Multiple Streams of Income Webinar w/ Sam Adeyemi

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hello and welcome everyone yes it's a good afternoon good evening good morning perhaps wherever you may be around the world i want to welcome you very specially to this success power premium coaching event wow this promises to be an exciting time together yes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we are a community that is supporting one another you know to leverage principles the principles that make success possible and predictable in times like this in these times of uncertainty let me say a very special welcome to our friends on instagram thank you for joining also this is a success power coaching program we're live right now on webinarjam um and i just wanted to invite you in just in case you know you did not um you weren't able to register maybe for some reason oh from your journey not from zambia that's amazing thank you okay so just in case um you are unable to register to be on our main platform i want to invite you to join us on youtube okay because i'm going to close this down about 10 minutes okay i'm going to close down instagram in about 10 minutes so i want to invite you to join us on youtube if you got an email you were able to register you got an email then just go click on the link in your email right away the room is filling up really fast but you can still join us on webinarjam okay oh thank you bonsoir from paris wow wow wow okay so oh good victor you said you weren't able to register so you can just switch to instagram right now summary me tv that's our account summer dma tv all right so welcome everybody delay from saudi arabia wow that's amazing thank you from all over nigeria that's amazing daniel from germany thank you blessing from italy kazeem from new york i'm always just so excited michael from cote d'ivoire we call her from california oh pastor victor from germany thank you for joining us and people from all over nigeria so i'm always excited yes everyone from south africa this is always a global event and i am just so excited right now oh yes people are rushing in okay so if you're joining us on instagram i want to ask you to please switch over to youtube i'm assuming thank you morel from south africa this is uh shitu from glasgow amazing nina motor from nairobi kenya amazing okay oh mc boru from australia this is amazing okay so this is this this is the point our major platform for running this program it's it's the success coaching program okay and our major platform for hosting this is webinar jam okay but you need to have registered to be able to join us and we've been a jam if you're registered then we sent you an email confirmation and you just need to click on it and join us in the room we usually have more people that we can take webinar jam takes 5000 we get a whole lot more than that so today we're adding youtube okay we're adding youtube some other me tv so i'm gonna shut down instagram um in some minutes i want to ask you to please switch over to youtube join us there because it's an uninteractive event okay so that's why we're limiting the platforms we actually engage here thank you richmond from ghana oh wow oh wow wow thank you thank you thank you everybody for joining us so uh i'm gonna we're diving straight in okay we're diving straight in and i'm gonna share my slide with you yes i'm gonna share my slide with you and then we'll run through the slides together wow this is our discussion on multiple streams of income and we sure need to have this discussion at this time oh thank you thank you everybody from wow from all over all over the world okay so yes there you go i want to find the slide that's it so i hope you're seeing what i'm seeing this is our master class on how i developed multiple streams of income that make six figures per year even with limited to no resources alright so as we go straight into this i want to say a big thank you to everyone who joined us on instagram i i just wanted you guys to know something is happening just in case you were unable to you did not hear about this today okay this is our success power coaching program right now we're hosting the major platform on which we're hosting it is webinar jam if you registered and we needed you to register to be a part of this if you're registered um if you're registered then we sent you an email and we sent you a link okay oh youtube is not live we have to fix that right away let me let me check and be sure let me check and be sure i can't ask you to go on youtube without youtube being live okay [Music] i have to make sure it is live it must be live sign at the me tv okay okay okay okay okay [Music] we'll fix that in a minute so so i'll stay i'll stay on okay i'll stay on ig until i'm sure we're on on youtube so thank you so much everybody for joining us um how i developed multiple streams of income who is this for imagine executives business owners project leaders aspiring entrepreneurs aspirational individuals everybody on this planet right now who wants to make their lives better because that's what we're all about here at successful um anyone that seeks to improve their lives and obviously nobody has arrived yet uh perhaps you've been wondering why have i not yet executed on my ideas oh yes many people always find that big gap between um their plans and reality yes um our team is working on the youtube so please stay with us right here on instagram until we are absolutely certain that youtube is on thank you so so so much okay uh perhaps you're wondering how do i know what steps to take you know maybe you're asking is there a system i can follow for success am i wasting my time trying to achieve my goals what am i doing wrong and believe me i've been there i've been there so i understand what it's like when you've done everything you know to do and there just doesn't seem to be any way forward uh it seems like the doors are closed against you you know um i've been there i've been there perhaps you're there so why this is important to you right now you need a starting point perhaps and the blueprint of how you should be growing financially and professionally but you're not sure where to start or you're not happy with your current income but you know there are opportunities and you just want to know how to move forward or you need a reset button many of us are there right now having having come through this pandemic and still going through it thank you okay youtube is on now thank you thank you thank you thank you youtube is on now so um just a second i want to be sure everybody is okay okay all right so please if you can please switch over to youtube some admin tv if you can keep your instagram on please until you are sure that you are on our youtube page some idea me tv if it's not on yet then just hang on on instagram so why is this important somebody needs to reset button many of us do many many people have lost their jobs um they were having recessions inflation is going haywire in some parts of the world or what was enough before is not enough anymore some people's jobs on the line there's so much uncertainty okay so um so perhaps you're wondering how do i grow my income my personal development how do i break through this growth ceiling how do i get to the full vision of what god has for me in my professional life have you been there before i've been there before when you know you know you could be better than peace things could be better than this you know you know honestly i delivered this speech many years ago when i just felt you know like what's it you know i'm better than this i am more than this that that was what i said i am more than i was talking to myself this situation is not going to hold me down okay so perhaps you're there now imagine if you were able to live stress-free not worried about how to achieve all the things you can imagine just imagine if you learned how to leverage your talent and opportunities regardless of the economy and you become recession-proof because that's that's been my experience there's something inside you that is bigger than whatever will come against you okay uh so imagine if you knew exactly what to do to change your mindset and to create new income opportunities instead of having to wait for them so there's a whole lot of difference between you know there's a whole lot of difference between us waiting for opportunities to come to us and us being able to create the opportunities okay so just imagine if you knew exactly what to do to change your mindset and to create new income opportunities instead of having to wait for them the purpose of this master class is to share the keys i've used in my own life to advance my career walk you through the new way to view your situation and the mindset needed to move forward and to explain how you can work alongside me and my team to get the same support and access we provided to top performing executives and entrepreneurs across the globe who am i just in case this is the first time ever you're coming across this dude who am i um i'm the ceo founder of success power success power began in nigeria uh 26 years ago and then from there spread radio on tv through seminars and conferences and now we're leveraging the internet and social media platforms big time to influence millions of people all over the world now we have our offices in atlanta georgia and the usa in the uk and in nigeria i've helped and inspired thousands of people through ministry work so yes i also do non-profit and church work too so amazingly i [Music] amazingly i have had the opportunity to apply okay the principles that i teach the work their work so on the church platform that i founded also 26 years ago we have over 100 000 people attending the services online on offline on the weekends now i have created and invested in businesses that matter to me they're usually built around information although i have investments in other sectors i've worked with notable influencers around the world including john maxwell among other notable influencers and then you can just imagine that if you've been teaching people how to succeed for 26 years some of them have really succeeded right absolutely loads of them across the world built organizations ceos now so i coach executives and entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses and how to align the systems and structures of their organizations with their purposes lots of my prodigies have also built non-profits so it's been an exciting journey and we're just inviting you to be a part of this powerful