Lucifer Reunion Special - Get Ready for Season 4 | Netflix

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I've been watching Lucifer again on Netflix in preparation for the new season. So many great episodes I forgot about and I am really glad to see the show continue on. You can really see the love and bond the actors have with each other and their love from their roles and the show as a whole.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/VagrantShadow 📅︎︎ May 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

for being 50, rachel harris is still fucking gorgeous

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tmp_acct9 📅︎︎ May 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

A good watch, some sound sync issues.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FluffyMoomin 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
-I'm so excited. -This is... Oh, my God, you guys. Gettin' the jitters! Fine, airplane mode. It's gonna be a long day, guys. Everybody, just settle in. -Set. Ready? -Cheers. Hi, I'm Rachael Harris, otherwise known as Dr. Linda Martin from the cast of <i>Lucifer.</i> And you are witnessing today the <i>9 Circles of Hell </i>reunion for our show <i>Lucifer.</i> <i>It's a circle of hell</i> Sorry. No, I feel like we should have all broke out into the song. We're going to introduce ourselves right now. And first, on my left, but your right, is... Hello. My name is Tom Ellis, and I play Lucifer. Nice to meet you, Rachael, for the first time. Nice to meet you, too, for the very first time. So charming. Oh, my... Oh, my God! I love everyone here. I can't relax. We're gonna try to get through this without completely... -Yeah, so... -Just your name. Yeah, just my name. My name is Aimee Garcia. Full name, Aimee Garcia... -and I play... -It's beautiful. I play Ella Lopez, aka nerd, on the show. -Nice. -Wow! I'm Kevin Michael Alejandro, -and I play-- -The Latinos are coming out! I play Detective Dan, the Douche. Could you hear me? Could you hear over her laughter? Oh, my God. -So sensy. -You're not a douche. Wow. We know who's protective over content on the show. So, this is... As if you need an introduction. -Who's that one? -So nice! Hey, guys. Lauren German, Chloe Decker. Hi. I'm Morris Chestnut, standing in for D.B. Woodside. -Oh, no, you didn't! -Yeah. -He's also my lover. -Yeah. -Yeah. True. -That's what they say. Hi, I'm Lesley-Ann Brandt, and I play Mazikeen, or Maze. So, I and the good people at our new... -Our new... -Home! Home, thank you. Our new home, Netflix... NETFLIX ...thought it would be fun for us to do the 9 circles of hell today to go through as a guide. So, we find out that we're canceled. Let's get into how we all felt about being in Limbo when we were all just waiting around. As a cast, we were like... -Somewhat numb. -..."When are they gonna tell?" -Tell everyone... -How long did you know before you broke the news? -Yeah. -I knew for a good 24 hours at least. You didn't tell us! I just... I couldn't speak to anybody. Yeah, I'm sure. -He was truly "gutted," as they say. -I was gutted. -"Gutted." -The Brits say he was "gutted." I was at a fan convention in Rome, and I'd come out of this amazing time of doing a Q&A, and meeting fans and just buzzing about the show, and people love the show, and they loved telling us how much they love the show. And then, I was literally in a minibus travelling back from the convention to go for dinner that night. And I was kind of... Making me feel a bit weird now. I was in shock because I didn't assume we were going to get picked up, but it felt... It was a show people really loved, and people were watching. So, it didn't feel like an obvious candidate for something that was gonna be canceled. And at that point, when we hear, "Your show's canceled," we don't expect, "There's a possibility for us to be saved." -So, I'm sure you're... -Exactly. -Right. -"Fuck, I just went through all this great experience with these amazing people, -and now it's done." -Yeah. You just don't think that people would do this. I mean-- I think it's a new phenomenon because social media is the reason we still live in this show and we still exist in this show. Whereas, four years ago, I don't think that would have happened. It was beautiful to see an actual interaction with people who love the show so much. But I also think we were all overwhelmed with the hashtag SaveLucifer campaign. -Yeah. -Yeah. Someone said it was, like, 8.5 million people around the world <i>that just became this global thing.