a lot to what you're saying in regards to why aren't people reacting to these words Smith is that's how we came up you know and honestly what people may not realize is that's what really separated hip-hop from R&B rock and roll and other genres was our ability to bend words to create patterns I made it unique to our genre specifically which it seems like it's something that doesn't get any credibility or people don't put a hole not everybody put a whole lot into that now they don't give a lot of credence to that you know which is probably slaughterhouse could have been a victim of that that kind of ideology you also in this album you went in on MGK you guys had a discrepancy he mentioned it in his response song rap devil you know that let's call sway and ask him why I can't get on shade four or five that was in response so I've seen him on the street once and I didn't know he couldn't come up to shade at that time four or five and I said man come on up man and then I had to see him again and say hey man I don't know what the [ __ ] is yeah but until that gets cleared up there's no way I can have you on there yeah what's the [ __ ] with that what happened whoa the [ __ ] is just for the record the the thing that was going on and he was saying about my daughter I didn't even know about that and so like literally like a year and a half later I wasn't it just it never hit my radar and then one day you know you'd go down the [ __ ] wormhole the YouTube and whatever right so I see Machine Gun Kelly talks about Eminem's daughter whatever right so the [ __ ] click on it like yo why is he then he starts doing a press run basically about Haley I'm like what the [ __ ] yo my man better yeah chill right so that's not why I dis them the reason that distant is actually a lot more petty than that okay the reason that our distant is because he got on first he said first at first when he said I'm the greatest rapper alive since my favorite rapper ban me from shade 45 or whatever he said right like I'm trying to hinder his career cycle [ __ ] about your career you think I actually [ __ ] think about you you know how many [ __ ] rappers that are are better than you you're not even in the [ __ ] conversation I don't care if you [ __ ] blower if you don't blow doesn't matter to me but then when you get on tech minds album and you start sending shots and people start hitting me up yo machine gun just Yui just dissed you reduced you I'm like I listen to it I'm like did he really diss me no I keep listening to it y'all just rap you're not gods and then somebody sends me a screenshot of his Twitter and it says had some [ __ ] to get off my chest you just rapped you not God some [ __ ] like that and I was like a reference for the rap god phone yeah so I'm like on the song he said y'all just rap you not gods and on Twitter he said you just rap you not God had some [ __ ] to get off my chest and I'm seen and by the way this was on the heels of the freestyle here just did about shade 45s like shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up now now I mean this [ __ ] weird thing because I'm like I gotta answer this [ __ ] and every time I do that it makes that person is as irrelevant as people say I am em in hip-hop i make them bigger by getting into this thing where i'm like i want to destroy him but i also don't want to make him bigger do you know what I'm saying because now you're a [ __ ] enemy so I'll leave it at that I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna do at this point right now because I'm still kind of waiting to see what you haven't heard his rap devil response not heard it what are you thinking it's it's not bad for him mm-hmm he has some good lines in it did John really call Interscope to try to shell this [ __ ] no I I had never made a [ __ ] cop we made a call to Diddy really I got did his number just hit him up yo did he went up never happened it didn't feel like a distant me it just felt like pitiful mmm oh my god [ __ ] now I'm feeling bad for so I might even have to do with so that's how that happened so he made it reply to my reply so regardless of what the [ __ ] he wants to say who was from six years ago [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up wait I'm telling you the reason that dis do now yeah I'm telling you and I'm gonna sit back and I'm gonna wait for a second just to see it because if people start firing off and not trying to answer every [ __ ] body that I diss them kamikaze or had words about I'm gonna be going the next five [ __ ] years make it this song after dis song you know I'm saying so yeah like you're gonna get hit though Jesse Reyes is featured on this project mm-hmm young up-and-coming star she's on two songs how did you find Jesse Reyes I was coming home I got home one night from a video shoot actually and she was on TV was a Seth Meyers show mm-hmm and she was doing that song gatekeeper that was like is this cuz her voice to me was so crazy so I rewound it I was like oh [ __ ] I gotta check her out so I went down the wormhole of looking up [ __ ] and I was like oh I really want to [ __ ] with this chick cuz she right now I'm my personal opinion I think she's gonna really blow up mm-hmm that's my personal opinion I've seen people very talented people not do that but I think