so i played the most popular mario maker levels...

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[Music] nobody needs to see that today we will be playing the most popular levels the most bestest levels that ever did enter mario maker 2. okay goomba vs spiny i'm gonna vote spiny because that makes a lot more sense even though goombas have killed me plenty of times oh this is done this is done it's a done deal goomba free all day every day only a fool would bet on a kaloomba over a spiny hmm spike versus chain chomp well in mario tennis i'd say chain chomp but this isn't tennis yeah i mean there's not really anything chain chomp can do the spikey man is just too much of a god i kind of feel like ghost wins this one and i have to vote boo just because i have a boo on my head okay well that's not really a blue guy beating ghost he had an obvious assist after all someone call the ref get get this guy out of here he he cheated mad lad can't beat thwomp that's just there's no way that's ever gonna happen take him out boom absolutely crushed not even close to close i did the level i voted right i won the money and the hearts of the people and also mario himself said thanks to me and what more can you ask for than that the title has me worried yo red sauce red sauce did you see that it was among us guy the dude that's always suspicious even there he is again look at that how oh man how suspicious of him okay guys um i died i wasn't aware that saw blades were gonna come from the floor nobody mentioned that to me on the way in so really it's the people's fault that i died not my own skill or lack thereof so many comments on these levels i'm not used to seeing so many and it's kind of getting hard to see the saw blades i think i'm racing something oh i'm racing saw blades also green sus i don't discriminate they're all suss oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my they're not gonna stop they're not gonna stop until i'm stabbed i was too focused on the blades when i should have been focused on what was right in front of me it's okay it's okay this time this time i got it this time no problem ain't no mountain high enough ain't no spike wide enough that's not really how the song goes but i'm prepared to pay the ultimate price i didn't really mean that last part somebody said oh i know i'll make sawblade the level which is a fine sentiment to have it's just um kind of worrisome for me who's a soft boy did you know that toad's weakness is spikes no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no oh lord oh okay it's clever they put the end of the stage right here oh it's one of these levels these always make me feel really terrible about myself oh yo no there's so many plants i'm trying to look at where i'm supposed to be jumping but the amount of plants is too great ah yeah there we go help it would appear that i found a musical level although i don't know the song i know there's going to be a dozen comments telling me what this song is but i'm more concerned about how this man is going to stab a cannon oh that was big red and sun good old single father i don't know how this person made this but actually making a level that you have to like time your jumps to the music with is probably one of the sickest things in all of mario maker like actually how do people make such good levels i could never do anything like this i must say i really am impressed that was a very very good level bravo god dang dude i don't really understand how a level like this ended up in the popular tab those kinds of levels suck i should have known the last one was so good and fun and creative and nice should have known that that kind of stuff wasn't gonna last oh it's like one of these levels where the thing that you need to grab is just out of [Music] on the reach not being able to get the one up true you get it guys this whole level teases you it's a level built around teasing whoa whoa whoa where did that whoa what did that say i'd like to see that comment again please well not that oh yeah i guess so toad is coming to town oh my god and look it's mario as freaking santa how cool is that whoops hate you a bit too late for that now and hold on let me activate my sharingan watch out guys we got some badasses in these comments it's not so bad i don't really see what the big deal is it's just making a pretty precise jump but we all know i'm a gamer and i can make these jumps no sweat i'm sweating profusely visualize prepare and execute it's almost too pathetic to even be called comedy almost oh my god why am i not taking my time at all i gotta focus make a plan and attack i can't just be jumping in there willy-nilly i'm not nearly skilled enough for that but why would i even need to worry about any of that when i'm a professional gamer guys like look easy peasy i did it first try you can't prove i didn't well you could but that wouldn't be very cool of you hold on a minute this is not just the same level as before but now it's not in the snow i feel like somebody definitely copied someone see look it's like the same jump over and over but it's getting harder or whatever i smell some tomfoolery going on here why did i jump so early why was i born even that's a better question bouncing all around the level time and things by mistake no why is the heart pounding i can do this no problem [Music] that wasn't even hard compared to the rest of the level what a wet noodle of a finale true the explosion ravine sure i guess that doesn't sound too deadly brug moment oh no it doesn't look good for me i'm really ugh i'm really dead no i needed you and you blew me up when i needed you the most ah i did it but i didn't know what to do afterwards come on who puts you know what i'm not even mad i think the fact that they're just comments everywhere make this so much harder and why why did the bomb go that way [Music] this level might be too tough for me but maybe not because i'm also very good at video games okay jump on bomb and then jump on bomb and then die that is my whole entire game plan help okay i think i got it i think i got it i do this right so boom bam bam yeah yeah hell yeah let's go all right now what i'm goaded i'm goaded i'm goaded i'm goaded i'm going into my early grave yeah yeah uh-huh oh no oh i blew up or something yeah go spongebob yeah go spongebob that wasn't hard at all i sympathize with both those comments right there they are clearly comments of the people of which i am one aha it is a musical level but once again i don't know the song tell me the song that i'm hearing right now in the comments i've never heard the song