Who Won Between Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly?

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alright I'm sick and tired of this and it's time to settle this debate all I've seen on the Internet the last couple days are mg K is [ __ ] in my name is [ __ ] mg k ruined Eminem's career Eminem ruined em GK's career both songs are [ __ ] all this other stuff I think it's time to set aside all the arguments here and let's just look at the facts okay let's look at everything with these two diss tracks and let's see who actually won let's analyze everything from a rappers perspective from a hip-hop artists perspective and let's see who won this battle so in order to answer this question we're gonna go through both songs and we're gonna look at a couple different categories and compare them and this is how we're gonna decide and whose song was better and who ultimately wins this whole beef that's going on right now so there's a couple sections that will narrow it down - the first one is the time spent dissing each other the second section is the number of disses that they throw at each other the third part will be the quality of those disses that they have and then the final part we're gonna look at is the technical skill of it so we're gonna look at the rhyme schemes what type arrives they use and things like that so I feel like this is the most fair option and like non biased option that I could do possible because it's no secret I like Eminem song way more than I like Machine Gun Kelly song but this entire video I'm gonna try to keep it neutral but with that being said let's go ahead and get right into analyzing these two songs okay so if you look at rap devil you can see that it is four minutes in 48 seconds long and then you switch on over to Eminem's kill shot and it's four minutes and 14 seconds long so when I say time spent dissing I don't mean the full length of the song I mean the actual time that they spent throwing jabs at the other person specifically so this means we're gonna take out all of the filler disses which means the really generic stuff stuff that you could kind of take out of the track and put it into another one and it would make sense although I hollowed out this is and we're also gonna take out any line that repeats itself so if there's a chorus we'll count the first chorus but then if there's any more repeating after that we need to take it out because it's just saying the same thing over and over again and it shouldn't count towards the actual time spent district so in order to really narrow this down I've gone through both diss tracks and I've highlighted each disk that they threw at the other person and if it doesn't have any highlights around it it means that it wasn't an actual disk or it was something that was really generic and you know could have been in a different song so here as you guys can see right here on the screen we have a rat devil and this is like I said all these highlights are each individual disc and I put them at different colors so I can kind of differentiate them from the other ones the numbers at the bottom I'll get to that in just a little bit but as you guys can see he has a quite a number of disses throughout this thing and also has quite a number of filler stuff inside of this song you can see all these that don't have anything behind him again these are just like the little filler things and you can see some big chunks of it and he's got the chorus that repeats a couple times so Machine Gun Kelly has quite a bit that doesn't actually need to be in the song to count towards this disc so when you put a time stamp of all the stuff that shouldn't be in this song and taken away from the overall length there's almost 118 seconds of song of lyrics in this that don't actually pertain to Eminem or they are just really hollowed out engineering so if you take that hundred 18 seconds off of the original length which was 4 minutes and 48 seconds you get 2 minutes and 50 seconds exactly of this time and now we're going to switch it on over to Eminem's kill shot it's pretty much the exact same format everything that's highlighted is of different discs if there's nothing around it it's a disc that did it really contains any meaning to the song it was pretty you know Jerry generic it shouldn't have been in the song or something like that and as you can see Eminem does have quite a bit of generic stuff as well which honestly surprised me when I first listened to the song he's got a big part right here it's just stuff that you know really shouldn't be in this specific disc towards Machine Gun Kelly so again when you put a timestamp to everything and you take away all this a generic stuff you end up with 23 seconds of stuff that really should not be in the song you take away those 23 seconds from the original length of the song which is 4 minutes and 13 seconds you get exactly 3 minutes and 50 seconds of disk time straight at Machine Gun Kelly so when you compare the two Eminem actually has a full minute more of dissing towards Machine Gun Kelly even though rap devil is a longer song and then kill shot so this next section that we can look at is the distance themself we're gonna look at the number of disses this can be any disc whatsoever that is made and then we're also going to look at the quality of the disses so we're gonna use the same sheet that I made from earlier everything that is highlighted is a different disc so if you see different colors it's just added on to the list and all the numbers below it are actually ratings on a scale from 1 to 10 and these ratings are based on a pretty much general consensus I tried to look at all the comments or the majority of the comments on both rap song videos I've also looked at the comments on my videos where I'm kind of breaking down the lyrics of everybody and I'm kind of you know I'm trying to see what