Eminem x KXNG Crooked: Exclusive Interview (Crook's Corner 02/21/2020) We can't lose this interview!

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when the album first came out music to be murdered by and I was like okay sometimes I like to trip off people's reactions and [ __ ] and I didn't get the young ma line when she was like you can lead this earth [ __ ] I'm in rake mode why is it richer than you leave this earth rake mode and it just flew over my [ __ ] head and I was like damn I didn't even get that [ __ ] mm-hmm and like you reversal I will when you said that I got the John Wilkes this who I'm in the booth like a bruh I go ham for dead presidents I got the ham from a bruh ham like I got the a bruh but I didn't get a bruh like a bruh like I missed that no I was like [ __ ] how did I miss that goddamn yeah I mean that's what happens like that Ohio scheme you did that [ __ ] was crazy and it took me like two listens to get to Cincinnati yeah you know what I'm saying lying I was like wait a minute since then since anadi yeah oh sure this thing for address yeah I saw I saw some people got there and I was like kind of sometimes I don't know if you ever be sitting around writing some [ __ ] in your life man nobody's gonna get this [ __ ] yeah and then you're like oh well let me just try it and see if anybody does like but that's that's the like that's kind of a beauty of wordplay was like sometimes people ain't gonna get it the first list and they'll get it the second third fourth fifth listen it's gonna take a lot of lessons for the new one that you just drop music to be murdered by the line it's so many lines in your phone what's up y'all sure man can crook it I'm live and dr. Dre's lab right now you know what I'm saying and um I could spend the whole episode giving you know props to the man across the road for me you know his achievements are just incredible you know I mean um what are you doing worse he's oh you thought my meat yeah you're saying I got the homie in the house one of the greatest of all times Marshall Mathers thank you thank you thank you for being here brah absolutely appreciate your time man um let's jump into it man let's talk about music to be murdered by Islam inspired by the 1958 release from Alfred Hitchcock with the same title what made you do that well it was actually Dre had the sample like years ago right and he made a beat to it and one day just popped in my head I can't remember why so I hit him and I was like yo what did whatever happened to that beat and he was like I was still around so but the beat was the beat was different I just updated a little bit with some drums and [ __ ] right but like that was but it was based off that that I started thinking like you know the whole concept is crazy like music to be murdered by like I wonder if I could play off this whole Alfred Hitchcock thing and and then Dre started hitting me with ideas it was like yo you need to listen to this album that he has so he sent me a link to that and I started listening you know I was like yo okay I could face this whole album off of that Wow there was actually some stuff that didn't make it on there that I was trying to get on there but we couldn't really work it out with the sample clearing but I had it even more intertwine and it was and we wanted you know pick and choose the best pieces to put on there just first sampling issues and [ __ ] but uh [ __ ] samples Yeah right when I was stuck in traffic for like three hours listening to it over and over and over and I caught something new every single time and it's like this is gonna it's gonna take you know to about twenty twenty-one or some [ __ ] for everybody really gets all of and I'm talking about avid fans yeah you know then like when you write in that type of on that level you know like you said you say you just put it in anyway even knowing that it could slip by people's radar yeah I feel like I feel like you know there's a certain there's a certain kind of fan it will get that and there's a certain kind of fan it might just be the average listener who doesn't you know they like hip-hop and and it sounds good something sounds good to them right but they might not understand exactly what we're doing how dope it is yeah but well but but that's what's dope about those reaction videos and also the the people who break down the lyrics and they show you like okay he was hitting these syllable schemes right here every single syllable there's five syllables there in hor seven right and he was hitting these right here and he started a new syllable scheme rhyme with that syllable scheme and then came back at the end and Ryan with the you know I'm saying I think that that helps people like really understand the genius yeah it's only enough for one joint stopping the limo hop in the window shopping the demo gunpoint yeah the outer rhymes are two syllables the inner rhymes of five syllables yeah that's in my opinion what makes you want to do this a long time yeah but that's to me my opinion back to you because when we did the what the [ __ ] was it my house like this is this mean Royce chuggabug this [ __ ] all the time we're like [ __ ] crooks to me on the song alright but uh but we joke about that [ __ ] all the time cuz it's like you and him to me make verses that even if you laid them first they're unstoppable so it's like I can only hope to tie mmm at best that's because we must be a compliment from you dying bro when you did in my house the lights out or utility in the facility physical life out to wipeout I forgot the next scene but it would utilities in different like he was rhyming all that right like that [ __ ] was like and and and and being able to keep it going like that's what I think a lot of a lot of the average listener sometimes might not understand that we did this you know because some people don't catch the syllables they think that were you know rhyming you know my house the lights out utilities in the facility like house rhymes and out rhymes right they're not catching the full scheme yeah yeah they're not catching them my house lights out digital life spouts wipeouts like there's two there but then there's utilities and the same thing it's like that's the that's the beauty to me of the craft of M scene is that that's important to you oh yeah yeah because it's it's and I know it's important to you because it's what makes rap fun right right so sometimes we might not we might not have a we might we might be in the mood to like not even not to write a song that might not have a message to it why not really be saying anything that's important right but it's more about the craft and we're just trying to go as hard as we can go you know and I think that that to me is what makes it