lucifer and chloe being best friends in s3

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[Music] cheers and we'll get the calf sounds comfortable please don't mess with it what does this do anyway stop shaking it you're gonna break it right now we need to figure out who kidnapped me kidnapped you okay i'll play who kidnapped you i don't know well what do they look like i don't know look i'm fairly certain that my father's behind it your father kidnapped you well no not him personally god never gets his own hands dirty does he uh-huh you don't believe me uh-huh sorry this is just a little far-fetched even for you right okay fine i'll take you to the scene of the crime come on come on it's just one person all day i never asked for anything i'm too low maintenance detective people assume work is your only desire yeah well it's not yeah what a jerk oh look there's so hot and bonnet someone got under your skin what did she do to you sorry fish caught my tongue [Applause] lucifer's always lucifer looks like someone could use a single malt cappuccino singapore latte lucifer can you come here yes so i'm gonna ask grace a follow-up why don't you take your new friend and escort her back to her trailer the trailer are you suggesting who are you and what have you done with the detective put this on her she looks cold can't pay that go home you're tired okay fine but only if i can borrow these but i promise i'll bring them back please don't it's now ella's working on cause of death well he obviously drowned in his fats of semen pudding lucifer sure i've heard it called that too it looks like they're having fun no stupid one since when do you like stupid fun hi okay we need a woman so i'll go but you detective socialize and flirt come on yeah but for the investigation i can sacrifice can't be that hard being frivolous and shallow i'll just channel my inner lucifer oh you want to become a female version of me okay i'll gladly train you chloe does lucifer i wouldn't exactly word it that way get ready to go full me detective ah footprints those are mine ah hey jerry i think i found some footprints what no those are mine amateurs how did we get stuck with i did some research and originally the show was much edgier about a guy dealing with his insecurities about his um i really don't want to tell you oh well now i need to know dealing with his insecurities about his um micro penis all right hold me closer tiny dollar so you're saying we're looking for a needle in a penis today see this is why i didn't want to tell you anyhow after it became a family show the micro penis got removed did anyone even notice okay okay just go to town get them all out of your system well i'd say that was rather impressive wouldn't you i exposed a fraud of a man and got us a lead it's like the whole world is pointing towards well me today yes lucifer very impressive uh now i know that you need to get close to mr dangerous doug libby but since you don't have a warrant you need to do so without blowing your cover am i right maybe well that's going to be quite difficult isn't it unless of course someone signed you up for the competition this might actually help yes i know but wait there's more now since you're going in undercover why not do it with a little panache nice try i'm not putting that on this is the longest you've ever gone without talking ever is something on your mind please i am not a shoe clearly i'm a top hat so come on hand it over you want it it's gonna cost you oh well name your price urchin oh i'm not talking fake money oh wow she slammed ya [Music] the paris shows were glorious yes worth the jet lag alone how was your weekend uh awesome great uh saturday i went camping with my daughter and uh sunday did a big costco run there's like 300 hot dogs in my freezer oh really that is so interesting oh dear look what you did to paul giancarlo dead from boredom now look you're going to this top meat mixer to hunt down the killer not to talk about your hunt for bulk food bargains okay sorry i'm not fancy schmancy enough for giancarlo okay let's get the terminology straight not fancy schmancy sophisticated oh whatever yeah they're shooting their ad campaign here on stage 69 should be just past the creepy flasher that's nice lucifer i know you're not listening to me creepy flasher stage 69 69 what where that detective what we don't want to damage that perfect skin of yours now do you huh so how should we get close to this dangerous dog you do nothing i'll handle this i don't mean to back seat dig but aren't you a bit far from the sundial i've got it thanks did you happen to follow the victim to a winery sure drink anything over there yes and there's max talking to isabel she is so not good enough for him really what did you just say um max and isabel two of our suspects oh he had motive no alibi and oh yeah he confessed under interrogation he's our guy well then he must be working for the cinnamon you're not gonna drag me into whatever new weird drama this is and could you please stop saying cinema oh look at these please don't juggle the evidence lucifer his uh penis is so small [Applause] it's a medical condition you monster crucified but can't stop won't stop this is much too fun detective no no keep going i want you to keep going you can't pay that nice win partner thank you very much i'm just surprised you let me into the factory first oh i figured it was your turn to get shot at ah lucifer hello detective well don't worry at least i don't have a gun at my bum ah good morning detective child the tech said to meet you here yeah i don't think it said to barge in like you own the place i got your text where have you been all week it's been a week yes and hey are you okay no fine fine rough night juice cleanse so what have we got booth booth yeah it's the fbi agent on burns the tv show what's all 12 seasons it's riveting stuff it's like watching a documentary of us actually you're clearly booed and bones obviously obviously why don't we do a little role play okay you be a randy single man i'll be i'll be the new you okay i've never once done that my point exactly meet lucinda come on gosh this is gonna be harder than i thought so romantic the california coastline isn't it yeah yeah it really is speaking of that beach day that you went on with pierce was it a date day um it was just a regular day oh are you free to spend your your spare time with whomever you choose i mean i'm not one for gorilla sized ham hands or stale alcohol breath or you know just a general blokes but i suppose there's no accounting for taste is there no no there's not no also i'm surprised that you'd date someone so on in years huh what are you talking about oh believe me pierce is uh well he's much older than he looks and we all know that dating older men has its downsides performance stamina you know the important bits okay who's first well i'd just hate to see you unsatisfied that's all lucifer i'm not discussing this with you okay okay besides pierce and i we're not even sleeping you know we're not we're not and never mind and it's none of your business so how far are we there uh nearly there okay right whatever he says to you just laugh hey there what's your name lucinda no no not like a demented witch on crack for the record detective i'd like you to note that i haven't once asked you about your evening with pierce i realize it's none of my business you're right it's not but miss lopez thinks you're boned her words not mine i uh simply thought you should know lucifer this is a ruthless drug lord with who knows how many armed thugs you can't just walk in there with your three-piece suit and say hello drug dealers i would never do that i'm young my ex-son oh don't worry everyone there's just a gun stashed inside the puppet right right yes what is going on here and how did you get that horse what host ah bye what maze needs is our help before she does any more damage this isn't about help this is about you being an overprotective mother but we need to go to canada now wait hold on hold on i can tell you're worried and that's actually really endearing but dan's there that's worse right now maize needs a different kind of help with some strong drugs in a lobotomy she needs us to trust her you're actually serious aren't you you're the one who said maze can handle herself and i think you're right she trusts us enough to ask for help we owe it to her to follow her leave oh boy unless this is about you being the overprotective mother oh low blow detective well beautiful oh it's what is it it's the bullet from when you shot me remember in the warehouse early in our partnership yeah i remember i thought since i never likely penetrate you i'd commemorate the one time you penetrated me so happy birthday [Music] you
Channel: nanite
Views: 859,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe decker, lucifer morningstar, lucifer and chloe, deckerstar, season 3
Id: azR4at4qbf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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