Keto Viral PASTA NOODLE Battle 🍝 The BEST Low Carb Noodle Recipe?

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yo we're finally making those viral keto pasta noodles come on this video is sponsored by skillshare welcome to high falutin low carb the almost weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we are finally trying those viral keto pasta noodles that everybody's talking about stay tuned alright guys unless you've been under a keto rock somewhere you have certainly seen the hubbub about these new viral keto noodles egg noodles pasta looks just like real spaghetti these were created um using a gas molecular gastronomy technique um by a lady over at keto asian flavors the youtube channel and this busted out i mean this is the new fat head dough this is the new hot thing and everybody's doing it and in fact it has gotten so popular that it took me two weeks to get just the ingredients ordered uh they're back ordered from amazon and some other places so just know that you might have to wait a little bit to get the ingredients unless they've restocked but is it worth it are these worth trying we're gonna find out and we're gonna try three different versions we're gonna try uh keto asian flavors original recipe uh her second recipe that uses whole eggs instead of egg yolk powder and then our buddy steve over at serious keto he created a version using canned chicken so we're going to try all those now so just stay tuned okay so let's get started on our first recipe again i'm going to put the link down here it'll also be a video link in the video description for this video as well as all the others we're gonna test this is the original recipe using egg yolk powder and it is just 100 powdered egg yolk this is what took me so long to get actually uh had been back ordered and unfortunately was sent to another part of the country anyway long story short it requires three other ingredients that sound probably scary if you're not used to working with molecular gastronomy uh xanthan gum we know what that is we use it in baked goods to sort of hold things together thicken sauces i'm curious about how this is effect gonna affect the taste and texture of the noodle and the other two things that i have never worked with are sodium alginate and calcium lactate and the presence of these two things together we're going to create a water bath and squeeze these noodles out of a little you know condiment ramekin container in this water bath and create this it looks and feels at least on video like real pasta spaghetti or ramen so we're going to try that now i bought a small packages of these and it's kind of pricey the first time you do this because you have to buy all these weird little things but i can see where if you were going to make this regularly instead of getting the small container by the larger bulk containers i'll leave links to all this down below so you can check it out if you so are inclined now um everybody does this in their blender and they have a different kind of blender than i do i love my ninja but i can't run my blender without the top on it it's just a safety precaution so i have to have the top so you won't be able to see as much blender action goodness in the video as as perhaps they did but i'm going to mention some of the ingredients here this is three cups of water and we're just going to blend all of these ingredients together but the blender needs to be running while that happens so the first thing we're going to do is the egg yolk powder and i'm going to go ahead and put that in if you want to know exactly how much again go to her link down below watch the video it's very detailed it doesn't look difficult and in fact it's going to happen pretty quickly it's just it needs to be done in a specific way so i'm going to hopefully be able to talk over this loud blender and i'm going to blend this start on low now and get this combined okay so we've got our initial egg yolk and water going and so i i'm gonna have to use this little pour spout here and i've just made a little cheap uh funnel to hopefully get my other ingredients in and i'm gonna have to do this while it's running so uh the first of those is a lupine flower this is a couple of tablespoons of bloopen flour she said it's optional but she did use it so i'm going to uh then we're going to add the sodium alginate and then lastly is a little bit of sea salt and xanthan gum and we're going to just let this run for three four two or three minutes to get it all combined and i'm gonna do that now so you probably won't be able to hear me i'll speed it up [Music] okay so this really got nice and thick and you can see it's kind of gelatinous and now from here we go this has got to sit for half an hour see there's not a lot of active work in this boy that is thick there's not a lot of active work in this or even any cooking uh these all the ingredients are pre-cooked i mean you know egg yolk powder doesn't need to be cooked uh but it just takes a little waiting time because these need to sit up so we've created a bunch of air right in this and we need to get the bubbles out of this so to do so get out of there um get out of the way there's really no smell at all um so let's get this out of here we're going to pour it in a bowl and then this is going to sit for a half an hour and all the bubbles will rise to the top so that we can skim them off and then we will start with the second the second step of this which is our water bath and extruding the noodles out of our condiment dispenser so but what i'm going to do is while this is setting up we know this is the first recipe with the egg yolk powder get out of there um wow it's weird it's almost like pudding interesting i am very interested in this okay so we're gonna just let put this on the counter actually i think she says put it in the refrigerator so i'm gonna put it in the refrigerator and we're gonna come back to this in 30 minutes but i'm going to her second recipe which uses the uh whole eggs instead of egg yolk powder i just want to see if it's close to the original and if you can get away with not having to order the egg yolk powder so i'm gonna clean up wash up get started and we'll be right here for the second recipe see you in just a bit all right so we're back for our second version of this this is also from keto asian flavors and this is her updated recipe i'll leave a link to this video as well