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[Captions by Judy V. at Y Translator] Hi! How are you? I hope you're having a good day today. And if you're not, here are some people having a really bad day. So hopefully you feel a little bit better about your day. I was spitting sunflower seeds out the window on my way home, but I guess they found their way back in the car. Mia literally spit-roasted her kid. Mom, why would you do this to me? I don't deserve this kind of abuse. It look like she passed out from all those sunflower seeds. so I've actually done this (sigh) One time I got a drink that I really didn't like. And I tried to spill it out of my window. Don't throw anything out of your window while you're driving, because that shit came all back into my car and all over the side of my car. It didn't help that it was blue either. That was a f****** nightmare to clean up. It's like the wind that goes... Bitch you thought. I ain't going nowhere baby. I'm coming right back. Ever asked yourself, "Why me?" because life hates you, that's why. Yeah man, all the time. But not this bad. What the hell? How does this even happen? It's like the perfect time for it to go right into your luggage, and f*** your luggage. What? I mean, it's a stick that went through a hole. How would you slide that right out? You'd have to like pull that and like push it at the same time and then... That what she said. Couldn't figure out why the snooze button wasn't working. Excuse me Sir, I don't think that's a snooze button. It is a lotion pump. Shut up! This ain't the worst thing in the world. Just take all that lotion, rub it all over them ashy elbows. I know your elbows need it. Started the day off poorly. Oh, that's not toothpaste. It's diaper rash relief. So how did it taste? Zinc Oxide, that's the shit in sunscreen. So imagine brushing your teeth with sunscreen. I don't know which is worse, this or bleach? So, I just tried to pour my milk into my cereal. Turns out my cereal was in a small strainer. Mornings are hard. Yes, they are. That's why I don't do mornings. I go to sleep during the morning and then I wake up in the afternoon. And I completely skip the morning. On another note, I f****** hate spilling stuff on my stove. 'Cause it like just goes down and then drips. And it drips all over the oven and then it goes on the floor, and then it goes under the oven, in hard to clean spots. And then they'll never get cleaned. And then I'll get ants and bugs. And then I have to call an exterminator. And the next thing you know, my house is burning down. Moral of the story, don't spill milk. Well, that's the last time I eat spaghetti and drive. Oh no. I don't know which is worse, the damage on the outside, or the damage on the inside? There's literally spaghetti on the roof. That poor car. It's a beige leather interior too, man. That's the worst. You cannot clean that shit. I wanna ask why, but I already know the answer. Sometimes, you don't have time to eat your food, and you gotta like drive somewhere, be there quick. But you're like really fucking hungry. Like you're gonna pass out. You're this close to dying. You have to eat something. Oh my god. There's spaghetti. Everybody loves spaghetti. Everybody loves pasaghetti. This is my worst nightmare, because there are so many times where I want to eat in the car, but I know this will happen to me. I've actually been in an accident like this. Except, except I made a turn and my drink spilled. It fell. It spilled. It's spilling everywhere. And instead of controlling the car, I'm like, Oh no, my drink! I hit a median and then I panicked. And instead of the brake, I hit the gas. And I crashed into a lamp post. That's the worse day in my life. I was going to school. Today I found some wild corndogs growing in their natural habitat. This was real exciting for me as I have never picked fresh corn dogs before. But I have no idea how to tell when they are ripe, as they tasted horrible no matter how much mustard I put on them. Oh no no no no no no no no no. Honey, that ain't a damn corndog. What is this? A dickweed? Duckweed? Is that what they call it? Plus this poor person. This man's stupid enough to think this is a corn-dog. Yeah man, they just grow like that, like a fried pork hotdog just gonna grow on a tree, like it's vegan or something. Bitch, there is meat in a corn dog. It's not a vegan thing that grows on a vegan tree. I hate this person. I was hit by this as I walked under it. They call it the Pain Clinic for a reason. Don't f*** with the Pain Clinic, especially not the sign, because they'll f*** you up. Like... Wait, you ain't in here for pain? I'll show you pain. Thank you, come again. Got a sandwich stuck in the vending machine. Bought a drink to push the sandwich. Damn. This is where you start to get violent with it. Maybe... Give it a little shake. Maybe a punch, kick. This is the only time that vending machine abuse is acceptable, when not only one, but two things get stuck. I feel like that's all it needs. All it needs is a little shaking for its bacon. But damn, they got sandwiches in vending machines? What the hell? This is