Strange Last Meal Requests on Death Row

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Hello Friends! on todays episode of PROCRASTINATION EXCUSES I got my hair done. (yes you look PERF!) so this wouldnt be a problem i wont have to struggle for TWO HOURS where does the time go?!? because my hair is staticky please STOP but anyways today I thought it would be an interesting topic to touch upon because I love food, you probably love food (YASS me LOVES FOODS) and we love some juicy drama and I've been watching a lot of these videos basically what death row inmates have for their last meal you know if you go to jail, and you on death row you gonna die, baby, but you can have one last meal you can literally choose whatever you want anything anything! anything like Teresa Lewis over here she was convicted of killing her husband
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,413,805
Rating: 4.9068594 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, last meal, death row, last meals, last, strange
Id: rDbECl_Ym_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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