same exact recipe but there's no lupine flour and instead of the egg yolk powder we're going to use boiled eggs and so it's two whole boiled eggs and one egg yolk so again we've got our three cups of filtered water in our blender i'm gonna go ahead and throw in the eggs and then we're gonna get this started and then i'm gonna add in the same other ingredients it's sodium alginate xanthan gum and salt so literally one two three four ingredients for this is all it takes so i'm gonna do that now you'll be able to see it while i speed it up and then it's gonna blend for about three minutes and i'm going to pour it off just like we did our other one refrigerate it and let the bubbles rise to the top okay [Music] okay just worth mentioning it's not a concern but it is worth mentioning this uh the other recipe had no discernible odor really at all i couldn't smell eggs even though i'm using egg yolk powder this smells strongly strongly of boiled eggs like again i was not saying that's a bad thing because she even described a lot of people describe these as egg noodles so you know also both of her recipes optionally used turmeric to make them yellow more like traditional italian pasta you know i left that out just because i didn't want anything to interfere with the flavor the the color really wasn't of concern to me i really am more more interested in finding out what this texture is about and whether it carries a sauce and whether it's any better than shirataki noodles and all those other options okay so again this is going to go in the fridge for about a half hour let the bubbles get off the top rise to the top so we can skim those off i'm going to get cleaned up again we're gonna go for recipe number three this time it's uh with the canned chicken from serious keto all right i'll meet you right back here all right guys so we're back for our third and final version of this recipe technique um again this is from steve over at sirius keto and he uses canned chicken i guess the combination of these components with a protein creates the the final result here is what i'm kind of guessing so again we've got our three cups of water filtered and this is a canned chicken breast a five ounce can of chicken breast that has been uh that has been drained so in that goes and we're just gonna like we did our others get this uh combined into a liquid a liquid chicken situation and um i'm gonna tell you now um he uses about half of the sodium alginate that um for keto asian flavors does and so i have opened this i bought the small pack just to see if i wanted to try this and make it work i'll have made three batches and um that's it there's about a teaspoon of this left so if you're going to make this frequently as most people who have made it said they're loving it and are going to keep making it maybe a swing for them for the big container of that so we're going to liquify our chicken about 20 seconds and then i'm going to slowly add in our other ingredients it's just the xanthan gum a little bit of xanthan gum and our sodium alginate also i'm going to add a little half teaspoon of salt because uh the only chicken breast that i liked the macros for and the ingredients of it was no salt added so i just want to give it a little bit of flavor but anyway we're going to do that now i'll speed all this up and you'll see it happen as it goes [Music] all right um this decidedly has a very different odor than the others obviously with the the chicken involved here and it's a little bit pink instead of the eggy the eggy yellow and boy it is an unusual consistency this is a little thinner than the other i guess because we used half of the sodium alginate in this versus our other recipes so again you know the drill pour it off put it in the fridge and let it rest so that we can get bubbles off the top so i'm super interested in this this is one of the more interesting things i've done here on the channel and um these are new techniques and ingredients for me and i've never done any of this before so we're learning together uh let's just hope it tastes good so all right get out of the way all right uh so i'm gonna again put this in the fridge we're gonna let all these rest for a half hour and we'll come back and uh we'll spoon it off and we'll start from there because then the fun starts all right the fun parts next see you in just a bit now before we begin i need to give a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for design photography web development freelancing and tons of other things it's for creative and curious people like you and me you're sitting here watching an instructional video and as you imagine this is what i do with my life so you can imagine i'm a lifelong learner i like watching educational content and instructional content and when i first started learning about skillshare i thought it was mainly about digital pursuits like photography and web development all of that but there's so much more there's fine arts there's crafting in fact right now i'm taking an indoor gardening class by i think it's ekta chaudry um about house plants and how to grow vegetables and herbs and and house plants in any setting and i've learned that yes i am an over waterer which i kind of knew but also i'm not amending my soil the way that i should based on the plant that i'm planting but anyway there's so much there to offer now right now skillshare is offering my subscribers a very special deal the first 1000 of you that clicked the link down below we'll get a full free month to try out skillshare and see if you like it before you continue on with your um premium membership so right now like i said it's a limited time only use the link in the video description below for a full free month all their classes are like 60 minutes or shorter uh they fit in any kind of schedule and they all have a combination of a video lesson and a class project and you can get feedback on all of that stuff from a community of millions of people be sure to use the link down below for a free month thank you so much skill fair share for sponsoring this video it's sponsorships like yours that keep channels like mine on the air and for that i'm truly appreciative all right guys so we're back and it's time to do our scraping to get the bubbles off as you can see there's quite a bit of bubbles on top and this is a thick thick gelatinous pudding like mixture so let me get a paper towel hold on