the worst. This cannot... Oh no. My sister thought Nair was shampoo. Nair is a hair removal thing. You rub that all over your legs, leave it on for a few minutes, wipe it off, BAM! All the hair is gone. And your legs are super irritated. But she thought it was shampoo. And she put it on her head. And now she Mr. Burns. She don't even look too mad about it. Like, this is a new look for me, I'll be alright. She ain't even cry. I'll be devastated. No. Bitch, what you doing? Tried to take a photo of my ice cream, got photobombed by a seagull. Not only did you get photo bombed, but this motherfucker took a, a bite, a beak full. Man, you can't just go in people's ice creams and just take a bite and fly away. But he did. He actually did. He got away with it too. He like, ha, stupid human. He got a pic out of it, but I got some rocky road. That moment when you get home, open the bag and realize you're a dumbass. So they went to staples, to get staples for their stapler. And then the box says staples but it's actually paper clips. Clickbait. Current financial status: Just used the last remaining hot dog bun from my birthday cake. This is so sad. Somebody could have had a hot dog with it, but you're gonna go ahead and make it your birthday cake. But did it taste good though? If you put frosting and sprinkles on bread, does it make it cake? Close enough, right? I have a research paper due in four hours. And the letter M on my keyboard is broken. Oh no. I know that feel. My laptop, oh I got a couple keys broken on that but I mean you can still press it, but it's just broken. This just flat-out doesn't work. So Colin Chambers over here, he started writing his paper without the letter M. Before I begin, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize sincerely for the grammatical error that you are about to see in this paper. The letter between L and N in the English alphabet just stopped working on my laptop, on my laptop's keyboard out of nowhere. I have no other device to write this paper. I a so sorry. I realize how unprofessional this is but I have no other choice. Therefore, unfortunately, whoever is unlucky enough to be assigned to grading this paper will just have to use their iagination, and put the letter where it belongs, in all the words without it. Thank you very uch for understanding. Have fun with that. I know it's a hassle but you could copy and paste the letter M from anything with the letter M on Google. I hate this so much. This guy was trying to eat his pizza with a little bit of pepper flakes on it, a little bit of pepper flakes. But he ended up getting the whole damn thing 'cause it all spilled. Someone trying to be funny probably unscrewed the whole thing, and just left it there. And so when you try to sprinkle some on, you gonna get the whole damn thing. Please enjoy your pepper flakes with your pizza. This guy, I don't know what happened. It looks like his pants, or his jacket, or something, is that his belt? His belt is in there too. Sometimes, subways get hungry. And they eat people's clothes. And it took this guy's belt and his jacket. Rest in peace, belt and jacket. I'll let go of you in a few minutes when my door opens. Until then, please suffer. Oh no, these guys drop their meat. Guys, I don't know what's happening but I can't stop coughing. And it just happened so suddenly. And I feel like I'm dying. Oh no, what did you do? This poor doggy, he got his big fat snout stuck in a water cooler thing. What are these called? Water containers? But then I don't know man. But this good boy, he's a stuck boy now. He's a water boy now. They took him to the vet like, Please, please make him a good boy again. Hey mom, I want to help with the groceries. Sure Billy, you could carry these eggs. That's why Billy fuck — Billy you had one job. There was literally only eggs in that bag. And Billy done f***** it up. Not one, not two, but all all the eggs, they broke. And he's trying to pick them up like they still good. Like, Yeah, mama, it's okay. Hold on. Can you still make me my favorite omelet? No. No. This guy over here, he got a bottle. Yeah man, we about to get lit. Take a pic of me for insta real quick. And as he's taking the pic, the bottle slides on out like, Peace. I ain't trying to go the party with you. I rather die. And the poor bottle suicided. Rest in peace. Oh no, poor guy. He was ready to see Avengers. Got his popcorn. Got his chips. His drink, his drink too. And he drops that shit on the ground. Yeah man, this will just ruin the movie for me. I'm just gonna go home and sleep. But anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I hope your day got a little bit better. And if it did, make sure you hit that like button in the face. And comment below, which one of these is the worst. And subscribe, join the Wolfpack. I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys. [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,435,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, worse, people, day, people having the worst day ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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