fun right it's being able to you you know when you thought of it hey bruh I'll go ham for deaf prisoners like you feel something right when you think of that your little [ __ ] that's come okay yeah yeah alright let me let me figure this out let's go down with this scheme and figure it out but that's that's to me man is beauty of uh of this culture um younger make a lab come about I was very surprised to hear her on there you know me she's been doing damage yeah all around well he put out ooh yo she's dope that kind of started following a little bit and then it was like I started watching every video she put out why and I was more so like intrigued by her persona like how like she just carries herself like a star right right like she's just like charisma right right but she also had the bars and I was like man like this is like like she's really got bars like I was so then I I just went down the wormhole of like to eat freestyle she did right and then she did flex and how she was just calm murdering it on flex right but she barely even raised her voice yeah like she was just calmly killing it I was like oh my gosh she's so I just reached out I was like you know I want to I want to put on an album in like I'm gonna do something with her and hit her up and I was like yo I want I said I got just intro to the album and then I want you to be the first thing that people hear after that you know I'm saying like gave it up Ali oh yeah crazy yes she just went in yes he murdered it is that what you do you go down a rabbit hole with different artists when you when you start liking them and you go down to Wormold kinda it's funny because I usually spend I mean this has been this way for a while I usually spend like an entire Saturday if I'm not at work I'm not at studio I spend like an entire Saturday going through everything this out you know I'm saying like checking out everything Wow yeah I hear that on Saturday so y'all better bring you our best [ __ ] never know who listening you know for real man um Black Thought like I feel like you guys finally gave us what we wanted a collab you know what I'm saying um how do L did that happen well I had been wanting to do something with him and I just never found the album or the song that I felt like would be good to get him on it was worth you know I'm saying like this might be right up his leg jinan made the beat right so Royce put a verse on it and then q-tip had to hook and when I heard the hook I was like my my and I was like me him accounting from the same era you know saying so this might work right so I just hit him up to Royce asked if he could send him the track right and he says help me magic yeah I'm a magic that was a collab that hip-hop has been waiting on for long yo his [ __ ] Funk Flex freestyle was just like oh my god I'm in here for 10 minutes yeah [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] crazy would but again is what we love about this music right is because especially as a competitive rapper right we're apt to be we're competitive rappers right we're not just like we're in it we do this this is what we do and it's like inspiring to hear that [ __ ] but it also like kind of gets you like [ __ ] yeah yeah like gives you anxiety right but it's like but at the same time you kind of get pumped up about it and be like oh [ __ ] every time something new comes out like that you're always like like my mindset is like you know I gotta try and top that right right right you know Sam and then you go do it um first of all congratulations man ten number ones on Billboard 200 that's already booked you know I'm saying I gotta put that out there man highlight how does that feel don't like you know I'm saying did you ever imagine that you have ten number ones ever ever in the history of my life like I could never like imagine like like for me what was what's crazier about it that to me is like being able to meet my childhood idols being able to sit down with LL Cool J right my favorite rappers of all time ever when I had when I made the relapse album right he sat in the car in the truck and we drove around and he listened to the whole album and I was sitting there thinking to myself like I don't I don't even know what to say cuz I don't want to play myself like I don't want to like bow before we before you got the truck I was like yo man I just want to say like like what you mean to me man like and I was trying to like not make it come off snappy but I was just like yo man I like I'm I'm a stand of you know saying like this but but just to sit there and be like all right 15 16 year old marshal thinking that that could actually happen one day when I'm will be sitting in the car ll is gonna be sitting around in the car with me and he's listening to my album [ __ ] out of here Wow like that to me like meeting Dre was like holy [ __ ] is that what kind of keeps you grounded like your love for the culture I mean is that like you know after a huge amount of success you know it would be easy for you to be a different type of person you know saying like what keeps you grounded I just think I mean I I'm so I'm so in love with this artform right and I'm so passionate about it because it's really the only thing that I ever was good at you know I'm saying like like aside from basketball I'm amazing at that but that's the one getting buckets yeah okay but uh nah it just you know I I just love it I love I love to watch like you know like the why bein Corday's come up and you're like oh [ __ ] he's gonna be the next you know I'm saying like it's the same [ __ ] why when I listen to one of your songs I don't really want to cuz it gets like I get anxiety but I have to I mean I not that I don't want to but they're man I mean it's nerve it's [ __ ] nerve wracking every time you and Royce you know and I think because that you know we're also in this circle together kind of in its lake but it's like like y'all are the rappers you want him on the rappers that out that I get anxiety being on a song with because I'm like man I got a [ __ ] I gotta push the pen rap is like tec-9 right right he's so [ __ ] proficient right no another word to say you know I'm saying like he's so like man he craps out every syllable every one every single one every [ __ ] rhyme scheme like it's just like you're hearing twenty different things that rhyme with each other in succession absolutely yeah and I'm sure you hate this too late to be like well yo you don't understand what we're doing right right right right sometimes some people really don't understand what we're doing they don't understand it I mean and I get it sometimes if I listen to something that you may I'll be like damn either why didn't I think of that or you know damn I said something kind