Nothing Sweeter Than Changing Lives

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[Music] [Music] Daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 let's go those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever our topic for today is not in sweeter than changing lives not in sweeter than changing lives the most beautiful thing in this world is seen a human being totally transformed through an encounter with Jesus Christ the most beautiful thing in this world seeing a human being break free from the control of sin break free from the influence of Satan and experience total transformation this place is filled with people with stories such stories of transformation I am a story of such a transformation anyway I want us to hear a story like that as we discuss this today so welcome with me some well a light on as he comes to share his story with us it's a beautiful story let's appreciate him a little bit better with money Church hi I came from a Muslim family and I listen to my father Telos story of how he came from a polygamous family and now he has struggle through life and all this thing find a way to creep into our lives and as I begin to live my life I have this strong spirit of fear over me I save doubt always telling me that I I will no amount to anything in life always telling me that when I grow to to a stage of getting married that I will be childless always if it's always there that I will not attend good school so it was always there boy in 2001 I having a cantor with my local church then the pastor not a big church was preaching and then in the service I gave my life to Christ and ever since then the the spirit of doubt keep coming keep telling me that you will not see your father yotaka after one month historical and he never got another one over the years keep telling me things I cannot do but the transformational power of Jesus came in and I've changed my life ever since then especially from 2006 when the dista fellowship in a lad bully came to do a program that we call a la boule awawa that was a point I got I got to know dista then they invited me to the fellowship - you come to the fellowship like I saw them in Saturday and Sunday you were in my house for addition and see how we have a fellowship in your street so from there as I attending fellowship as I attend in fellowship and even if I didn't go to my local church that fellowship I don't miss it from 2006 and the words our country - yeah and as supposed to begin to drown the sphere begin to drown the sphere begin to drown the sphere and now I am married and have a bill and some Sun very sharp active hi I own two businesses I have interests up businesses in telecoms having agriculture and I also train people and so I the people I train now because divorce always tell me that I won't be relevant you can amount to anything but now I train directors of companies so the transformational power of Jesus have helped me and changed my life not only that I'm serving in this church I'm in session leader and I'm God I'm part of God's army you know progressing the interests of God so I give you more depressed Wow this such a such a sweet feeling this beautiful story someone said Jesus is a gift with a lift when he comes into your life he never leaves you where he met you amen your life gets better what a beautiful story and I guess many of us can identify with his story guilt condemnation self-doubt fear anxiety worry and then you meet Jesus he says come to me all of you that labor and are heavy-laden all of you that carry a heavy load says I will give you rest it's the person that has experienced it that can describe it that you hear in the voice over and over you won't amount to anything nothing good will come out of your life if you get married you with you you'll be childless that and here we are Jesus stepped in and don't say turn into a liar he's a blessing serving you know in this church touching people's lives it's amazing okay so bill instrumental to the making of such a story to me is one of the greatest accomplishments in this world that you are involved in the process of God changing somebody's life and changing someone's story just like we have had I think it's one of the greatest accomplishments in this world so the VAS of Scripture that we read said those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness we do what like the Stars forever know you will shine like the Stars forever and ever in the name of Jesus Christ why should you influence people to accept forgiveness through Jesus Christ why should you be involved in this business number one the human soul is the most valuable asset on this planet the human soul is the most valuable asset on our planet everything that God created he spoke into existence except man Hebrews 11 and verse 3 says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and God said let there be and there was God said let there be light you know let there be that when it came to man let us make man in our own image and after our own likeness and God formed man of the dust of the ground he formed a body and the scriptural account says that God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul and you and I know that what he put inside that body was more than gas God hotman out from himself and put him in that body man's spirit and man's soul is from God yes the raw material with which he created his body was from the soil but the raw material with which he created man was from himself that's why when man dies his body goes back to the soil but the spirit and the soul have to go so the most valuable asset on this planet is the human spirit and soul when they asked Jesus which is the greatest commandment he said Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself' said on these to hang all of the law and the commandments all the law and the prophets first John chapter 4 verses 20 and 21 John the Apostle explains what Jesus actually meant that anyone that loves God must love his brother he said you cannot love God and not love man why that is in every human being is an extension of God so when you have someone that has insight someone that has understanding you don't treat human beings like that and we are looking for where to invest your resources wisdom tells you the best investments you will ever make will be the investments that you make into human life number two reason why you should be involved in influencing people to accept forgiveness through Jesus Christ the most valuable asset in heaven is the human soul the most valuable asset in heaven apart from God is the human soul because the human soul was bought out from God so you check heavens attitude to human beings and to human life when we see the description of heaven in the Bible it's such a beautiful place the streets are paved with gold not our kind the earth is only a reflection of heaven so the real goal the real deal that's why they used to pave the streets all of the beautiful pearls you know all of the beautiful stones everything that shines the glass that is like crystal and all of that God's powerful throne all of them and nothing compared to the human soul put all of them together they know what as much as a human so check heavens attitude to human life nothing commands heavens attention apart from God like the human being nothing commands heavens attention apart from God like the human being in Luke 15 and verse 10 Jesus said likewise I said to you there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents when one human being gets to understand every human being is a sinner I have the sin nature but God already solved the problem because the wages of sin is death he sent his son to die on the cross the price has been paid on my behalf and the presence says forgive me my sins Lord because of the price that Jesus paid it throws heaven into a frenzy celebration breaks out in heaven just one person that's how valuable the human being is to God and