chloe being in love with lucifer for 25 minutes straight

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just been thinking about things between you and lucifer yeah yeah i miss him i mean he pisses me off all the time and there are so many things about him that that i find hard to accept but i just have to believe i can find a way because i'd rather have him in my life than not i don't care much from my dad but you you clearly care about yours which is why you followed in his footsteps i suppose what i'm trying to say is i think he would be proud of you my apologies detective i didn't mean to hurt you no no then why are you crying [Music] yeah i get it i've been there but you have to tell her how you feel that sometimes she drives you crazy that she can be incredibly challenging and and headstrong and frustrating but also incredible and that despite everything you you just want to be with him you did the right thing lucifer it's never too late for that because at this point you either trust me or you don't detective i trust you if you think that i wouldn't forgive you for your mistakes or your flaws if you think that i don't know who you really are by now you're wrong he's desperate for love and affection deeply desperate i mean it also made me realize that i want to be the one who is there for him in every way i have tried to be honest with you but if i'm being honest with myself and i have held the real truth back from you and you of all people deserve to know that detective which is why i want to show you this here whatever it is that you want to show me or that you want to tell me it's okay i'm here for you look as long as you continue to wear actual pants to work then if you're happy i'm happy you know i'm not happy of course i want you to be happy but the way that you're happy it it makes me uncomfortable it it makes me feel sick to be honest and yes sometimes it makes me jealous so i hate the way you're happy and there it is [Music] i heard you saved me well much as i'd like to take all the credit this one was a a team effort you know this whole poisoning thing has just really put a pause on everything that's been going on with you and i so should we just pick up where we left off i think right now you just need to focus on feeling better detective would you have someone bring trixie in yes yes of course and we'll talk we'll talk later yeah [Music] no more metaphors no more devil talk i've told you before you may think that that's what you are but i don't see you that way lately i'm not sure i do either hey are you married 17 years he's my everything hopefully your guy is too i don't know why you're here and i don't care but i do know that i am glad because you made me realize that all my fears that lucifer had changed were just that they were fears what lucifer and i have is special it's real and it doesn't matter how many lies you tell me i will never lose faith in me and him you two are perfect for each other yeah i mean it could be torture working side by side with somebody that your feelings for especially if you have to deny those feelings squash them you know it can be unbearable so i understand tomorrow you'll become god and then you'll know how everything works right no i think it's very sweet that you want to spend with me your last night of wonder right lucifer is the best partner i have ever had and i can only hope that he can count on me as much as i count on him your honor we request the jury be instructed to disregard detective decker's entire testimony and then a deal have a little faith in your brother he'll get there he always does right lucifer hey huh do you remember when i said that it might be useful to draw a parallel between your emotions and the case yes so turns out our killer was an overbearing girlfriend trying to change her boyfriend because he couldn't deal with his family issues so you know no parallel whatsoever i think i was wrong apparently so [Music] lucifer i i'm so sorry you know i i i was supposed to give you space so that you could deal with your issues and well i didn't really help there today no no but then i i ended up using the case to rush you anyhow detective you have been nothing but wonderful i think we may simply be too far gone i may be too far gone i refuse to believe that lucifer i i have faith in you i i know that you'll work through this i i know you will there's something you need to know now there is something you need to know you were wrong about lucifer he is a good man one might say that he's even an angel you know lucifer this is serious and despite all your weirdness i i actually really like working with you so anyhow he left on my birthday and i wasn't expecting a big party or anything huge maybe a card you know lucifer is a non-traditional guy and he celebrates in non-traditional ways right like going to vegas with some radish lucifer cares for you i'm sure he's gonna come back with some crazy explanation that i'll probably never hear about that's fine it's fine i just hate that i sound jealous cause i'm not i'm not jealous i'm not i just um he's just my friend you know i know you're upset about lucifer aren't you well the truth is is um things between lucifer and me they are a little up in the air right now and uh i'm not sure if we will uh end up as partners or friends or something more but uh if he and i are gonna try and figure this out i have to tell him my real feelings and then what's gonna happen hey it's me again voicemail 337. obnoxious right but um it's just that you you haven't been picking up or returning my calls so uh i'm on my way over so hide the strippers um yeah and i just hope you're okay [Music] hey hi what did you say in there the truth it's what i always tell everyone i know and i love you for that but i think because of what you said to carol that you're his number one suspect now what of course i'm fine with it i wouldn't have it a human is just a bit surprising vessel well if you think someone else would make me happier then maybe hey lucifer you look uh cold detective i know i'm wearing gloves but it's actually another one it's best you stay covered up oh right always so thoughtful detective detective there seems to be a problem well i i couldn't sleep last night so i stayed up all night working and you know i drank a lot of caffeine like a lot is it because of pierce no no i i don't think any of this is really about pierce i think if i'm honest with myself all of this is about lucifer lucifer's the the reason that i said yes to pierson he's also the reason that i said no i don't buy it every time you say that you don't care or you're evil or you're the devil i know that's not who you really are i don't know a thing about who i am detective or what i've done just talk to me lucifer please just tell me what's going on i'm here for you okay i i just want to understand [Music] i decided something i'm quitting the lapd sorry sorry i thought i heard you say