community all over the world okay so if you're on instagram you can click on my bio the link is there to youtube right now i believe it's live right now we're live on youtube summerdme tv i want to be sure right now that we are live on youtube because i am going off instagram i just wanted you guys to know what was going on okay so i want to be sure just a second all right and then we continue okay are we live on youtube okay so i've seen a lot of people do things right honestly and a lot of things go wrong too you know like i said i've worked with so many people i've worked with so many people through the years the amazing thing is that the most successful people have been the greatest failures in other words they try much more than everybody else they try much more than everybody else all right so it's okay just hang with me okay just hang with me on instagram if youtube is not working yet um i've seen a lot of people do things right and a lot of people do things wrong i've even done a lot of failing on my own i have done a lot of feeling on my own you know what i read something in the book i find it is helpful i i attended a seminar or webinar now i learned something i'm gonna try it i'm gonna try and for some people taking action there's just that big barrier you know that they meet when it comes to taking action i experiment i don't have a problem failing because i discovered you know there's no way there's absolutely no way you're going to succeed without feeling it's the principle success grows out of failure success grows out of failure so i've done a lot of feeling on my own that's why i have stories to tell you and they are exciting stories so how did i get from failure to freedom from failing and trying to figure things out to pastor one of the top largest growing churches in nigeria in africa leading success power now 25 26 years traveling the world with global leaders speaking at major conferences how do i how did i move in fact my starting point actually was a village in niger state the middle belt of nigeria that was where i started my life from the first 10 years of my life okay so just check the trajectory from there now to the global stage how did i do it and honestly i believe that there are principles and principles govern our world honestly yes there may be many things that are unpredictable about our world but honestly there are many things that are predictable about our world it was predictable that the song would rise this morning and it is predictable that the sun will set this evening yeah predictable that the sun will rise tomorrow morning it's rising in some parts of the world already yeah the person you know joined us from australia it's amazing i know this sounds reason already you know at your end and it's going to set in some hours why is it that predictable it only confirms the presence of a prince principle if i throw my phone off you know i throw this phone up you know ten thousand times it will come down ten thousand times why isn't that predictable because that's a principle at work it's called gravity okay so when i was in that season of despair in my life when i was in that season of despair i was looking for certainty because the future was so threatening the future was so unpredictable honestly the future was so unpredictable it was so threatening it was so scary you know until i was able to find principles principles make success possible because there's power in the principle sunset and sunrise i'm sure you know it's not the sun that is rising and setting the sun is stationary it's the edge that is moving around it's you know turning around complete rotation every 24 hours and at the same time spinning around the sun and it's all gravity that is holding everything in place that's the principle right and that's power you put a seed in the soil an orange seed it grows into a tree that never existed before that is power that invisible power that turns a seed into a tree is power okay so i throw my front phone off it comes down it is power that is pulling it down so principles contain power and the control power and there are various principles that govern different areas of life you satisfy their conditions the power is released to aid you achieve your objectives you break the conditions then the power one works against you right electricity is power aerodynamics you know the law of lift that's power okay that leaves a jumbo jet from one continent and puts it down gently after thousands of miles on another continent that's power there are principles that govern success those principles make success possible they make success predictable and the beautiful thing about those principles is they have no respect for persons that's it no respect for persons so that is what we do here you know at success power we encourage ourselves we share those principles we share our stories because principles need adaptation each person's situation is different you carry your seed each environment is different right exactly so let's go into the meat of today's subject matter the world has changed and so most you the world has changed and so must you listen i think one thing that tricks people into wanting to maintain stability and to keep things the way they are is the fact that change happens slowly but when you look back okay just just push it back further five years and then 10 years and then 20 and then 30 then change becomes apparent isn't it it becomes apparent change becomes apparent it's amazing that i'm using the mobile phone now but when success power started there were no mobile phones honestly when success power started instagram was not in existence it did not exist twitter did not exist the world has changed okay so the world has changed in fact within the last one yeah within the last two years the world has just so much you not changing when your environment is changing rapidly it's an invitation to extinction some that were written years ago are poor now some that were 14 years ago i reached out people are becoming millionaires and billionaires in their 20s and 30s because they they're not hung on old technologies okay so having been around and especially having been successful become before becomes a liability when things have changed okay because new technologies have been introduced new methods have been introduced 26 years ago i did this on radio i started out 15 minutes once a week 15 minutes 11 a.m on wednesdays on radio every week that was how i did my thing there were few radio stations so i knew each time i spoke those 15 minutes potentially millions of people were listening to me i was 26 years ago this is now okay things have changed now i said young people young people are making money faster now because they don't need to change their mindset you understand what i mean okay they're only when i describe how things used to be to our children they can only try to imagine sometimes they can't understand it i tell them for example that when my parents needed money from the middle belt of nigeria where they lived and i was in lagos the only way i knew was someone showed up on our doorstep no telephone line is in the house so a younger one will show up on our doorsteps and then the next day we'll take the person back to the car park you know can you imagine a whole human being a human being had to travel by road three and a half four hours you know for us to know they needed money and then he would take the money cash and then take it back and now and if they need money like that it's a text message or a call a text message better you know any gp that would just go on the bank up on my phone and transfer the money to my to the account oh wow things have changed but you notice young people do better with technology than older people do i'll tell you my story shortly okay so whenever there's a big change in the way people connect okay uh there's a shift in the way people create wealth that's it so please if you're on youtube can you please move over to if you're on instagram i'm gonna encourage you to move over to youtube i understand how youtube is live now some of them a tv on youtube some of the metv on youtube or please don't don't get out of instagram yet until you show your youtube uh why because we'll be able to interact better there okay and we have things we're going to be posting in the chat room there that will be useful to you because this is going to be interactive at the end when i'm done then i'm going to be taking questions okay and so we make this interactive i'm going to be all right good so whenever there's a big change in the way people connect there's a shift in the way people create wealth why money for those people when if you if a person that reflects in this world you will gain insight and when you have insight you will be wise because you will understand how the world works so one of those days i was i was in deep meditation and reflection in fact i was literally praying to god for money and i just got this spontaneous stuff don't pray for money pray for people money for those people i thought come to think of it i wish i could just go somewhere in the bush you know somewhere in the woods where i could just meet a hundred thousand dollars crisp new notes how many people do you know who got money that way it doesn't work that way where people are that's where the money is so i'm saying whenever there's a big change in the way people connect then there's all also a big shift in the way people create wealth and that's what's going on now think of the arrival of cars think of the arrival of cars okay moving people faster increase the velocity of money then the railway then think of the telephone people did not have to go to places anymore with just a call velocity of money increasing then think of the aircraft it's amazing okay it's amazing places that it will take you two weeks to travel by ship you're now traveling six seven eight hours right that's the velocity of money increasing and then now we have digital technology now we have digital technology that's why i said people in their 20s and 30s are becoming millionaires and billionaires i think mark zuckerberg bill gates and the rest of them right yeah that's the kind of change that is going on so before we discuss the things that i've changed and how to leverage them to create worlds i wanted to get a good grasp of the things that have not changed okay get a good grasp of the things that have not changed there are principles that have not changed and you need to be on them solidly on them okay first few people control most