that I would put my money on her that she will absolutely be huge but I don't even know if like it necessarily in the pop world or anything like that I don't feel like she does pop music I feel like she she just cuz she comes from a real place and she writes her own [ __ ] first time I got in a studio with her I played her a couple beats and she just started right into one right there laid a hook good guy I was like oh [ __ ] so she runs away to a good guy a good guy yeah the one she's singing at the end yeah there's a nice guy good guy and the reason that that happened is because oddly enough she had already had a song called nice guy she had that song right so I think that was the last day I was in LA I came back home and wrote sat at one and then I was like I'm gonna write - the other one - but they're both saying nice guy good guy I was like [ __ ] I'll make it like his kind of one song Dre's all over this project Trey's input was all over it for sure he felt like me and him had a couple discussions about the last album and one of the things that he said to me was like he was like he he hit me up on Dave's like yo I don't like how [ __ ] are talking about your album and he had heard revival right yeah him and Jimmy Iovine has sat in there and listened to most of the songs I had done at Rick Rubin studio and based off that reaction I think Dre was a little confused too when that happen probably not more so than me but but we had a conversation earlier in the year and I think I had only had one song by that time it this was like January yeah I had the one song and was thinking about releasing it and then another song got when I got back to Detroit recorded it like okay now I got two songs I might as well do a [ __ ] album and that's kind of how that came about but Drake also there's a couple songs that he kind of dated him just because he didn't have a good reaction to him and he also felt like one of them's going a little far what does that mean like how far did it go it's it it definitely went too far when you say go too far I feel like kamikaze was the place where if you were ever gonna go so called too far this is where it would be you did the B et verse for the rap cypher and in it you covered a lot of content that was relevant to the world we live in today that some folks want to sweep under the rug and this is my own personal opinion conversations we have every day on che for five months weigh in the morning we talked about you know then justice policies prejudice we talked about discrimination all of these different things whether or not we're in the middle of a race war that is trying to be perpetrated by people in power not a war in a sense where people don't pick up guns and shoot it well maybe [ __ ] Brad but in terms of psychologically the whole nine so when you did that verse on the BT cipher what I thought why it was necessary King crooked had a song called I can't breathe where he talks about man we can't just beat only one sameness white rappers shouldn't stay quiet white rappers shouldn't stay quiet I can't tell you how hard that one hit me it was to the point where I'm like this is how strong I feel about something I gotta put it in the right words you know and I saw [ __ ] where it was like oh these are these are not new subjects they're new to M&M and you know that kind of [ __ ] how did you respond to that reaction you did you got back last for that you know I got backlash for the Trump cypher and and yeah you know it is what it is at least at least when this [ __ ] is all said and done maybe I can just be on the right side of history but you got people dissecting the bars and going all the [ __ ] is trash it's not even that good and that's not what it's about you're missing the whole point do you know I'm saying I'm trying to like I'm trying to say this also to my fanbase who might have voted for him a lot of people in my family did and at the time I did the cypher I realized after it was all said and done that maybe maybe I should have just attacked him when you said a drunk he drew a line and a sane man should have not done that you should have reworded it and showed empathy - well that's what I realized after I was done that's kind of how I felt because it's like okay this is this is like this is backfiring on me and I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] if if that's what happened and hurt my sales I don't care about that yeah I care about the message I'm trying to convey why you felt a need to stand up though what was that for you have Marshall what majors because because I was just watching it every single day I watched a lot of news right yeah the thing that pissed me off the most that really set me off to when I started going crazy with the pen because I'm like the Kapernick thing and when that [ __ ] happen and how he kept changing the narrative and kept changing the narrative you [ __ ] ah I I can't I can't um I'm gonna get into this whole trunk anymore but whoa you mentioned at the end of the wringer asian orange sending a secret service to your house that the Secret Service really come to your house after that they came to my studio yeah and they asked they had they were just basically asking me questions about my lyrics to see if what the intent was behind him and if I was making