</i> <i>-And someone did a map. -All over Brazil and London...</i> It was so cool to see people from all over the world, all different age brackets, all different genders, all different sexual orientations, all different tastes, all different socioeconomic statuses, coming together for one cause and literally voting with their phone, and making this global rally. Impact, yeah. -That's so cool. -Everyone I've met since then loves to say, "I tweeted for you. -I tweeted for the show." -Yeah. And I feel like, as a result, our fans feel like they've got part-ownership of the show, -like they bought shares in it. -They do. -In my opinion, they do. -They do. You do. There's a mutual feeling now. It's quite special. Moving on to our next circle of hell: Lust. -Lust. -Lust. Yeah. And talking about lust, I wanna say, the move from network TV to Netflix has opened up the door for us to some fun... new possibilities. Let's discuss. Did you say new or nude? -Both. -Good one! Nice. -I think that's great, Garcia. -We can start there. -Ten points, Garcia! -Nice. -We do-- -She was like, "No, really, new or nude? For real." -"For real." -We do, in an episode, visit a nudist colony. You're at a nudist colony with who? With this one. How did you feel about that? Just bum, all bare ass. It wasn't my first experience of the season, -to be "out," shall we say? -Yeah. -He's really out this season... -Old hat. ...but he's keeping it tight. Well, it was kind of... Yes. So, we get to have nudity. We get to have nudity. Full frontal. -Push the boundaries... -I'll tell you now, -we have an entire arc... -Full frontal. -Yeah. It just makes me feel better knowing that I could do it -on Netflix. -Yes. You're ready. -If you wanted. -Do we feel like there's been a change in the episodes now that we've gone to Netflix? Well, I think we have to be careful because, obviously... As we talked about, this huge reaction from our fans, -people loved the show as the show was. -As it is. So, whilst there's a temptation to do everything we weren't allowed to do, I think we have to find a happy medium. 'Cause one of the things about the show and why it works is it's a bit naughty, it's a bit cheeky, but it's not gratuitous. And... So, that's the fine line we have to tread, but that's to say... It just never gets old for me to hear him say "naughty." -"Naughty." -And "cheeky." "A bit cheeky." It doesn't work when you say "naughty" and "cheeky," like in American. It doesn't work. -It's so classy when you say it. -I don't-- -The show's "naughty." -The show isn't "naughty," it's "naughty." -I don't like it. -"Naughty." What are some relationships coming up this season? Fun, romantic relationships. I make out with a girl. Sweet. -A hot girl. -I make out with a girl as well. -That's right, you do. -You do make out with a girl. It's somebody that people aren't gonna expect. Yeah. -Yeah. -True. -Same. -They won't expect us, right? Let's compare notes later. And Tom has a giant... -New character this season. -...female come in. -When you said "giant..." -Giant wang. ...I didn't know where that was going. -Tom has a giant wang. -Tom has a giant... She's not giant, but her presence and character... Yes. a biblical sense, is very giant. We have a lovely actress called Inbar Lavi who's joined the cast this season, and she's playing Eve, <i>-who is, of course, Lucifer's first love. -Yeah.</i> -She makes a great addition to our team. -Yeah. She is delightful, and I mean that in all earnestness. Let's talk about the evil that is the craft service table as we talk about gluttony. What's the biggest thing you like to eat at the craft service table? -Mine... -Yeah. Mine is definitely the peanut butter cups. -Yeah. -I have to. -We talked about that. -I have to. -Remember on season-- -When I work out, all I crave is chocolate and peanut butter. Yeah. And I don't deprive myself of it. The little Snickers alongside those things. I think, "I'll just have one," -but then I go past it 20 times. -"But." Exactly. I do that, but before I do, I do maybe half of an eight-ball, so that way I don't eat a lot of it. I was just gonna say... Yes. I know. So I don't feel guilty about it. I was gonna say I just go for the tiny dark chocolates and I feel like