Lucky People Having The BEST DAY EVER

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my friends it's me to sprinkle some luck in your life today we're gonna be checking out some people who got super lucky the waiter was bringing my friend and he dropped one so he owed me another one and came back with this just a single blue wrench fries on a plate oh you sir I believe I owe you this oh you fancy y'all really want a five-star view on fat tip don't you you got it imagine getting bit by a shark and he would like does this human uh nasty ma home you they said it tasted good this whack and then just let her go he would take a bowl by he took a nibble he did that you know when your friends are scared to try anything new takes a bite terrified of this happened when I was a kid like when you open the cupboard and then all the plates fall through and then flip they're stuck now and then if you open it a little bit like you gotta open a tiny bit and then wait would it even work if you open they're really slow you just doomed ceramic crushed grandma sad Hotel closed [ __ ] I thought I was gonna say trivago but we on a lockdown the child was throwing darts and then one was just in between his daddy's toes onto the rubber of the sandal oh that's too close to a little closer and that's again going to market I mean this piggy ain't going to market because everything somehow I had to barter for our carton of eggs my dude found the biggest potato which I have ever seen how you get a potato wedges that big this is like bugging me because I don't know if it's like a perspective photo the wedge really that big my dad used to order these from KFC you go through the drive-thru and by the time we get home we call him be like okay come on and we give you another box of fries and then he would go do that get his free fries even though my mom would just heat them up when we get home car was bad a fall off this ledge oh and then stopped just enough for the two front doors to open up and get the heck out of here I could barely breathe looking at that smell all you gotta do is just push this but a little bit put it back on land Oh fangs IIT was a picture it would be this now it's a beautiful day to eat a nice bag of cheetos and then you pull out this wow it's like a whole entire cheeto snake i wish they all came like this how you get us so long maybe they forgot to cut it you know it makes me wonder do they all start like this and then machines just be like cunning enough you know I found out ice cream is like that like it starts out as one long frozen cream stick she got a banana from the grocery store that's one thick banana and it opens it up it's like two and a half bananas merged into one Megan Anna began a victim Anna what are we calling this monstrosity all I know is dang boy she faked magic trying to take a bite and getting to monitize yeah I've always been terrified of my keys my phone falling down that little elevator shaft every time I walk over when I just clutch my belongings and then this happened to somebody good thing you got a long key look at that ain't nobody got one of those anymore what does that even for your cellar in the basement what secrets are you hiding down there owning a key like that but anyways it was like nope not today man you got bigger issues if you got keys that are just gonna fall out of your pocket or your bag like this did oh you found the four-leaf clover you think that's lucky real cute well lo and behold peasants I got a five leaf clover point of view that kid next door who always try to one-up you okay that's real neato but is it like the more clovers the more love or does the luck stop after seven and go downhill from there maybe they're just rare but not lucky my guy was working the slicer with some heavy-duty gloves on and then it shredded through the gloves you lucky you got some sharp fingers that don't go up to the tip of the gloves oh that was just way too close so lucky joke's on you I got my nails trimmed for free they got a vegetable thin pizza and when they take it out somehow it looks even better than the pizza on the cover it's definitely not in America we all about that clickbait if it fits it drives but just barely but you hit like the tiniest bump in the road is going mm I've seen trucks get stuck this way did you see a set to go through this tunnel they hella lucky with this you definitely could have not fit but it did then this cruise ship who dared cruise under this bridge so the ship was 73 meters tall and the space between the bridge was 65 meters so they had a retractable chimney that they put down they're like okay you know what cover your head are we going through and we Gucci how did y'all not plan for this oh sorry it's our first cruise one of the rare cases where you order a burger and it looks exactly like the commercials oh she a thick juicy one I'm hungry and this looks so good right now ten out of ten she a beaut so I ordered two donuts at the donut store and they had a lot of leftover dough and made this mega donut hashtag blessed bro you see how big this bad boy is that's the size a one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten doughnuts in one hypothetically you can stick your head through it be chillin on the couch length it made more sense in my head it's a cold winter day and we got this one dude in the hot tub would one two three four five six seven eight girls I'm he probably thinking he's a luckiest dude in the world right now all my time making viral tic TOCs paid off I like how they all sitting around him everyone knows y'all only here for the Klout planas Kady starts to the - they did a vending machine hack and everything in the vending machine came tumbling down and now it's all stuck and you can't get any of it how did they just buy out the whole thing should I do that should I buy out a whole vending machine would that be a lame video has mr. beast already done that before I just want to give it a few flaps and it'll just start raining snacks that's all it takes right or I might kick you in the glass you've been blessed buying the long thick Lucky Charms rainbow before it gets cut up into small little bite-sized pieces hey this is a choking hazard way so I wonder what this ever cut how long do the marshmallows get in the factory are they just like really long like a couple feet and they just like slice them up into little bite-sized morsels I had to look at this gas pump for a hot second to realize what's so great about this photo so for the supreme gas the best kind they inputted the numbers wrong so instead of it being three dollars the gallon it's only 32 cents a gallon Oh y'all messed up someone getting fired today but one man's loss is another man's gain maybe we got it 36 hour gas like it's 1959 nice for real thought what you gonna do Massa give you guys 30 cent gas comment below if you lend the people know after you get the gas so I stopped by my red box today and I found this it made my day oh this is really nice they taped a pack of microwave popcorn I was like this is a random act of kindness enjoy a popcorn with your movie bye wait is it movie time or is a corona time I mean it could definitely be an act of kindness or it could be an act of evil disguise kindness that's the fun part you never know this car swerved off the road press the brakes in time like just the right time and then walked outside like whoa that was a close one we almost done fell in that ditch excuse me ditch you mean asteroid crater that's terrifying that if you didn't break in time that you would have into the Earth's crust you know got so lucky imagine opening up a thing of yogurt and not having any yogurt on the lid what kind of perfection is this I'm like licking the yogurt on the lid because it's like I like the texture it tastes slightly better than the yogurt in the cup it was a windy day and this pole decided I can't do this anymore and foul balls I okay you know I'm not a regular pole I'm a nice pole not even a scratch on this car man put some respect on that Toyota Corolla oh my goodness on the front it just curved around it and then the glass shattered everywhere but the car people watch those tires when you try to get out of this straight up look it's a sad day in our neighborhood these two trees decided to commit branch aside and it went down they could have took that Volkswagen with them but over like that and then just went on the side I mean maybe this is a hack maybe you shouldn't part your car by a tree or if they are make it like on the end so if they go down or what if they decide to go out an angle you don't know how they're gonna fall moral of the story don't park next to a tree because you're probably not gonna get this lucky oh you know this is the best when you go to the grocery store and all the cashiers are free there's no line wait there's somebody parked in every single one I've never seen this happen only on Black Friday the only day just one day here we got all the cashiers going okay you know what there's actually a very rare moment cuz every time I walk into a store we got all these lanes and only three of them are open imagine slice an avocado and you've got this perfect little bean with the smallest little seat that's a tiniest avocado seed I've ever seen or even better some people have slice an avocado and had no seed how does this happen it didn't even have room for one to grow wait is that that little speck is that the seeds it just never grew but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope you have a lucky day so make sure that that light fine on the make sure you turn off notifications snake click and subscribe John the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,124,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, lucky people, lucky, people, best day, best day ever, lucky people have the best day ever
Id: O4FXhpRzrNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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