before but i kind of like it i'm dare i say vibing with it oh goody a spot the difference level so everybody knows i'm amazing at these i never miss i could use my brain or i could just listen to the comments and follow that path this time i will use my brain and my brain is telling me that there is no coin behind the clown car of this one i'm a genius okay we got a snowman and a fire flower and a little shell man um these all look incredibly the same i don't know which one i don't know which one i don't know oh i don't understand with my brain god i genuinely don't know they look identical to me i'm even looking like at the sway of the fire flowers and they all look the same alright well i don't know which one so i'll just guess i'm gonna guess this one hopefully i'm right okay i still genuinely can't tell so please comment down below what the hell is different about the middle one i really actually don't get it i'm not that stupid though this spring is on its side i get it that's why you're not seeing the bouncies on that one beneath the bulbous head there lies a bulbous brain guys that's how i know all this okay yeah it's clearly the one on the left it is uh bouncing at different times not one thing gets past me i'm too perceptive apparently it was the one on the right again comment down below and tell me what was the actual difference because i just guessed until i got the right answer i've got a p brain so sorry if that was frustrating for you to watch is this not just the most pleasant gameplay a little batman in my mario huh hey this is the batman theme and i gotta say this platforming really makes you feel like batman until it kills me look i'm swinging from the gargoyles i'm doing the things i'm barely surviving unlike my parents i'm really digging these levels that are musical and actual levels at the same time that's how you do it why did i hesitate that's not how you do it unless what you are trying to do is perish batman hell yeah dude toad has never felt more like the dark knight cannonball land that doesn't sound like a good amusement park let me tell you this place this place probably has a slew of safety waivers for you to sign upon entry like yeah uh you can come into our theme park but we are um going to shoot cannonballs at you and it's kind of up to you to catch him otherwise well you know it's a cannonball timing mine isn't that good [Music] see what i mean oh my god oh my god okay i gotta get away from the bullets that's all that concerns me now they are giant bullets and they want to hit me in the face and body and neck and i can't let them my goals and theirs do not coincide and my goals are infinitely more important mini games let's go i never told you this but um i'm the mini game master i know it's a heavy title to bear but i bear it with honor the minigame where i murder the turtles an oldie but a goodie okay i get this one i gotta kill them that's always the goal isn't it it's always kill no rest for toad whoa whoa whoa whoa he can cook and he wants me to do math what is this high school ant plus mushroom that means big ant hey wait a minute that's not a b oh that's a minus sign small ant let's go drive i thought that said dave for a second then i was like that makes no sense there's only a matter of time before blue mario wound up in somebody's basement probably should have guessed that coming to a man's basement wasn't a good idea come on buzzy beetle come slow down buzzy beetle nailed it nailed it nailed it buzzy beetle fuzzy beetle more like my buzzy buddy i don't want to say the other word right now all right i can see everything my sharingan has awakened go go go go go go go coins monty moles come on man not like that it's easy it's so easy a simple baby could do it it's so easy that everyone in the planet earth can do it it's so easy that i've done it on my secondary try oh that was frame perfect at least that was a little bit less frame perfect that was just a flute you know me better than that i don't die to ice oh he killed me with his face please please please please please please [Music] please no it always comes down to one level and then we stay here for at least 20 to 25 minutes should i just go immediately should i go i uh perfect timing to have my funeral all right i won't mess this up i can't mess this up i messed it up i can't give up i'm playing the best level buzzy beetles basement it's the best basement you've ever seen and i won't give up i can't give up i'm too dead to give up okay okay okay no oh not okay it's okay i'm waking up i feel it in my bones enough to make you lose control welcome to the new age [Music] welcome to the new witch to the new witch i'm toad active toad active good christ there's more [Music] no no no no help help me help me come come now why did that have to happen cool i'll just uh die it's all fun and games until you wind up in buzzy beetle's basement bro this is not a chill place it expects so much of me and luckily i'm a gaming god so it's easy for me to meet those expectations you should help me meet the expectations of getting to 400k by pounding that sub button now later am i really gonna have to like close the game over this because this is really dumb nintendo why are you playing this song just i just want you to function that's my first priority audi freaking gato nintendo green toad where the hell is yellow toad green toad i think you mean green mario red mario this is confusing what do i call you red mario redder mario red bulb this one where'd mario go [Music] there he was it's okay for me to make stupid jokes like that because now you guys kind of like me when i used to make stupid jokes like that when i only had like 10 subscribers though that's a different story i really dislike seeing blue mario so bummed he's supposed to be happy guys i found him it's yellow mario nintendo didn't forget all about him i made a course full of goombas first one to hit the goal poll gets paid i almost said gets laid goomba lover i feel like goomba lover 69 would have been funnier nintendo [Music] i'm just gonna end the video right there that seems about right [Music] [Music]
Channel: Desbug
Views: 592,286
Rating: 4.9546256 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Gaming, Entertainment, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario Maker, Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Bros., Mario Bros., Super Mario, Nintendo Switch, Mario, Desbug, Toad, Toadette, Luigi, Super World, Super Mario World
Id: _4HCGH5SQ8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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