a actual threat or just expressing myself so so that really happened wow that's crazy right now what we're seeing too cuz Colin Kapernick was named the face of Nikes 30th anniversary let's do it you saw that right and then you got a whole slew of people that are now burning Nike shoes and Nike I saw that product it's infuriating yeah when you think yeah like really dude Nike supports people who need for the anthem at this [ __ ] point come on seriously seriously you got to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] to think that that's just what it's about and it's that [ __ ] cut and dry yeah you know what I'm saying like there's a meaning behind this [ __ ] and there's real pain behind this [ __ ] and you're burning a [ __ ] pair of shoes when you go about your [ __ ] day and you got your job and you're doing thinking about all this other [ __ ] that's what really [ __ ] bothers you people ain't gonna stop watching football they're just not yeah football to me is the best sport there is and what draws you to the game should not be if that's how you feel about your country and you feel like you should stand for the anthem stand for the anthem that's fine but you also need to realize that this is America and people have died for these rights to be able to protest and to be able to take a knee stop making it [ __ ] personal about yourself you have nothing to do with this I agree we got to get back to Tyler to create a man I'm a I'm a big fan of Tyler's you know and I recently saw him perform I know that Tyler was a big fan of yours growing up right and then uh I recall you even reading about you saying some good things about our future are they pushing boundaries years ago yeah for sure and you said some great things about them about them as a talent and pushing boundaries as a group future as a whole yeah what happened what she died you know I really did like him I I thought like I thought their movement was really cool too good job make music we didn't make music but you know I just felt like okay there's a mutual expect you respect you know and a lot of this [ __ ] did that ended up happening after that like the Tweety put out with talking about shady 15 and why can't people a little close to him tell him that his [ __ ] sucks and it's trash and like okay listen man you don't have to like it and it could really suck but being that somebody really was cool to you you would expect some kind of reciprocation and just don't we go public with it and publicly express your opinion and how much my [ __ ] is trash okay so I talk I chalk it up to them being young and just kids you know I'm saying so it was like all right I've been there when I'm saying like I was dick when I first came out I'm saying like yeah man it worked I don't yeah I feel bad about it I'm sorry if I ever was a dick to you but I don't think I ever was was I you know one time man but hey oh yeah yeah that's true all talk about that okay so I liked them in and then Earl Sweatshirt gets in an interview after after Tyler trashes me and then Earl Sweatshirt everybody listens everything's drinking too much Mountain Dew and I'm just like really like what the [ __ ] like you know I'm saying like you guys were just on tour with us we hung out like we kicked it make jokes like you know I'm saying like so the last straw like look I know a lot of this [ __ ] I could I I could come across being very petty yeah but at a certain point in time someone has their breaking point you know I'm saying so when Tyler tweeted out the thing about walk on water this [ __ ] song is horrible I was like all right I need to say something now because this is [ __ ] stupid mm-hmm you know but at the same time I'm not gonna let everybody just keep [ __ ] I'm not gonna be America's punching bag and [ __ ] just won't think is cool and safe just say whatever the [ __ ] they want about me thinking shocks people um because for all your career you was the I just don't give a [ __ ] that can work both ways how so because you don't give a [ __ ] you will fire back at somebody who says something about you I picked and chose who to that I wanted to say my piece with yeah because a lot of those things were personal but then there's a lot of things that aren't personal and kamikaze you know it's just the game in competition you know training spirit of m3 spirit of an MC yeah but um you know with the Tyler the Creator thing and I I realized now and I realized when I when I when I said it but I wasn't like in the mind frame of I was angry when I said the [ __ ] about Tyler the fact of like every time I saw this kid like I'm always so cool you know I'm saying like I I I loved his energy like everything you know saying like he was a funny dude like he's super charismatic and [ __ ] but I'm sitting back like man at what point at what point do I have to say something just to defend myself and I think that the word that I called him on the album was on that song was one of the things where I felt like this might be too far because it might in my the homophobe in my quest yeah in my quest to hurt him I realized that I was hurting a lot of other people by saying and at the time I was so mad it was just whatever look in the midst of everything else that was going on on this album and the things that it took