it's my secret orgy of restraint. How do you stay in shape for your roles? -This is natural. You? -Yeah. -Germ's all natural. -Well, I go through two periods. I go through my hibernation period, as Lesley-Ann calls it, where I will eat and drink whatever the fuck I want. And then when I'm needing to get back in shape, -I start to live in the gym. -Yeah. -So, you're all or nothing. -Like these guys. All or nothing. We call it "off season" and "on season." -I like a lot of cardio. -Yeah. -A lot of weights. I like it all. -So do I. Ask me who my personal trainer is. -Who's your personal trainer? -You're looking at her. She couldn't wait! She was like, "I'm gonna sit on this--" -So excited! -"I'm gonna sit on this. -I cannot wait to say this." -She loved that joke so much. -Oh, my God. -I'll be honest. Okay, I'll be honest. The Internet is me. <i>So, I will look at their workouts.</i> <i>I might incorporate some muscle, arms,</i> <i>I look at Lesley-Ann, very good with the glutes.</i> Yeah. Very good with the glutes. -And you eat well. -And ballet. You're conscious of your eating. She eats chocolate everyday. -I know 'cause she stayed with me. -I have chocolate every day. -So do I, but it shows. -There's my gluttony. We're gonna move on to our next circle of hell. I love that I get excited about this. The next one is greed. So, as actors, we like to fight to be the center of attention. So without naming names, how do you handle greedy scene partners? At first, I thought she was really greedy 'cause she takes a... Thought Lauren was really greedy 'cause she takes a long time to deliver her lines. Then I realized she just didn't know them. I just didn't know what I was saying. I was like, "I get it. You're not being a diva taking moments." I didn't know what... At all. "You're a diva trying to remember what to say." I didn't know one word in the paragraph. For me, I insist on being on the left-hand side when we shoot. -Do you? -Do you? No, I don't. None of us have tics like that. No. None of us have a side. None of us have those crazy things I've dealt with before. Have you guys ever stolen anything from set? All the socks I own. -I know. -Yeah. -I have lots. -I do love the socks. -Maybe some earrings. -In Season 1... I don't know if I should say this. -Say it. We're in hell. -I'm going to. Don't put it on tape. Don't. -Don't put it on tape. -In Season 1, there was that little bobblehead that was made for-- -Did you take that? -I... Don't you still have one? It ended up in my house somehow from Vancouver. It's weird. That's so weird. It was a little bobblehead. It was gonna be used for a scene where Lucifer's supposed to be in my office, playing with a gun... -It was for Nathan Hope's episode... -Yeah. ...but it didn't come in in time. But they made it anyway, and it sat on my desk all of Season 1, and I was like, "This is probably the only bobblehead I'll ever have of myself." -And you took it. -I'm so sad. And I took it. Yeah. -I took my practice blades from Season 1. -Yeah? I mean, they were for me for home, but... -I've taken things like clothes. -No. Can you believe I've taken some of Dr. Linda's wardrobe? -But you asked, right? -Yeah, I asked. That's not stealing. I stole from Fox. You're welcome. "It's cool that I took that home, right?" And Warner Bros. -I might've stolen this jacket. -Which is fine. It's possible. It could've happened. -Or was it a gift? -It's possible. -Was it a gift? -Yeah. -That's a thing. -What about you, Lauren? Have you stolen anything? -Yeah, you've been real quiet. -No. You've never taken anything? I don't believe in stealing and taking things. Really? What about the Stuart Weitzman thigh-high boots? -And I look like this naturally. -Why are you in a flop sweat? -Why are you sweating... -I know, why am I so nervous? Literally this entire outfit is stolen. From the last four jobs. This is a better thing. If you could steal anything from set, what would it be? Lauren's camel-toe underwear. This actually happened. <i>-For practice, you guys. -It did happen.</i> <i>Straight face, camel-toe underwear,</i> <i>everyone's like, "What is happening..."</i> <i>Germ's like, "Yeah, what's up? I'm just here for scene practice."</i> <i>I went to rehearsal with some new underwear on.</i> <i>I didn't see the big deal.</i> <i>-Wearing it on the outside. -On the outside of sweatpants.