of like that but I don't say it like that and then it's like okay I can't say that now because he already just said it you know what upset yeah that's always crazy man ah it's a new era man like I always wanted to know like what's your perspective on people with longevity such just self adjusting to the new era of hip-hop you know I'm saying yeah that's that's you know that's another one of the things that make it fun too is like being able to watch like Cole and Kendrick come up and seeing how how great they were right off the bat and it's it's like you start my god I mean aside from them like I pay attention to everything that's going on you know I'm saying like right now all the new [ __ ] I try to stay up on you know who's doing what flow patterns that kind of [ __ ] because it's always interest it interesting to me like the baby like I never know where his rhymes are gonna land right you know I'm saying and that [ __ ] is so interesting to me cuz he does it so well it's the same thing with you and Royce it's like I don't know I don't really know where this is gonna go and and when I get on a song with with you or him I know what I'm gonna get in the sense of the bar it's gonna be but I don't know what I'm gonna get what what style what you don't I'm saying I don't know I can't predict right a flow pattern I can't never do anything it's the same thing if I get on us getting on the track with Kendrick I can never tell what the [ __ ] he's gonna do right cuz he is such a chameleon of styles and he can [ __ ] do any pretty much anything right any any so proficient at it he's so good at it and you don't know what you're gonna get that to me is like a top-tier lyricist because it's like you don't you can get your ass kicked any day you know I'm saying like certain rappers get on a certain song and it's like it just depends on ya just like you I mean you probably inspire countless you know stupid bars when people know okay I got to get on a song with em you know I'm sayin I mean they just know you know I'm very surprised if you ever have done a song with every time I listen to a song that you've done with another artist it's always one of their best verses you see what I'm saying it's like you inspired them to push their pin like that you know I mean and that's got to be something to walk in the room and just change the energy absolutely absolutely I mean but it's you know it's it's a craft that you know we've I don't know if I've mastered it yet but it's but I'm still trying to figure [ __ ] out like as long as I've been in the game I'm always trying to figure out new flow patterns and you know I'm saying like new cadence isn't [ __ ] we're trying to still trying to always get it right you know cuz it's like I up make an album I don't always get it right I don't get it always get every song right I don't always get every delivery right you know those one of the things I'm just always trying to improve you your toughest critic absolutely I mean you're probably yours right yeah cuz it's like cuz because you know that you can't sit down with the pan and just rhyme the last word of every lie you said that's not fun yeah not fun I was like I cool yeah you know meaning and your love for hip-hop is just evident you know I'm saying like even the t-shirts you choose to sometimes I sit back and I see a picture of you rocking my pleasure you feel me yeah that's what I'm saying like like you I think you had like lock him Shabazz oh yes he serves you don't say and a lot of people don't even know you know who that called themselves hip hop heads might not even know who that is on your shirt that's what you doing purpose I mean it is something I do want a because I love it cuz it's fun for me like it makes me feel like a kid again it's like oh [ __ ] I got you know I got just help them cover like like think about we're not thinking like iconic album covers NWA's first album cover audio two's first album cover like the color scheme of that like holidays wearing the airbrushed shirts right right right like having that on a shirt is a it's dope to me but it's also like maybe if I'm doing a show and some of the younger fans don't know who this is they'll go back and you know look at go back and say okay who is that on this show yeah and go back in and and be like oh [ __ ] yeah cuz lock him Shabazz was [ __ ] nice I'm brought in rare I walk in the square a pure righteous man and being that much of a you know a part of the coachee history books are gonna definitely put you as one of the greatest of all time how do you feel about the concept of white rappers being a guest in a house a hip-hop well I mean that's the funny thing I I don't know if I've got a chance to say this yet but the funny the funny [ __ ] is like I with with the whole beef of a certain person right I never said I wasn't a guest right like I'm absolutely a guest like I never said I wasn't right and I never said I was king of anything right like I had a song called Kings never die but it wasn't me saying that was one of the beats that Khalil sent me with the hook on it that was the concept but a song and I'm like I can't say I'm the king of hip-hop right right let's say so I threw Run DMC in there J and Master J you know saying like life and was trying to like because I never want to be like I don't even for the king of hip-hop who the [ __ ] is the king of hip-hop yeah like is there a king of hip-hop like I don't know like I feel you on that people would say people would say just because you sell the most records doesn't mean you're the best just because you can rap 40 million syllables doesn't mean you're the best like I care more about rhyming the syllables mmm you know I'm saying like like I more about the craft than any of the other and then that shows you know sound like and it goes back to those who know you know I mean if you know you know and I just don't I don't get it sometimes you know I mean I watch these rap media so-called critics and some music journalists and so many of your bars and your messages goes over their heads and you know they like even with the content conversation I mean you've been having contests that's day one you got songs to prove it it's like sometimes I'm late what what is content what are you wanting to talk about think about the first time you heard Rock him right so when people make these lists and he's always on the list mm-hmm but he's also always on my list because to me greatness is not only how well you do something but if you were the first to do it Rakim was the first person that I heard that started taking using like inside rhyme schemes right and coming back at the end and hitting that you know saying so he did something that hadn't even been thought of yet original yeah