of the wealth in this world in practically every country if you've thought carefully about it okay the flaw is what is mainly different from country to country okay the lowest level in some countries it is rock bottom you don't have work you're finished okay but in some other countries the floor is higher you don't have work the government costs you a check every week okay or gives you food stamps and then you you can get groceries in some countries you don't have a job the government actually gives you a place to live in that's it the structure is still the same majority of the people are not rich it's a small percentage that is rich so you have this principle from uh alfredo pareto and italian economies the 80 20 principle so we call it the pareto principle 20 of the population controls 80 of the wealth 20 percent okay do the job you know so if you go to my body if you're on um yes if um can i ask our team okay so there's a link if you go to my bio right now on instagram the link is that okay to the youtube page thank you all right summer dme tv summery metv on youtube i'll encourage you to please switch there here on instagram the switch there because their interaction is much better okay so 20 the 80 20 principle some of us know that in some countries that principle actually doesn't work it's like five percent of the population controls 95 of the world right okay so this is it face the reality deal with it few people control most of the wealth in this world power tends to concentrate it's it tends to you know amass more you know to some people than it does to the general populace just the way it is so let's deal with it the way it is power it may be political power right you think of the number of politicians that hold positions in your country how many are they actually relative to the population financial power social power okay so power tends to concentrate my call to you today is to decide to join those at the top of your industry and those at the top in your geographical location please it's a decision i made it many years ago it changed my life i decided to be part of the top 10 percent once i realized principles have no respect for persons once i realized um successful people don't have two heads you know i found that they don't they don't they don't after they are humans like me okay i made up my mind your decision not your condition your decision vitamins your destiny is amazing a lot of people want things to be okay before they decide or they want to be sure how it's going to work unfortunately it doesn't work like that when you decide the how will come to you it's amazing right it takes courage to do that isn't it exactly do it anyhow decide to join those at the top of your industry that is what we call strategic thinking decide what position you want to occupy i'll tell you this clearly there's a place where you can stand and opportunities will see you and you will see opportunities and there's a place where you can stand in life opportunities will not see you and you will not see them okay so decide to join those at the top of your industry or those at the top in your geographical location my first shot was for top 10 percent and when i felt like i was that then i went for top three percent and then from there to top one percent okay benchmark against the best so it's good for you to be able to find examples okay find examples of people that look like who you want to become and benchmark against them okay benchmark against them right yes because when you do when you pick someone like that and you benchmark then you become begin to study them check who they are check how they think check what they do you know and then yeah you do like that and you become like the it's called strategic positioning okay strategic people ask why things shouldn't be done in a better way don't be ordinary add the extra to it okay shift your thinking strategic people ask why shouldn't things be done in a better way what happens therefore is that it is strategic people actually that creates the change there are no people that are focused only on themselves they are givers so they create and deliver value in a unique way that is it okay remember i said things change around the interactions between people things change okay things change it does look like we have some slight technical thing our team is seeing youtube live but then other people are not so let's hang together okay so strategy people ask why things shouldn't be done in a better way they give us they create and deliver value in a unique way so when things are toxic to you like we have in our world now where there's a lot of uncertainty you know the average person is thinking about their own survival strategic people know the money is not there money is only a means of exchange of value it is when value is going out from you that value is coming to you strategic people know you know that problems are opportunities opportunities to add value opportunities to solve problems for people opportunities to meet people's needs okay so they create and deliver value in a unique way and the more they do that the more they become irreplaceable with time they become irreplaceable that's it if you are irreplaceable you won't be broke i promise you that if our white people are going broke you will be paid double technology does not automatically make you successful so don't i'm not suggesting that i'm not suggesting that oh technology automatically will change your life oh no it does not automatically make you successful it only magnifies what you have to say or do it's only a platform for expressing uh the value you give or don't give okay so if you are creative and value adding technology will multiply your capacity to add value think about it we can reach a lot more people now than ever before the people i reach now potentially on social media i would have had to spend a lot of money on tv radio newspapers to reach them before technology increases efficiency that's that's the essence so if you are creative and value adding technology will help you to multiply your capacity to value if you are someone that does not add value but rather even takes value from other people technology will give you the opportunity to do it am i right have you seen the number of people that beg on social media right yeah so if somebody's not begging in real life they will not beg on social media it's the way it is so if you're focused on think i'm not mocking poor people i'm just saying somehow if you're someone who's learned to add value you know to add value even if you're not doing it for pay volunteer that's where all of us started from that's why we cultivated it as habits to add value volunteering we don't we didn't focus on what to get first we focus on what to give okay eventually the principle must work it's a principle it must work value will come back to you so if you learn to do that to people in your environment then you won't have to be calling on strangers on social media to give you money right so technology does not automatically change your financial life but it magnifies whatever it is you do okay good so let's start from here let's start from here believe that you have value if you want to change your financial life believe that you have value i wish i could just say this a million times into people's ears every single day because i think real poverty starts from you believing that you don't have value that you have nothing to give this world that you have no nothing to give to anybody in this world i don't think lack of money in your account on your pocket is the real poverty i think the real one is actually believing that we don't have value because we have value we do the fact that you are a human automatically makes you valuable oh thank you everybody youtube is live now right thank you thank you okay so if you would want to be able to type uh questions uh when it's question time which will be in some minutes yes i can see it we're live on youtube right now sorry for the hassles okay um so if you want to be able to ask questions um yes we'll be able to take that on youtube okay so so i'm going to stop ig somewhere along the line you know but hang in there but if you can please cross over to youtube somebody made tv believe that you have value you have intrinsic value as a human what is it that tricks us from taking our eyes off where the real value is see the most powerful resources we will ever have in this world are inside us i think that's why we don't find them we're busy looking around looking everywhere like when you read the book um because of diamonds right the man that sold his farm and went to a far country where he had there was a lot of diamonds and people were just scooping it he went there okay and then could not find any diamond and then jumped off a bridge and committed suicide whereas the man that bought his farm saw this sparkling stone by the river put it on you know the table in his living room the priest came looked at and said was this shiny went to look at it and said this is a piece of diamond the whole farm was sitting on diamonds okay so that's how it is start with what you have where you are right now only find new ways for adding value in a bigger and faster way that's my call find new ways this this whole webinar is a call it's a challenge to explore new ways for adding value in the bigger and faster way this is not a get-rich-quick program i've got to say that clearly if you want to get rich quick without solving problems for people meeting needs without adding value to anybody you're likely to get poor quick let me call especially on the younger generation in africa the temptation is really high yes really high to leverage the internet delivery technology to take money from people to swindle people forget it let's let's that's not going to work on a long time right absolutely not the opportunities they are so huge we can make good claim money without being at the risk of going to prison good if you apply the strategies i'm sharing you will enjoy being creative and innovative in solving problems for people and you will build wealth in the process money is a means of exchange of value just keep that in your heart at all times it's not mysterious it's not mysterious it is a means of exchange of value just think about it it's amazing isn't it it's amazing that a lot of people want to only pray for for money i'm not saying it's wrong it's always important for us to acknowledge our limitations as humans and to ask god to help us however you've got to do more than that to