What if Mario Odyssey had MORE Custom POWER UPS?

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mario odyssey has absolutely no powers so today we find out what happens when custom power-ups that give mario new abilities are added to the game so here they are the new custom powerups we have some really really cool ones today like the super crown the burger and the penguin suit but it looks like this villager has something to say let's go talk to him these custom power-ups look crazy collect the touch of power then talk to me oh all the custom power-ups are in cages at the moment so i can't access them yet except from the time travel power up so let's collect it see what it turns us into whoa it's giving me a black and white suit oh there's also a trail of dots following me and a black pipe hero spawned wait can i write stuff out in this there we go it says sub very badly i'm very bad at writing let's talk to the villager whoa nice costume ah thank you villager you can now reverse time by pressing r wait really okay that's gonna be really cool okay i'm pressing r on my controller now oh oh it takes me to the position i've been in what the heck oh that's amazing it looks like i have a cool down though oh okay that animation is so cool but this is going to be really helpful say if i fall off something like this i can get back up by just reversing time but i'm assuming like in the last video when i complete this pipe more of the cages will unlock so let's go down it and try beat it oh okay we just came out of another black pipe and there's another time travel power up here i guess in case i lose it these dots go behind everything i think these dots are put on the front of the screen this is so cool i love the rainbow effect on it but i'm assuming we want to do these parkour jumps past these hammer bros and get to the end i see a moon up there but it's so cool being able to see like where we've been and i guess if we fall it gives us like a backup oh man oh okay i just got hit but at least i survived at least i didn't get knocked off get wrecked hammer bro oh no oh no i fell but what i can do is just reverse time like this if i ever fall that hammer bro respawn these hammer bros are so difficult they're like in mario maker in mario maker too they're so really difficult to avoid they make levels so much harder let's do a jump let's hope i make it please make it yes okay okay i made it no bruh come on come on okay i haven't been hit much yet i'm on 2 hp so i might be good wait my trail got removed when i got in a capture that's odd but i guess i can just fling off this way oh no oh no there we go nice i think when you go into a capture it removes it i should be able to do it now i want to capture this hammer bro see how the time travel works whilst i'm actually in the hammer bro oh it does that's really cool let's see what happens hold on [Music] the giant oh no no no all right let's just get the moon and get out here i'm sick and tired of these gosh dang hammer bros collect this moon we've got another one here in case we lose it i guess anyway let's go down this white pipe and i'm hoping this will have unlocked a new power up oh okay we've been taken back here i've still got the time travel power up i can still travel back in time but it looks like the burger powerup has been released from its cage i guess we're gonna have to collect that next but first let's talk to the villager i am very hungry you know what villager i'm very hungry too so let's go eat the burger power up will i turn into burger mario what how many burgers were stacked there how did he get this big from one burger it looks like my speed and jump have decreased a lot as well i'm moving so so slowly this is really funny though his roll i can barely jump at all what the heck you've transformed into fat mario you're so mean villager you now move a lot slower lol this village is so mean to me look at me i guess he has his reasons let's try to jump into the water see what happens see if that mario can swim [Music] he doesn't get any height at all oh my gosh i'm actually spamming gay i don't know if you can hear this but i'm absolutely spamming gay and i'm gaining absolutely no height he's too heavy okay we're back up here and there's a pipe that's spawned let's go into that pipe let's see if we can maybe like work out a bit and lose a little bit of this weight that was even kind of hard to get into the pipe wait what are we standing on we're standing on pizza right now and there's another burger i guess in case we lose all the weight and need to put it back on again but this parkour here is gonna be really difficult oh my gosh wait okay i somehow got a really big side flip and we made it to this other piece of pizza let's do a long jump oh my gosh my lung jumps so low now how am i gonna make it up there okay my ground pound jumps seem to be normal size i guess fat mario's ground pounds are normal i don't know how it doesn't make any sense but we can't capture this form and now i can fling myself up there we go very nice there's another burger up here how many