it was like and he single-handedly pushed the genre forward to be more complex lyrically and and then and birth [ __ ] Kane and G rap right right and man like I like those two will always be on my list too because like Kane was doing confused and lose abused and bruised the crews who choose to use my name wrong will pay dues oh man come on nobody was doing that nobody that was every single [ __ ] word he said grind and he just made a sentence with it that made sense you know what I'm saying every person who's a fan of hip hop might feel like hip hop is about something different hmm right it ain't about lyrics it's about how good you you you flow in your cadence right right or it ain't like but it's it's or or it's just about the beat is dope and just having a message over it that could be what your opinion of what hip-hop is about my opinion is hip-hop is about lyricism and the greats who we put up on the pedestal right that's what they were about and that was the the beauty of us being able to learn how to do it and learn from them right yeah do you ever agree with any of the top 50 list they circulate on the internet have you seen one that you'd like oh yeah that's accurate I've seen a couple of them why feel like okay that's kind of accurate I'll never want to come off as preachy or be like you know you don't understand what we do we're so much smarter than you no it's not about that but we do the craft and we do rap at a certain level where we know late game recognize game right right like you can appreciate Jordan because Jordan was like a spectacle to see right it was just like holy [ __ ] right but I don't even know yes what he was doing just like mechanics if I hire somebody to fix my car I'm not gonna hire a painter my iron mechanic I'm Akay knows what he's doing under the hood yeah you know what I'm saying and I can't explain what he's doing and you can be like yo that's the best mechanic I've ever seen right like I saw I saw what does it call my extra expert opinion with math Hoffa right right right right and it was the episode where they were talking about the verse that I did on the fat joke thing and I was like these are the guys these are the guys who if I was coming up like as a rapper or just a fan of rap or whatever I would want to hear from them because they do this too right you know I'm saying so it's like game recognize game like like I don't know if if this guy is the best mechanic in the [ __ ] world oh you know what I'm saying it's not my thing but someone who is a mechanic might be like y'all this guy is he's the [ __ ] goat yeah exactly changing your muffler then we come and argue with that guy yeah no he's not yeah go yeah again it's like you don't want to sound too preachy and be like you just oh you know we're so much smarter than you you don't understand what we're doing like it's not about it's not about that but it but at some point it's just like I can't take your list seriously if they don't have you want it they don't have rice on it I can't take it serious I can't take it serious because it's like you don't you don't know really know what you're talking about so I can't even get mad at I can't get mad at you I think that a lot of times when people make these lists they're mistaken the greatest rappers for their favorite rappers so what they mean to say is these are my favorite rappers these are my personal favorites right right Jay nas they're always gonna be on that list right right you always gonna be on it on some peoples all right doc I've never seen a list without you on it well I mean yeah yeah well you might not be where you deserve to be that's it that's in my opinion that's how I feel when people don't put you and Royce there because the longevity how good you guys have consistently been to be able to keep it up to this level you know what I'm saying and like we're not youngins in this game you know I'm saying so it's like we've we put our time in but still even even to this day when I hear a new song by you or a new rhyme scheme I feel like he's still he's still figuring this out like in other words you're you're trying you're trying to figure out a way to make this verse better than anything you just did prior to it right one each [ __ ] verse is like that's how I feel when I listen to you I'm like oh he's still [ __ ] with different flow patterns you know I'm saying like look and cares about it and cares about it in the pockets and like I don't never I don't ever know where your rhymes gonna fall out and I don't know how many syllables you're gonna [ __ ] hit but but that's the other thing is like when people are like we don't care about the Super Bowls know that [ __ ] you know you need to because that's the craft of doing it yeah a CMC yeah it's up to you it's up to you like how you know whatever you whatever you feel you know but like I think that people are just sometimes mistaken best emcees for their favorite rappers speaking of favorite rappers Trench stretch trench I don't see on a lot of lists either yeah that [ __ ] is infuriating to me because I think that again we was talking about like Rock Emma did something that never been done and can't get something Angie rap did something had never been done Treach did do to me I think I think what happened with Treach and this is just in my circle of friends that we talk about [ __ ] one of the common things said is well he did OPP and he did hip-hop a rake right right but he was still rhyming his ass off on those songs right right but he also did something to me in my opinion that like his there was a time period probably between 91 and about 95 where every [ __ ] damn near every rapper in the game was true was following him right and trying to do what he was doing absolutely dressing like him you know you know I'm saying the whole the whole [ __ ] moving like him exactly and he was getting on [ __ ] songs and smoking everybody and it was like yo when I heard yoke the joke of my [ __ ] heart sank my heart saying cuz I was like I'm never gonna be this good wow I might as well quit I didn't write a rhyme for the entire summer I said this on the ice-t documentary but this is real [ __ ] I didn't write for an entire summer and proof was like proof was like yo man he's good but you gotta keep yeah like you know what I'm saying right I was just like but I'll never be that good by the time he got to wickedest man alive mmm I was like I quit I don't want to do this anymore you got a favorite treasures I got a lot of fish my my when I heard him dude it when I heard him yoked the Joker when he was like oh fuzzy dirty dizzy does he get the fixing these women by blistery you ain't ready for the Freddie your rap he can't kill me I step into your dreams you feel me slicing