make money if all you do is pray you will accumulate spiritual money but down here you have nothing to spend you know just look around your room right now look around your room somebody sold you the clothes clothes you have on okay somebody sold you the chair somebody sold you the books somebody sold you the phone somebody sold you the food somebody sold you the water somebody sold you something all of them took your money away while you were praying they took your money away you've got to sell something money is only a means of exchange of value when value goes from you value will come back to you let me share five tips for creating multiple streams of income number one monetize your own talents and skills monetize your own talents or talents and skills let me let me say this just in case you it's not come to your awareness yet let me say this a lot of people are going to lose their jobs over the next 10 years because machines robots are going to take over their work a lot of the jobs people did years ago have been taken over right now by those machines and you know what those machines are doing a better job than humans however um it will not depress you if you know that there are different types of work see there is operational work functional work routinel work okay okay there is functional routines work merchants easily take those over and they do a better job even than humans right so i'm going to go off ig in five minutes i want to encourage you on ig please switch over to youtube sam at the me tv just search for some adami tv on youtube and this is running live there just switch over there and join us okay so we can get the most out of this thank you monetize your own talents and skills so the merchants are taking over the original work very easily i don't know about you have you called maybe called customer service on the phone in some places honestly here in the u.s i call some offices let's say i want to pay a bill from start to finish i don't talk to a single human being and i pay i pay my card and i'm done isn't that amazing right yes the machines are doing the job the kind of work you know the machines will have to leave to us human beings will be creative work okay creative work that's why i'm saying the further we go the more disruptions we have the more each person would have to look inside you can't be replaced your uniqueness your god-given uniqueness that the creator gave you cannot be replaced and that's where your creativity is we will always create the work that the machines will do so you have to move you know more towards creativity so perhaps you're overlooking you've been overlooking your talents okay people have to be moving back there now making money for some people is a talent some people don't know that making money is a talent for some people beauty in itself is a talent just the looks because you know talent is a gift you did not work for it you just made it there the creator has put all kinds of gifts in people like that usain bolt is the fastest man in the world or holds the world record for fastest it's a gift it's in his design it's in his build people as tall as that are not supposed to be able to run as fast as that but it just so happens that he is tall and he got the muscles okay so it's amazing the way those talents are distributed those talents are gifted it's amazing the the way so you need to find out what it is okay that is unique about you that when you apply it to people they say wow because you likely won't discover what it is until people experience it and tell you why because your talent your gift is normal to you you're singing okay just singing you find that you like singing so you're singing somebody has your voice answers what what did i just hear sing again let me hear you and then you sing say what come with me and text you to a producer that's the way it works okay and that's why what i was saying earlier is so important you're volunteering you're at least offering service somewhere not focusing only on yourself and what you can get because that's where the discovery is okay now the important thing is that you have to begin to walk towards monetizing your talents your gifts don't be ashamed add value to people okay yes start with volunteering always volunteer add value to people but i'm just simply saying some people desperately need what you have and you've got to learn to offer what you have at a premium not just even cheap rates right right now give it your best shot highest quality and they're not a premium all right um create products to sell online create products to sell online this is my big challenge right now you can't just have the internet and not leverage it create a product so so you say oh what do you mean well um whatever it is you do at least we can inform people online okay um people can book appointments online isn't it yeah people come by and you can write a book you can organize a seminar if whatever it is you know how to do you actually can record it okay you can create a course put it online and people pay to have access to it so move gradually towards being able to create products to sell online so remember i'm gonna go of ig in a minute so if you're on instagram thank you so much for joining us today please move on to youtube sam at the metv because i'm going to be off instagram in a minute um create products to sell online become a speaker become a speaker you you notice what i'm trying to do move us down to the basics that all said and done if everything collapses everything goes haywire we can use what we are wired to do to create wealth to create multiple streams of income become a speaker learn to speak yeah i know in fact some people are scared right now they feel like running away speak speak listen you have no excuse i'm an introvert i started out very shy very shy speaking to one person was difficult for me not to go speaking to a crowd it's a skill you can learn it and you learn it through practice yeah you you won't learn to speak just by wishing you know dreaming you learn to speak by speaking you learn to play basketball by playing basketball right exactly become a speaker become a speaker speaking is a profession speaking is a vocation i'm a speaker professionally okay okay so this is the business part of my speaking there's also a part of my speaking especially when it has to do with church work that that's free i can't charge anybody for that but this one commanding insights that adds value to people help people to solve problems to meet needs as a speaker okay let people know you speak and the topic that you speak on if you've come along let's say you're 30 or you're 40 there are things you know that a lot of people don't know but you won't know until you try honestly strategy number four become a coach you come across so when you're a speaker you tend to speak to a large number of people at a time like i do right we write from scratch radio tv and all now i mean um [Music] i mean combined following over three million on social media that's a large crowd you say the same thing to everybody it's like you uh you give everybody shits of the same size for some people to be okay for some to be too tight for some it will be too large right so some people need personal attention especially the higher you move up okay like i said some of the people who have been my prodigies have have become quite big okay quite successful and they tell me like i met one of them on the golf course right and he said look i need you now not at the same level as before i've applied the things you were teaching before become successful have you even acceded my goals but i need you now because success comes with its own problems with its own challenges my needs are different now if you tell me anywhere in the world where you could afford to give me a few hours of your time he said i'll fly there to come and meet you i said what say yeah that's how it is he said and it's only me i know a number of my friends that i'm the same scenario so so i do that that's why i do executive coaching now yeah and i once in a while i have a retreat where i ask them to come over global ceos and they show up there with this course the things that really have to do with them so you can become a coach okay and the coaching is at various levels honestly you can even coach people that are just starting out the important thing is there are people that don't know what you know and you have to be ready to serve them strategy number five invest in someone's idea for business all right so everyone on ig i want to say a big thank you to you a big thank you to you so if you haven't joined us on youtube yet uh the link is in my bio right here on instagram we are going off instagram right now it's a big thank you join us on youtube summerdayme tv on youtube love you guys thank you all right so we're back here so let's continue here strategy number five invest in someone's idea or business invest in someone's idea of business so this is this is a beautiful part this is an interesting dimension that okay so the idea is not originally yours so but you know someone you know who has the idea but does not have the money okay so you enter into an agreement so you own a part yeah of the business so when profit is made then you you share the profits to the ratio of your investment maybe 10 20 percent 30 or also invest in someone else's idea or business you may choose activities and make it a partnership right so you're actually actively involved in building and running the business we have what we call innovation-driven enterprises they're bigger than small businesses they're the ones driving the tech world now the googles of this world microsoft okay um apple none of them were started by an individual that's important so you have two people three people that have unique talents gifts they combine them you can make big things happen so you can actually form a partnership and be involved but on the other hand um on the other hand um you can just invest just put your money there without being actively involved that makes you an investor passive investor right and and that's one of the multiple ways to make money which investment may even be real estate and you're getting rent every month you know invest in someone's idea or business my story okay so like i said um i was really desperately looking for a way to break through big dreams her face just did not seem to be moving this was 1994 okay and then the remarkable thing was that i i had that aha moment i've got aha moment where i realized i had to take the focus of