</i> -Yeah. -Still doesn't make it better. -Doesn't make it better. -No. So, the next one is anger. -So-- -Why are we doing that now? I know. Tom has a hard time getting in touch with his anger. Yeah. There's a lot of pent-up rage, I feel, from Amenadiel. I don't think Amenadiel likes nicknames. Well, it has to be the right nickname. You're getting so defensive right now... Yeah, a little bit. Amenadick. -Wow. That was creative. -'Cause you look a little dickish. -I like "Amen." Someone said "Amen." -Yeah. "Amen." -"Amen." -Mine was "Amen" for you. "Amenorrhea"? That's horrible. -I had "Amenorrhea" in college. -That's something you can't cure. -That was your nickname. -Had to take an antibiotic. You guys... -We went there. I feel like... Not right. -Yeah. Has anybody had any meltdowns on set? Other than myself? -I love you! -I had... -I love you so much, Rachael. -I had -the mother of all meltdowns on set. -You really did? -Yeah. -When? I had a meltdown when... It was shortly before Henry was born. We were in Vancouver, and I lost my mind. I went full Christian Bale, and I had to apologize to everybody. -No! -Yeah. -She was really annoying. -She was restricted to the face. Straight in the face! "Stop it!" <i>When you get angry on set or you have a meltdown,</i> <i>all you can see in front of you is your own blind rage,</i> but you forget it affects the person you're in a scene with. But, yeah, that was my one meltdown. I don't know if anybody else has had a meltdown. But, I think, in speaking to that, because I was there through that, when I went through a similar situation with my son being born, and coming back to work six weeks, there was such empathy and understanding on Rachael's part for where my frustrations, you know... came from, or shortness with people, too, because you're just surviving at that point. -Yeah. -Sleep deprivation and all that. So, I think we're all in a safe space as friends and actors where people have days that are great and not great, but there's no judgment. -It really is like family. -Yeah. I think it's easy for us to be like, "That might've been a little much." Like, you know? We can all call each other out on our shit. -We do check each other. -Yeah. Tom is, like, the father of conflict. I'm kidding. -Yeah. -I hate conflict. -This diva! -I know you do. The only time I ever get upset on set is if people are talking -and we're just trying to do our work. -Yeah. Or if someone comes unprepared. -Remember that one... -Oh, God. If an actor doesn't know their lines. That person was a guest actor from many seasons ago. I think if an actor doesn't know their lines, it's disgusting. I agree. I agree. But, I just wanna say, along those lines, I do forget a line from time to time, and Tom always, always knows my lines. -This card is anger, right? -This is anger. Can I share what makes me very, very angry? -Yes. -Yes. -Please do. -When Kevin's there. -No. -It's mutual, though. And I don't... I don't like it. The next circle of hell is treachery. And one of the things that we're getting into is that we wanted to know if there's any pranks <i>that we can share on set, 'cause we do prank a lot.</i> <i>We prank a lot, but our pranks are so benign.</i> <i>Lauren did one on my birthday.</i> -She did one with my bike. -Remember? -In the bathroom? -I stole your bike. There was a guest actor on the show who... I'm quite a tolerant person, but they really wound me up. I found him quite annoying. His character had a lot of cardboard cutouts made of him for a part of their set dressing, basically. So, a couple of weeks after this guy is not around anymore, it's my birthday-- Also, he would come on set on a day he wasn't shooting. -Yeah. -All that. -A little eager. -Let's not give away who it was. So, that's good now. It was me. And basically, I open the trailer door on my birthday, and I walk in, I'm just like... Confronted by about 12 of these full-size cardboard cutouts of the most annoying person I've ever met. -And in the bathroom. -And Lauren's in there and I was like, "Really, really funny. Very funny, muffin!" Clear out all that... Clear them all out and laughing about it, and then finally get my shit together, and I go to have a piss, and I open the door, and it's like... There's three more in the tiny little bathroom! I put a giant one leaning on his toilet like this. Next circle of hell is blasphemy. According to One Million Moms, we're