you were quitting the lapd i became a cop so that i could do good and and help people and as god you'll have the power to help well everyone so if i can help you become god then i'll be helping everyone as well are you sure i i mean how can i call you the detective if you're not actually a detective who's over you've been helping me do my job for the last five years now it's my turn to support you that's what partners do right i'll take that as he is [Music] lucifer i i mean i simply don't know what to say i'm i'm normally the one doing the favors and for a price friends help each other out right well let me at least buy your dinner tonight to celebrate i know this amazing steakhouse and the chef's an absolute artist in the kitchen i mean he's also a degenerate gambler who knows me a favor otherwise you'll just go home and eat one of those poisonous sandwiches you get from the vending machine at work come on detective friends help each other out she saved lux so you no longer desire any of that high school poppycock no well then i guess you won't be wanting this detective will you go to the prom with me [Music] i can't believe you did this [Music] but we will figure this out okay until then i think it's best to keep you distracted i can't go downstairs detective don't worry i got you covered [Music] a masquerade party clever detective you were right this is exactly what i needed thank you maybe you shouldn't quit what no i want to i want to be with you detective what are you doing i'm sorry i know i sh it sounded like everything was okay i just want to make sure you're all right are you all right detective i know i make you vulnerable no that's not it i don't want you to see me like this i know it scares you no that's that's what i was trying to tell you i'm not i'm not afraid of you anymore you're not you see this is what i'm talking about it's so sweet i'm gonna puke well then why have you been so worried worried about my face about all of it coming back i wasn't afraid of you i was afraid of losing you that all this will take over you forget about this place and i let you forget about me lucifer who is that it's um it's my dad your dad as in god yes yes and i know it's probably very overwhelming but please do not inflate his ego detective it's big enough as it is here we go again hi hi god i i'm chloe i'm guessing you already know that but here's something that maybe you don't know and respectfully sir you are a terrible father i am sure you had your hands full with creating the earth you know the sun the universe whatever but i know what it's like to be a working parent and my two cents again respectfully when it comes to lucifer you screwed up big time you know your kid acts up and you kick them out of the house and go radio silent for thousands of years that's just me respectfully in the uh address right off of venice boulevard near that dispensary that you love oh detective you know me so well yeah i really you look familiar have we met then you ask if i like to play cop and i say no i like to play in general detective except you're on the other side of the piano that's right yes that's what we said when we first met what are you doing i'm reminding us both of a life less complicated you know before that lieutenant shape nonsense so we can go back to normal for example i'm sure you remember this little diddy come on take the top line detective don't be shy whisper i'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that i told him i loved him right before he left and he didn't exactly say it back but he did say it was you chloe it was always you which is kind of a big deal because he used my name which is something he never does i thought you didn't lie i don't but i don't always tell the whole truth thank you you're welcome come on i'll drive you home somebody hope so well you crippled me worse [Music] father has got soul you ain't seen nothing yet oh yeah why not excuse me [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh hi hi but i've made up my mind i'm i'm not gonna help you i won't hurt lucifer like that i know that you think he's some evil monster but i know in my heart that you're wrong you okay he landed on my belly wound he has exactly the jealous blinding pain i needed to bring me round i'm sorry ah defensive you threw yourself onto me are you willing to sacrifice yourself to save me [Music] it's just really nice to have somebody in your corner you know i don't know he just makes me feel less powerless uh cocoons kakuza told me to give you this oh great the leads from the flower shops let's go follow up shall we i could really use your help off there how can i refuse you're the devil but you're also an angel and um you know words cannot express this enough but thank you thank you guys would you give me a moment and um don't go anywhere funny hey what he's not gonna need detective what are you doing here we still have a case we do marco's place was cleared out so he's still out there that must explain my lack of closure right uh wait there i'll go grab my jacket okay oh my god chloe she doesn't really speak english oh well that's not a problem my wonderful partner here speaks every language i'm so lucky you're here but fair warning she doesn't like cops oh well also not a problem my partner is not a cop nope he has many connections he can grant favors and obviously is very charming he's like my very own swiss army knife would you please go speak to the lady after a build up like that how can i refuse commercial 1971 i refereed really who won oh me of course i couldn't help myself oh my gosh i don't believe it look over there in the corner [Music] i need to keep them contained they must have a king no no no no see this this is this is what i meant lucifer when i you you can't leave me listen i'm so sorry that how i acted when i first saw your face i it was stupid and and please please don't go i i love you i love you please don't leave not say goodbye [Music] do you think that she would say yes if he were to propose oh my god are you kidding no matter what she pretends she doesn't want immediate yes yeah immediate yeah she's madly in love with him yeah yeah i mean chloe is just madly in love with whisper no doubt i love that chloe kind of is willing to give him a little wiggle room because he's just learning how to almost be a boyfriend oh yeah i mean she knows how to pick her battles i think she understands it took him a hot second to even be like i love you um so yeah she she's she's very patient i think that's one of chloe's best attributes patient and madly in love with lucifer and so yeah
Channel: nanite
Views: 175,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe decker, lucifer morningstar, lucifer and chloe, season 6, deckerstar, lucifer season 6, season 5, season 4, season 3, season 2, season 1
Id: 8SPzDFV9p_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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