The CUTEST Animals On Tik Tok 2

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friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out somewhere really cute animals on tik-tok if you guys watch part one remember the mystery of the croc because it a huge Crockers of tiny dog well now we know that it's both the dogs are very small they have appeared to have multiplied there's so many of them like if you want one of course I want one biking is not gonna spawn it in my hands so I can crush it hey hey let's get out the road Oh oh my gosh hey get off the road dog come on bro hey don't get off the road get off get off the rut you're running come on just play Hey run to the woods hey chill chill we're - okay where do you fall it's like Bambi in real life chill chill we're - okay I'm surprised they don't go poo baby just be chillin oh he just did away hello yes I will eat you now hey Kyle Oh can I tell you something hey whoa you know how we have this quarantine and we've been working from home we have to go back I know that's creepy matter your dog waking you up in the middle of the night hey I gotta go pee that was a human sound hey look can I tell you something Oh would you like water melone oh that's a good new he just took a little bite very polite oh no you won't give it back there are two types of dogs ones that will take a small little bag yes thank you the rest is for me oh there's nuts are so good ten out of ten would put my fingers through it like now I don't want to be chunky anymore tries to make himself look less chunky look it's too chunky real quick I don't have it what Sheen I swear cut my dog's chewing on furniture so I put him in timeout and he frowns so hard he look like he was gonna cry well you live in their house you just a gas he's like a wool my brother has two of these dogs and they're so stinky cute I love them so much I think it's hilarious that puppies like when you put them over water like without them even knowing like they their first instinct is just a paddle like this I'm so stinky cute thank you it's a puppy but it'll I actually snuggled in with the cat oh this is adorable tell me why that cat looks like his name is Nala though whoa no no I just wants to pet the fishies by pet I mean like look at all this food delicious y'all humans gonna prepare this for me I might have to get this myself foolish cat can't touch this in this water look at this Hickory my dude just chillin at the dining table y'all love living in his house what are you looking at I'm just trying to have dinner like the rest of you like that though I do feel like a stress ball puppy pickle cashew no way is gonna make this yeah that's what I thought nothing gonna work no I mean his form is all wrong but his haircut doesn't look nice though he went a hamster at whoa is that a hamster that's big oh I thought it was a puppy first like it's a pig he's a PE use the baby piggy research team oh that look like it's brush out the womb don't get me wrong being an adult and living on your own is pretty great the only problem is is that I now have access to adult money which means I can buy it whatever I want which means I end up by like this do you see on the VIP love father feed us and know their ferrets but I love how they just look like long mouths look at that one he look like Stuart little if Stuart little was 6 feet tall teaching my bird how to skate and I was like no way this is gonna work no way those don't work bees doing it look y'all ready to get off now they call me Tony Hawk pop pop it disturb its slumber oh no what happened did I wake up barely flinched I was hoping it was a water balloon and then just the unsuspecting puppy will never trust again little baby man little baby man baby man little baby man hello baby whoa baby man little baby man little baby baby man little baby Mitch I love these kids so much I want to get one I want my own little baby man that I could just mm-hmm antagonize build character you want to go see the bunny you want to go see the bunny let's go see the bunny bunny why everybody got one of these dogs you want to see the bunny oh he's already at the front door he knows where he lives it everything so excited to see this dang bunny bunny just chilling there like Brian and now you're coming over haven't even done my makeup yeah who is this dog do I know you I don't know if it actually works like you need a lot of balloons and your dog has to be extremely light for this to actually work I think somebody's pulling the balloon excuse me mother did you just touch my toy rude when your dog's prettier than you oh hey calm down buddy oh my god Oh mommy's right here you know those sticky papers that are supposed to trap bud but I got that on my daddy's paws I know step to it but hope you enjoyed your last poo cuz that hole is now permanently sealed oh they back at it again there's two of them y'all really let them set sail on a croc oh no once China dunk the other one this barn ain't big enough for the both of us oh I can't be watching too many Pomeranian videos give me the puppy fever oh that's it oh good thing I was so short Pomeranians the cutest dog no cat like it don't get cuter than this it's like a dang cloud a cotton ball that pees so they was in the store but all of the rubber duckies all of them like what could you possibly need this many rubber duckies for drawback dump them all in okay now that all the rubber duckies are in here the real duckies can go in just let him swim in the bathtub which I'm sure your bathtub with a duck actually in my shower on my dog so can i really be talking bikini oh oh no you're being too rough with the little dogs she just boomed them on the head did Kitty just wants to play the leg no you are not one of us begone these ten babies are about to pick their very own colors hummingbirds gonna go first all they get to pick the wrong collar a privilege next is Robin purple now Finch oh no now we have Nightingale green next we have Starling I don't wanna Conner now really all pick different colors long next we have : guard that was cute pink next is Sandpiper but how many dogs you got Orange last but not least pigeon I didn't wanna not gonna call her y'all thought that was all cute that this little cotton ball was doing at work right no he was wiping his butt they drive Brown because it is Ichi he's got doodoo stuck on it oh excuse me ma'am I would like to squeeze your dog you know some dogs really have no business looking this cute is this a sugar glider this something straight out of a Disney movie can't hold it onto that but for dear life what happens when you gently separate his hands by wait for it trust me oh that's a big boy oh he yeah you'll see boy thinking all the wrong places oh that's a lot of blubber my dude I would be terrified around something that big what if he starts running after you sorry he can't run oink-oink Loki these are actually terrifying cuz monstrous creature who put this in the cute animals folder whoa whoa Zane a cat is a meatloaf what you so scared for bro he's really making himself at home yeah well too comfortable you got a dang squirrel in your house he's like alright you know these people are pretty cool they got HBO I don't have HBO it gave him a peanut okay I gotta keep my distance but I'm gonna come back for more whoa I love last the Vicki always been Kyoto he doesn't have his tree or that a stinky cute I love it look the way he walked his lobby pay [ __ ] with him gotta get your kids to eat asparagus Oh daddy doesn't like it daddy gonna get the belt okay now he's eating asparagus so he doesn't get the belt I'm like watching his feet please do not step on the babies do not step on the babies he got it very careful when he walks you gotta be careful where the next step go I've been terrified of crushing them yet they still flock like mommy mom mother feed me it's cat grew up with two bunnies huh she's jumping she'd be hopping like a bunny the bunny is almost as big as the cat they even going up the stairs like an actual zoo but anyways that's all today I hope you guys enjoyed this video Papa Belarmino which one was the cutest and if you guys enjoy mission it that'll like my number make sure you turn on notifications today click and subscribe to on the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 18,366,340
Rating: 4.9438705 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tik tok, tiktok, animals, cute animals
Id: KBeO64wGRK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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