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[Music] [Music] because Jesus said sometimes it's the log or the plank in your eye that is not allowing you to see well the speck in your brother's eye and he said you should do with your own pressed so sometimes it will help a great deal if we accept our own part of the situation Matthew 18 verses 15 to 20 moreover if your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault between you and him alone if he hears you you have gained your brother but if you will not hear take with you one or two more that by the amount of two or three witnesses every word may be established and if he refuses to hear them tell it to the church but if you refuse this even to hear the church let him be to you like a hidden and a tax collector assuredly I say to you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven again I said to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask it will be done for them by My Father in heaven for where two or three are gathered together in my name I am there in the midst of them so be sharing today on the topic mending broken relationships mending broken relationships we are designed for relationships God said right from the scratch that it is not good for man to be alone and when they asked Jesus which is the greatest commandment he said love God and then love your neighbor as yourself he said on which to hang all the law and the prophets so the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament for them had to do with our relationship with God the other six had to do with our relationship with other people our relationships with other people so it's about relationships is inning it's about loving but in the process of doing that they are bound to be conflicts it's just normal why first you are not perfect also the people you are relating with are not perfect we start from our families and then move on to the people we meet in school the people we met at work the people in the neighborhood we can't do without relationships but in the process of cultivating and maintaining relationships there will be conflicts resolving conflicts is a major part of the Christian experience sometimes people come through family experiences where they are not taught how to resolve conflicts and when we leave conflicts to festa they develop into pains that we cannot control and that distort our lives so we want to look at the Bible and get some ideas about how to resolve conflicts as Christians now given the fact that love is primarily our nature and God expects us to love one another we should prioritize the restoration of broken relationships resolving conflicts is a major part of the Christian experience and when we truly love we should prioritize the restoration of broken fellowship and broken relationships we should not discard relationships like disposable cops they won't look once issues crop up and look the vibes and opposite evil images through the relationship away doesn't work like that for us as Christians in John chapter 13 verse 35 Jesus said by this all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another that's amazing that implies that the relationships between us as Christians form a major part of our witness to the world to the people who are not part of the church they can see God okay they can only see us but then it's it's the interactions between us it's the way we behave towards one another that Jesus said is the way they will know they will recognize that we are godly this is how people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another so we need to pay attention therefore to the quality of the relationships between us as Christians in Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 during the summon on the Mount Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God see blessed are the peacemakers please note he didn't say blessed and the peace lovers everybody loves peace but not everybody makes peace why making peace requires efforts making peace is hard work making peace is hard work and that's why it's not everybody that does it peacemaking is hard work so I have some little bit of advice little bit of advice [Music] whenever fellowship is broken or a relationship is broken we should do something about it and we should understand that God expects us to do something about the broken fellowship and relationship before we come to continue our relationship with him when our relationships with people are broken it affects our relationship with God remember jesus said if you bring your gift to the altar and you remember that your brother has something against you he said leave that gift at the altar go and make up with your brother then come back and offer your sacrifice that's important so a Christian must prioritize the restoration or the mending of relationships it should be matter of urgency keeping Mally's with another Christian for six months is not an achievement there is no point trying to break the world record or keeping malice and you know sometimes especially married were tempted to do that you know what is it I'm angry if she cooks food I would not eat it right so someone told me it was angry like that you know his wife did whatever and was so angry said he wasn't going to eat a food that night she prepared his dinner he left it on the table the following morning she prepared breakfast he left it on the table he had to get it across to her that was really angry then she taught herself wonderful so it's because I cooked the food right so she stopped then he got angry at wick he told me that he thought it was a joke no lunch no dinner no grape as the next day this is until gratefully being a Christian and the least we just asked him what are you doing what I trying to achieve it's not working you got angry I know it's in the food and it's not working change your approach okay change the style so we should walk towards peace making amen let me read Matthew 5:9 from the Amplified Bible Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 blessed and in brackets and join enviable happiness spiritually prosperous with life joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation regardless of their outward conditions the makers and maintenance of peace for they shall be called the sons of God it was the point in going about bata angry resentful I said when you are blessed you are enjoying and viewable happiness you are spiritually prosperous with life joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation amen pick it up quickly amen pick it up quickly if a prison you should prioritize the restoration of broken fellowship anyway I have some practical steps number one to restore fellowship or relationships number one pray pray pray for yourself pray for the other person pray always remember that dog has the horizontal dimension to your relationships there's a vertical dimension to it God is interested God is part of it pray pray for yourself pray for the other person prayer brings insights when you bring God in and he lets you into his perspective to this situation you will see this differently it helps secondly ask for wisdom has God for wisdom when you pray as you pray ask God for wisdom you'll be amazed what he will tell you to do to resolve the situation sometimes it will surprise you if I sometimes it will disappoint you but since Elias speaking you can't beat God's methods you can't beat it bit this way so learn to ask him what should I do if you feel like beating her ask him first Hey number two put yourself in the other person's position put yourself in the other person's position just for a short while justjust ask yourself okay let me try to see this thing from his perspective or from her perspective it gives you capacity for sympathy gives you capacity for empathy very important see wherever you have conflicts it's a sign it has become a matter of emotions and the emotions need to be resolved you need to be able to feel what the other person is feeling with that you can assuage the feelings and then both of you can deal with the logics of the situation