people liked what people didn't like what I personally liked these aren't strictly from my head again I tried to take everybody's opinion into consideration with all this and you guys can see me scrolling through in the back what i rated these disses and to feel free to stop the video anytime that you guys want to i might even put a still image after i've done this but this is what i rated all these out of ten okay and like said there was some that I probably personally would have given a higher rating and there's some that I probably would have given a lower rating but I try to be pretty fair and use everybody's opinion on this so when you tally up of the actual disses towards Machine Gun Kelly and killshot you end up with around 42 disses again this is so nice is a loose number some people might think of this as one thing some people might not but we're gonna go with the number 42 okay there's 42 different distance and with each dish they had a possible 10 points that they could get I rated everything on a scale of one to ten one being the worst ten being the bestest awful bar was perfect it got a ten out of ten if a bar was really shitty it got a one out of ten after rating all that this is the M&M shotta ng k I ended up coming up with a point system of two hundred and ninety-six points out of a possible 420 points giving him a name at roughly a seven point zero four out of ten win ratio so we got a seven out of ten rank wise if had a radiant on a scale of one to ten that's what it came up with and with that be in mind we're gonna go on into rap double right here we're gonna do the exact same thing each a different highlighted section is a different dis again you guys can kind of check everything in the background you might agree with some of these ratings you might not agree with them I certainly don't agree with all of them but again try to get a general consensus from everyone and be as fair as possible and non biased because I really wanted to break this down and see you know who actually won this and what people were thinking but you can see he does have quite a few that were rated higher than I anticipated and he's got a couple that might have been rated a little bit lower than I anticipated but for the general part I did I feel like I was pretty fair and I might have favored MGK point system wise on this I feel like I gave his you know his his bar is a little bit higher rating than they should have gotten the only bar that I was not budging on was this beard his weird line I've had a ton of people tell me this is from Eminem song business where the line was until we grow beards and get weird or something like that and everyone's saying Machine Gun Kelly use this this is one of the smartest lines in the song and to that I say no absolutely not every other time he used an Eminem song in this song and to use it as a play on words he used the exact lyrics or he used the exact title of the song and flipped it on its head and even if he did it used the song from business this is a really shitty way of explaining and using it and it's not even used in the same context if he was really trying to use it from business he might have said something like hey it's time to handle my business this [ __ ] got a weird beard or something like that you know what I mean I can think of so many different ways that he could have capitalized on that and I know for a fact this man did not use this line referring to business I'm sure if you asked him now he said he did because so many people have put this up on lyrics genius and so many people probably filled his head with this that he's like [ __ ] yeah that's what I meant to do but I'm telling you right now if you compare it to all the other dishes that he had it doesn't line up with it okay it doesn't he doesn't use it the exact same way which is why I don't believe this was one of those subliminal lines so when you count up all the decisions he actually has more dishes than Eminem he has 45 dishes and if you average all the amount on a scale of one to ten one being the worst ten being the best he has 246 points out of a possible 450 points giving him roughly a five point five out of ten and based on the quality and the actual numbers of the statistics that we had right there Eminem song is a full point and a half better and this isn't just for me this is from you guys too now this last section right here this is the tip of the iceberg okay this is what will sink the ship and decide who is who this is where I become a huge nerd okay I love lyricism I love the technical skill behind everything and what we are going to look at is the rhyme scheme so I didn't label out the entire song I only use the first a minute and five seconds of each song it seems like it was a decent place to stop on both of them and as you guys can see right here there are certain words that are highlighted some of them are half a word for all bunch of different colors so basically any word that you see that has a color that matches with another word with the same color it means they rhyme so he does have multiple different rhyme schemes going throughout his verse which is definitely a very good tactic to use and it makes the song sound pretty good the only issue is that there's not a single compound or a multi syllable ride so what I mean by that is the first part of the word will rhyme with something and the second part of the word will rhyme with something else and as you can see he doesn't have any of those throughout the entire thing so if we go through and County he's got about ten different rhyme schemes that he uses in this first part which it sounds really good especially when you compare that number to 6-9 who only uses five different rhyme schemes but we're not even gonna get to Eminem's part yet we're gonna look at a song that I made which is actually my diss on Machine Gun Kelly so this is the