myself and focus on other people that's it i had to focus on other people so and one of the ideas i got was to go on radio and to begin to teach the principles of sales because in the process of wanting to succeed i began to read books and i was reading principles and honestly when you come across a truth you know you know that it is true it doesn't change for example i tell you that um if you plant uh an orange seed it's an orange tree that will grow it is proof you'll be crazy to to argue with that it's the truth so that's the thing so as i was reading the books i was coming across this truth and then i just decided funny not i wanted i was looking for principles to apply for myself to succeed and then you also call to me you know even though it sounded crazy that i should go on radio and share them and although sometimes i would think this is crazy should i not be successful first if i teach people how to succeed but i'm i look back now and i'm just so happy that i put people first went on ready and from the first broadcast it was boom okay but then fast forward to some three years ago um so we said we had set up offices in the u.s some several years ago and i was trying you know to mix get some numbers influence a large number of people and it wasn't working in front of my beautiful wife nick and i i had this leadership conference in new york then we had it in chicago um the leadership edge conference we called it and then at some after the second one i said to her you know what i'm not i think we're supposed to influence a whole lot more people than this you know and then it was january uh some uh yeah january 2019 yeah that you know i he just called to me go online why don't you go online so we had the first webinar free webinar [Music] honestly the number of people that attended the webinar live were more than five times the number of people we had at the physical conference and then within a few days the number of people that viewed the recording online on facebook were several times or several times the number of people that attended the physical event but at the end of the physical event honestly i was jumping up why because for each event then we will spend some forty to fifty thousand dollars this one was free i just had in front of my laptop and people attended the webinar from all over the world i i felt like jumping up you know i was so happy and then our marketing consultant uh harriet said can we have a chat you know can we have coffee somewhere and talk and then she said but what just happened now is what i've been talking to you about for some three years i told you the technology has changed and provides new efficiency i told you to hold your phone okay and to record yourself okay and i will cut up those recordings and post them on social media for you i said my oh my i said do you know that i actually did two recordings like that i recorded two videos like that three years ago and they're still on my phone i said after i did the recording looked at the videos it just felt awkward she said that's it it's it's it's it's a matter of age so yeah your generation is not comfortable with the new technology so she said if i were you you know what i would do i would hire a 20-something year old young man buy him a very good phone and tell him if he would follow me all over the world and just record me that i will pay him i said oh wow is that i said okay i have an idea i have an idea you know and our son david was just about true you know with college with university and when he was through you know he just came over to the office and then began to cut up our videos can you imagine i've been on tv for years in successful teaching how to succeed he just took those videos just caught them up you know and began to post them on instagram and it was boom ten thousand views sixteen thousand views twenty one thousand views anyway oh my god whoa so that's how we got here that's what i'm saying the environment is changing things are changing okay and uh let me add the fact that i was having a chat several years back with an elderly friend and i mean his business in business now for some 40 years and he told me then he said look i know that i'm doing business in an unpredictable environment so he said that's the reason why i have so many companies in my group so he said government government policy changes are short notice so he said if this business doesn't have a lot of work to do i found out this other one will have some work to do so at any particular point in time he said we're okay that's when i realized the benefit in diversifying your sources of income and having multiple sources of income oh wow let's recap let's start so these are our five strategies monetize your own talent and skills create products to sell online become a speaker become a coach invest in someone's idea or business checking time now is this all helpful for you give me a yes if it is okay what did we learn how i develop multiple streams of income that makes six figures per year even starting with little or no resources what if you could take what if you could take these same strategies and learn to apply them to your life right now would that make a difference for you do you want to hear how i can help out please type yes in the chat if you want to i have some few ideas to share on on that do you want a clear roadmap and accountability for creating a more progressive life for career and cultivating opportunities in the matter of months they won't be able to build a power plant and get access to me and my team with additional training this is my strong recommendation mentoring and coaching mentoring and coaching now so coaching is different from speaking in the sense that you have someone to work with you step by step in your adapting principles to your peculiar situations mentoring and coaching changed my life it's one thing for you to maybe you read the person's book or listen to the person speak but to be able to come close up to someone and to ask specific questions about your own peculiar situations is it's really amazing so i invest a lot of money receiving coaching myself and you know what it does it shortens my learning curve this is how i describe it you want to open the door you are holding a bunch of keys there are 50 keys there if you don't know the specific one that opens when you're able to open the door becomes the amount of chance how fast you're able to because it may be the first key and maybe the 50th one people if you have someone that tells you use that one it saves you time that's why i pay for coaching i pay tens of thousands of dollars every year for coaching myself at this stage i don't have that much room to make mistakes honestly and i can reduce the experiments because somebody else has spent 10 years 20 years 30 years you know learning in a particular area i did rely on professionals a lot okay uh the other thing is it's i think it's important for us to build community i want us to leverage technology to build a community of people that help themselves to succeed globally honestly look at it we're all over the world that are part of this right now the world is getting more challenging it's getting darker and darker my call to you is that you don't travel alone let's move together as a community i have been creating training programs that include videos and workbooks for members of our community every month and if you want to know how we work together yes we can do it if you want to know how to consistently launch and scale highly impactful ideas and realize your dreams starting from scratch this year and always you want to be able to create new opportunities and income streams you want the freedom to do what you want leave out your dreams you want to be able to own your time and to learn to be financially free this is especially for you but let's start right now with just today let's reflect on the new you and visualize your dreams daily okay visualize your dreams daily visualize your dreams daily so i created the course for you or you had me here today is the tip of the iceberg and they said the tip of the iceberg the eye the tip of the iceberg is really 10 percent right of the ice back so what you see is 10 percent what you don't see is 90 okay i create these courses to help you go further faster and achieving your life goals to help you have a community to connect to without needing to go back to school leave home or pay thousands of dollars to gurus you want to see what's inside the course this is it so i created this course five streams of income okay it includes video lessons powerful principles even has the workbook section when you answer the questions there they help you to develop action points practical action points give you now a connecting point between where you are and the goal you want to achieve our courses are proof that success principles can be lend and applied by anybody all over the world let me share some stories with you vasil who's been part of our community said i got the credit a lot of landed property reform that over 40 return so there's a program we call friday wins we have a community on facebook okay when you're part of that community 24 7 you can post any question any challenge you have the members of the community help you to answer the question on fridays we ask them to share their stories their wins believe me since i finished the course had a massive improvement on my self-esteem and i started a new part of my career by taking responsibility and overcoming procrastination that's it a lot of people suffer from procrastination in our community we're able to you know ginger ourselves to action and the results can be amazing let me ask what are your goals worth to you right now you know what's financial freedom work to you right now what's relocating maybe what to you what's quitting your nine to five job what do you you know enable you live on your own terms so the five part strategy so you can start here we'll specifically cover that's this course this multiple stream five streams of income costs we help you to know how to start within the mind create a plan properly so you can take action take stock of your assets know your strengths identify what works and work on it we want you to monetize learn to monetize your own talent and skills through marketplaces it's remarkable the platforms are there already that increase efficiency make it easy far easier for you now than it was for anybody 10 years ago so we'll discuss how you can set up free accounts online on those platforms and create profiles for