to pull this album together and all that kind of [ __ ] it was one of the things that I kept going back to going I don't feel right with this before the album came out I had the conversation with Paul and we spun the word back but now I realize people can hear what I'm saying anyways in the case of this man I feel like just man I wish you and Tyler could sit down and hash that one out now that to fire Joe shot back and he said what he said because I think that's a special young man and he could probably use your mentorship and you could probably feed off of what he has to offer as well I could tell this different from Joe or some of the other yeah it's definitely different it's not it's not it is it's not as personal it's one of them things like I do you-you-you you deserve a tap now because I think you thought it was cool too just because you slid with the other things and I didn't say [ __ ] because like I said I was talking it up to them being young and just kids man I'm like but at the same time at what point do I just got to switch topics because something I see I keep hearing this reoccurring theme about how important writing is you know one of my favorite tracks on the album is featuring an up-and-coming star that I think he along with others that you mentioned on the album like shine or trigger Jay Cole yeah joining of Lucas powerful real powerful artist I like y'all together on this track you know I think it's a good mesh between a veteran and somebody who's on the rise he's so good - what is it about him that you like the first time my song was like five years ago with the it wanted to be et Cypress and I peeped how he was like he was saying a lot of lines that I saw some of me and that but at the same time I it was different because it was like early on in my career whenever I get to do a BT cypher I want to try to right til my [ __ ] stands out you know I'm saying and he stood out so much to me I was like yo easy which was talking about Miley Cyrus and I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure it was something like that but he was talking about pop stars and he was doing this kind of thing but I'm like yo people are gonna remember that I remembered it and then I kind of started [ __ ] when he made it the Ross capiccioni yeah the way he did it from the two perspectives it was genius and it was like stood out wasn't it out so much to me like not only that though like the rhymes become listening to the rhondettes when I'm listening to a rapper I'm listening to what you bringing to the table as far as a skill set right that's the first thing I'm a honing on but the fact that like I said like he's not compromising bars to tell his story he still got complexity in there ya know Sam and he he but he's the water I went like he's taking you on his journey and I never snapped out of that journey till he was over you know saying like I was like yo this kid is [ __ ] incredible y'all got a summer and I'm paraphrasing I can't remember the lyrics exactly but you come in with a verse where you say I got a couple of mansions but I still don't have any manners you got a couple of golf writers but to these kids that don't actually matter what the [ __ ] happened the hip-hop was going on with hip-hop people took that line and thought you were indirectly talking about Drake no see here's the thing I saw and I saw that too yeah Drake is always gonna be in my good graces because he did something for for one of my daughters that I will never forget and he will always be in my graces with that and I like Drake what I'm telling you with these lines is I don't know what's real and what's not it at this point you know I'm saying because you hear [ __ ] about this rapper that rap or whatever I'm telling you that I don't do it never have and never will if I ever need a ghostwriter I need to just [ __ ] put the mic down you know saying huh so that's my personal belief as far as anybody out here too that does use ghostwriters that's fine that's if that's what you do that's fine but I'm telling you I don't do it hip-hop was the most important thing that empowered me as a kid it made me feel I have a line where I say it made me feel tough when I wasn't yeah when I was a scrawny little kid growing up on eight mile walking up the [ __ ] block put headphones on and it made me feel powerful hip-hop probably was I I mean it was it was it was like my dad mmm hip-hop you know I'm saying and it was the only thing that made me empowered it made me feel good about myself and when I started being able to write rhymes and figured out I could do it that's where the feeling comes from to me because the excitement is being able to come up with the [ __ ] you know I'm saying it taught me how to throw my first punch gave me the confidence okay be able to throw my first punch and to realize not only that the fact that proof used to beat my ass all the time in the backyard boxing and one time he beat me like literally to the [ __ ] ground what and he was just like em let's just stop cuz I kept getting up coming at him but I'm like but I just kept getting beat up he was fast man he's very quick and he's but it made me realize like okay taking a punch is nothing you know I'm saying like it's not your fear when you're a kid is like oh my God if I get hit what's