School Trips That Went HORRIBLY WRONG

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howdy friends hello i don't know how to start off this video today's video is about field trips gone wrong gone wild when i was in seventh grade we went on a field trip to an amusement park and i got lost and it was the end of the day and we were supposed to go back onto the bus and i lost my friends and i didn't have a phone back then and i got lost in the park then when i found my way back to the buses i was the last one like ain't nobody come looking for me oh no except my music teacher she was waiting outside the bus like this all i remember are her wolverine arms i'm not even exaggerating she had like three inch long arm hairs and she was she was like when we go back you're getting detention i got lost y'all didn't come looking for me i don't know this place i was a child let's read some stories my class had to go to a funeral parlor we wrote down our own obituaries picked out coffins and practiced morning what kind of field trip is this what kind of school takes their kids to a funeral parlor like they go pick out their coffins like i want mine pink with rhinestones apparently this is a thing another student went on a trip to a local graveyard and did a scavenger hunt what are y'all looking for i really hope it's some respect did y'all find it this next one is not only a big yikes it's a legendary epic yikes so a teacher was in charge of 29 students on a trip to portugal while there he didn't give them any curfews so y'all free to do whatever you want whenever you want i'm not a regular teacher i'm a cool teacher so he allowed the kids to drink stay at a nightclub after 4 30 a.m he let them do whatever the heck they wanted and then we got girl students sneaking into boys students hotel rooms i think we can all guess what happened next and then after the kids were like what's that in the corner is that a camera there was a camera they were being recorded i tell you epic yikes the teacher himself was recording you know how this idiot got caught the kid who found the camera scrolled through the footage and saw this idiot teacher setting up the camera ah it doesn't get dumber than that and get this when the teacher was confronted he said it was a joke it's a prank bro but now he's banned from teaching for four years after the boy reported to him four years bruh america that will get you at least four years in jail probably more that i know oopsie that's a big epic yikes like i can't believe that another teacher was fired for cramming 11 students into her car and going on a snack run to walmart yo hold up all this talk about protons and electrons is making me hungry and my snack jar empty pack your we're going to walmart like it can't wait it really can't wait we gotta go to walmart right this instant so she stuck 11 students into her car i'm guessing her car only holds five to seven people she fit eleven how you feel eleven people you shove them in the trunk or something i mean it depends how big your trunk is and if you got a sun roof seven students were in the back seat two were in the trunk oh i mean you could have took a bus no we gonna take my car so the teacher was just like i wanted to do something nice for my students you know this is all about them i wanted to take them on my snack run so she didn't obtain permission slips first of all you can't just take the kids and take them to walmart but i know kids would be hella excited like only at the week's school we get to go to walmart and we get to buy snacks without telling mother hell yeah but the best part is you know how she got caught is because she left two students at school and they snitched on her for real like sorry i can't fit 13 of you in this car only 11 or you know the two sensible ones that are like miss bristol we we we can't go to walmart so you can get your hot cheetos that's not allowed so of course she was fired like the idea was innocent but she ain't so one father in washington state was chaperoning his daughter's elementary school trip when another parent recognized him from his recent appearance on washington's most wanted oh one parent was just casually watching tv goes on a school trip oh my god is that other parent on america's most wanted hell no he actually snitched like he secretly called the cops and at the end of the trip he was confronted by a cop he escaped the lockdown school after a scuffle with the cops what what is going on here so he ended up turning himself into the cops that was arranged after he was reached by phone so the daughter probably called the muslim was like daddy okay you're embarrassing me like you was on america's most wanted now the cops found you you better get back over here and then they arrested him that really sucks i mean that dude probably just wanted to spend time with his kid and he did that and someone really had to snitch i mean i know he's a criminal but um snitches get stitches their kids probably had beef comment below what would you do would you call the cops or would you mind your own business this next one is very morbid so a new york high school forensic science club took a trip to the mortuary this was two months after one of the students in that school died and you know they were just casually walking around looking at everything and they see a brain in a jar with his name on it so either they thought it was like a cloning conspiracy like it's that boy's clone or you know it could have just been a coincidence because you know there's a lot of people in new york could have been another person with the same name maybe he sold his brain to science oh no so apparently that morgue they took that kid's brain without permission from the parents and they got sued that's