so let's just come in here and just gently scrape off the top of this apparently with these bubbles cause separation in the noodle so you don't want that you want a continuous strand of of your noodle mixture as you're putting it in the the water bath and you'll see what i mean here in a moment if you haven't watched again if you haven't watched keto asian flavors video please please please do that it's uh it explains a lot of this and then steve does a fantastic job of discussing the molecular gastronomy science behind this so the hard part is i've got this little bottle this has got to go in here and this is too thick to go through a funnel i don't i don't think i can push it through there it just would sit in there like pudding so i'm gonna painstakingly do it by hand i guess oh i got an idea [Music] okay so that worked all right so that's what i'm going to do here i'm going to clean up all three of these but all the recipes look basically the same and we'll get them in there in their respective little condiment uh dispensers and then we're gonna go to the bath so uh not the bathtub the calcium citrate calcium lactate bath all right i'll meet you right back here all right guys we're back and this is the fun part or at least it's supposed to be the fun part unless i've screwed it all up which is possible as you know on this channel i just wanted you to see the three different mixtures this is our first one uh have a little bit of leftover these make four servings these recipes for servings of pasta this is the first one with the egg yolk powder this one over here is the second one with made with just whole eggs and then this is steve's serious keto with the canned chicken so not very attractive but i'm very excited about what seems to happen next so let me get this out of the way and this is our first recipe uh this is seven cups of water just any just room temperature water i guess temperature doesn't really matter and then this is our calcium lactate and this is about a tablespoon of that and so this is our water bath this builds the noodles this is what uh creates the reaction that allows us spherification to to occur but we want to make sure that this is completely 100 dissolved before we start all right kids so this is our dexterity test i guess you could say i'm going to move these out of the way we'll test those in a minute and this is our ramekin food i don't know why i say ramekin condiment dispenser and um while stirring create a vortex and then you're going to start squeezing in uh wow and then give it a break every few seconds so you don't create in one gigantically long noodle wow oops you got to keep going the same direction of your stir yo that is wild now it's going to be real soft to begin with apparently and then what we'll do is um it has to sit in the calcium bath for an hour to firm up to be pasta but i mean as you can see there's a lot of little fiddly things but there's not a whole lot of ingredients they're just kind of unusual to us in the normal kitchen but these are products that the world's greatest chefs have been using for a long time long time wow so it just takes a little patience i honestly think i could cut my you know what i'm going to do that i'm going to widen the hole on the end of this because that pasta is a little thin for me that's like angel hair instead of pisghetti okay that maybe gives me a little larger opening so i'm just gonna finish out this bottle here and then do the rest of these yeah that's a little better shape for me [Music] all right so that's about all from that one i i want to touch it i got to touch it uh just it's very soft very gelatinous so this is going to firm up it has to sit in the calcium bath at a minimum of an hour but he said it could stay in like you could just leave it in this indefinitely and store it in the refrigerator for like five days i think um but we're going to drain these out in an hour and then taste them so we can see how they compare to real pasta so i'm going to do the same thing if i can find some more large bowls i'm gonna do the same thing with both of the other recipes i'll speed it up so you can still see what i'm doing but because it is very cool i'm i'm i'm very excited about this so i'll meet you back here at the end of this and we'll test it all and uh and i'll give you my thoughts alright [Music] [Music] okay guys so here's all of ours ready to go this is the first one second recipe and the chicken recipe i forgot to mention and i'm so frustrated because steve showed a very nice tip of how to get the bubbles out of his mixture and that was to push it through a sieve a fine mesh sieve with a spatula and i failed to do that but the bubbles eventually rose to the top and we scraped them off but i'm just frustrated that i lost my only opportunity to say shift your chicken y'all sift y'all sipped your chicken i will never get the chance to say that on camera again i guess so dog on it sister chicken all right we're gonna let this sit for an hour we're gonna come back and we're gonna taste them and i'll let you know what i think see you back here in five four three two one one all right guys we're back it's been about an hour and a half maybe two hours now and all of our pastas have been sitting in their little calcium baths and i know which is which because if you remember correctly look at that if you remember correctly the first one i did this one the original uh keto asian flavors with the egg protein or the sorry the egg yolk powder um i had to cut the tip off of the end of the because it was just a little too thin we were making angel hair pasta and not spaghetti which is probably fine too i mean who's who can complain so impeccable clean hands we've got to take these out of their baths and rinse them and see what happens and just touching them this is cooked spaghetti this feels like cooked spaghetti floating in water i cannot honestly i i'm just i'm kind of just dumbfounded at how how all this looks so i'm gonna put this in a strainer see if you chicken yo i'm so mad i missed that uh and then i'm gonna rinse this under some cold water so let's do that now and i'm gonna do this just right off camera okay so here we go y'all this this looks like spaghetti what in tarnation there's no odor at all i don't smell anything it doesn't smell like eggs doesn't smell like salt doesn't even certainly doesn't smell like sheer talking noodles and fish