your services you know and we give you downloadable workbooks to take your learning further and then on the lesson to how to get paid to speak online or offline you learn the types of speaking opportunities that currently exist and then you use my process to get started in a short time there are people that are paid ten thousand dollars some are paid twenty thousand dollars and i paid fifty thousand dollars some are paid a hundred thousand there are people that pay four hundred thousand dollars for speaking for one hour or two hours or maybe a whole day session with people but it is absolutely true honestly i'm in the industry so i can tell you that lesson three how to start selling products online so we want you to learn how you know to position or place your products or other people's products and to sell them for profit and you learn how to get started with seven simple steps and more about getting started with e-commerce and drop shipping it's remarkable the platforms are there right now you can sell online how to get paid to be a culture consultants let's inform the course so you learn how to position yourself as an authority okay on the subject and then you learn how i got started and then i share with you steps for getting your first investment and then lesson five how to make money as an investor learn about overcoming barriers to getting started learn some principles of investing it's amazing so i just wanted to be aware as i wrap this up i'm going to take questions okay and when i'm ready i'll let you know when i'm ready i'll let you know not yet but when i'm ready then i'll ask you to type the questions in the chat room in just a few minutes but i want you to be aware okay that honestly i have i have tested the principles that i'm talking about seeing people test them they work but then you want to be sure that you present your products to people that highly value them so we have limited spaces that's it do you think it's possible to fail with this type of mentorship i pray not i pray we succeed together well there are other resources of course then that come with the course you have work books for each class then the private facebook group that i spoke about okay where people share with them together so so our team was trying to estimate the value of what we have so it in today's course so you have the five streams of income with everything i just described along with the workbook you know and this is the value they came up with but then i'll tell you the more juicy part what we call the bundle because like i said this is not the only cause i operator we have created many courses and we decided to create a bundle this time so that you will really understand some of the aspects very well so the first course is today's main course how to create five streams of income but you also have starting from scratch it's a whole course video lessons with block books like that the third calls how to monetize your talents you know that was the first point that's the first point on the five streams of income okay now that i did the whole course on that it's amazing i love it then number four of what you use is your speciality the value you have to add if people don't know i did the whole course you know myself and my team did the whole course harriet my marketing consultant invested heavily in this one how to do marketing and branding on their budget wow they said the person that refuses to advertise is like a man that wins at the girl in the dunk duck you know the way we win cathy ladies you know to win their hearts so the guy is winking in the dark he knows what he is doing but nobody else does the girl does not know he is winking so she doesn't fall in love if you refuse to be good in marketing and advertising and branding that's what happens so this is a whole course then the number five course i throw into this bundle is 10 ways to increase income everybody needs to know that at this time 10 ways to increase your incomes amazing you know ah so today if you get the bundle so our team decided to give you an a bonus course passion for success that's the whole cost on its own oh there's even a second bonus how to start your business oh wow who wouldn't want that so with the bundle again then they tried to assess the value of what we're giving thousands and thousands of dollars thousands and thousands honestly if uh if you if you've been part of my executive coaching program you should know what we're talking about because this is what some people pay one day just to attend my retreats with ceos um but then when will you relaunch this this is what we're going to chat 10 of the money okay anyway technology increases efficiency so can you imagine what it would have cost us to bring all of us together into one conference center you would have had to pay tickets from some countries pay for hotel and so on but gratefully while leveraging technology we want to take advantage of that increase our efficiency slash the cross course for everybody so most importantly honestly when i go around countries it just breaks my heart to see people struggling honestly because i see the potential in people i recognize it being at the bottom is can be hard i want to invest in people moving up into that top twenty percent top ten percent top three percent top one percent it gives me joy and i can't even describe it so we crashed the price of the bundle yes all those courses the five plus the extra 2.2 bonuses you know plus you will be part of the facebook group 197 one-time fee you have access to all those courses for one year you can get in and get out anytime you like one straight year go test what you learn come back check again and then you're part of the facebook group asking people questions one whole year 197 dollars only but if you choose to buy only what we discussed today the five streams of income cost that's 47 one year access remarkable the link is there in the chat from right now please click on it okay the link is there in the chat room right now click on it it's an amazing life-changing offer i will never forget where i came from i'll never forget where i came from and i'll never stop helping people to rise so somebody says dr sam i still can't afford it but i need the information well we have an opportunity for you so my team says you know what the bundle price we're crashing it for just 48 hours or just 48 hours you know because a lot of people don't make up their mind sometimes and i found out the people that succeed the most make up their mind on time and really change their mind 97 that whole bundle i'll tell you again five powerful courses along with their workbooks plus another two bonus courses and then you be part of the facebook group it's a closed group actually all for one year for only 97 or if you choose to get only the single cost the next 48 hours only 37 please click on the link make sure you read the whole the full page you know the full page on that link and then take action this is remarkable okay this is remarkable this is powerful this is life changing i attended a conference many years ago and listened to one of the brightest minds i believe uh has come out of africa dr mensah otago from ghana after listening to him oh my god my brain was reset in many ways this was 1994 27 years ago when we were done we stepped outside of the conference hall and his books were on display two titles of his book each of them was 500 now at that time trying to remember the equivalent in dollars yes at that time think about 1994. okay so all i had on me all the money i had on me that it was 500 500 naira sorry you know the nigerian currency so i have i could buy only one so i had to look at the two thousand titles and chose one and bought it i read it i marked it i applied it i still know the core principles inside that book today because i'm applying them okay you know the video of it they worked i grew i spoke at a conference last week okay in maryland usa here it was a virtual conference it was a leadership conference doctor mensah was a speaker i also was a speaker at the conference and this this began to happen several years ago over 10 years ago when i found out there would be speakers at the same conference say well these principles work whatever i worked for dr octavio that he put in his book worked for me for me it was an investment i wasn't helping him by buying this book it was an investment you will never really pay the value of information unfortunately most people don't know so it's only wise people that invest in information you buy a book for twenty dollars or twenty five dollars somebody's writing their experience they gained over 25 30 years how could you pay for 25 30 years of experience with 25 never never happens so it is wise people that invest in information so this is investment for wise people so your opportunity for the next 48 hours only get the cost for 37 dollars the single cost one year access or the bundle of seven courses wow plus access to our facebook group for 97.48 hours only what happens if i can make this work well you have a safety net we have a 14-day money-back guarantee today it's not it's i don't like it 14 days amazing and then well somebody says um i don't have all the money now for the bundle well uh you can pay i think it's two payments not three seventy four the last fifty uh so when you read when you click on the link look on the page you can look out for that if that's what you want but just know that exactly 30 days from the first payment the money will be automatically taken from your card i just want to say for this whole course the doors will close within the next five days so please click on the link right now in the chat room okay just before i take questions let me share some other testimonies from some of our students goddess and lopez says happy friday everyone remember we share the stories on fridays i started a new line of business after attending pastor sam's webinar of starting your own business okay let me say again this is 100 separate from oh okay our team says that the instant payment instrument agreement is now three payments oh wow it's getting even better and better oh yes the full cost is 197 exactly so it's three payments right 74.50 all right so uh audacity so i was saying this is completely separate from my pastoral work so in my pastoral work and past assignment but my doctoral work and dr sam and amy i have my doctoral degree in strategic leadership okay anyway so tony lopez says he said if you are always finding it difficult to buy a particular product in your area it's