how much attention heaven pays to all human beings just one person throws heaven into celebration mode amazing amazing the way it works because heaven recognizes the value of one human soul in Hebrews chapter 12 that's a description of what happens spiritually when we gather together to worship the Bible says we come to Messiah the city of the Living God to an innumerable company of angels it's amazing said you have come to the spirits of just men made perfect so all those that believe in God that are passed on before they sure when Christians gather heavens attention is on us because of the value of one human soul to heaven and then thirdly the most valuable asset in hell is the human soul more valuable than Satan who was created an angel Satan understands the value of the human soul that's why he will do anything to drag one to hell and I believe that the way heaven celebrates when one human being makes up his own relationship with God is the way hell celebrates when one human being dies on this planet without making that decision and enters a godless eternity it throughs held into a frenzy could they know the value of what they got it must be your business and mine to smash people from a potential eternity in hell and to populate heaven with them so just think about it when it comes therefore to invest in your resources on this planet understanding what is most important the best the most valuable thing to invest your life in is changing human lives so whoever it is that invited our brother you know to the service where he gave his life to Christ it's recorded and the person will shine like a star forever and ever I know the person may have other accomplishments in this life the person may build houses the person may buy cars when the time comes many years to come when the person leaves this world and goes to heaven the person will not take the catalog the person not take the buildings alone those things depreciate don't they but the person will take along the testimony of a life restored back to God now you ask the average of organization bring your asset lists they list their buildings they list the equipment they list their vehicles and their greatest assets never make that list the human beings in the organization but I think it's just as well because you cannot quantify the human soul in monetary terms you can't give it any monetary value you know in mark chapter 8 back 8 36 and 37 for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul he said or what will a man give in exchange for his soul or was Jesus implying one human soul is worth more than the whole of the material world put together all the gold in this world all the diamond or the crude oil or the everything the has value on this planet put all of them together they are not what just one human so amazing so when you want to invest your time let me talk about your time because your time is not just one aspect of your life it's your life let's take time out of your life what will be left heaven nothing as far as violet is concerned you are did your time is your life whatever you invest your time in is what you are investing your life in your time on this planet is finite it's limited its finite but then once you leave this life your time on the other side will be infinite its eternity if you are smart and if I am smart we should invest the finite time that we have here in the things that will produce rewards for us in eternity am i right that's a smart use of one's life some people will die get to heaven and find out that their life was a waste of investment and as a story like that in Luke 16 the rich man that died found himself in hell and then so father Abraham was crying out this place is too hot can you ask Lazarus to dip his finger in what I said I could have just one drop of water it's just too much fast second Abram said he was not going to work then he had the second request can you please ask Lazarus to go back to talk to my brothers they must not come here he had the opportunity to influence his brothers he influenced them negatively he thought it was only influencing them for their lifetime he didn't know the investments he made in their lives were going to affect them for eternity he saw the way heading where he was and wanted to stop it the best investment that you should make with your life right now should be in the things that were generated to rewards for you when you find yourself on the other side my prayer is that God will use you to change the trajectory of somebody's life in the mighty name of Jesus and that as he those that you will shine like one of the stars forever and ever and ever I pray that the activities of your life will throw heaven into celebration I will forever be grateful for the people that invited me to fellowship for the person that preached the day I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior I will forever be grateful for the people that helped me to find my feet as a Christian look at the investments that they made because today also my commitment is to ensure that every day I'm touching somebody's life somehow I'm looking forward to an eternity where I will meet people most of whom I would not recognize that will walk up to me and say I thank God for you because it was because of you that I gave my life to Christ I received forgiveness from Jesus and that's why I am here now I'm looking forward to an exciting eternity of hearing story upon story of lives that God changed proverbs 11 verse 30 and we pray the least you can do same bite someone to a service invite someone to a meeting small group meeting not far from their house or share your story with someone and ask them to receive the forgiveness that Jesus of us proverbs chapter 11 and verse 30 I want all of us to read it together proverbs 11 verse 30 let's go the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he who in Souls is wise bow your head with me and let's pray I wanted to thank God say lord I thank you for my life if you have known the forgiveness that we are talking about if you've known the change the transformation that we're talking about any time I think about where I could have been now what I could have been doing outside of Christ I showed up and my heart just bursts with praise and thanksgiving to God thank God for your like thank God for Jesus that died on the cross paid for your sins and thank God that his sacrifice was not in vain thank God for the day you knew Jesus as Lord and Savior and now pray lord use me to touch someone's life to change somebody's story to change somebody's story from anxiety to peace from worry to rest from confusion to direction from doubt to confidence from sadness to joy use me to change somebody's story the trajectory of somebody's life from eternity in hell to eternity in heaven make my life a worthwhile investment and help me to shine like one of the Stars forever and ever use me to touch someone's life this week in Jesus name Heavenly Father we thank you I ask in Jesus name for open heavens and I asked for the outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit you said and you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me oh thank you Lord Jesus in this service let's all receive power where somebody received it before that someone is refresh power give us courage to share this beautiful news with someone Oh Heavenly Father as we share our stories or just simply invite someone to the fellow ship mitten or to the church service let your power flow through us Lord as we pray for people that your healing power floor change people's lives give us powerful testimonies of change in the mighty name of Jesus Christ [Music]
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 22,840
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Id: zMMj6rrvgvc
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Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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