your life away just like my mic today I eat you the cycle where I'm ripping [ __ ] right away man he was kidding reg I there are there are some in this genre that have not even caught up to that all this time is past and and those verses are so timeless to me right like you got people what we do talk to the bunny Sonny he's the man bugs the dog with the money funny that you should mention that's my family they're covered what's up to my cousins and my sisters that my warner brothers birds of a feather flock to fail to be together no matter what your whatever and never found who's better you mean he see them him those are others he's gifted us with one pluck initiate the trouble those who disagree or maybe feel the need in front it show me your whole entire crew cashews and I'm a running on it maybe yo yeah I was just like goddamn yeah he was what he did was he did wordplay he did compound syllables multi-syllable rhyming and he did it in different styles right he never had to listening to go back and listen that first album he never did the same style twice hey I loved his image I loved what he was about he look cool you know I'm saying and you you he you believed him right he was believing he looked apart he acted the part he was the part right so that's why I think a lot of rappers just kind of started going and I did like with my writing in shape but it's time the second album came out I sounded just like him mmm someone just like trench I sound like Kuji rat like there's so many errors that I sounded like other rappers you know saying but like it that's what we do more kids yeah we get if we get influenced you know I mean and we're inspired what you think about Royce that's a producer man is that weird it's really [ __ ] weird it's really I told him yo years ago years ago when we first met I was like yo I was like you should I said because the way he was picking his beats and like his ear form I was like yo why don't you just make beats cuz when I first started making beats and learn how to do it you can control what you make right so it's like making the song like lose yourself and sitting there from like the beginning of the like down to the end of a the completed song right like can make that trajectory go wherever you want it to go right both of us were kind of so far still focused on rap right but he was like think he rather put his time into the pin but kept telling him like even years later like yo man I'm telling you you'd be good at it and he started doing this [ __ ] and then I didn't hear from him for a couple months and then he started like hitting me off with beats and I was like yo this is crazy that's crazy did you go and learn one yeah and then I was like what the [ __ ] like bro huh how did you get this good this quick man but I you know amen yeah yeah uh same thing with me man I went over there he like I'm making Beast now crook I wasn't for real he started making a beat I was like then let's just kind of dope I went outside to smoke a cigar and I started thinking of a 16-bar rap yeah and I said I'm thinking of a rap to a Royce beat yeah and I went back in there like yo I'm doing the new album with my little brother's family business you want to UM produce the whole thing he was like you think I'm ready for something like that I was like yeah I think you ready let's get it you know understand and that's what we came over and played you yeah man oh man you just said lose yourself I went down the wormhole myself looking at your producer credits hmm you know I'm saying and I talked to hip-hop fans every single day on Twitter you know that's one of the things I do I engage what am I asking questions rap questions do you feel like cuz I don't so do you feel like your name is mentioned enough in the producers conversation no I don't know I'm kidding III don't I mean I don't know I I I love to make beats right and over the years I had learned how to produce and probably made some of my biggest songs right and was just doing what felt right and I'm saying but but I'm more so like I it's fun for me to make beats but it's not as fun as rap is right right and I'm saying like so it's like but yeah I don't know I mean I I mean because people like y'all rappers who make beats top five and I'm like yo you got to put him in there you know I'm saying and then some of them don't even realize how many songs that you have produced you know I mean and that they they know and love the song they just didn't know that you produced it that's crazy to me I'm saying like that's crazy to me um I don't even understand how that even happens you know I mean like I think you rap so well that it kind of just sucks all the oxygen out of the conversation hmm I mean it's it's it's interesting like the first album you know like I was sitting there with the bass Brothers and Jeff vast like played instruments right like he played the guitar he played the bass he played the keyboards and all that [ __ ] I knew this music better than they did as far as like what did she sound like right I'm saying right so I would just sit in there on the drum machine and I had to have somebody show me how to work it keep the metronome going and [ __ ] and uh what started coming out of those sessions and I've sometimes I'd be like like yo okay what was that chord okay try it what if he tried that now go up with it right and then I hung them cuz I don't know how to play instruments so I'll be like I would just hum a lot of [ __ ] well you know and that's how I started making the beats and Dre was like yo you're producing that's producing who knows like it is oh okay cool you know the saying like and just fell into you know yeah like it's funny like I was thinking the other day cleaning out my closet that's that beat was actually a beat I was making for Bazaar really yeah and then I don't remember what happened but I ended up taking the beat and I was just like cuz sometimes if someone's there yeah like as I'm making the beat and they start wanting to write to it I usually just give it to him and and I don't remember what happened with that but uh and they're just became the stadium mover yeah I'm saying like that's one of my favorite songs to watch you perform really yeah I'm saying some of my early early [ __ ] was really rough like was really rough late but it was like a lot of times late and I in this from coming up in Detroit like proof had to connects right so proof used to know J Dilla proof used to know everybody who was anybody right so and I don't remember that phase where like rap was going through a phase well I mean it still does it but just there was kind of a phase in like the mid late 90s where like if you could get a chick to sing on your song right and you know I'm saying like an actual