a pointer to what you can successfully sell means there's demand there after the webinar i decided to make some contacts placed order for some food products from the southwest which i know are very scarce around the south south the staff are right here on the saturday we started selling on monday 1st of june also with tips gotten from the webinar on personal branding and how to give exposure to one's product i decided to broadcast on social media platforms and groups to my amazement the sales and patronage have been so amazing and encouraging thank you pastor simon success party wow [Music] this person acted thank you so much a little bit okay and then it says tied up our first official deal as a company got the delivery of my new premium car grateful for life and said oh my god you did your first deal and bought a car abraham says i finished the first course released my weekly inspirational video on youtube and facebook and worked on my book cover design that's what we're talking about he acted straight some of us just need that you know push so every says i want to appreciate you more for everything the courses have been so awesome taking these courses at this time is the best thing that has ever happened to me i found answers for questions i've been asking myself for yes that's it it shortens the journey for you thank you so much i'm very certain that in four to six months time i would come up with great achievements to share that's interesting thing once you begin to change inside once you begin to change inside you will know because the design is that you're outside must catch up with your inside that's the way we humans work most who don't know that's what they're trying to chase and catch on the outside what they've not gotten on the inside doesn't work like that you get it inside the material equivalent must find you so everything new you just have this knowing intuitively things are changing so in some four to six months time you're going to see my life change radically james allen said you cannot travel within and stand still without that is why we know the power in what we're sharing and it's no longer theory it's worked for me it's worked for many people okay work for many people all right by the way uh some people from nigeria say oh there there's a limit on their card there is an option to play with denier please check for it you know on the page okay once you click the link there's an option to play with an error that's that's amazing the only thing is with the naira if you pay with an error there are some restrictions there the reformed option is not applicable the uh payment installment payment is not applicable for the narrow option please bear with us so if success power premium coaching helps you to create a plan for achieving your goals grow personally get your access to me as your growth coach would it be what a thousand dollars or more well let me ask you okay okay so think about why you came here today okay as we wrap this up just imagine if you were able to live stress free not worried about how to achieve all the things you can imagine imagine if you learned how to leverage your talent and opportunities and to take more risks and let opportunities imagine if you knew what the world he did and could implement the same strategies in your own life i want to ask you to stop imagining start creating action okay stop imagining start creating take action right now okay what makes success power premium coaching different over 25 years of helping thousands of people change their lifestyle loading their businesses create a platform legacy we have proven strategies and tactics okay and then being able to enjoy live q and a from me that's amazing oh by the way so our team says uh for those that choose instrumental the instrument has a payment option there are no reforms on that one whether it's nairobi dollars or whatever okay no reforms if it's instrumental the reforms are only possible if you make your purchases wholesale all right so please click on the link if you haven't check the options i'm going to take the questions in the chat room in a minute so your options you can keep going it will learn endless hours of researching and guess work watch another six months go back with no pro progress or you can make up your mind i want to see some significant change in my life six months from now i invite you to this to be part of this community make a powerful investment in your life and your progress take your position today was created yesterday i promise you that strategic people know that today was created yesterday and the best time to create today is when it's still tomorrow join us in this powerful community right now please click on the link in the chat room amazing 48 hours offer i'm excited honestly i'm excited because of the choices that i made when i could have bought a shed but chose to buy a book i'm grateful for the choices that i made because when my thinking changed my life changed so i'm going to get out of this and move into the chat room and check the questions there let me ask has this been helpful to you today i'd like to know as has this been helpful thank you to philos says i'm blessed you know just in case you joined us halfway we um we'll send you a link for the replay okay soon after we're done we'll send you a link for the replay you have any questions for me yeah angela says thank you very much for the opportunity to have joined this session i got value that's it so if i was to ask you if you were to pay for today's session how how much would you pay for it you'll see that we are how to just add value that's it thank you thank you bias is very helpful thank you thank you harry thank you my dear brother me thank you we keep improving you know like some people say now we move oh yes we're going to get going we've got to get moving thank you thank you laka says thank you so much this is very quite educative and encouraging absolutely absolutely salvation says thank you this is truly powerful uh i must just act and create and stop imagining that's all um so please click on the link in the chat room have a look at the page have a look at the page you know awesome yes uber says it's very helpful thank you thank you thank you thank you once we subscribe what's the next step you'll get emails from us with full instructions yes i always say that i am motivated and inspired thank you sir we move yes and we actually run ahead of the curve that's it we're on ahead of the code so once again the difference between the the single cost and the bundle the single cost just focuses on what we discussed today five streams of income i go deep you know on it with workbook powerful and then take you through the process the bundle in the bundle not only do you have the costs that i created on today's topic then you have other courses i created before that fitting that support this one honestly they just come on the where you learn today like a rocket help you to take off so you have five major courses like that you have two bonus courses and then you have access to our facebook community that's what we call the bundle okay for each of them you make the investment you have access for one year you have access for one year okay how can one break free from the fear of doing a thing by doing it honestly it's by changing your mindset first of all we fail a lot of things that we don't know okay we fear a lot of things that we don't know so get information on something and you'll be amazed how the fear will disappear like you're afraid to do something you ask somebody that has done it before that's why it's so powerful to have a mentor you ask somebody that's done it before and then your fear will dissolve okay now some people are asking about the installments right yes this is what it means let's say you want to get the uh the bundle okay and you say oh i can't afford all the money at once so we then break the payments down for you to make it easier for you it's just that you pay a bit more okay so that's what the installments are about yes if you are unable to pay everything right now even though as you can see you know [Music] we made things as affordable as possible but still if somebody is unable to pay everything it made it possible for you to pay in installments all right we have some more minutes to go let me try and answer some questions um uh stella is asking is the last says thank you dr summer got value thank you my question is not very illegal about monetizing my talents and skills the thing is it's just too much to discuss here so it's a it's a cost okay so i hope you've clicked on the link so that you see everything that is available on the sales page it so i created the whole course you know for that it includes how to even discover the talent in the first place and then how to develop it okay so it has commercial value how to develop it in a way that actually solves problems for somebody right and then how to let people know what you can do you know and the practical steps to take um ah godwin says they made reference to harvard study on what differentiates phd holders and non-pct holders can you please provide the full references for the study or where i can access it um sorry i can't i don't have the time now to search for it but because it's um it featured on the harvard business review if you google it i am pretty sure it will come up luckily says i'm inspired to take actions now thank you we just never know what is on the other side of our action honestly it's miracles you know when i went on radio it was like i was going to kill myself i had no idea where to get the money from can you imagine no idea did they mention how much we needed to spend for the first quarter air time and production almost screamed and i kept quiet i wrote the amount of money remember this was end of 1994. 