lucifer and chloe being afraid to lose each other

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look you said it yourself miss if i don't stop this now who knows what else you'll do who who he might take from me well then what do you need detective please just tell me what i can do to fix things there is one thing you can do but you're not gonna like it well tell me i need time and i need space i don't have time everything's going to be fine once we get to the hospital okay we can't go to the hospital what lucifer going to the hospital didn't help any of the other victims the only thing that's going to save my life is finding the antidote otherwise i'm all right all right very well [Music] [Applause] detective what are you doing i'm sorry i know i it sounded like everything was okay i just want to make sure you're all right are you all right you need to leave detective i know i make you vulnerable the detective hey i just saw her ride off with pierce she looked so happy that's what i want i suppose isn't it a happiness i just wish i knew that pierce's intentions were pure he's not really gonna leave us is he no remember when lucifer disappeared and he came back married i mean this is how he works through his issues i soon enough everything will be back to normal i'm sure yeah you're totally right he's gonna burn out and all these new ladies soon enough actually it's just the one lady what some party girl named eve wait what are you serious i mean if you're serious that's serious i'm not worried i am not worried at all there is no way she knows the real lucifer like i do no i just got carried away in a moment and you're still worried about decker i offered to find her i am a bounty hunter all you have to do is ask the detective is still processing my devil face the last thing she needs is a demon tracking her down you know as a king i'm starting to think it's not a question of when but if they come back hey it's me again voicemail 337 obnoxious right but um it's just that you you haven't been picking up or returning my calls so uh i'm on my way over so hide the strippers um yeah and i just hope you're okay [Music] this is madness then toss it as far as possible do you want it to toss an explosive that sounds safe if the cap goes off away from the charge it'll be harmless lieutenant i understand why your priority is to save your this young woman but i will not let you endanger the detective's life in the process he's not endangering my life i am choosing to be here and if you're not gonna help you should probably just leave well we both know i'm not gonna do that then be honest with me brother how deep does father's plan go is the detective's poisoning part of it poisoning i don't know what you're talking about you really don't know no then you you can't help her detective [Music] oh it's not chloe thank god you let me down lucifer i mean what good is a partner if i can't depend on you [Music] i don't need you anymore surely you don't mean that i do you can go both of you right i just wanted to say thank you again couldn't have done it without you nate without me you wouldn't have been in danger in the first place i wasn't afraid of you i was afraid of losing you that all this will take over you forget about this place and i let you forget about me uh so i was thinking this doesn't have to be our last case oh no no no this is for the best i think there's no sense in dragging it out one last case should be enough enough for what well for closure of course what does that mean to hurt anyone mom if you hurt her and if you and your brother just given me what i needed but we have to give it to her amen a deal we've run out of options please brother please she has chloe we need to dissolve our unholy alliance why the risk is too great i mean i don't mind putting myself in danger but the detective if she died would have been my fault lucifer detective thank you pep you're still here yes and i'm not going anywhere until i know you're okay oh fine we should go i know what you're doing our bomb scare made you realize just how dangerous this job is and that you and i could lose each other at any time so you're focusing on other people you're keeping your distance as a way of protecting yourself and you know what lucifer that's cool if you need to reverse oprah me just to feel less afraid then by all means knock yourself out i am not afraid what do you feel confusion disgust terror mostly terror i wonder if that's what she felt said left los angeles on a vacation that was a month ago but i've been telling myself she's simply processing what she learned but what if she's already made up her mind what if she's decided that i am evil incarnate and what is right what oh my god this is for you okay why wouldn't i be okay oh god whatever you do don't what are you thinking tackling somebody with a knife oh it's not me i was worried about detective what is going on with you in detective decker it's none of my business what i wouldn't screw that one up trying not to i i spent thousands of years in hell imagining our reunion getting my partner back getting getting you back and now i just thought it would go differently [Music] yeah me too i thought what we had was real chloe no i killed uriel because i had to to save you to save the detective and i need to save her now mum ma'am we need to leave [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh my god you're okay i'm okay came around ever so slowly when i needed it most you just hold me and then you'd i think i've made a horrible mistake [Music] i wanted to explain look i know that i've been acting insecure childish possessive well i was going to say strangely but never mind the truth is that perhaps i was slightly insecure about pierce moving in on our partnership oh lucifer that's not what's happening no i know because i've realized that there's room in your life for all sorts of relationships even if one of the mess with with him just please be careful mom i've got it now let the detective go lucifer put down the knife you can't protect your mother anymore i'm not protecting her it's you i'm trying to save now here it is mum i have the blade and the final piece you let the detective go and they are yours call it whatever you want i call it that's a great theory but right now that's all it is we have no proof so the killer could be anyone agreed this doesn't really feel like closure to me i mean there must be more to do witnesses saw a man matching marco's description attacking sid in front of his apartment circumstantial oh great decker you are pointing me through the ringer respect but i got to beat the striations on the shell casings found at the scene match marco's nine millimeter i made sure all the bases were covered for you boom we still have to pick him up yes until the suspect's in custody the case isn't truly closed is it way ahead of you go for crying out loud dan helped me with the record so he's on his way to marco's address as we speak with some unis nothing left for us to do now folks then get our potty on what are you guys thinking i feel like dancing i'm gonna go change lucifer we can still no detective i think this is best for me and and for everyone i just want to say great last case great partnership are you sure you're okay i'm more than okay i'm completely invulnerable even around you all of a sudden why now well who cares would you rather the bullet have killed me no of course not i'm just trying to make sense of all this you the mojo swap and now this but no i you're right gift horse no no detective no no no no no no no he's coming out let me escort you back to the station no i'm i'm okay you know i don't believe in fate and i don't believe in bad luck and i appreciate your concern but come what may i am leaving here alone very well but just buckle up detective please what are you doing i need to find it nice find what your self-respect that the angel figurine is here somewhere i i need to find it so that i can convince the detective that pierce isn't she thinks he is well i don't understand explain i figured it out haven't i pierce has been gaslighting me he's been tricking me to think that i've been doing good deeds in my sleep why would he do that because to keep me away from the detective so he can pursue her he must be back to thinking that she's the key to lifting his bloody curse i mean i tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen would she why wouldn't she listen because the detective always needs proof and what better proof than that trinket that he used to to deceive me listen i got a lead tomorrow in the arts district detective detective i am never going to help you with this investigation of yours oh i don't need your help anymore then why are you still here because this case matters to you therefore it matters to me we're partners detective [Music] next time you want to just start there next time so okay so anyhow i just um i want to make sure you're okay and um about this being your last case well i just wanted you to know that um i understand how you're feeling and now i understand how you feel as well detective and for what it's worth i think i've gotten my closure good for my next case try not to bring a trigger-happy murderer to one of my parties kills just told me partners oh you know me detective i go off and do something dramatic and then i realize i'm right where i'm supposed to be what's wrong nothing nothing uh i just do you think i could still mojo you well there's no need i promise to tell you everything i desire no major required well that's assuming you know what you want excuse me i'm just wondering if subconsciously you might be pushing me away because you say that you want this and you say that you want us but but do you where's this coming from well if mojo wise you're no longer letting me in if now you're invulnerable all the time doesn't that mean that you're no longer choosing to be vulnerable with me i know what's happened here michael got inside your head didn't he what did he say to you you know he taps into people's fears and yeah yes i guess a part of me is afraid of what um afraid that you don't feel the same way that i feel about you and the last thing i want to do is push you into saying something you don't want to but i know you can't lie so just tell me is that why you haven't set it back i haven't said walk back oh detective it's it's complicated right no i i mean detective i too of course i do wait no it's chloe
Channel: nanite
Views: 480,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe decker, lucifer morningstar, lucifer and chloe, deckerstar, season 5, season 4, season 3, season 2, season 1
Id: _ehrTVX2a_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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