singer chick and proof would come over with new music and mandilars making the beats and he's got chicks all over his hooks and [ __ ] right I'm like what the [ __ ] there's like so I would start like thinking of like hooks like that you know I'm saying and being like well someone else could sing this and I'll just lay it for right now for right now and then it ended up becoming a thing where I was just like [ __ ] it I'll just leave it no I did good decision guardzilla man I gotta tell you that's one of my favorites right now I'm saying my favorites always changed when I listen to albums right now I'm [ __ ] with Godzilla heavy every day all day you know that [ __ ] is crazy I mean the the cadences and all that like absolute murder the beat who did that beat da I said is crazy man oh all right Peter juice world you know I mean that kid was amazing yeah you know on that when that joint favorites change it was out the juice to man like y'all he that kid was so talented man he like his freestyle he'd you know westward we're at for our look what though funk and I mean he was like like I he might have been written mixing a little bit of written in there with but the way he was free stood like that's the that's the [ __ ] that we used to try to do at the hip hop shop was like try to work on our free Styles right but be able to slip in and out of written when you need to you know I'm saying if you've got a certain punch line you want to get to to take her take out this dude right so it to be so young he like mastered that so [ __ ] quickly yeah it's really sad man that like his potential was so off the charts very I tweeted one time you know I like this juice world kid and you know I got some real hardcore boom bap type hip-hop lyricist fans that follow me to an airline juice whirl he uses auto-tune and I'm like yo I dropped a link to that Westwood freestyle like y'all don't even talk to me just watch this right you know I'm saying he definitely had it man um it's crazy that some of these kids out here I think that inspired by you know you you know um J you know I'm saying and they want to really get that pan moving oh yeah I was gonna ask you do you have a favorite you have any favors on a new joint oh my oh oh joy Oh every single one it's like ya know every single no I mean you know I it's funny when like you know when you're making an album and it's like you know sometimes you got ideas already sometimes you feel like I don't know if you ever feel like this but it's like sometimes I just feel like I don't feel like having a message in this one you know I just want to go is hardly as I can you know and then sometimes like you know I'll get in a certain mood and be like okay like if there's something that I'm passionate about like this is making me either angry or excited or whatever it is right you know I might get the idea to do a song about it like darkness song like when I want to say something when I feel like I really has something to say I'm gonna do it the darkness joint did you ever feel like you might get some kind of backlash from all this gun politics um you know the right side saying they want to take your guns left side saying you know we need more gun control did you feel like you would get any backlash from you know I mean I figured I would get some but it's kind of like you gotta just I'm more so care about what I believe in right and whoever else gets [ __ ] pissed off people [ __ ] like that's this is this is my view on it and this is my take it might not be your take so what about the person who is stockpiling his house with a hundred and fifty [ __ ] guns right like what whatever war they're waiting for I don't know what were you waiting for it you need that kind of Arsenal I think there's also something to be said I know there's avid gun collectors and [ __ ] like that but there's something to be said about somebody who's buying that many [ __ ] guns I just don't have a record of it or you know like there's I'm not on record as having a you know where I'm able to get flagged right so it's like the the whole message of that song was saying what about the person that it's the that hasn't you know I'm saying is the first is gonna be the first time they flip out in the Arsenal to do it with yeah what about that guy yeah there's no stopping that guy right and that's what is when it's like okay when you when you start calling for like background checks and [ __ ] like that instead of the actual problem right you know we got to do something with the gun laws yeah people start to get like no you can't take our guns you can't take our guns I'm not saying that so when you talk about things like that I would say that that's content I probably would say that your critics would say that you just rap about rapid hmm I just put words together they just run that's what I do unless it is crazy man but to me again yeah you got damn right that's what I do like a competitive rap like and sometimes I just want to have fun with it sometimes I just want to make a song that might not be about [ __ ] right but for those who can respect how hard I push the pen right like you know you get pillows so what you do you can you can wrap that mini you can say that many words that fast you're not saying anything you're not saying yeah it want me to say it takes a skill level to do that and I feel like they're not respecting that part of the game you know what I'm saying it takes a it takes a phenomenal skill level to rap at the speeds that you wrap at syllables within those you know I'm saying it's not like you like then I'm over here then I'm over there then I'm over here then I'm over there you know some people fool people yeah I mean they're just gonna flow in that I'm gonna buzz it down then I'm gonna buddy's like oh [ __ ] you're saying like you actually are putting you know [ __ ] syllables punchlines metaphors within that you know cadence and people are I just think a lot of times when a rapper says oh he's just rapping about rapping or he's too rapid e-wrap it usually comes from a rapper who can't rap that well a lot of people diss what they can't do hmm so it's like if I can't do that I'm gonna just I'm just gonna sit on it yeah I'm gonna sit on it and make it like it ain't that good anyways right and then people buy the narrative yeah yep and then you know it might maybe it makes the person feel good with whatever is going on inside them I saw some dude I don't remember where I even seen this what show it wasn't like what site it was on or whatever some dude was trying to trash Jake Jake oh about middle child and was saying oh I just fell off at the end it was like and I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking about like I can't take you serious you