burgers does he need he looks so funny though when he's diving oh my gosh wait is this a giant burger we're on top of yeah we're on top of another burger right now my goodness need to jump over this fence and then make our way up these pizza slices surprise he's not causing an earthquake every time he ground pounds he's literally turned into big chunkers he's got the same body type as big chunkers okay there's a fork up here on this giant pizza slice maybe we want to fling our way down there it keeps on de-spawning though from up here okay okay make my way here there's another fork and maybe we want to make it down to that island is that peter griffin [Music] oh there's a moon down here there's a treadmill and another burger which option do i pick do i pick the treadmill or the burger i'm gonna pick the treadmill mario needs to get on the treadmill let's do a little bit of running on the treadmill wait there's a pipe on the treadmill maybe we'll lose the weight if we go inside of the treadmill inside the pipe on the treadmill oh my gosh that animation of going inside the treadmill oh okay we've been transformed back into normal mario he's looking kind of skinny now i guess that treadmill shrunken back to normal hey villager whoa you look so different now oh thank you i tried very hard maybe clogged the ice flower it's super cool okay maybe i will maybe i will i'm excited for this one i'm assuming the ice flower is going to be really cool oh it's turned us into the ice flower colors his costume matches his eye color but it doesn't look like anything else has happened let's talk to the villager let's see if this has any cool abilities press l to activate your ice pack oh okay okay i'm gonna press that i'll see what happens nothing's happened oh what i feel what this is too cool this is way way way too cool i feel like frozone from the incredibles ah it like spawns a path underneath my feet there's some roblox abilities similar to this i think whoa wait can i roll down in it what happens if i switch oh no oh [Music] did i just get killed by it what the heck anyway we've respawned here oh i can turn it on and off again i can make platforms mid-air like this oh they look like icicles oh this is so so cool all right let's go down this pipe and let's try beat the area in here bruh my ice pack even came out the pipe with me there's another ice flower here i guess in case i lose it but we can fro oh my gosh let's try that again let's put cappy on this scarecrow oh there's some skip squeaks that we have to fight i can use this power-up to my advantage to like trap them like that oh my gosh i can push them around i might be able to just push them off did he fall on the poison where's he gone bruh goodbye upside down skip squeak get put in the poison i saw his little poof of smoke i'll just turn it off i'll turn it off for now and if i need it i'll turn it back on like i'll turn it back on now just so i can skip all of this and do some do some jumps up there we go we're up here already there's a goomba but i don't think we'll need it we can just do some long jumps to the end we can just we might be able to block off these bonsai bills by blocking him with my ice path yeah i can he explodes when he hits my ice path what happens if i capture this bonsai build with it oh my gosh oh my gosh i immediately exploded but it does follow me even when i'm in a capture there's another ice flower here in case i somehow lost it oh my gosh oh my gosh but here we are get rid of all these little skip squeaks get out of here and let's collect the moon and then we can go into that golden pipe and get out of here hopefully this will unlock the boo power i really want to check out the boo power up that's what i'm looking forward to wait it's taking me to the cascade kingdom what the heck maybe we're meant to do the koopa free run in yeah let's try to set a new record my last record is 38. i reckon i can do a lot faster oh no oh no oh no i got hit by the wall that's not fair but i might be able to just jump up here and make it straight to the goal let's see let's see if i can get 15 seconds 16 seconds not too bad not too bad i reckon that's a world record but i'm not going to submit that time because it would be cheating oh we've lost our ice flower oh villager why'd you do that please tell me now you're wet oh yeah it's mario tomorrow we unlocked the super crown so the super crown normally turns you into peak jet and new super mario bros user looks normally this power-up can only be collected by tow death so i'm wondering what will happen when mario collects it because mario's never ever been able to collect this power up before [Music] mario he's even got long hair he's got a little crown as well seems to be a lot floatier wait wait wait i think i have a double jump as well that's so cool let's see what villager has to say about this mariowett has a double jump and they're also very floaty oh yeah it's very pretty not gonna lie it's just funny seeing a mustache as well but this pink pipes just spawn and i'm assuming down this pink pipe's a challenge for mario