first little part of my song and as you guys can see I have considerably more rhyme schemes and way more words and I have multi-syllable rhymes and if you go through and count this I have roughly 17 or 18 different rhyme schemes it just kind of depends on how you pronounce the words so again we had six nine who had five we had Machine Gun Kelly who had ten and then I had 17 but then you get into Eminem's verse and again this is what just absolutely destroys everything this right here is Eminem's rhyme scheme in the first minute and five seconds so here's the two side-by-side okay like I said it's the first minute in five seconds there is noticeably more color and far more different varieties of color on Eminem's this right here on the left side than the Machine Gun Kelly is on the right side Eminem actually had so many different rhyme schemes that are ran out of colors and how do you reuse some of the same colors I think I stopped counting at 30 but he has multiple different rhyme schemes and he has a multiple different compound runs and interrupts and this little technique right here is actually what made the song lose yourself blow up because he has these so many different words that rhyme and it doesn't sacrifice the content of the song to make it happen there are still a tons of distance in this one little section that makes sense to the song there's even a ton of subliminal disses and triple meaning disses along with triple syllable rhyme schemes compound rhyme schemes enter rhymes all sorts of technical things that make a rap song amazing just to give you an idea behind the numbers of this okay in the first a minute and five seconds Machine Gun Kelly used 157 words 48 of those words rioted giving him a 30 point five percentage meaning that just over 30 percent of the words that he used actually ride with one another and if you count up the syllables he had 268 syllables and sixty three of those ride to giving him a 23 point five percent which means twenty-three point five percent of the syllables that he used ride with another syllable in the first minute and five seconds of this song and then you go on over to Eminem's numbers and he had 200 words in the first minute in five seconds and a hundred and forty seven of those two heard words ride with each other giving him a seventy three point five percent rhyme percentage meaning that seventy three point five percent of the words that he used actually rhymes with a different word in that whole little stanza right there and when you break it down to syllables he had two hundred and seventy one syllables in this section 211 of those 271 syllables ride giving him a seventy seven point eight percentage again meaning seventy seven point eight percent of the syllables that he used in this section rind with the different syllable in the exact same section and what's even crazier is the immanent continues this exact same rhyme scheme like all different things throughout the entire song not just this little section Machine Gun Kelly does the exact same thing with his he continues out certain rhyme scenes but definitely not even close to the extent the M&M does so now that we have all of these major sections out of the way I want to show you guys a couple more things they don't really matter that much but they do sort of matter in the sake of the argument so here we have Eminem's kill shot it was uploaded on September 14th it has 73 million views at 2.9 million likes and 77 dislikes so if you do the math on this it gives you just over 18 million views per day and the light to dislike ratio is a thirty-seven point six six meaning that every 37 likes it that this video gets he gets one dislike then you go on over to Machine Gun Kelly's rap devil it was uploaded September third which was 15 days ago it has ninety five point three million views 1.5 million likes and 595 thousand dislikes so when you run the numbers on this it gets roughly six point three million views per day and the like to dislike ratio is a two point five meaning that every two and a half likes that this video gets it gets one dislikes so when you look at everything that we've looked at it is a clear-cut winner the mmm absolutely demolished not even like slightly one absolutely destroyed Machine Gun Kelly on this and if you want a further explanation and like an in-depth a detailed to these tracks to give you a better understanding of what I'm talking about here I've made a couple videos on this I've done in everything great about kill shut I've done in everything great about rap devil and I've also done in everything bad about rat devil I'm not gonna make an everything bad about kill shot because there's only about 10 things he has a couple really bad flows he has a couple childish disses and one or two things that were just like really weird but it was only gonna be like a minute and a half video there was nothing like even close comparable to the bad stuff that was in Rab devil but at the end of the day this is all opinion related I suppose and if you feel like Eminem won this battle then good for you I agree with your opinion you're entitled to it if you think Machine Gun Kelly won this again you're entitled to your own opinion but I feel the need to tell you that your opinion is wrong
Channel: Crypt
Views: 1,806,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red, reserve, Who Won Between Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly?, red crypt, crypt, KILLSHOT, killshot eminem lyrics, everything great eminem's killshot, killshot review, eminem diss, eminem killshot, eminem, eminem killshot reaction, mgk rap devil, rap devil, machine gun kelly, eminem 2018, eminem diss track, eminem mgk, kill shot, mgk, mgk 2018, mgk eminem diss, eminem disses mgk, eminem mgk diss
Id: 5FVzyBZUywE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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