could take that right right and then it's like sometimes you'll be like yo would you listen to that and then you say this is trash like that that I I can't respect your opinion I can't yeah they're probably the ones responsible for these top 50 list that go around like people like that we all know saying yeah I mean I mean I know it's your opinion but your opinions wrong for sure yeah 100 speaking of top list dog is your top nine that you named on till I collapse still the same yes and no yes because well what's happened since then is like you know I'm saying it's coming from a place of experience we know what it takes basically like you just said um then why didn't I think of that every time yeah I'm saying like the rapper that makes you go fall ah yeah well you know it was right there damn yes like sometimes it could be an easy line and you'd like that line is it it seems easy to think of but it wasn't the arms in and it was like why did it [ __ ] that this is what I do for a living how come I missed that [ __ ] line you know they're saying like I hear that [ __ ] a lot yo you know what I want to mention too I just thought about this when I got [ __ ] this is funny pun intended when I got [ __ ] for the your booty is heavy-duty like diarrhea yeah a lot of [ __ ] for that line right pun intended but it's like wait Oh manage its trash yours Trish I'm just being stupid like it's sometimes you ever think of a punchline is like it's just supposed to be stupid right that's supposed to be it's a [ __ ] stupid line and sometimes I throw those in there too just like just to get a reaction out of people to get a laugh whatever it is you know I'm saying it ain't that serious but it's like oh man he sucks cuz he said like yeah they pick out one thing oh yeah because and that just let you know how good you are because they'll go through okay you just said [ __ ] a hundred dope ass [ __ ] lines and then they'll pick one and say but hey he said this right here and it's like you know you just know that that person is a hater I never was like play a couple lines and be like I don't like that right like what they said right there next line go by I like that though that's dope I never hated a song because of one bar now if you know I'm saying lever cuz now if I go back and listen to all the classic music that I loved growing up I'm sure I could find that bar that at that you are saying but it's just it wasn't that wasn't the point you know I mean like it's just crazy now that we have the internet and all that [ __ ] everybody has an opinion on well everybody everybody's an expert that's that's the thing that it's like you know yeah that's why we listen to the fans man the fans get you your fans listen dawg I engage with your fans every single day you know I'm saying they hit me every day some of them leave me sorry about that now that's all good man they some of them leave me like paragraphs in the DM like hey man if you see Marshall can you tell him you know um so I'm just like you know hey man whatever and they're really passionate about you know supporting you I think any artist would want to have fans like you have you know I'm very grateful for that absolutely do you ever read any of the comments online that they leave uh well I went through phase of that for sure you did and yeah and then I had to kind of stop and put it all in perspective and be like listen man like you know just reading comments period right like it just makes it like okay you realize like you're you're not gonna please everybody you just can't get into saying like you can't you do this over here and someone doesn't like it they want you to do the opposite then you do the opposite you please that person right or you don't and this person hates it you know I'm saying like it's it's very tough but um no I agree with that it's kind of like you know quarterbacks reading a sports column you know I mean after games you know there's Monday Morning Quarterback yeah exactly so but like like I said man these fans that you have to hit me every single day um they asked me if I can ask you a couple questions what's your favorite food taco bandino beets beets so you got good good ass bullet put oh you're talking like this kind of be like damn your blood pressure is excellent around this one yeah beats not my favorite food is I don't really have a favorite food okay let's the favorite TV series mmm right now currently power power yeah about it yeah I wants power power uh do you put me up on a walking dead I was watching Boardwalk Empire all the time and you is that the land one time yeah it was like yo you gotta check out Walking Dead and he was mean you said it was some zombie [ __ ] I was like I don't know if I could do this on BC and use like no you gotta watch it then I got [ __ ] hooked on this [ __ ] yeah yes it was a great great [ __ ] loss series right there the wire I mean I've said that many times but man that's like cream of the crop like those shows that like I don't know it's like they'll never be another one of those right right there are those kind like Breaking Bad incredible yeah man Breaking Bad was the [ __ ] how it powers my [ __ ] though now for sure shout out to 50 do you have any pets they want to know that nope do not know pets are you happy that's the most the most number one asked question that I got on Twitter is can you please ask him if he's happy I'm never happy never are you happy when you angry you said something like that I'm happy when I'm angry for sure so when he gets angry he'll be happy so you guys get that that's why I [ __ ] so much happy now we're just talking about too late like I want to mention this to man cuz I'm sitting here like like we was talking about the list and has it changed I feel like all the rappers that I said on their list will never change right I don't know about the order I don't even know if I should have put it in an order like that you know saying but sometimes it's like sometimes you do things in the end it's like it fits in the rhyme scheme so you're like right like we was talking about people who push the boundaries and like like red man to me like you're not like when it seemed like it was a time in hip-hop where and this was like to me it was like the late 80s early 90s where every time a rapper came out with a new album they would have best rapper for a minute I'm saying like like Boogie Down Productions when by all means necessary love criminal minded but by all means necessary he was like the pinnacle of like rap at that point in time was like what the [ __ ] like and Redman came out was so good right and then like when NAS drop right maduk it was like this is as good as it gets right like this you can't get any better like that was incredible and