120 000 error at that time let me let me give you an idea my salary was 8 hundred naira so just to give you an idea okay i wrote on a small sheet of paper radio broadcast 120 000 error and they used a tip to tape it to the wall in my bedroom so i could see it every day pray about it and call it in the money came the money came in the money came in okay so um a lot we don't take action because they're not sure what will happen what's the worst thing that would happen what's the worst thing that will happen what's the worst answer you will get no and no has not killed anybody yet so all right um so okay some people want to know um about the pricing the differences if you pay in installments you'll be paying a lot more yes you'll pay a lot more but within the next 48 hours we're offering the whole bundle for 97 i think that is the spectacular deal of the day but it's only for 48 hours then it will go back to normal price um [Music] you shall say it's been very helpful at least now i can deal with procrastination thank you thank you i have to deal with it myself should i tell you one of the things i did because i knew i had to reprogram my mind because when you procrastinate a lot what happens is when you're supposed to do something then the thought comes you can leave it tomorrow i wrote do it now do it now do it now i'll just write it do it now i'm playing or paper right i filled up one page continuing second one the third one before i i wrote do it now 1000 times to reprogram my mind so do it now jumps out at me now whenever i want to begin to slow down i'm procrastinating oh stella says god bless you more grace god bless you so watch out this impartation in me yes stella go for it thank you and then you was very very helpful and grateful thank you cassidy this is this and this was an awesome class thank you uh if homer says she came in late no problem um we'll send you the link you can watch everything from start to finish just watch out afterwards [Music] oh wow adami this is amazing you're a civil engineer i changed to be one too how will you bring technology into the environment we are in uh let me just say you know for you to make impact for you to get ahead in any industry that you are in you need to bring in innovation that's important bringing a new way of doing something okay bringing a new way of doing something maybe uh in the way you make cement blocks you know it may be the way you cast the concrete it doesn't need to be something radical something really big but something easy for you to do that slashes the price or something just something that will give you the edge happy to be alone that's what i would recommend if for now bring in technology in terms of innovation if you are a contractor you run the business on your own then the value you bring in would be in your advertising and getting jobs okay use technology to build your brand your personal brand and the brand of the business because the more people know about you and what you do i mean take pictures on your on your site right some caption that shows what is unique about the way you do your job you know or just you know record testimonial from somebody that enjoyed your services and post it on your instagram page or facebook and something yeah so that's it and people somebody gets interested because people are always wanting to build all the time right all right okay so we are almost done thank you so much everybody calvin says this is a big shift for me thank you sir oh thank you thank you happy to hear that sam says oh my god i know i have a lot of potential i am ready to get it right thank you sam you will get it right you will get it right you won't do better than me that's my prayer um let me answer this question from mike because it's important he says thank you sir very helpful as a minister in the church how do you monetize that area of your assignment okay so what you want to do let me say ministry also works interestingly on the same principle when it comes to money when value goes from you value will come back to you you read new chapter 8 verses 1 to 3 they record their jesus christ added value to some people help them to solve problems heal their sicknesses and they began to give money to support this ministry the value goes from you value come back to you so the first thing is make sure your ministries value are making phenomenal impact on people's lives solving problems that sometimes even money cannot stop helping people to rise from the bottom up honestly i mean like in our church we have people that were flat broke and they are now billionaires at least in nigerian currency okay um so when it comes to giving to that church or that work it's it's not an ideal for themselves not a struggle at all and when that happens then of course personally in terms of your income put yourself on the salary because a ministry is not a business like that there's no shareholder so there's no nobody's making any profit and then i will encourage you that you take some of that income and then invest in other areas that you have complete control over i thought i should mention that because i know a number of people that attended this session are ministers okay this is it's been an amazing session i'm blessed thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right all right all right all right uh your services thanks for your time and very educative stuff as usual thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you uh let me see i think i'll take two or three more and then we'll be done for today those is ask is saying please how do i find startups to invest in and what are some of the things um how do i find startups to invest in and what are some of the things to look out for before investing in someone's business good so um usually you would know uh from the people around you one two if you belong to a business community maybe a business group in your church or a club you know like a rotary club or a club somewhere right or a professional you belong to your professional body right nigerian medical association or sorry the medical station in your country you know or the association of public relations people experts institute of public relations or something like that so your professional body usually from your network when if you really then need to go for you actually can just put a notice out on your social media platform and then how do you sort them out first the quality of the idea is it workable is it profitable um look at the vision okay look at the vision it's got to be more than just want to sell something it's got to be that it's it's going to change the world it's going to transform people's lives right it has to be a work that has purpose that has meaning next you want to look at the integrity of the owner of the idea that is absolutely important check the person's track record if you know the person pretty well good if you don't you may even employ um the help of of an expert there are people that do background checks yes honestly and i really mean that very important um okay so somebody's asking about the replay access to the replay oh yes if you signed up we're sending you an email within an hour of ending this we'll send you a link an email link and you can watch the whole thing again and we're also going to have the link on our social media platforms uh latest by tomorrow you know later today or latest by tomorrow depending on the part of the world you are him because i'm fooling my tomorrow already okay good good good edna says thank you so much for the time it's really been insightful thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay so if you want to invest in a business idea just occur to me one more thing check to see if there's a system check when there's a system the work is distributed on the number of people it's risky to put your money in something that depends on only one person i mean the person falls sick and then the whole business is dead that's not safe right exactly so i recommend that you look to see if there's a system behind everything that yes yes some people want to know how to get my books well they're available on amazon at least some of them are available on amazon those are the ones i recommend just type my name and check for the books [Music] all right thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you if young says please give the website for those of us with talent and skill to connect with you oh since you were part of this webinar you're on our mailing list so practically everything that we do practically everything that we do you will be aware uh emmanuel says thanks a lot sir i have made the decision to be among the 10 percent rule than to be at the bottom thanks a lot i'm inspired thank you man see just making up your mind has changed your status i promise you you will notice your circumstances will begin to change to align with your new decision so it's congratulations from me really happy for you all right um okay i'll take the last question from caleb because he's asking a very important question how do i charge people around me for the value i create for them without being offensive good question good question because sometimes people want to take offense that ah why do you want to charge me you know we have a relationship and it's good to just say politely thank you i really appreciate that the only thing is it cost me a lot of time effort and by the way that is what i use to pay my bills you know that's what i used to pay my bills so thank you um [Music] please keep in mind that one of the major mistakes that we make is to chase people that do not have a high sense of value for what we have you know and they may cause sometimes they want to lose confidence in ourselves the best person to sell to is the person that highly values what you have to sell that's the person to look for and sometimes that requires that you will have to look beyond the people that have the tendency to do what we call in nigeria see finnish okay that's the people that have known you for so long did not appreciate your value anymore right so um politely explain this is what i use to pay my bills thank you right all right thank you everybody wow wow wow [Music] francis says i appreciate your time and god bless you for schooling awesome well thank you so so much thank you everybody for being a part of this experience today um yes if you know someone you know that needs to be in on these please draw their attention to it when we post the links on social media please draw their attention to it so they can watch the replay and also then joining on our community people should not struggle alone anymore all right our tomorrow is going to be better than our today okay our tomorrow is going to be better than our today um if you need help you know on the page you know the sales page there's a link to the help desk down there please use it please use it you know to get across to our team so they can respond quickly thank you so much everybody much love from our team and me hope to see you again very soon bye for now [Music] so
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 10,023
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 10sec (6970 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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