blaspheming every week. -The whole show is blasphemous. -That's our show. But we're really not blasphemous. What do you think is the biggest misinterpretation of our show? -That. -That it's blasphemous. -Yeah. -That it's blasphemous, yeah. That it's a story celebrating evil. -Yeah. -Yeah. Or the bad things in the world. I mean... I think what our show does is actually go, "Is it some guy in a handsome suit, who looks hot, that's making me do all the terrible things in the world, or is it shitty choices I'm making?" And that's why things... You know. -I think that's-- -Right. Responsibility. -And I think... -You're the guy in the suit. ...through characters like Chloe and Ella, we actually... -Spread love. -Yeah. And I think there's the notion of having the most irredeemable character, in history or fiction or whatever you want to call it, on a path to redemption. That's the good part of this. It's like we're saying that everyone's capable of redemption, but also, it helps if people take responsibility for their own actions. -Yup. -The hell we're in -is the hell that we put ourselves in. -Yes. I think that's something the show... -I love that notion. -...touches back on constantly. When we meet our fans and people talk about the show, they get a sense of love and kindness from the show, which is not what people would expect when they see what... You know. So, the next circle of hell is violence. Violence. I did look at Lesley-Ann with "violence." -Because... -Yes. Because you guys have a lot of violent fight scenes, and I want to know what it's like to prep for them. I want to know what a fight scene that isn't violent is like. I know. I know. You're right. I know. "We are fighting!" -My fights... -"Get out of here, you!" -My fights are not violent on the show. -Oh, my God. I love it when you punch. Remember, Lesley-Ann, my little... You always say that they're like -my little baby paws. -Oh, my God. -What were you saying? Like... -You remind me of Scrappy-Doo. -When we were in Season 3. -"Why, I oughta..." When we were on the bus... The bachelorette party. -Your ad-libs made me laugh. -We couldn't get through it. Nobody takes me seriously fighting. What were you saying? You were like... -"Try me." -"...tiny hands." You're like, "They look like tiny hands." -"Put 'em up!" -I know. She was like, "You just try me. Get in here. Just try it." -I mean... -And Lesley-Ann's like... Lesley-Ann had to step in. She was like, "Rach, I gotta make you look good. This is not good." This is like the Notre Dame... The Fighting Irish. Yeah. Yeah. If we get a Season 5... -I'm gonna put my hand out right now. -"When." -When we get a Season 5, Netflix... -If? When. -...I want... -More fights. -Like <i>300</i> blood splatter... -You want more fight scenes. ...on the lens. So, having said that, who do you think is most likely to get into a real bar fight? <i>Me.</i> <i>-In real life? -In real life.</i> <i>-Yeah, Lesley-Ann. -Lesley-Ann.</i> -Yeah. -I could see Garcia getting in there though, sticking up for people -'cause she's very-- -No, no. -I could! -Not in a fight, but I could see-- -She'd be diplomatic. -"Let's talk about this." Not a bar fight. -I feel like you would talk people down. -Yeah. -Violence is not the answer. -With your love and sunshine. I just don't want to fight them. Like, "You know what? We'll stop." They get bored after a while. "Are you done?" I'm actually gonna take that back. -I think it's Kevin. -I think Kevin. -I think it's Kevin. -I was gonna say -I think it's Kevin. -Kevin's like my husband. They're old school. They're brawlers from way back, and they'll sit quietly... -See these tats? -...and they'll make sure -that the situation is cool. -That means I'm a fighter. My instinct will come out of protecting my friends and my son, or it'll be like, "Don't!" You know? -But I think Kevin... -Kevin. -...will fucking cut a bitch. -Don't mess with him. He was just sitting back there like, "I won't say I'll get into the bar fight, -but I'm gonna cut you." -I have to agree. You threaten to kick my ass all the time. -All the time. -All the time. But she's not having it. She's never once said, -"Okay, then do it." -Yeah. I'm waiting for that moment, though. He's like the cobra. -Just waiting... -Yeah. Fraud. This is actually a big thing that I like. -Fraud? -No, I mean I like... I love fraud. Well, we know Rachael. No, I should say that I like this topic so much because I think you guys are gonna love this, too. -Have you guys ever lied to get a part? -Yeah. Even a part on this show or for any? -The first job that I got. -Your first job, yes. It was <i>Nicholas Nickleby.