then Biggie and then to me Redman when he made Muddy Waters I was like yelling at that that that was like that was like when he in my opinion just pulled ahead of everybody he just shot ahead like he was like like the way he man the way he was [ __ ] I can't even think of him yeah he absolutely smashed that even when I first heard him on when I first heard him to do the headbangers first the headbangers what the headbangers and I was like yo just doing here yeah it's [ __ ] fire who was this guy you know saying oh yeah what the album is so classic to me so classic to me because not only was he rapping so good but it was like his beats and everything he's making good songs right right like that first album he just came out the gate making great songs and again in the image everything you know I'm saying like it was cool to be read man like to want to be read man like it was like that's read man is just [ __ ] cool you don't say like that man was the [ __ ] oh it still is you can still go and that's what I like I love you when when the guys from that era still just [ __ ] they just never lose it yeah because you can tell he loves it that's what it takes hello yep yo let me ask you man were you ever a fan of Kobe absolutely I mean who wasn't like I don't know how you could not be I can't even like that it makes me sick man it makes me really like sick to my stomach to even try to grasp what happened like yeah me too million nine people man nine people many people that really shook the world you know I'm saying and I read and I asked you that too because I feel like great people have a lot in common I feel like you have you know what he had that killer instinct when you going to booth that work ethic if he's showing up two hours before everybody else working on a shot I've seen you in a studio you know working on a hook that you know getting it down to the [ __ ] last [ __ ] [ __ ] molecule in that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like just making sure that that [ __ ] is right man your work ethic is incredible thank you is that something that you developed over the years I did mike is that something like hanging around working with dr. Dre like when did you develop this this work ethic that's just like robotic almost I mean that was before I even got son was that you know I'm saying like like me you know me and Dan I knew cuz denial was like me and me and him were so close like got really close really quick right just because of the things that we had in common and everything right so we kind of just felt like we don't have nothing you know I'm saying like it's it was a do-or-die situation like because I there was nothing else I knew how to do I'm saying so it was like a lot of times like we used to have to we used to go to this place called mo masters I'm just gonna mow master studio and it would be like you know ten dollars an hour something like that and so we'd have an hour basically what to get so so then I make [ __ ] like we made sure we had to beat I had the lyrics written and I already knew this on my heart go in there you know saying but but it's like once I got a chance to once Dre you know gave me that shot look I was like I can't there's no turning back like I can't you know I'm saying like right all I needed was like that and yeah man and plus I watched Dre do it like that dude like still to this day is constantly lives in the studio cuz he loves it right right that's why we do it because one of it I like to before I close I like to give some sort of gym get the guest to give some sort of gym to like a up-and-coming artist s that's trying to make it like you know I'm saying you just described a picture of you having to memorize your raps before you go to the studio looking at the clock on the wall no [ __ ] I only have so much time in there I gotta get it all out yeah I mean it's a real grind I think sometimes the other coming artists look at people's results and they don't understand the work that it took to get there yeah what would you say man to kind of inspire some young artists like what do they what do they need to do in your opinion well I mean times are different right so we got like the kids you can make a [ __ ] studio quality album on your laptop basically you know I'm saying so based off that it's like what I would say to the up-and-coming like you know any new up-and-coming rapper I would say that it is hard to get it and it's even harder to maintain hmm right so it's like his hardest I worked back then you know when you've made thousands of songs and you're like what the [ __ ] am I gonna rap about that I haven't already you know I'm saying like and you start once you like you you start out with a blank canvas and then you painted everywhere on that [ __ ] there ain't no you know I'm saying like so I that's it's one of the things that I do it because I love it so I put in overtime I don't it doesn't bother me you know saying like it's fun for me to do that so I would say that if this is something you're passionate about just give it everything give it everything you know I'm saying like you have nothing else there's nothing else you if this is what you want it's got to be what you want more than anything else in this world right whether it's whatever it is like if it's a sport if it's a [ __ ] you know this sport you know it's jewelry time that's what I say every time uh man dog I like to thank you man for giving me so many time a lot of your time actually man absolutely but yo I watch Chris corner I watch it all the time it's [ __ ] dope to me because like I a rapper of your caliber to do something like this is just a it's such a good concept because you're an expert in this field you know I'm saying I appreciate and I think that everyone needs to know that who doesn't already you know you shame that brought so many as hard as you go with the pain men like [ __ ] I'm telling you this is top-notch top-tier lyricist you Royce man it's like like it's it's it's a I feel like it's great that I know you guys man cuz it's it's also like it's it's kept me over the years to push my pen in to keep going right cuz it's like likewise my brother music to murder to be murdered by out now everybody go get it three or four times yeah I'm saying streaming the [ __ ] out that [ __ ] you know me and I'm on track 19 get you a rap media host that could do both yeah thank you guys I really appreciate you man absolutely much more success to you my brother absolute core nur we out of here
Channel: ePro Team: Support for Eminem & Shady Records
Views: 1,148,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eminem, Eminem.Pro
Id: 3PUYyD-W6sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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