but to resolve an issue it makes a world of difference I'll always share you know this story of a couple that had a heated argument in the morning Christian's I mean long-term Christians for da Matta heated argument and the husband angrily got into his car and headed for the office it was on the way to the office that he was ruling in his mind the conversation and light stroking he just got some lights so he got to the office picked the phone called his wife said honey with I'm sorry about the whole argument okay I just want to confirm something is this what you were trying to say she said yes that was what I was trying to say said what that was exactly what I was saying I'm serious the two of them meant the same thing they were saying it in different ways and they work or any you know where marriages are sometimes difficult to resolve you are dealing with two adults who know what they say you have to be smart sometimes to resolve those issues because a lot of the time both of them are right who told you there's only one right answer so for you to be able to make peace get on the same page put yourself in the other person's position thirdly to what Jesus said in Matthew 18 talk to the person take the initiative take the initiative this is very important go talk to the person if you have an issue with someone go talk to the person and Jesus is putting the responsibility on you if you know there's something between you and your brother I said you make the move go and meet your brother and talk it over this is a powerful powerful strategy from the Bible you know the challenge with those crystals a lot of the time we have issues because we don't do the word we know it we say it but we don't do it well I know it's hard to meet someone I've done it a few times it works it will give you peace if you give the other person the opportunity to explain and I've had to work up sometimes two people who are more powerful than myself or all that I myself I had that you said this about me and I love the resource in one instance I spoke to someone much you know is superior to myself as a minister but I had he said something about me and I walked up to him I waited three hours at his reception and this is that I have to see and eventually where we did I said sir I heard that you said so answer about me he said yes I said it I said why he said that was what I heard I said fine there's another side to the story that I would like to hear when I was done he said good now that I've had this I'm done I won't say anything about the issue anymore fine and with that we could cultivate a fantastic relationship and what I'm talking about is over 20 years see to today we have a beautiful relationship that was better than to be sulking around and to be grumbling and to be complaining to Engels and to demons we had four sons who said they were me if somebody said that somebody said that somebody said that's one super person said runs way above me oh that is a waste of time for a Christian Jesus said walk up to the person and discuss it amen and then jesus said if that doesn't walk is that take one or two people along with you and go discuss it if he doesn't walk is they reported to the church leadership take it to the church now if the church leadership can't resolve it someone is not willing to listen to the leadership of the church jesus said then consider the person they hidden and a tax collector or somebody who is not safe someone who doesn't know God now does that give you the license to be bitter against the person no it just simply means crash your expectations it's because somebody said he or she is a Christian that's why you had expectations about their behavior but if somebody is not a Christian what expectations you you have no right if you get surprised that is innocent you are surprised okay so kasha expectations that's what it means then there's no point being offended anymore yes anything the person does you have the capacity to take it what else should you expect good and then so gold go discuss it confront it and it's not easy to confront what is better to do it some other time I've confronted someone on the person who will save me I never said that kind of a thing and I said that's fine that's fine I want to be a Christian that's why I came to ask you since you say you didn't say that resolves it that's fine for me if it's true fine if it's not true the person who'll resolve is conscience with God but as far as I am the person are concerned the issue is dissolved I can walk around in peace but this or this next point is important accept your part of the conflict accept your part of the conflicts because Jesus said sometimes it's the log or the plank in your eye that is not allowing you to see well the speck in your brother's eye and he said you should deal with your own first so sometimes it will help a great deal if we accept our own part of the situation and then next please separate the person from the issue separate the person from the issue when you do that it helps you to reconcile even if the issue is not resolved yet you separate the person's from the issue and many people find out very difficult around here they tie their esteem or their ego to their idea which is just an opinion everybody has a right to think I'm all right God give you a mind you can think what you like with it and for God's sake sometimes there are many sides to the same situation many sides to the same story it's just in go you know if you insist it's only a way that is right that's foolishness okay it's not only your own way that is right okay it's only mathematics that one plus one is to end in life especially in relationships one plus one come before a five depending on who is doing the addition okay and what somebody believes is what the person believes so what I'm saying is let's say for example your best color the color you like is red the color I like is blue we don't have to come to the point where we both agree the red is the best color or blue is the best color before there can be peace right we can separate these your colors and love each other is it not colas and they give each one the rights to love what they love or to like what they like happens in marriage a lot like there's a couple the hug they just got married under way again over the color of bedsheet to buy so I wanted pink the other one wanted blue okay one wanted plain all the other I wanted flowery designs and they were argue whether were to buy The Bachelor that doesn't need argument by the truth by the tree so put one first so if the other part is that you'll be able to be a it knowing that your time will come right and just in case you so detest the color that is on the bed sleep on the floor on the couch but we don't have to create World War three over that so we can separate the issue from the person love the person while we are trying to resolve the issue amen Romans 12:18 Paul the Apostle said as much as it depends on you live peaceably with all men so a Christian therefore can't be the one that is creating quarrels cousin Cora's creating conflicts tearing off strife that's not Christian Lee a Christian has to walk towards peacefulness Amen I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that God makes today a day of restoration a restoration of broken fellowship I pray God gives us capacity by the help of the Holy Spirit to overlook each other's mistakes and to forgive I pray therefore for restoration of broken fellowships restoration of broken relationships and then whatever else may have been lost with them with prophesied restoration today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ as the relationships and fellowships are restored i prophesy in the name of jesus lost opportunities restored lost time is restored lost favor is restored lost promotion restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ thank you lord [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 7,741
Rating: 4.8214288 out of 5
Id: demV4yknrIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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