</i> -And my part of John Browdie... -Of course it was. ...had to ride a horse. I've never ridden a horse before. I've ridden a donkey on Weston-super-Mare beach. I almost hit that into the wall. So... I would've paid money to see that. Why am I picturing Donkey from <i>Shrek?</i> So, basically, I go to the seco<i>nd aud</i>ition, it's the first callback I've ever had. -Oh, my God. -No. And it's going really well, and the director's... And I realize I'm the only person there auditioning for my part, -I'm like, "I might get this." -"I got this in the bag!" And then the director's being really nice, talking to someone, and goes, "You can ride, can't you?" And I was like, "Yes!" That kind of thing. And then I got the job. So, I basically went on, literally, a crash course of horse riding for a week <i>in Glasgow, where I lived at the time.</i> <i>At least you did that and didn't just show up.</i> <i>I get there on the date, but I do a week of training,</i> and they're going, "Don't worry, the horses on TV and film sets are well-trained. They're used to everything. You won't do a thing. Just sit on it and look pretty." I get there, on the cheap, they've hired a hunting horse from the local farm -in Yorkshire. -No, no, no. It's never been on a film or TV set. He's called George and he's 19 hands. And the sound guy goes to me, "He looks a bit nervous. I'll test out the boom mic." He starts going like this and the horse goes... With the owner on him, and the owner's like this. Doing all this. And I'm just there going, "Fuck. -Shit." -Oh, no. "What have I done?" Did you get your cold clammy hands? -I got everything. -Oh, my God. Eventually, we get to shooting it, and the horse, because he's not used to it, is also not used to the tedium of film and TV. -Over and over. -Eventually, I had to walk onto this mark, and then we did the scene. So, there's a few takes like that where I'm trying to get it still. And eventually, it just was there. At the end of the scene, I'm meant to ride off and it just wouldn't move. Eventually, we're like, "We're just gonna have to pan the camera off." That's good. -That's nothing. -Oh, my God. I once lied and said I could do gymnastics easily. And I went to the audition and they were like, "You have to get on the trampoline." This is for a commercial. And then I have to get on the trampoline. And I remember walking in and seeing these people doing it, and I just turned around and snuck out. I was like, "Yeah, no. I'm sick. I can't do this." -Well, thanks for having us over, Rach. -Yeah. -I love your place. -Love your living room. I love the reds... -Lots of books. -Color palette. Thanks, you guys. Thanks so much. And I think, also, we have to give a huge thank you to everyone at Netflix. -Yeah, we do. -Yeah! -For picking up our show. -Thank you, Netflix. -Thank you, Netflix. -Thank you. We won't disappoint you. We won't, and also, a huge, huge thank you to everyone that's a part of our show. -Our crew and all of the writers. -Yes. But I think the biggest thank you goes to all of our fans... Yes. -...that so passionately... Yeah. -Who have kept us trending on Netflix. Really? -Yeah. -Yeah. They keep us trending, and we're so passionate about our fans because it makes us show up to work very happy, and really grateful for everything. So, from me and the cast... -Thank you! -Thank you to our fans! -...thank you so much. -Thank you. Thank you. And we'll see you in 2022.
Channel: Netflix
Views: 5,731,657
Rating: 4.9791908 out of 5
Keywords: Lucifer, Lucifer Netflix, Lucifer season 4, Lucifer new season, Tom Ellis, Tom Ellis Lucifer, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, D.B. Woodside, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Rachael Harris, Aimee Garcia, Inbar Lavi, Joe Henderson, Ildy Modrovich, Netflix Original, Netflix Original Series, Drama Series, devil, Eve, Adam and Eve, detective, Garden of Eden, Lucifer on Netflix, Netflix 2019, LCFR4MTDeb!, netflix lucifer 2019, lucifer s4, lucifer reunion, exclusive, lucifer exclusive
Id: mTtbg9poe_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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