it gonna work to hit me in the nose in it jazz my nose in my brain and I died like kind of [ __ ] you think about but nah man hip-hop hip-hop like since its beginning I was always under the impression that every rapper wrote their rhymes and when you heard about ku Modi battling busy B mm-hmm it was who's bringing the best rhymes to the table you know saying who's gonna be able to say the best [ __ ] who's the cleverest in the wittiest and then years later fast forward you hear eazy-e saying Ice Cube writes the rhymes that I say mmm-hmm and I remember being a kid like hearing the line but it never really I I just didn't really care no you know I'm saying it didn't really affect the way I felt about eazy-e or the way I felt about in waa I think in all fairness though I think Drake there's a superior writer to be able to sustain the level of success he has yeah I mean he makes great music there's not really even much you can say about it you know on this kamikaze album I feel like I was pretty directed whoo yeah I was kind of taking shots at going that and who I wasn't you know saying I wouldn't send subliminals to Drake for there'd be no reason for me to do that but I am expressing to you that regardless of what any of these other dudes do I have never not even a line not even anything I wouldn't be able to have fun with it if I couldn't write it that makes sense you go in really hard about the Grammys in a way man you kind of you drag the Grammys in the mud and you talk about you have a few Grammys but you feel like you had to sell your soul to get on and you didn't know if you wanted it for the recognition or the trophies but it was the difference you know and that Grammys pretty much sucked the blood of artists and nominate them have them come to the shows and which they do theirs every [ __ ] year yeah and I got I'm just tired of seeing it and for whatever reason it's like they're always pitching this hint that you might win album of the year which is a used to be a big deal I don't think it's a big deal now you know sat at home this year for the Grammys and watched J and Kendrick not get it and I felt like one of them should have got it I felt like joining the lucra should have won a Grammy for I'm not racist you know absolutely should have won a [ __ ] Grammy every year we we we wit it was I would be up for album of the year and then the winner is Norah Jones who and I I don't I'm not even trying to say anything bad about her music I just at that point I had never heard of her yeah and none of my friends did either you know I'm saying so we okay whatever and then Steely Dan okay I know Steely Dan is you know Steely Dan back in the day you know I'm saying but more than the Marshall Mathers LP impact like okay fine I watched 50 same [ __ ] 50 did not win best you were new artists at the Grammys there was nothing bigger than nothing bigger and nobody nobody since maybe like Snoop came out the gate like that my first album didn't do it I never saw someone's first album and the wave happened like he had and then he doesn't get it and then I get up there another year and what was it the Eminem show and it was like whatever I'm fine if I lose to [ __ ] Kanye or someone that I'm like okay I respect that I know who that is and Kanye has a huge following and he's made a massive impact on music fine I'm good with that but don't [ __ ] get us all here to use your selling point for your [ __ ] show and stiff everybody every single [ __ ] time and I said after that point in time I was like don't ever ask me to [ __ ] come here again please do not ask me my answer is no for a hundred million years never again will I [ __ ] go to the grave well well now you know I know the Jimmy Jam and and and some of the members of the board they are reaching out Just Blaze and different folks are now trying to make it better would you ever consider you know joining the board and maybe you have a vote in it first of all that vote is fake as [ __ ] that's not a real vote that's not a real vote they give it to who they want to give it to they give it to their darlings the [ __ ] oh this got critical acclaim but it sold two records like it ain't no about always what you sell I get that vanilla ice I understand you know I'm saying like but there comes a point where when an overwhelming something comes along that has this wave and impact on music and you give it to [ __ ] a lotta [ __ ] Dottie who lot of Dottie something Lottie Dottie but you know what I'm saying like it's like man I don't know who won over Kendrick and J Bruno Mars is [ __ ] incredible Bruno Mars is great but I remember Beyonce they went for the album lemonade yeah yeah it's like what the hell you know it's like they're so [ __ ] tone-deaf to what is actually going on but they're not in a sense of oh we're gonna give B hunter here we're gonna get J here we're gonna get we can say all these names are gonna be here we'll make them play I guarantee you I guarantee you that the people from the Grammys was on the phone with Beyonce's people or jay-z's people saying every year that they're up for something hinting they're gonna win to get them to come there nobody [ __ ] guarantee you over there I guess I won't see you at the Grammys this year yeah probably not I mean I oh yeah what if you nominated