horrible they didn't just have his brain they had so many other organs ah that's horrible it was supposed to be a wholesome and inspirational trip and it ended up being this i live in alabama when i was in elementary school we went to a farm and literally picked cotton wow you know i always wondered you know cotton balls that you used to like clean your face or wipe them or whatever are they literally just like plucked cotton like you pick them and put them in a bag or i know they wash it and everything how are cotton balls made our cotton balls 100 cotton literally the second thing is eating cotton balls dangerous is this a thing is this like my strange addiction addicted to eating cotton balls in the cotton ball diet those in search of a smaller waistline what people eat cotton balls this is a thing okay first let's say it's like some cool diet then it's saying it's deadly bro just eat some marshmallows or something okay i know this video is about field trips but now y'all got me looking up how you make cotton balls okay okay so they put cotton in the machine it rolls it out into sheets of cotton you know this is a very educational channel wow magical whoa okay these are cotton swabs i specifically asked for cotton balls but you know now you know it's a magical process having a parent as a chaperone can be embarrassing you get enough of them at home and then suddenly they're on your turf telling you that if you don't hurry and get back on the bus they won't use fabric softener on your six million dollar man under ruse kind of black male is that you don't do what mama says i'm not gonna use fabric softener on your undies every child's worst nightmare like if you don't give a sh i didn't even know what fabric softener was when i was a kid and the next one is about the magical world of disneyland so this group of teachers promised kids a trip to disney world but it ended up being a fake trip why would you do that so i don't know why the teachers did this they gave them brochures forms were filled out for the field trip a presentation explained how the students would be roomed and how a group of rowdy teenagers could most efficiently be absolutely terrible but the presentation ended with a twist they were in fact going to a local bowling alley also mickey mouse slept with all their mothers what what is going on here i was a prank it was a prank the kids were very angry i mean you can't do that or can you i mean kids do pranks all the time you're gonna get mad if a teacher does a prank but you can't make a prank with disney world like saying oh we're gonna go on a field trip to disney world but what's all this with mickey mouse sleeping with your moms i'm so confused because the teachers felt awful that a prank that was obviously going to go wrong went wrong they faced no punishment beyond constant withering stares and whispered hallway threats do not make up lies about disneyland okay ain't no playing around with disneyland next story is about teachers who try to kidnap their students remember that one teacher who always try to talk like a hip teen despite being 35 a high school chemistry teacher invited students over to his place to drink and use his hookah oh my god think of all the chemistry you can learn from lung cancer that's gross but think of all the people that would come over because they wanted an a so the teacher took his kids to a club to celebrate his birthday but he only got in trouble because he was speeding on his way home and then the cop was like why are you driving all these teenagers at this hour uh definitely not driving them home from a club after we had a couple of drinks he said that definitely not it's a prank bro these girls are lost i'm just taking them home the teacher is now fired obviously this next field trip is about how cub scouts took a nature walk through a nudist beach big yikes or is it really yikes to be honest i think they were hella excited new beaches sound amazing when you're 14 but then you discover that they're mostly floppy volleyball i'm not gonna say anything just like if you get it so they were hiking along the san diego coastline when they encountered some individuals who are inappropriately dressed or should i say undressed so the panic parents quickly rerouted the hike to protect the youth because if there's one thing children need protection from it's seeing some old dudes but jiggling about it with their friends then forgetting it 15 minutes later when they come across some possums scat i hate whoever wrote this article but apparently there was dozens upon dozens of new people on that beach you know playing volleyball and going on about their business i didn't even know this was like legal in america but apparently san diego you allowed to let the sun shine where the sun don't shine i mean i can imagine me when i was like 10 years old and i went to a public pool and people were in the showers showering naked i was just there like [Laughter] when you're older you don't just have hair on your head but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these would be the worst field trip ever or if you've ever been on a horrible field trip or something terrible happened i want to know about it comment below if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you hit that like button in the face and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music] you
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,538,329
Rating: 4.9525714 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, school, high school, worst school trips, worst, school trip, gone wrong, middle school, field trip, teachers, students
Id: f3aA-bkI07Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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