ads [Music] wait i have three double jumps that's so cool okay let's go down nice okay these poison waves are really fast this is going to be really difficult but at least we have mario as double jump and the floaty gravity but anyway let's see if i'm able to do this parkour even oh no even with the poison being like this i just need to be very careful there we go i can do a double jump to avoid it oh oh oh if i get this first try you have to subscribe because that would be pretty mental if i do oh oh oh oh you know what just subscribe anyway i've spent ages on this video i've spent ages setting up and modding everything one two three oh my gosh i have three triple jumps i just remembered that this is so op oh i need to get rid of all these colorful things let's get out of here i can throw my crown cappy around go on get out of here oh this next section is gonna be so difficult these poison waves are just way too fast and they one shot kill yeah oh oh oh oh one two three okay okay one two i've got one more jump yes yes let's go okay we can collect this moon here nice one there's another moon if we collect that key [Music] oh okay okay i got it i need to jump up again immediately oh okay okay i managed to jump okay okay one two three one okay wait why is the moon disappeared who's collected the moon before me what the heck all right let's see what power up we've unlocked next and it looks like we've unlocked the super leaf this is actually one of my favorite parallels from super mario 3d land so let's get as high as we possibly can and then grandpa down to collect it hey we transformed into our tanuki suit we've got turned into tanooki mario that's a really cool model i like his little tail no he's so cute let's talk to the village yeah spin jump what happens when i spin jump then oh we get a mad amount of height and we can fly up we can fly up using the left trigger as well there's another power up up there i can't believe i didn't see that oh my gosh all right let's see if we can jump up there i can't believe i didn't see that power up before am i gonna make it yes oh it's like a skull power that looks kind of cool what will happen when i collect it it better not just kill me [Music] what did i expect to happen oh my gosh oh but it looks like we're stuck down here we need to make our way back up there you know what if i make a jump back up to that platform up there you have to subscribe is that a deal all right then let's give it a try i kind of cheated there but you still have to subscribe that's the rules i don't make the rules technically i do make the rules but you still need to follow them you still need to subscribe oh there's some more super leafs here nice this kind of looks like it's from super mario 3d world but this is the perfect level for like this super lee power and this level's all about getting height so i can just use the super leaf to make my way up like this oh i want to collect this moon here nice oh this is so so fun i'm like a helicopter helicopter helicopter let's get this other star up here i can do a dive to it yes i made it nice there we go i love this power up so much this is like the one of the funnest ones to play on the other ones are cool like visually and stuff but this one's really fun to play as oh but there's another moon over here let's go collect that nice [Music] but i think we've collected all the moons from this area now this place is quite tall not gonna lie anyway let's go down this pipe hopefully we'll have unlocked the blue power up now because that's been the one that i'm looking forward to the most oh okay we've unlocked the penguin power up next that's gonna be really cool let's stop messing around and let's collect it oh i forgot how high my spin jumps are there we go oh my gosh his little flipper arms they look so goofy oh man why does he look so angry as well he looks so angry there what does the villager have to say about this swim swim we're in the perfect kingdom for this by the way we can go swimming wherever we want oh okay he's very very fast at swimming whoa normally this kingdom takes ages to get around but with the penguins too you can just get around like it's nothing i jump so high out the water as well i feel like an actual penguin all right anyway let's go down the pipe that spawn i saw that a blue pipe spawned up at the platform yeah yeah skip squeak all right let's go into this pipe i really want to unlock the food power up i can't believe we haven't unlocked the boo power up yeah oh okay it's taking us out at the lake this is the seaside kingdom yeah it is the seaside kingdom oh but there's a power up right by the cooper free running mr cooper i want to join the race because i'm assuming that's what we're meant to do we need to get to the bright beacon and get that before all the other coopers i'm gonna be so op at this because of how fast i am in the water i should be able to beat all of them by like ages because look how fast i'm gonna be able to swim up here oh instant lead i think i'm fastest at the top of the surface so yeah like this okay i just want