first of all I won't be okay because they know that I don't like them and if I was I wouldn't win because they know that I don't like one final question I want to ask you about a song that to me man it was probably one of the most heart wrenching songs on the project was stepping stone you know and it you tell the history of d12 how it started you know and what happened through the duration and at the end of it you said it's over that's it what of members aware of that song they were they were they were they got they got a heads up and you know I explained I honestly I have not talked to Swifton and conniver yet about the song they just knew it was coming down the pike but uh the way I explained it is this proof was the glue they binded us all together right he did so much [ __ ] the scenes that I didn't even realize and did things to keep us a group and then motivate us mentioned that you guys knew all this stuff was happening but y'all never talked about it you know you were man you know I'm paraphrasing in the verses but everybody was doing their solo projects and you know y'all was drifting further apart well that's what ended up happening was everybody was kind of doing their solo things made solar projects mixtapes and things like that and did we're doing shows and I think the conversation now going forward is to see if there's anything we can do to help their solo careers you know and we'll always be friends man we always been friends smooth kids yeah I'm saying so we'll always be good on that aspect you know and I want to help them do whatever whatever it is that their next thing is on the agenda you know I'm saying mixtape album shopping whatever it is when I listen to these stories and I've known you since the 90s and I've known you through these ups and downs and even if I wasn't there on your side I was there on your team so to speak you know I'm sitting there thinking man this man must have went through some great therapy because right now where you out you seem like you're in a comfortable place you know who you are you know what you want and even though you got these people coming at you get strong enough to respond in the way that you wouldn't naturally do it how did you get to this place though the did you do therapy was it no I just my music is therapy you know so I just I don't know man I've been coasting through and I feel like I just always I write all the time mm-hmm whether I use it or not you know I write all the time and that's my best therapy is to be able to get stuff out just like the d12 song it was like one of those things were like I know that they have things they want to say to me and I have things I want to say to them so this is kind of how I wanted to tell them like you know I love you guys like forever they come here it's just the one day g12 album just doesn't seem in this climate right now dear I don't know how that would even work you don't say yeah yeah you're going through enough with this climate right so imagine d12 let me ask you this moving forward this will be my final question you have always to the public seemed like an elusive introverted person that they don't always have access to the less I think that's hilarious okay by the way you know I'm not going to [ __ ] clubs anymore I don't do that you know saying I'm sober I don't but I do a lot more and go a lot more places than people actually think I do I just do it under the radar man that's all we don't you know in Detroit we don't have paparazzi like LA or New York you know saying so I'm out a lot it's just that people don't really see me don't you out and about yeah that's interesting to know like I said you're not gonna catch me in a club [ __ ] throwing money or you know I'm saying like I've been through all those days and all that [ __ ] like as far as you know I've done the old club scene you know I did it for a long time too long now but congratulations man I like the Kamikaze project thank you um I think the majority of folks who listen to it cannot deny that you an elite group of lyricist okay and I'm a dude who's been in this for multiple decades and you at the top of my list and I like to see you keep flying for regardless sort of you know whatever the critics have to say they've been craving you back critics since your first album you know so that that's what it's gonna be but I think people and appreciate the fact that you fire back that you ain't gonna stand for it and that you still are making you still making great music so congratulations brother absolutely thank you mhm and listen I'm glad I could sign that vinyl for you man oh yeah you know if you want to I like I said I'm gonna take it home check out some bars okay here let me see that children's silver distance you see that's why in text shout out the King tectus my brother partner in crime since high school since day one still swaying Tecla forever shave for five months nice make sure you tune in okay shame for five Demi [Music] [Music]
Channel: ePro Team: Support for Eminem & Shady Records
Views: 2,461,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eminem, Kamikaze, MGK, Diss, Grammy, Slaughterhouse, Tyler the Creator, Joe Budden
Id: 4YDr2WPwO60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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