and that weird packing liquid that is wild okay i'm gonna rinse all of these and then let's taste them okay hold on one second okay so we are drained and all of that so this is uh again our first recipe and you can see the little tiny little angel hair pastas i made with the original wilton uh condiment um uh look how long that is uh and then i switched it made a little bit thicker but that just shows that you can just change the shape of this to be whatever kind of pasta you want the question is what does it taste like does it taste like um this is the second one made out of whole eggs this is the third one steve's made out of chicken and the chicken does have a chickeny smell it's not bad it's not off-putting at all no smell at all no smell at all so this is my first time trying this and i don't know if i should do it like i'm not going to do it with the sauce because the sauce is yeah you can make anything taste good with the sauce is what does the pasta itself taste like so first one let's roll it up you can roll it up like pasta it y'all it's really even hold on [Laughter] this is why you should um that's why you should stop the squeeze every few seconds while you're doing it so you can but like let's see it gives it like that is resistance and snap like a fresh pasta no flavor at all doesn't feel squeaky and rubbery like shirataki al dente has some bite has some give your tooth hits it al dente means to the tooth feels like pasta feels like firm pasta no flavor at all perfect vehicle for ramen for butter and parmesan for olive oil and spices for a marinara sauce like i'm kind of in shock this felt like a lot of work to me while filming this but that was because i was making three different recipes if i just chose one of these and did it it wouldn't be messy or difficult this one was probably a little more expensive because the um egg delicious egg yolk powder can be pricey but i ain't mad at that at all i can't wait to put some sauce on that and be done with it okay so um none of this again has turmeric so we're just seeing the color of the eggs this is a whole egg with two whole eggs and how does the texture feel um i got my oh it's just the same it's just the same it there's give and snap there but it's fine if there were a sauce on that i would have no i you would be hard-pressed to be like i mean you would know it's you'd be like you didn't cook your pasta long enough but also i'm just gonna note that there is a softening step of putting well after you rinse it putting it in a little bit of lime lemon juice and um baking soda that obviously foams up like a volcano in elementary school right acid and base uh to soften this and make it a little more but she didn't show that in the video and no person i've ever seen do it in videos like four or five or six channels have already done this and tried it nobody softened it so maybe that's a key to softening it but that's not a problem for me at all right now as it is now here this smells like chicken uh if i were making some ramen though i would have all of this right but i mean i make lasagna out of chicken deli sliced chicken if you haven't seen it i'll put a link up to it up here um a lot of people do so this is the chicken one let's see how it feels hold on i just this is the most interesting thing i have ever done or seen in my own kitchen this one doesn't feel as tight doesn't taste like chicken very faint canned chicken odor and there's not a lot of ingredients of this but this is interesting okay okay here's what i'm going to tell you after filming these and making three full recipes i'm almost completely out of sodilium alginate and i'm almost halfway out of my calcium lactate and i will be reordering this is remarkably remarkably like real pasta um and apparently it keeps easily in the fridge you can just like take this out of its bath and just put this in like you know something an airtight container and then when it's already cooked you don't cook this so when you go to make a recipe you can just warm this up in the microwave or on the stove and make add some pasta sauce to it or you can um uh cook it in a broth if you're making ramen or any kind of asian soup that's noodle soup you could or just chicken noodle soup whatever put some chicken noodles in it and make y'all this is the most interesting thing i have discovered in a long time i'm excited about this i'm super excited about this so there you have it folks low-carb keto pasta all of these are about point two to point four grams of net carbs per serving uh that is insane and it doesn't have the weird texture and stink of uh shirataki noodles so i think that's a win in my book so guys i say it every time these videos are away from me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking into that camera as often as i can helps keep me honest so i appreciate that you have come along for the journey um if you are new here please be sure to hit the subscribe button down below if you're not new here or you just haven't been here in a while make sure you've hit the bell button down below so that you'll know as soon as i've released a new video i've been sick for the last few weeks and haven't put out as many videos and the algorithm and youtube is punishing me for all of that but if you guys would just hit the like button it'll let youtube know that they should share this video with other people who like similar content and lastly i need to thank my rock stars my patreon members you'll see their names scrolling here if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet it allows people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on youtube and give a dollar to a month just to keep the train on the tracks as it were but it keeps the highfalutin test kitchen in in working order and for that i am truly appreciative without this i couldn't have done it so thank you to all of them i love you guys i will see you very soon for another low carb video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 263,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto pasta, low carb pasta, keto noodles, low carb noodles, highfalutin low carb, keto asian flavours, serious keto keto asian flavours noodles, serious keto noodles, wes shoemaker, keto spaghetti, low carb spaghetti, keto pasta noodles, low carb pasta noodles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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