to swim along like this until i get to that beacon up there i might need to do a few captures actually to get to the top all right all right all right there we go very nice very nice up the forks and then first let's go that was absolutely no challenge all those keepers were so bad imagine doing that with fat mario though it'd be so hard to just complete it let alone win oh but a pipe down here spawn very nice let's go down oh my gosh have i still not unlocked the boom mushroom but at least we've unlocked the spring mushroom let's collect that now i don't want to talk to you villager villager you've annoyed me let's collect the spring mushroom though oh okay i've been transformed into spring mario that's really cool but it's not let me stand still i'm constantly jumping i'm not pressing jump but it's making me jump oh when i press jump it makes me do a triple jump that's really cool let's go down this pipe though let's complete it i want to play as a boom mushroom all right all right there's another spring if we somehow lose it but i'm assuming this is going to be really difficult with constantly jumping i can build up some speed by doing a dive though i might be able to do some cap jumps yes yes yes i can okay i really don't okay okay this is really difficult to control like in the original mario galaxy in the original mario galaxy this was not a good power up at all it just made the game a lot harder a lot harder i can still do ground pound jump so which is nice that's very nice still do some cat throws he kind of reminds me of that slinky dog from toy story if you know what i mean oh my gosh i almost fell there i need to not fall come on hit the cloud there we go he reminds me of that slinky dog from toy story let me know if you know what i mean oh oh i might be able to make my way up here oh no i'm not but there's a moon up here okay get rid of that yes nice okay okay okay there we go we made it to the moon that was so difficult you can't really control yourself properly oh no i don't know why there's mario 3d world music here there's normally not that okay okay there we go spring there we go oh no are we gonna make this okay i thought i almost died there there's another spring mushroom over there if i somehow lose it but i don't know if you can lose it because it seems when you take damage you keep the power ups okay there we go let's get out of here i want to place the boom mushroom i'm so excited for the mushroom yes we've finally unlocked the boom mushroom let's go collect it i'm so excited for this oh you turned into boo mario this looks sick this is just like the one from mario galaxy actually he's got a white mustache and everything anyway let's talk to villager let's see what he does uh oh it's just you mario i thought you were a ghost you can now go through walls ah i can click through walls as boom area that's so cool anyway let's go down this pipe let's check out the level made for boo [Music] i've gone straight through the wall here oh my gosh there's so many bullet bills as well there's a spare boom mushroom i guess in case i get hit by the bullet bill i don't even lose my boo mushroom when i get damaged that's so weird okay let's see if i can clip through the wall oh yes i can whoa i can just go behind all of these and avoid all the poison i can get back out okay i guess i don't want to get hit by the poison i want to stay inside the walls so i don't get hit by the poison i can just walk along here and avoid all the bullet bills and then do a long jump here to get to the other wall this is so cool though that i'm not getting hit by the poison because i'm inside the walls i guess the walls work like platforms i guess oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i can see the water i can see through the walls now oh man there's a moon here what why is there a moon here i can only see the boom mario's hands as well oh man okay these parkour jumps are tough with the hit with the walls oh no oh no yes okay i made it i made it inside the wall this looks really odd though me phasing into the walls ah oh okay i made it i made it i made it to the other side i'm a spooky ghost let's collect this moon here oh my gosh there's a lot of bullet bills what the heck there we go we got the moon that power up is so cool i love that ability of going through the rules let's go into this pie all these power-ups have taken so long to program so i'd really appreciate it if you press the like and subscribe button thanks to all these people for making this video possible if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy mario odyssey but there's custom enemies bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 1,750,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, SMO, custom, custom mario, super mario 3d world, mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, power up, mario power up, power ups, new power ups, mushroom, mario mushroom, minecraft, mario power, fat mario, mario fat
Id: rGAoIrMCbHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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